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September 1, 2009



Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)


Senate Bill 1967, authored by Texas State Senator John Carona (R-Dallas) and sponsored by Representative Norma ?Da?Lady? Chavez (D-El Paso), introduces many motorcycle-related changes in the Lone Star State.

Included in the bill are 1) funding by Texas Department of Transportation for a public awareness campaign to promote motorcyclist safety and the concept of sharing the road with motorcyclists; 2) changes to the definition of a motorcycle to include certain enclosed three-wheeled passenger vehicles; 3) changes to the licensing requirements for enclosed three-wheeled passenger vehicles; 4) a requirement for all applicants for a motorcycle license or endorsement on a regular or commercial driver’s license to provide proof of successful completion of a basic motorcycle operator training course; 5) penalties for failure to yield the right-of-way violations resulting in bodily injury range from $500 to $2,000 while those resulting in serious bodily injury range from $1,000 to $4,000; 6) a prohibition against stopping or detaining a motorcycle operator or passenger solely to determine whether the person has successfully completed a motorcycle operator training and safety course or is covered by a health insurance plan; 7) a requirement for the Department of Transportation to develop a standard of proof of health insurance coverage for adult motorcycle operators and passengers; and 8) a requirement that all driver education courses or driving safety courses include information on motorcycle awareness, dangers of failure to yield the right-of-way to motorcyclists, and the need to share the road with motorcyclists.

Governor Rick Perry signed the bill into law on June 19; it becomes effective September 1, 2009.

?We made history, Warriors,? exclaimed Sputnik, State Chairman of the Texas Motorcycle Rights Association (TMRA-II) and Chairman of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF). ?We owe Da?Lady and her entire staff a huge debt of gratitude for all the work they did for riders this session.?


For most drivers, red means stop. But if you’re riding a motorcycle or a bicycle in Missouri, it will soon mean stop, but only sort of. A new Missouri law that takes effect Aug. 28 allows motorcycle and bike riders to run red lights, but only if they stop first and the signal remains red for an “unreasonable time.”

Missouri will join a growing number of states that have enacted similar laws, which are intended to address occasions when motorcycles or bikes aren’t detected by traffic signal sensors in the road. Many traffic signals are triggered by a magnetic reaction coupled with wires embedded in the pavement. The wires are sized in such a way that they are more likely to be tripped by a car or truck, but some motorcycles and bikes tend not to trip the signal because they have less mass and are made with parts that aren’t attracted to a magnet.

In cities with intersections patrolled by red-light cameras, when a picture is taken of a red-light runner, police should be able to apply the law by looking at video of the possible violation, and if a rider does get a ticket the new law will provide a defense.

Missouri is the eighth state to pass this kind of law since 2002, and three other states considered similar legislation this year.


Upstate New York has earned a reputation as the speeding ticket capital of the country, but even with overeager state troopers patrolling the highways, motorcyclists feel singled out by law enforcement. That’s why one rider/attorney is taking the state police, along with county and state officials to court.

According to legal documents filed by Mitch Proner, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) Attorney for New York, the state’s institution of roadblocks exclusively for motorcyclists is unconstitutional: the motorcyclist and personal injury lawyer claims that without justifiable cause, the checkpoints infringe on riders’ First Amendment rights to freedom of assembly and association and their Fourth Amendment right to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.

For nearly two years now, the New York State Police (NYSP) have been conducting highway roadblocks diverting only motorcyclists from the state?s roadways to perform ?safety checks?. According to ABATE of New York, ?Since motorcycles operated in New York are already required to pass annual safety inspections, the current NYSP initiative continues to serve only to harass, intimidate and inconvenience motorcyclists traveling upon the state?s roadways. Further, motorcycle-only roadblocks of this nature are a discriminatory and unconstitutional infringement upon an individual?s right to travel without interference, and an abuse of discretionary power as acknowledged by the New York State Court of Appeals.?

Proner told that he is filing the federal class action suit at the Federal Court for the Northern District of New York on behalf of his fellow riders. ABATE of New York has pledged support of the class-action initiative brought on behalf of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).

Bikernet noise study banner
Click on this banner for a copy of the Bikernet Independent Noise Study. It can help with noise issues.

Many state legislatures and city councils are making lots of noise about motorcycles, with new ordinances popping up across the country to silence loud exhausts. ?Loud Pipes Save Lives? has been a biker mantra for years, but politicians spurred by citizen complaints have discovered new ways to muffle unwanted exhaust tones.

The Albuquerque City Council voted 6-3 earlier this month to approve an ordinance making revving of motorcycle engines downtown a vehicle nuisance. Amending Section 7-10-3 ROA 1994, The Vehicle Nuisance Ordinance now reads: ?It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in exhibition driving in the Downtown Quiet Zone by operating a vehicle in a manner that willfully creates excessive engine noise because of revving the engine to magnify the engine noise.?

Bikers blasting through East Greenwich, Rhode Island may want to steer clear of town if their exhaust systems aren?t the proper match for their bikes. The Town Council unanimously passed an emergency ordinance in late July allowing the police to pull over and levy fines on bikers if the noise-rating data stamped into the chrome of their exhaust doesn?t match the label on the bike frame. Modified exhaust systems are outlawed.

The ordinance, now in effect, provides for fines $500 for the first offense, and jumps to $700 the second time and $1,000 for the third and each subsequent violation. Buddy Cardoso, president of the Rhode Island Motorcycle Association, who said his group supports courteous riding, inquired that if the labels have to match, ?What do you do, throw away the motorcycle if the exhaust wears out?? Owners of other vehicles are allowed to use after-market exhaust systems, and it is unfair to single out bikers, he said.

In West Virginia, the Charleston City Council let it be known loud and clear that nuisance noise will not be tolerated, and unanimously passed an ordinance on August 17 to crack down on loud music, barking dogs and revving of car and motorcycle engines in residential areas, with fines up to $250.

In an attempt to silence community concerns regarding excessive motorcycle exhaust sound, the Boston City Council fast-tracked enactment of Docket 0658 on June 3, 2009. The new ordinance mandates that all on-highway motorcycles built after December 31, 1982 must have either OEM (original equipment manufacturer) or aftermarket exhaust systems that comply with the US EPA labeling provision in the Code of Federal Regulations. Violations will result in a $300 fine.

Earlier this year in California a bill was held over that would have required periodic emissions testing for 2000-and-newer on-road motorcycles in an effort to make aftermarket exhaust systems illegal if they do not comply with EPA labeling.

Meanwhile, the Motorcycle Industry Council has teamed with the Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE) to produce a stationary roadside sound test standard that can be used to determine whether a streetbike exhaust system emits excessive sound. “The new SAE standard provides a much-needed alternative to outright bans, restrictions and sound test standards that vary state to state and city to city, frustrating riders, exhaust system manufacturers, and municipal governments alike,” said MIC President Tim Buche.


Designed to dismantle ?Bikie Gangs?, South Australia’s recently adopted anti-biker legislation appears to be having the reverse effect – serving to unite rival clubs.

Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Rebels, Finks and Descendents motorcycle club members are coming together in protest against the Serious and Organised Crime Control Act, which came into effect in June last year. The Act is described by the Government as being the toughest law of its kind in the world, and is intended to disrupt biker ?gangs? by declaring membership or association with outlawed clubs illegal.

The Act also includes new charges, which carry up to 10 years jail, for bikie club members and their associates who engage in group violence.

Hundreds of members of rival clubs participated in a Freedom of Association Protest Poker Run, and as if that wasn’t a defiant enough show of unity, a group of motorcycling enthusiasts, including members of opposing clubs, are only a few application process steps away from forming a legitimate political party.

The unlikely alliance, known as the FREE Australia Party, hopes to hit South Australia’s premier where it hurts – in parliament.

The party’s leader, Paul Kuhn – a committee member of the Motorcycle Riders Association of SA and a Justice of the Peace – said the group was formed because of deep concern anyone associated with a member of a club would be found guilty under the law.

“The Government is now controlling and dictating relationships,” he said. Kuhn is not the only member of the public questioning the civil liberties said to be lost under the Act. The SA Law Society, the SA Council of Social Services, various Aboriginal groups, the Greens and the Australian Democrats have all voiced concern about the legislation.

A member of the Gypsy Jokers MC told the press services that the unified event proves that bikie clubs could get along, despite what the Government was trying to show. “These laws have brought the clubs together,” he said.


Freddy the turkey, the famous and notorious fowl who trotted around town much to the delight of Easton, Massachusetts residents, met his demise this month after becoming a menace to motorcyclists.

The wild turkey wandered out of the woods and became a common sight and mascot in the Five Corners area, where he ruled the roost and was often seen gobbling up bargains at the local stores and strutting across busy streets like he was on parade.

But the gadabout gobbler went from docile dollar-store shopper to motorcycle menace over the past few months, prompting police to put him down.

?Things had really gotten nasty,? said Police Chief Allen R. Krajcik. ?We were thankful there had been no accidents yet. It was only a matter of time before something happened.?

Police received numerous calls and e-mails from motorcyclists. ?One motorcyclist told police that the bird flew at his face with his feet forward to attack him,? the chief told the local newspaper. To escape, the driver rode through a red light, narrowly avoiding an accident. Similar attacks had been reported in increasing numbers, and like other repeat offenders Freddy was racking up a long record of dangerous activity, victimizing mostly motorcyclists.

Police intended to capture the red-freak turkey and relocate it to a less populated environment. But the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife advised against it, saying the turkey could introduce diseases to its new habitat, and advised euthanizing it, according to Chief Krajcik.

It just needed its assed kicked.


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid.”

–Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) 34th President of the United States



(Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at

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ILLINOIS: Governor Signs Two Pro-Gun Reform Bills Despite the urging of anti-gun groups, Governor Pat Quinn (D) signed House Bills 182 and 3714. HB 182 will simply change the “Unlawful Use of Weapons” (UUW) law, allowing a law-abiding citizen to carry a firearm in his dwelling or in the dwelling or on the land of another person where he has been invited. Governor Quinn also signed HB 3714, which states that as a condition of probation and conditional discharge, a person shall automatically be prohibited from possessing a firearm only if the offense was either a felony, or a misdemeanor that “involved bodily harm.”

NEVADA: Clark County Shooting Park Needs Your Support. The Clark County Shooting Park is a 3,000 acre park outside of Las Vegas that is devoted entirely to the shooting sports. It was created by an Act of Congress that transferred land to Clark County from the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Not long after the transfer, some local residents filed a lawsuit to close down the shooting park.

The federal judge dismissed their charges, but ordered the BLM to complete some environmental studies. An Environmental Assessment with a “Finding of No Significant Impact” (FONSI) has been completed and is open for public comment until Wednesday, September 2.

The same people who sued the shooting park, along with their allies, plan to bury BLM with letters demanding a more extensive environmental analysis as another form of harassment against the shooting park. Since comments are not limited to Nevada residents, we are asking that NRA members from around the country send comments to BLM in order to counter comments by the shooting park’s opposition. A large number of supportive letters will also positively influence BLM decisions on other shooting areas and ranges nationwide. If you shoot recreationally, it is important the BLM hear from you.

Gun control advocates and radical environmental activists are trying to shut down shooting ranges or keep them from opening across the country, so it is important that BLM hear from you.

Please take a few minutes to send Mr. Bob Ross, BLM Las Vegas Field Manager, your comments supporting the Environmental Assessment and recommending that the FONSI be approved and that the environmental review process be completed. His address is: 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130.


NEW YORK: Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education Inc. (S.A.F.E.) presents the 2009 Firearm Civil Rights Conference: Please join the Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education Inc. (S.A.F.E.) for its “2009 Firearm Civil Rights Conference”

Sunday, September 13th,
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (doors open at 12:00 noon)
Sheraton Long Island Hotel
110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway
Smithtown, NY 11788
(631) 231-1100
(on Motor Parkway on the North side of LIE between exits 53 55)

Special guests include Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President; Ron Schmeits, NRA President; Dick Anthony Heller, plaintiff in the landmark Heller-v-Washington DC, case; Ginny Simone, NRA investigative reporter on firearms issues, and radio show host; and John L. Cushman, S.A.F.E. President and Founder, and NRA Board Member.

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn the latest information about firearm Civil Rights both nationally and locally, as well as meeting and networking with fellow sportsmen and women concerned about their civil rights and how to protect them. Valuable prizes in drawings will be awarded to attendees. Admission and parking are free, and the event is open to your family and friends.

Chop N Grind Performance Team plunkin’ in the desert.

NORTH DAKOTA: Hunters Have Opportunity to Participate in Elk Reduction Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park The National Park Service has released its “preferred alternative” for reducing the elk population in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It calls for elk culling to be carried out by qualified federal employees and/or authorized agents.

Authorized agents include federal agency personnel and skilled public volunteers, including hunters. The proposal is open for public comment until September 9, and it can be viewed at under the “document list” link. Comments can be sent electronically through that site or can be sent to Please send your comments in support of allowing hunters to participate in this endeavor.


OREGON: Opportunity to Expand Hunting Programs in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it will begin to draft a plan for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that will guide refuge management for the next 15 years. The 187,000-acre refuge located in Harney County is one of the largest freshwater marshes in the country. Waterfowl hunting is available on approximately half of Malheur Lake and upland bird hunting is available on approximately one quarter of the refuge. One of the issues that the Service will be addressing is the adequacy of access and facilities for all of the wildlife dependent uses, like hunting and fishing, and opportunities to expand these programs.

The Service is inviting comments from the public to gather suggestions and information on the scope of the issues to consider during the planning process. Comments are due by October 15, and can be e-mailed to Include “Malheur CCP” in the subject line of the message.

For further information you may call 541-493-2612. It is important that those who hunt and fish in the refuge become active participants in the planning process to ensure that sportsmen’s interests are well represented in the plan that will be drafted.

PENNSYLVANIA: Bethlehem Area School District Eliminates Funding for Two High School Rifle Teams! Due to tightening budgets, the Bethlehem Area School District has shut off funding for the Liberty High School and Freedom High School rifle teams. Both teams have been in existence for over 40 years and have consistently been given grants by NRA.

Please contact the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Joseph A. Lewis, and the members of the school board TODAY and respectfully voice your disapproval with their action.

Lepera Banner

TENNESSEE: Tennessee Park Carry Law Goes into Effect Tuesday, September 1st! On Tuesday, September 1, the local carry provision of the new Tennessee Park carry law, goes into effect. This law enables law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in state and local parks. The state park component of this bill went into effect on June 12, but the local park carry effective date was delayed until September 1 to give local municipalities time to study the issue.

Local government bodies have had the opportunity to opt out of the law prior to the effective date. While a majority of Tennessee localities chose not to restrict permit holders, a few voted to opt out of by passing ordinances and resolutions that ban the possession of firearms in local parks, creating arbitrary boundaries that prohibit law-abiding permit holders from protecting themselves.

The City of Knoxville Changes the Hearing Date for Consideration of Park Carry Bill. The Knoxville City Council has decided to move its meeting date to Thursday, September 3, at 5:00 p.m.

At this time, council members will consider an ordinance that, if passed, would remove a long-time ban on the possession of firearms within city parks. The meeting will be held at the City County Building located at 400 Main St. It is imperative that you not only make plans to attend this hearing, but also contact Mayor Bill Haslam at (865) 215-2040 and the City Council members at (865) 215-2075 and voice your support for overturning the ban on your right to self-defense in local parks. Please get there early to sign up to speak – this may be our last opportunity!


VIRGINIA: ANOTHER VOLUNTEER KICK-OFF MEETING SCHEDULED! This November, Virginia’s elections will be ground zero for the enemies of freedom to try and turn the tide against our gun rights in the Commonwealth, and serve as a launching pad for their national gun ban crusade. Our opponents will be pulling out all the stops as a run-up to the 2010 elections. All eyes will be on Virginia! To ensure we are prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities we will face this election season, NRA-ILA is hosting a free volunteer kick-off meeting in Leesburg, on Sept. 16th! At this meeting, we will lay out our plans for our grassroots election activities in your area and show you how you can help. You will also get to meet and begin working with your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative–an NRA-ILA staff person who will be living in your area, coordinating our volunteer activities right through Election Day, Nov. 3! This meeting is absolutely free and beverages and light snacks will be served. The event will run only about 60-90 minutes. NRA-ILA Grassroots Director Glen Caroline will also be in attendance.

Here are the details for the Leesburg meeting on Sept. 16th:

Wednesday, September 16th
7:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Leesburg at Carradoc Hall
1500 East Market Street
Leesburg, VA 20176

To register for this free event, call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).

Reloading Clinics: Are you looking for a way to beat the high prices of ammo or are you having trouble finding your favorite ammo in stock at your local gun shop? The Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA), the Official State Affiliate Association of NRA, has the answer. VSSA will be hosting reloading clinics around the Commonwealth starting in September. There will be clinics for both metallic shell reloading and shotgun shell reloading.

The courses are designed to enable shooters with little or no prior experience in reloading to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and ability to produce safe, consistent, and accurate reloaded ammunition. The clinics will be held at the Gander Mountain stores in Fredericksburg, Richmond, Roanoke, and Winchester. For more information on cost and dates, e-mail Dave Myers at Class sizes are limited so register today!

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2009 AMA Awards Banquet


After a lifetime of preparation resulting in two AMA Land Speed Records it was time to attend the AMA Championship Banquet held at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. Riders 8 to 89 were presented with hard earned #1 plates and plaques garnered during the 2009 season while participating in over 30 different racing series including Bonneville Land Speed Trials.


After spending one helluva restless night, I loaded my 2004, record-setting Dyna and rolled toward Las Vegas. It was early Wednesday. I spent a few days with my riding partner Steve, and had the pleasure to pick up two Land Speed Racing awards at the banquet. Steve and I met this summer while riding across country on our hot rods. Each one is powered by similar R & R motors. Steve has a 117, while my Dyna runs a 124-inch motor with over 145,000 documented miles.

Left TO right, RANDY HAWKINS, GILES VALLENCOURT, BOB FOX, GEOFF FOX, DAVID HOUGH, GARY MATHERS & CHUCK PALMGREN.Hall-of fame legends signing autographs at pool-side bike show Saturday morning.

Billed as the “2009 AMA Racing Championship Banquet,” Friday night's event at the Hard Rock was SOLD OUT! It was next to impossible to turn around and not bump into record setters of all ages from past champions to the class of 2009 newbies, that's me.

Author, Ray Wheeler inside banquet hall, with his two awards, AMA # 1944 3000 M/AF 145.018, and AMA # 1949 3000 MPS/AF 148.246. Half fast.

The staff allowed me to display my 2004 Dyna inside the Hard Rock during the AMA event. After a final cleaning by the AMA motorcycle wranglers my Dyna was parked between the BUB Streamliner (367.382 mph ) and Leo Payne's , Turnip Eater (196.512 mph ), and I thought the Bonneville impound was like dyin' and goin' to heaven. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end just standing among these two-wheeled legends.

Leo Payne was born in St.Louis, Missouri, March 10,1931. From the '50s through the '70s Leo set a multitude of records from drag racing on his Sportster to a Land Speed Record set in 1969 at 196.512 mph. Leo's top speed was 201 mph during the meet, that made Leo the 1st rider over 200 mph on a non-streamlined motorcycle. Leo died from cancer Sept.18,1989.

9/18/1969 Turnip Eater, pilot, Leo Payne 196.512 mph, FAST.

While attending the event I had the honor of meeting and spending time with Leo's best friend and mentor, Melbourne J. “Mike” Wilson, and his lovely bride of over 70 years, Margaret M. Wilson. The Wilsons are 89 years and counting. They spend their time flying one of two airplanes in their stable, one is a fighter plane the other a four place Beach aircraft. Mike was a WW1 fighter pilot as well as an avid motorcyclist. Mike and his wife are an incredible team.

9/24/2009 “BUB” NO. 7 streamliner, pilot Chris Carr, 367.382 mph, REAL FAST.

When the Land Speed Record category was announced my heart skipped a beat. About a dozen of us gathered stage left while waiting for our names to be called. I was hangin' out with the fastest two wheel man on the planet, Chris Carr.


The class of 2009 included “Sturgis Broken Spoke” Jay Allen, Las Vegas H-D Hirohisa Koiso, and myself Ray C Wheeler, sponsored in part by It's without a doubt that my dream of setting a Land Speed Record began the moment I sat on my first motorcycle in the early '60s on a bad ass Truett & Osborne Sportster. It was a de-tuned drag strip prepped stroker for the streets. We were unbeatable from county to county in the middle of Kansas.


It was another wonderful day, another dream come true. Many thank go our to my sponsors including, Avon Tyres and D&D exhaust. My2010 goals include records a 200 mph pass aboard my “Dedicated to Burt Munro Special.” See you at the Salt Flats.

–Ray c wheeler
Wheeler Racing





Born 1920, graduated from University of Balogna in Italy as an engineer in 1943. Fabio Taglioni's 's graduation thesis was on a method to bring poppet valves back to their seats without using springs.

Shortly after graduation he was drafted into the Italian armed force where he worked as an aircraft and motorcycle mechanic.

In 1954 Ducati decided to create a team of designers and engineers to make race bikes. Within 6 months Fabio had built the first true Ducati race bike.

For 50 years Ducati followed the Taglioni philosophy: lightness and compactness opposed to sheer power as well as mechanical and combustion efficiency.

