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Behind The Scenes At Southern Metal Choppers


Southern Metal Choppers opened their doors December 1, 2003 and while this may not seem out of the ordinary these days, cousins Bronson and Jason Willard did it àla Field of Dreams – If you open it they will come. You see, when the key hit the lock that first day they did not have a customer one, just a desire to do what the enjoyed.


Bronson like many of us got the motorcycle bug at an early age while messing with dirt bikes, he then made the natural progression into street bikes. Finally getting his first Harley, it was while living in the Bryan area that he became friends with the folks at K&K Cycle Works and began stopping by after work to hang out, help out if needed and gain knowledge. All the while never even harboring thoughts of opening his-own shop, just a quest for knowledge.


It was during this time that cousin Jason, a heavy equipment mechanic by trade also picked up his first street bike, taking a slightly different route with a Buell. He too had made the riding progression, seeing how both had the benefit of growing up in the country where riding dirt bikes is just a daily way to have fun.


They soon found themselves living in the Austin area; Bronson would work on friend’s bikes in the evenings, till someone asked why didn’t he open his own shop? This seemed like a legitimate question, which he mentioned to his cousin Penny who promptly got out the local paper and proceeded to scan for a suitable location. Hell if your gonna work on bikes all day you ought to do it with someone who will help pass the long hours it takes to get a new shop going. So Bronson recruited Jason to join in this new adventure.


As time went on the shop began to gain a loyal customer base. They drove in new ones by showing up any place where a motorcycle parked with examples of their art! They set up a booth at the 2004 Republic of Texas Rally, which gave them a helluva lot more exposure, unfortunately it has just a few days after the ROT rally that tragedy would make an appearance.


On June 10, while out enjoying the evening with friends and family, Jason’s Buell went down on the highway. Although he held on, Jason regretfully lost his fight two days later. At the time he was attending classes at ACC and was scheduled to begin a motorcycle mechanic classes that fall. Bronson decided to keep the shop going and debuted a new paint or metal creation every Thursday night at bike night gatherings.


So whether you are looking for basic maintenance, or maybe or a shiny new part, personalized with new paint or graphics, Bronson can handle it. Even the Full Blown, “What was I thinking, boy is my wife gonna be mad when she finds out how much I spent on my bike,” total transformation, is right up his alley. Bronson will be more then happy to help you achieve the custom look you desire. And while Southern Metal Choppers can handle all of these needs, they have built a reputation for having some Top-Shelf paintwork, even partnering up with Woods Fun Center, (they sell all the big 4 metric rides) to offer customers the option of having their newly purchased bike, custom painted prior to taking her out for that first ride, through the hill country of central Texas!


Bandit inquired about doing a piece on the “painter,” when I sent him some test images to check out, I had to tell the big guy No Can Do! You see while SMC does offer extreme paint, Bronson can’t seem to hang on to any one spray-jockeys more often than he changes his Under-roos. I do know that Darin and Tommy painted the stuff you see here, other than the current image of the Buell. I guess Bronson lost his crayon since that was all he sent, no last names.



Granted the reason for the continuing changes could be that the cheap fucker won’t buy them a paint mask, but my theory is it probably has more to do with his constant unwanted sexual advances. Whatever the reasons he does seem to attract some very talented people to assist in the growth of SMC, currently Enrique Arellano is the painter and has been putting up with Bronson’s bullshit for over a year now!


Back in 2006 Gibson Guitars choose Nashville, Tennessee along with Austin, Texas to take part in its Guitar Town Project, which featured 10-foot tall fiberglass replicas of Gibson Les Paul guitars. The individual cities then selected local artist to submit design themes based on that city's history, attractions, interests, etc. Once the artists were chosen and given their individual 10-foot guitars the designs were applied to these naked Gibson’s. One of the winning artist Ann Pinion choose Southern Metal Choppers to help bring her submission “Keep Austin Batty” to life!


For those of you who may be unaware the Congress Avenue Bridge in downtown Austin becomes the spring and summer home to some 750,000 Mexican Free-Tailed bats with up to 1.5 million bats taking up temporary residence during the month of August. It's the largest urban bat colony in North America, during these peak times it can take as long as 45 minutes for all the bats to exit from under the bridge each evening in search of grub! It is estimated that the bats consume from 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects.


So the artist vision for her big guitar design included several elements the bridge, people on the bridge and of course the bats! While Bronson’s version may differ slightly from the artist’s, there are people on the bridge. If you look closely you might even recognize a few famous TV folks from Arlen, Texas! Of course I’m talking about Hank Hill and his beer-drinking buddies, I wonder if she ever realized how popular her bat watchers are? After being displayed at selected locations around town the guitars were auctioned off with proceeds going to local charities.


You can check out all the winning Austin guitars at the link below:Click Here For Their Website

Southern Metal Choppers recently competed in the 2008 Republic of Texas Chop-Off, bringing home a second place finish with cousin Jason’s totally transformed (what shocks?) Buell. Seems like Rick Fairless of Strokers Dallas fame may have taken a likin' to the Once Upon a Time Buell, stopping by to talk with Bronson about the bike. Bronson later returned to arena area where the bikes were being displayed after a much needed beverage break, (I mean this is Central Texas in June delivering 100-degree days!). He found Rick filming a interview standing in front of the SMC bike! Not bad publicity, now if we could find out who the interview was for…


Can’t tell you too much about the little cutie Brittney you see in these images. This was her first time! She was the only girl in a shop full of horn-dog bikers and was a little shy at the beginning. However once we got a Shiner Bock or two in her and someone gave her the Doctor Evil, Mini Me finger idea everything locked in place! She is such a little hottie and was so easy to work with, but she just disappeared! I am not sure if she even got copies of the pictures?


Southern Metal Choppers is currently located at 11116 Middle Fiskville Suite E Austin, Texas. With shop growth you also need additional help, so Bronson has enlisted the services of a very capable crew of “Now & Then” (much better looking) employees to help keep things running smoothly on the office side. Depending on the time of your visit you may find wife Nicole, along with the Southern Metal Choppers “Counter Cutie” daughter Kailey or his cousin Penny helping out front. So stop by and see what SMC can do for you.

Missing employee discovered in tent behind shop.

You can check out more SMC creations at, Click Here For Their Website Or call (512) 833-5044 just ask for the “Ugly Bald Fucker!”


Till Next Time
–Rigid Frame Richard


Read More

March 22, 2010



THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at


Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

The queen of Bikernet’s bike will soon be featured in American Iron. Click on this image to subscribe.


Worldwide sales of electric powered two-wheel vehicles are set to explode over the next six years. According to a recently released study by U.S. based firm, Pike Research, 466 million e-bikes, e-motorcycles and e-scooters will be on the road by 2016.

?Demographics and economics are aligning to create a strong market opportunity for two-wheel electric vehicles,? Pike’s industry analyst Dave Hurst told Cycle Canada. ?In some countries, these vehicles will be engines of economic growth, while in others they will be signals of broader consumer behavioral shifts.?

Not surprisingly Hurst claims that China will dominate the global electric two-wheel vehicle market, representing more than 95% of sales during the next six years. E-bikes will hold a 56% share of the market, predicts Hurst, followed by e-motorcycles at 43% and e-scooters in distant third with less than 1%.

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A bill to allow ?Lane Splitting? in Arizona has been unanimously approved by legislative committee.

Also known as white lining, or ?filtering? as it is commonly referred to in Europe, motorcycles are allowed to weave between lines of cars in heavy traffic. Such practice is legal in the United States only in California and Washington, D.C., but HB2475 would allow lane splitting through stopped traffic in Maricopa County only to begin with for a one-year trial starting next year.

?The biggest factor on this bill is SAFETY and to try and reduce the number of rear end accidents,? said Mick Degan, lobbyist for the Modified Motorcycle Association (MMA) of Arizona. ?DPS is behind and support of this bill along with AAA.?

Also advocating for the measure is former California cop Ted Storck who wrote to the Arizona Republic newspaper; ?As an ex-Los Angeles police officer, I support House Bill 2475, which would allow Arizona motorcyclists to split lanes. It is allowed in California and has proven to be safe. I never once investigated an accident where a motorcyclist had an accident due to passing other vehicles in the same lane when the freeways were slow or stopped. However, it did result in more and more people riding motorcycles, cutting down on traffic congestion. Even the head of the California Highway Patrol agrees that this California law should remain in effect. He agrees it cuts traffic congestion and has not resulted in any extra risk to motorcyclists or other vehicles.?

The lane splitting bill, sponsored by Republican Rep. Jerry Weiers of Glendale, has already cleared two committees in the House and faces a floor vote soon before it can be considered in the Senate.



Buckeye bikers will be able to back their motorcycles into angled parking spaces, under legislation unanimously approved by the Ohio House on March 10. Substitute House Bill 204, sponsored by Rep. Tom Letson, D-Hubbard, passed 96-0 and now heads to the Ohio Senate.

Under existing state law, motor vehicles parked on public streets and highways cannot face into traffic. That poses a problem for people who drive motorcycles, which don’t go in reverse, Letson told reporter Marc Kovac, Dix Newspapers Statehouse Bureau chief. For angled parking spaces, motorcyclists have to physically push their bikes into traffic, creating a dangerous situation.

Letson’s bill would allow cycles to be backed into angled spaces, instead. “Many of you are probably asking why this is necessary or what this even means,” Letson said. “…The purpose for this legislation is to increase safety on Ohio’s roadways and to ease the unnecessary burden on Ohio motorcycle drivers.?

Here’s the brother and sister who keep LePera seats alive. Click on the image for more info.


Some of the best riding roads are in California, and a new campaign aims to make the roadways safer for motorcyclists by lighting up over 700 changeable freeway message signs saying “Share the road, look twice for motorcyclist.”

Following years of lobbying and letter-writing, ABATE of California is now working with state officials to utilize Amber Alert electronic message boards, when not in official use, to display the motorcycle awareness alert to millions of commuters daily.

ABATE Executive Director Anthony Jaime says the joint effort with CalTrans, the California Highway Patrol and the California Motorcycle Safety Program ?highlights the impact that grassroots organizations like ABATE can have on their government when they actively become part of the process of governance rather than just sitting back and being governed.”

