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The Amazing Art of Perry Mallet


Incredible story. Glenn Priddle the famous leather seat tooling master was rolling south of Gympie, Australia towards Brisbane to find Little Mick's cave in the woods when he came across a hitchhiker carrying a canvas easel, with an airbrush hose wrapped around his neck. He immediately pulled over and offered the kid a ride in his rusting ute.

Turns out the kid was on his way to the main Postal authority in Brisbane to ship a brilliant steel cougar rendering to the Bikernet headquarters in Los Angeles. They got to talking and here's what Glenn learned about the life and times of Perry, the artist. In addition he uncovered the secrets to ordering fine art paint on bikes to Semi-trailers and helicopters.


Where were you Born?

Nambour , Queensland, went to Canada at 4, for 4.5 years, in Greenland. Went to the States Xmas holidays, touring with family. Came back to Australia after that and have lived here ever since. My parents still live locally.


What started you painting and air brushing? Were your parents artists or crafty in anyway?

Why are you asking so many questions. I just needed a ride. No, my folks don't paint, but my grandmother was a wood carver – when I was around 10 years old I started doing things with her – mainly drawing and entered competitions on the Sunshine Coast and won a few.

That got me started with Art and I liked it – so started following it. I didn’t do much with it until I was 17. I got my hands on an airbrush at school. Teachers brought them in for our art classes and I picked it up snappy-like – faster than most of the other kids.

I thought then I wanted me to be an illustrator or graphic designer. I enrolled in a graphic design course when I left school after Grade 12 – and found it wasn’t what I wanted to do . It was more about designing what goes on the page – not the actual artwork side of it. It was good, it gave me direction on designing and placement.


Where was that course?

Brisbane – at a Private College – Design College Australia. What's it to you. You can let me out here! Okay, put the knife down. The teacher could see I was more of an illustrator, so I was able to do the minimum in the graphic design and when the other students were working on a graphic design project, she’d give me illustration pieces to work on. She knew I was better at that.

I experienced airbrushing during the course. They had a guy come in and he demonstrated the art of airbrushing. I’ve taught myself since then. I started to pick up a couple of odd jobs like sign work. It took awhile to find what I really liked. Someone gave me the opportunity to illustrate on a couple of helmets and bikes and that’s where it really started.


Are you into motorcycles?

What's wrong with you. Doesn't everyone like bikes. I don’t ride, but I’ve always liked bikes and the artwork on them

What about the Hot Rod scene?Of course. Are you from Gympie? Yeah! when I was a kid I remember going to the Hot Rod Shows and seeing all the airbrushing and I remember seeing Frank Lee’s work. He’s a top airbrush artist in Australia and it just fascinated me and caught my eye. I was probably only about 12 years old when I first saw his paintwork on the cars. That’s what really grabbed my attention. When I got the chance to paint a bike – I just grabbed it. I couldn’t think of anything better than having my art on the side of a bike – riding around the place.


Who are your influences other than Frank Lee?I told you, my Grandmother, goddamnit. No one else. I didn’t get into it until about 6 years ago. Before then it was a hobby. I was working as a labourer and all sorts of different stuff. I only had time to do something every 3 or 6 months – a painting for a friend or for someone in the family.

About 6 years ago I got a bit of a start – yeah ! I wouldn’t say there was anyone who influenced me to start with. I’d look through magazines, but in the last few years I’ve gotten right into it. I really like Vince Goodeve from the states.

After seeing some of his work in the airbrushing mags, it really opened my eyes. It changed my style in the way I go about things. There’s a couple of other artists too. I like fantasy art, like Todd Lockwood, another artist from the States. Lately, in the last few years I’ve seen who’s out there, what type of work they’re doing. I’ve taught myself, so I wouldn’t say I copy anyone or any one style or the way they’re doing things. There’s different elements I've learned from what each person is doing and how they go about it, just like the “how to's “ in the airbrush books, like articles on different steps to take.

Once I saw the stuff from Vince Goodeve and how he goes about it – it really taught me, and ever since then my work has improved. Obviously doing it full time, for a job 8-hours a day improved my skills quickly.


What about Australian artists – like Little Mick?

You're a nosey bastard. Yeah! Little Mick's an inspiration. I remember seeing Little Mick’s stuff when I first started, everyone was talking about him – Little Mick was it – and I loved the skulls and that type of stuff. I looked up to his work when I first started and wanted to do work as good as that one day. Apart from him there’s not really anyone in Australia that’s really influenced me. There’s Wayne Harrison down the Gold Coast. I’ve seen some of his work – that’s about it. I probably haven’t paid too much attention to anyone else’s style and how they go about things. I know there’s a few people who teach in Australia, but I've never taken one.


If someone comes to you with a bike to paint, do they need their own vision and ideas or would you prefer to develop your own?

Ah so you want to be a customer? Well – it helps to have an your own notion. I’ve had people come to me and say, “I’ve no idea what I want.” That’s not a good starting point.

Do they need to bring artwork notions – or can they suggest a theme and you go with that?No, you don’t need to bring artwork, but they can bring pictures of the type of thing they’re after, and I can get an idea straightaway of where they’re going. Basically, I talk to them and get them to tell me the sort of things they like or don’t like regarding theme and placement. From there I work out my own ideas and produce it to suite.


When a bike shop gives you work, would you prefer to interview the actual customer?

Listen Gympie, if you want some art just say so. It helps if I talk to the customer directly, like now, because you can’t get a true idea, if you don’t talk to them . At least if I talk to them – I can ask the questions. I need to quiz them to produce the best job . It’s hard to pull it out of thin air, if you haven’t had a conversation with the end customer. You can spend hours coming up with something and it’s totally wrong for that particular person. I need to get inside their head, so just tell me what you want, damnit.


What does Grandma think about what you’re doing now?What the hell, she thinks it’s great. She follows my work. She still lives in Nambour, still wood carving and well known. She teaches classes, and her art is exhibited in Art Galleries around the Coast. She’s getting older, a bit arthritic, so she slowed down a little. She’s really happy for what I’m doing. Just leave her alone will ya. I'm not telling you where she lives.


Have you been overseas with your work?I’ve been to New Zealand. When I first started out, before the bikes. I created a lot of interior mural work in Pubs and Clubs, kids bedrooms, feature walls, that type of thing . It was good at the time. I don’t do much of that type of work anymore. One job I produced in New Zealand was for “Kelly Tartan’s Underwater World” in Auckland. A company on the Sunshine Coast decorate aquariums all over the world. They got me involved in that, which was good.

It’s mostly acrylic paint, and you can’t get the detail you want with the airbrush. Once I started with the bikes and the helmets using the two pack base coat, I could get so much more detail out of it. I could put the airbrush down for a couple of hours – then come back and start going again. With acrylic, it’d be blocked up after five minutes. That’s why I think I really like the bikes, I can produce finer artwork. I really want to go to American and see the Bikernet Headquarters.

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You’re planning to go to America? Are you going to stick with motorcycles or try anthing, like hot rods, cars, or trucks?

I'll do anything to see the Bikernet headquarters. Here I do mainly bikes, then cars and I get the odd helicopter. I wouldn’t like to say I’ll just do bikes, I love to do artwork on anything. I do love the bikes, that’s for sure – but cars and helicopters give me a bit more size for the artwork. It’s more of a challenge, especially the helicopters, working on a four million dollar machine gives me a bit of a buzz in itself – just doing that.

So – what about semi trailers when you get over there?

What did I say. I'll paint the whole Bikernet Building. Yeah, big jobs like that are great. I’ve done a bus, fully covered it with artwork. I really like doing detail, especially with those big jobs, pictures and murals. If you start with fine detail, you’ve really got to continue with that level of perfection. I’m open to anything, just get me over there to the headquarters. Bikes are great – you can really do an amazing amount of detail.


You’re going to the States –you plan to see the country and work at the same time – perhaps learn more of your craft from the artists there?

Screw the country, it's covered with McDonalds, Jack in the Box and Starbucks. I just want to hang at the Bikernet Interplanetary headquarters and go to Disneyland. The opportunity to see what Bandit's up to, the new materials – pick up more skills – like pinstriping. So far I’ve pretty much stuck to airbrushing, there hasn’t really been a lot of time to learn pinstriping.


So, you’d look for people you can learn from?

Are you listening? Yeah – for sure. I have talked to a couple of people in the States. One company in particular has a ‘master’ pinstriper who also uses the gold and silver leaf, working for them. I’ve seen his work – it’s brilliant. So to go there and work with Bandit who introduce me, and learn – that would be great.


Who are they?

Just Bandit. He'll teach me the ropes and how to weld, although an Australian, Nicole Brosing was just giving him tips last week. But he'll hook me up with that blonde, Carol Mittelsdorf, who knows all the masters. I’d just like to get in there and see what I can do.

I’d love to get to Sturgis with Bandit and the Bikernet gang. My old man has a ranch in Montana. I’d like to use that and the Bikernet headquarters as a base, to go to Sturgis and Daytona.


If I bring you a tank – would you prefer it to be prepped – so you just do the airbrushing?

Yes, damnit. I don't want to paint a dented rusting tank.

Do you handle the clear coat or would you prefer it go back to the painter?I have done it – but I’d rather not. The original painter knows what works with his base coat. I airbrush it, then I’m happy to give it back to the painter to clear.

What sort of paint are you using? It’s got to be base coat. There are other paints out there, water based etc. I prefer to stick with what I know. It‘s an automatic base coat. I prefer to stick to that. I’m not an expert on the technical side of painting, so I stick with what I know.

Do you have a particular type of airbrush?

Don't ask me to teach you how to paint. I'm not giving lesson. I'm the artist, you're the driver. At the moment I use a ‘water micron c” with a B needle and tip. The B has the finer needle and tip. I put that with the c which has a bigger cup, so you don’t run out as quickly! I’d say the ‘water micron c’ is the best airbrush you can get. I’d say that definitely made a difference in the fineness of the lines I create. When you start out, you practice with the less fine brushes to get your movements right. I'm not telling you anymore

It’s seems a bit like tattooing, have you experience needles and ink?Okay, so it is. I’ve done some tattooing. I did pretty well. I actually got offered a bit of work, but I decided not to go into it. I didn’t want to give away the airbrushing and I liked the idea of working for myself at the time

So, when you get to the States ……?

Good god man. Are you jealous? I just want to make it to the Bikernet Headquarters. I guess I’d say I’d like to be part of something bigger now – be in a team environment where you talk to the customer and do the artwork – other people do the rest. That appeals to me. That would challenge me. I’d love to work on the finest bikes and cars – it’d be great working on them. It’s always cool working on quality vehicles.

I believe you've been offered work at “Wild Card Customs”, the new bike shop here on the Sunshine Coast. They are selling Big Bear Choppers, correct?

Are you following me? Yeah – I’m looking forward to that. I get the first one this week. Here on the Coast it can be hard to get consistent work. I could move to Sydney – but I don’t want that lifestyle. I’m looking forward to showing them what I can do on the Big Bear Bikes. I get a kick out of doing the flashy bikes – not that I don’t enjoy the normal Harley, I do. It’s just great to have people who appreciate your work.


Do you know which model the bike is?

If you let me out here I'll just walk the rest of the way. It'll be more relaxing. If you must know, it’s the Big Bear Chopper “Sled.” I’ve been talking to Chris – the owner of Wild Card Customs – he’s quite happy and confident with my work. He’s please that I want to talk directly to the customer, find out what they want.

I supply them with some sketches and ideas, then get the go-ahead. It’s going to be a show piece, but not over the top. It’s a tribal design, not the ‘in your face type’ but you’ll see the details, bones, sinews, skulls etc . He also wants an Aussie touch, so on the rear guard there’ll be a Ned Kelly design. There’s another one as well the “Athena.” The owner of that one wants a Greek theme, with Medusa & Greek mythology added. That model has a lot of panels. He plans to show it. It’s good to do something different.

No let me out of this rusty heap.


Come on Perry, stick with me. I'll buy you a beer. Do you have any Hobbies, or are you too busy with your airbrushing?

I could down a sixer. I’ve been doing some traditional painting with oils, creating some abstract work. I have a few mates who are artists, not in the airbrush scene, they’re traditional artists. I like the textures I can get on the canvas with the oil paints. It takes awhile to pick It up, but I’m getting better at it. When it’s a bit slow on the airbrushing I do a bit for myself. I’d like to learn as much as I can about art in general. I’d love to go to Italy and take some traditional oil painting courses. I was there about a year ago, there’s so many good artists over there. I really just appreciate art in general. I want to learn more about that side of it.


What's that piece your carrying, how many hours went into that?

Don't touch that. I painted the Leopard for Bandit at Bikernet. Off the top of my head – it was probably around 40 – 50 hours. It’s hard to say exactly – I didn’t sit and just do it. I worked on it in between other work.

It’s a really great piece…………..

I said don't touch it. Yeah, it was different. I ended up clearing it – but I wasn’t happy with it – so I went back to it and did more .


That was freehand?

You can't have it. Yeah, that was freehand. I drew the outline of the Jaguar and where his eyes were and a couple of the spots. I changed the leg – I‘m really happy with the background of that one – the way the light shows through the canopy of the greenery and the moss on the log. I guess it’s one of those things where each job keeps going and it gets a little more perfect and I never finish it – at the end of the day you’ve got to let it go. You’ve got to know when to stop. When I’m doing customer’s jobs – you’ve just got to stick to your standard. My wife is a great barometer for my work. She’s seen so much of it. She'll bust me if I’ve skimped anywhere, and she's not afraid to tell me.

There's the post office. Let me outta here.

Contact Info for Perry:
+61 407677901 (cell)

Read More

July 09, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


1973 ?Beetle Trike? By Ed Roth–An All-American collection of 80 Icons Of Speed and Style and memorabilia is going to be auctioned September 26 at the Petersen Museum in Los Angeles. Particularity for this kind of auctions, all lots are sold without reserve. And even if you don?t intend to bid on this Ed Roth Trike (in very bad shape) jump to the RM Auctions website for a nice ride among some of the most historically significant machines on wheels.

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THE BIKERNET POLITICAL REFERENDUM FINDINGS–“You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

–Michael C.

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Dealer Direct

NEW D&D DEALERS FOR THIS WEEK– New dealers sign up weekly.
1) Black Dog Custom Cycle 814 Thompson Run Rd West Mifflin, PA 15122 412-462-0143
2) Thomas Honda & Kawasaki 365 W US 6 Valparaiso, IN 46385 219-762-7778
3) Lang Tuning 62504 N M66 Sturgis, MI 49091-9336 269-651-7914
4) Camtech Custom Paint & Fabrication 818 B Central Ave Summerville, SC 29483 843-552-0336
5) 2-3-4 Motorsports 907 S Eagle Valley Rd Bellefonte, PA 16823 814-355-0777
6) Motoxwear 3511 W Burbank Blvd Burbank, CA 91505 818-567-2363

–Jennifer Millican


15% INCREASE IN HP WITH D&D BAGGER PIPES —D&D Performance Pipes are built to deliver power, performance and economy. Enthusiasts can choose from standard or quiet baffle. – MORE POWER / LESS MONEY

The 2 into 1 Boss Fat Cat delivers a 15% increase in Horsepower and a 15% increase in Torque. Combining the D&D Ghost Pipe with a Boss Fat Cat provides the best combination available – exceptional performance and an outstanding duals look.

The D&D 2 into 1 Boss Pipes is specifically designed for the 2009 Touring models. The performance kit comes with Zipper’s Max-Flow Air Cleaner.

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25 gunpocket

SCORPION JACKET AND .38– that well worn revolver in the thursday news sure looks like a S&W Chiefs Special. Brings back fond memories as my dad had one that he taught me to shoot when I was but a lad of 11 or 12. He passed in ’68 and my uncle sold it not knowing I would want it.

Oh well, I carry a .45 now and whenever I go to the range I think of him.


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welcome home troops poster

Potential Bikernet News item–I’m not seeing enough public “thank you soldiers” these days for our our military so wanted to pass along this poster I saw in the Buffalo airport today.

Patriotic respect shown in the Buffalo airport. Check out this poster.


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bait sign

DELTA BAIT SHOP AND FRYED BROTHERS MOVIE–…greetings from the Delta. Went wandering and took a shot of the local bait shop that I thought might amuse you…it certainly did me.

Was wondering if you might be interested in a piece on the screening of the Fryed Brothers movie “I Ride” that is scheduled for July 18th in Sacramento. I plan to attend and it should be a great party, it always is when the Fryeds are around, and of interest to readers.


We recently watched “I Ride,” and look forward to your report.–Bandit

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open road radio banner

OPEN ROAD RADIO PICKED UP BY XM–Have lots of cool ?sheet? going on? launching into XM Satellite Radio and The Power Up Channel July 30th ?would like to send you info on both and see what you think!?

— Gina Woods
Open Road Radio, Inc ? Open Road Television

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Trask cover with logo

TRASK V-ROD FACE LIFT– V-Rod owners are going to be all over this slick new AIR BOX COVER from Trask Performance. Designed for later V-Rods and specifically Night Rod models, the cover allows you to move the gauge cluster off the bars and into the top of the air box. Crafted from rugged, durable fiberglass, the Trask Air Box Cover is a simple, quick, direct replacement for your bike?s stock cover.

Each cover is supplied with custom designed black wire mesh inlet grills and comes ready for paint. As you can see from the photos, the Trask cover really makes for a very sanitary package with major performance attitude. The entire conversion retails for just $450.00, a real deal considering the facelift and functional value it provides these awesome machines.

For complete details catch Trask on line at or call toll free to 866-998-7275, local 623-879-8488.

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matrix products

CUSTOM BAGS FROM MATRIX CYCLE WORKS– This complete rear section was designed exclusively for the 2009 FLH touring models. Our kit includes stretched bags that are curved up on the bottom and an extended fender cover that is wider to cover the larger rear wheel opening.

The kits can come with or without Flush mounted LEDs in the bags ( shown with LEDs) and with or without third brake light LEDs (show with LEDS brake light). Bags are available with single, dual or no exhaust openings (as shown). Complete lining is also available.

Visit our website at or give us a call at 951 354-7916

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Or touch her for a chance to win a Sucker Punch Sally bobber for free in 2009, from the Buffalo Chip Crew.