Fabio Taglioni died in 2001 at 80 years old.






Wheeler Racing Sponsorship Thanks

Thanks to the following sponsors, we have forever etched our name in the AMA Bonneville ledger with 2 Land Speed Records in 2009: Amsoil, Avon Tyres www,, Bikernet:, Corbin Saddles, Daytona Twin-Tec, D&D Exhaust, E.T.Performance Products, Gold Rush Signs (Geet), Hardtailz San Jose, Ca., Horsepower Inc., Hypreformance Motors, Race Tec Suspension, R&R Cycle, Rocky Mountain Custom Bikes, Supermax, Sputhe, Storz,and last but not least Yankee Engineuity

2010 GOAL: 200 MPH, think slippery and real-fast.

Thanks again for a fantastic 2009, and we wish you a yours a successful 2010 riding and racing season.

–Ray C Wheeler

Stay tuned for Technical in-depth articles on Bikernet pertaining to all major components represented, from long-hard road testing, full throttle drag strip launches to the infamous Bonneville Salt Flats.



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August 27, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3


AIRBAGS BUILT INTO JACKETS– Motorcycle airbag jackets will protect and minimize the injuries ofthe motorcycle rider in the event of an accident. We are looking for dealer to represent us in your respective country. for your consideration.

–Desmond Lim

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FBI BAD COP REPORT: Miami officer pocketed Crime Stoppers reward cash–Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers doles out cash for tipsters who turn in criminals.But one of their own — a Miami officer taking tips — used the inside information to rip off thousands of dollars in reward money, authorities said.

Officer Wayne Fortella, an 11-year Miami police veteran, was charged Wednesday with wire fraud and conspiracy in Miami federal court. Two of his friends, who allegedly collected the Crime Stoppers payments at Wachovia banks, were also charged. One is at large.

Cellphone calls and text messages between Fortella and each of the two other men — with details for picking up the rewards — helped authorities track the trio.

The tips generally came in from the northern part of the county, and the rewards were picked up in the southern half. Some involved a county gun bounty program.On a single day in June 2008, one of the men picked up four different rewards from four different bank branches.

Fortella, 44, and his friend Kurt Burgess were released on bail Wednesday. Another man charged, Ainsworth Stanley, is being sought, the U.S. attorney’s office said.The men allegedly stole almost $15,000 in reward money from Crime Stoppers. Last year, the program handed out about $100,000 to tipsters.“I was undoubtedly disappointed and disheartened to hear that Officer Wayne Fortella has been arrested today by the FBI,” Miami Police Chief John Timoney said in a statement.

“It is important for me to convey that anonymous tips called in by citizens are crucial to the success of our investigations. Police officers simply cannot do it alone.” Fortella has been relieved of duty with pay.


Richard Masten, Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers executive director, called the charges “sickening.”“Crime Stoppers is the victim in the case,” he said. “It was our funding that was misdirected.” Fortella worked in the Crime Stoppers tips office on the first floor of the Miami-Dade police department, along with a handful of officers who handle tips.

Callers are given a number and told to check back to find out whether the tip leads to an arrest. When it does, the Crime Stoppers board meets to decide whether to approve the reward and the amount.

The tipster then gets a unique code name and number, information “available to all the officers assigned to the unit,” according to the criminal complaint in the case.

The person then visits any Wachovia branch and is told by bank officials to contact Crime Stoppers. In verifying the reward claim, the police officer at Crime Stoppers might ask information about the crime.

If confirmed, an authorization form is faxed over by a Crime Stoppers unit officer.Burgess, a friend of Fortella’s who owned a Jamaican restaurant in southwest Miami-Dade, collected almost $9,400 in reward payments approved by Fortella, according to an FBI affidavit.Fortella’s text messages to Burgess revealed how investigators say they scammed Crime Stoppers.

On Feb. 19, Fortella sent a text message to Burgess that said: “6329 gb itai.” He followed up with another message: “Fester at 853 nw 15 has 2 gunthem.”


According to the FBI affidavit, “6329” and “Itai” were the Crime Stopper’s code number and code name assigned to a gun bounty tip that had been approved for payment.The information originally given to Crime Stoppers by the actual tipster was that the suspect, who used the alias “Fester,” had two guns in his house at 853 NW 15th St.

That same day, when Burgess went to collect the reward, there were 24 phone calls between Fortella and Burgess — including three calls made at the bank.

The FBI affidavit said “there is no legitimate reason” for a Crime Stoppers officer to talk on a personal cellphone with a tipster.Stanley, another friend of Fortella’s who works in the import-export industry, played a similar role to that of Burgess. Stanley is accused of collecting about $5,300 in rewards.

A turning point in the FBI investigation came on May 20, when U.S. District Judge Alan Gold authorized a wiretap on Fortella’s cellphone.The next month, FBI officials intercepted a conversation in which Fortella told Burgess that “Christmas is coming.”

The Miami cop told his friend that the following week would be “Christmas” because a “certain co-worker was retiring” and that “would make it better for them,” according to the FBI affidavit.


During this same time, Fortella called Stanley to tell him about the “Christmas plan” — a reference to collecting more Crime Stoppers rewards.What they didn’t realize was that the retiring police officer had shared his suspicions about Fortella being involved in “some form of illegal activity.”That tip — which was not called in to Crime Stoppers — appeared to be Fortella’s undoing.


–from Rogue

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rat hole AFT Customs

AFT Customs? ?LowLa? takes first place in Radical Metric class– from Rats Hole bike show in Sturgis.LowLa, a custom VTX 1300, was built by the sexy girls shown here in the picture. World Champ metric builder and owner of AFT Customs, Jim Giuffra oversaw the project personally.

?The girls did a great job on the bike,? said Jim. ?The knowledge that they gained on this build is what sets our power-sports models apart from the other ?pretty faces?.?

?I am honored to have come home from Sturgis with such a great award,? remarked Suhki, one of AFT Customs? models and owner of LowLa. The bike is now being shot by infamous hot rod and motorcycle photographer, Mike Chase. Once the shoot is finalized, Bikernet Metric will showcase the bike in the features section. It should be pretty cool.

Click here to Check out

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BIKERNET CANTINA MEMBER STEPS FORWARD–I got myself sucked in to the Cantina Soap and was reading chapter 49…waiting to see what happens next…and well, what happened?


I swear I’ll write another chapter in the next two weeks. Hang on as this little hotie’s story unfolds.–Bandit

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stopped riding

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–This was from one of those days when we stopped riding and started day drinkin.’

Live it up,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

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THE BIKERNET CULTURAL DEPARTMENT POP QUIZ– Why is PETA against fur coats but not leather jackets? First, imagine a 95 pound vegetarian throwing paint on an old lady.

Second, imagine a 95 pound vegetarian throwing paint on a biker.

Third, call ambulance.


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gl tilly on bike

The New ?Tilly? Utility Motorcycle Bag from Garage Leathers–New Jersey, USA, August 26, 2009 ? Garage Leathers, the guys who have already made their mark with top quality solo leather bags for rigid, Softail, Sportster, and Dyna style motorcycles, have another great, new idea: A utility bag in two sizes ? a 10- and a 12-inch wide model ? that will fit almost anywhere on a motorcycle. Like its companion pieces, the Garage Leathers utility bag is made from sturdy 10-oz leather and is handcrafted in New Jersey, USA.

?We?re calling it the Tilly bag but you don?t have to,? said company founder and product design chief, Robert Camardo, ?because, by any name, this a great motorcycle utility bag that will carry tools, sun glasses, maps, a flashlight, beef jerky, whatever you need on your ride. And the Tilly will look good doing it.?

Another standard feature on Garage Leathers? new utility bags are the heavy nylon mounting straps. Multiple slots on the back side of the bag make it easy to mount the Tilly bag at various angles. Strong interior reinforcement material also ensures that the bag will hold its shape over time.

GL Tilly bags 2 sizes

?The ?utility? part of this bag really refers to both its usefulness in carrying smaller items the rider wants easy access to and in the ability of the Tilly bag to go almost anywhere on a bike,? Camardo said.

The new Garage Leathers Tilly utility bag mounts easily to motorcycle front forks, handlebars, frame sections, or backrests, according to Camardo. The 12-inch wide (5-inch tall, 2.75-inch deep) Tilly bag is $95, and the 10-inch wide version is $85. Both come in classic black and vintage brown finishes with either silver or brass buckles.

?We have thoroughly field tested the Garage Leathers utility bag mounted in various spots on the bike and in good weather and bad,? Camardo reported, ?but our customers are likely to come up with even more creative ways to utilize the Tilly bag; it is an extremely versatile piece of motorcycle equipment.?

In addition to the new Tilly utility bag, Garage Leathers offers a large variety of solo bags for all types of motorcycles and in a number of finishes. To see the full line of Garage Leathers products and to order online, go to Garage Leathers supports the men and women of the United States armed services and offers a discount for active military personnel.

— Robert Camardo
Phone (888) 917-6789

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LONE STAR RALLY DISCONTINUES USE OF RFID SURVEILLANCE CHIPS– As the National Coalition of Motorcyclists advised our NCOM Member Groups earlier this year, the Lone Star Rally in Galveston, Texas had issued parking passes to all rally participants that contained RFID chip technology which allowed them to be ?tracked? and filmed during the rally, and riders were offered for sale a personalized DVD showing themselves at the rally.

Each coded pass was embedded with an RFID (radio frequency identification) chip that incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object or animal, or in this case each motorcycle affixed with a pass. A link on the Lone Star Rally website said, ?The chip technology will allow us to pinpoint you and produce a DVD of the entire rally event with personalized footage of you and your bike on the Strand!? Such surveillance technology has been proposed for other bike rallies as well, such as Sturgis and Daytona.

This issue was brought to the attention of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists board of directors, and discussions ensued about opposing such invasive chipping if it?s without the rider?s knowledge and consent.

?It was never our intent to do harm to the Lone Star Rally, but felt obligated to inform our NCOM Member Groups of this practice,? said Richard M. Lester, AIM/NCOM founder.

A.I.M. Rep Denise Nobs, whose husband Louie serves on the board as NCOM Christian Unity Liaison, wrote about the use and possible misuse of such RFID chips earlier this year in the AIM/NCOM Legal & Legislative Newsletter to bring awareness to the issue.

Lone Star Rally organizers have since announced the discontinuation of the RFID chipped parking passes, and had this to say on the Homepage of their website ( ): ?It seems that people have either not seen our explanations, misunderstood how we use the (RFID) technology or just hate it! We love our riders and don?t want to use anything they don?t like so, for these reasons, we are cancelling the use of any RFID technology at the Lone Star Rally.?

Billed as ?The World?s Largest Halloween Party?, the Lone Star Rally will take place Oct. 27 ? Nov. 1, AND NCOM ENCOURAGES ITS MEMBERS TO ATTEND AND SUPPORT THE EVENT.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at .


Governor Steve Beshear’s Communications Office Statement of Governor Steve Beshear on Special Election Results– ?I want to congratulate Robin Webb on winning a hard-fought, hard-run campaign. I look forward to serving with Robin as we work together on the significant challenges confronting our Commonwealth. The people of the 18th Senate District have spoken with one voice: They want someone who will help create good jobs, ensure quality schools and help provide affordable health care. And I believe they want someone who will work with me in a bi-partisan fashion to move our state forward. Now, the election is over. The real work of representing Kentucky must continue. I?m glad to have Robin as my partner in work ahead.?

Now the next wrinkle in these events. Since Robin was a member of the House her seat is now vacant and another special election will be held to fill her position. The details of this election are to be determined but if you live in Robin’s house district and are interested in running for this open seat now is the time to start looking at it and talking to the folks that can help it along. Please let me know if you have an interest in running for that seat. It includes Carter and Lewis counties in Northeastern KY. Stay involved and lets get more bikers elected to office.

–Jay Huber

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SCARIEST PHOTO OF THE WEEK–Is nothing sacred ? electric cycles, really!!!!!

–from Ray Hughes

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Gears and Glamour Logo med

GEARS & GLAMOUR 2009 TEXAS FASHION SHOW–The Gears & Glamour 2009 fashion show will see the United Cerebral Palsy of North Dallas (UCP) join forces with Rick Fairless? Strokers Dallas to support the UCP?s mission of providing a life without limits for people with disabilities. Fashion, music and motorcycles will unite fashionistas and riders alike at the benefit, set for Saturday, October 3, at Strokers Ice House. Guests will watch as local celebrities strut down the runway in the latest trends in motor clothes and casual wear, with a post-catwalk concert by local rock band, The PowderKegz.

While Gears & Glamour is the first event of its kind for both UCP and Strokers Dallas, the partnership was seamless for Rick Fairless, owner of Dallas? largest seller of custom and custom-built motorcycles.

?We are always looking for ways to help our local charities, so UCP was a perfect fit since we are neighbors on Harry Hines. We are excited to work with them and host the Gears & Glamour fashion show here at Strokers Dallas,? said Fairless. ?This is something new for us, but I think we have the perfect venue for an event like this so it will be really cool. I?m looking forward to it.?

By bringing together the glamour of high fashion and the rebel appeal of motorcycles, the UPC hopes to expose the versatility of the two industries and create opportunities to build partnerships with supporters of each lifestyle.

Individual tickets for the event are also available for purchase through the Gears & Glamour Web site.

Money raised by the event will help UCP reach the $100,000 fundraising goal set forth by the organization, which will be used to support programs offered by UCP such as early childhood development, day rehabilitation, case management through home and community-based services and community living assistance.

For more information about Gears & Glamour 2009, visit

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South Side Banner

TODAY – AUGUST 27th at 4pm – SSK GOES BEHIND BARS!– (not literally) BUT WE ARE HELPING TO RAISE MONEY for the MDA (muscular dystrophy assoc.) – We will be at Pearl St Brewery from 4-5pm to help out with raising money – even if it’s only $5.00 you can donate, all is appreciated! – You can help the MDA and SSK by clicking on link and making your donation!




South Side Kustoms 69 Helmet Are Available!

Thank You for your support and helping with the MDA Telethon!


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softbrake pedals

SOFTBRAKE EXTENDED PEDALS FOR 2010 H-D BAGGERSSoftbrake recently introduced a new version of their immensely popular extended brake pedals. The new addition is designed specifically for 2008 – 2010 H-D models. The arm is 1? longer than stock and the fulcrum has been adjusted to match the later application. Users of the early and new versions have reported that Softbrake extended brake pedals provide superior braking control and pedal feedback for safer, more predictable stopping.

Designed to be floorboard compatible with H-D Bagger machines, the pedals are a quick bolt-on replacement part and accept factory rubber pads. All SoftBrake pedals are manufactured from premium quality American steel, and finished in durable show quality chrome or black powder coat. Three different pedal designs are available; plain, slotted, and circle-punched.

SUPER-TECH PEDALS retail for just $149.95 and are available exclusively from North County Customs. Call 714-680-0911. On the Web . Dealer inquiries welcome.

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THE TECH HUNT OF THE WEEK–I’m trying to find an Edlund rigid frame? Drop me a line if you can help.


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148 MPH STEAM CAR RUNS MUROC–Development driver Don Wales suited up today on the Muroc dirt at Edwards Air Force Base to lay down a sizzlig pair of runs that qualify for another flying mile and flying kilo record ? the second in two days for the British Steam Car Challenge! (see yesterday?s post for details) After weeks of grueling toil in withering desert heat, the Brits kept their wits and saved the best for last. Wales averaged 148.308 in the kilo and 148.166 in the mile.

The team now has the happy duty of deciding which of the provisional records it will submit for ratification by the FIA World Sporting Council. Odds are that owner/driver Charles Burnett III will submit an application for certification that will give both he and Wales each a piece of world record glory pie.

Wales, is the grandson of Sir Malcolm Campbell, a noted icon in world record setting, and the nephew of Donald Campbell, Sir Malcolm?s son. Wales is also the nephew of Donald Campbell, Sir Malcolm?s son, who also set plenty of speed records in the 1950s and 1960s before he died in 1967 when his speed boat (Bluebird) came apart in a spectacular 300MPH crash on Coniston Lake in northern England.

Wales has had speed dreams with a car called the Bluebird Electric, but has yet to find any record-setting joy with the vehicle. It is thought that Wales might be eying an electric boat record in the future, but until then he will continue his work as a professional photographer.

–from LandSpeed Louise

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Introducing Versa-Mount – Saddlemen?s New System Offers More Flexibility And Options For Securing Motorcycle Luggage– Versa-Mount Under-Seat Yoke and Harness Mounting System.The easy-to-use Versa-Mount yoke and harness system fits under the passenger area of two-up seats, allowing the attachment of a sissybar bag, rack bag or seat bag to a motorcycle without the use of a sissy bar or rack. The two-piece construction enables the yoke to be adjusted to fit a variety of passenger area seat widths and includes a one-inch-wide security strap and D-rings to insure that luggage will stay put on almost any motorcycle with a one-piece, two-up seat.


? Easy to install and easy to remove
? Attaches to almost any bike in seconds
? Adjustable straps feature chromed, spring loaded hooks
? Can be used with many types of luggage
? No sissy bar or rack necessary
? Considerably adds to the amount of potential luggage a bike can carry without modification
? Matching luggage available

Model: 3550-0117
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95

Available soon through Drag Specialties and Parts Unlimited at dealerships nationwide, and at


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Talon Mirrors use

TALON MIRRORS MATCH THE KICK STANDS–Camarillo, CA ? August 21, 2009- Image Motorcycle Products is proud to announce the long awaited release of our new Talon Mirrors. IMP Talon Mirrors feature an eagle claw holding the mirror frame. These mirrors pivot at the joint to adjust. IMP Mirrors are cast in aerospace quality stainless steel and finished with a high polish.

Talon Mirrors coordinate with our Talon kickstands, footpegs, kickstand covers and Eagle gas caps. Holiday gift certificates are available. Mirrors retail for $420.00 a pair.

For more information contact: Image Motorcycle Products, 918 Calle Portilla, Camarillo, CA 93010. (800) 304-5838,

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bo right side-b

T-BEAR REVEALS HIS TRIUMPH BOBBER–Just a few pix of the ?almost done? Mutha-Fokker I?ve been working on for the past 2 years.Just have to get her pinstriped and work out a few little details.

We finally got her up and running yesterday and she runs and sounds like a real beast!Sad part was that I couldn?t take her for the first spin. I gave my building buddy, Bo, the honor.


bo left-b

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HARLEY-DAVIDSON TO EXPAND INTO INDIA–Initial Steps Include Establishment of Subsidiary and Dealer Network. NEW DELHI (August 27, 2009) ? Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HOG) announced today its plans to formally enter the motorcycle market in India, where it expects to start selling its iconic motorcycles in 2010. The company has established a subsidiary to be located in Gurgaon, near Delhi, and has begun the process of seeking dealers.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company President and Chief Operating Officer, Matthew Levatich, is an invited speaker at the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers annual convention on August 28, and will provide further details on the company?s plans then.

?As India continues to extend its global reach, so does Harley-Davidson,? said Levatich. ?We believe Harley-Davidson has outstanding opportunities for continued growth around the world.?

The company?s current approach is to import its motorcycles, accessories and riding gear, and it will continue to evaluate how best to evolve its approach to the market as Harley-Davidson?s business in India grows.

?India is important to our long-term vision of being a truly global company,? said Harley-Davidson Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer Keith Wandell. ?We are committed to India for the long term, and we are focused right now on establishing a strong foundation.?

India is the second-largest motorcycle market in the world, with sales dominated by small, inexpensive bikes used as basic transportation. However, India?s rapidly growing economy, rising middle class and significant investment in construction of new highways have opened the door to leisure motorcycle riding.

The company will focus its initial steps in India on growing the Harley-Davidson brand through a variety of consumer experiences and on establishing a local dealer network.

The Harley-Davidson subsidiary in India will be led by Managing Director Anoop Prakash, who said the company has begun the process of identifying initial dealers in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Punjab State.

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We got t-shirts, bandanas, books, doo-rags and more. That?s what you?re gonna get. Congratulations, Aric!

We still have the SCORPION EXO-700. A lightweight, fiberglass and Kevlar helmet with a ventilation system, Aero-tuned rear spoiler, Speedshift quick change shield system, Everclear no-fog faceshield, Kwikwick moisture-wicking, breathable helmet liner & cheek pads, Custom liner & cheek pad kits and its Snell M2000 and DOT certified. Not to mention the cool scorpion graphics painted on it?

I haven?t received many entries who want this helmet, so I?m gonna run it for a couple more weeks.

To enter win this helmet, click on the Bikernet Giveaway banner above and tell us why you should be the winner. It is a large, so only enter if it will fit you. This will be our July & August promotion, and you only need to enter once.

Click on the image for more information on Scorpion helmets, and other products.

We also have a Bushwakka swag, from Australia that will be given away for the September promotion.


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Photo by Colleen Swartz

THE END–at least for today. I’m sure you noticed, we started a blog. We’re still stumbling some, trying to get it dialed in. Then we’ll get serious. Ultimately the question will arise: Should we just do the blog and drop the Thursday News?


What the hell. We’ll see, if it doesn’t kill me first. Trying to keep up with this fast moving monster is a constant challenge.