The signs displayed the messages statewide for a one-week period during peek drive times, and serves as an example that other states can easily follow since it doesn’t cost anything extra to do.

Similarly, HB2351 would require the Iowa DOT to use electronic message boards on Hawkeye highways to flash “Watch for Motorcycles” during May for Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.

Click on this image for the Bikernet Independent Noise Study. Loud pipes does save lives.!


Across the country, more and more communities are exploring efforts to silence noisy motorcycles, but in Maine a bill that began as a broad measure to cut back on loud pipes has evolved into a proposal to force motorcycle riders to display vehicle inspection stickers on their bikes.

During hearings, the House Transportation Committee connected the noise problem to reports that nearly 40% of Maine motorcycles aren’t inspected. Faulty and noisy mufflers would fail motorcycles in annual inspections, so the measure was amended to require an inspection sticker be visibly affixed to the rear of the bike either on a mounting plate or on a rear fender or frame.

The bill, which also calls for a study of motorcycle noise, has received initial House approval but still needs to be approved by the full House and Senate.

A Racine, Wisconsin city panel has voted 4-0 recommending a newly written ordinance that would create a $100 fine plus court costs for “disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle.” It would outlaw, in a motorized vehicle, “violent, dangerous, abusive, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct.” That would include: squealing tires; revving an engine; unnecessarily blowing a horn; sudden veering or acceleration; and popping wheelies on a motorcycle.

The Culpeper Town Council Ordinance Committee has recommended that the Virginia municipality repeal its existing noise ordinance because it is legally unenforceable in light of recent court decisions. “The ordinance can’t be enforced the way it is written,” Mayor Pranas Rimeikis said of town noise regulations that rely on “a reasonable person” finding a sound too noisy.

The town’s movement to repeal its ordinance, and possibly replace it with a decibel-based measurement, is based on a Virginia Supreme Court ruling from last April that found a similar ordinance in Virginia Beach was unconstitutionally vague. In January, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the state court’s decision, denying a review of it as requested by the city.



About 50 bikers from an array of clubs rolled into the Florida State Fair looking for a good time, but because of the patches on their vests, they were refused entry and turned away. Fair rules, enforced by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, ban gang colors or signs.

But a lawyer representing the bikers says their First Amendment rights have been violated. “They’re trying to stifle people’s rights by using a blanket policy,” said Florida Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) Attorney Jerry Theophilopoulos. “It’s suppressing their right to associate in public.”

The banned bikers belong to a wide variety of clubs, from the Outlaws MC to Christian clubs such as the Spirit Riders, and the New Attitudes, a group of clean and sober riders. “The clubs that were with us, none of them have ever gotten into fights at the fair,” Theophilipoulos told the St. Petersburg Times. “They’re not street gangs, and they are being lumped together.” The bikers? lawyer said he called the Sheriff’s Office Sat to tell the agency the bikers were coming, and he was told that if they wore their colors, they wouldn’t be let in. They tried to go, anyway. “Sometimes you have to make a statement, to stand up for what you believe in,” said Jerry T, who also serves as legal counsel for the local Confederation of Clubs.



The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has delivered nearly 4,000 letters to Congress signed by motorcycle industry professionals who have had their livelihoods impacted by the lead provisions of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

“We believe these letters along with the other communications will help add to the momentum encouraging Congress to amend the CPSIA’s lead content provisions to exclude youth vehicles,” said MIC chairman Larry Little.

The CPSC recently requested flexibility to grant exclusions from the lead content limit to address certain products including youth vehicles in a Jan. 15 report to Congress.

The MIC stressed three key reasons why youth ATVs and motorcycles should be excluded from the CPSIA’s lead content provisions: 1. The lead content poses no risk to kids. Experts estimate that the lead intake from kids’ interaction with metal parts is less than the lead intake from drinking a glass of water. 2. The key to keeping youth safe is having them ride the right size vehicle. Kids are now at risk because the availability of youth ATVs and motorcycles is limited due to the lead ban. 3. The lead ban hurts the economy for no good reason when everyone is trying to grow the economy and create jobs. MIC estimates that a complete ban on youth model vehicles would result in about $1 billion in lost economic value in the retail marketplace every year.



In a landmark 1985 study, Dr. J.L. Firth estimated that while “a serious incident can be expected at the rate of 1 per 7,000 hours of motorcycle riding, serious injury rates exceeding one per 350 horse riding hours have been described, making horseback riding 20 times more dangerous than motorcycling.” As far as injuries go, horseback riding leads to more spills on average than motorcycling.

According to, the odds a person will visit an emergency department due to a horseback riding accident in a year are 1 in 3,837. Most of these accidents are caused when a horse bucks or bolts, throwing the rider, and female injury rates are typically higher.

The odds a motorcyclist will be injured in an accident in a year are 1 in 82.55. The odds a motorcyclist will be killed in an accident in a year are 1 in 1,488, about the same odds a person will be diagnosed with breast cancer in a year (1 in 1,506). And the odds a rider killed in a motorcycle accident in a year was not wearing a helmet are 1 in 2.39.



Thousands of British motorcyclists are being stopped by police for not wearing high-visibility clothing. Beginning in March, riders will be stopped and given lectures on ?being seen? as well as reflective vests to put on over their jackets or leathers.

The Motorcycle Action Group says the tactics are a step towards compulsory hi-vis clothing or reduced insurance pay-outs for riders in dark kit. ?We?re advising all riders stopped without obvious cause in order to deliver these lectures to make a stand by lodging formal complaints. If police time is tied up too much they may soon drop this tactic.?


QUOTABLE QUOTE: “We may never have tyrants? but if we should have them, they will seek to accomplish the downfall of free government, not by directly overriding the Constitution, but by using the forms of law to strangle and subvert its spirit.”

–Charles S. May (1875)


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March 11, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

TEXAS HARDTAILS SCOOTER SHOW–Rick and Joe T talk about filming and life at Strokers Dallas. Rick sings a really bad song… Don’t listen to it.

Listen to all the Texas Hardtails Scooter Show.

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Pat Simmons and Athena in Daytona.

Destination Daytona Soldiers On Without Bruce Rossmeyer–Though Harley-Davidson mogul Bruce Rossmeyer is gone, his family is carrying on the tradition at Destination Daytona and his other superstores.

Shelly Rossmeyer Pepe oversees management and operations and works at Destination Daytona, where a tribute screen rolls her father’s pictures and videos. In Daytona Beach, the family is reviving Bike Week presence for Rossmeyer’s first motorcycle dealership, on Beach Street. Rossmeyer’s picture is still at all the dealerships and in promotional materials.

“We wanted to keep his brand of dealership because that is what he worked so hard to do at his locations. To keep his face up there for a while? our family feels strongly about that,” Pepe told the Orlando Sentinel.

Destination Daytona hasn’t escaped the recession, but Pepe says it took a while to set in.

“We didn’t get hit by it really until the fourth quarter (last year). Biketoberfest (the autumn motorcycle rally in Daytona) was down 25 percent and since then, we’ve been down 35 percent,” she says.

–Posted by Holly Wagner
Published courtesy of DealerNews:

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ILLUSION MOTORS AVAILABLE CERTIFIED FOR USE IN CALIFORNIA–We have 10 or so that S&S did for us to our cert spec’s. They are the 124 de-stroked with 4.25 inch wheels. this makes them 114 ci and we cert them. Except we use the mikuni 42mm carb, spyke ignition and coil, our airbox, and the smaller 520 cam. We install our compliance stickers and they are epa and carb legal



We are working with Rusty on a complete tech on all of their Illusion line of engines. They build everything from inexpensive overseas, big-inch engines to all American made Panheads and Shovelheads.–Wrench


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Slim, Sin Wu’s cat, drunk again.

WARNING FROM BIKERNET PET CLINIC, Subject: Walking The Dog…A little girl asked her Mom, “Mom, may Itake the dog for a walk around the block?”Mom replies, “No, because she is in heat.”

“What’s that mean?” asked the child.

“Go ask your father. I think he’s in thegarage.”

The little girl goes to the garage and says, “Dad, may I take Belle for awalk around the block? I asked Mom, but she said the dog was in heat, andto come to you.”

Dad said, “Bring Belle over here.”He took a rag, soaked it with gasoline, and scrubbed the dog’s backsidewith it to disguise the scent, and said “OK, you can go now, but keepBelle on the leash and only go one time round the block.”

The little girl left and returned a few minutes later with no dog on theleash. Surprised, Dad asked, “Where’s Belle?”

The little girl said, “She ran out of gas about halfway down the block,so another dog is pushing her home.”

–from Irving Marsh

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MEMO FROM BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELOR–A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.

“What do you think you’re doing?” asks the wife.

“They’re on sale, only $10 for 24 cans,” he replies.

“Put them back, we can’t afford them”‘ demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping.

A few aisles further on along the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.

“What do you think you’re doing?” asks the husband.

“Its my face cream. It makes me look beautiful,” replies the wife.

Her husband retorts: “So does 24 cans of Budweiser and it’s half the price.”

On the PA system: ‘Cleanup on aisle 25, we have a husband down.’

–from Michael Boen

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BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING UPDATE FOR BONNEVILLE 2010– Hey, I was talking to Marc Beaulieu the other day. He says the Bikernet 5-Ball Racing Team is returning to Bonneville this year to re-run the Assault Weapan AND a couple other bikes.

This means you’re going to have to have a pit full of people to stage the bikes and work on them between runs, get ’em over to scrutinering, etc., etc.

All I can say is that I am IN. Let me know what I can do, pre-Bonneville, and unless all hell breaks loose this summer, I will be there to git ‘er done when the time comes. I’m planning on driving my pickup truck this time around, so I can bring all kinds of crap if you need me to.

I’ve got a big portable air compressor and hoses, and I think I’ve got a neighbor that’ll lend me a generator. Also got a bike lift, courtesy of Craftsman, and a bunch of other odds and ends. Let me know what you might need.

Ride Safe!