Food, Fare and Amenities Blend for a Mind-BlowingBuffalo Chip Camping Experience–

Buffalo Chip Campground, SD (July 6, 2009)- If you planning on rolling into Sturgis for the 69th Annual Bike Rally make your reservations now at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground. The Chip has been offering guests the true Sturgis experience for over 28 years. Set up camp on over 500 acres of campground and enjoy the best food, vendors and facilities that Sturgis has to offer. The Buffalo Chip truly offers the Best Party Anywhere. This year they continue their tradition of great entertainment with Aerosmith, Chuck Berry, Toby Keith, George Thorgood, Bill Squier, and Buckcherry just to name a few.

Guests at The Legendary Buffalo Chip can choose from 9 food vendors to indulge their appetites. Enjoy a hearty meal from a variety of restaurants including:
-Stage West Caf?
-Sturgis Rider Caf? ?
-Domino’s Pizza
-The Buffalo Grill
-Sandwich Shop
-Burger Express
-The Greek
-Chubby Churros

A number of premier vendors will also be found on the grounds of the Legendary Buffalo Chip offering an array of products sure to get your motor running including Victory Motorcycles, Indian Motorcycles, Sucker Punch Sally’s and Progressive Insurance.

Biker guys and gals alike will appreciate the amenities at the Legendary Buffalo Chip. Dust off the miles by taking advantage of The Legendary Buffalo Chips personal attendants and flush toilets. Experience the ease and convenience of plentiful shower and bathroom facilities located throughout the grounds. Here’s what one happy camper recently had to say regarding the Chip’s amenities:

“They have tons of flush toilets and shower houses strategically located throughout the campground, and they’re constantly being cleaned. Be assured that the Chip’s bathrooms/showers meet or exceed the quality of those in any other campground. I was really impressed.” Buffalo Chip Camper Linda C.The Buffalo Chip offers the ultimate Sturgis experience- with clean bathrooms, hearty meals and a variety of popular vendors to choose from there really is no reason to go anywhere else. Visit now for more information and to make your reservation to the Best party Anywhere?.

–Ken Conte

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BIKERNET FREE CONTEST – JULY GIVE AWAY!– Scorpion sent us a full face helmet, the EXO-700 to review, and give away. A lightweight, fiberglass and Kevlar helmet with a ventilation system, Aero-tuned rear spoiler, Speedshift quick change shield system, Everclear no-fog faceshield, Kwikwick moisture-wicking, breathable helmet liner & cheek pads, Custom liner & cheek pad kits and its Snell M2000 and DOT certified. Not to mention the cool scorpion graphics painted on it? To win this helmet, click on the Bikernet Giveaway banner above and tell us why you should win this helmet. It is a large, so only enter if it will fit you. This will be our July promotion, and you only need to enter once.

Click on the image above or the banner below for more information on Scorpion helmets, and other products.


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HELP BIKERNET & BRASS BALLS HELP OUR VETS–Bandit of and Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers? BossMan, has something special for all motorcycle enthusiasts? A chance to win a $30,000 custom Brass Balls Bobbers? sled for just $10. Click here to enter. Proceeds go to the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. Drawing at Biketoberfest. Need not be present to win.

It is the least expensive way to put a custom motorcycle in your garage.

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southside custom special

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?Tuck & Under? Exhaust System by Freedom Performance FROM CUSTOM CHROME– Want to upgrade the sound and performance of your new 2009 Bagger? So did the crew over at Freedom Performance. The ?Tuck & Under? True Dual Header system will work with both OEM mufflers and just about any aftermarket mufflers out there. All kits include front & rear head pipes, all necessary mounting hardware and full coverage heat shields. Fits all 2009 to present FLHT/FLHR/FLHX/FLTR models.

689819Chrome – Suggested retail price of $459.99
689820Black Ceramic Coated – Suggested retail price of $549.99


4 inch Slip-On Mufflers by Freedom Performance

Bigger is always better, especially when it comes to your exhaust. The guy?s at Freedom Performance thought so too when they decided to develop their new 4? performance slip-on mufflers. These mufflers are available in either a chrome-plated or black ceramic finish and feature a removable performance baffle so incase you like the look but don?t want them too loud you can install the ?quiet baffle? (sold separately)

689821Chrome with Chrome tip – Suggested retail price of $639.99
689822Chrome with Black tip – Suggested retail price of $639.99
689823Black Ceramic Coated with Black tip – Suggested retail price of $689.99


2009-up Touring Exhaust Hardware Kit by Freedom Performance

This hardware kit is required when installing any of the Freedom Performance 2-into-1 Unions or 2-into-2 Patriot or Declaration exhaust system.

689826Hardware kit – Suggested retail price of $19.99


Upswept Exhaust System by Freedom Performance

Don?t let the nostalgic Upswept drag pipe look fool you. These pipes not only look and sound good they are all about performance. They are available in either a chrome-plated or black ceramic coated finish. Each system comes complete with ?blue-proof? heat shields, removable baffles and stainless hardware.


Fits all Softails (except FXCW Rocker) from 1986 to present. Made in the U.S.A.
689824Chrome – Suggested retail price of $749.99
689825Black Ceramic Coated – Suggested retail price of $789.99

Freedom Performance Exhaust are available through your local Custom Chrome Dealer.For more information on Freedom Performance Exhaust and other products designed, manufactured or distributed by Custom Chrome, go to To find a dealer nearest you, click on the eStore or Dealer Locator.


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THE END–Take the rest of the week off. You guys are kicking our butts. If there’s anymore news, I’ll need double-wide lines of speed to keep up.

bandit bike

We’re rockin’ on the 5-Ball Factory Racer. This is a strange build. John Reed asked me about my project-bike attitude. I told him I fall in love with each bike as it comes together. I stir my green tea leaves in hopes for the perfect mechanical artistic creation. I offer smoke signals to the gods in hopes that this motorcycle will introduce me to smooth roads and new adventures. Who is she?

We’re also working to deliver the best possible online retailer to our readers. K&G has a long history of restoring bikes, and offer the proper service to their customers. We will bring you a report on their bike building history next week. Click on the image of George and a Panhead he restored, for more info.

Like the surfer searching for the perfect wave, I blow on the dice and pray for long years of asphalt nirvana. Hang on for the next tech on the Baker Kicker install, the Spyke charging system and the BDL Belt Drive slipped right into place. We also have some bizarre articles headed your way including a road test between a Boss Hoss and an inline Triumph. It’s all about horsepower. We’re working on a Bikers Choice and JIMS tool tech for removing and replacing engine and transmission seals on Jeremiah’s bike. Then we’re going to install new D&D exhaust on an Evo Dresser, and Bassani Exhaust on a 2009 Twin Cam. Never a dull moment at the Bikernet Headquarters.


There’s more. We’re working with JIMS on a transmission re-man program. They’re working on the pricing now to remanufacture transmissions and deliver them back to you like new. Great news. Plus Mike Muldonado called and is bringing this Sportster to the headquarters. We’ll bring you a feature on this low-buck custom in the next couple of weeks.

Let’s Ride



Read More

July 09, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


Overwhelming Positive Response to ULTIMATE SACRIFICE APPRECIATION Debut at Laconia Bike Week Featuring a Full Product Line and Custom Dirico Motorcycle–N.H.–July 7, 2009–Ultimate Sacrifice Appreciation, (U.S.A.) launched their new product line at the Lobster Pound during Laconia Bike Week and had a great response to their new Lock and Load line of apparel as well as their custom military themed Dirico Motorcycle with their patent pending derby and points cover. The whole intention of U.S.A. is to raise money and awareness to help returning veterans re-acclimate to civilian life through sales of military themed apparel and accessories. The Laconia event raised $2500 for , which raises and allocates money and resources to returning veterans for everything from re-acclimation services to basic necessities and everything in between.

Recent studies have shown that a large number of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are in need of emotional support and care. The transition back into civilian life can often be difficult and wrought with challenges. U.S.A. plans to attend numerous motorcycle related events to raise funds to help these returning veterans. They have teamed up with Operation Home Front to make sure that as many soldiers who have protected our freedom will be able to access these much needed services.

“We were really excited to have Rick Campbell from Operation Home Front at the booth to field questions about his organization. It was great to have an active soldier as a resource and we look forward to many more events supporting them.” Said Michael Pivero a former Marine and partner in U.S.A. Lock and Load.

U.S.A. purchased a new “Retro” model from Dirico Motorcycle Co, a company partially owned by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, a few months ago and customized it with details that will enhance its patriotic theme and highlight new U.S.A. parts and accessories. “The bike design includes a 3D Bronze rendering of soldiers on the tank and our own interchangeable patent pending ‘Lock & Load’ logo on the derby cover and points cover which were very well received. The best part is that we are donating a healthy portion of each sale to Operation Homefront.” Said Larry Weymouth.

Ultimate Sacrifice Appreciation is the brainchild of Boston native Jeweler Larry Weymouth. He became aware of how many returning soldiers were experiencing numerous re-acclimation problems and came up with the idea to produce military based products and donate a portion of the proceeds to charities that help returning veterans. Larry found some partners, a Marine, a financial services person, a businessman, and a CEO that were all committed to the cause and willing to invest their own time, knowledge and money into the project. It has been a huge success because most people want to support the men and women who protect our freedom.

Further information on U.S.A. and their Lock and Load clothing line can be found at

–Ken Conte


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BIKERNET READER TECH QUESTION–I have a Softail 100ci clone that really struggles to be consistent when starting. Have increased starter size, and batteries up to this point….All parts are new.. jackshaft assembly, new inner Ultima primary, new 2kv starter, new BDL 1.5 belt…new YTX20H battery….just won’t work consistently…the inner case bushing actually “pulled” out when starting!

I have only 200 miles on these new there a better starter system??? Have aligned/shimmed motor, trans & plate, & primary dead-on. Starter wires are max with great grounds/connections. Are there magic processes for jackshaft installations insuring perfect starting?…Is there a starter mod that allows mounting directly to the primary thus eliminating the JACKshaft assembly?

Would sure like to chat with somebody who has experience…Anything will help…Thanks very much

Seattle>I asked if he had compression releases? They are key, especially if the engine has high compression.–Wrench

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Doctors vs Gunowners–Doctors (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.

Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.

Now think about this: Guns
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that’s 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.

Statistics courtesy of FBI

So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, ‘Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.’

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

Out of concern for the public at large, I withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!

–from Jim Waggaman

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THE BAGGER BLUES FROM THE UNCLE MONKEY MANTRA–I’ve always been someone who has rode stripped down bikes and bare bones choppers. I resented the bags and windshield that my friends happily sported. I was free and clear – out in the open wind, nothing to hold me back, nothing to hold me down. What I couldn’t strap onto my bike I didn’t need and in a worst-case scenario I always had my friend’s saddlebags and trunks to fill with goodie and tools. A windshield I could live without and only as a very last resort when I could no longer safely strap more onto my bike for a road trip, a set of throw over saddlebags would only then come out

It seems to work well for me but as time has worn on I found myself longing to have even simple saddlebags to throw odds and ends. The days of shoving a DVD into my pants were getting old. It is something I’ve always resisted until last year when I finally committed to some quick detach saddlebags for my Fat Boy. By the end of the year they were spending more time hanging on my bike then on the garage wall.

This year I was forced to make some hard decisions about my riding and about my riding style. A bad back had seriously clipped my wings. In an attempt to get back into the saddle I had to make the painful decision to install a windshield to help divert some of the air stream around me instead of through me. While I could have easily bought one of the quick detach models offered from a variety of manufactures a friend had a Bat Wing fairing that he had been neglecting. With a couple of brackets from my miscellaneous drawer and some cutting and chopping my bike soon sported a shiny black fairing.

Almost overnight my simple Fat Boy had become a full-blown bagger. I’ll be honest I don’t like it. The convenience of the bags is nice and the windshield has made a big difference for my back but now my bike blends in with every other black bagger. As someone who has always stood out in a crowd, blending in is something that is foreign to me. I have to admit it is taking some getting use to.

Baggers have certainly come a long way especially in the last couple of years and maybe it is because my bike looks stock that to the uninterested it doesn?t stand out. Perhaps my Fat Boy will need a make over, some flashy paint, some much needed attitude adjustment. Perhaps I’ll have to accept the fact that I am getting older and I’m not as healthy as I use to be. Perhaps it is time to accept I need to ride a geezer glide.

–Wayne ?Uncle Monkey? Wuschke

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Legendary Buffalo Chip to Give Away Sucker Punch Sally’s Custom Bikeat 2009 Sturgis Rally–STURGIS–July 8, 2009–One lucky winner will take home more than just fond memories from this year’s Sturgis Rally. The Legendary Buffalo Chip, in conjunction with American Cycle and American Bagger magazines, will be giving away a custom Sucker Punch Sally’s old-school motorcycle built especially for 2009 rally goers.

In addition to offering bikers first-class camping accommodations and an impressive entertainment line-up, the Legendary Buffalo Chip is adding yet another rally event to solidify is reputation as the “Best Party Anywhere.” The Chip has asked Sucker Punch Sally’s, the true manufacturers of “Old School,” to build a custom motorcycle that will be given away Friday, August 7, 2009 after the Chip’s headliner concert Buckcherry.

This Sucker Punch Sally’s custom “Slim” will feature a 115-inch Revtech engine from Custom Chrome, a belt drive from BDL and a handmade, tooled leather seat from Lock Baker at Eastern Fabrication. The bike will sport a Steel Visions one-off paint job as well as quality parts from top manufacturers like Westbury Hotrods, Hawg Halters Inc. and Lyndall Racing Brakes. The winner of this retro-styled, race-inspired motorcycle will also receive a custom painted helmet from Biltwell, Inc. and a 6-month Progressive Insurance policy courtesy of the Chip.


“We’re excited to add this extra rally reward to our 2009 event line-up,” said Rod Woodruff, owner of the Legendary Buffalo Chip. “This motorcycle will feature custom work from some of the biggest names in the bike industry, and we can’t wait to watch the lucky winner lay down rubber on his or her new ride.”

To get a firsthand look at the bike, check the Bikernet Home Page for the story. Registration for the ultimate Sturgis Motorcycle Rally bike giveaway is free, and those interested can register online or by mail. For the official rules and more information about the giveaway, please visit and click on “Free Motorcycle” under the events section.

–Ken Conte

sps sturgis rider news cover
Click here to enter!

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AMA WILL CELEBRATE 85TH ANNIVERSARY AT AMA VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE DAYS–The AMA is pleased to announce that the Association will celebrate its 85th anniversary year in 2009 with a number of activities and events, culminating with AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, July 24-26, at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio. One eye-catching activity at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days will be a motorcycle parade with bikes representing the more than eight decades the AMA has been protecting riders’ rights, from 1924 through 2009. This distinctive collection of motorcycles will provide a physical and visual representation of the long and varied history of the AMA. “We’re excited about pulling together this rich symbol of the AMA’s history, and assembling such a diverse collection of motorcycles will be no small feat,” said Tigra Tsujikawa, AMA marketing and special events manager. “If any of our members are interested in this special opportunity, I encourage them to visit the AMA’s Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum website at or e-mail us at for details.”

GATHERING OF STREAMLINERS AT THE HALL OF FAME MUSEUM TENT–AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer Craig Vetter has invited streamlined motorcycles to be displayed at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days. Come see the future of motorcycling. To reserve a space, contact Craig at

TEAM OBSOLETE WILL DISPLAY CLASSIC BIKES AT AMA VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE DAYS–The AMA has welcomed many noteworthy machines from motorcycling’s past to AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, including 1920s-era Scott Flying Squirrels and six-cylinder Laverdas. On July 24-26 at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio, BSA is being honored as the event’s 2009 Marque of the Year, and some wonderful examples of the classic British machines are expected, including several from Rob Iannucci’s Team Obsolete.

“AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days welcomes all AMA members to come and celebrate the heritage of the greatest sport and pastime on Earth, and this year we’re particularly enthused that Rob Iannucci’s Team Obsolete will be on hand with some incredible machinery,” said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. “Rob has some one-of-a-kind British machines, and we’re thrilled that he’s bringing them out to be part of the show this year.”

Team Obsolete will be on hand with several historically significant machines that will participate in on-track activities and be on display for vintage bike enthusiasts in the paddock.

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JESSE JAMES KICKED OUT OF SCTA–I just got the word that Jesse James was voted out of the Land Speed Racers club. This effectively kicks him out of the SCTA.



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Motorcycle Groups Respond to Negative Stereotypes–YAKIMA — Last week, the nation’s foremost expert on outlaw motorcycle gangs came to town.

Our report on Steve Cook struck a nerve with local bikers who didn’t want to be lumped in with outlaw gangs.

There are dozens of motorcycle groups in Yakima. Most formed through a love of riding, commitment to community and a need to just be themselves.

And dozens of them called Action News to set the record straight.Much of the frustration focused on one comment.

Steve Cook’s belief that outlaw gangs at charity drives are using this as a front. “What they don’t tell you is what they’re doing the rest of the year. They’re selling drugs. They’re stealing motorcycles. Their beating people up,” said outlaw gang expert, Steve Cook.

It was that statement that got local motorcycle clubs all revved up. They felt like Cook was telling you that anytime you see a motorcyclist, or group of cyclists cruising down the street, they were likely up to no good.”

Jerry Looney is a local rider. “Last year we raised $11,000 in a day for the American Cancer Society.”

Looney is also one of dozens of local cyclists who took great offense to Cook’s generalizations. He insists there is no motorcycle gang problem in Yakima Valley… And no one should fear any cyclist.

“Bikers are the most giving people in the community in my opinion. We’re constantly looking for ways to interact with the community, better the community and do that kind of stuff.”

Mitch Fowler set up Cook’s training seminar for law enforcement. He echoes Looney’s sentiments, and believes no legitimate, law abiding motorcycle club should take offense.

Fowler, says, “we have had no issues with any motorcyclists in the Valley or even in Yakima. We like to be proactive and we like to have knowledge before something happens. It’s basically what the training was about.”

These bikers get the intimidation factor… they wear the clothes, they grow the beards, and they ride the bikes. But they are also very proud of their service and the communities they call home.In Jerry Looney’s words… “we want to make it clear… We’re not bad people.”