Powerplant feature

We have several features headed your way. Above is Evan’s bike from Power Plant. It was part of the Chopper Challenge with Scott Long. This is a sample page from the next issue of Cycle Source. After he runs it, we will feature the bike on Bikernet. You’ll get a strange Hollywood kick out of the story.


Hopefully, my ThunderHeart ignition module will UPS itself into our headquarters tomorrow, I’ll wire the 5-Ball Factory Racer and take it for a ride. Hang on.

Ride Forever,



Read More

August 27, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

sugar bear

SUGAR BEAR TURNS 70 IN SEPTEMBER–I want to wish the man a very Happy Birthday. Sugar Bear has been a very positive influence in our industry for 35 years, hand building some of the wildest bikes on the planet.

Just recently he represented the chopper world during a stint at the new Harley-Davidson museum in Milwaukee.


Here’s the address to his shop. Send him a birthday card, goddamnit:

Sugar Bear’s
12912 S. Normandie Avenue
Gardena, CA 90249

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BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER HEALTH ALERT– If you receive an email from the Department of Health telling you not to eat canned pork because of swine flu….

Ignore it. It’s just spam.

–from Jim Waggaman

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ANOTHER CHAPTER FROM THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE–There is one in every family. Growing up our parents would always speak in hushed tones whenever their name would come up. The mysterious family member that was a faint memory. We remember their big boisterous voice, their long wild hair, their thundering laugh echoing throughout the house. Their clothes were always worn and comfortable and they had that distinct smell to them.

As we grew up we would wait to hear their names come up. When our “biker” Aunt or Uncle was coming to visit. It seemed to put our parents out. Like it was a huge inconvenience, more so then when Aunt May would come to stay with her bitter hard candies and pinching our rosy cheeks. We would wait anxiously until we would hear the distinct rumble down the way. It was much different then the cars and trucks that would drive by every day. No there was a thunder to the sound. It echoed off of the plain clapboard houses, vibrating through the countryside until it struck us, resonating in our souls.

We would race our Schwinn or BMX bicycles to meet them. They always had a big smile to see us. Slowing to lets us catch up; we would race them back to the house. They would let us win until they finally snapped the throttle, kicking up dust leaving us far behind. They always seemed to be just getting off their bike by the time we skidded our bikes to a stop leaving long black streaks on the hard surface of the road. Clamoring around we would begs for rides, then beg for permission from our parents to go. But we would always have to wait. Wait until the large army bag would be unstrapped from the back of the bike and stored inside. By then all the neighborhood kids, the ones we had been bragging to all week about the coming of our “biker” relative would be there, circling around the massive machine.

Everyone would get a ride. Short hops around the block for the little ones sitting in front straddling the seat and the silky gas tanks, the older ones got to sit on the back for short blasts out on some deserted road before returning to worried parents.

The moments always stuck with us. Sometime forming us into what we are now; bikers, riders, motorcycle enthusiasts. Riding across the countryside, the rebel black sheep of our families for our “different” ways. Some we are close with. Some we haven’t seen in years, scorned by them for our long hair and loud music.

Time has moved on. Now it is our turn to be that mysterious relative who shows up out of the blue with the chrome steed and giving rides to the neighborhood kids. It is up to us to pass the torch to the next generation. Ride on.

–Wayne ?Uncle Monkey?

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Legendary Buffalo Chip Provides Ultimate Sturgis Experience during Sturgis Rally Week 2009–Sturgis, S.D. (August 24, 2009) Sturgis Bike Week 2009 has come and gone and the Legendary Buffalo Chip has once again proven itself as the best party anywhere. The epicenter of this year’s rally and all of its high-octane revelry provided bike enthusiasts from across the country the ultimate Sturgis experience. By bikers and for bikers, the Legendary Buffalo Chip afforded its visitors an array of entertainment, art, vendors, food, amenities and countless memories.

The entertainment at this year’s rally was unparalleled. Performances that graced the Chip’s four entertainment stages included; George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Creedence Clearwater Revisited, Toby Keith, Lita Ford, Billy Squier, counter-culture comedians Cheech & Chong, Saving Abel, Tesla, Hinder, Buckcherry, RED, The Guess Who and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees, Aerosmith.

In addition to its live music line-up, the Legendary Buffalo Chip was proud to host Michael Lichter’s 9th Annual Motorcycle as Art exhibit entitled “Rebel Rousers- Motorcycle Icons that Inspired Us to Ride” in its brand new 6,500 square foot “Lichter Exhibition Hall”. The facility designed and constructed as a gallery to showcase art and motorcycle exhibits accommodated Lichter’s annual exhibit and reminded Chip visitors what originally fueled their passion for riding by displaying one of the finest industry collections ever assembled.

bc Legends.Ride.John Boyd

The Legendary Buffalo Chip also hosted the second annual Legends Ride. Signaling the official start to the 2009 Sturgis Rally, more than 350 bikes and 500 riders from around the world converged to take part in the ride for charity. The star-studded and scenic 50-mile expedition from the Historic Black Hills town to the grounds of the Legendary Buffalo Chip raised a record-breaking $61,450 to benefit the Black Hills Children’s Home and the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame and Museum.

Also part of the Legendary Buffalo Chip’s event schedule was the “Pink and Proud” ride. All riders’ contributions went to support two foundations that work to enhance breast cancer awareness, research and education. In addition to the ride, the “Pink and Proud” festivities included an auction of Keep a Breast plaster casts made and beautified by prominent women in the motorcycle industry.

In conjunction with Sucker Punch Sally’s and American Cycle Magazine, the Legendary Buffalo Chip added a bike giveaway to this year’s rally lineup. Jim Testerman of Kansas City, MO was chosen randomly in a drawing and became the fortunate recipient of a Sucker Punch Sally’s custom “Slim”. He was excited to park the custom Sucker Punch in his garage next to his custom Sportster and commented that he was going to ride the heck out of it.

And you can’t forget burnout night. The Legendary Buffalo Chip held the Second Annual Baker Burnout Drags Competition Friday, August 7. This raw execution of power, precision and skill was held at the main amphitheatre at the Buffalo Chip. To start this year’s Baker Burnout Drag Competition “Kiwi” Mike Tomas rode a 1938 Indian Chief with sidecar that he restored for John Paul DeJoria and lit up the rear tire, showing that even old iron has what it takes to burn rubber.

bc LBC_stage

The Legendary Buffalo Chip has been offering guests the true Sturgis experience for over 29 years. Bikers from across the country converged on the Chip and camped on over 500 acres of campground and enjoyed the best food, vendors and facilities that Sturgis has to offer. Guests at the Chip were able to indulge their appetites and enjoy hearty meals from 9 quality food vendors including; Stage West Caf?, Sturgis Rider Caf? ?, Coffee Crib, Domino’s Pizza, Porky’s BBQ, Buffalo Grill, Taco Bell, Island Dog, Burger Express, Santa Lucia Greek, and Chubby Churros.

A number of premier vendors were found on the grounds of the Legendary Buffalo Chip offering an array of products guaranteed to get visitors’ motors running including Victory Motorcycles, Indian Motorcycles, Sucker Punch Sally’s and Progressive Insurance. Biker guys and gals alike also appreciated the ease and convenience of the amenities found at the Chip. Chipsters were able to dust off the miles and take advantage of the Chip’s personal attendants, flush toilets and plentiful shower and bathroom facilities located throughout the grounds.

They did it again. The Legendary Buffalo Chip offers the ultimate Sturgis experience- from clean bathrooms, to hearty meals to a renowned entertainment lineup and fundraisers for charity- the Chip is Sturgis and there really is no reason to go anywhere else. Visit now and make your reservation for Sturgis 2010 for only $155, before the price increase. That includes all the great bands for free. Take advantage of this great offer and be sure you don’t miss 2010’s Sturgis Rally at the Legendary Buffalo Chip! Next year marks the 70th anniversary of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and the Buffalo Chip will be the place to party! Don’t miss it.

–Ken Conte

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OLD 66 CHOPPER SHOW COMING–Old 66 Chopper Show on Historic Route 66 is coming up next year in June. I decided to kick off the promotion for it, by setting up a booth last weekend at the Peoria TT Grand Nationals. The weekend started with the bike event/show downtown.

If you ever get a chance to make it to this event, do it, they start the weekend with a motorcycle parade from the race track, down to the Peoria riverfront. The event features a motorcycle show, swap meet, bike vendors, bands, and beer. The main attraction is on Sunday with the Peoria Grand National TT races. This race is the oldest continuous running dirt track in the world. The race includes one jump to add to the excitement.

I had the Old 66 Chopper Show booth set up by 9 a.m. The motorcycle parade was next, followed by a flood of people with it. All the folks that stopped by my booth were very positive about the Old 66 show, and were a little surprised I was promoting it so early. My goals in doing so is to make this show on Historic Route 66, Illinois?s premiere motorcycle show/event. Many people agreed that the location, Towanda IL, is a perfect place to have a bike show as Towanda is centrally located between four major cities: Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and the Quad Cities.

Around noon, I walked over to the other side of the event, to check out the custom motorcycle competition. I saw some really nice bikes and thought I would share them. I was very impressed with some of the bikes that were entered in the competition and have attached some of the photos. I got to talk to some of the owners of these machines, and they were very informative folks, not just tire kickers.

As the sun fell and night crept in, more folks flooded the vendor booths. Some of the booths around mine included girls in chaps cutting hair, people getting tattoos, Harley Davidson’s being sold, and of course beer and bands. The night was very busy at the booth and the next thing I knew it was time to go home. I was really looking forward to the TT races the next day.


Now Sunday turned out much different than I had anticipated. Some friends of mine all met at my house around 10:00 Sunday morning with the intention of riding together for a while before heading to the races. We had, my buddy, his wife, and Jody’s sister. We each were on our own machines.

We decided to ride Old Peoria Rd to Route 9 and then meet up with more riders. Due to my chopper being hit by the man van and out of commission, I chose to ride my wife’s caf? racer. I had never rode Old Peoria Road before and the road was very curvy and fun to ride. I was hitting the corners and shooting out of them. My buddy was in front, I was second, and the two girls were behind us. We?d been on the road for about 6-7 miles when I looked back and didn’t see the girls.

We slowed down a bit hoping they just needed to catch up, but still no one. We turned around and put the hammer down to find the girls. About a mile or two back we came around a corner and found one of the gals in the ditch and other on the phone. I got off my bike to see how she was, fearing the worst. She was concious and said to me, “just go on to the race, I?ll be fine.?

She said this to me after flipping a Honda 750 3-4 times, according to her sisters eyewitness report upon our return. At this point, making it to the TT races was not our main focus. We got her in an ambulance, I went to fetch a trailer, and we picked up the mangled mess of a bike. Needless to say we did not make it to the race, so I don?t have info on that. She is still in the hospital with a lacerated liver and bruised heart. I hope she has a healthy recovery and gets well soon.

Other than that it was a good weekend to promote the Old 66 Chopper Show, and I look forward to next year?s Peoria TT races.


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norsemen event

THIS IS A FAMILY EVENT OPEN TO EVERYONE!– Norsemen MC to Hold First Annual Swap Meet/Bike Show Benefiting Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, Fund to Help Returning Veterans with Brain Trauma and Other Rehabilitation– San Jose, Calif. ? August 26, 2009 ? Norsemen MC, a brotherhood of motorcycle riders and enthusiasts, today announced their first annual swap meet and bike show to raise money and awareness for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund on September 12th, 2009 in Morgan Hill, California. In conjunction with Brass Balls Bobber?s ( ) efforts to raise money for the charity, the ?Storm from the North? swap meet will have live music, food and beverages, vendors and other activities to entertain the crowd. This is a family event that is open to all motorcycle riders including American and metric motorcycles, sports bikes and other.

?By supporting the Brass Balls Bobbers Military bike giveaway in conjunction with our own event, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund stands to receive more donations,? said the Norsemen. ?We are very excited about this event and charity and look forward to others in the future.?

?Being a veteran myself, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes fund really resonates with me and my family, said Dar Holdsworth, president of Darwin Motorcycles, manufacture of Brass Balls Bobbers? It is a real generous gesture to have support on the overall charity efforts from the Norsemen MC. These are great bunch of guys.?

The event, which is being held at a bull ring in Morgan Hill, California on September 12th, 2009, will feature a swap meet, live music, vendors, a ride in bike show with a cash award for the best bike and best rat bike. Attendees can also look forward to a myriad of vendors, a raffle, food and beverages; all under the shade of the facilities oak trees. The event is open to families and all riders whether they are on a sports bike, metric cruisers, Harley Davidsons or anything else.

?This is going to be a great event. The Norsemen?s objective is to have a great time entertaining motorcycle riders while raising money for a worthy cause.?

For More Information on the event, pick up a copy of Thunder Press or go online to

Note about Fallen Heroes Fund: 100% of contributions raised by the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund go towards these programs; all administrative expenses are underwritten by the Fund?s Trustees. Bikernet and Brass Balls Bobbers are working together to support this foundation with donations from Cantina Subscribers. We are raffling off a $30,000 BBBobber in the mix. Click the banner below for more info.


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WILL THE OWNER OF HOT BIKE PLEASE STAND UP–Thanks to bankruptcy and restructuring, JPMorgan Chase essentially ownsReader’s Digest Association, Source Interlink Media (The company publishing Hot Bike, Street Choppers and more), and American MediaInc., making the bank the nation’s largest media company.

If you totaled therevenues of the three companies, they would reach $5.04 billion — more thanHearst and Cond? Nast combined. (Time Inc., previously considered thecountry’s largest media entity, boasted revenues of $4.6 billion in 2008.)Given the state of the economy, it wouldn’t be surprising to see JPMorganadd more properties to its roster. (Could the Hallmark Channel be one ofthem?)… Maybe

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Terry of Streetwalker

STREET WALKER/ENVY CYCLES PROJECT BIKE, Terry?s Honda 750 Build, TO BE FEATURED ON BIKERNET.METRIC– Terry of Envy Cycle Creations and Street Walker Exhaust has had this bike laying around for a long time. He has now decided to build a completely one-off build around the motor. There is a lot of interest in these old 750s and Terry is pulling out all the stops to make this a killer ride.

Streetwalker banner
Check Terry’s wild exhaust systems by clicking on his logo.

He is going to share the progress with us in the tech section of Bikernet Metric.

Look for the first installment next week with other installments showing up regularly thereafter. This bike is bad ass and should be finished around October. I can?t wait?


Bikernetmetric Banner

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COSSACK MEETS FATBOB–Hey, this fellow is about my size, but no way for me. Thought you might find it amusing.


fat bobs card

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Roland Sands Promoting Lower Priced Product–Custom builder Roland Sands says his business during the first eight months of the year has been up 35 percent compared to the same time last year, but says business could be better once dealers and consumers realize they needn’t spend thousands of dollars to pick up his unique and quickly expanding line of Roland Sands Design (RSD) products.

“We want consumers to know we have lower price point items and that it’s easy for anyone to get into RSD products,” Sands told Parts Unlimited reps assembled in Madison, Wisc., this week for the distributor’s annual sales meeting. “A lot of people have an idea that our products are very expensive and unobtainable for those who don’t have a lot of money. That’s not true ? we have a lot of stuff that’s affordable and a great way to get people started on the habit of buying our product line. In fact, we have a load of products for under $100, under $200 and under $300.”

Low-priced products Sands plans to increase promotion of include Combat bar ends, reservoir caps, mirror block-offs and crash sliders, the Clarion windscreen, and Streetfighter triple clamps and risers.

Also, for under $200, RSD plans to offer new graphics kits for sportbikes in the next few months. The first batch will be for select Ducati and Triumph models. Kits for the most popular models from Japanese OEMs are currently under development.

Sands says he further intends to “improve the customer and dealer experience” by offering new point-of-purchase displays, coming out with new packaging, working to stay consistent with branding, and increasingly emphasizing marketing via social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

“As of now, if anyone who purchases any of our products does a write-up on the product on a blog or a website, and sends us the link, we’ll send them a free t-shirt,” he says.

–from DealerNews
By: Guido Ebert

Roland Sands banner

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Photo by Colleen Swartz

BANDIT MEETS A BLONDE–Bandit, a handsome dude, walked into a sports bar around 9:58 p.m. He sat down next to a blonde at the bar and stared up at the TV.

The 10 p.m. news was coming on. The news crew was covering the story of a man on the ledge of a large building preparing to jump.

The blonde looked at Bandit and said, “Do you think he’ll jump?”

Bandit said, “You know, I bet he’ll jump.”

The blonde replied, “Well, I bet he won’t.”

Bandit placed a $20 bill on the bar and said, “You’re on!”

Just as the blonde placed her money on the bar, the guy on the ledge did a swan dive off the building, falling to his death.

The blonde was very upset, but willingly handed her $20 to Bandit, saying, “Fair’s fair. Here’s your money.”

Bandit replied, “I can’t take your money. I saw this earlier on the 5 p.m. news, and so I knew he would jump.”

The blonde replied, “I did, too, but didn’t think he’d do it again.”

Bandit took the money.

–from Bruce Snyder

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Big Dog Banner

RICK FAIRLESS ON Sturgis 2009: My Ugly Thoughts–This was my 23rd year in a row to attend the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota. My first trip was in 1987 and I haven?t missed a year since. When I went in 1987 it was just on a whim. I didn?t know anybody else who was going, I had never been to that part of the country, I didn?t know what to expect, and I didn?t have a hotel room. I just knew I had to go.

It?s hard to explain the Sturgis experience to someone who has never been to the rally. I describe it like this: ?If God created the world to revolve around motorcycles, the Sturgis Rally would be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.?

This year the attendance seemed pretty good to me. Some say it was down, but I say 400,000 people is plenty! You could move around fairly easily and actually get in and out of restaurants without too much delay. The worst year I attended was the 50th in 1990. The t-shirts said it was un-f**king believable, and it was! You couldn?t go anywhere without waiting forever because there were so many people. It took hours to get across town, and the town ain?t that big!

There were several trends I noticed this year that I haven?t seen in the past. I saw lots of three-wheelers on the roads this year. I guess us baby boomers are getting older. I also saw many young people on all kinds of bikes, and I think that?s awesome. It?s good to see the excitement of our industry span another generation. We need that. I noticed lots and lots of Victory and Big Dog Motorcycles and I?m very glad about that. In my opinion, those are two of the best bikes made, so I was glad to see so many of them roaring through those Black Hills!

This year was different for me because I didn?t work the rally for the first time in almost 10 years. I actually got to have fun at Sturgis, for a change! I spent my time mainly riding and hanging out with my Hamster pals, and I also played a lot of golf! The golf courses up there have some nice hills and varied terrain, unlike the courses here in Dallas (flat and flatter). It was fun for me to be able to ride the countryside, enjoy myself, and just be a spectator for a change. When I work the rally, I don?t have any time for fooling around. I think I like it better on the fooling around side!

Basically, if you?ve never been to the Sturgis Rally, you have no clue what you?re missing. If you dig motorcycles the way me and my 400,000 pals do, ya gotta do Sturgis.


Come in to Strokers Dallas this weekend and take advantage of the TAX FREE WEEKEND SAVINGS! This weekend only, from Friday-Sunday, you will not have to pay sales tax on all* shirts, shoes, belts (with buckles), jackets, ponchos, boots, caps, dresses, leather gloves (full finger), sweathirts and hoodies.

We are open 9am-7pm everyday and we look forward to seeing you here this weekend! *Items must be priced under $100 and must meet state regulations.

9304 Harry Hines
Dallas, TX 75235

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S&S Easy Start Cams–Start any engine regardless of displacement or compression ratio with a stock starter. The new Easy Start Cams from S&S Cycle make hard starting obsolete for 1999-up big twins. Available in chain drive and gear drive versions. Don?t get caught ?dead? without them! More Proven Performance from S&S Cycle, Inc., the leader in V-Twin high performance parts since 1958.


? Start any engine with a stock starter
? Save your starter and battery!
? Reliable ? tested for 10,000 starts and didn?teven run the battery down!
? Automatic ? no buttons to push

A bolt-in cam for all RPM ranges.Something for everyone.

S&S set out to develop a new group of bolt in cams for 2007-up big twins. The three design targets were low end torque for touring, peak horsepower and a cam that would offer the best possible combination between torque and horsepower. The 551 emerged as the touring cam and the 583 is a great over all cam. The proven 585 posted the best results for peak horsepower.


Here’s How it Works:

Each of the two exhaust cam lobes are equipped with a spring loaded compression release lobe on the ?heal? of the cam at the point where the valve would normally be fully closed.

The lobe holds the exhaust valve open slightly at cranking speed. This releases some of the compression, making the engine much easier to crank.

Once the engine starts, and rpm increases, the compression release lobe is centrifugally retracted and the engine runs normally, with full compression, and without any loss in performance. This allows a stock starter and battery to start nearly any engine.

Reduces cranking compression ? easier on starting system!


Continued On Page 4

Read More

August 27, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

ARTIST FINDS A HOME IN DEADWOOD– The Historic Franklin Hotel, Built in !903 in Deadwood South Dakota is the new home for the Artwork of Stefanie Aziere-Sattler during the Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The Franklin was Noted as the choice Hotel of many famous guests, such as Teddy Roosevelt, William taft, Buffalo Bill Cody, Babe Ruth and World Heavy Weight Champion, John L. Sullivan.