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FLATRAT RACING ISN’T COMPLETELY DOWN–But on the upside we do have a couple of new sponsors. Most recently Sprocket Specialists and Race-Tech Suspension have joined the prestigious list of team sponsors. Now where are those Avons?

We have two race weekends back to back in April/May I’ll be at both. Do you have bikernet stickers to slap on the bikes?

4/24-25 Nashville Superspeedway, Nashville, TN-rs,
5/1-2 Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, AL-rs

–Dean Middleton

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We installed a K&N air cleaner on an ’09 dresser. This shows the results. Click on the chart for more info.

BACK IN THE BIKERNET ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, WHY SENTENCE STRUCTURE IS SO IMPORTANT, SPONSORED BY K&N– The boss had to fire somebody, and he narrowed it down to one of two people, Debra or Jack. It was an impossible decision because they were both super workers. Rather than flip a coin, he decided he would fire the first one who used the water cooler the next morning.

Debra came in the next morning with a horrible hangover after partying all night. She went to the cooler to take an aspirin.

The boss approached her and said: ‘Debra, I’ve never done this before, but I have to lay you or Jack off.’

‘Could you jack off?’ she says, ‘I feel like shit.’

–Dave Clancy

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NEW CHANCE HOGAN NOVEL TO ARRIVE NEXT WEEK– I talked to production and it is on the binder now and will be shipping tomorrow. How many books will you need for your Birthday? We are going to have to have some shipped quicker than the balance.


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BIKERNET METRIC SCREAMING TO THE TOP–Here’s the BikernetMetric report:As has been the case for the past four months since I became editor, the site continues to grow. I’ve got everything done for the interview with Jon Ard from Ardcore Choppers and that will be posted Tuesday.

Additionally, we’re kicking ass in search rankings. Google ranks us #3 in the world when searching for “custom metric bobbers,” “metric bobbers,” and “metric bobber parts.” We’re #1 for “garage built metric bobbers,” “garage built metric choppers,” and “garage built metric motorcycles.” 63% of our visitors come from Google image and web searches. The rest are from our ever-expanding links from other sites.

Over 60% of our readers are returning visitors and we’re averaging 3.2 pages per visit and while growing at over 47% from the previous 30 days.

That’s it for now! Gotta run!

–Trent Reker
BikernetMetric Supreme Editor-in-Chief

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BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING PIT BIKE REPORT–The Rapido manuals arrived this week (from France of all places!)Damn, nice manuals I hate to send ’em to you.But a promise is a promise so I will mail ’em in the next week.


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RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN THE BLONDE ARCHIVES– Two blondes were going to Disneyland . They were driving on the Interstate when they saw the sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started crying and turned around and went home.


Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking, and one blonde says to the other, ‘Which do you think is farther away… Florida or the moon?’ The other blonde turns and says ‘Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ?????’

–Jim Waggaman

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PipeWear DYNA 3-1-10-2

BIKERNET THURSDAY NEWS TECH TIP, PIPE SOCK FROM PIPEWEAR BY TORCH WEAR–Twinsburg, OH – Torch Wear, a name synonymous with welding apparel, introduces PipeWear – a one piece custom sleeve that fits over motorcycle exhaust pipes to improve performance – but most importantly, help eliminate heat for riders.

PipeWear install dyna 3-1-10-#2

Originally introduced as a welding sleeve to protect welders from flash and heat, PipeWear is constructed exclusively from the revolutionary CarbonX knit blend material that gets its soft feel and vibrant black color from heat reflecting carbon.

The maximum temperature reached at the head pipe on gasoline burning engines is 1,000 degrees. PipeWear is able to withstand 2,500 degrees of searing heat which is 50% higher than Nomex. PipeWear protects the rider from burns and protects the motorcycle from the soaring heat associated with long stops and starts.

PipeWear install dyna 3-1-10-#3

No more sweaty thighs or “pipe tattoos”?. Pipes run cooler on the outside forcing heat to stay inside the pipes generating horsepower out the end. A trick used in auto racing for years.

Current asbestos type pipe wraps discolor, fray and after a few cruises, to be honest, become just plain ugly. Just slip PipeWear over your existing pipe wrap for a clean, custom look that has many more features than just looking cool ?THEY ARE COOL”.

Available in 2″ diameters and a custom length for motorcycles.

PipeWear install dyna 3-1-10-#5

Our first made-to-fit production PipeWear should be filling orders by the end of the month. Scheduled to be made are 2″I.D.x 18″, 2″ I.D.x 36″, 2.5″x18″ and 2.5″x36. We are still on the fence about stainless tie wraps when .005-3″ bailing wire makes for a clean installation. We are putting these on a lot of bikes with great reviews and have our first dealer, in Pinellas Park, FL, is getting requests for product.

We anticipate pricing to be waaay-affordable. Things are popin’ and we’re excited to be producing a product that has great: Saftey, Function, Performance and… A COOL NEW LOOK.

PipeWear install dyna 3-1-10-1

pipe clip

For more information and pricing, contact: Torch Wear – 2374 Edison Blvd., Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 USA Phone (800) 479-7165/330-425-2738 or FAX (330) 425-2739


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Dutton Calls on Air Board to Freeze Anti-Warming Measures Until Jobs ImpactReport is Complete,Air Board has missed its own deadline, refusedto set completion date–SACRAMENTO: Senate Republican Leader elect Bob Dutton (Rancho Cucamonga) has sent a letter to California Air Resources Board (CARB) Chairwoman Mary Nichols calling on her to suspend implementation of AB 32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, until a “valid, peer” reviewed economic analysis has been completed.

Senator Dutton sent the letter to Mary Nichols after learning that CARB has yet to redo its initial flawed economic analysis by a promised Dec. 31, 2009 deadline. Last week CARB staff acknowledged that the new economic analysis has yet to be completed. Further, staff said they didn’t know when it would be done. (View my letter)

“Mary Nichols and CARB continue to drag their feet on what should be priority number one–the potential impact their actions will have on jobs,” Senator Dutton said. “So while CARB barrels forward to implement anti-global warming measures, they do so completely ignorant of the true economic impact their actions will have on Californians jobs and our economy.”

A key study from Sacramento State University economists estimates that the cost of AB 32 could be as high as 1.1 million lost jobs and a 10% reduction in the states economy.

Senator Dutton introduced legislation last year, SB 295 that would have required CARB to redo its flawed economic analysis. The bill was killed by Democrats in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee after Mary Nichols assured the majority party that SB 295 was unnecessary because the new economic analysis would be completed by Dec. 31, 2009.

“Mary Nichols and CARB should be held to the same standard they expect California businesses to follow,” Senator Dutton said. “We can do that by immediately suspending implementation of AB 32 until the revised economic analysis is complete.”

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THE BIKERNET TEACH TAKES HIS CLASS ON FIELD TRIP TO DONNIE SMITH SHOW–2010 Donnie Smith Bike show March 27th. Come see the latest creations by the Kennedy High School Chopper Class with Mr Baas.

These include the new “Strange Brew” 1947 Knucklehead and the 25″ over SugarBear springer build both of which will be featured this year in Michael Lichters Sturgis display at the Buffalo Chip.


Come by meet the kids and see these amazing bikes.

— Kevin “TEACH” Baas
Custom made garage built motorcycle parts, vintage chopper builds and other cool stuff952-215-1252″When in doubt, burn out!”

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This is a slick looking 2006 Dyna Super Glide that’s ready for you to ride home today! Take a look, this bike has all the trimmings and has some serious street attitude! It features a powerful factory 88 cubic inch motor and 5-speed transmission, two-into-one Thunderheader, lowering kit, mid controls, chrome risers and much much more.

For under 9 grand (with less than 9K miles) you’d be hard-pressed to find a cleaner bike anywhere! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.




OWN A PIECE OF NHL HISTORY! THIS IS LA KINGS MARTY McSORLEY’S PERSONAL BIKE! Wow, and what a deal it is, this bike is as fast as lightning and cool as ice! It features a softail frame, 96 cuboic inch motor, 2-into-1 exhaust, spoke rims, custom seat (with Mart’s jersey number), custom mirrors, custom silver paint, and much much more!

In addition, whoever buys this bike will get an autographed jersey and Hockey stick from Marty! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.


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THE BUSIEST BIKER ON THE COAST RUNS ILLUSION CYCLES, A BAND AND MO’–What happens when you take bikers from all around Southern California,throw in a few hot girls girls with civic’s from Orange County, and thehistoric Galaxy Theatre? Attika’s Freakshow!


This event took place SundayMarch 1, 2010 and featured some great smaller bands and some large ones! ––K.O.


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Hi Drag Race Fans: Bakersfield (FAMOSO RACEWAY) “MARCH MEET” 2010– To our unfortunate gear-head friends who don’t live in So-Cal, with an opportunityto attend this fantastic annual event (one of the last of the real drag strips in theUSA that still appreciates the “Nostalgia Drag Racing pinnacle of the 1960’s”.

Friend Jerry Stephens & I attended the famous Bakersfield Nostalgia Nitro Fuel& Gas Drag Meet at FAMOSO RACEWAY on Friday. (We went Friday sincepossible rain was predicted for Saturday. (A 450 mile 1-day round-trip in Jerry’s Vette).As you can see, the weather on Friday was fine, and we saw some great cars and good racing.(We hope the racers didn’t get rained out today or Sunday).

We suggest a good wiff of Nitro, plus burning rubber, smoke in eyes, and deafening (eardrum splitting)nitro burnout sounds in the background to give the photos the proper Famoso mystique when viewing the photos. (OK- Just use your imagination)

–Bob Mohler
Yucca Valley

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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans events in California, AT LAST!–On September 29, 2009, California became the first state in the nation to sign a bill making March 30 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. The bill was introduced by Vietnam veteran Assemblyman Paul Cook (D-Yucca Valley) at the urging of Jose Ramos of Whittier and the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) California State Council.As a result of that legislature, VVA Chapter 391 is hosting a parade in Sonora, the only parade for Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in the nation. Chicago is having a parade for Vietnam Veterans; however, Illinois does not have a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (WHVVD).