–By David Klugh

With the recent issues with the Mongols watch for Law Enforcement to target all motorcycle groups.Hey they need someone to brand the bad guys so they can stay in business.Motorcycle groups being targeted should look into the crimes commited by those in law enforcement, how it is covered up and the very light sentences they receive if they ever go to court.Compared to Law Enforcement Motorcycle Clubs appear more like Choir Boys.


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ACCURATE ENGINEERING 120-INCH PANHEADS AND KNUCKLEHEADS–Last week you posted one of my Knuckleheads in the News. It was a two engine order from Mark Battistini. This engine is a 103 cubic inch Knuckle with polished aluminum components, 1.940 intake valves and instead of paint I used thermal dispersant coating on all of the cast iron and steel components. 9.0:1 compression, Andrews cam and modified gearcase cover. End oiling pinion shaft with cases modified for two stage oiling with the top end oil reduced with orifices for the proper amount of top end oil.

Nice engine, wish it hadn’t taken so long. There will only be six more 120’s. No more.



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5 Supplements for Healthy Vision–Each Thursday in July we will present information from the all new Dr. Weil’s Head-to-Toe Wellness Guide. Visit today on, or join Dr. Weil on Healthy Aging for an enhanced version with links to related recipes!In addition to following an anti-inflammatory diet rich in antioxidants, certain supplements can help maintain the health of your eyes. Try these five:

Vitamin C. This potent antioxidant helps prevent damage to the eye from free radical formation, may delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), can help lower pressure in the eye that’s associated with glaucoma, and reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Vitamin E. Along with vitamin C, zinc, and beta-carotene, vitamin E has been shown to prevent the development of macular degeneration.

Zinc. In supplement form, this mineral may help slow the development of AMD, probably by combating free radicals that can damage cells in the eye.

Bilberry. An extract of this fruit, a close relative of the blueberry, provides concentrated flavonoid compounds that may help halt the progression of AMD.

Pycnogenol. This extract of the bark of the French maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) contains proanthocyanidins, which may be useful in maintaining eye health by supporting and maintaining the natural regeneration of rhodopsin, a purple pigment of the retina used for night vision.

A Formula for Healthy Eyes. The Vision Support Formula available at Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Advisor provides a variety of antioxidants to help support healthy vision. Find out if it’s right for you – get your free personalized recommendation today and save up to 25% on your first order!

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NEW AFT PHOTO-SHOOT COMING FROM RICHARD GORREMANS–LowLa is the Alter-Ego….. They say that true genius and art come from mixing a bit of light with that dark side each of us has inside. They also say that each of us has an Alter-Ego that is always trying to come out. The LowLa project is a mixture of attitude, genius, artistic talent, and the inner desires of some of the most beautiful women in the motorcycle industry.

Every aspect of this project was a portrayal of contrast in action. Light and Dark. Glassy Smooth and Dull. New and Old. Soft and Rough. Sunny and Shadows.

How do you finish the project? You take a world class custom motorcycle, eight beautiful women, one nervous boss and lift them more than 40 feet into the air and place them on a platform that is close to 100 years old.

On July 3rd AFT Customs, the AFT Customs Girls models, Richard Gorremans of Night Light Images, The Kennedy Gold Mine, Biatchi Clothing and Gilbeau Crane Service put it all together and created a new poster for the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show debut of LowLa.

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BURN-OUT COMPETITION HEATS UP AT STURGIS COUNTY LINE–?NASA, this is the space shuttle. There appears to be a large body of smoke forming on Hwy. 79 in the Sturgis South Dakota area.? You?re damn right there is with Billy Lane and Paul Cox in a head-to-head burnout? Leading 500 riders with 40,000 horsepower and 45,000 foot pounds of RAW torque, shredding the asphalt at Sturgis County Line.

Motorcycle history will be made at the Broken Spoke Sturgis County Line this year as hundreds of motorcycles light ?em up for the S&S Sturgis Smokeout sponsored by Cycle Source Magazine!

The same historic location that has given us the first ever biker swimming pool, great events like the Michael Lichter ride, the Limpnickie Lot and the Cycle Source Night Time Chopper Show is bringing a new happening to the table for this year. As cameras roll, both in the sky overhead and on the ground, shotguns will be raised to launch hundreds of motorcycles in the largest consecutive two minute burnout in history.

Spectators will witness up to 40,000 horsepower and 45,000 foot pounds of RAW torque shred into the asphalt simultaneously at the pull of a trigger!!!!!!!!!! A raw power demonstration that will shake the very ground beneath it and blot out the sun with its smoke. Never before has anyone gathered bikers together for an event of this magnitude and the goal for the Spoke is to register seismic activity in The Black Hills on the Richter scale, officially making them the epicenter of the motorcycle universe.

Staging begins at 2 PM to get ready for the shotgun start, so if you will list yourself as a willing participant, be there early and get signed in with officials that will keep the count. There?s no need to burn your tire off to take part in this happening. This is only meant to be 120 seconds of magic that will get each rider?s name inscribed on the official plaque that will be featured inside the County Line, next to a giant photo of the event, for everyone who ever comes to Sturgis to see. Join Billy Lane on his 1938 Harley-Davidson and Paul Cox on his Laconia Build-Off winner for this historic event. For more information go to


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thursday chick on 750

BIKERNET METRIC CATCHIN’ STEAM–Hey, it is finally here. Steve ?Carpy? Carpenter?s CB750. Don?t go hatin? metrics yet. There IS SOUL out there! Harley Riders don?t ride Harley dirt bikes or power their campers with Harley generators cause Harley doesn?t make that shit! However, Honda does and despite any kind of animosity one may have, they are here to stay and have their place in the custom world.

Carpy is all about the Caf? Racer and the stuff he does is bad ass. I will be picking up a CB soon (if you have one in California for sale, let me know) and having some of the big boys in the Metric world help me turn it into a street fighter, chopper, caf? or something cool. So check the Metric site and stay cool.

For more of the hot blonde in the shoot, check out Bandit?s Cantina in the weeks to come. Not a Cantina member? Sign up today!

Click here to Check out

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BAD COP ANNUAL PARTY–Washington DC – The nation’s capital is recovering from a week of cops running wild Every year on May 15, National Peace Officers Memorial Day is celebrated in Washington. During this week, thousands of police drive their squad cars across the country to participate in around-the-clock conferences and parties. There’s a candlelight vigil to honor slain officers and a relay race for charities to benefit families of police killed in the line of duty. These are commendable activities to honor the thin blue line that helps keep order in our communities. Unfortunately, the bad judgment of a few rowdy cops can cast a shadow over the week’s worthwhile events.

For years, local residents have whispered to one another to stay off the roads at night during National Police Week because of all the police cars swerving wildly after the bars close. This year, the Metropolitan Police took the unusual step of ticketing cruisers because so many were parked illegally. Roll Call ran two photos last week of out-of-state police cars parked in a handicap spot and a space reserved for Zipcars. Emergency fire lanes across the city were blocked by police cars.

The dangerous activity is not limited to automobiles. Drinking while carrying sidearms is an annual part of the celebrations. A few years back, one inebriated officer tripped out of a bar in Chinatown and unloaded his pistol on the bell tower of nearby St. Mary, Mother of God Catholic Church.

At Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium two years ago, four officers from Signal Hill, Calif., made a public spectacle of themselves at a Nationals-Braves baseball game. With little regard for safety and even less concern for their appearance, these law enforcement officers were chugging down beers while in full uniform with their pistols on their hips and spare bullet clips on their utility belts. One concerned spectator asked them if it was against police regulations to be drinking alcohol while carrying weapons. In response, one of the officers teetered over, spilled his beer, put his finger to his lips and slurred, “shhhhh” – giggling uncontrollably.

A few moments later, a cop jumped out of his seat to celebrate a home run, spilling his beer all over the displeased stranger seated next to him. A whole section of the stadium was yelling “Down in front” as the police blocked spectators’ view of play on the field so they could take pictures of themselves in front of first base. At least two concerned citizens called the Signal Hill Police headquarters, were assured that the incident was being looked into, and then received no follow-up despite attempts to discover if any disciplinary action had been taken.

The bad behavior of these police officers exposes a double standard. As one Nationals fan, who is a lawyer, told us: “There’s no way those cops could pass a street sobriety test right now. Just imagine how we’d get treated if they pulled us over having consumed half of what they’ve drunk tonight – and they’re packing heat.”

We don’t begrudge police officers having a little fun, but they need to abide by the same laws they enforce on the rest of us. When they go out for a few beers, they might want to leave their uniforms and guns at home.

Source: The Washington Times

–from Rogue

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TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES–Texas Scooter Times will hold it’s 9th Annual Summertime Swap Meet Dallas & Motorcycle Rodeo Sunday August 2nd at the Gigantic Historic Longhorn Ballroom near Downtown Dallas.
# Stunt Riding Exhibitions by Guinness Book World Record Holder Clint Ewing, Sponsored by Tucker Rocky distributing. 1pm & 2:30pm
# Motorcycle Rodeo – Ridin? Skill Competition for Trophys by Ringmaster J.R.
# Mechanical Bull Ridin? Contests for Trophys by Mike & Mindy?s Buckin? Good Times
# New/Used Motorcycle Parts & Accessories – Biker/Gearhead Clothes & Leathers – Lifestyle Needs & Wants Shopping !! ALL AT DISCOUNT SWAP MEET BARGAIN PRICES!!
# Blues & ?Old Style? Rock by Pete Barbeck & 7th Son, Popular Priced Beverages, 11am-5pm, Adults $8, 5-14 $5, Under 5 Free.


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TORIAN LEATHER SALE – SUMMER SAVINGS–On Special – All Leather Dickies? Style Work Jacket – ONLY $167 for a $328 jacket! Looks great on and off the bike… It is an old school design that is cool and never goes out of style.Check out all of our jackets, shirts and chaps at Torian Market.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

July 09, 2009 Part 2


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SUNDAY POST READER REVIEW– Just finished The Sunday Post and feel smarter as usual. I’m getting more worried about these noise nazis in search of a shortcut to our wallets. They are glad to collect sales tax on these aftermarket systems but then arrest us for using ’em. Maybe someone smarter than me should run the numbers showing the revenue loss in regard to more OEM dealers like the Trenton N.J. folks who went all out to live their dream, now gone. Should we stay in and text each other on our quiet iPhones and play biker on our quiet Wii game systems???I hope not!


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badlands dream

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO-ART EXHIBIT– Those hills haunt me this time of year when I can’t be there – they won’t stop calling.Help a brother out and send me your Badlands pics.

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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THE STATE OF THE ECONOMY FROM THE HIWAY DOCTRINE–Sadly the story of dealerships, old and new, closing, is happening all over the country. While the first reaction is to lay the blame at Harley’s feet for their demands that dealerships upgrade their stores and move next to major thoroughfares, their focus on expensive accessories and motorcycles, and their corporate shift from a family-run business to a large corporation, the economy is probably the major culprit.

When you’re trying to pay your mortgage and bills, that new chrome doohickey or that new jacket have to wait. When you can barely afford gasoline to get you to vital job interviews, gasoline for the Harley isn’t an option. When you’re trying to sell your Harley to make ends meet, that last thing you want to do is think about Harleys. And when you’re trying to keep the bill collectors at bay, there is no room for a dealership visit. All those challenges trickle down to the dealerships themselves.

If customers are busy trying to keep out of the poorhouse, they don?t visit bike shops. Then, ultimately, with no customer traffic to keep THEM afloat, the dealerships go under too. These are dark days for EVERYONE.

NO one saw the coming market crash. Let’s hope that in the boardrooms in Milwaukee, the old skool staffers are telling the bean counters that “Enough is enough. It’s time to return to the values that made Harley great.” If Harley doesn’t have a serious self-assessment and re-direction of their marketing strategies, they may very well not survive as a corporation.

Marty right-Tuggy left

Marty left, Tuggy right.

On a happier and hopeful note, I just stopped in to see John ?Tuggy? Harper, Marty Schilber, and Justin Kurland at a new indy shop about a mile from my house here in Novato. This, my friends, is a group of mechanics/riders that have returned to their roots.

They started their business about a year ago, with 15 rental bikes. Tuggy went in to business with Justin Kurland, getting a small spot in Justin?s warehouse. It was a good solid business, but bike rental is a very high risk business and the profit margins can be small. But it kept growing.

Shop Front

In the past months a little magic happened to these guys. They started the business on the side, and then within a few months of each other, left their full time jobs at the local Harley dealership (why they left is a story for another time). And now, business is booming for them. How did this happen?

As soon as people heard Tuggy and Marty were working together (Tuggy had been a senior mechanic at the local Harley dealer and Marty was the head mechanic), riders started bringing their bikes to the new shop to get them fixed. The reputations of these two guys are incredible. Tuggy (he got his name because he used to be a tug boat mechanic) and Marty have forgotten more about Harleys than most of us will ever know. They have always been honest with their customers, and you can take their work and their advice to the bank.

Because of their solid reputations, the “rental” shop has now turned into a full blown repair shop, old skool style. In spite of a deep recession that is gutting dealerships and getting people thrown out of their houses, business is booming for these guys, They are so busy they are scheduling customers weeks out and their rental bikes only come in for service before going right back out again.

Overflow into warehouse

The place is a mess, because they’re growing so quickly they don’t have time to get things right, but good work is being done there. Eventually they’ll get things straightened out. The area around the lifts, though, is clean, organized, and focused. A few minutes in the shop and you know these guys are serious about what they do. It?s chaos, but business is booming, and has always been the case, the work on the bikes is without question the best you can get. They assure me they?re going to sweep up eventually, but I?m not taking bets. I think they?ll move to a larger shop before that happens.

Maybe this is what is happening all over America. There is a resurgence of the old skool shops, where the owner works on your bike while you sit on a ratty old couch and read a 2 year old magazine with your feet up on a stack of cases of 20w50. Twenty feet away from your boots, the owner is working on your bike, and talking to you over his shoulder as he works, and if he needs a third hand, you get your sorry carcass off the couch and go help him, being sure not to trip on the dog bone laying on the floor where the shop dog left it.

THIS is the kind of shop that I love, as do most of us who have been Harley freaks for decades. This kind of shop is where the life blood of Harley and the lifestyle flows. Check ?em out at


PS. Also, these guys will come and get broken bikes almost any time of the day or night. There’s a hotel about 100 yards from their shop, so if a rider needs repairs and a place to stay, it’s all good. Their number is: (415) 827-5911

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KIWI INDIAN ROAD STORY COMING TO BIKERNET–A 1000 mile Death Valley Tour in 48 hours. I rode a’53 Chief in100 deg + temps, over6000 ft passes, 11,000 ft mountains and 282 ft below sea level (lowest point in the US) within 2hrs of each otherOne of the most beautiful places in the US

I love riding my old stuff all over the country.


Watch for the feature on Bikernet next week.–Wilburn Roach


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redneck harley

Redneck Harley.


I was riding down
Life?s road myself
Just the other day
And a sign I saw
Said Heaven?s Bar
And an arrow showed the way

A rowdy group of angels
at the bar were looking mean
Outside were Harley Davidsons
Not a chariot to be seen
Their harps were leaning by the door
All tarnished up and green.

I asked ?what kind?a place is this??
?Oh, yes?, they all assured me,
?and he?ll come in soon for fun?
For this is where the bikers go
When their earthly days are done.

Then one pulled out a bible
And read a verse for me
And at that very moment
My eyes began to see
That this was part of Heaven
That was always meant to be.

For right there in the Gospel was
For all the world to see
The reason they were gathered there
All waiting patiently:
?He will return upon his Triumph
And his followers will Angels be!?


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Tapered leg springer with logo

LATEST TAPERED LEG SPRINGER FROM PAUGHCO– Paughco, manufacturers of the most respected and sought after line of custom and OEM style Springer front ends, recently unveiled an entirely new collection of their trend setting TAPERED LEG SPRINGERS. Shown here on Perewitz awesome ?45? they feature the company?s exclusive, tapered rear legs for superior strength and OEM appearance.

These latest front ends are offered in sizes ranging from stock to 24? over in increments of 3?. You can order either the traditional Wide Style with or without the factory style shock, or you can choose Paughco?s popular Narrow Chopper design.

While the standard finish is Paughco?s legendary chrome, bare metal or powder coat are offered as options. 100% manufactured in the USA, from the sizing and intricate tapering process through meticulous welding, polishing and in house chrome, Paughco?s latest collection of TAPERED LEG SPRINGERS represent the very finest in American craftsmanship and ingenuity.

Catch the entire Paughco lineup at Phone direct to 775-246-5738 or
email .

Paughco Banner

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milwaukee iron

MILWAUKEE IRON ON THE AUCTION BLOCK– You heard this news yet? Randy Simpson at Milwaukee Iron posted onhis facebook page this morning:”Milwaukee Iron will be going on auction August 27th, 2009. If you have anyinquiries please do not hesitate to call and ask. Everything is on sale.434-385-1044″

He went on in further comments to say the economy is just too much and he’sselling the business… Bikes, equipment and the building.


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The NASWA Resort Creates a Stimulus Package with NO Federal Deficit!–Realizing that Americans everywhere are struggling to balance their own budgets, the NASWA Resort has held prices steady and offers 2009 Summer Savings Stimulus Package to Stimulate Your entertainment and dining enjoyment!

Plan YOUR early July Day-cation & SAVE!The NASWA offers an Early Summer Sizzling Saver deal! (limited availability?so call now!) Just book a night or two getaway, July 1-15 at $59/night. Call 603-366-4341 for details and enjoy a quick summer escape!

The NazBar Beach Bar Has You COVERED! It CAN?T rain ALL Summer!Don?t let Mother Nature keep you in! The NazBar Beach Bar has weatherproof tents, heaters, music and great food and drinks! New flat screen TV?s carry the sports action to help you pass the rainy days and nights! Live music Wednesday evening, Saturday & Sundays. (see for band listings)

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Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

BIKERNET TO PARTICIPATE IN STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY AFTERMARKET ROUNDTABLE–Thank you again for participating in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Aftermarket Roundtable.