The Siverado Gaming Establishment purchased the Historic Franklin in November 2005, and completed a 7 Million dollar renovation project. Numerous other guests such as John Wayne, Willie Nelson, Theodore Roosevelt, Mary Hart, The Country music duo “Big and Rich”, Bill Walsh, The Entire Kennedy Family and Kevin Costner have all frequented the Hotel and have rooms named for them.

The Silverado Franklin Historic Hotel and Gaming Complex has many amenities and now the Art of Stefanie Aziere-Sattler will be available throughout Bike Week. The painting “Where Legends Meet” is a long thought out concept bringing to light Stefanie’s past, to the present. The painting, depicting Deadwood’s History of Legendary Cowboys and modern day ‘horsepower’ have joined together in this inaugural piece to celebrate the annual “Legends Ride”. “Where Legends Meet”, the very first in the “Silverado-Franklin” series, an original oil 30×40 on canvas, is a piece that Stefanie began at the onset of the 2009 Legends Ride, painting on the sidewalk in front of the Franklin Hotel. Now completed, the painting will hang in the hotel lobby.

Only 50 Limited Edition Prints are available in 2 sizes: 26×36 for $400.00 20×30 for $250.00And there are only 10 Artists Proofs available of which 8 remain at $500.00 each.

All Limited Edition Prints are available on Paper or Canvas. To take advantage of this offer, simply respond to this email- specify which size you would like, with your choice of payment option (all major credit cards accepted) Or contact Stefanie at 660-221-7792, or Donnie at 660-221-6790.

–Donnie Sattler
Aziere Art
6104 Blue Jay Blvd.
Sedalia, Mo. 65301

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Harley-Davidson Looks At 4 States In Plant Move– NEW YORK — Harley-Davidson Inc. is considering sites in four states for a possible relocation of its main motorcycle plant in Pennsylvania, a company spokesman said Friday. Company and union officials toured locations in Murfreesboro, Tenn., Shelbyville, Ind., Shelbyville, Ky., and Kansas City, Mo., over the last week as the company assesses a possible move, Bob Klein said. No other locations are being considered, he added.

Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson announced in May it was exploring a relocation of its motorcycle assembly facility in York, Pa., which employs 2,300 people. Though the company’s preferred path is to stay in York, Klein said, the factory is inefficient and has too much capacity. A decision is expected later this year.

Pennsylvania officials are fighting to keep the plant in York. Earlier this month, Gov. Ed Rendell said the state was developing an economic package that includes job training and infrastructure, low-interest loans and $15 million for plant upgrades to induce Harley to stay.

The plant opened in 1973, but some of the buildings date back to World War II. In addition, the large number of job classifications in the union contract makes it difficult to shift workers into different duties, the company has said.

Klein said if the company does decide to relocate the plant, the new facility would likely have a “smaller work force and a smaller footprint.”

The York facility is Harley’s largest motorcycle factory and makes its Touring and Softail models, as well as some custom models. Workers there approved a new contract in 2007 after a two-week strike.

A relocation to Kansas City could be a convenient move for Harley. The city already has a Harley plant, which makes the Sportster, V-Rod and Dyna motorcycles and opened in 1998. It also has a vacant property next to the facility.

The possible move is part of a broad cost-cutting plan that Harley, the top maker of heavyweight motorcycles, launched in January. The company has been battling shrinking profits and a downturn in sales of its iconic bikes. Last month, the company reported a 91 percent plunge in its second-quarter profit and announced plans to cut another 1,000 employees.

Shares of Harley-Davidson added 23 cents to $22.04 in afternoon trading. The stock has gained 29 percent since the start of the year, but is off from a 52-week high of $48.05 hit in September.

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FEATURE REQUEST–Bandit, ya gotta do a feature on that stunning gal astride the Knuckle…. photographed by Jerry Southworth.

What a honey….. better still put her on a plane…… she can be my new office mouse!

–Cheers….. Indian Joe

Which one?–Bandit

Unique Exposure Banner

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CHOP AND GRIND RUN TO YUCCA VALLEY READER REMEMBERS TRUCK STOP–A dive! How would you like to have to pay to park your tractor-trailer there. Actually I have many fond memories of that pit. Changing out the rear end on a Kenworth on the back lot, after bribing security to look the other way-drinking beer on the lot with other bikers while exchanging courtesy cards-Camy puking on my boots while holding on to my flatbed trailer. Those were the days, my friend.


Read and see the entire ride and tech saga next week. It’s brutal.–Wrench

chop n grind 400

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Easyrider Raffle banner
Click on the image to enter the ER annual raffle or subscribe to any Paisano Publication.

REMEMBER 911– On Friday, September 11th, 2009, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States.

Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this eighth anniversary of one of our country’s worst tragedies. We do this to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn’t take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds


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IF MY BODY WERE A CAR… If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I’ve got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish, and my paint job is getting a little dull. But that’s not the worst of it.

My headlights are out of focus, and it’s especially hard to see things up close.

My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.

My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently.

But here’s the worst of it — Almost every time I sneeze, cough or laugh, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires..


–from Igor S.

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K&G CYCLES READIES FOR DAVENPORT ANTIQUE MEET–We’re running around like crazy getting all the ’65s ready for Davenport. If all goes as planned, we will walk away with three National Winner’s Circle awards and one National Senior award. After that, I have two more I built for others that should go the distance, as well.

I hope you find your way to Davenport this year. Over 800 vendors are already registered — including K and G Cycles. If you show up, there will be a free t-shirt in it for you. How can you pass that up?

George M. Marakas

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Bills flathead

BILTWELL BIKE, RUN AND METALFLAKE HELMETS–Biltwell Bill is prepping for his cross county pilgrimage to the Gypsy Run. He mentioned that he is selling his 45… and you should buy it. if you are on the east coast he will deliver it for FREE. That’s right a tough as nails side valve for a good price with free shipping along the route! Beat that. Contact him and tell him Walter and Bikernet sent ya.


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Dealer Direct


1) RPM Service & Performance LLC 1633 Tabor Ridge Rd New Philadelphia, OH 44663 330-364-4129
2) DD Custom Cycle LLC 500 Park Ave # 202 Lake Villa, IL 60048 847-356-8053
3) Jones Powersports 9416 US Hwy 70 Durant, OK 74701 580-920-2545
4) Motorcycle Specialties 153 N Hollywood Rd Houma, LA 70364 985-879-4364
5) Rocky’s Great Outdoors Inc G 4014 S Saginaw St Burton, MI 48529 810-742-5420
6) Scooter Shak 2014 Memorial Hwy Mandan, ND 58554 701-667-2033
7) Hudson Cycle Center 2 Flagstone Dr Hudson, NH 03051 603-882-1573
8) First Gear 5431 S Whitnall Ave Cudahy, WI 53110 414-747-9004
9) Motorcycle Service by the Book 5215 SW 28th Ct Topeka, KS 66614 785-271-5000
10) Boise Cycle 9621 Ustick Rd Boise, ID 83704 208-375-9431


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LET ME GET THIS HEALTHCARE PLAN STRAIGHT–Obama’s health care plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it and whose members will be exempt from it, signed by a president who smokes,and drinks beer, funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that is nearly broke.

What could possibly go wrong?

–from Bernard S.

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HEALTH RESEARCH FROM BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER, FOUR Unhealthy Snacks–Last week we discussed Four Healthy Snacks; today we look at four snacks to avoid, and offer healthier alternatives.

Doughnuts. High in sugar, trans-fats, calories and refined flour, doughnuts are not only bad for your waistline, but bad for your energy levels as well. The high sugar content is likely to end in a midday crash. If you crave a doughnut, try a piece of whole-grain bread with some jam and peanut butter instead.

Soft Drinks. There just isn’t anything nutritious about soda, whether it’s diet or regular. Instead of a soda, try some sparkling water with a bit of fruit juice – you’ll get the carbonation without all the sugar.

French Fries. Actually anything fried – from chicken to potatoes to onions to cheese – should be avoided. Deep-fried foods contain altered fats that are detrimental to the body. If you want finger foods, opt for carrot and celery sticks.

Instant Soup. Very high in sodium, instant soup generally offers little health benefit in proportion to its sodium count. Your total daily intake of sodium should not exceed 2,400 mg and one serving of instant soup contains around 500 mg (some kinds of Ramen-style soup are even worse, offering up about one-third of a day’s recommended sodium.) A better option is low-sodium vegetable broth with part whole wheat and buckwheat noodles such as Japanese soba or udon.

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SAS System Photo 8-24-09

SAS/Simplified Air Suspension?Now With an Improved Filtration System–Henderson, NV- Custom Cycle Control Systems, Inc. announced today the addition of a revolutionary new product specifically engineered for the Softail market?The Simplified Air Suspension system or SAS for short?Now with an improved air intake filter system.

This addition to the SAS eliminates the chance of debris or water entering the internal compressor. Softail air suspension units used to be a nightmare until now. The SAS has no compressor to mount, no pressure hoses to run, no fittings to fail?and it is absolute the easiest to install.

You?ll never again experience slow leaks caused by a pinhole in one of your hoses that takes forever (if you are that lucky) to find. Raise and lower your rear end at the touch of a button. Add air pressure to improve ride quality during changing road conditions or while hauling added weight. Also improving the ride quality is an adjustable dampening valve. Ride height is also adjustable (maximum height is set during installation).

SAS Photo 8-17-09

The SAS is super easy to install and comes complete with mounting instructions. All you have to do is replace your old shocks with a new SAS unit and wire an on/off switch directly to the battery. Fits all soft tail Harley-Davidson?s as well as custom production bikes. Its water resistant design is perfect for those that ride in inclement weather and they are manufactured right here in the good ?ol USA. CCCS honors a 3 year parts replacement warranty.

You won?t find anything from overseas coming out of Custom Cycle Controls. 1999 & earlier or 2000 & up softail w/4 wire harness, hard anodized, (3-4″ of travel) MSRP: $1,649.00. SAS-XL, (6? of travel for custom applications) MSRP: $1,799

Custom Cycle Control also offers a complete series of award winning “Climax Controls” or Complete Climax Hand Control/Handlebar systems. They have a wide variety of handlebar styles, gauge options and grip choices. Need something custom made – call them; they can accommodate just about any custom order. Custom Cycle Control Systems: Creating Simple Solutions to Common Problems.

For those interested in obtaining more information on Custom Cycle Controls, you can reach them at (866) 438-2129, or 702-438-2129. Check them out online at or email them at

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BUY AMERICAN, THE INVESTIGATION–Check this out. Someone was in Lowes the other day and looking at the hose attachments. They were all made in China . The next day she was in Ace Hardware and, just for the heck of it, she checked the hose attachments there. They were made in USA .

Start looking! In our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects someone else – even their job. So, after reading this email, I think this lady is on the right track. Let’s get behind her!

My grandson likes Hershey’s candy. I noticed, though, that it is marked made in Mexico now. I do not buy it any more. My favorite toothpaste Colgate is made in Mexico now. I have switched to Crest. You have to read the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets. I was in the light bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand I normally buy was an off brand labeled, “Everyday Value..” I picked up both types of bulbs and compared the stats – they were the same except for the price. The GE bulbs were more money than the Everyday Value brand but the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that GE was made in MEXICO and the Everyday Value brand was made in – get ready for this – the USA in a company in Cleveland, Ohio .

So onto another aisle – Bounce Dryer Sheets….yep, you guessed it, Bounce cost more money and is made in Canada . The Everyday Value brand was less money and MADE IN THE USA ! I did laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets performed just like the Bounce Free I have been using for years and at almost half the price!

Throw out the myth that you cannot find products you use every day that are made right here My challenge to you is to start reading the labels when you shop for everyday things and see what you can find that is made in the USA -the job you save may be your own or your neighbors!

Stop buying from overseas companies! (We should have awakened a decade ago……)

Let’s get with the program…. help our fellow Americans keep their jobs and create more jobs here in the U.S.A.

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turkey creek tours

Turkey Creek Tours Announces New Baja Mexico Motorcycle Tour– Turkey Creek Motorcycle Tours, provider of luxury motorcycle tours in Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Mexico and South America has announced an expansion of its Mexico tour offerings for 2010.

Turkey Creek is now offering an exciting fourteen day Baja, Mexico adventure tour March 6 to 19, 2010. The tour, all on paved roads, starts and ends in Tucson, Arizona and travels south through the Mexican states of BajaCalifornia, Baja Sur and Sonora. The tour features deserts, mountains and, of course, Gulf of California. A ferry ride across the Gulf of California brings the tour back to the Mexican mainland to the state of Sonora and more outstanding riding through the Sierra Madres before returning to Tucson.

This unique and out of the ordinary tour was created for the motorcycle traveler looking for something different in Mexico?s Baja Sur and the Northern Sonoran desert. These tours travel back to undiscovered Mexico, untrammeled and unspoiled and feature rides on maintained, paved, twisty roads through the Sonoran desert and into the Sierra Madres through towns founded over 300 years ago.

The tour includes all meals except on free days, lodging every night, a support vehicle, and (bi-lingual) Spanish speaking guides. Space is limited.

Turkeycreek sign

Turkey Creek Tours is a Colorado company providing motorcycle-touring adventures in the Southwest, Mexico and South America. To book a tour or for more information contact Tom or Lynn Matthews at1-888-763-6185,, or visit the company?s website, .

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DON’T MISS THE BIKERNET TECHS THIS WEEK–The dresser windshield test is already launched and so is the stellar JIMS/Biker’s Choice tool tech. Watch for the D&D/K&N/Compu-Fire, save the Evo tech next week.


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This Saturday is our Annual End Of Summer Party! — End Of Summer PartyIn Conjunction with theRide For The Riders Charity Fun Run!

Renegade Party Schedule; BBQ & Beer Service 11am to 5pm. Live music Noon to 5pm, Feature Band THE CHERRY!.

Bikini Bike wash 11am to 4pm, sponsor Jet Shine Wax Products. Skull Crush Tattoos with on site tattoos & demos.

End of Summer Apparel Sale.
Bike Close-Outs, Year End Deals!
Ride For The Riders Fun Run Details;

The ride starts in Mansfield and ends at Renegade!Fun Run Details The return of Born 2B Wild Bike Nights at Spencers Corner!

Back by Popular demand, the best Bike Night in DFW!The Fender Benders performing live. Bikini Contest with $1,000 in cash & prizes! DFWs Greatest Happy Hour! $1.25 Wells and domestics, 4 to 8pm, 7 days a week! Power Hour $2.50 Wells and domestics, 8 to 10pm, 7 nights a week!

RENEGADE RIDERS will be leaving the dealership at 6pm sharp to head to Spencers Corner. Spencers Corner Web Site

Visit RENEGADE for the Largest Custom Bike Display in Texas! Over 100 American Customs in stock! Bourget, American IronHorse, BMC, Victory & Pre-Owned Motorcycles!5 Top American Motorcycle Brands,ONE GREAT STORE!

2618 I-20 West, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052At the NW Corner of I-20 and Great Southwest in Grand PrairieLocal 469-348-2222, Toll free 877-976-BIKEOr visit us online at

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NRA Tool Bar Banner

California Legislature to Consider Anti-Gun Bills Very Soon– Please Contact Your State Legislators Immediately! As we have reported, there are two very serious anti-gun bills pending action in Sacramento. These bills could be heard as early as Thursday so it is critical that your contact your legislators in opposition.

Assembly Bill 962 is currently awaiting action in the Senate. Sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), AB962 would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a ?handgun ammunition vendor? in the Department of Justice?s database.

Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require that purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be kept in dealers’ records and subject to inspection by the Department of Justice. Lastly, mail order ammunition sales would be prohibited.

Senate Bill 585 is pending a vote by the full Assembly. SB585, introduced by State Senator Mark Leno (D-3), would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition on the property or inside the buildings that comprise the Cow Palace. In short, SB585 is a stepping-stone to banning gun shows on all publicly-owned property in California.

It is imperative that you stand-up and respectfully make your voices heard! Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge them to oppose AB962. Also, please contact your Assemblymember and ask them to oppose SB585. Contact information can be found here .

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SEMA banner
Anybody can join Sema, large companies, small, dealers and individuals.

Upcoming SEMA Webinar: ?The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence?Thursday, September 9, 2009, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (PDT)– Customer loyalty is fundamental to the success of your company. Without it, expenses can go up, profits go down, morale suffers and your company is at risk.

Robert Spector, author of “The Nordstrom Way”, will show you how to create loyal customers and keep them coming back.

Spector’s insight to customer service-gained through exclusive input from Nordstrom management and the company’s high-level sales people-will guide your organization to new heights in customer service excellence. You and your staff will leave this session with real-world action items that can be put to use right away.

–Jamie EriksenSEMA Education Administrator

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BIKER’S CHOICE HELP 5-BALL RACING GET HOOKED UP WITH THUNDERHEART IGNITION MODULE FOR CRAZY HORSE 100-INCH ENGINE FOR FACTORY RACER–Yes, Thunderheart confirmed the part # and pricing:EA5000-DCON. Let Carmen know if you want us to special order it for you.

–Richard Schafer
Biker’s Choice


Crazy Horse 100-inch engines come with the original Indian timing trigger from the past. ThunderHeart makes a standard non-tuneable product, and a very tune-friendly single-fire ignition module. Crazy Horse also offers their engines with a standard Evo cone system, but we wanted to maintain the original, for a unique engine appearance. We may test the single-fire system in the future.–Wrench

Crazy Horse Engine Banner2

Continued On Page 3

Read More

August 27, 2009 Part 1



There’s always something in the wind. I went to see a Chinese Acupuncturist yesterday. He told me to cut back on the spicy food and the number of projects on my plate. He said, “Relax.”

I immediately rode to the Fo’scle bar, ordered a margarita and asked myself, “What the hell should I do now?” I was thinking about building a hot rod, so I could pull a lowered Kendon trailer and it would be easier to load bikes. What the fuck? We thought about a used Bikernet Step Van for Bonneville next year and all three bikes aboard a custom Kendon trailer.

Builder Larry Curik is alive and well. He just shipped this bike to his customer in Alaska, then he drove to an Army sharp-shooters competition. We’ll feature this bike in a couple of weeks.

That’s just the tip of the Official Bikernet Project List. We’re trying to build a deck on the side of this termite sagging building for the lovely Sin Wu to place her barbecue. We had another Chance book cover meeting with Aubry, the Wilmington mural artist and sign painter. I’ll bring you a teaser photo next time. Did you hear about Mexico legalizing drugs? Now Argentina is going to legalize Marijuana. I read an article in The Week Magazine, about a general healthcare initiative enacted in Massachusetts. It worked and reduced the number of uninsured to 2 percent from 15 percent, but it also failed to fix emergency rooms traffic and now the state is broke. It went way over budget. Crazy. Oh, and one more tidbit, the Post Office is closing offices and considering bankruptcy. Let’s hit the news:

Right now, if you join the Cantina, we will send $5.00 to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, and send you a raffle ticket for a Brass Balls Bobber, not bad.

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cci scoop

?New CUSTOM CHROME Parts with Old School Style from Jammer Club?–Morgan Hill, CA ?? Scalloped Sparto Style Taillight from Jammer Club adds scallops to the ever popular Sparto taillight. The guys at West Eagle have given us old school builders one more super-fine taillight to choose from. Natural finish, diecast aluminum body, 12-Volt, dual filament and plastic lens. A great retro inspired taillight!

cci scoop on bike

The Scalloped Sparto Style Taillight, part #683071 retails for $259.99.

cci blk holes

Retro ?Drilled? Black Taillight

Another twist by the West Eagle crew of their popular ?Drilled? taillights. This version features a black anodized finish on the body, with the contrasting drilled holes lookin? so super fine. The taillight is 12-Volt, dual filament with license plate illumination and integrated mounting/license plate bracket. Taillight measures 2-3/4? wide X 1-1/4? deep. A great looking taillight!

cci blk holes front

The Retro Drilled Black Taillight, part #683072 retails for $179.99.


jammer logo

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Theo Rossi-Juice-cuts up

BIKERNET CORRESPONDEND RIDES TO BURBANK TO HOOK UP WITH SONS OF ANARCHY CAST–Just got the call that I’m riding to Burbank on Friday with the Lathrop H-D dealership to be part of the crew that delivers the bikes to the SOA actors at Burbank Studios. Woo Hoo!!

Haven’t had a road trip over a few hundred miles this year so I’m jazzed. Sux that I don’t have a speedo (or trip meter) so I’ll have some “gee, do I need gas” issues, but I guess riding with a dozen or so mechanics is a bit reassuring in such a case.

I’m told I’ll have a chance to take whatever fotos I want and access to interview, but I’m not holding anyone to that since the world gets hinky when the Hollywood folks get involved.

I’ll keep ya posted.


Watch for the TPJ Customs feature, by Felicia, to be launched on Bikernet by Monday. It’s a terrific swingarm chop, with the wild story of Bryan building this bike in California and riding it to Sturgis to deliver it to its new owner. Hang on.–Bandit

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KEYBOARD MOTORCYCLE SHIPPING TO DELIVER THE ASSALT WEAPAN HOME–That’s right. After an almost two-year vacation at Accurate Engineering in Dothan, Alabama, the Assalt Weapan is coming home. “It’s race ready,” said Berry Wardlaw recently. Two years ago we installed a new Pegasus EFI system and Berry handled fine tuning.