In California, there are events in several areas including Riverside, Sacramento, Whittier, Pleasanton, Fresno, Redding, the Central Coast, Alameda and Humboldt counties and other areas are having small celebrations.

VVA-Chapter 391 just received word that after being in 9th place in the nation for a year, their chapter is now in 8th place out of 650 and is still the largest chapter in California. The VVA State Council named them Chapter of the Year for 2008 and 2009. What makes this unique is that Tuolumne County is one of the smaller counties in California. In fact, the population of Tuolumne County almost comes up to the total number killed in Vietnam.

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WHAT’S NEXT?–That’s a good question. I just received word that my Peashooter frame is finished. Through Don Whalen, of Sierra Madra Motorcycles, he commissioned Macky to rebuild my 1929 Peashooter frame and modify it for a stroked overhead valve engine, being rebuilt by Rodan. It will have a 1-inch tall brass stroker plate and a 500 cc Peashooter lower end for about 460 ccs.


Tomorrow I will wrap up the ACE story for American Iron and start to rough out the El Mirage story with Rick Krost’, of U.S. Choppers. It’s one of his boardtrack racers we featured for Bikernet.



A kid from the under-water welding school down the street drug over a steel pedestal. He asked about making a motorcycle bar stool. We’ve been preparing for working on the Assalt Weapan, clearing the shop of odd projects, so I dug around.



We came up with three or four types of old foot pegs, a couple of solo seats, and an old turn-signal, for the kicks. With our plasma cutter, a hacksaw, and Makita grinder we dove into this afternoon project.



Johnny Humble, from Houston, our Texas Correspondent, is working on several articles, including a story on his experience to retrieve this bike (below) back from his brother on the east coast. Keyboard shipping helped out, but it’s a long story and I’ll let Johnny grapple with that one. He’s working on several other techs on V-rods. We are also working on two new Girls of Bikernet features, one with the 5-Ball factory racer, and another with a Sucker Punch Sally bob-job in Arizona, shot by Scooter.


We are also planning some Wire Plus (Larry Luckey is handling one of these stories) techs, Saddleman, and another D&D tech is in the works on a 2010 touring bike. So hang on. There’s never a dull moment around the Bikernet Headquarters.

Ride Forever,



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March 11, 2010 Part 1




I’m so sick and tired of the doom and gloom news on CNN and Fox that I discovered CSPAN. No commercials, just testimony from Senate hearings. Actual shit going on in the government. Yeah, it’s nuts, but informative, if you can stay awake.

Last night the Senate was quizzing Timothy Geithner, our illustrious Treasury Secretary. I know he’s blamed for the entire financial collapse, but his report was very uplifting about the stimulus packages and our economy. According to him they allotted 780 Billion for stimulus, used only 440 billion, and have since recovered 2/3s of that. The GNP was down 6 percent last year and it’s up 6 percent this year. Even the auto makers are pulling it back together.

If you’re having a problem with your mortgage, there’s help out there. Supposedly there’s a web site where you can check on your local banks and find out who’s helping whom. Consumer confidence is still down, but recovering. Keep the faith. We’re still Americans, and Americans can do anything. Let’s hit the news:

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BIKERNET HEARSE UPDATE– Hey, I was having some trouble finding a lowering kit, but I called my parts friend at the local Chevy Shop, and crossed the springs to an Impala SS, and they matched. I then called Jeg’s, and they have them in stock-Front is 1.25 in. lower, rear is 1 in. lower.


I think I’ll put air shocks on back to compensate for additional wt. of wagon/hearse. We took all the stainless trim off, including grille, guys are sanding now, I’ll take it to powder coat tomorrow, and we’ll have it back before weekend-powder number if you can. Wheels, tires should be here today or tomorrow.

Car looks like shit now.


COLE Customs

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We’re working with Kevin Baas on some laser cut Bikernet signs for the sides of the car. George Fleming our Bikernet Logo Artist reworked the logo so we could do both sides.–Bandit

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WHEN INSULTS HAD CLASS–“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to thedictionary.” – William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).

“Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time readingit.” – Moses Hadas

“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved ofit.” – Mark Twain

“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.” – Oscar Wilde

–Ray Russell

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Sarah Ray is always available to add a touch of class to your SPS build. Just click on this image.

1. To grind or crush with or as if with the teeth in preparation for swallowing and digestion; to chew; as, “to masticate food.”
2. To crush or knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.

intransitive verb:
1. To chew food.

Honestly, folks, the people at the next table ordered the same dish, and I watched as a young couple tried in vain to masticate those fossilized pieces of “toast.”
— Pat Bruno, “Hits and misses”, Chicago Sun-Times, June 2002

Their powerful jaws allow hyenas to masticate not only flesh and entrails, but bones, horns, and even the teeth of their prey.
— Sam Tauschek, “A Hyena is no laughing matter”, Sports Afield, May 2001

In 1820, Thomas Hancock invented a machine that could masticate, mix and soften rubber.
— Rikki Lamba, “Effect of carbon black on dynamic properties”, Rubber World, April 1, 2000

We should masticate the entire federal government and spit out a new one.
–Renegade, Bikernet Redfreak Editor

Masticate comes from the past participle of Late Latin masticare, “to chew,” from Greek mastichan, “to gnash the teeth.” The noun form is mastication.

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EXTENUATING 2010 DAYTONA REPORT FROM THE PUBLISHER OF DELUXE MAGAZINE–Just got back from Daytonathe streets were dead man, dead.



geno osr-2home

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CANADIAN BROTHER SEEKS A SPOT AT ARTISTRY IN IRON IN VEGAS–Maybe we could do a Feature when it is all done with it set up like I had planned for Vegas.I could get Pro pictures done up here if needed?


Just think I met you in 1988, we got some history! Ha!

–Terry Lovering

Terry is finishing this bike to promote a board game he developed 30 years ago. A major game manufacturer tested it, but his time intersected with the video game outburst and he was turned down. Now, 20 years later he’s bringing it to life on his own terms. Watch on Bikernet for bike updates and more on the board game, Consigliere. Here’s his web site:–Wilburn Roach


Las Vegas Bike Fest Banner

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“THE LOOK”– The other day while at the hospital visiting a friend who had his lower leg amputated, my friend Charlie is 87 and he is as tough as nails. I heard something really funny to me!

While sitting in the waiting room, I over heard a conversation taking place. One lady was telling another about her son, she was telling her how he used to look like a “Harley Rider.” She went on to say how her son used to have long hair, how he used to wear the t-shirts and he even had Harley jeans and boots and he even had a chain on his wallet!

The lady being told the story asked, “Well did he have a Harley?”

The lady responded with “Oh no we got him out of that phase, he is clean cut now.” Then she went on to say how there are NO bikes in Atlanta?

That’s news to me!

She went on to say “There is a reason for no bikes in Atlanta.”

Never heard what the reason was?

When I left I wondered, did I bring that conversation on? I looked at my clothes and said “No way!” I had on my jeans, sweat shirt and athletic shoes. I had shaved and took a shower, so I thought I looked like everyone else or just maybe I had the look naturally? Ha! ha!

The more I thought about this, the funnier it got to me. Back when I first started riding, we wore jeans, t-shirts, leather jackets and engineer boots and chain wallets and a lot of us still do. We wore all of this because we rode bikes and we were bikers. Nowadays it seems to be cool or the “in thing” is to try to look and dress like a biker?

Back in the day we all knew who the bikers were in our respective communities, nowadays it is hard to tell who really has a bike and who does not because everyone seems to want “THE LOOK!” Also back in the day, the guys I hung with always emphasized to me, do not wear any of H-D stuff unless you own an H-D and rode. I never wore a H-D t-shirt until I owned my first Sportster. In those days, you may have gotten some outlaw justice for being a poser!

Yeah, times have changed, and I am glad I learned the ropes, when I did, and I am thankful for the guys who took me under their wing and guided me. I have never forgot any of them, Mike J. Neal, and Chester. They are not all here now, but I still remember them and thank them for the lessons passed onto me. Lessons like if you don’t have the bike save your money until you get the bike and then buy a t-shirt.

Next time you go out for a ride, take a peek in the mirror and make sure you have “THE LOOK” going on!

Until next time, ride!


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FLATRAT DAYTONA VINTAGE ROAD RACING REPORT–Not much positive to report.Arrived Sunday for the mandatory riders meeting and Tech inspection. Things were fine, no problems.

Monday morning, I?m in practice group #1. Its frikkin cold. Run the entire session?.bike is running good?laying back in the cold conditions. Also noticed blinding sunshine coming around NASCAR turn 2, riding blind at full throttle, yeah?.that and the concrete patch from the 500 made that an interesting situation during the early morning.

Second practice, warming up, feeling good?.I hit a warm-up lap, then wick things up?..3 good laps?.coming out of NASCAR 2 I catch a glimpse of a black flag?.get to the chicane, corner workers are frantic, waving me off?.I look down, L leg is covered in oil. NOT good. I cut thru the infield and rode back to the pits. The crew from CYCO Cycles is there. A father and son team, Dillon (Ratboy) and his dad Mark Shaver. Stan Keyes let me shack with him in the pits, and I get help from his boys. We took the tank off, and noticed a broken main engine stud?.runs thru the motor from top to bottom??shit.

We decided we can get at it without pulling the motor (Mark was right), but have to break all 8 free to lift a cover?from the base gasket up, the motor is loose, but still in the bike?.nuttin like living on the edge. I have a stud in my box of parts. We get the broken one out, and replacement in. Get the bike running, no leaks, get re-tech?d?. All this during lunch?..I?m thinking, ?This is my disaster, and it’s over, time to race MF?rs???I was wrong, so wrong.

Still had some lunchtime left to go over to my Norton Club lunch / party in turn 6. These people have been doing this for years. Kegs and food put out mostly by two couples, Barney and Maggie, and Charles and Martha. They work hard. Everyone was welcome. I decided earlier in the year they deserved recognition. I had some old trophys, and Bernard Theony made plaques?..we presented the ?Hospitality Awards? during lunch, it was a hit?.neither saw it coming, just what I wanted.