The Aftermarket Roundtable is being presented in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Expo Theatre on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at noon and will feature nationally recognized product manufacturers and suppliers of the V-Twin aftermarket along with moderator Keith ?Bandit? Ball.

As you know, the event is presented with an open exchange of dialog between the panelists as directed by Keith and closes with a Q & A session with the public.

Panelists include industry professionals Randy Aron of Cycle Visions, Scott Hodgson of Progressive Suspension, Holger Mohr of Custom Chrome, Grady Pfeiffer of GH Marketing, and Ted Sands of Performance Machine.

Thank you again and I look forward to providing the riders at Sturgis with a great experience.


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SCORPION JACKET BIKERNET GIVE-AWAY RECIPIENT– Thank you guys for the m/c jacket. Couldn’t believe it. A bunch of us get together every year for what we call the OMJ. We honor and remember the Old Man Jim, Little John, Flat Black Mac, and many others.

It started after the Old Man got killed and Mr. G got out of the joint. Then just after the first OMJ…Little John died. We just had either the 19th or 20th year this June (there’s controversy on the year…the t-shirts say 19th and the stickers say 20th).

Anyway, the old friend I wanted the jacket for is doing much better these days and has pretty much returned to his former self. I appreciate your generosity.

–Sam Burns

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MONGOL MC Doc Cavazos Flipped– Right this minute, open a beer or pour a shot. Walk outside and spill some on the ground. Love them or hate them, the Mongols Motorcycle Club will be missed.

Ruben ?Doc? Cavazos flipped on January 23rd. He seems to have gone quickly and easily. He was the very first Mongol to plead guilty to count one of the indictment. He confessed that he led a murdering, drug dealing criminal conspiracy called the Mongols Motorcycle Club. He also confessed ?that the Mongols Registered Trademarks afforded a source of influence over the RICO enterprise that defendant admits he established, operated, controlled, conducted and participated in the conduct of?.?

?As part of his guilty plea (Cavazos) agreed to the forfeiture of all right, title andinterest in certain assets acquired or maintained by him as a result of his violation of (the RICO statute) including?the ?Mongols Registered Trademarks? or ?marks?? and admitted that the marks were subject to forfeiture to the United States.

The government has also cited the guilty pleas to Count One of the Indictment by numerous defendants besides Cavazos as proof that the Mongols Motorcycle Club is a criminal conspiracy and the name and patch are subject to forfeiture. The government has argued that the pleas demonstrate ?a nexus between the violation of which the defendant has been convicted (or to which he has pled) and the property sought.?

Very soon, perhaps as early as Monday, July 6th, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper will authorize the enforcement of that seizure. Last weekend at a Mongols party, sources have told this page, ATF Agents seized a box of Mongols shirts. Those agents were either jumping the gun or they were practicing.

The day before that party, Assistant United States Attorney Steven R. Welk, Head of the Asset Forfeiture Section, had Cavazos? attorney, Angel Navarro show Cavazos the final draft of a ?Memorandum of Points and Authorities? and the government?s ?proposed Preliminary Order of Forfeiture of Registered Trademarks.? Cavazos agreed to allow the forfeiture to begin now.

Technically, the forfeiture of the club trademarks are part of Cavazos? sentence so the government needed his permission to start that part of his punishment now, before he is formally sentenced.

As soon as Judge Cooper approves the proposed order, the Department of Justice will begin running legal advertisements in newspapers announcing the forfeiture. The forfeiture will become irrevocable and final when Cavazos is formally sentenced. He is now scheduled to be sentenced on February 22nd, 2010.

Doc Cavazos

The Mongols current troubles seem to spring from the day Doc Cavazos joined the club.

By his own account, Cavazos joined the Mongols without prospecting. In his first year, he has said, he recruited 200 new members who were more loyal to him than to the established hierarchy of the Mongols.

Cavazos may have reached his zenith on May 30, 2008. That evening Cavazos, his son, Lil? Rubes, and three other Mongols attended the ?Book Expo Celebrity Dinner? at a highly regarded place called Restaurant 208 in Beverly Hills. The Mongols were the honored guests of celebrity agent Alan Nevins.

Three months later, Cavazos was voted out of the Mongols in bad standing. Six weeks after that, the Department of Justice unleashed an army of militarized police to arrest Mongols in six states. Three months after that, seven months after his celebrity dinner, he gave up his club.


–from Rogue

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RAKED TRIPLE TREES–I have a 1996 Sportster 1200 stock, am wanting to stretch her out alittle with 5 degree triple trees, how far will that extend my front endand should I extend my tubes at what lenght if any to stay in a goodhandling range.


I’m against using severely raked triple trees on a stock frame. You lose too much trail and stability. You should rake the frame first.–Wrench

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progessive bars

BURLY BAGGER BARS– Custom baggers (in particular, bikes with Batwing fairings) require a custom bar, and Burly isn?t afraid of the challenge. Additional bends, compound curves and for the 2008 and newer models a fly by wire throttle system. All fairly daunting challenges, but not for a company that?s been committed to custom for the last 15 years.

Measuring in at an ideal 13? tall and 1 1/4? around, the Burly Bagger Bars just crest the fairing, taper smoothly into the hand controls and are dimpled and drilled for internal wiring. CNC bent curves snake around gauges and avoid interfering with speakers or fairing mounted mirrors, all the while offering the optimum in style and rider comfort.

Check out the Burly web site or contact your local dealer to get a set and look for additional products to join our already proven line in the very near future.

Burly Brand
6900 Marlin Circle
La Palma, CA 90623
Phone 888-367-1871

Progressive Suspension Banner

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SCOTT JACOBS BOOK SOON TO BE RELEASED–In a few short weeks we will have available Scott?s brand new coffee table book (over 300 pages) which details his incredible career spanning over 30 years. This is the most comprehensive retrospective of his life and artworks ever compiled including interviews, pictures of ALL his paintings, pics and comments by celebrity collectors, stories and family photos.

You won?t want to miss out on this limited publication and if you order through Scott Jacobs? Studio your book will be hand signed and dedicated to you and your loved ones by Scott. We are currently taking pre-publication orders so be one of the first to receive this magnificent collector?s item to enjoy for years to come.

Also Scott will be personally appearing at Southern Tier Harley-Davidson in Binghamton NY from 7/9-7/11 with an exceptional collection of his work on display. Please call 607-773-0264 for details and times. Stay tuned for upcoming show and appearance schedules. Scroll down to see cover.

Direct Studio Line: 858-756-6725

–Ron Copple
Scott Jacobs Studio

Scott Jacobs Banner

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NINO 925 SAVES HISTORIC BANDIT RING– It’s coming very close to completion. Frank was able to re-engineer the ring of the biker gods in less than two weeks. He is capable of making shop or club rings out of silver, white gold or gold. Hang on for more NINO 925 rings in the near future.

NINO 925 banner

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Clayton douglas


TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Send us a comment or a suggestion to be posted in my guestbook.
E-Mail Clay

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bss colleen swartz

Colleen Swartz photography

THE BROKEN SPOKE LEGENDS GALLERY– Jay Allen is proud to announce the addition of a fine art gallery to the Broken Spoke, Sturgis County Line, located on route 79 in Sturgis South Dakota. The Broken Spoke Saloon has been a long-time supporter of the artistic community within the motorcycling world and Jay has created a space in the upper portion of the main bar to display the work of some of the industries leading artists.

In 2009 the work of David Uhl, John Guillemette, Jeff Cochran and Colleen Swartz will be on display along with bikes from Billy Lane, Ron Finch, Samantha Morgan and the BSS Worlds Fastest Indian and two more to be announced in this exciting new space.

David Uhl, has been called ?The Norman Rockwell of Harley-Davidson artists.? And his work is much sought after by many collectors. A rider, oil painting artist and an accomplished commercial illustrator, David will bring originals from his collection which focuses on imagery from the turn of the century. You can view more of David?s work at his web site,

bss gallery John Guillemette

John Guillemette is an oil on canvas artist from Revere, Massachusetts. His original oil paintings are vibrantly colored and meticulous in their detail and many of them feature classic as well as custom motorcycle themes..

John’s artwork has been featured in many national publications such as Hot Bike, Thunderroads, The Motorcycle post, Easyriders and V-twin magazines. In addition, John?s original works of Arlen Ness and Jessie James from his ?Masters and Machines? portrait series are on display in the Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame in Pickerington, Ohio. You can view and purchase John’s original oil paintings and limited edition prints at The Broken Spoke Gallery as well as his website at

bss gallery jeff cochran

Jeff Cochran is the founder of SuckerPunch Sallys, one of the most successful Old-School production bike manufacturers in the US. In addition to building and riding custom bikes, Jeff spent a decade studying alternative lighting techniques in photography. When Jeff started SPS he did all of his own photography and advertising. This led to many publications requesting art. Jeff has become a noted photographic artist in his own right and now shoots for several magazines throughout the United States and Europe. You can view more of his work at

Colleen Swartz?s work can be found in many national and international publications. Starting back in 2003, Colleen traveled the rally circuit offering souvenir photo shoots and building relationships. Now, more than 6 years later, Colleen has turned these relationships into the passion of her life, shooting bikes for publication and individual use, working with beautiful women and using her photojournalistic talents to document the history that unfolds every day. Her work can be viewed at

The Legends Gallery opening will be on Sunday, August 2nd at 6-9 PM following the conclusion of the Michael Lichter Ride at the Sturgis County Line. You are welcome to join the curator, Jay Allen along with the legendary artists, bike builders and iconic industry guests for a hors d’?uvres reception. The Gallery will be open throughout the Sturgis Rally from Noon until Midnight.

Be a part of motorcycle history at the Broken Spoke Saloon.

If you have questions, please contact Colleen Swartz at or at 414-380-9005.

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SEMA SHOW AND SHINE IN PASADENA–The Inaugural SEMA Show and Shine Car Show at the Pasadena Convention Center is set for Saturday August 1, 2009 We still have room for cars on a first come first served basis. Goodie bags for all car show participants include a Chip Foose designed and autographed t-shirt. The winner of the peoples choice award and the participants choice award each receive 4 days hotel accommodations in Las Vegas for the 2009 SEMA show and their car featured on display at the SEMA Show. Please sign up now and pass this flyer on to all your friends.

–SEMA Action Network

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Fontana Cruise Night photograph by Donald Kline

BIKERNET CORRESPONDENT INVESTIGATES FONTANA, CALIFORNIA CRUISE NIGHT–Here is a photo I took at Fontana Cruise Night July 3,2009Fontana, CA.Cops in the background Event staff in front and ladies in between.

— Don Kline
aka Loner.

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Continued On Page 3

Read More

July 09, 2009 Part 1




Summer’s in full swing, like bikini days at Folsom Prison. The Sturgis crew is scrambling with wild action at all the venues. Bikernet will be there with the Girls of Bikernet selling 2010 Calendars downtown. We are building a Best of Show trophy, with the help of custom painter Jim Murillo, for the Easyriders Broken Spoke Bike show and our Banner will fly at 2Wheelers, the best bike shop on Main Street.

DickAllen ridingawaysmall

It’s up to me to finish the 5-Ball Factory Racer and make the run across the open desert west towards the Badlands. Looks like four of us on Vintage looking bikes and Shovelhead bobbers will head to Vail, Colorado and meet up with the Hamsters in Thermopolis, Wyoming for the blast to Sundance and a cold cocktail, before we hit the final stretch into Spearfish. There’s nothing like the lure of the open road and a girl waiting in Sturgis, to keep us moving. Let’s hit the news:

Sturgis ER showposter

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GIRLS OF BIKERNET IN STURGIS–This week?s photos come to you as I’m out headed to Louisville, Kentucky to shoot the last girl for the Girls of Bikernet Calendar. I’m still not sure which bike we’ll be using in Louisville for the shoot so if you have any readers out that way they can reach me at if they’d like to submit a bike my way for the last spot.

This week’s beauties are from Pennsylvania and Indiana…..

Samantha Shane is pictured here sitting on “Hammered” by Jeff Kessel of Independent Cycle East in Hanover, PA. Samantha is a Hooters Girl and Model from the Philadelphia Area. We’re expecting an early release of the Bikernet Calendars next weekend at Carlisle Bikefest in Pennsylvania so you can meet Samantha there and get an autographed calendar before the big rush at Sturgis.


Jewel Strom is from Valparaiso, Indiana and part of the family at Genuine Cycle Sales in Valparaiso. She’s a tattoo artist at a local shop when she’s not working around the bike shop. As of right now we’re expecting Jewel to be with us for a couple days in Sturgis but if you’re in the Valparaiso, IN area you can stop in and pick up a calendar from Jewel in just 2 weeks.


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?Custom Chrome Celebrates 40th Anniversary with World Tour of Events? Morgan Hill, CA ?? Today Custom Chrome announced a host of international events planned in celebration of its 40th Anniversary serving the V-Twin industry. ?The past year has been a tremendous time of rebuilding and rebirth for the CCI brand ? Custom Chrome International,? said Holger Mohr, Chief Executive Officer of Custom Chrome. ?We will not let this milestone pass without a shout!?

The anniversary announcement included details for a series of events celebrating four decades as a V-Twin industry parts distributor and manufacturer that includes numerous proprietary product lines such as RevTech?, Santee?, Motor Factory? and Jammer Cycle Products?. It is largely in this enduring legacy that its brand became synonymous with ?World?s Finest Products for Harley-Davidsons.? ?We have much to be grateful for,? noted Mohr. ?Not the least of which is the partnership and support we have received from our dealers and vendors.?

It is in that spirit that a schedule of events was created to showcase CCI and its valued vendor and dealer relationships. Already on the calendar are dates for the Custom Chrome Europe Dealer Show in Mainz, Germany, (March 27 & 28, 2010), a dealer reception at the Moon Eyes Show in Japan, and a dealer reception at the Gold Coast Rally in Australia. The company will also soon be releasing dates for its international event schedule and additional celebration events.

CCI headquarters
CCI headquarters in Morgan Hill, Califa. Almost as cool as the Bikernet Interplanetary Ivory Tower.

Mohr also announced that the long awaited return of the Custom Chrome International Dealer Show had arrived. ?It seems perfectly fitting that 2010 will not only mark our 40th anniversary, but also the return of what has historically been one of the most significant annual events on the V-Twin industry calendar,? said Mohr. The setting for the show is the World Headquarters in Morgan Hill, CA on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 12?14, 2010.

By holding the show just prior to the 2010 selling season, the goal will be to energize and enthuse the dealer community regarding new products without interfering with the dealers focus during the prime selling season. ?But more than anything, the CCI Dealer Show and year-long calendar of events is a celebration of 40 years of dedication and commitment to our industry,? said Steve Veltri, Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

?We?re thrilled with anticipation of the year-long 40th anniversary series of events and counting the days to the return of the Custom Chrome International Dealer Show,? said Mohr.


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Lee Clemens riding his Knucklehead bobber.

DEPARTURE BIKES WORKS DEALS OF THE WEEK–Richmond, Virginia: 39 EL KNUCKLEHEAD, 1939 EL KNUCKLEHEAD MOTOR” LEE MADE A GREAT FIND WITH THIS RARE ’39 EL MOTOR. We didn’t run all the detail shots, but this basket is complete, with over 95 percent of all the correct year parts to build this rare year engine.



It also comes with a clean title! Call Lee for more details, $7,500.



This is an amazing barn fresh Knucklehead. We haven’t even knocked the dust off (as you can see). This would make a great project or restoration. This comes with a clean title! Call Lee for more details, $12,000.

DBW banner

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Satin Black Handlebar

NEW SATIN BLACK HANDLEBAR FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON ROAD GLIDE–New Black Finish with the Original Equipment Dimensions.

MILWAUKEE (June 26, 2009) ? Complete a transition to Dark Custom styling with the new Road Glide? Handlebar – Satin Black (P/N 55862-09, $79.95) from Harley Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. This satin-finished handlebar retains the comfortable contour of the original-equipment Road Glide bar and complements black-finished accessory hand controls and mirrors. Fits 2008-later Road Glide models with no additional cables or lines required.

New Satin Black Handlebars are also available to fit earlier 1998-2007 Road Glide models, and many Electra Glide and Road King models. See an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer for fitment details.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


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NEW WHEEL COMPANY IN FLORIDA–After years with other industry manufacturers, the team at Coastal Moto has ventured out and is making their own statement. They spent years designing and developing parts and accessories for some of the industry?s top manufacturers and have now released their own brand of aftermarket wheels and accessories.

Since debuting their new wheel line in 2008, they have been showing up in franchise dealerships and local shops all over the U.S. Their average chrome wheel set saves you about $200-300 bucks and they keep the most popular stuff in stock.

The entire Coastal Moto line is available from your local dealer or by giving them a call. 888-899-MOTO

CoastalMotoWheels Banner

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A BIKERNET NEWS PAUSE FROM THE ZEN MASTER– However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

Believe in miracles.

–from Shattuck

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Anybody can join Sema, large companies, small, dealers and individuals.

PARALLEL TRACK BETWEEN MOTORCYCLISTS RIGHTS AND SEMA– The following are a few of the issues that motorcyclists/motorcycle builders and SEMA members face together.

Common Ground includes but is not limited to the following.

Federal regulations and design specifications.

Federal regulations that prohibit modifications that have a negative effect on safety equipment features.

Special federal requirements for products manufactured abroad.

Product defect/recall requirements.

Federal and State emissions compliance requirements. In many cases, there has been confusion about the process by which requirements can be met and Executive Orders (E.O.s) from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are issued for applicable parts and systems.

Roadblock safety inspections.


Brake Hoses and Brake Hose Assemblies.

Rims/Wheels for Vehicles other than Passenger Cars.


Inclusion and Exclusion in Federal and State mandated insurance requirements.

In addition to these shared concerns, motorcyclist rights advocates have purchasing power and influence others within their pier groups that are very similar to those covered in a June 09 article entitled Trends in eCommerce: Importance of Consumer Behavior and Perceptions.

–Mike Greenwald

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MEANWHILE BACK IN BOSTON TRYING TO BAN MOTORCYCLES–In an age where Motorcyclists are focusing more on controlling noise levels as a group and noise from other vehicles such as cars with ?Ash Can? mufflers are drowning us out, on June 3rd, the City of Boston passed an ordinance aimed as a step of eliminating motorcycles from City Streets. The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA – ) became aware of the ordinance after it was fast-tracked in proceedings in City Hall. Discussions with Boston Residents including Motorcycle Enthusiasts indicated that the news of this ordinance passing was a surprise across the board.