But now it’s time to bring that baby home for some aerodynamic tuning and preparations for Bonneville 2010. Hang on for more reports.

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camy bikes

BIKERNET WEATHER BUREAU IN LOWER ALABAMA CHECKS IN–Well, it has done it again. The weather is being anything but normal around here. After a week of rainy days with heat and humidity added in just to make it feel right, things have become almost fall like once again. For the past few nights we have not had to run the A/C at all, just open the windows and enjoy the cool breeze. Real nice.

The days have been cloudy and there has been a little breeze once in a while with temperatures in the 87-92 degree range. Great riding weather, not too hot, not too cool and not too wet. I feel like Goldilocks when she ate the porridge.

camy hills

We missed most of the bad weather from the two tropical storms, then the hurricane passed us by and that is a real good thing. So we are back on track for good fall weather or so the local weather men say. Let’s hope they know what they are talking about for once.

Ride safe.

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STURGIS SERIES FROM SCOTT JACOBS (2008 & 2009)– It was a strange Sturgis Rally this year; as for the first few days one wondered if a rally would even take place this year and then Sunday came (1st weekend) and the floodgates opened. It was Katie bar the door for the next 4 days and then things quieted down for the rest of the week.

Adding to the strangeness was Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith falling off the stage at the Chip and then the monstrous baseball size hail storm to cap off the festivities. While all this was going on Scott Jacobs Studio quietly recorded another strong Rally in the sales department which is a testament to Scott?s innovation, talent and extremely loyal following. Virtually all genres: Harley, wine, Marilyn and lifestyle pieces equally sold. I can hardly wait the the70th Anniversary of Sturgis next year!

Scott Jacobs girl

COLLECTORS ALERT: Scott has decided to aptly name last year?s official Sturgis painting, ?In Your Dreams? the very first painting of his STURGIS SERIES. This year?s version, FACE TO FACE, is the second image of the series. (both are depicted below)> Since ?Face to Face? is only an edition of 69 of each size (represents the 69th Sturgis Rally) I urge you to consider this piece for your collection, especially if you already own the first one, ?In Your Dreams?. Both paintings depict Scott?s family members; daughter Olivia and Dad Dallas and the smart money for next years? painting will undoubtedly be on Scott?s other daughter Alexa?.can?t wait!

IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE IN YOUR DREAMS: We will try to accommodate you with a matching number Face to Face where possible (only if your number is 69 or lower) or at least save one of the edition so you can keep the collection intact but don?t delay as numbers are being assigned currently for orders taken at Sturgis. Here is the link for specs on this edition…


Finally, the Mt. Rushmore Museum, shows the display of the original painting: FACE TO FACE which was enjoyed by all visitors to the park during the Rally.


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THE BIKERNET BLONDE VAULT NOW OPEN–A blonde was shopping at Target and came across a shiny silver Thermos. She was quite fascinated by it, so she picked it up and took it to the clerk To ask what it was.

The clerk said, ‘Why, that’s a thermos….. It keeps hot things hot, And cold things cold.’

‘Wow, said the blonde, ‘that’s amazing….I’m going to buy it!’

So she bought the thermos and took it to work the next day. Her boss saw it on her desk. ‘What’s that,’ he asked?

‘Why, that’s a thermos….. It keeps hot things hot and cold things Cold,’ she replied.

Her boss inquired, ‘What do you have in it?’

The blond replied….. …’Two popsicles and some coffee.’


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bbc intl

BIG BEAR CHOPPERS European Certification, New European Dealers?New Model Launch–Big Bear Choppers and its European Distributor announce Euro-III certification for all 18 Big Bear Choppers models including carbureted and EFI engines.

??We realized that making such a large investment in time and money to obtain Euro-III certification was a risk, especially during a recession and credit crunch, but we are convinced that this will pay huge dividends as we will stand out as the leader in international market for high-end American motorcycles…?-Kevin Alsop, CEO

BBC is thrilled to announce the signing of new Motorcycle Dealers through Midland Choppers, our European Distributor:

Italy ? Good Vibrations
France ? Absolute Cycles
Switzerland ? Galora Choppers and GoodDrive
Germany ? Bos-Bos and All American

??We spent a lot of time and energy to obtain certification before our competition, to help coordinate product launches, and to support dealer grand openings…I am proud our first class team of dealers, distributors and employees that were able to accomplish this in time for the riding season in Europe?we will work with Midland to extend our product presence throughout the European Union according to our expansion plan??

–Rick Urban, Director of Dealer Development

In a show of support and commitment to the European market, owners Kevin and Mona Alsop attended each of the product launches and dealership grand openings, recently returning from their two week tour.

??It was incredible to see the dedication and commitment to the BBC brand?our European dealers are first class, and as our new partners in Europe we know they will be the leader in the market place with their professionalism and enthusiasm.?

–Mona Alsop, Executive VP

In recognition of the great Team in Europe, and the time, effort, and dedication they have shown, Big Bear Choppers is launching a new ? international ? model: ?Rage?. The Rage motorcycle design follows suit with BBC?s brand, with its bold profile and old school flavor, featuring our proprietary power 100 SMOOTH engine, and utilizing a Baker 6-speed transmission, sleek billet primary drive, billet wheels, 4 piston caliper brakes, among many other notable components.

Big Bear Touring

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360 BRAKE TECH QUESTION–I seem to come up with ideas (some good, some not so) once in a while that no one seems to be able to answer, so thought I would tap into your infinite wisdom.

Looking at the 360 brake install, would it be possible to install one on each side for a dual brake set up??

Would give both sides of the hub the same appearance, and probably improve stopping too!


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cliff castle casino front


CAMP VERDE, AZ (8-19-09) We?re going full throttle with the 9th Annual Thunder Valley Rally event at Cliff Castle, Sept. 19-20. Everyone is welcome (not just the road warriors!) for two full days of fun, food, music, and prizes: Join us for the Poker Run with over $10,000 in prize money, the Bike Show with over $8,000 in prizes, and the first annual Statewide Battle of the Bands, rocking your vote.

All this, with over $30,000 in raffle prizes given away, including a 2009 Victory Vision motorcycle!

This year?s charity partner is Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Event Schedule:

Saturday, Sept. 19
TVR Poker Run
Registration free (day of only)
Saturday morning 8am ? 10am
Poker Run leaves at 10am

A total of $10,000 in prize money will be given away to participants with the highest & lowest five-card poker hands. All Poker Run participants will also receive a $10 Cash coupon when they turn in a completed ride card.

TVR 2008 244

Get ready for some competitive performances in our first ever TVR Battle of the Bands at our Stargazer Pavilion.

Sunday, Sept. 20

TVR 2008 190

TVR Bike Show
Registration $10 (cash only)
Sunday morning 8 am ? 10 am

Show and voting is between 10am ? 12noon, with award ceremony shortly after 3pm. We?ll be awarding over $8,000 in prize money in 11 different classes.

The Battle of the Bands competition continues, with another great lineup.

Win it: 09 Victory Vision Motorcycle Giveaway.
Grand prize drawing at 4:20pm
Winner must be present to win. All participants in the Poker Run & Bike Show must be 21 years of age or older. Drawing Tickets on sale at the Castle Club $5 each, or 6 for $25.
For complete details and rules, contact The Castle Club at 928-567-7999.

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OLIVE DRAB IS BACK!– At last, we are excited to introduce our 2WD model from the T-series – Ural Patrol T! Many of our owners and followers have been longing for the come back of Olive Drab color on Ural. We couldn’t continue the resistance any longer so we’ve revitalized the color of the once extremely popular military olive green palette from the 90’s Urals. For those of you who can live without the chrome and our favorite funky Gear Up camo scheme – take a look at the pure function and subtle elegance of the new Patrol T!

The suggested retail price is $12,399 and it comes with everything that you see in these photos.

Sneak a peek at the new Patrol T section of the site here:!


The Patrol-T is already in the country and this is the list of dealers who have it on the floor already or getting it right now:
Adirondack Ural (Chestertown, NY)
Holopaw Corvette (St. Cloud, FL)
Triquest Motorcycles (Santa Clara, CA)
Ural of New England (Boxborough, MA)

Coming soon to:
Heindle Engineering (Eaton, OH)
ReCycle (Ralston, WY)
VT Cycles (Poland, ME)

Check their websites and give them a call to schedule a test ride!

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AMD MODIFIED HARLEY CLASS WINNERS–Builders of some 25 mildly or heavily modified, restored, tuned or entirely reinterpreted Harleys competed for the honor of being able to call themselves the Modified Harley-Davidson World Champion for 2009.

The win was taken by Ferry Clot of Hot Dreams Marbella, in Spain, for “Panafina”, an old-school style reinterpretation of a 74 cubic inch 1956 Panhead that took an original engine and frame as the start-point for a “Bobber-meets-Chopper master-class in the art of seeing beyond the obvious”, according to one of Ferry’s fellow competitors in awarding him top marks.


This was the second time that Ferry had won the Modified Harley-Davidson class (he last won in 2007), and he beat serious competition from the likes of Roland Sands, who was voted second (with the much admired and Harley-Davidson ‘Partner Pick of Excellence’ award winner ‘Black Beauty’) and fourth equal (‘Bu-Hell’) with two of the three bikes he had in the class.

Third spot was taken by Marc Demers and Alain Michaud of Radical Kustoms, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, with a lowrider called “The Last Chapter”. Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing’s Huey Schwebs tied Roland Sands for fourth with ‘Sic Pup’.

Other well-known builders and aftermarket Harley parts designers in the class included Jesse Rooke, Brian Fuller, Brian Klock, Covingtons Customs, Eastern Fabrications, Todd’s Cycle and Heartland USA.

Ferry received his prize from Harley-Davidson’s Ken Ostermann, the General Manager of Harley’s Outreach Customer Marketing operations.

Commenting on the winning bikes, Ken said “Ferry’s bike is just gorgeous. The attention to detail, the hand-craftsmanship and the sheer imagination that have gone into it as a Panhead reinterpretation is inspiring.

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MRF LEGISLATIVE REPORT, CONGRESSIONAL VISITS–The last two weeks of July are always the busiest of the legislative year, and even more so when there?s a newly seated President. Nevertheless, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) was proud to work with two different state motorcyclists? rights groups visiting DC – Freedom of Road Riders (FORR) from Missouri and Kentucky Motorcycle Association, Kentucky Biker Association (KMA-KBA) respectively.

We had two successful weeks with several high-level meetings, including a sit down with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in his prestigious capitol leadership office. Both groups were returning, coincidentally, after a decade plus break. So it was even more impressive to see the great respect and admiration the congressional delegations had for the groups. Just goes to show that staying involved and active with your politicians when they are back home for breaks pays off.


It?s not a secret that Indianapolis is a breeding ground for fans of motor sports and all things fast, and one of those fans happens to be Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. For those unfamiliar with him, Governor Daniels? state is currently one of only three in the country that is in the fiscal black. So not only is he working miracles in the state capitol, but he also finds time to ride his Harley Fat Boy. Now that?s my kind of governor! In a recent interview before a ride with 500 of his closest friends, Daniels flatly denied that a helmet law would reduce fatalities, stating that the emphasis should be on training and awareness. My man Mitch!


New York City (NYC) has always been known as place that generates 24-hour background noise. Between the police sirens, the honk-happy cabbies, and general street corner mischief, it?s impossible to find total silence out of doors in the Big Apple. When you live in NYC you learn to deal with it. However, one NYC council member doesn?t want to deal with it; instead he wants to achieve something he calls ?silent night,? and he is starting with motorcycles.

As previously reported by the MRF, NYC Council Member Alan Gerson introduced a bill that would fine any ?stopped, standing, or parked motorcycle? that does not have the EPA stamp on the exhaust pipe. Bill 416-A was originally introduced in January, but Councilman Gerson held it back because of the community outcry over the bill.

His newest version of the bill does not include the language about permanent forfeiture of the bike that was included in the original bill, but the fines are steep – up to $3500 for a third offense. At their request, the MRF is working with the NYC motorcycle community to see that this bill does not become law.

Fortunately, inside sources with the NYC Mayor?s office also indicate that he has no intention of signing the bill. The MRF will continue to keep you updated on this situation. You can visit Councilman Gerson?s website at

meeting of the minds linking logo
Meeting of the Minds
Bloomington, MN
Sept. 24-27, 2009

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MECUM SELLS 1924 HARLEY DAVIDSON FOR $52,000–MARENGO, Ill. – Mecum Auction sold a 1924 Harley Davidson Oval Port 8-Valve motorcycle for $52,000 at its inaugural Monterey auction at the Hyatt Regency Resort in Monterey, Calif., on August 15, 2009. Built to the exact specifications of Harley Davidson’s record-breaking 8-valve design with few replicated parts, this bike is one of the rarest and most valuable American racers to have ever been produced. The Mecum Auction Company has been specializing in the sale of collector cars, muscle cars and Corvettes for more than 20 years. For more information, visit .

We confirmed that Fred Lange built this partially replicated FHAD, 8-valve, 2-cam, oval-port, H-D racer.

“Between 1916 and 1929 the factory only built 20 of these bikes, in three different styles,” said Fred. At one point, they were the World’s fastest motorcycles.

Fred does a magnificent job of building replicated, partially replicated and restored motorcycles. To reach Fred, call (805) 937-4972. Replicated and partially replicated bikes pull a fraction of the cost of a complete restoration or even an original paint complete bike. Unlike some builders, Fred is completely honest about his bikes and one of the best at replicating anything.–Wilburn Roach

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AH, THE BIKERNET MONK RETURNS FROM HIS CAVE– Man who live in glass house, dress in basement.

Kotex not best thing on earth, but next to best thing.

Man with penis in peanut butter is f***ing nuts.

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Pirelli burnout


Check out the Pirelli Night Dragons I got for free. They do smoke good huh! By the way it’s at my bar Dockside Willy’s where we smoke ’em.

This’ll be the last time the Pirelli bike will be seen since Pirelli figures it ain’t worthit!!!!

Thanks Pirelli for all the support!!!


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KRAWIEC RIDES SCREAMIN? EAGLE V-ROD TO WIN AT READING–Defending NHRA Champion Clinches Top Slot in Countdown Playoffs.

READING, Pa. (August 23, 2009) ? Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Eddie Krawiec won his fourth NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle event of the season and clinched the number-one spot in the Full Throttle Countdown to the Championship playoff series at the Toyo Tires NHRA Nationals on the Maple Grove Raceway. Krawiec, the defending NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle champion, rode his Harley-Davidson V-Rod past MPR/Damn Sports Suzuki rider Michael Phillips in the final round of eliminations.

Krawiec has secured 30 bonus points for being the top qualifier for the Countdown. There is still one event ? the Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at Indianapolis on Labor Day weekend ? on the regular-season schedule before the playoff series begins.

?This means we can go to Indy with no pressure,? said Krawiec. ?I went out in the first round there last year, and this time I want to try and win it for the Screamin? Eagle team.?

Krawiec was the number-four qualifier for the Reading event, with a elapsed time of 7.041 seconds. Screamin? Eagle/Vance & Hines rider Andrew Hines qualified fifth at 7.042 seconds. Hector Arana used a 6.986 ET to claim the top qualifying position.

The start of the Pro Stock Motorcycle eliminations was delayed by more than three hours due to water seeping through the track surface as it was warmed by bright sun after several days of rainy weather. Hines was eliminated in the first round when his 6.979-second ET was not enough to overcome a 0.128-second reaction time at the start, and the 0.016/7.048 pass of Rocklin Motorsports Buell rider Matt Guidera.

?My motor function was off,? said Hines, who remains a solid second in season points. ?I saw the yellow and my brain reacted, but my hand did not release the clutch lever. It?s something that has happened to me in the past. By the time I realized what was going on and let go of the lever, Guidera was gone. I?m just going to move on and set my sights on doing well at Indy.?

Krawiec defeated Kendall Suzuki rider Wesley Wells in the first round, posting a 6.970-second ET that would stand as the quickest Pro Stock Motorcycle run of the weekend. Krawiec advanced to the finals when his next two opponents, Guidera and Arana, fouled at the starting line. Krawiec defeated Phillips 7.138 to 8.153, to take his fourth win in eight final-round appearances this season.

After the Reading event, seven Pro Stock Motorcycle riders have qualified for the 2009 Full Throttle Countdown to the Championship. Guidera will join Krawiec, Hines, Arana, Matt Smith, Doug Horne, and Craig Treble, each of whom qualified at previous events. Only the top 10 points earners in the class will take part in the five-event Countdown playoffs, which begin at the North Carolina Nationals on Sept. 17-20. Those final three Countdown qualifiers will be determined at the next event on the NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule, the Mac Tools U.S. Nationals, Sept 2-7, at O?Reilly Raceway Park, Indianapolis, Ind.

After 11 events on the 17-race 2009 NHRA Full Throttle Pro Stock Motorcycle schedule, Krawiec leads the series with 1,026 points. Hines is second with 837, followed by Arana with 722, Smith with 668, Horne with 685, and Treble in fifth place with 673 points.

screamin eagle

Continued On Page 2

Read More

Bikernet World Exclusive…come take a ride with the Chernobyl Kid of Speed


Editor’s note:This is a rare experience for Bikernet and a rare pleasure to share the questions from Jaqhama, a life-long Australian motorcyclists with Elena, a devote female biker from the Ukraine. We left her answers unedited to give you a sense of her dialect. Enjoy.

Jaqhama: Hi Elena, first let me say thanks very much for doing this interview. I’ll try not to ask too many boring questions. Just for the record you were born and raised in the Ukraine right? And that’s a separate country to Russia these days? But used to part of the Russian Federation of States?

Elena: Since 1654 Ukraine was part of Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Ukraine became independent state after Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Now, it is a separate state with president, constitution and own money. I was born in Kiev, it is a capital city of Ukraine.

Jaq: OK, tell me a bit about your interest in motorcycles and about the first bike you rode or owned.

Elena: Interest to motorcycles began at early age, I had bunch of soviet mopeds and bikes since I was in school, later I had 250cc, 400cc, 600cc Japanese motorbikes, gradually I came to the point when possessing 1000 cc motorcycle became safe for me.

Jaq: Now your current bike, at least until it developed major engine problems, was the big black Kawasaki sports bike yes? I’m curious as to how many large engine Japanese, American or European bikes one finds in the Ukraine?

Elena: Big Ninja is classified as a sport tourer, miles eater. Even though bike was heavy for me, bulky and not good for corners, I enjoyed with its rough power.

As for large motorcycles in Ukraine, Harley’s very expensive here, really luxury stuff. I believe all Harley owners here know each other, there is no dealers, no way to get parts. The same with Italian motorcycles, no many want to buy them, because it is hard to find any parts for Aprilla’s and Ducati's. Due to good economic connections with Germany, BMW well known here, they are expensive, so the owners are mostly well off older guys. Japanese motorcycles prevail on our market. We have no real dealers, we have sub dealers from Russian dealers of Yamaha. Prices cosmic, but at least you can order parts.

Jaq: Now how hard is it for an average wage earner to afford a bike like your Kawasaki? For that matter what is the average wage of a middle-income worker? In American dollars if you could please.

Elena: The average monthly wage in Ukraine is around 100 US dollars, in Kiev it is a bit higher, something about 180 US dollars, but this figures means nothing, for Ukraine is a country where most of economy in a shadow, so if you want to estimate welfare, don’t ask how much people make, instead look at how much they spend. The average Ukrainian spend around 300 US dollars. New Yamaha R-1 at sub dealers costs 18,000 US dollars. It is hard to afford new motorcycle in this lifetime; it is why I was able to afford to buy my Ninja only on second hand market.

Jaq: Is there a big difference between low-income workers and middle-income workers in your country? I was in Poland in 1994 and compared to Western Europe at that time, people struggled to afford things many of us here took for granted.

Elena: There is almost no middle class in Ukraine, there are only rich and poor and the difference between them is tremendous. What we call a middle class are relatives of rich, or those who work for foreign companies, in banks and some owners of small, private businesses, there are not many of them. Maybe our middle class is just 4% out of whole population.

Jaq: Back to motorcycles for a bit; apart from your famous journeys through the Dead Zone and Chernobyl, what other interesting places have you ridden your bike to? Do you have a favourite bike road, a favourite destination?

Elena: What we call a “Dead Zone” is area of 30 km (19 mile) around reactor, but it is very small part of the total area that was poisoned with radiation and it is not best part. There are only one town and some 30 villages, half of which demolished within “Dead Zone”, there are also a several hundred radioactive burials and lot of checkpoints. I used to ride through, but it was not my favourite. My favourite destination is north from Chernobyl, there are 170 of deserted villages and towns outside of “Dead Zone”. There is no checkpoints, radiation not high and good roads, some haven’t been ridden for 20 years, they blocked from cars, but not from motorcycles.

Jaq: I suppose I had better ask the question most people always ask you. When, and why, did you decide to ride your bike through the radiation soaked area of Chernobyl?

Elena: First time, I visited area of Chernobyl some 14 years ago, I still was in school. I really was impressed with dark beauty of a places. Since then I was visiting different parts of Chernobyl on motorcycle, on car, on boat and even on tractor.