I?m in race # 3, Sportsman 350. The field is thin this year. Last year there were over 20 entries, this year half that. I had a shot. I?ve beaten over half the field previously, but there are still some very fast riders, who will push me to my limits.

Get out for our warm-up lap. Get the motor up full song (about 10-11K) and check for leaks from the stud?..looking good?.hit it hard going around 2 and onto the backstraight, trying to get my tires warm. A lot of people think ?scrubbing? in a back and forth motion gets your tires warm?.it cleans them, but the only way to get them warm is go fast!

I hit the back-straight and tuck. Then??nothing? just cuts off, boom, lights out. I can hear the motor cycling thru, but with no fire. I hit the ignition switch, try to bump it?..nadda?.I pulled in the clutch and coast down to the apron.

Crash truck fetches me and I take the ride of shame as my race goes green.

Back to the pits and the crew jumps in again?.tank is off, elect connections checked. I decide to pull the sidecover where my magneto resides?.looks ok, but wait a minute?.metal shavings?….wtf? I grab the bolthead that secures the rotor to the crankshaft?.and the whole dam thing comes off in my hand!!!!!! I collapsed on the concrete?.a broken crankshaft?….can’t be.

Ratboy says, ?Fuck??.a broken crankshaft?.I started packing my stuff. I was done.


This will keep me out for awhile. To add context, I just paid to have this motor built. It was new, BUT?..I supplied the crankshaft?.I?m done for awhile, if not the year. This is devastating.


So, I didn?t turn a lap in a race. I was not happy?..didn’t even go out to the track Tuesday till after lunch, and still felt sick.


Anyhow, here are a couple pics of a broken crankshaft. There are no pictures of my broken spirit, but it’s there.

I will rise again?.but it looks like my teammate Dean will be carrying the FlatRat / Bikernet flag for awhile.

–Charlie Young

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Click the banner for Bikernet Advertising Rates and services.

US ADVERTISERS TO SPEND MORE ON DIGITAL THAN PRINT–(AFP),WASHINGTON ? US companies will spend more this year on digital and online advertising and marketing than on print for the first time ever, according to a study released on Monday.

Companies will spend 119.6 billion dollars on online and digital strategies and 111.5 billion dollars on newspaper and magazine advertisements and other print campaigns, according to the study by California-based Outsell.

Outsell, which provides research and advisory services to the publishing and information industries, described the spending shift as “an industry milestone crossover event.”

It said overall US spending on advertising and marketing will increase by 1.2 percent in 2010 to 368 billion dollars.

Outsell said 63 billion dollars, or 52.8 percent of total online advertising spending by companies, would be on their own websites, which it said constitutes a “powerful form of direct to customer marketing.”

“Advertisers are directing dollars toward the channels which generate the most qualified leads and most effective branding,” Outsell vice president and lead analyst Chuck Richard said.”As they emerge from the recession, they need more accountability, and they’re spreading their spending over a widening set of options,” he said.

By category, Outsell said spending on print newspaper advertising was expected to drop 8.2 percent to 27 billion dollars while print magazine advertising will rise 1.9 percent this year to 9.4 billion dollars.US newspapers and magazines have been facing declining print advertising revenue, falling circulation and the migration of readers to free news online.

Outsell said that spending on direct mail marketing campaigns would rise 2.7 percent to 24.4 billion dollars and spending on custom print publications would be 3.0 percent higher at 19.3 billion dollars.Spending on print directories would fall 8.3 percent to 11.6 billion dollars while spending on print newsletters would be flat at 11.4 billion dollars.

“2010 will not suddenly erase the painful memory of crumbling ad spending in 2009, but it will provide much closer to a flat year for several of the traditional media types,” Outsell said.

“This means that publishers with significant shares of traditional media in the mix and who pounded their expenses and debt into shape sufficient to survive the brutal 2009 should be able to carry on at those levels in 2010.”

Spending on television advertising was forecast to drop 6.5 percent to 59.6 billion dollars.Outsell surveyed more than 1,000 US advertisers in December 2009 for its annual “Marketing and Advertising Study 2010.”

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STUDY FROM BIKERNET ENGINEERING STAFF SPONSORED BY SPECTRO OILS–I got a new stick deodorant today. The instructions said:

Remove cap and push up bottom.

I can barely walk, but whenever I fart the room smells lovely…

–from John Reed
Bikernet Race Engineer

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The owner of Kendon, Kenny Thurm.

Kendon Debuts 2010 Stand-Up Trailer & Lift Lines At CCI Show–Custom Chrome is celebrating its 40th Anniversary of serving the V-Twin industry in a huge way for 2010, culminating in a trade show at Morgan Hill World Headquarters March 12-14. ?The past year has been a tremendous time of rebuilding and rebirth for the CCI brand ? Custom Chrome International,? said Holger Mohr, CEO of CCI. ?We will not let this milestone pass without a shout!?

Also making some noise in conjunction with the CCI event in Morgan Hill is the roll out of the 2010 Kendon Stand-Up? Trailer line. ?This is a very important time for both Custom Chrome and Kendon Industries, so what better opportunity to present our significantly improved 2010 line up of trailers and lifts to CCI reps and dealers,? notes Kendon president Frank Esposito.

?We have much to be grateful for,? added Mohr. ?Not the least of which is the partnership and support we have received from our dealers and vendors.? It is largely in this enduring legacy that its brand became synonymous with ?World?s Finest Products for Harley-Davidsons.? According to Esposito, Kendon offers a similar market leadership position in the trailer and lift world: ?Kendon is the PERFORMANCE trailer and we are proud to be affiliated with the pros at Custom Chrome.?

New Kendon

So What?s All The Fuss About?

Kendon Industries, the originator of the Stand-Up motorcycle trailer, continues its pioneering ways with the next generation of trailers and motorcycle lifts. The street line of lifts has been significantly updated. The 2010 street lifts offer improved performance, reliability and strength. Plus there is the all new MotoLift packed with a host of innovations specifically for the off-road market, but the biggest news really is the 2010 trailers.

?Kendon has been around for years continually creating innovative products to make a motorcycle enthusiast?s life much easier,? explains Hot Bike magazine editor Eric Ellis. ?Now I know what you are thinking ? ?there are a ton of lifts and trailers on the market, what makes Kendon so special?? ? The answer is pretty simple, space! When you?re done with the Kendon lift or trailer, it can be folded up and stood up on one end (one end has wheels) and rolled off to a corner or against the wall where it takes up minimal space.?

There is more to the story than that, however. Not only do Kendon products feature plenty of technical innovations, they work.

?Kendon trailers are strong, long-lasting, lightweight and flat out beautiful,? says company president Frank Esposito.

?Performance trailers are the ones you don?t feel that you?re towing. We have earned a reputation to towing sweeter than any other competitor but the partnership between Kendon and our proprietary axle supplier Tie Down Engineering means the best trailer on the market just got better,? exclaims Esposito. ?Kendon is a PERFORMANCE trailer!?As they say, the devil is in the details, so here is a detailed description of The Kendon Difference.

The Kendon Difference comes from the proprietary Eliminator Torsion Axle with removable spindles, exclusively from Tie Down Engineering.

Kendon Stand-Up? Trailer Features & Benefits

?The patented Eliminator Torsion Axle from Tie Down Engineering offers completely controlled compression and rebound as each wheel is fully independent of the other side.
?This exclusive torsion bar suspension system delivers precision spring rates and dampening rates to each wheel independently to provide for a smoother and safer ride.
?Use of torsion bars rather than a conventional axle/leaf spring set-up also reduces un-sprung weight. The Eliminator torsion axle tube is bolted to the frame so the number of moving parts is reduced, lowering the weight that the ?spring action? must move. Ultimately this results in a smoother shock action and provides equal ride quality whether the trailer is loaded or empty.
?The torsion axle becomes a cross member: An added benefit of the Eliminator torsion axle is that it mounts directly to the frame, further reducing flex.
?Double Mounting Brackets ? for maximum strength and stability, all Kendon trailers feature double mounting brackets from axle to frame.
?Removable Spindle ? Tie Down Engineering?s patented Eliminator torsion axle is the only axle that has a replaceable spindle. This greatly reduces the chance of ruined trips due to an accident, bearing failure or spindle damage.
?SuperLube ? Every Eliminator torsion axle comes with SuperLube spindles as standard equipment. SuperLube has been proven to be the best method to change grease in the hub cavity.
?Totally tubular! The triangulated round-tube frame is similar to the construction of a racecar chassis (no wonder given Ken Thurm?s extensive racing background). Inspired by the strongest geometric shape, the triangle, each round-tube frame is tough as well as lightweight due to precision mandrel bends and minimal welds and cuts.
?Aesthetics ? Kendon trailers are attractive: Diamond plate decking and a beautiful powder coating process make for a striking finish with rugged durability.
?Spindle is center-line mounted to fenders with close tire to fender clearance providing improved debris control, better aerodynamics and enhanced appeal to the trailer.
?Longevity ? Kendon has a PASSION for transporting and handling your vehicle ? we are the leader in motorsports transportation. Period!
?Spare Parts ? We understand things happen on the road and we offer a full line of replacement parts.


2010 Improvements

As good as Kendon trailers have historically been, the best have gotten even better. A host of key improvements have been made to the 2010 models and rather than having you wait for these upgrades, Kendon has quietly been shipping the upgraded models for the past couple of months. These new and improved versions are now in stock and ready for the customer today! Specific highlights include:


?Next Generation Hybrid Axle co-developed by Tie Down Engineering and Kendon Trailers is now offered for all trailers with a 2,000 lb. GVW
?New & Improved Fenders ? All 2010 trailers have a new higher strength material ? A572/grade 50 ? fender.
?A wider rail with an adjustable wheel chock has been incorporated into each Kendon Stand-Up? trailer for the 2010 season.

Kendon Industries Incorporated
3707 East La Palma Ave. / Anaheim, CA 92806
tel 714-630-7144 / fax 714-630-7132
Toll Free 1-800-847-8618



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BANDIT’S CANTINA REVIEWED BY BIKERNET READER– Just got back from a short run. I am enjoying the Cantina and some whiskey. Gotta tell ya, in case no one else does.