This first salvo was fired in a ?public hearing? which was attended by a few very outspoken critics of Motorcycles. There was no representation from any Motorcyclist or Motorcycle Organization who could represent the case being presented against motorcyclists. Video of the proceeding can be found here.

The details of the specific docket (#0658) can be found here.

This specific ordinance requires that a Motorcycle Exhaust must carry an EPA stamp which is visible to a parking or police officer who can issue a citation if they don?t see the EPA stamp ? violation is subject to a $300 fine. Citations can be issued whether the vehicle is in operation or parked on a street in the City of Boston.

The MMA has a number of concerns with this ordinance, beginning with the fact that Motorcycle Organizations including the Motorcycle Industry Council, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association, and others, were not contacted for comment nor consulted for information concerning the proposal. Specifically with regard to the ordinance itself, the specific ?federal? reference being cited in the video is an EPA requirement for Motorcycle Manufacturers concerning compliance of a newly manufactured motorcycle, the requirements for which expire following an ?Acoustical Adjustment Period? of one year at the maximum or 3,730 miles ? whichever comes first.

This ordinance makes no reference to existing Massachusetts General law governing Motorcycle Sound Emissions (MGL Chapter 90, Sections 7S, 7T, 7U, and 16), nor existing Boston City Ordinances governing noise.

Massachusetts General Law already specifies maximum noise levels for Motorcycles and specifically how to test them. The Boston Noise Ordinance doesn?t even require that a Motorcycle be running. A motorcycle, which is an energy and cost efficient method of commuting, and reduces the burden of parking spaces in a city such as Boston, could theoretically be parked on the street and have the owner find a $300 citation on their vehicle upon their return.

Further, motorcyclists who violate this ordinance now face a hefty $300 fine versus the current $30-$50. As this ordinance only mentions motorcycles, we believe this to be blatant discrimination against Motorcycles in the City.

The MMA first learned of this action on June 10th, via a web link which followed the committee hearing. In the days since learning of this, the MMA has been in contact with several Motorcyclists? Rights Organizations, independent Activists, and the MMA?s General Counsel. The MMA has expended significant effort and resources performing due diligence researching the specifics of the laws and regulations governing this situation. Concurrent with this review, the MMA learned that an independently funded group of activists has chosen to file suit against the City of Boston.

The MMA is committed to fighting this ordinance as has it fought similar warrants in several towns this year alone. Based on the various actions already being taken, the MMA believes that a United Front is warranted rather than several groups of Motorcyclists acting independently and in an uncoordinated fashion. As such, we?ve chosen to closely monitor the currently announced law suit rather than burden the MMA Membership with the financial cost of a likely multi-year legal engagement which could be in conflict with existing action. Should the need arise, the MMA stands ready to take whatever action is necessary to protect the rights of Massachusetts Motorcyclists, including, but not limited to reviewing and supporting the action, intervening if needed and or taking independent action at the appropriate time.

We will provide periodic updates as further information becomes available. In the interim, for more information, see

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BIKERNET WEEKLY ART EXHIBIT OPENS–Artist Larry Grossman’s amazingly detailed new print “HANGIN’ WITH THE PHARAOHS AT JENKIN’S” has it all …a rod, a kustom, a bitchin bike, and a bunch of babes, all at a classic Texaco station! This exciting picture will definitely take you back and blow you away!

Not only that, Larry also offers the option of creating customs picture whereby he’ll put your car(s) and/or bike(s) and you (or whoever) into any of his scenes …now how cool is that!

You can see and buy all of his work on his nifty Retrovisions website. Priced at only $30 for any of his high quality 19×25″ prints, how can you lose …in fact, for another five bucks he’ll even sign and date it for you in gold ink!



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Mike pullin
The author, Stealthman, on the bike he built as a tribute to his son, Justin.

BIKE NIGHT AT MCKOYS DOWNTOWN–MIKE PULLIN COMMENTARY Every Friday night there is a small group of us who get together and go to a local bike night at Mckoys downtown. It is a cool little place that has a biker atmosphere. There are bikers, 1%ers, and newbies, a little bit of everything. It seems that every week I hear talk of the custom bike industry dying or it is already dead. The day of the aftermarket bike is long gone along with the “LONG” bike. The days of going to your local dealer and buying a new bike are over. I for one do not buy into this and I don’t believe it.

When I had to close my shop, I was thinking this. It was a tough time for me, it is tough to see your dream die. While I was still reeling from my shop closing, I found myself going through a divorce again. Between these two events, needless to say my enthusiasm was way down. I work a job today that I really don’t like, but I have a job for now. My ex and I are now good friends, the way it should be, I guess? I see things a little different now.

It is the July 4th as I write this and I was off yesterday and I took my rigid evo jockey shift bike out for a ride and while I was riding, I was thinking, as screwed up as the economy and this country is right now, there is still no better place to live. While riding I thought about hearing all the time how bikes are dead. Yeah, the industry is down right now like all industries, but I think it will make a come back. Maybe not to the extent we saw when the wave hit. I remember when I worked at the dealership and we took orders for new bikes every labor day, when I locked the door on Saturdays, people were lined up with their sleeping bags and lawn chairs around the building waiting all weekend to get a shot Monday morning at putting a deposit on a new bike and wait a year to get it. Yeah those were great times for the industry.

No matter what there will always be bikers and guys building there own bikes and customizing their own bikes. Before the bike build offs came to tv along with Russell Mitchells Build or Bust, guys were building bikes, we just did not get the publicity these shows gave us. As far as the Bike Build Offs go, I for one wish they would come back, I believe this would inspire guys again and even if they did not have the money for a new project, it would give hope. THis lifestyle we live will never die and bike building will never die. BIkers will always build and find ways to customize their bikes, it is the nature of the beast!

That ride yesterday cleared my head, like it always does. You know a guy once told me “Whether he had a dime or not, he was happy and optimistic, no matter what!” My good friend Bandit was the one who told me that and I always try to remember that and I know I slip sometimes.we as bikers have always found a way to hang on to our bikes, for me my bikes are part of me, a part of my soul, maybe not the most important thing in life but a BIG part of my life.

While I was taking that ride I looked up into the clear Carolina blue skies and I thanked God for giving me the ability to ride a motorcycle all these years. I know my life would be empty without riding and being a part of the biker lifestyle. Riding a bike is one of the GREATEST gifts God as ever given me with the exception of my sons and my family and oh yeah my pit bull, JC!

Hey, I know it is tough on all of us right now but hold on, don’t give up! Tough times don’t last, tough people do!


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NEW K-BOBB FROM S&S, FIRST PRODUCT VINTAGE FEATURED ON BIKERNET–They just don?t make ?em like they used to ?Or do they? S&S Cycle Inc. introduces the K-Bobb, a complete vintage reproduction motorcycle under the Flathead Power brand. This fully functional bike is modeled after a customized 1946 FL bobber. This is as authentic a reproduction as can be made with current technology. We just can?t help but make some things better!

Check the full feature on the Bikernet Home Page, with tech info and riding impressions from Cycle Source Magazine.


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redneck bass boat

Redneck Bass Boat

BIKERNET MAP DEPARTMENT REPORTS IN, Texas– The Sheriff pulled up next to the guy unloading garbage out of his pick-up into the ditch. The Sheriff asked, ‘Why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? Don’t you see that sign right over your head’.

‘Yep’, he replied. ‘That’s why I’m dumpin? it here, cause it says ‘Fine For Dumping Garbage’.


A senior at LSU was overheard saying… ‘When the end of the world comes, I hope to be in Louisiana .’ When asked why, he replied he’d rather be in Louisiana because everything happens in Louisiana 20 years later than in the rest of the civilized world.

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ross white

HISTORIC BUILDER SHOTS DISCOVERED–Here are a couple of shots from the ’70s, poor quality but the best I could do. The shot of Tree and his Pan are from Supercycle Nov 1979. This was a couple of years after the second Easyriders shoot.

The shot of me was at the all Harley Show, I think it was at the LA Sports Arena in either ’78 or ’82.

Also’ I’m now retired so after the riding season I could bring a bunch of old pics down and we could do a “back in the day in East LA’ thing, just a thought.


ross tree

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THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS DOCTRINE–There is an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.This year’s term was: “Political Correctness.”

The winner wrote:

“Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”

This guy has nailed it.

–from Donna Oneal

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NEVER HEARD OF CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLES–Hey big guy, read your article on the Cleveland, never heard of it.

Good job “enlightening” me!

–pete(from florida)

Check the 1921 Cleveland story in Bandit’s Cantina. We try to bring you the rarest motorcycles on the planet, just to keep you guessing. Hang on for the Geer racer from the teens. I was knocked out. Just need to win the lottery and it will be mine–Wilburn Roach


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BILLET BIKER BAR IN SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA– Scottsdale’s best kept secret, the Billet Bar, has a little something for everyone. If you thought we were just a biker bar you’re WRONG! We have 2 of the best stocked bars in town, live music, pool tables, big screen tvs, and great food!

Don’t miss our “smoking friendly” Paradise Patio, our huge cool air outdoor bar! We never charge a cover, and you can even get tattooed or pierced next door at EZ TATTOO .


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AVON TYRES SUMMER SCHEDULE– Avon will be attending the Tucker Rocky dealer andrep sales meeting in TX this month. We will be at Sturgis at the J&P storewhere they will have a crew mounting Avon tires. Avon is also a sponsor ofthe Baker Drivetrain Burnout Drag event at Sturgis. Avon will be releasingits new Cobra sizes for the 2009 Harley bikes this fall.

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Avon Tyres Customer Service web site

avon cobra 71 72  banner

Continued On Page 2

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Drop The Hammer Code


It doesn’t matter what you use or say. They all mean the same thing. Take all that energy inside you and transfer it to your machine. Popping pills like Pez, it'll cause you and and your steed to eat asphalt like a drug-crazed addict. Speed freaks know what I’m talking about. The battle to keep it between the lines.


Your world is encompassed by the redline on your tach and the ever-stretching line to your left peeling down the road. Outside those lines, all your cares and worries blur, leaving your day-to-day troubles behind. Inside those lines, you slow down and your focus becomes crystal clear. Life and death aims directly in front of you, seeing everything coming your way and passing it, putting it behind you. It’s one place in your crazy life that you can escape the mundane and the ordinary.


In that place, you are not actually alone. You have fear lingering at your side. In between those lines, it’s a standoff, like Doc Holliday facing off with Johnny Ringo. Who will blink first? You know it won’t be you. If you blink, it’s over. It’s the high octane gas in your soul fueling you, as if it were the nitro in your tank. Then there’s the rush, that boost of nitrous oxide to your system, the adrenaline. It kicks in and it kicks in hard. It’s a continuous 150 shot to your core with an endless bottle. Adrenaline, better than caffeine and nicotine, with a hint of fear. When your body courses and rages with that inside, all you can do is scream for more, more, more. Hell, you’re probably shivering in withdrawal from it as you read this.


It’s that twitch. That urge that drives us to put our lives and machines on the line for a short blind rush of madness mixed with a death wish. I’m not talking about racing through traffic, on the freeway or city streets. That’s café racing, street fighting, a whole different breed of exhilaration. I’m talking about some back road twisties, at 2 a.m. or 5 p.m.; it doesn’t matter. What matters is hitting those curves with a leaned-over haymaker sending sparks into the eyes of anyone watching. Pulling out of that turn and landing the knockout punch with a fist full of throttle that lays down the road in front of you like an asphalt carpet.


You stare into the vibrating horizon, your New York second destiny, whatever you see over that hill, with a take it as it comes, fuck you if you can’t handle it attitude. Now stop reading this shit like it’s going to define who you are; who fucking cares? Get out there and RIDE!!!!!!



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July 02, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Looks like he just went through a divorce.

RENOWNED MOTORCYCLE CUSTOMIZER DAVE PEREWITZ TO APPEAR AT GOODGUYS PPG NATIONALS–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? July 2, 2009 ? One of America?s best-known motorcycle builders and customizers, Dave Perewitz, often called the master of ?art in motion,? will sign autographs at the PPG exhibit during the Goodguys PPG Nationals July 10 ? 12, at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio.

Regarded as a living legend among hot rod, street rod, and motorcycle enthusiasts, Perewitz is the force behind Perewitz Cycle Fabrication, his family-run shop in Bridgewater, MA. A gifted custom painter and devotee of PPG products, Perewitz is known for his one-of-a-kind, hand-built creations and awesome flame designs ? a combination of design, engineering, performance and beauty.

Perewitz?s reputation for excellence gained broader awareness when he competed in two Biker Build-Offs for the Discovery Channel?s popular cable program. Many celebrities, including Hulk Hogan, Aerosmith?s Brad Whitford, NASCAR?s Tony Stewart, Ray Evernham, Kyle Petty and others, have commissioned him for custom motorcycle builds. He recently ventured into street rod designs when he teamed with Factory Five Racing to build a stunning orange FFR ?33 Hot Rod. This awesome hot rod will be displayed at the PPG Vibrance Show Truck in Columbus.

Perewitz will appear and sign autographs at the PPG Vibrance Show Truck Friday, July 10 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and on Saturday, July 11 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

PPG will also present a seminar covering the Vibrance Collection? and Deltron? product lines along with the latest in PPG waterborne technology. The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, July 11 from 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm, and will give special attention to the creative possibilities PPG products afford customizers.

This is the 12th year PPG has sponsored the Goodguys Nationals. Goodguys is the world?s largest rod and custom association with membership approaching 70,000 nationwide. According to Marc Meadors, Goodguys president, ?the Goodguys PPG Nationals has become the mid-summer meeting place for the entire hot rodding community. With over 6,500 rods, customs, muscle cars and classics, this event symbolizes America?s passion for hot cars and bright colors, showcasing the industry?s latest trends. Together with PPG, Goodguys will keep the hot rod torch shining for future generations of car lovers worldwide.?

To learn more about Dave Perewitz, visit To learn more about Goodguys Rod & Custom Association visit For more information about PPG call 800-647-6050 or visit the PPG Automotive Refinish website at

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Sturgis ER showposter

BIKERNET.COM TO SPONSOR BEST OF SHOW TROPHY FOR EASYRIDERS STURGIS BIKE SHOW–Right now the Bikernet engineering staff , including Kevin Baas, the shop teacher, are breathing heavy on the blueprints for a one-off Bikernet/Easyriders Best of Show trophy. You’ll see it come together right here. The show is scheduled for Wednesday at the Broken Spoke in Sturgis. Don’t miss the action.

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REV UP FOR BIKERS FOR BABIES– The March of Dimes has had the generous support of the motorcycling community for more than a decade. You’ve given your time, talent and donations to help the March of Dimes in our fight against birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Let’s make 2009 our best year ever. With your support, we can help more babies be born healthy.

–Tambra Cheman
Community Director

A Statewide West Virginia Run
August 2009
Destination 67 – Flatwoods, WV
WV State Chapter/March of Dimes
3508 Staunton Ave SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Telephone: (304) 720-2229 x11
Fax: (304) 720-6135
Cell: (716) 445-5715

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Confed Rail

NEW ORLEANS BIKEFEST BANDS FOR 2009 EVENT–We?re excited to announce that the following bands have been booked to perform at the 2009 New Orleans Bikefest :

Confederate Railroad
JJ Mugler
Danny Alexander Blues Band
Pigpen and the Porkchops


We still have one slot to fill, we?ll let you know who when we get it booked.

Check out the website for the schedule and other info.

Live Free and Ride!!
Barry Lee
Live Free Promotions, LLC
650 Poydras Street, STE 1200
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 274-0226

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Wheels Through Time Museum to lead Nations First 4th of July Parade!–This coming Saturday, July 4, the Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC will be heading to Gatlinburg, TN to participate in a momentous event celebrating the birth of our great nation over 230 years ago.

For the thirty-fourth year in a row, Gatlinburg will kick off America’s Independence Day celebrations with the nation’s first 4th of July parade. The festivities, which begin at 12:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 4, and annually draws in excess of 100,000 spectators, will bring the city’s streets to life as pre-parade entertainers and over 100 parade entries prepare to show their patriotism in a 1-mile procession down the Gatlinburg parkway parade route.

As part of the celebration of our nations birthday, the City of Gatlinburg will be celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of Great Smoky Mountains National Park with a recreation of the December 2, 1940 Presidential Motorcade of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as it travelled through the streets of Gatlinburg on its way to dedicate the park at Newfound Gap. It was on this day that FDR, standing with one foot in North Carolina and one foot in Tennessee, officially dedicated the park. Golden Globe-nominee, David Keith, will portray Roosevelt during the reenactment.

wheels thru time white bikes

As part of the reenactment, staff from the Wheels Through Time Museum will be escorting the parade-leading motorcade via two period motorcycles virtually identical to those used during the original motorcade in 1940.

“Its an unbelievable honor to participate in the reenactment of the dedication of our nation’s most visited national park,” said museum curator, Dale Walksler. “From original photographs of the 1940 motorcade, we’ve been able to identify the motorcycle’s used, and we’re confident that the machines we’ll be riding in the parade will help make the reenactment as authentic as possible.”

Kionna M. Coleman, of the City of Gatlinburg, is also excited about the city’s motorcade reenactment. “The FDR reenactment will be one of the most high-profile events of the year-long celebration in Gatlinburg, and throughout Tennessee, of the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of Great Smoky Mountain National Park,” said Coleman. “The Presidential Motorcade will be reproduced in vintage style with period automobiles and costuming, along with vintage motorcycles to escort the motorcade.”

“This will be one of the most patriotic and colorful midnight parades that the City of Gatlinburg has ever produced,” said Special Events Manager George Hawkins, who organized the first Gatlinburg 4th of July parade in 1976 celebrating America’s Bicentennial.