Jaq: Were you scared about riding into the Dead Zone? I mean even a little apprehensive? I know you know your stuff when it comes to judging the amount of safe and unsafe levels of radiation and fallout, but even so I think not many people would consider it the ideal place for a motorcycle adventure?

Elena: I wasn’t scared, but was a bit concerned with meeting some bum, marauder or run away convict that live in a distant villages. There are not many chances to meet someone friendly there.

Jaq: How many times have you ridden into the area, and how many people have ever volunteered to go with you?

Elena: It is hard to say how many times, the whole area is in size of a big European state and sometimes I go in one place, sometimes in the other. I do my own researches and I have a friend biologist who goes there. He is chasing grasshoppers and butterflys. Nature is doing much better without humans, this days some extinct species revive in Chernobyl and area attract biologists.

I must confess aside of this friend not many others would want to join me, I wouldn’t even propose them, but I myself wouldn’t go with just anyone. I love to join my Dad, for he is a man of knowledge and I’d rather join someone whom I can learn from.


Jaq: Do you feel completely satisfied that you have not picked up too much exposure to the radiation?

Elena: What I have picked is nothing in compare to what pick up scientists who work inside of a Sarcophagus. I am satisfied that I have not picked up too much exposure to the radiation, but all I really need to know is where to go and where not to go.

Jaq: I must confess it’s not the first place on my own personal list, of places to go Adventure Biking. That’s not to say I would not ride there however. I am famous for doing crazy things. Do people who know you or read your website mention the word crazy to you often?

Elena: I heard a lot from people on the Internet and word “crazy” was not the strongest, but luckily there are people who appreciate my work.

Jaq: I have read on your website that the Russian and the Ukraine governments have never actually admitted just how many people died at the time, or afterwards, from the nuclear disaster. I also read the bit where you say the United Nations now claims a whole 56 people died at Chernobyl. Even I, who know little about the meltdown, can tell that is a stupid report. What does the United Nations have to gain by saying stuff like this?

Elena: United Nations are representatives of the World authorities and this days World doesn’t need to know the true about Chernobyl, they need to build more atomic plants, here and everywhere.

Jaq: Do they really think that people all over the world will believe their reports?Do they assume the average person is just plain dumb? What can people reading this do; to make sure that the Chernobyl disaster is not swept under the carpet and forgotten?

Elena: Yes, everyone I know was shocked with UN report in September 2005. Even though we know, they treat us like a fools, no one could expect their lie would be so obvious and offensive, but then, look at what happened in Iraq, this war is fair result of all UN policy and their treating of Arab world like one big, dumb gas station, with their food for oil reports and one fake report about Iraq owning chemical weapons.

Now, Iraqis who didn't have any weapon of mass destruction will try to get it as soon as international troops will leave Iraq.

They had nothing to do with Al Kaida, now Al Kaida is in Iraq. In Iran they desperately want to obtain Plutonium for nuclear weapon. What worse is that now Osama became a hero for millions. Bin Laden is not a boss of a gang of thugs and killers as he was a few years ago, he is leader of a large political faction of the Arab world now. 60% of the Arab world are under the age of 20. That is 840,000,000 teenagers. Many of them want to be just like Osama. He is their “Elvis”, who carry AK-47 instead of guitar. But they do not want to learn to play a guitar and run out of gas at a drive in movie on a prom date. They want fill the car with dynamite and kill everyone who do not recite the words of the Koran verbatim. Now, they hate us bitterly, everyday civilians and American soldiers dying for no good reason and this is result of all UN reports.

Best everyone can do to keep Chernobyl story active is to pass link of my story to their friends. People should no just forget Chernobyl happened, like many in government want.

Jaq: You say the Ukraine government wants to build 12 new nuclear power stations, based on the design they used at Chernobyl? That sounds just crazy to me. Surely the people of the Ukraine, of Russia even, will not just sit back and let them build more “ accidents waiting to happen ”?

Elena: They will build eleven new reactors, design improved, but technology the same; lack of safety, irresponsibility of personal, all the same. I don’t trust them. We won’t survive another Chernobyl. Unfortunately, people just sit back and let them to build more reactors.

Jaq: I loved your story of how the people of the Ukraine stood up for themselves and made the rigged elections fall. That was wonderful, it must have been a proud moment for you and your fellow citizens?

Elena: Yes, it was. The Orange Revolution was fall of Berlin’s Wall in people’s minds. Now, we have freedom of speech and I can tell what I think

Jaq: I see now that the Ukraine has joined the European Community, that Russia is already making life difficult for you guys with their embargo on the Gas pipeline. How is that affecting life for the ordinary citizen? I know it’s winter in your country now and temperatures must be below freezing yes?

Elena: We have election coming in spring and Russia trying to influence it. What they proposed was a political price, they raised it from 50 to 230 US dollars for 1000 of cubic meters. I don’t understand what was this cabal about since it affected metallurgy and all industrial region on south east of Ukraine, where live Russians and most businesses belong to Russians.


Jaq: I meant to ask you Elena, what do you do for a job/work?

Elena: It is something insignificant, not worth to mention it. I would call it an occupation rather then job, work is something you get paid for. Here everything still works by old soviet rule, when they pretend to pay us and we pretend to be working.

Jaq: Now do not be embarrassed by this question…you’re an attractive lady, do many guys who read your website ask you out for dates or propose marriage? (I’ve been married once, disliked it intensely, so you don’t have to worry about me asking you, LOL.)

Elena: Hey, I don’t use my website to improve my personal and sexual life.

Jaq: What’s your favourite motorcycle?…or to put the question another way…if you could have any bike in the world, what would it be? (Pretend I just gave you a million dollars, go ahead, buy any bike you want.) Which one?

Elena: I am a kid of speed and I’d love my dream bike to be tough as ZX-11, fast as Hyabusa with performance of R-1, but such bike doesn’t exist. To get serious, I’d return to 600cc, with injector, they almost as fast as big bikes, light weighted and fuel consumption is humble. If I had to choose, it would be Yamaha R-6

Jaq: Ok, so you’ve picked a bike. Now where in the world do you think you’d like to ride it? Anywhere you have always dreamed of riding?

Elena: I am a Gamma Girl and I’d still ride it through empty towns and villages of post apocalyptic land North of Kiev.

Jaq: How many months riding can you do in the Ukraine before the winter gets too bad?

Elena: I used to begin in March and finish my riding season in November.

Jaq: I was surprised to find the summer temperatures in Poland were very high in the summer for a couple of months, does it get very hot where you live also?

Elena: Climate is changing and summer aren’t summers they used to be, maybe there are only couple of hot weeks when I’d feel like go on the beach.

Jaq: Speaking of temperatures, what’s the lowest it gets in Kiev where you are?

Elena: We have no such a cruel winters as we used to have, February is the coldest month, it can be –15c, but just for a couple of weeks, the average in winter is –3c

Jaq: And with those low temps and the Russians cutting Natural Gas supplies to your country, will people begin to suffer soon?

Elena: I am sure, they will sort out this problem. Russia agreed to sell Natural Gas to Ukraine for 95 US dollars per 1000 cubic meters and it is suitable price, for instance Baltic countries pay 120 US dollars, while for Belorussia price is 46 US dollars. In this way, Mr Putin support totalitarian regime of Lukashenko.

Jaq: Why would Putin would be interested in supporting such leaders as Lukashenko?

Elena: If presidents of post soviet countries all fundamentalists, autocrats, criminals and communists, then in comparison with them, Putin would look like a real democrat, and would be the only one sane man in a region, whom the world leaders could deal with.

Jaq: What is the price (in USA dollars) of Petrol in your country, per litre or per gallon? And can petrol be found easily, I mean when you’re out on your bike or in a car are there plenty of places to get Petrol? Even out in the countryside, away from major towns?

Elena: Once again, Russian oil companies dominate on our market. We have plenty of petrol stations, but the quality of a gasoline isn’t good. For 1 US dollar, here you can buy 1, 5 Litre of 98 petrol, but our 98 is the same as 92 in Western Europe.

Jaq: I read your war archaeology stories, I see you have an interest in old battlefields, there must be plenty of places to do this kind of work in the Ukraine and Russia yes?

Elena: Yes, there are plenty of such places, but my area is famous for battlefields. More then 2 millions of Soviet and German soldiers died in area around Kiev in 1941-1943

Jaq: I read recently that some people are digging up old battlefields looking to sell the weapons and things they find. That’s kind of like grave robbing yes?

Elena: I don’t blame people who dig battlefields in hope to find some relics to sell them, for many in villages and small places it is the only way to make some money, to survive. I blame government who created such economic condition that make people to dig graves of their grandparents. There are still more people who pursue this as a hobby and they driven by love of history. I myself don’t sell relics, I donate to museums, but if I will find my dream relic I will sell it.

Death head ring
Himmler Death Head Ring.

Jaq: What would your dream relic be?

Elena: It is so called “Death Head” silver ring. Himmler himself awarded SS soldiers with them and after one died the search group have been deployed to find the soldier with rings, all death's heads should be returned to Himmler. He didn't get them all, some lost in war trenches and they are priceless now. In all history of Kiev, only one such ring has been found. It was found by two teenagers, who didn't even have metal detector, they didn't know the value of the relic and sold it to a first crook who knew it. He bought precious ring for laughable amount of money and now doing very well with duplicating and selling first copies.

Death head ring2

Jaq: I also see on the Internet that people have been digging up areas where they think Mammoths and other Dinosaurs might have died. Have you ever found anything like that?

Elena: I believe, Mammoths are competence of archaeologists, they have to dig really deep to reach layers with prehistoric creatures. I am not archaeologist. I am a treasures hunter and I usually metal detect and have a couple of guys with shovels whom I just point where to dig.

Jaq: Back to a more grim subject…do you think the Russian or the Ukraine government have really made any big effort to help victims of the Chernobyl disaster?

Elena: They had to provide people with new homes. it was most costly part and now they done with it. They still provide with special allowances, pensions and health benefits, but this days those benefits hardly worth a trolley ticket to go and pick them up.

Jaq: We hear rumors of mutated animals, mutated children even. Doesn’t the Government worry about the future health of their animals and next generation?(If they’re going to build more unsafe Nuclear stations I guess not huh?)

Elena: Just 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of refined uranium produces about the same amount of energy as 3 million kilograms of coal. With high prices for natural gas and oil, our government has no other choice as to build new reactors, but it is not only in Ukraine, nukes coming to us on a big way, all around the world. Not long ago Tony Blair announced that Great Britain may build new nuclear power plants. In America nuclear program is still frozen after Three Mile accident, but “The Powers That Be” already seeking approvals at politicians.

The problem of victims of Chernobyl is that no one want to see them. Not in here, not in Russia, not in America or Europe. We have different economic and political systems, but greed everywhere is the same.

Jaq: You said that the Dead Zone and the wider area around it is becoming a haven for animals now, with no humans to hunt them. Apart from Wolves and wild pigs what other animals have you seen? Is there much bird life in the whole area?And what affect has the radiation had on the plants, the flowers and the trees. Are they blooming more, or dying? Grown bigger or smaller?

Elena: By the way, wolves can not be seen often, unlike the wild pigs they are intelligent creatures, they are always around, but you can’t see them. Wolf is a rare trophy for hunter, usually one can only kill some sick or old wolf. It is easier to shot a fox, who generally considered to be sly, there are plenty of foxes in Chernie. Hares can be seen long before you enter Chernobyl area, they migrate on large territories, hares have no homes, they run their life and always on the move.

Wild boars are really stupid and very dangerous when wounded, there are plenty of them in Belorussian part of Chernobyl, it is marshy area and in winter boars coming to live in marshes when it is warm for them. My friends once wounded boar, it start chasing them, they had to climb on the trees, wonder who was the real hunter.

I can’t say nothing about birds life, to me it doesn’t look any different from birds life in other areas. Plants blooming. It can be seen on photos, but I don’t know if they blooming from radiation or from absence of humans.

Jaq: I suppose no one really knows what effect the radiation is going to have on humans and animals a couple of generations from now do they? Some scientific people say that solar radiation mutated life on earth to produce our species to begin with don’t they?

Elena: We’ll never know what effect the radiation is going to have on humans, not as long as money rule the world. Here, if some scientist will publish true research, they will lose their jobs in no time.

Jaq: You and your people won a big victory in those fake elections, what direction do you see the Ukraine travelling in now? They will be part of the European Economic Community. Be part of NATO and the United Nations?

Elena: It depends of parliamentary elections that coming in spring, our parliament have more power then president and if communists and pro-russian labor party win, then we’ll be drifting towards Russia.

Jaq: The Russian Federation is obviously finished now. More and more countries are breaking away; do most people of your age see that as a good thing? I read sometimes that a lot of older folks say they wish the Federation and communism had never collapsed.

Elena: I don’t wish Russian Federation to end its existence or shrink in size. I wish them to rid of communists and imperialistic ambitions, to stop torture Chechenians and other folks of Northern Caucasia, to learn to have respect to neighbours. I can’t watch Russian TV, it’s propaganda is worse then in Soviet Times, now long speeches of party leaders are replaced with concerts of pop stars and cheap humor shows, all serious analytical programs removed. If some democratic candidate will have some 5 minutes speech, he will look miserable, intimidated, and TV guys will make sure that the next program will show some parade of homosexuals or some serial killer.

Jaq: Now that you have brought world attention to the horror of Chernoby have you been persecuted by Government authorities? Have they ever threatened you? Hacked your website? Anything like that?

Elena: I had some problems but I was not in real trouble. Of course, my website bother them, but it didn’t intersect with interests of some particular clan or some financial group.

Jaq: Do many visitors to your site leave donations, either for your website or for victims of the radiation poisoning?

Elena: I asked readers to support my site, so I could continue to work, this is money for sites costs and for my projects. I can’t say how many people leaving donations. I appreciate any help and I wouldn’t look a gifted horse in a mouth.

I don’t collect funds for victims, for victims I forward all fees and honorars from my Chernobyl publications to organizations that sponsor victims of Chernobyl. I do this for a few years now.

Jaq: You have had about 15 million “hits” on your site, that’s very impressive. It tells me that the story has got out.

Elena: It’s more then 15 millions, “Ghost Town” was on the news in 2004 and I had 3 million unique visitors on my site in April 2004, 2.5 millions in May 2004. Mirrored sites also reported of big traffic.

Then papers all around the world start to write that my site is not true and it brought me even more visitors. Now, water has cooled around Chernobyl story, but people still have interest to my web sites. To me it is important to know that my work has permanent value and is not of one day fleeting popularity.

Jaq: Will you continue to ride and travel in the restricted zone, that huge area that stretches out from the centre of the Sarcophagus for many hundred of kilometres; or do you think it is getting too dangerous, that too many people have begun to start their own investigations, looking for stuff left behind by the ones who died or left their homes?

Elena: I am interested in Chernobyl and I will continue to travel. I left record of how I saw it 18-19 after disaster and I wonder how those towns and villages will look in 30 – 40 –50 years.

Jaq: Am I right in guessing that if criminals flee into the restricted areas, the police and security services do not go in after them?

Elena: I heard Lukashenko had idea of populating “Dead Zone” with criminals, so it may be the hidden policy. There is also natural selection, someone who drunk away lodging in a city can always find place to stay in Chernie. It’s like in a movie “Judge Dread” the cursed land was populated with scumbags.

Jaq: Do people who move back, or who run to the restricted areas, understand about radiation poisoning? Or do many think because they cannot see it, it is not real?

Elena: People who live in areas close to Chernobyl are villagers and have zero awareness of radiation.

Jaq: Your Chernobyl story was obviously very important to you, it was important to many of us. What adventures do you plan for 2006 or more into the future?

Elena: I will continue telling about “North Wing”, the deserted area that is located in neighbouring countries of Belorussia and Russia. I’ve lived in Belorussia and I know the geography and history of a site. I’ve planned something special for “North Wing”, but I doubt I will work on this story in this year.

For a long time I wanted to visit sites of Stalingrad battle, if I will have means and get permission for excavation, then I shall bring report.

I have some other ideas, can’t tell what exactly for they are just an ideas. I think, enough of depressive stuff and time to get some cheerful story.

Jaq: Elena I could ask questions of you all day, for a week. But I am sure you must be getting tired of them by now. On behalf of myself and all the staff and readers of, I want to say thank you so very much. It has been a real pleasure talking to you.

If there is anything you wish to say here at the end now, please do so.

Elena: Like you, I can be carried away and telling about those things all day, for a week. I wish all Bikernet readers to keep rubber side down and want to thank staff for giving me chance to speak.

Elena’s fully updated website can be found at:

Anyone wishing to make a donation to Elena for the up-keep of her website or for her future projects can contact her directly through her website; or leave a message at for Jaqhama.

Anyone wishing to make a donation for victims of the Chernobyl Disaster should contact Elena to have her recommend a reliable organization.

This article and any photographs herein copyrighted to Kevin “ Jaqhama ” Lumley and Elena “ Gamma Girl ” Filatova, 12 January 2006. For reprint permission contact

Read More

August 20, 2009 Part 5


Continued From Page 4

Dealer Direct

D&D CONTINUES TO BUILD DIRECT TO DEALER NETWORK–Hope all is well; here are the new dealers from last week

1) Chris Motorcycle Shop 525 Simpson Ave Hoquiam, WA 98550 360-538-1334
2) Lunatic Psycles 127 S Rosemead Blvd Pasadena, CA 91107 626-577-9600
3) H-D New York City 42-11 Northern Blvd Long Island City, NY 11101 718-707-9300
4) Dick Scott’s Indian Motorcycle Detroit 41775 Michigan Ave #200 Canton, MI 48188 734-398-5454
5) Rossiter’s H-D 330 Cattlemen RD Sarsota, FL 34232 941-951-6103



Bandit and the Pope of Pipe talk exhaust. Once a month the two performance junkies get together to solve the world’s problems… And sometimes they actually move the ball uphill. Dave discusses some of the latest success for his new 2:1 Concentric Baffle that drops 10db at full throttle and moves the peak torque down about 1000 rpms. The Engineering department of the University of Texas at Arlington assisted in the baffle design.

Get more radio and video shows in Bikernet Studio.

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Jay Allen

Broken Spoke Racing Takes Home Two Records From Bonneville–After setting new attendance records at the Broken Spoke Saloons in Sturgis, Jay Allen headed to Bonneville to continue his winning streak. Jay Allen and the Broken Spoke Racing Team defeated two past world record speeds this year at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

The beginning of the week was spent fine-tuning and dialing in the 2005 S&S 124 cubic inch single cam motor. It also runs Rob Schopf B-2 heads and a Baker 6 speed tranny right out of the box.

On Tuesday, Jay Allen surpassed the first Land Speed record of 120.392 to an outstanding 182.011 in the 3000cc APS-PF class. Following up on Thursday, Jay once again gained another Land Speed record by over taking the past record of 142.875 to 184.667 in the 3000cc APS-PF class. The Broken Spoke Racing Team will be heading back to Bonneville to try to reach their goals of breaking the 200mph records.

All of this leads up to the much anticipated Bub event at Bonneville where Jay is an ambassador of the sport every year. Keep watching for news of his success.

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INDY DEALER EXPO TO BE HELD EXCLUSIVELY IN INDIANA CONVENTION CENTER–Dealer Expo show management has confirmed to Dealernews that it will hold the entire 2010 event at the Indiana Convention Center and adjoining hotels, and not the Lucas Oil Stadium. The stadium in 2009 housed attendee registration, new vehicle exhibits and the Big Twin Country pavilion, requiring attendees to either walk outside or take shuttle buses to commute between the Indiana Convention Center exhibits and the stadium.

Big Twin Country and other lifestyle-specific pavilions will be featured on the second floor of the Indiana Convention Center, according to Trevor Trumbo, group marketing director. Attendee registration will move back to the Westin Hotel, where it had been hosted two years ago before the Stadium opened. The Chinese pavilion will be relocated to the Marriott Hotel.

Because the Marriott and the Westin are connected to the Convention Center via skywalks, it will enable attendees to visit all exhibits in 2010 without ever going outside, Trumbo said.

Exhibitors currently contracted for space at the Lucas Oil Stadium were being notified of the changes and booth moves this week. For more information, visit

— By: Mary Slepicka
from DealerNews

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Photos by Colleen Swartz.

Chris Carr Gives Back In Sturgis!–During the inaugural opening of the Good Ol? Days Raceway at the Broken Spoke Saloon on the County Line, the 7x AMA Grand National Flat Track Champion Chris Carr used some of his down time between competitions to give back to his fellow motorcycle enthusiasts.

On Thursday morning, Chris Carr?s #4 racing rig pulled in and proceeded to unload his race bikes as well as the XR750 HD flat track bike. Well over 100 people including the Limpnickie Lot members received a valuable lesson on the flat track history. Chris spoke for a few hours on the beginnings of flat track racing, the particulars of racing today and on his Land Speed Record setting run in the Bub Streamliner.

On September 5, 2006 Chris Carr broke the land speed record on a motorcycle at the Bonneville Salt Flats with a two-pass run averaging 350.8 mph. His fastest run was 354 mph and his successful run was established aboard the BUB?S racing ?Number Seven Streamliner?. Chris remains the fastest man in the world on two wheels?and this record is recorded in the 2008 edition of the Guinness book of world records.