You’re doing a good job, amigo. Keep it up. The content is awesome and it keeps my attention. I have really bad A.D.D. so all the nekked girls keep my attention purty good.

The blog is excellent, tambien. Whatever you?re gettin paid by your advertisers, they are getting their moneys worth. Your doing a damn good job. Glad ta see your taking up a new vocation as a mortician with that new ride you bought.

–johnnie gutierrez>

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UNCLE MONKEY TAKES US ON A FIELD TRIP TO A FARM–Growing up on a farm there was never a shortage of dirt around. At the end of a long day there was satisfaction looking into the mirror and see the dirt and grime that hard work creates. Anyone who works with their hands can tell you that there is a twisted sense of pride in being dirty. It means that work was done. That even though there were difficulties that they had persevered and conquered. It means that they had to get dirty and that they weren’t afraid too.

We all try to keep our garages and workshops clean, and for the most part we succeed. But working on mechanical machines always leaves the element of surprise, element of dirt. No matter how much time is spent draining a system there is always a little oil left over, a little antifreeze, a little grime.

My uncle’s hands were always a darker color. The stain of years of spinning wrenches and working with his hands that would never wash away no matter what chemicals, what abrasives were used. It didn’t bother him. And as I grew up and spent more time fixing old cars and building bikes my hands too became stained from work. I understood why it didn’t bother him, why he wasn’t ashamed of them.

Some people judge people with hands like that. Stained, cut, callused. They equate it with manual labor, a lack of education, a lack of knowledge. Like all discrimination it is unfounded and untrue. At the end of the day, it is those stained calloused hands that molded this great nation.

–bad Uncle Monkey

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MASSIVE GLOBAL GUN CONTROL SCHEME COMING–This is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia.I?m writing you to make sure American citizens are prepared to oppose this assault on our national sovereignty and right to keep and bear arms.

Disguised as legislation to help in the fight against ?terrorism,? ?insurgency? and ?international crime syndicates,? the UN?s Small Arms Treaty is nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

Ultimately, the UN?s Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.

The National Association for Gun Rights has a Firearms Sovereignty Survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this global gun ban is. Please bear with me for a moment.

So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.

But looking at previous versions of the UN?s Small Arms Treaty, you and I can get a good idea of what?s likely in the works.

If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN?s Small Arms Treaty would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:

*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL ?unauthorized? civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.

I?m sure I don?t have to tell you that this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.

NRA Tool Bar Banner

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SPRING PEELED BACK PRICING FROM K&G–Spring is coming and that means it’s riding season again. K and G Cycles has some Peel Back Pricing just made for getting ready to ride!


How’s the oil looking? Maybe you could use a K & N Gold Performance oil filter? We’ve got them at only $12.20. That’s over 25% off!


We’ve got the new battery you need to start that monster up and get it purring again. Maintenance free batteries from Powerhouse at 20% off.


Need a starter solenoid for that 4-speed Big Twin? We’ve got you covered at $25.00.

spark plug

Now let’s get some new spark. K and G Cycles has Champion Power Sport spark plug pairs for $8.00. That’s 20% off!


We’ve got rear bob tail fenders and mini speedometers for less than $40.00, Avon Venom tires and brake pads at 20% off, and much, much more!!!

Head over to and check out all the great price being peeled back at K and G Cycles. We’re not the biggest in the world — we’re just the right size to make you happy you let us earn your business. At K and G Cycles, our customers are kinduvabigdeal!!!!


Continued On Page 2

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Tribute to Samantha and Criminal


In loving memory of:
Samantha Morgan a/k/a Marsh Green
Born June 2, 1953
Entered into Rest April 28, 2008

Thomas James Cavanaugh “Criminal”
Born December 13, 1943
Entered into rest May 12, 2008

Memorial services were held this past Saturday at VFW Hall 2007 for Masha Green, much better know as Samantha Morgan Storm and Thomas Cavanaugh, known to so many simply as “Criminal.” It was a shock to the South Florida and International motorcycle community when we heard that both of these great souls had passed away within weeks of each other.


Thomas “Criminal” Cavanaugh passed away on Monday morning May 12, 2008. Crim, as his many friends knew him, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Crim was 64 and still active within the various veteran associations. He lived in West Palm Beach, Florida for over 40 years. He was in the army and he owned a couple of motorcycle shops, and later he worked out of his garage. He continuously wrenched, helping bikers in his South Florida community when he wasn’t on the road as the ticket holder for the Wall of Death act.

That's the author on the left.

He met Samantha Morgan when she was a teenager and their lives were spent sharing the experiences that only The Wall of Death motordromes could bring. He was eulogized by his family and numerous close friends and associates. Every one cracked up when the fact that he was once an alter boy came to light. He would give you the shirt off his back. Some say he really died of a broken heart.


Samantha Morgan, whose name is synonymous with the Wall of Death and the California Hell Riders, was just 53 when she passed away approximately ten days before Crim. She had several broken bones from her chosen career path. Her true loves were her dogs, Mischief and Trouble, both of whom have new homes with family members. In attendance from California were notables like Goth Girl, Sara Liberte and Mudds, a very old dear family friend.

Of course, Don and Jay Lightening were there, the owners of the only two motordromes in the world and many more amazing friends. Wally spoke briefly as did Sam’s Aunt. Tales were spinning at every table of lions and legacies. Samantha’s heritage is alive and well on her recently founded website and everyone was encouraged to check out all the history, art and talent that was Samantha Morgan. Her cousin came in from Austin, Texas, her best friend Diana Hemp let out a holler in her honor.


Hank Ware and the kitchen staff at the VFW outdid themselves with huge buffet of shrimp cocktails and other deductibles while Bev at the bar was non-stop the entire time. Over four hundred people attended and the laughter could be heard over the small two-man band who provided the sound system and the stage was packed with flowers and pictures. The large black and white photo of Sam and Crim, centerstage, really summed up their lives and their love for one another. Best friends, who used to watch cartoons together, ride together and tend to each others lives, now ride in peace together.

I rode down from my house 45 miles away and as we were leaving, still shaking hands, crying and laughing, the skies turned gray, then very dark. I hit three massive walls of water on the ride home, probably the hardest, nastiest rain I have ever ridden through. It rained so hard that the inside of my helmet got wet! But did I stop to wait it out under a bridge?


Would Samantha have stopped? Just goes to show you that even though I never knew her that well, her spirit was riding inside me within that wall of water, keeping my rubber side down and the horizon in sight. Crim made sure I got home so I could tell you about it.

Monetary donations are still being accepted. Please send letters and cards to: Joanne Cavanaugh Darragh 4831 Alberta Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33417

You can see more of Sam and Criminal at these and other biker, or at

Here’s what it said on their memorial cards:

We love you today and we will love you tomorrow.
We have loved you in good times and we have loved you in sorrow.
We took you just the way you were or any way you chose to be.Because, the Lord does not put a loving man or woman on earth like youUnless he or she affects our lives like thee.

Missing you, All your family, brothers and friends

Love yourself and each other.

A Wall of Death shot from the '40s from the Bob T. collection.

Read More

March 04, 2010 Part 1


A shot from Valerie Thompson’s Calendar. See the info below.


Strange times. Here’s a quote from the October issue of Road and Track, “There is no denying that the automobile has a social cost–clean air, use of resources, accidents. In all fairness, these costs must be weighed against the benefits–mobility, freedom and independence,” wrote Matt DeLorenzo the editor in chief. There’s that balanced approach.

We need to find a way. On the other hand all the regulations in the world won’t help as long as the population continues to increase at alarming rates. But it’s Thursday, Bikernet News Day, and we’ve attempt to avoid Negative Waves.

I dodged jury duty this week. What could be better? Let’s hit the news.

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iMC Motorcom Introduces Headset for Scorpion EXO-900–iMC Motorcom announced the release of their Scorpion EXO-900 motorcycle helmet-integrated headsets: the EX line. The EX line features all the components necessary to set up the Scorpion EXO-900 for use with a Honda Gold Wing, Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic, two-way radio, 3.5-mm audio device, or 3.5-mm cell phone. The headset works with any configuration of the Scorpion EXO-900, regardless whether it is flip-up, full-face, or three-quarter.

The kit includes two hi-fi flat panel speakers that fit into the speaker recesses of the Scorpion EXO-900. The noise-canceling microphone promises to provide riders with clear communication. Depending on the application, each kit comes with the proper lower cable to connect to the headset port of the respective device.


Also included is a color-matched communications door, which allows for discrete installation of the speaker and microphone wiring. The EX line is now available at a retail price between $45 and $80 depending on configuration at motorcycle dealers already stocking iMC Motorcom products, and online at

– – C.S. Berg


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big dog crowd

Photo compliments of someone from Big Dog Motorcycles.

DAYTONA Attendance was down in Daytona on Saturday due to the rain and cold.Cold-weary riders find warm fun at bike show– The Rat’s Hole custom motorcycle show started 38 years ago by local merchant Karl “Big Daddy Rat” Smith Sr., who died in 2002. His son, Ted, runs the show now. Enthusiasts tout it as the biggest and one of the best of its kind with hundreds of custom bikes competing for coveted Rat trophies. While the first 12 classes were held Saturday, Part 2 to be held this weekend features the most popular classes. If You Go: The show runs Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. under the pavilion at Destination Daytona, 1637 N. U.S. 1, Ormond Beach. Classes include: three-wheeler, most unusual, full dresser and touring, rat class, bobber, extreme bobber, antique classics restored, antique classics unrestored, over 600 cc street fighter, over 1000 cc custom, over 1000 cc radical, and over 1000 cc super radical. One bike will be selected as best in show. Backyard Bone Band will provide live entertainment.— Julie Murphy

–from Rogue

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Big Bad Truck Meet Comin Up NOT in the US–You always thought we had the biggest, baddest trucks here in the States, right? Well, think again: This monster of a big-rig lives nowhere near the North American continent. It belongs to Tommy Nilsson over in Scandinavia and won the Nodic Trophy 2009. In case you are interested: The polished tanker behind the Scania R620 is 17 meters (almost 56 feet) long.