For more information about Wheels Through Time or the Gatlinburg 4th of July parade visit the museum’s website at or the City of Gatlinburg’s homepage at

–Matt Walksler
Wheels Through Time Museum
P.O. 790 / 62 Vintage Lane
Maggie Valley, NC 28751
(828) 926-6266


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Mad Fabricators lands at Choppertown!–Wanted to let you know that the Choppertown Store now has the complete Mad Fabricators collection including the brand new “Mad Fabs 5.5” and previously out-of-print DVDs like Emily Frye’s awesome Shifters C.C. doc “Desperate Generation”. We’re honored to be working with Piero, who’s been making these cool films for a long time. Please take a minute and check them out, they’re the real deal and you won’t be disappointed.


Editing on The Harbortown Bobber is going great, can’t wait to share the completed film with you guys. Please remember to head over to YouTube and click on “favorite” and put in your vote. We hit #9 on the front page a couple weeks ago and it was because of you guys.

Stay independent,
–Zack and Scott
One World Studios Ltd.

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Help Make This The Biggest Sturgis Bike Show Of All Time!–Hot off the press… the Rat’s Hole 2009 Sturgis Bike Show Poster… Print it, Post it and pass it around.

PLEASE… Help us get the word out. The 21st Annual Rat’s Hole Show will be at a NEW LOCATION: Champions Park in downtown Sturgis!


See you at the shows!

–Ted Smith
World Famous Rat’s Hole Bike Shows
Sponsorship information: 386.454.3496
P.O. Box 1974
High Springs, FL 32655

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southside left

A GREAT DEAL IN HARD TIMES– This is a 2009 South Side Kustoms – custom build. Another proof of the bad economy, is someone else’s misfortune, is your benefit. Customer fell thru, this bike has more than $48k into it.

WE ARE ONLY ASKING $35,000.00 or BEST OFFER! This bike will not last. Only thing is you have to wait 4-6 weeks as we have it booked in shows, for obvious reasons. I am asking for my friends and vendors help on this one to spread the word, we know how bad things are and I need to recoop on this bike.

–Jason McCudden
Owner – SSK

southside right

RMS Customs Frame – molded sheet metal
113″ Arlen Ness S&S Motor
Baker 5 Speed, RSD w Jay Brake on the Tranny
Performance Machine Front/Rear Brakes
Performance Machine Wheels
Ferse Performance Trees
Harley Duece Forks
Dakota Digital
Custom Exhaust
Custom Paint
Molded Rear Turn Signals in Rear Fender

South Side Kustoms
146 Barnard St.
Buffalo, Ny 14206716-823-6279
website –

South Side Banner

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Pastor welcomes gun owners to church– LOUISVILLE, Ky. ? A gun-toting Kentucky pastor says it’s OK to pack heat at church ? at least for one day.

Ken Pagano asked his flock to bring their unloaded handguns ? in holsters ? to New Bethel Church in Louisville for a celebration of the Second Amendment. When the event got under way a little after 5 p.m. Saturday, about 200 people ? many carrying small firearms ? sat in the Pentecostal church sanctuary.

?We are wanting to send a message that there are legal, civil, intelligent and law-abiding citizens who also own guns,? Pagano said in greeting the audience, which included people who do not belong to his church.

?If it were not for a deep-seated belief in the right to bear arms, this country would not be here today,? he said, drawing hearty applause and exclamations of ?amen!?

Pagano says he got the idea for the event after some of his church members expressed concern about the Obama administration’s views on gun control, though the president hasn’t moved to put new restrictions on gun ownership. He says the gathering was meant to promote safe gun ownership.

The ?Open Carry Celebration? included a handgun raffle, patriotic music and screening of videos on gun safety. The church hung patriotic banners on the wall that read ?In God We Trust.?

The pastor said that he himself did not carry a gun at the event. Pagano’s Protestant church, which attracts up to 150 people to Sunday services, is a member of the Assemblies of God and is in a conservative part of southwest Louisville.

A coalition of peace and church groups staged a gun-free event across town at the same time.


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Bill to Restrict Ammunition Sales Rescheduled for Next Week–Please Continue Contacting the Senate Public Safety Committee!As we reported last week, Assembly Bill 962 was scheduled to be considered today by the Senate Public Safety Committee. The bill has been rescheduled and will be considered on Tuesday, July 7.

Sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), AB962 would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a ?handgun ammunition vendor? in the Department of Justice?s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be kept in dealers’ records and subject to inspection by the Department of Justice. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.

Please continue to contact the members of the Senate Public Safety Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose AB962. Contact information can be found below.

State Senator Mark Leno (D-3) ? Chair
(916) 651-4003

State Senator John J. Benoit (R-37) – Vice-Chair
(916) 651-4037

State Senator Gilbert Cedillo (D-22)
(916) 651-4022

State Senator Loni Hancock (D-9)
(916) 651-4009

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BROKEN SPOKE COUNTY LINE UNLIMITED FREE SWAP MEET SPACE–Free Unlimited Swap Meet Space At The Broken Spoke Sturgis County Line This Year!Jay Allen is trying to create a home for the largest swap meet in Sturgis during the Black Hills Rally beginning in 2009.

Located on highway 79, the Broken Spoke County Line is willing to provide free unlimited space for parts swap vendors for the whole week of Sturgis. Only thing you have to do to get in on it is buy one $99 dollar camp space for the week.

Free space is limited to those vendors who?s inventory is for the largest percentage used parts. Jay has been working his ass off to provide the best location for every rider to experience! From the organized rides, the world biggest Biker Pool, Free Beer Hour, nightly contests and concerts, this is the place to be! For more information go to or email

Broken spoke layout

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THE WHITEHORSE GEAR ADVENTURE RIDE OF THE MONTH, EXPLORE MEXICO’S COPPER CANYON, JESSE JAMES AND KID ROCK DID–It’s hard to believe many folks have never heard of Mexico’s Copper Canyon. Those who have seen it and ridden it, know it’s one of the most special places on earth. Let authors Neal and Sandy Davis help you explore the Copper Canyon with their book Motorcycle Journeys Through Texas and Northern Mexico. This great new book features dozens of epic rides. And if you buy a copy of the book, we’ll include a free copy of Motorcycle Journeys Through Southern Mexico. Such a deal! Ride well, amigos!

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ACCEL sponsors Official World Championship Production Manufacturer class, launches SLM EFi controller–ACCEL Motorcycle has announced a new fuel injection tuner and, to promote its user-friendly package of contemporary features, the company has announced sponsorship of the Production Manufacturer class at this year’s 6th annual Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building.

Called the ‘SLM’ (Self Learning Module), the company says that it is designed to help riders ‘regain control of their fuel injected ride’, delivering improved gas mileage while ‘increasing power torque and reducing emissions for stock and modified applications.


That flexibility is central to ACCEL’s decision to sponsor the Production Manufacturer class because, as ACCEL motorcycle product specialist and sales agent Joe Distefano told AMD Magazine, “The greatest feature that the SLM brings to the market is exactly that, its ability to ‘self learn’ its install environment and automatically calibrate for engine displacement, compression ratio and tune. It can then recalibrate for any modifications to the engine, such as intake, and cams, and to any other changes from stock such as exhaust pipes or air cleaners.”

He went on to say that: “SLM works great with either Harleys or aftermarket production bikes, whether stock or modified. It automatically compensates for rider variables too, such as changing loads, weather conditions and altitude.”

Said to eliminate the ‘bang and pop’ that is sometimes associated with a poorly programmed ECU, ACCEL say that it is a simple direct plug-in install with easy-connect fitments for the factory throttle position sensor, crank position sensor and O2 sensors, with no need to re-flash the factory ECU.

ACCEL’s support for the Production Manufacturer class means that the World Championship will be able to offer a $5,000.00 total ‘cash’ prize fund for the class this year, with $2,500.00 to the company building the ACCEL World Champion Production custom style bike. Class entries can be stock or customized examples of bikes that either already are in volume production, or have been developed for future volume production.

AMD World Championship logo

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Bikernetmetric Banner

Bikernet Launches Daily Metric Motorcycle Blog–Blog will Feature Bikes, News, Accessories and Other Metric Related Information.

Wilmington, Calif.?June 24, 2009Bikernet, the largest and most read online motorcycle publications, today announced the launching of its daily Metric motorcycle blog. The new blog site ( will provide information on bikes, products and accessories, industry news and other information daily. Readers and subscribers to the blog will get breaking news at no charge. In addition, readers will be able to comment on blogs and create dialog with other readers and riders. Last, a blog manager will be available so readers can submit their own news and information, really making the blog an online community.


?With the Metric industry booming there is just too much information to put under one site,? exclaimed Keith Ball, publisher of Bikernet. ?Bikernet Metric?s blog will help readers find news that is relevant and of interest quickly and easily.?

Like Bikernet Metric (, the blog will be will offer its news and information at no cost thanks to the support of Bikernet?s sponsors and advertisers. With upwards of 300,000 unique readers per month on Bikernet and Bikernet Metric, the blog will become be a favorite of metric enthusiasts.

?We have always had great support from readers, riders and companies in the motorcycle community. We anticipate the same support with the new metric blog and we expect it to grow to the largest metric news source in the industry.?

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U.S. House Committee Moves Surface Transportation Bill–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that, with little pompand even less circumstance, the Unites States House of Representativessubcommittee on Highways and Transit voice voted the SurfaceTransportation Bill on to the full House Transportation and InfrastructureCommittee (HTIC). The 800-page bill lays out a plan for revamping thenation’s highway systems and safety programs not seen in the last fewdecades. The spending bill, which is yet to receive a number or name, andeven more importantly a price tag, is mammoth.

The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) will be out of money 6 weeks before the fundwas supposed to be tapped out. Future predictions for the HTF, which isfunded through a national gas tax, are bleak. With more fuel-efficientcars and record-breaking gas prices, Americans have done the unthinkablethe past few years, buy less gas. That conundrum will leave the HTF withabout $250 billion to be generated over the next 6 years. Congressman JimOberstar, Chairman of the HTIC, wants to spend $500 billion. Talks betweenthe House, Senate and White House have completely broken down. Oberstarwould like to raise the gas tax, and both the Senate and the White Houseshot that down immediately. This stalemate will likely delay the billsignificantly; some say well into 2012. At the same time, it could movequickly, but that’s not likely.

The bill does have some motorcycle-specific provisions, the lion’s shareof which are very positive. The MRF has been meeting with the committeestaff writing the bill for the past few years to ensure that motorcyclistsbenefit from the legislation. For the first time, the highway safety fundsobligate a percentage that can only be used for motorcycle safetyprograms. Depending on the percentage (all financial details at this pointare to be determined), the motorcycle safety community could see a hugeinfusion of federal cash.

There is one provision that the MRF will be aggressively working toremove. In one section of the bill, some rules are laid out for PublicPrivate Partnerships (PPP). PPPs are stretches of toll road that acommunity leases to a private sector partner. The partner pays the leasinggovernment up front and in turn gets to keep all the tolls for the lengthof the lease. The city of Chicago leased a toll road for 99 years to aprivate company for $1.8 billion in 2005. The provision of concern givesthe private sector partner the power to request from the

Secretary ofTransportation a ban on motorcycles from the road. The private partnermust certify that the presence of motorcycles is causing a safety hazard.The Secretary must approve the request. Current law allows for the samesituation, but gives the requesting power to the state agency, not aprivate for-profit corporation.

Public Private Partnerships have fallen out of favor with manymunicipalities and individuals, but this section is still of graveconcern. It’s troubling to think that roads built with federal tax dollarscould exclude motorcycles. Precedent has been set in our favor in thepast; convincing Congress will be our task.

The MRF will keep you informed on the movement of the bill and of themotorcycle-specific provisions in the bill.

MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Suite 510
Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice)
202-546-0986 (fax) (website)

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S&S Cycle Announces Price Reductions– Viola, WI (July 2, 2009) S Cycle announces a reduction in price for two of their premium products, the S high performance clutch, and the S single bore tuned induction kits. ?We know these are both excellent products, and that they are superior to just about anything on the market. We believe this price reduction will allow more customers to see just how good they really are.? Said Director of Business Development and Sales, Michael Scaletta. ?S Cycle has always been known for big, powerful engines, but people just don?t think of us for clutches . . .Yet.?

s&s 2

The S high performance clutch features 10 steel plates and 11 friction plates to increase the number of friction surfaces available. The S clutch comes with a spring set that allows the clutch to handle up to 140 horsepower, with clutch lever pull that is equivalent to stock. Stronger springs are available for applications up to 200 horsepower. The S clutch is available for 1991-?06 big twins, except 2006 Dyna? models. The suggested retail price for these clutches has been reduced by a whopping $200.00. MSRP for the mechanically actuated versions was $899.95, but they are now priced at $699.95. The hydraulically actuated versions were $949.95 MSRP, and are now $749.95.

s&s 3

S single bore tuned induction kits have also been reduced in price so that MSRP on a complete system is under $500.00. Some applications are as low as $385.00. In addition, ordering has been simplified with a single part number. Customers simply specify model and year of the motorcycle, the preferred finish of the intake runners, and the desired color of the filters. Not only does the aggressive styling of the tuned induction kits look great, the tuned induction improves performance across the rpm range, with a real boost in the midrange.

Director of Product management Charlie Hadayia Jr. had this to say ?The classic teardrop air cleaner has been and image associated with S Cycle since 1975, but the S tuned induction kits look so good and perform so well, that they may become another classic S image in time. We?re sure that the new lower price for the S tuned runner and the S clutch will encourage customers to give them a try!?

For more information contact: S Cycle Inc. 14025 County Hwy G Viola, WI 54664

s&s banner

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This wild ride will be featured on Bikernet shortly.

HAPPY GODDAMN 4TH–Let’s party, be frugal, save our pennies, chase girls with jobs, drink cheap whiskey and ride.

exile brake
We’ll cover an Exile brake install, plus Gard’s LA ChopRods internal throttle below.

Over the weekend I’ll post several stories including a Factory Racer update. I think a segment on the Little Big Twin from Greg Friend at Saddlemen is coming, plus a solo Road King seat tech. We’ll dig into the gel technology aspects.


I’m also going to bring you a feature on the news product K-Bobb vintage Knucklehead model from S&S. In the meantime I’m going to start assembling the 5-Ball Factory Racer for the Sturgis run. I’m excited about this bike, for lots of reasons. It’s a strange puppy, but I think you’ll like it.

Ride Forever,



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July 02, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2


PPG?s UPCOMING MVP CONFERENCE WILL FOCUS ON ACCELERATING COLLISION SHOP PERFORMANCE–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? July 1, 2009 ? PPG?s MVP Business Solutions team will host a major conference for collision center owners and managers from across North America, September 13?15 at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. The conference will center on the theme of Accelerating Performance and will focus on helping owners and managers develop and utilize their leadership skills to implement change and maximize their business performance.

?Past MVP conferences have focused on the challenges brought forth by the current business climate and the changes that are needed in order to stay competitive,? said Randy Dewing, senior manager, PPG Business Solutions. ?At this conference, we?ve put together an exceptional combination of speakers and seminars to address leadership and execution skills that are so vital to future shop success.?

The conference will consist of management training, keynote speakers, breakout seminars and peer-to-peer discussion groups. Conference keynote speakers include:

Jim Murphy, founder of Afterburner, Inc., the global leader in Flawless Execution. Murphy, a seasoned combat jet pilot, will discuss ?Flawless Execution ? A Fighter Pilot?s Secret to Business Success.?
Patrick Graupp, senior master trainer, TWI Institute. Graupp will present ?To Japan and Back, Insights on my Lean Journey,? an exploration of the techniques used to train and improve some of the best companies in the world.
Scott Shriber, publisher of Bodyshop Business magazine. Shriber will offer his extensive knowledge of the collision industry with regard to effective shop marketing.

This conference reflects the commitment that PPG MVP Business Solutions has ?to utilize every minute that we get with a customer in a way that will help them enhance their business performance,? said Jim Berkey, director, PPG Business Solutions.

?Every event on the conference agenda is geared toward taking the leadership skills of key collision shop personnel to the highest level,? said Norm Angrove, senior manager, PPG Value Added Programs.

Attendance at the conference is open to owners and managers of collision centers using PPG Refinish products. For more information and to register for the conference, please visit For more information about PPG MVP Business Solutions, contact your PPG territory manager or email

For further information please contact:Norm AngroveChris wagers@ppg.com905/655-2282440/572-2800PPG Automotive Refinish, 19699 Progress Drive, Strongsville, Ohio 44149

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THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE REVEALED–My wife has made the decision to learn how to ride her own motorcycle. It is a big step for her. She is not alone, as many of her friends have decided to join her. I’ve been scouring the want ads looking for something she will like and be easy for her to learn on.

A trip to the local metric shop to check out the entry bikes was a practice in futility. While we were considering the small 250 Marauders, the sales woman was quite insistent that I should buy my wife a GSX-R 750. I do agree that it would look cool parked next to my Fat Boy but as for a first bike for a 5′ – 120 lbs girl to learn how to ride on for the first time WTF.

If this is what the dealership thinks is an appropriate starter bike it is no surprise the number of fatalities we see from inexperience riders who are hopping on these bikes for the first time and riding straight into the back of a bus. It happens at least three times a year here.

I’ve been riding for decades and while I don’t consider myself an exceptional rider, I am far from being a slouch. The Sixer is an intimidating bike for someone who has been raised on cruisers. Blindingly fast, nimble, a true high performance machine. I’ve ridden my buddy’s along with his Hayabusa’s. Fast, very fast. I have my respect for the machines.

I have had friends who asked for my advice on what to buy for a first motorcycle. The first one was still wet behind the ears. He had a driver?s license for only a couple of years, and the little Firefly he drove was far from a high performance machine. He refused to listen to my advice to buy a dual purpose or a small cruiser to learn on and insisted to buying a crotch rocket.

The other one street raced a 5.0 Mustang and had great respect for the little bikes that kept blowing his car away. The first guy bought a GSX-R 1000 while the second settled for a GSX-R 600. The 1000 spent more time in the shop getting repaired then anything. It scared him. He never rode it without getting into an accident either from acceleration or from losing control while braking. Soon it was left at the back of the shop, never to see the road again.

The 600 spent a couple of weeks tooling around the industrial park before hitting the streets. After running the clover leafs for a few more the local sport guys took him under their wing and taught him how to set up his bike. A fast bike got faster with proper setup. By the second season he dove into the performance. He still rides his little 600 and has yet to lose a race on the street or the track eating up 1000-1300’s along the way.