After speaking, Chris then geared up for a few hole shot demos in the parking lot on his XR750 and proceeded to move onto the track for a few hot laps on his Honda. Cycle Source?s own photographer and 2x AMA Motor Cross rider Geno Stull joined Chris on his own 4 stroke Yamaha. They went head to head for a few laps, entertaining the onlookers. Afterwards, Chris suggested that Geno try the same laps with a bike that has no front brake and smooth tires as opposed to knobbies. The two traded bikes to experience the others set up.

Chris?s devotion for flat track racing is endless and he has started an outreach program called American Supercamp. The camp is a riding skills and balance improvement course for all motorcycle riders that lasts two days and can be attended all over the country. You can read more on this event in the October issue of Cycle Source Magazine.

To read more on Chris and the American Supercamp, please go to and

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SPIKE LOOKING FOR THE ULTIMATE GIRL– Starting today, Spike TV launches its search for the Ultimate Spike Girl! Cast your vote for your favorite Spike Girl at and help find the most gorgeous girl that loves games, gadgets and sports as much as the next dude.

Tune in to Spike TV October 1st for the finale that?ll decide the winner from the perfect 10 girls, only on Spike TV. Please help spread the word by posting the information on Bikernet.

Vote for your favorite Spike Girl:

Girls of Spike Teaser:

Assets (5 galleries): TV/50Girls/

Spike hand-picked 50 contestants through an extensive nation wide search, and let you, the Spike fan, vote for your favorites on View the Spike Girls pictorials, videos of them making their case for the crown, and much more. Then the final 10 will compete in a television special on Spike TV called ?The Ultimate Spike Girl Finale? to determine the winner. The lucky girl that comes out on top will be awarded a talent contract to represent at events around the globe.

Tune into August 17th and make sure that your voice is heard!

— Walter

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Skull Hollow

MAKE A STATEMENT WITH FINE CRAFTED BIKER JEWELRY FROM PAUGHCO?S NEW SKULL HOLLOW COLLECTION– Chopper people to the bone, Paughco has been providing biker?s with their lifestyle necessities for nearly 40 years. Always on the forefront of anything Chopper, Paughco is now accepting special orders for their new line of SKULL HOLLOW Biker Jewelry. Anything but traditional, ?SKULL HOLLOW? is home to a very select line of gothic jewelry like nothing you?ve seen before. Individually hand crafted, each meticulously formed piece is made from the finest quality 925 Sterling Silver. From the classic Skull and Cross bracelets to Fanged Pendants, Skull rings with or without patches, Twisted Mouth Skull rings and beautifully detailed Skull Buckles they all turn heads and make great conversation pieces.

Bracelets and rings are perfectly sized at no extra charge and chain type and length, up to 30?, can be interchanged and leather straps can be switched for silver, once again at no extra cost. No matter if you looking for the ultimate gift or just want to make a statement of your own, Paughco?s Skull Hollow collection offers unmistakable imagery and flawless craftsmanship.

Pricing is what you would expect for fine quality jewelry with rings starting at $175.00, bracelets from $450.00, pendants $250.00 and the awesome Multi Skull buckle at $600.00. For complete details contact Paughco at 775-246-5738, email to and be sure to catch them on the Web at .

Paughco Banner

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val on bike

Valerie Thompson – Team Marines Racing Team Report– Palmer & Associates and Mr. D?s Sports Bar and Grill – Las Vegas, Nevada to sponsor Valerie Thompson?s 3rd Land Speed Record at The Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Two-time land speed record holder, Team Marines Racing member and current NHRA Pro Stock Motorcycle racer Valerie Thompson has partnered with Palmer and Associates and Mr. D?s Sports Bar and Grill in Las Vegas to attempt what would be Thompson?s third Land Speed Record. Thompson, of Scottsdale, Ariz., will pilot Wink Eller?s ?Spirit of Cliff Gullet? bike in an attempt to become a member of the prestigious Bonneville Salt Flats 200 Mph club. The bike, which has 43 Land Speed Records to its credit, is named in honor of Cliff Gullet who lost his life in a record-breaking run at the Bonneville Salt Flats in 2008.

Thompson, who set her two records riding for the team, will attempt to add a third land speed record to her r?sum? in the A-PF, 3,000cc class during the BUB International Speed Trial Event which will take place August 29 through September 3 at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats outside of Wendover, Utah. Thompson will also be making appearances in Scottsdale and Las Vegas leading up the event and will be on several sports talk radio shows to promote her sponsors.

Mr. D?s Sports Bar and Grill is one of the most popular eating and drinking establishments in Las Vegas and is well-known for its weekly Wednesday Night Bike Night events. Thompson fondly nicknamed, ?America?s High-Speed Sweetheart? said, ?Mr. D?s is the best. Every time our team is in Las Vegas, we get the VIP treatment from Mr. D?s. You can?t beat the atmosphere or their food and drink; we are so happy to have them on board and forward to putting them in the record books. We all look forward to spending time with Denise Haecke before and after the record is set.?

Palmer and Associates is a law firm, which handles issues of personal injury, workers’ compensation, and criminal defense. The firm, who is sponsoring its first land speed record, is looking forward reaching out to bike and motorsport consumers as they specialize in representing these types of cases. ?It?s always good to have a big bark and a big bite on your side when trying to break the 200 mph barrier,? Thompson said. ?We appreciate their contribution to the sport and look forward to getting them a record?.

val bike

Find out more about Valerie at
Mr. D?s Sports Grill & Bar: 1810 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89146
Palmer & Associates
Team Marines Racing
Wounded Warrior Project
Semper Fi Fund

Bonneville ad20

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S-E-X AFTER DEATH ……A couple made a deal that whoever died first would comeback and inform the other of the afterlife.Their biggest fear was that there was no afterlife atall.

After a long life together, the husband was the firstto die. True to his word, he made the first contact,

“Marion … Marion “

“Is that you, Bob?”

“Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.”

“That’s wonderful! What’s it like?”

“Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I havebreakfast and then it’s off to the golf course .. I have sex again,bathe in the warm sun and then have s**e**x a couple of more times.Then I have lunch (you’d be proud – lots of greens) another romp aroundthe golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon.After supper, it’s back to golf course again. Then it’s more sex untillate at night. I catch some much needed sleep and then the next day itstarts all over again”

“Oh, Bob you must be in Heaven!”

“Not exactly … I’m a rabbit on a golf coursein Arizona ..”

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“Flash Some Chrome” —- —-New, from Aeromach.

Aeromach USA, LLC
PO Box 1422
116 Eden St.
Davidson, NC 28036
704-895-0150 phone
800-990-9392 sales line

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road to sturgis cover

ROAD TO STURGIS DVD Available now w/Bonus CD!!–Celebrity Video Distribution is proud to announce that the Biker Documentary ?Road 2 Sturgis? is available for purchase on, Deepdiscountdvd, and can be rented on Netflix.

Take the ride of a lifetime with the hard rockin? band from the Midwest, the Randall Zwarte’ Band. Join them on a journey across the country as they aim to play at the largest motorcycle rally in the world, “Sturgis!” Leaving their loved ones behind, these four aging rock stars hit the road for a four month tour battling alcoholism, coming face to face with death, and dealing with various hardships. While Rock-n-Roll is a lifestyle, Sturgis is a dream, and the Randall Zwarte’ Band invites you to join them on the adventure!

article breaker1

Great New Leather Jacket Patches from Hot Leathers®

Hot Leathers® unveiled a huge group of brand new embroidered patch designs. Check out their insane selection of new original skull patches!

skull patches

Hot Leathers® is the motorcycle industries’ ultimate authority for biker patches. They have over 25 years experience selling motorcycle apparel at all the biggest bike rallies. You can rest assured that you are going to find the coolest patches to put on your jacket or vest at You’re also going to find a great selection of Lady Rider patches and even patches for kids.Start patch shopping today!

kids patches and ladies patches

For those of you who have served our country Hot Leathers® has 100’s of military patches.

Military Patches

All of the patches at Hot Leathers® are designed to be easily sewn onto any leather garment. The backing on all Hot Leathers® patches are coated with a special adhesive so you can iron these patches on to almost any fabric. Hot Leathers® has added over 40 new funny sayings patches for $2.95! Stop by and pick up 5 or 6 of these for you and your friends today!

Funny Biker Patches

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HELP BIKERNET & BRASS BALLS HELP OUR VETS–Bandit of and Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers? BossMan, has something special for all motorcycle enthusiasts? A chance to win a $30,000 custom Brass Balls Bobbers? sled for just $10. Click here to enter. Proceeds go to the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. Drawing at Biketoberfest. Need not be present to win.

It is the least expensive way to put a custom motorcycle in your garage.

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FOR THE PRICE OF A FEW STARBUCKS, TAKE TRISTA HOME TONIGHT–Trista Will Always Meet You With a Smile on Her Face!

That’s right! Trista will greet you at home, in the garage, work or bedroom. She will even help you keep up with your appointments. You see Trista is one of the select few Girls of Bikernet and is featured in their Girls of Bikernet Calendar.

So get up and personal and click here for details.Client News:

Biker Pros handles management of the e-commerce site for In addition, we write sales copy to get the enthusiast to click on the link and assist them in making a buying decision.

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DESERT RUN ENDING–I need to clean up the King for the run to into the desert. There’s several devious ulterior motives for a desert run to 17 Palms. There’s a waitress at the cantina in the hills. There are open roads to nowhere in particular. There’s that escape from the city, and a good group of brothers building cool performance bikes in the hills.

We will talk about Bonneville 2010, plan our strategy, discuss milk crate aerodynamics and performance tips.

Regarding next week, we will bring you the performance results and the tech from 107 Palms, California. I’m just waiting on some JIMS tool shots to wrap up my seal replacement tech on Jeremiah’s bike. Several bike features are headed this way, and we sent Scooter out to check out the Saxon Factory. As Katmandu pointed out, there’s more interest in fiction recently. I may launch another violent piece next week, or you can always join the Cantina and read entire books, and follow the torrid tales in the Cantina Soap Opera. In the meantime take advantage of every summer day.

Ride Forever,



Read More

August 20, 2009 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Deweys banner



Click on Dewey’s banner above. Wake him up. He still has them.–Bandit

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Booth crumpled

BIKER’S CHOICE ATTACKED BY HAIL IN STURGIS–So, last week I told Bandit about the storm and the damage, just wanted to share some of it with ya’ll.

Here are some of the pictures I took of the aftermath. The hail that you see was small compared to what some people endured. It was scary and fun at the same time, big Adrenalin rush trying to hold down the fort…so to speak.

The hail

Bowed steel pole

All of us, Richard, George, Rich, Tim, Jimmy, Bobby and Steve from National Cycle were there for the long haul trying to save the site. The steel poles were no match for this storm as you can see, they bent like plastic tubing, some of them in half. All in all, the damage wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and no one got hurt.

We will march on, get our stuff together and be at Biketoberfest.

Ride Safe!!
–Carmen J.
Biker’s Choice


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Envy Banner

FROM THE BIKERNET BLONDE VAULT–You might have to think twice about this one. A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.

‘How did this happen?’ the emergency room doctor asked her.

‘Well, I was trying to commit suicide,’ the blonde replied.

‘What?’ sputtered the doctor. ‘You tried to commit suicide by shooting off your finger?’

‘No, Silly’ the blonde said. ‘First I put the gun to my chest, and then I thought, ‘I just paid $6, 000.00 for these implants. I’m not shooting myself in the chest.’

‘So then?’ asked the doctor.

‘Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought, ‘I just paid $3,000.00 to get my teeth straightened I’m not shooting myself in the mouth.’

‘So then?’

‘Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: ‘This is going to make a loud noise. So I put my finger in my other ear before I pulled the trigger.

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Bike Safety Parade– 800 Cycles in Collierville TN

Photos available for publications
Chuck Lajeunesse
Action Photo Services
Collierville Photography

Please visit these web sites.

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soul searching

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Finding it harder and harder to get away so I’m soul searchin’ on the Ancient City streets.

–Whiplash Biker Photog

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THE TEACH RIDES 2000 MILES TO THE BADLANDS ON A KNUCK–Had a good time. Beat the snot out of the Knuck. Rode it there from my place with no problems.



–Kevin “TEACH” Baas
Custom made garage built motorcycle parts, vintage chopper builds and other cool stuff
“When in doubt, burn out!”

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Wine Tasting & Benefit Run this Weekend–Saturday, Aug 22.Walt Gray Ride for Kids. Kick-off party at Renegade Classics. V-Twin Vineyards will be there sampling.

Come on down and meet our V-Twin Vixen. Photo Op & bottle signing.6758 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95819 4:00 – 7:00 pm

Sunday, Aug 23rd

Walt Gray Ride for Kids. Location: Nevada County Fairgrounds, Grass Valley, CA 959497th Annual Walt Gray Ride for Kids Presented by KCRA-TV?s Walt Gray. Benefits 4 kids? charities. Come ride with 3000 of your friends, CHP escorted, ends at Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley. $25/rider. Register 8-10 am. Sierra College I-80, Rocklin Rd Rocklin, CA

End-of-Inventory Sale!

We’ve found a few cases of Bike Week Merlot hiding in the back of the warehouse last week during inventory and are offering this wine at a significant discount to make room for new releases. Also – if you love our ‘old-vine’ Poker Run Zin – we only have a few cases of that left – and will include those cases in this special offer.

When these cases are gone – they are gone for good.Remaining cases are sold in full cases only (12 btls) and cannot be backordered. Order today and you’ll get a 35% Discount on these remaining cases

You must use the promo code SUMMER to receive your 35% discount.

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ANTI-BIKER LAWS UNITING MOTORCYCLE CLUBS–Designed to dismantle ?Bikie Gangs?, South Australia’s recently adopted anti-biker legislation appears to be having the reverse effect – serving to unite rival clubs.

Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Rebels, Finks and Descendents motorcycle club members are coming together in protest against the Serious and Organised Crime Control Act, which came into effect in June last year. The Act is described by the Government as being the toughest law of its kind in the world, and is intended to disrupt biker ?gangs? by declaring membership or association with outlawed clubs illegal.

The Act also includes new charges, which carry up to 10 years jail, for bikie club members and their associates who engage in group violence.

Hundreds of members of rival clubs participated in a Freedom of Association Protest Poker Run, and as if that wasn’t a defiant enough show of unity, a group of motorcycling enthusiasts, including members of opposing clubs, are only a few application process steps away from forming a legitimate political party.

The unlikely alliance, known as the FREE Australia Party, hopes to hit South Australia’s premier where it hurts – in parliament.

The party’s leader, Paul Kuhn – a committee member of the Motorcycle Riders Association of SA and a Justice of the Peace – said the group was formed because of deep concern anyone associated with a member of a club would be found guilty under the law.

“The Government is now controlling and dictating relationships,” he said. Kuhn is not the only member of the public questioning the civil liberties said to be lost under the Act. The SA Law Society, the SA Council of Social Services, various Aboriginal groups, the Greens and the Australian Democrats have all voiced concern about the legislation.

A member of the Gypsy Jokers MC told the press services that the unified event proves that bikie clubs could get along, despite what the Government was trying to show. “These laws have brought the clubs together,” he said.

–from Bill Bish
Coast to Coast Legislative News

We will post his full news report in the next couple of days.


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yani markus

BIKERNET CORRESPONDENT RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLLYWOOD ALLEYS– Shooting gals for TATTOO today & ran into Yaniv in the alley– here’s his new bike, and I told him the story really IS coming out in Cycle Source.

We are also shooting two 4-cylinder vintage Ace motorcycles next week. One is a custom built by Sierra Madre Motorcycles, Tom Rodan. The other bike is an original paint Ace with a racing motor.

–Markus Cuff

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dewey banner

BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK– I have three sets of twin cam heads ported and ready to ship if anyone is interested {black} and no miles. Brand new, old style, with 1.900 intake valves and 1.565 ex. pro-street. They will make ‘over’ 100+ ft.lbs tq. with 96 engine and any cams. Promise.


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Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

CALIFORNIA EXCLUDED MOTORCYCLES FROM INSURANCE PRICING–FYI- CA is looking at pay-as-drive/when-you-drive automobile insurance pricing which inadvertently excluded motorcycles from all I could tell. Wassup with that I said?

So, I made a formal petition on behalf of Bikernet Insurance Center LLC, an INSURYU.COM LLC company, to have motorcycles “included” in this “intelligent” premium rating system.The Department of Insurance acknowledged and recognized my petition as evidenced by the note below from their Senior Staff Counsel. The Bikernet Insurance Center will keep the pressure on for and on behalf of all Bikers in California for this ruling. Could save Bikers a ton of money. Stay tuned. More to come.

Official Bikernet. Insurance Center

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LARGEST NEW YORK CITY INDOOR/OUTDOOR PARTY–This Saturday 8 22 09 RAIN or SHINE!! we keep it moving as it Continues. Thousands of people walk through the doors every Saturday night making it New York Citys largest Indoor and Outdoor party….YES Tavern On The Green!!!

Now don?t get lost going to the bathroom. A lot of people say its like a maze inside but have no fear its all in good fun….FIVE different rooms for you to wander with different musicsand TWO outdoor patios

Ray Trosa said it well as ?The grass is greener on this side?!! Beautiful people all together in a beautiful place……The new SATURDAYS @ TAVERN ON THE GREEN

To be on the JE guestlist just mention the JE guestlist at the door/guestlist tablesLadies COMP admissionGuys Reduced admission

Tavern On The Green67th Street and Central Park WestDOORS OPEN 11PM

For Table reservations Email:

For planning that special birthday party or event at Tavern on the GreenEmail me at:

See you at event!!

Im OuT 4 Now..

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PHIL HILL?S SON DRIVES 1952 JAGUAR C-TYPE TO AUCTION WORLD RECORD–Historic 1952 Jaguar C-Type brings $2,530,000 at RM?s Sports & Classics of Monterey sale

Other top sellers – 1955 Aston Martin DB3S for $1,980,000 and 1935 Duesenberg Model SJ Disappearing Top Convertible Coupe for $1,430,000

Distinguished Nick Alexander Woodie Collection achieves over $7,000,000

MONTEREY, California (August 16, 2009) ?The legendary Phil Hill?s son, Derek, drove the historic 1952 Jaguar C-Type, s/n XKC-007 to an auction world record last night, selling for $2,530,000 at RM?s Sports & Classics of Monterey event in California.

XKC-007 was one of the first C-Types delivered to North America. In 1952, a young Phil Hill ? then just 25 ? drove the car at Elkhart Lake to claim the C-Type?s first North American victory, before going on to achieve further success at Torrey Pines that same year.

?With over 85% of the 239 cars sold, including the very exciting 1952 Jaguar C-Type, and a current sales total exceeding $34 million, we are pleased with the weekend?s results which reflect our consistently strong sell-through performance year to date,” said Ian Kelleher, President & Chief Operating Officer of RM Auctions.

Additional top-sellers at RM?s Sports & Classics of Monterey event included two other million-dollar cars – a race-bred 1955 Aston Martin DB3S, which brought an impressive $1,980,000, and a stunning 1935 Duesenberg Model SJ Disappearing Top Convertible Coupe for $1,430,000.

A further highlight was the sale of a factory-original 2005 Ford GT super car, offered on behalf of the Ford Motor Company and selling for $181,500 with a portion of the sale proceeds benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). To coincide with the offering, Mr. Edsel B. Ford II, Board Director, Ford Motor Company and his son, Henry, joined a group of local Monterey JDRF youth ambassadors to witness its sale.

A 1939 Ford Deluxe Station Wagon, the final lot of the Nick Alexander Woodie Collection reserved for Saturday night?s sale, exceeded its original high estimate to bring $215,000 hammer price. This amount will be donated to the Midland School in Santa Barbara, California by Nick Alexander, in addition to the 10% buyers premium of $21,500 and other monies raised which will be donated by RM. This lot capped off the extremely successful single-owner offering of $7.3 million.

RM will return to California, September 26th for the highly anticipated Icons of Speed & Style event at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. This single-vendor collection will present an eclectic range of historic American racing cars, vintage hot rods and custom show cars, along with ?kustom kulture? memorabilia – all offered without reserve.

For further information on this exciting event, please visit .

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Michael Lichter’s ‘Rebel Rousers’ Exhibit Applauded by Industry and Public Alike–Sturgis, SD (August 19, 2009) “World Class” and “Stunning” were a few words that were used to describe Michael Lichter’s 9th Annual Motorcycles as Art Exhibition held during this year’s Sturgis Rally at the Legendary Buffalo Chip. The exhibit entitled ‘Rebel Rousers, Motorcycle Icons that Inspire Us to Ride’ showcased the most important collection of motorcycles and art to ever grace Sturgis and was viewed by thousands of guests. From August 1 through August 8 throngs of bike enthusiasts were captivated by the relics and imagery on display that was curated by celebrated custom motorcycle photographer, Michael Lichter, on hand at the brand new 6500 square foot Lichter Exhibition Hall.