The next big gathering of trucks over in Scandinavia is the Stockholm Truck Meet in Sweden from May 27 – 29 during the Maskin Expo, the leading plant and machinery fair. The truck meets website can be found at (the pictures are under menu point „Tidigare evenemang” in case you don’t understand Swedish, which, of course, you do perfectly).

– – C.S. Berg

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Thunder Roads Magazine & Saddle Tramp Magazine are now confirmed to attend the event–105.9 The Rock WNRQ Nashville is now an official supporter!Bikerlowndown Radio Show Host’s Chuck & LJ have given birth, unbeknown to them at this writing but because of their radio show introduction to Baker & Biker Rock Sister Geneva we’re excited to announce the 1st annual Nashville Biker event “Geneva’s Rock n Ride with Baker”.

The event will be Saturday May 8th from noon till 8 PM @ the “Limelight” 201 Woodland Street Nashville, TN. A killer venue right across the river from downtown & across from Titans Stadium. Tons of Bike parking as we’re anticipating 500 plus bikes to be there for Geneva’s filming for an upcoming episode of her Rock n Ride Fox Reality Show featuring her hometown of Nashville. There will be a couple more bands along with biker events outside, bike vendors selling swag, Nashville tattoo artist TBA, custom choppers, games, National & Regional Biker Magazine Reps. & tons of stuff yet to be decided.

The stage is indoors & the club is huge with garage doors that roll up on one end. Classy old school layout with couches, plenty of tables, chairs and bar space. Also has a VIP area with private bar. The menu is great & very affordable with a variety of food to please any appetite & yes, there is a full bar!

To kick off the event we’re organizing a Charity Ride for Vanderbilt Trauma Surgical & Critical Care

This is a worthy cause to not only help our fallen Biker Brother’s & Sister’s but everyone who has suffered a traumatic injury. The Ride will only be $10 minimum per person but we encourage those who can give more to please do so. We have a really cool route planned TBA & will also be filmed as we come over a big hill riding towards the Cumberland River. Geneva plans to ride & film from the back of a bike, Very Cool! Admission for the event will also only be $10.00 per person in advance $12.00 day of show. This is breaking news so details will be posted on this website as they develop.

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Everything we do at Bikernet is didactic…

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY ENGLISH LESSON–Word for the day:didactic dy-DAK-tik; duh-, adjective:
1. Fitted or intended to teach; conveying instruction; instructive; teaching some moral lesson; as, “didactic essays.”
2. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively; moralistic.

The show trial may be defined as a public theatrical performance in the form of a trial, didactic in purpose, intended not to establish the guilt of the accused but rather to demonstrate the heinousness of the person’s crimes.
— Sheila Fitzpatrick, Everyday Stalinism

In class, embarrassed girlish laughter joined the “hee-haws” of our male classmates when centerfolds appeared in the middle of medical lectures, ostensibly to add a wake-up jolt to otherwise uninspired didactic presentations.
— Frances K. Conley M.D., Walking Out on the Boys

While Cooper offers a nice message about the demands of friendship and the need to share and be flexible, her writing is not the least bit didactic or dogmatic.
— Stephen Del Vecchio, review of Pumpkin Soup, by Helen Cooper, Teacher Magazine, May 2000

Didactic comes from Greek didaktikos, “skillful in teaching,” from didaktos, “taught,” from didaskein, “to teach, to educate.”

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SHE’S PLANNING HER CROSS COUNTRY RIDE–Any of you amazing women who want to join Alystar even for a few miles are all welcome. Including any rider who has an amazing story and who is anywhere close to the trip path, contact Alystar, she would love to hear your stories.

traveling girl

FOLLOW ME Will take you places you would never get to experience, either because you can’t take off work for that amount of time or you can’t ride a motorcycle and fulfill a lifelong dream. Take part in a breath-taking, one of a kind experience that Alystar will take you across the country and experience some of the best scenic motorcycle rides through the unforgiving Death Valley Desert, climb through mountains gaps, along rivers, across lakes, along the ocean coastlines and along windy twisty roads, from start to finish. It’s the perfect therapy on all levels.


Watch for the whole story next week on Bikernet–Wrench

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New Motorcycle Sales, Service, Customizing and Rental Shop Coming to Atlanta Area–The grand opening of Scorpion’s Cycles full service Sales, Service and Customizing shop is scheduled for May 1st through 5th 2010, Cinco de Mayo.

Prominently planned for the shop are many features for the ladies, including a new line up of safety riding apparel designed with high fashion in mind. Scorpion’s Cycles will carry the full line of Johnny Pag motorcycles that get 60-65 mpg for an ‘out the door price’ of around $5,000. Not to be missed is the Pink Spyder chopper.Whether it’s a weekend bike ride or week long motorcycle tour of the mountains, Scorpion’s Cycles offer more fun for the buck. Whether a beginner, novice or pro, they have a bike for that. If you are looking for a new bike but you’re not sure which one? Take advantage of the “Rent it Before You Buy it” program. Delivery to the DMV test site, your home, hotel, office or the local airport is available (charges apply) or just pick it up.

There is a passion here for all things motorcycle: sales, customizing, rentals, and service. In the Atlanta Georgia Metro area, come by the shop and check it out. According to co-owner Benny Griffis, “We service any brand and sell new ‘Alternative Cruisers’ as well as a great selection of used, rebuilt, and custom motorcycles. In the Service/Customization department, our motto is “You dream it, we’ll build it.”For more information go to .

– – C.S. Berg

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Dealer Direct

THE ECONOMY CAN’T BE ALL BAD, D&D DEALERS CONTINUE TO GROW IN NUMBERS–Here are the last two weeks worth of new dealers

Week ending 2-26-10
1) American Cycle Performance 30 Aquahart Rd Glenburnie, MD 21061 410-787-7300
2) Haye’s Custom Cycles 3 Center Dr Ledyard, CT 06339 860-464-6652
3) Babes Customs 2743 San Pablo Ave # 5048 Oakland, CA 94612 510-690-5044
4) Biker Garage 101 550 MT Maria Rd Spruce, MI 48762 989-736-6300
5) Flying W Performance 29620 Green Rd Borden, IN 47106 812-923-9027

week ending 2-19-10
1) Mattoon Kawasaki Yamaha 209 South 21st ST Mattoon, IL 61938 217-258-2000
2) Radical Baggers Inc 1260 Cherry Dr Adrian, MI 49221 248-726-9708
3) V Twin City Lamminakatu 5 Loimaa Finland 32200 358 0 207 436 820
4) International Classic Motorcycles Box 922 # 8 -994 Errington Rd Errington, BC V0R1V0 250-248-2200
5) Pralle Cycle 1271 140th ST Hampton IA 50441 641-456-4224
6) Bayside Harley 2211 Frederick Blvd Portsmouth, VA 23704 757-397-5550
7) Performance Fabrication 801 Olden Rd West Falls, NY 14170 716-655-3942

— Jennifer Millican
D & D Performance Ent
Fx: 817-831-4260

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BIKERNET JOKE OF THE DAY–A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “If I show you a really good trick, will you give me a free drink?” The bartender considers it, then agrees. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny rat. He reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a tiny piano. The rat stretches, cracks his knuckles, and proceeds to play the blues.

After the man finished his drink, he asked the bartender, “If I show you an even better trick, will you give me free drinks for the rest of the evening?” The bartender agrees, thinking that no trick could possibly be better than the first. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny rat. He reaches into his other pocket and pulls out a tiny piano. The rat stretches, cracks his knuckles, and proceeds to play the blues. The man reaches into another pocket and pulls out a small bullfrog, who begins to sing along with the rat’s music.

While the man is enjoying his beverages, a stranger confronts him and offers him $100,000.00 for the bullfrog.

“Sorry,” the man replies, “he’s not for sale.”

The stranger increases the offer to $250,000.00 cash up front.

“No,” he insists, “he’s not for sale.”

The stranger again increases the offer, this time to $500,000.00 cash. The man finally agrees, and turns the frog over to the stranger in exchange for the money.

“Are you insane?” the bartender demanded. “That frog could have been worth millions to you, and you let him go for a mere $500,000!”

“Don’t worry about it.” the man answered. “The frog was really nothing special. You see, the rat’s a ventriloquist.”

–Bob Mullins

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This is much more than just a Nice Bike, by Eddie Trotta. Click on it for more info.

A CHAPTER FROM THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE– Nice Bike. Sadly the words have become trivial over time. After all when was the last time that you saw a bike that wasn’t nice? Sure Rat bikes and duct taped – road rashed crotch rockets may not be the prettiest bikes on the road, but they do have a certain amount of wow factor, even if it is only for the sun bleached opossum head. I admit I throw the phrase around with little care or consequence. It is not meant to be disrespectful but it has lost its meaning over the years. It is the verbal equivalent of “You have a pulse.” And yes, I have been on the receiving end of many a “nice bike” in my days. Riders have practically stumbled over my Fat Boy because it blended into the scenery. Owning a black Fat Boy is not the most original idea.

Beneath it all the phrase does still has some merit. It has become more of a greeting then an actual compliment. It is a way to break the ice and start a conversation. I’m happy to say that over the years those two simple words have earned me some great friends with common interests, common miles in the wind. And it rolls off the tongue much better then “me biker – you biker- we friends now.”

Besides being a greeting, it helps wean out the truly impressed, those who truly appreciate the time, the money, the effort, that we have put into our bikes. As we head out on the road to stop at gas stations, the hole in the wall dives and the rallies we will see our fair share of nice bikes. Oh looky there you bolted on a gremlin bell onto your stock black Road King. But it is the nice bikes that make the extraordinary stand out. I’ve seen people trip over Rick Fairless bikes to get a better look at my Sportster.

The devil is in the details, subtle and under whelming that combine to knock us off our feet. It is when those other compliments come. The ones more then “nice bike.” They are genuine and real. I was honored when Willie G said he liked my bike; even more when the Factory rolled out a carbon copy a couple of years later. They are compliments that come from the bottom of the heart, not envy or jealousy, but admiration and respect. It is then that we know those late nights in the garage, the bloody knuckles, our depleted bank accounts; that it has all been worth it.