Everyday new riders are encouraged to buy a bike that simply is not practical for them to learn on. Way too big, way too fast, way too heavy. The bike scares and intimidates them to the point that they are riding in fear. Scared of dropping it, scared to open the throttle, scared to lean into a corner, scared to ride. How is this making a better rider, a safer rider?

I finally bought my wife a 1982 Honda CM 250 C. It is small, and gutless. When I twist the throttle it waits for the ok to arrive from Japan before it will pick up speed. Light and nimble, my wife can comfortably sit on it and touch the ground. It is beat up and rough around the edges so when she drops it she won’t have to worry about expensive chrome and paint to be blemished and she’ll be able to pick it up on her own.

The little bike has found a safe home for the next couple of years as my daughter has too expressed an interest in learning to ride. My son, while he insists that he’ll never ride; with a couple of years until he gets a learner permit I think I can bring him over to the “Dark Side”. The bike will be passed from family member to family members, then to extended family and friends until it finally will be sold to the next eager learner.

My wife will out grow the bike sooner or later, and want something a little faster to keep up with me. But until that day I’ll back out of the throttle and let her set the pace.

– Wayne ?Uncle Monkey? Wuschke

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brass balls bike

BRASS BALLS CHOPPERS & BOBBERS’ $16,995 THRILL RIDE–Brass Balls Choppers & Bobbers? 2010 Model 1S Softail-style Digger Bobber is rolling out of the Lil? Chopper shop in Oklahoma.

The Model 1S is a custom production thrill ride that is costs a fraction of what other builders are charging but comes with all the good stuff? Harley-Davidson 80″ EVO, NASCAR supplier – Wilwood Brakes, Baker Transmission, Tauer machine belt drive, D&D Performance Enterprises? exhaust, Metzeler tires and Excel controls.

The midnight black sled is comfortable cruising at midnight or eating up the miles at daylight.

Check in with Brass Balls Bobbers or call 405-270-0995 for more details on the Model 1S motorcycle.

The value priced Model 1S comes in midnight black with wrinkle black tins, antique brass tank badge and wrinkle black or black chrome frame. Wrinkle black is the new black for the chopper jockey style-setters.

To WIN a Model 1 motorbike logon to Brass Balls


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auto tune

How ThunderMax with AutoTune Works–Zipper?s Performance Products has added a new video to their collection of ThunderMax Tech Tips and Testimonials: How ThunderMax Works. In this ThunderMax with AutoTune video, Zipper?s demonstrates how the AutoTune works to correct a grossly mistuned air/fuel map. Watch in real-time as the AutoTune goes to work and corrects the featured map page in less than 1 minute.

Or it can be downloaded from the videos page, here

For more information, contact:

6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828Fax 410.579.2835

Zippers Banner

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WOMEN RIDERS NOW ACCESSORIZED STREET GLIDE– editor and American Iron magazine columnist Genevieve Schmitt shares how has customized and accessorized her 2008 Harley-Davidson Street Glide in the newest feature article. Genevieve was reluctant to upgrade to a full bagger, but when she finally took the plunge, the bike had to be all her own.

In just a year, and less accessories than you think, she has created her dream bike with all the style and creature comforts to make the bike fit her personality and her size. Find out how she lowered it, reduced the wind buffeting from the stock shorty windshield and added other accessories to make the bike all her own.


Here’s Here is a link to the full story.

Here are the part numbers for everything I ordered:

Harley-Davidson Parts (

’08 Touring Reach Seat: #52619-08 

Midframe Air Deflectors (head deflectors): #58022-07A

Detachable Sissy Bar: #528933-97B

Top Stitched Backrest Pad: #52924-98A 

Docking Hardware: #53803-06 

Detachable luggage rack: #53001-98

Screamin’ Eagle Stage 1 Kit: #29260-08

Race Tuner: #32101-01H

Other Parts 

Custom Paint Job: Crazy Horse Painting, JoAnn Bagey (

Dakota Digital Internal Antenna: #ATN-2000 ( 

Cobra Pipes: True Dual Headpipes: #6251 (

KlockWerks FLARE Windshield: 8 inch tint (

–Genevieve Schmitt

woman rider logo

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Hollywood Stars Rock the 2009 LA Calendar Show Weekend July 18-19th–Hollywood, CA, July 1st 2009 – The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show and Calendar Girl Music Festival Weekend is offering its fans two full days of incredible Hollywood celebrity entertainment, attractions and activities that only this legendary Tinsel Town based Calendar Bike and Music Event could deliver. America’s premier street bike event is excited to announce these featured Hollywood celebrities for the July 18-19th weekend event at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, together with complimentary admission aboard the legendary Queen Mary ghost ship:

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mountainfest logo

Cycle Source Custom Chopper Show Back At Mt. Fest For Second Year -Mountain Fest Celebrates 5th Year Anniversary!–Cycle Source Magazine?s Annual Custom Chopper Show that had previously been held in Pittsburgh the past seven years, found a new home in Morgantown, West Virginia during their annual Mountain Fest Rally in 2008.

cs setup

This previously annual event that attracted 10,000 local riders for a 1-day show made a seamless transition to the new venue and filled the indoor arena with over 100 quality custom bikes. This year we are expecting the show to gain momentum after having such a great event in 2008 and will expect the number of bikes in the show to double.

There are 57 trophies in 25 separate classes with a Best of Show for Pro and Open divisions and it costs nothing to enter. The judging is carried out by teams of judges that look over every square inch of the machine with experience and an eye for detail. This IS a ride in show so no points will be subtracted for road grime, but extra points will be given for hand crafted parts.

To be eligible to win Best Of Show in either Pro Or Open you MUST HAVE WON YOUR CLASS. If your bike isn?t good enough to win your class it can?t be pulled out of the crowd as the best bike of the show.

cs show sporty

This year it will be held on Saturday July 25th at Mylan Park. Registration will begin at 8am and close at 1pm sharp. In addition to the show, professional builders and national celebrities will be on hand all weekend to exhibit their bikes. Names like: Bill Dodge – Bling?s Cycles, Pat Patterson – Led Sled Customs, Steve Peffer – Steel City Choppers, Casey – The Paint Chop and more?

cs triumph

In addition to the Chopper Show, this rally has some of the best attractions including a $2,000 FREE poker run, 20 different tourism destinations, one of the best antique and vintage displays ever assembled (HONESTLY), entertainment by Travis Tritt, Blackberry Smoke and a vintage motorcycle race through the streets of Morgantown on Sunday. All of this, including all parking, comes to the event attendee for the price of $10, yep, a 4-day-event, bikes shows, entertainment and all parking for ten lousy bucks! See more on their website at


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Put Some Sparkle in your 4th of July! — What better place to spend the 4th of July Independence Day weekend than at the NASWA Resort in the “Live Free or Die” State? Lake Winnipesaukee will be the place to chill as the summer heats up with the NazBar Beach Bar featuring America’s World-Class Beer, Samuel Adams.

The NASWA Resort, with Sam Adams specials, will be “Brewing the American Dream” as DJ Terry Moran spins the summer’s hottest hits and All-American classics while you enjoy the beach, the boats, the view and the SUMMER!

The NazBar Beach Bar and Grill will be the place to “oooohh!” and “aaaaahh!” to the fireworks, which true to tradition, will be held on Lake Winnipesaukee at midnight, as Friday, July 3 turns to Saturday, July 4. Enjoy this All-American holiday with your favorite libations, food and music-especially on Sunday from 3-7 PM when The NazBar features live music by The Souled Out Show Band. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate in style at the NAZ!

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joke walmart

BIKERNET CORRECTION–In all fairness to the S.C. governor’s aides, “I am hiking the Appalachian Trail” does sound a lot like “I am getting some Argentinean tail”

I think his accent threw them off?

Sturgis Freedom Fighters

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Art Meets Motorcycles: Bike and Apparel Art Show for Charity Opens in LA–For immediate release: June 30, 2009Los Angeles, California: A display of fine art, inspired by passion?s urgency, themed through the medium of motorcycling, and realized on the objects of road racing culture (a motorcycle, helmets and apparel), opens to the public noon, Sunday, July 12, at the SURU Gallery in Los Angeles, California.

The show, entitled Celeritas (Latin for Speed, like in accelerate.), features helmets, apparel, and a 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa, each painted by one of 14 trend-setting fine artist, helmet artist Troy Lee, musician/artist Joe Hahn, and welder/biker-risk-taker Jesse James. Limited edition Ts and other items related to the show will also be available for purchase. All, 100%, of the proceeds from the show?s sales will benefit the official charity of Moto GP, Riders for Health, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to funding the purchase and servicing of motorcycles for transportation of medical personnel to remote communities in Africa, that would otherwise be without medical care.

This show is conceived and curated by motorcyclist/actor John Hensley, known primarily for his role on the FX Channel?s award-winning series Nip/Tuck, and Linkin Park band member Joe Hahn, owner of the SURU Gallery. Pirelli Tire North America is a proud sponsor of this exciting cross-over exhibit of motorcycling and fine art, in concert with American Suzuki Motors, Oakley, Troy Lee, and Alpinestars.

Listed in no particular order, the artists participating in this exhibit are: Alex Pardee, Jeff McMillan, Stash, Barry McGee (aka Twist and the artist painting the Hayabusa, who is also featured on the cover of the latest issue (#14) of Swindle magazine), Futura, Mark Dean Veca, Usugrow, Joe Hahn, Jim Lee, Jesse James, Troy Lee, James Jean, Audrey Kawasaki, Darren Romanelli, aka DRx, Nathan Cabrera, Mike Shinoda, Estevan Oriol.

The show opens to the public Sunday, July 12, at noon, and will run through August 16. Pirelli Tire encourages those interested to be certain to plan an early visit to the show, because the window for viewing of these works of art in this venue closes after 30 days. Artwork, and limited-edition clothing designed for the show, will be available for purchase for the duration of the exhibit, or for as long as supplies last. The SURU gallery is located at 7662 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California, .

For more information please visit:

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lifestyle PRO ONE


PRICE JUST REDUCED FROM $14,995.00 TO A SMOKIN’ LOW……$12,995.00! Looking for a slick and solid Pro Street Bike that will turn heads wherever you go? Then look no further! This 2001 Pro One Pro Street motorcycle has plenty of power and attitude! This softail suspension bike features a 95 cubic inch S&S motor, 5-speed transmission, Performance Machine brakes with floating rotors, chrome controls, billet aluminum rims and slcik custom blue paint job with multi-colored graphics! If that wen’t enough, this ’01 comes with Performance Machine forward controls and a speedo and tachometer!

Seriously, this bike is ready to rock and roll, and with only 1700 miles, it’s in like new condition! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician. Want to buy this bike? Complete a credit application and once approved, take this baby home!

lifestyle 06 nighttrain

ONLY $11,495.00

WOW! Now this is the Night Train you’ve been looking for! And it’s got all the right stuff! This bike features a powerful Harley Davidson 88 cubic inch motor with 5-speed transmission, drag bars, a massive 200 series rear tire, forward controls, custom HD factory paint and way too many extras to list. Seriously, if you’ve been looking for a killer Night Train at a price that won’t deflate your wallet, then get in to LifeStyle Cycles today! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

lifestyle 07ultraclassic

ONLY $16,995.00

Now here’s a deal for you! A 2007 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic with on 16K miles! This bike features a striking Olive Pearl and Vivid Black paint job from the factory, and comes fully loaded with ones of extras like HD factory intercom, tour pack, full faring with multi-speaker stereo, passenger volume control and more! This bike is the perfect cruiser for Summer, and is completely set up to go anywhere!

Don’t let this deal pass you by! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

lifestyle 05deuce

2005 Deuce
Only $10,995.00

This is a smokin’ deal on a really clean 2005 Harley Davidson Deuce! With only 4,000 miles, it’s like new. Features a factory HD 88ci motor and 5-speed transmission, Black Cherry/Black Pearl 2 tone paint, factory alarm, two up Corbin seat with backrest, 21″ front tire and 160 rear tire and mini ape hangers with steel braided cables. The bike Also feature s chrome front end a pull back risers! All in all, you’d be hard pressed to find a bike this clean at this price! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.


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liq sep in bottles

WASTE WATER AVAILABLE TO DRINK–BIKERNET AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE LAB BREAK-THROUGH– After two years fine-tuning its Liquid Separation system, to turn wastewater into potable drinking water, the company is ready for the market.

The Liquid Separation Technology is an in-line electrochemical process,which alters the positive and negative charge properties of fluids, gassesand organic matter. In-line Liquid Separation Processors are designed toeffectively strip electrons from flowing fluids and gasses without use ofchemicals, electricity or operator’s physical adjustment. It just sits inplace, connected in-line with your water source, cleanly operating foryears. This process enables water to loose its ability to bond to itself orother foreign matter.

Liquid Separation Pty Ltd a privately owned Australian company, has spenttwo years developing the original technology into a fully operational systemcapable of producing potable drinking water for both domestic and commercialuse with several systems already in operation.

liq sep on ground

A significant number of third world countries will benefit from the LiquidSeparation Technology where according to a UN Report, 1.1 billion peoplewill not have access to clean drinking water and 65% of the world’spopulation will not have enough fresh drinking water by 2025, based oncurrent level of progress.

Liquid Separation Pty Ltd is thrilled to have made a difference. “To see oursystem solve a down-to-Earth problem, especially during a time when there’ssuch a serious need….there’s no greater reward than that

More information from Ray Russell, Director Liquid Separation Pty Ltd (03)9787 0747

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Ghost Ride PR

THE MONKEY TO FEATURE DAVID MANN ART IN STURGIS–Sturgis, SD, June 29, 2009 – – Monkey Rock, the premier exhibitor and entertainment venue of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, has partnered with Segal Fine Art to bring the David Mann Museum Exhibit to the 69th annual event. The exhibit will feature over 50 David Mann originals, many not previously offered for public viewing, including the world famous ?Ghost Rider.?

David Mann, the seminal artist of the biker lifestyle genre, is best known for the art he created for Easyriders magazine. Spanning a decade and a half, Mann documented his love affair with bikers, their women, and the machines they rode in magnificent detail, earning him the admiration and respect of hard core bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts around the globe.

Mentored by legendary artists and builders, such as Ed ?Big Daddy? Roth, and influenced by his friendships with club members and outlaws, David Mann focused his talents on the lifestyle he lived and understood. His studies in surrealism, fantasy, airbrushing techniques and architectural renderings enhanced his raw talent and imagination. His authenticity enabled him to present a glimpse of a sub-culture that was wrapped in mystery and perception, portraying the biker lifestyle with candor and grace.

?I have had it in my head the past couple of years to stage a museum exhibition of original David Mann paintings. When I heard about the Monkey Rock project in Sturgis, it seemed the perfect venue,? said Ron Segal of Segal Fine Art. ?This collection of never before seen paintings from the archives of Paisano Publications ( Easyriders Magazine) showcases Mann’s work over a twenty year period, representing a broad range of his creative excellence. I feel it is important for his legion of fans to be able to view the masterpieces used to create the centerfolds. This is an incredible opportunity to visit the legend of motorcycle art.?

The genius of Dave Mann will be exhibited at Monkey Rock daily July 31 through August 8 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Other pieces unique to Segal Fine Art will also be available.

The easily accessible Monkey Rock Event Center (formerly Thunder Road) is located at the heart of the rally on Highway 34 and will be open July 31-August 10, 2009 from 8am-2pm. We offer an abundance of free parking. Entertainment and event updates as well as exhibitor information can be found on our web site

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THE CODE OF THE WEST DISCOVERED– Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

Over prepare, then go with the flow.

Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

The most important sex organ is the brain.

No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

–from Shattuck

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rollin starfpeg

complete end cap set

ROLLIN SIXES ADJUSTABLE FOOTPEGS–Put your foot on sensational style for your bike with show polished CNCmachined foot pegs from Rollin Sixes Choppers. Male mounted foot pegs featureextended length for more comfort. Like having four foot pegs in one, pegs featureinterchangeable end caps. Choose from four designs: Maltese-Cross, Ace of Spades,Nautical Star and Dome Style.


Continued On Page 4

Read More

July 02. 2009 Part 1


Girls of bikernet


Ah, the stars are finding the proper alignment. You’ll find this massive news column to be much more upbeat packed with less controversy. Sure, someone is trying to pass another restrictive law, but we’ll keep fighting back.

Last night I watched a TMC gangster film documentary. A chunk of it reflected on the films made during prohibition, and why that era caused so much crime. Interesting. Governments have a tough time learning that prohibiting stuff causes folks to rebel. We’ll see what happens next. Keep the faith.


Let’s hit it. I’ll fill you in on my Sturgis effort and new features headed our way, at the end of the news:

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Girls of bikernet2

GIRLS OF BIKERNET CALENDARS IN STURGIS–Only 4 weeks til the 69th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and 2 more models have been shot for the Girls of Bikernet 2010 Calendar. We’re ready to announce this week where we will be located too! All week the Girls of Bikernet will be set up at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Expo Lot at 4th and Lazalle St. along with other displays by Sony and Alltel. Steven Tyler’s Dirico Motorcycles, Greg Carter of Vicious Cycles, The Star Boys will also be on the lot. Jeff Clark and the Budweiser Burnout Bike will be doing a special BurnOut Contest on Thursday with Lorenzo Lamas as MC. Car Crazy will be filming a tv episode on the lot during the week as well!

This week’s release of 2 new Girls of Bikernet Calendar girls two of our bustier models…..Krystal Ann is an Au Pair from Canada working the Summer here in the U.S. She’s photographed with a Custom ProStreet built by Larry McCullough of McCullough Custom Cycles in Elkridge, MD.

Brittany is sitting on a custom build by Charm City Choppers from Dundalk, MD. She’s a single mother of 1 from the Baltimore area and is now the spokesmodel/poster girl for Charm City Choppers at all the events they attend.

Be sure to stop in the Cantina this Sunday to check out the topless shots of these busty beauties. This is going to be the hottest calendar of 2010, so make sure you order yours here on Bikernet before Sturgis. 5,000 calendars is not going to go far and who knows if they’ll even be available after Sturgis!