The collection of motorcycles, artwork and memorabilia that was assembled for the 7-day exhibition at the 69th Annual Sturgis Rally, rivaled permanent collections and established museums. It focused on the history of iconic motorcycle imagery that inspired many to ride. Through a poignant review of iconic motorcycles, art and movie memorabilia, fans were reminded of what originally fueled some of their passion for riding. On display at this year’s exhibit were numerous motorcycles from film including the only surviving Captain America to survive from the film (authenticated by Peter Fonda) and a replica Billy Bike from the 1969 counter culture ultra-hit Easy Rider.

rebel rouser 2

Lichter’s show was visited and well-received by the public as well as celebrities and industry aficionados alike. Dee Snider, of Twisted Sister fame, had the opportunity to take in the show at a private viewing Tuesday, August 4. Snider was among a number of celebrities who were able to admire the show; other celebrities included Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, the Doobie Brothers Pat Simmons, guitarist Gilby Clarke and actor Lorenzo Lamas. Other noted attendees included industry magnates John & Jill Parham of J & P Cycles, Bert & Lisa Baker, Donnie Smith, and Dave Perewitz.

This was Lichter’s ninth year as curator for the original Sturgis art and motorcycle exhibition but the first year that he was able to display his work in the brand-new Lichter Exhibition Hall. The 6500 square foot facility was built solely to house the annual uniquely themed exhibition that Lichter curates each year and is found on the grounds of the Legendary Buffalo Chip. Every few years, Michael will include his own photography in the display, as is the plan next year. The hall was a sizeable project for the Buffalo Chip but as day after day of record-breaking crowds gathered to visit the show, all the hard work seemed to pay off.

Rebel Rousers would also like to thank this year’s sponsors including Interstate Battery, Metzeler Tires, Progressive Insurance, Spectro Oil, Renewable Fuels Association and Baker Drivetrain.

–Ken Conte

mike lichter

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THIEVES STOLE RACE BIKES–MORGANTOWN, WV – August 19, 2009 – (Motor Sports Newswire) – This past weekend, thieves broke into the Unadilla MX pro paddock and stole two unsecured race bikes, as well as select pieces of Motocross and Off-Road riding and safety equipment. The motorcycles stolen belonged to privateers Ben Lamay and Willy Browning. MX Sports and the Unadilla race organizers are asking for the public’s help in locating these stolen items.

Ben Lamay’s 2009 YZ450F has a vehicle ID number of JYACJ10C29A038827. Some unique features on this bike include a rare Dr. D header pipe that has what resembles a handle. In addition, the clutch cover and ignition cover are sandblasted and the number plates are heavily trimmed for better airflow. Finally, the radiators have corner-welded gussets that have been heavily strengthened. The bike also has distinct blue RG3 triple clamps and blue ASV levers. Thieves were able to remove the motorcycle from the Lamays’ trailer.

Willy Browning’s 2009 Honda CRF250 has a vehicle ID number of JH2ME10J89K501438. The bike is unique in that is has lower fork sliders that have black diamond coating and the rear shock reservoir is all black. Additionally, it contains red RG3 clamps as well as an RG3 linkage. The wheels are black Excel wheels with silver hubs and the ignition is yellow. The number plates are also trimmed for racing purposes.

In addition to the two bikes stolen, the thieves were also able to steal equipment belonging to riders Jeff Luke, Preston Mull, Corey Pennington, Jacob Sanchez and Richard White.

The thefts have been reported to the New York State Police and an investigation is in process. They took place during the overnight hours on Friday August 14th and occurred in the Pro Paddock, despite overnight security and fencing.

“Motocross is a small community and we hope that by increasing awareness in the public that our odds of recovery will increase. We urge all fans, dealers and riders to keep an eye out for these items” said Carrie Russell, Vice President of MX Sports. “We cannot and absolutely will not tolerate theft at our races. We will do all we can to help these riders and teams recover their stolen equipment.”

If anyone has any further information on this, please contact MX Sports at

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EMBEDDED STURGIS BIKERNET REPORTER CHECKS IN–Come in over- Bikernet embedded reporter here, checking in from the County Line in Sturgis. Rebel Gorillas have taken over the Broken Spoke man and the scene is unreal.

Just wanted to report on the Good Ol? Days Raceway real quick man. This was the best thing I?ve been to in a long time. We talked Jay Allen into letting us build our own 1/4 mile dirt track for this years rally and the Limpnickie Lot maniacs took full advantage of it.


Night times were filled with dust in the air so thick it almost blocked out the sun as old Pans and Knuncks tore around the track, racing Indians and flattys, in a what could only have been assessed as a tribute to the way things should be, real people diggin? bikes and raising hell.


As fast as Kevin ?Teach? Baas (8042) and Jeff Fording (8072) were on their respective old iron, one man stood out from the crowd hard core. Kevin Koppe of Led Sleds (8029) was master of the track by the end of the weekend with his shovelhead partial bagger, and he was setting down some killer lap times. Jeff and Teach both agreed that it was kinda unfair since he didn?t have to hand shift so the award will be held until a full investigation is launched.


With dirt bikes and street sleds, mini bikes and race fans, the Good Ol? Days Raceway was a big hit. We?re looking for some cats from AHRMA to take advantage of this truck next year as it sits and waits to be used again in the support of motorcycle history. Until then, this is your embedded reporter, out!

I dressed up like the dirt bike kids so that I could go deep undercover!!!!



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OUR OWN BIKERNET Confucius says again… Woman who goes to man’s apartment for snack, gets titbit.

Man who lay woman on ground, get peace on earth.

Man who gets kicked in testicles, left holding the bag.

Man who kisses girl’s behind, gets crack in face.

Passionate kiss like spider web-lead to undoing of fly.

–from Bernard S.

micah mccloskey banner

Continued On Page 5

Read More

August 20, 2009 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

KOPP WINS BY BIG MARGIN ON BEULAH PARK MILE–Mees Holds Five-Point Lead Over Coolbeth for Championship.

GROVE CITY, Ohio (August 16, 2009) – Latus Harley-Davidson/Screamin? Eagle rider Joe Kopp won his first AMA Grand National Twins event of the season with a dominating performance on the Beulah Park Mile. Kopp, riding a Harley-Davidson XR750, led the entire race and won by an astonishing margin of 22.03 seconds over Moroney?s Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Bryan Smith, who was second.

?I?ve been struggling on my big bike this season, but was really fast at Rapid City last week before the main got rained out,? said Kopp. ?Tonight I just had a perfect set-up and a really fast Harley-Davidson motorcycle. This is a great rebound for our team after being disappointed not to get to race at Rapid City.?

Kopp lapped other riders through eighth place, and his margin of victory was unusual for a mile track, where racers typically draft in packs, making it difficult for a single rider to open a significant lead.

?I can?t remember ever seeing a race won by this margin,? said Kopp, who has been racing on the Grand National series since 1991. ?Every time I looked back I wasn?t sure if the bike behind me was a lapper or someone catching me. I probably should have slowed down but I was not going to let this win get away from me.?

Kopp also won his heat race and the four-lap Dash for Cash bonus sprint.

Halbert Family/King Kustoms rider Sammy Halbert finished third, 8.5 seconds behind Smith. Deeley?s Harley-Davidson rider Don Taylor was fourth, followed by Glen Schnabel, Jr. in fifth. Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kenny Coolbeth, the defending Grand National Twins champion, finished in sixth place. Blue Springs Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Jared Mees, who leads the series in season points, finished eighth.

After six of nine 2009 AMA Grand National Twins Championship events, Mees retains the series lead with 90 points. Coolbeth is second with 85 points. Halbert is third with 84 points, and Carr is fourth with 77 points. Smith is in fifth place with 55. Kopp moves up to seventh place with 68 points.

The 2009 AMA Grand National Twins Championship will next race on Aug. 29 on the Indy Mile at the Indian State Fairground in Indianapolis.

The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.

screamin eagle

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PERFORMANCE WHEELS FROM BLACK BIKE–Black Bike has what it takes to meet your baggers performance needs. Our lightweight 18? wheels allow you to run low profile tires that eliminate sidewall flex. Get rid of that sloppy feel when you ride and be prepared to be amazed by your Bagger?s handling potential.Starting at about $600

(818) 341-2550


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SHADE TREE SHIT–Shade Tree Fabrications, located in Dallas, TX, is offering several new parts.



From a new seat pan to tail lights and air cleaners, they are all hand-cast brass and aluminum parts that try to bring back the classic feel of antique brass and a truly found appeal!


Kyle is fabricating all of these parts right here in Texas with some help from his friends and they plan on releasing new parts in the coming months so keep an eye on his web site


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BRAZILIAN ARTIST CREATES DOT-APPROVED HELMETS–Want to terrorize the general populace as you ride your open-piped chopper to work at the accounting firm? Then these spooky DOT-approved motorcycle helmets may be just the thing for you.

Created by a Brazilian artist by applying teeth, fangs, bones, hair and “fine stones” found along the Amazon to basic, open-faced helmets, the New Jersey-based Craigslist entrepreneur selling them claims they’re fine to ride in. We wouldn’t do the same, not just because they look really gross, but because all the stick-on animal parts would fundamentally compromise the crash worthiness of the helmets by altering the way in which they control neck movement on impact. But hey, they’re only $99! [via Craigslist]

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nic joker

MS. BIKERNET LIVES IN AUSTRALIA–She’s a tattoo artist of the finest order, on a small island in the Pacific.

One of Nicole’s tatts.

“Hey my web site is back up and running,” said Nicole. hit it!

nic ton cop

Nicole just returned to her shop from a quick run to Sturgis and around the Wild West, packing the lovely Tony.

nic group


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K&G Cycles and DHL Partner to Offer Customers Complete Online Shopping Experience ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET–The site that boasts over 100,000 motorcycle parts available online, K&G Cycles, your one-stop motorcycle parts specialist is offering customers one more reason to purchase their motorcycle parts at K&G is now pleased to offer shipping through DHL. Through special arrangements with the world?s premier global delivery networks, customers will be able to ship their merchandise effortlessly to anywhere in the world.

K&G Cycles is synonymous for providing customers state-of-the-art online motorcycle parts shopping. With over 900 categories of parts from over 200 manufacturers and 5 major motorcycle parts wholesalers, K&G Cycles guarantees that you will find exactly what you need for your project. K&G has changed the face of online motorcycle part sales and has brought a new kind of shopping experience to this growing marketplace. They have revolutionized the market once again, and now also guarantee door-to-door shipment to anywhere in the world.

In order to better serve international visitors, K&G is offering customers new, low rates at about half of what you would expect to pay with the #1 international shipping company on the planet. Synonymous for providing customers with the greatest variety of parts for the best price, K&G is now able to better cater to customers worldwide. New lines are being added daily and the widest selection of American and foreign-made motorcycle parts are ready for shipment anywhere in the world.


K&G welcomes all international customers and is looking forward to serving all of their customer?s needs regardless of geography or location. Check out and see what they can do for you.

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1972 Norton Commando 750cc Transformed
Classic and Chopper


BIKERNET METRIC ADS TO THEIR ARCHIVE OF FEATURES–The Norton Feature is up! If you like old school chops, this is a feature you will want to check out. Click the picture to follow the link.

Things are great on the Metric front. The economy is picking up, though many of us are not quite feeling it yet. I pick up my bike next week to do a 100 mile break in. It has a new Bozzie Custom Performance motor in it, a new D&D stepped exhaust and a new paint job thanks to Todd Evans of Evan Cycles and Rods. I will show the bike in the weeks ahead and it will become a tech feature too!

If you have a metric bike that you want seen on these cyber pages, email Summer is still here?ride forever!



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Hot Leathers Official Buffalo Chip Merchandise Sizzles at Sturgis Bike Week–Sturgis, S.D. (August 19, 2009) Sturgis was sizzling this year and so was the officially licensed Buffalo Chip merchandise that Hot Leathers had on hand at a number of locations in and around Sturgis during bike week. Hot Leathers, the industry leader in motorcycle apparel and accessories, came out full force and was pleased to offer rally-goers ten locations from Main Street Sturgis to several at the Legendary Buffalo Chip.

Hot Leathers in conjunction with the Legendary Buffalo Chip, the renowned Sturgis hot spot, fashioned a new line of Buffalo Chip branded apparel for Sturgis Rally 2009. Customers were able to choose from a significant selection of specialty-printed quality Buffalo Chip merchandise including t-shirts, hats and other miscellaneous products for men, women, and children. Several items sold out and some are still available online at Synonymous for selling the best selection of motorcycle merchandise around, you can often find Hot Leathers on the road showcasing its merchandise at a variety of rallies and events across the country.

Serving the motorcycle community for over 25 years, Hot Leathers is one of America’s top 50 volume screen printers. Known for offering the best selection of motorcycle merchandise in stores, online and on the road, Hot Leathers is a brand you can trust with prices that are easily affordable.

Keep an eye out for the Hot Leathers logo and check out and browse through the officially licensed Buffalo Chip merchandise on sale now online.

Ken Conte

hot leather banner

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S&S BAGGER SETS WORLD LAND SPEED RECORD–S&S Sponsored Bagger Sets New SCTA Bonneville Record Chris Rivas piloted his official S&S Cycle sponsored entry in the Bonneville Speed Week August 8-14 on a Motorcycle that was built as a combined effort between S Cycle and Chris Rivas V-Twin in Fresno, CA.

The entry has also welcomed Carl Brouhard Designs, CP Pistons and Sagar Innovations to be a part of the effort. Current Bonneville record holder and S&S Cycle’s Engineering Manager Jeff Bailey, Steve Rominski, Rob Shopft as well as many other employees at S&S Cycle have been a key component with technical advice and engine parts configuration.

The SCTA requires that every driver make a rookie run on the first time down the salt which requires a minimum of speed 120 but not to exceed 150 mph, (previous class record was 146). The big touring bike made so much power that when the first marker was in sight the speed was already 150 so the speed was maintained in order to complete the licensing phase of the weekend. Much to the crews delight and just as planned the S cycle entry broke the record on the first rookie run ?off the trailer?.

The next day Chris had to make the return run and went 153 in order to establish a new record at 152.197 mph. After the final inspections were completed for the new record the decision was made to re-register for a different class APS-PG and put the good tune up in it.

The first run in the new class was timed at 158 mph, (previous record was 120). The next day on the return run 161 mph was achieved in order to establish a new record at 159.620 mph.

?What a great experience, I think some of that salt got into my blood while I was out there?, said Chris Rivas. The new World’s fastest bagger, 3000cc MPS-PG 152 MPH 3000cc APS-PG 159 MPH. A top speed of 164 was recorded in the middle of the course on a full dress Bagger with saddle bags, stereo and cruise control, now that is proven performance!

Keep an eye on this team as they perform a few improvements on the bike for the upcoming Bubs Speed Trials event where the team will try to better their own previous speeds records.

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Street Art party poster

STREET ART EXHIBIT COMING TO DECATUR– For the last year I have been working with the Decatur Area Arts Council to develop an art exhibit for the month of September 2009. The theme for the exhibit is ?Street Art: Another Dimension? and will feature artwork from tattoo artists, graffiti artists, pin stripers, car painters, air brushers, leather workers, and skateboard artists from throughout the nation.

The show will also feature two custom motorcycles that I, with friends Josh McBride and Todd Speckman, have built.

The Decatur Area Arts Council Presents ?Street Art: Another Dimension? an exhibit that will feature artwork from tattoo artists, graffiti artists, pin stripers, car painters, custom motorcycles, air brushers, leather workers, and skateboard artists from throughout the nation.

The exhibit will be on display for the entire month of September, however, Opening night for the exhibit will be September 4th, from 5 to 7:30 p.m., and will include live music, appetizers, and drinks.

Air brusher, Justin Barnes of J.B. Grafix will be in attendance on opening night. Justin has been featured on Discovery Channel?s American Chopper, which highlighted a number of his well-known designs, including The POW-MIA Bike, The Fire Bike, The I-Robot Bike, The Comanche, The Snap-On Bike and many more.

Adam Croft of Last Ride leather will also be in attendance on opening night. Adam has hand tooled motorcycle seats for former professional wrestler Chuck Palumbo of CP Kustoms, 2007 Easy Riders Bike of the Year builder, Jerry Burrow, and several seats for Billy Lane of the world famous Choppers Inc. Adam?s art has been featured in Easy Riders, V-twin, and Cycle Source magazines.

The exhibit will be on display at the Madden Arts Center (125 N. Water Street), next to Flora Gems in downtown Decatur. 217-423-3189

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LOOKING FOR VINTAGE KLASS STUFF–We found ’em: For August and September –

8/23 – Long Beach Cycle Swap, Veterans Stadium, Long

8/29 – Hot Rod Invasion III – Big Bear Lake,

9/5 & 9/6 – Primer Nationals, Ventura,

9/19 & 9/20 – Billetproof, Antioch,

9/27 – Long Beach Cycle Swap, Veterans Stadium, Long

Joel and Mary, Vintage Klass
Vintage Helmets and Leathers
949 355 8098

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OFFICIAL LINK TO REACH ELECTED OFFICIALS– Here is a link you should put on your site when you want people to contact their reps and senators: it will make it a ton easier for folks and hopefully more will get involved.


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International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)21st International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles,June 2009–A friend of motorcycling and a Bikernet Correspondent researched the submitted scientific papers relating to motorcycles only. Over the next couple of weeks we will publish some of these accompanied with some interesting commentary.

There’s a side of government coming after motorcycling, and we need to stay right on top of it.–Bandit

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SONS OF ANARCHY COME TO BIKERNET–Some of the cast of Sons of Anarchy, the hit biker series whose second season premiers on the FX Channel on September 8 at 10 pm, landed at the Eagle’s Nest Harley Davidson dealership in Lathrop, CA for an afternoon of hanging out with fans. In addition to signing autographs and sending grown women into a screaming frenzy, the guys were in town to check out their personal bikes the dealership put together for them.

Kim Coates n Ryan Hurst settle in on the bikes

Creator-Ex.Producer of SOA Kurt Sutter tries out the new bike

Here’s a few snaps of the fun that unfolded for the creator of the show, Kurt Sutter, as well as the other happy recipients of the gleaming new rides. The bikes are being delivered to each actor next week, so I’m sneaking back for some detail shots before they load ’em up. I’ll have some more words and photos to share with your faithful followers on the whole shebang in a couple of weeks.

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CENTRAL COAST CYCLES RIDES OLD IRON–The Pan is a ’60 and the Knuck is a ’47. We keep them going and enjoy getting to ride them!


–Scott Long
Central Coast Cycles


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Rivera Primo is now the official manufacturer of the SharpEye 5 & 6 Speed Kicker Cover–SharpEye said, “Ben, I’m goin’ fishin’ permanently. You guys wanna make my covers”? Say no more, Sharpeye, we are all over it! And so began another great chapter in the Rivera Primo story.


A high quality product that satisfies the need in us ol’ skool riders for a kicker like back in the day. These bad boys will bolt up to either a stock 5-speed transmission or an aftermarket 6-speed like our PowerDrive transmissions. Part # 3215-0021 fits 5-speeds and part # 3215-0022 fits 6- speeds. We also have a 6-speed kit that includes a high quality chrome steel kicker arm part # 1215-0151

Primo 6-Spd conv banner1

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Something Wicked This Way Comes!Scorpion?s ?Sinister? EXO-700 Unveiled– (Lake Forest, CA August 19, 2009) Just in time for Halloween, the new ?Sinister? EXO-700 has arrived at your local dealership. Combining wicked good looks with race-ready performance, the Sinister takes all of the top-of-the-line technology of the EXO 700 series and caps it off with two new semi-metallic colorways and a Scorpion-exclusive winged skull graphic.

Starting with a proven Snell/DOT-approved fiberglass/Kevlar matrix shell, Scorpion?s engineers put their thinking caps on to take a top rated lid and make it even better. While the external shell went through extensive wind tunnel testing to achieve minimal headshake at max speeds, it is the hidden surprises that count, such as the state-of-the-art dual density EPS liner designed to absorb maximum energy should something scary happen.

When things do get hairy in the heat of battle, Scorpion?s KwikWick washable moisture-wicking comfort liner keeps riders skulls cool. Adding to the airflow is the fully adjustable Aero-Tuned ventilation system, also born of the wind tunnel testing. Speaking of cool, the SpeedShift? quick-change system allows the outer faceshield to snap into place in less than 10 seconds ? without tools! And there no fear of fog here as Scorpion?s EverClear shields are your best defense against fogging.

Of course the wicked styling cues enable the EXO-700 to really standout. The Sinister winged skull comes in a choice of black or silver colorways, augmented by a wide array of blacked out, tinted or mirrored EverClear faceshields. However, the real treat to this trick helmet is the price: under $250. Happy Halloween!

MSRP for the EXO-700 Sinister: $229.95

Join Team Scorpion: More information about ScorpionExo Helmets and Scorpion Sports, Inc.?s complete ScorpionExoWear line can be found at .

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road to sturgis cover

ROAD TO STURGIS DVD RELEASED– Celebrity Video Distribution is proud to announce that the Biker Documentary ?Road 2 Sturgis? is available for purchase on, Deepdiscountdvd, and can be rented on Netflix.

Take the ride of a lifetime with the hard rockin? band from the Midwest, the Randall Zwarte’ Band. Join them on a journey across the country as they aim to play at the largest motorcycle rally in the world, “Sturgis!” Leaving their loved ones behind, these four aging rock stars hit the road for a four month tour battling alcoholism, coming face to face with death, and dealing with various hardships.

While Rock-n-Roll is a lifestyle, Sturgis is a dream, and the Randall Zwarte’ Band invites you to join them on the adventure!


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