Next week we reveal too more girls who made the calendar………. TWO each week.

–Sam Dixon
Official Girls of Bikernet Photographer


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SHASTA SALUTE TO AMERICA THIS WEEKEND REPLACES HOLLISTER–Just a note for those who may be in the area or traveling through tothe Shasta Salute event. Since Hollister folks got brain fried andbasically canceled 4Th of July activities, this event may fit the bill as we celebrate our veteran earned freedoms in the US.

“Celebrate America” will take place Friday, July 3rd, at the ShorelineAmphitheater in Mountain View, California. Gates opens at 4:00 pm,show begins at 8:00pm. It is a biker and family friendly event.EVERYONE is welcome! Yes, even Hollister planning committee folks!Plenty of food to eat, sorry, no alcohol as most of us are on therecovery side of that road.

I thought we may want to get the word out to those who need a place to celebrate America. Hey, the admission is free. As in FREE-DOM!Although our freedom is anything but free and was paid for by hard working men and women of this country. But don’t let me get sidetracked on how we’re losing our backbones. Nuff said.

I can tell you first hand the cast and music of this program is top notch, it includes many bikers, and there is no finer people you wantto know who go to such lengths to provide this program for free.Let me know if you need any more info?Keep up the good work Brother!Ride forever,


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Photo Exhibition on Wheels Tom Zimberoff?s Art of the Chopper– offers motorcycle enthusiasts a glimpse into a parallel universe populated by the high priests of horsepower, lane-splitting libertarians on the road to perdition with a lust for life and a consummate sense of style.



9am – 7pm Daily

Presented by SleepPointe, the nation?s preeminent provider of diagnostic treatment and solutions for 24/7 business, this first-of-it?s kind photo exhibition comes to Sturgis in a fifty-three- foot-long, walk-through big rig equipped with framed prInts and track lighting, It follows Tom Zimberoff?s recent engagement at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he curated a collection of thirty exquisite choppers accompanied by his portraits of the artists who created them. Along with seventy photographs from that exhibition, the MotoMuseum will house one of the choppers displayed at the Clinton Library.: El Peligroso by Trevelen. Tom Zimberoff?s Art of the Chopper represents the first collection of motorcycles created explicitly as contemporary art. As indigenous to America as jazz or rock ?n? roll, chopper culture has been throughly embraced worldwide and subsequently transformed by that exposure.

With his photographs and the text in his two trend-setting andbest-selling books, Zimberoff highlights the legendary personas underlying each builder?s legerdemain with sheet metal, motors, and paint. Their art balances the polarized dynamics of flamboyance and minimalism on two wheels, creating machines that are at once both garish and sublime ? implausibly beguiling. They are poetry in motion. What makes them cool, Zimberoff believes, ?is getting something wrong just right..? His expertise brings a breath of fresh exhaust to the genre of the custom motorcycle.

Praise the lowered!

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BIKERNET EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL QUESTIONED, SHOULD BIKERNET START A BLOG?–I think a blog has its place and there may be one at Bikernet, but the news should stay as is. People can comment on the news in a blog but the benefit of the news to your advertisers will be diminished, in my opinion, if it becomes just another blog.

–George M. Marakas

Well, what do you think? When blogs started, we decided against competing with our friends, by starting one. Blogs are not web sites. It’s important to revisit issues from time to time. Bikernet has a forum for comments, just click on the banner above, if you need to ask tech questions, or wish to comment on anything mentioned on Bikernet. Let us know what you think?–Bandit

K&Gbrake parts

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25 gunpocket

Arizona Senate OKs Allowing Guns in Bars– PHOENIX (July 1) — The Arizona Senate has given final approval to a bill that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry a gun into a business that serves alcohol.The move completes legislative action on the bill and sends it to Gov. Jan Brewer. She has not said whether she will sign it, but she has long been a supporter of gun rights.

The measure has pitted powerful groups representing gun and bar owners against each other, sparking a debate about whether guns and alcohol can coexist without bloodshed.Critics of the measure say guns and alcohol are a dangerous combination. Supporters say they should be able to protect themselves and their families even if they happen to be inside a business serving alcohol.

The measure would ban drinking while packing and allow restaurants to deny entry to gun-toting citizens by posting a sign next to their liquor license.

The bill initially required that a bar serving alcohol also serve food, but that provision was removed at the request of bar owners who worried about uncertainty over which bars have kitchens.Forty other states have approved similar measures, according to the National Rifle Association.

Former Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed a similar bill earlier this decade that would not have required people to have concealed weapons permits in order to carry guns in bars.

More than 127,000 Arizonans have concealed weapons permits, which require a gun safety course and background check, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.


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DON’T MISS THE NEW EUROPEAN GIRL OF BIKERNET AND THE HARDCORE CIGARETTE BOAT DESIGNED BIKE IN BANDIT’S CANTINA–This stellar featured was brought to Bikernet from our European correspondent, Andreas Kirsch.


He’s a Viking of a German with a tender touch on the women and cameras. Check his web site.


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Custom Cycle Control Systems, Inc. Introduces the B-MAC Bagger Mini Air Control–Henderson, NV-Custom Cycle Control Systems announced today the addition of a revolutionary new product specifically engineered for the bagger market?The B-MAC Bagger Mini Air Control. The B-MAC allows easy access to adjust your bagger air assisted shocks. Accessing and adjusting the rear suspension on an H/D touring bike used to be a difficult task until now.

This mini CNC machined 6061 billet aluminum air compressor mounts to one of the rear shocks and the air lines plug into it so the on board switches can add or release air pressure while you monitor the pressure with the built-in 0/60 psi mini analog gauge.

Going from single to two up riding takes only a few seconds to get the air pressure to your desired riding level. B-MAC increases or decreases the stiffness of your shocks and is available for all Harley-Davidson Touring models with air assisted spring shocks. In addition, with the built-in gauge, you can make a mental note on what your psi level is so you can easily go back to your solo riding mode.

Gauge Face

The B-MAC is super easy to install?about 15 minutes and you are back up and riding. Each B-MAC kit comes complete with an internal compressor, integrated pressure gauge, built-in easy access switches and quick connect air fittings?everything you need to complete the install in minutes. Its water resistant design is perfect for those that ride in inclement weather and they are manufactured right here in the good ?ol USA. You won?t find anything from overseas coming out of Custom Cycle Controls. MSRP: $299.95.

For those interested in obtaining more information on Custom Cycle Controls, you can reach them at (866) 438-2129, or 702-438-2129. Check them out online at or email them at

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& Wilson’s Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy– As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.

& Doctors’ Law If you don’t feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you’ll feel better. Don’t make an appointment and you’ll stay sick.

And my favorite:
& Law of Probability
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

–from Bill Stratton

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FULL BORE FEELER GAUGE HANDLES–Full-Bore Race Products has come up with an inexpensive set of feeler gauge handles to compliment our E-Z Wrench Valve Adjuster Tool. Each set comes with 2 handles, one marked “EX” (exhaust) and the other “IN” (intake). Put your own feeler gauge blades in the handles according to your cam manufacturer’s specifications and they will always be ready when you are!

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— Pam , age 7

The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.

– – Curt , age 7

The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.

— Howard , age 8

–from Chopper Dave Monson

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Black Visor Turn Signals

NEW BLACK TURN SIGNAL VISORS FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–A Traditional Style with a Smoked or Red Lens.

MILWAUKEE (June 26, 2009) ? The new Black Turn Signal Visor Trim Ring (P/N 73342-09 front, $34.95; P/N 73343-09 rear, $34.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories adds a traditional took to Harley-Davidson models equipped with black bullet turn signals.

These easy-to-install, black-finish trim rings are available with a smoked lens and amber bulbs, or with a red lens (P/N 73344-09, $31.95) for rear installations. Sold in pairs to fit 2009-later Nightster, Iron 883 and Softail Cross Bones. See an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer for fitment details.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


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TAKE A MOMENT OUT TO READ THIS–I hate sending these messages along but wanted to pass this along to folks who may have known the following two folks.

Bill ‘Stay Puff’ Hutchingson was involved in a motorcycle accident a couple days ago after having a truck pull in front of him leaving no time to react. The following is an excerpt from the local paper about the accident along with the funeral arrangements.

Stay Puff was a lifetime member of the KMA and was the Sergeant at Arms for South Central District for a period of time. He helped immensely at the state party over several years when it was being held at the Bullitt Co. Fairgrounds; sometimes I even wondered if the man slept. He was there whenever you needed. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

Below is the news article

William, “Stay Puff” Hutchinson, 52, was westbound on a 2002 Yamaha motorcycle on Ky. 80 near the Windsor community about 3:50 p.m. when an eastbound 2002 Chevrolet pickup truck turned into the path of the motorcycle, police said. The driver of the pickup, Jimmy R. Sandusky, 24, of Windsor, was attempting to turn into a private driveway when the accident occurred. Sandusky and a passenger in the truck, Jessica Dilsaver, 23, of Bowling Green were belted and not injured in the collision. Hutchinson, who was not wearing a helmet, was pronounced dead at Russell County Hospital, state police said.

The second person folks from the Northern District you may remember. He was an active member several years back but due to health reasons sold his bike and stopped coming to the KMA meetings and events. Don Haupt has been battling kidney problems for the past several years and at the time of this article is currently in Hospice of N. KY. at St. Luke Hospital in Ft. Thomas. He has received his last dialysis treatment and may leave us at anytime. I had the pleasure to ride to Sturgis, S.D. one year with Don and his wife Sandy among others. They are both fine folks and once again please keep them in your prayers as they go through this trying time.

–Jay H.

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HINES BEATS KRAWIEC IN ALL-HARLEY NHRA FINAL AT NORWALK —Five Consecutive Final Rounds and the Points Lead for Krawiec.

NORWALK, Ohio (June 28, 2009) – In an all-Harley final round, Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Andrew Hines prevailed over Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines teammate Eddie Krawiec to win the NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations at Summit Motorsports Park. It was the first event win for Hines since May 4, 2008 in Madison, Ill. Krawiec, the defending Pro Stock Motorcycle champion, rode his Harley-Davidson V-Rod to a fifth-consecutive final-round appearance and now leads the series by 70 points.

Hines set a new Pro Stock Motorcycle track record with a 6.944-second run in the final round of qualifying on Saturday to his 26th career No. 1 qualifier position. Krawiec qualified third with a time of 6.971.

Hines and Krawiec both charged through the first three elimination rounds on Sunday to get to the final. Hines defeated Mike Berry on the MB Machining Buell and Horne Racing Buell rider Doug Horne in the first two rounds, and made a solo pass in round three when Matt Guidera could not get the Rocklin Motorsports Buell to the starting line.

Krawiec beat Suzuki riders Jim Underdahl and Karen Stoffer in the opening rounds, and beat NitroFish Buell rider Angie McBride in the semi-finals to set up the final-round show-down with Hines. Hines and Krawiec had each won five times in previous head-to-head races.

Hines used a great 0.005-second reaction time to beat Krawiec (0.039) off the line, and put the race away with an 7.024 ET to 7.032 for Krawiec. It was the 16th career Pro Stock Motorcycle win for Hines.

?I knew that Eddie had a strong motorcycle today, and when I got that bye round in the semi-finals, I tried to hit the tree really hard,? said Hines. ?The clutch felt great and I knew I could hit a good light in that lane in the final. Eddie has really been hot and I figured I?d need something extra to beat him, and it worked for me.?Krawiec said teamwork has brought the Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines team back to the front of the field just three races after the NHRA rules added 20 pounds of weight to the team?s Harley-Davidson V-Rod motorcycles.

?I knew we would bounce back,? said Krawiec, who has now made the final round in nine of 12 events going back to the 2008 season. ?This team is always in the top half of the field, while other teams are up and down from event to event. It?s all about being consistent, going rounds and winning points. We are racing with confidence on great bikes, and that equals round and event wins.?

After seven events on the 17-race 2009 NHRA Full Throttle Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule, Krawiec leads the series with 624 points. Hines moves up to second place with 554 points, dropping NitroFish Buell rider Matt Smith to third with 506 points. Team Scream Suzuki rider Craig Treble is fourth with 459 points, followed by Horne with 454 points.

The next event on the 2009 NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule is the Mopar Mile-High National, July 10-12 at Bandimere Speedway in Morrison, Colo.

Visit for more information.

The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Matco Tools, Dunlop and S100.


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Cuban Harleyista group_shot

METZELER AND CUBA?S MOCLA TOGETHER FORTHE FREEDOM TO RIDE: ME880 UPGRADES RIDERS? VINTAGE HARLEY-DAVIDSONS–Metzeler opens a new chapter in the group?s emotional story, enough tyres to keep every MOCLA member rolling ? campaign to feature photographs donated by Michael Lichter and the documentary film on the same topic.

Havana, Cuba (June 16, 2009) ? Metzeler Motorcycle Tyre is delighted to provide the gift of motorcycle tyres to the Club of Classical Motorbikes in Cuba (MOCLA), a dedicated group of Harley-Davidson enthusiasts who represent the spirit of Metzeler by keeping bikes which predate the 1960?s era in working order. A number of its members were recently featured in the movie Cuban Harlistas, a 50-min documentary-type film by Guido Giansoldati exploring the passions and difficulties they have endured in order to ride Harleys in Cuba. The 70 sets of tyres were presented this past weekend in Havana to MOCLA president, Luis Enrique, who welcomed world famous motorcycle photographer Michael Lichter for the presentation and a road tour.

MOCLA President Luis Enrique commented, ?Life was very difficult at many points in my history? my Harley-Davidson got me through all that and where I am today. We are very happy to have received this gift from Metzeler, because this kind of thing has never happened before in Cuba. We consider ourselves lucky.?

Metzler Banner

Since the American embargo of 1962, it has been impossible to acquire replacement parts for the bikes considering their origin, among which includes tyres. Only about 100 of the thousands of Harley-Davidson?s which once rumbled proudly across the island still remain, nearly all of them now ridden by full-fledge members of the MOCLA. Considering the vintage age of these machines, Metzeler has shipped to MOCLA an assortment of 15?, 16? and 18? ME880 tyres from its diverse range of over 75 sizes, in order to guarantee the right fitments. The ME880 is Metzeler?s premium touring tyre dedicated to upgrading the ride experience aboard Harley-Davidson machinery.

?Metzeler Motorcycle Tyres is dedicated to the two wheel segment and has a history of over 115 years, so groups such as MOCLA who have an intense dedication to the craft of motorcycle maintenance add a new level to what Metzeler often calls Experience,? comments Francesco Pietrangeli, Director of Marketing for the German brand. Its members, including the late pioneer of Cuba’s own Harley preservation methods, known as “Pepe M?lesima?, have become experts of making do with what little parts are available, but have still done their best to preserve their rides’ original engine.

A favorite destination of Sturgis Rally goers, Metzeler?s annual V-twin Custom Bike Contest held on August 4th, will thus be themed with selected photographs of this unique group of Harlistas from Cuba and a debut of the documentary film which profiles some of the group?s characters. Michael Lichter?s annual Motorcycles as Art Exhibition will be held at the Legendary Buffalo Chip from August 1 through August 8 during the 2009 Sturgis Rally.

For more information regarding Metzeler and its popular ME880 tyres, please: To learn more about the film, Cuban Harlistas, go to:, and Michael Lichter?s photos and blog are available on his portal:

mike lichter

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WEST COAST CHOPPERS FOURTH OF JULY SALE–Flag wavin’ God fearing, country lovin’ discount:

SAVE 20%Go to at checkout use promo code: WCCJUNE9


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BIKERNET SCAM LAB FINDINGS, Jury Duty Scam DO NOT DELETE WITHOUT READING ! — This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below). Please pass this on to everyone in your email address book. It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty, that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced. The caller claims to be a jury coordinator.

If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo; your identity was just stolen.

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BIKERNET FREE CONTEST WINNER–Randy Collins from Windsor, CO is this week?s winner.



Hey Randy, no job, no money… But you do get a t-shirt and some bandanas!

Today (July 2nd) is the last day to enter for the jacket. Tomorrow I will announce the winner, so get crackin?! Click here for the road test Bandit did. We want to know why you should win that jacket. I?ve been saving the entries and tongith I will put each entry in a hat and have Bandit choose the winner.



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NEW SPONSOR TO BIKERNET, NINO 925, CUSTOM BIKER JEWELRY–The boss, Frank, is remaking an historic Bandit ring. In the future he will offer the design and several others to Bikernet readers. Click on his banner to check out his work.

Frank and the Nino gang are also capable of making any biker-oriented ring you might want, based on your design.

nino banner

Continued On Page 2

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The Art Of Monte Moore

Art transcends life…or something like that. While many view the motorcycle itself as a form of art, there are those who strive to take it to the next level. Monty Moore, a trekkie at heart battling his demons of motorhead, is an artist making dreams into reality.

Monty in his studio

While many of us can imagine some freaky images in our heads, Monty actually takes those images and projects them onto any platform with a skilled touch honed by years of practice and education. He can make your wildest dreams a reality…in paint. His attention to detail is so great, Scot Ross of Redhill Motorcycle Werx, uses Monty exclusively for all his builds. Who could forget the bike Bitchcraft?

Drawing his way through high school, Monty received enough grants and scholarships to attend Colorado State University for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. He began with his initiation into the highly competitive comic book field in 1993. Before long Monty began accumulating toys of the two wheeled sort, and with that came a fresh canvas for him to explore. One thing led to another, and numerous bikes and accolades later, and he's busy as hell.

Fire and Ice….that’s one way to describe her.

While his passion is anything motor related, he also works in other mediums, including fantasy and science fiction. You know, Goblins, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Wars, etc.

Monty enjoys the challenge of murals, including portraits of Elvis and Marylin, Fire and Ice, even a gunslinging Deluxe. His paintjobs range from to simple flames, to the insanely intricate detailed.

If you want to check out more of Monty’s work, you can check him out at He has glistening web site packed with eye-candy that will keep you clicking for more. Be sure to tell him Bikernet sent ya.

No matter the angle, front to rear or vice-versa, she looks incredible. Guess whether I am talking about the girl or the paint? Ha!

Monte Moore Banner

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