–bad Uncle Monkey

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COLOR MANIA LEAVE THE FACTORY BEHIND–I did get back in the Custom Paint Industry for Motorcycles. I went back to the company that started and ran the Color Shop Program for the H-D factory. Since they have some financial issues we ended our contract and now back dealing with the consumer and the dealers direct.

I’m working with some of the metric OE’s and will have some new paint programs for them.

Color Mania USA

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The prices are easy to peel back at K and G Cycles!–Hard to believe it’s been a week already. It’s also hard to believe the deals that are at K and G Cycles in this week’s Peel Back Pricing specials.


Let’s start with a V-Factor Adjustable Calibration Speedometer for cable drive models through 1995. This baby has it all! You’ve got an LCD display for odometer/tripmeter, easy switch from MPH to KPH, setting for 1 to 1, 2 to 1, or 2240:60 to 1 all in one speedo! And here’s the best part — all this for only $79.00!!!!!!!!! That’s over 30% off retail.


We still have some of the Fatbob-style ignition switches for Softail and FLHR 1996-2006 and FXDWG 1993-2005. This is a direct replacement switch with a side hinge weather cap and 2 barrel-style tamper resistant round keys. This switch is only $22.49.


We’ve also got direct replacement ignition & light switches for FX 1978-85, FXR 1982-later, and Sportster 1978-93. How about a price of $8.49?


Ready to build that bike of your dreams? Start with Softail-Style frame by Hardbody. This frame has a stock rake and is designed for Big Twin Evo powerplants that are taller in the cylinder area. Put that nuclear reactor in with no problem. The price is no problem either at only $759.50! Over 20% off.



We have great peel back deals on jiffy stands, custom footrests, luggage racks, Fat Bob-style rear fenders, handlebar grip sets and throttle controls. All at rock bottom peel back prices at K and G Cycles.

Just drop by K and G at and “peel back” the upper right hand corner of the front page. Click on the graphic below and presto chango you have all these great deals right before your eyes! Spring is on the way and it’s time to get ready with all of these great deals. K and G Cycles is bikers that are about bikers. Stop by and peel back the prices at K and G Cycles today!


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Sydney, March 2 2010: American freestyle motocross legend, Seth Enslow, made history and by smashing the existing world record of 157 feet (approximately 47.85 metres) by over five metres.

Seth landed the 53.34 metre (175 feet) jump on a Harley-Davidson XR1200 at 8:35 a.m. AEDT at Barangaroo, Sydney.


The death defying stunt recreated an unforgettable Harley-Davidson motorcycle benchmark set by the infamous Evel Knievel in 1975 and a world record most recently set by Bubba Blackwell in Las Vegas, 1999.

Still high from the jump, Seth said: “This is awesome, I’m stoked!” Before letting out an almighty “Wooooh”.

Harley-Davidson spokesperson, Adrian Donoughue, added: “We’ve worked hard at creating history and we’re all glad he landed it safely. The wheels are already in motion for what we do next!”


The recent introduction of the XR1200 to the Harley-Davidson family, a bike reminiscent of the XR750 made famous by Evel Knievel, has prompted a new generation of rebels eager to not only honor Knievel’s legendary status but get one-up on him.

The world record attempt was broadcast live on Log on to watch the replay

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5-BALL RACING TEAM RIDER POSES FOR CALENDAR–The Bikernet ethics committee met this morning to review Valerie Thompson’s 2010 Calendar for violations. Across the hall in another lavish boardroom the Bikernet Asthetics Committee had a party. Here’s more info:

2010 Valerie Thompson Racing Calendars for sale – Limited Edition for only $22.50 To order go: Starting month March 2010 – February 2011.

— Valerie Thompson
2-Time Land Speed Record Holder-Bonneville


Bonneville BookAd
Don’t forget to order your signed Bonneville book. Valerie played a major part.

Continued On Page 2

Read More

March 04, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


Get Ready to Roll – Good Guys to Start Season with 1st Spring National in Scottsdale, Arizona, March 12 – 14–It might not feel like it in many parts of the country just yet, but the month of March marks the official start of the Custom Car season 2010. The premier event that gets everybody rollin’ will be held in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, from Friday, March 12 to Sunday, March 14, at Westworld. While the location is well known to Hot Rodders and Custom Car enthusiasts worldwide from the annual Southwest Nationals, it will host for the first time the debut of the Good Guys Spring Nationals, featuring more than 2,000 pre-1972 vintage and custom cars, trucks, vendor exhibits, swap meet, cars for sale area and much more.

The Spring Nationals also mark the grand of the Boss Snake Giveaway Car. After a yearlong build, this one of a kind super muscle car, built by the RPM Hot Rod Shop is sure to turn heads. Visitors and attendees will also have a chance to win a classic 1968 Pontiac Firebird courtesy of KOOL 94.5FM and CBS 5.

The Spring Nationals will get off to a fast and fun start on Thursday, March 11, with a special Hot Rod Cruise and Kick off Party hosted by the Over the Hill Gang. The Hot Rod cruise is scheduled to leave the registration tent at Westworld at 10:30am. Stops include Mel Martins private collection, Hughes Performance (which will include a catered lunch), Baer Brakes, Scotty?s Garage, Darryl Smith Racing and Charly’s Garage (AKA Custom Automotive Specialists). The tour will finish with the official kickoff party at Drew?s Garage in Tempe, Arizona at 5:00pm with food from 6pm.

For more information on the 1st Spring Nationals please visit or .

– – C.S. Berg
Bikernet Desert Editor

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Bikernet Insurance Center - California Bikernet Insurance Center

Bikernet Motorcycle Insurance Quote Engine Built Specifically for Bikernet Readers – Go Ahead! Get a Quote and Save Some Money– Thursday, March 4, 2010 – Bikernet San Diego Branch Office: The Bikernet Insurance Center LLC is pleased to introduce its first online motorcycle insurance quote engine to Bikernet readers. This quote engine was designed to allow bikers to get a quote quick, purchase their insurance, print their ID cards and insurance policy online and then get on the road riding fast.

The Bikernet Motorcycle Quote Engine is being introduced to our readers in several stages.

The 100% online version is now available to bikers from California.

Yup, California bikers don’t even have to talk to us if they don’t want to. California bikers can get a quote, buy and print documents right from their computer. Just click on the “California Bikers” button to access the online quote engine. Complete the form, buy, print and go.

Bikers from all other states – you got an online quote engine coming soon.

We are working 24/7 to get other states qualified and set up for online service. In the meantime, click on the “Bikers From Other States” button to contact our office the old fashion way via email at > or calling us toll free at 888-467-8703. Either way, we pay attention and you’ll get our special service-best price treatment.

Highlights of our California online quote engine.
1. No credit-scoring used to select or de-select you.
2. Not even required to have a motorcycle license. (No M1 requirement.)
3. No motorcycle riding experience rating criteria used.
4. Accidents and Violations (other than Alcohol/DUI) over 36 months old are not counted against you.
5. Very competitive rates. Some of the lowest in the business.

Here’s the key information the online California quote engine does use to rate you for motorcycle insurance.

1. Vehicle Identification Number
2. The garaging address where the bike is kept.
3. Motor Vehicle Record – Your actual MVR driving record.

Discounts: We bring you all the discounts you can handle and qualify for. For example:

1. Multi-Vehicle Discount
2. Good Driver Discount
3. Mature Driver Discount
4. Rider Safety Training Discount (From Motorcycle Safety Foundation)
5. Renewal Discount
6. Anti-Theft Discount

Other benefits to bikers:

1. Six and 12 month policies available.
2. Online payment options 24/7.
3. We partner only with top-rated, trusted, and financially secure insurance companies.
4. We know bikers and their insurance needs better than anybody.

In summary, we are working hard to bring you the best insurance available. Bikers from California can use the “online self-service” approach and get insurance done on the spot. They can simply complete the motorcycle application, get their quote, buy and print documents online.

Bikers from other states can also get our money-saving quotes but need to contact our office the old fashioned way until we get the quote engine set up for their specific state. Stay tuned and Ride Safe Out There. We Care About You.

Contact us anytime should you need any assistance.
Toll Free: 888-467-8703
Phone: 858-566-8703
Fax: 858-693-8703
CA License 0G67810. Principal Agent CA 0D71028
Contact for licensing information about your specific state.

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AVON TYRE REVIEW–By the way I got the Avon tires mounted yesterday. The Duc may still be orange, but it feels different. This new tire profile/compound has changed the mind-to-asphalt connection quite a bit. The bike turns without any effort, almost as if the old setup was that of a stretched Harley with a 360 rear tire.



I found myself ripping through Mulholland faster and smoother, without having it feeling squirrely or risky. Another good note: the tires don’t track at all on freeway grooves and the front end is less prone to skidding when going over road joints in turns.

–Canyon Carver

avon cobra 71 72  banner

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BIKERNET TECH QUESTION OF THE DAY–You always give me the straight dope on tech issues as you see them and we appreciate it! I have Bare Knuckle Choppers building me a 530 Chain Primary and it?s built on a killer clutch hub with a Baker 9-plate clutch. I was talking with a guy at Baker the other day (young guy?) and was asking about some questions with the Baker Trans and Starter I purchased.

When I mentioned that I will be running their 9-Plate clutch dry he kind of paused and was not sure that it would be OK as they don?t test them Dry. Paul @ BKC has told me they run this set-up without problems. I was wondering if you have heard of anyone running this clutch dry and having any problems or any feedback. I am running a 113 inch Patrick Racing motor so I wanted a stout primary and clutch set-up to handle it, not to mention that killer look it will have.

Enjoy the site!

–Phil Lukas
Ojai, Califa

We always research tech questions for any readers. I called my guy at BDL. Here?s what he said. ?Clutch linings don?t care if they run wet or dry. But if you run them wet you need more spring pressure.? So you?re good to go. He was concerned about the 530 chain. Are you going to run two chains for that big engine? Make sure you have a serious chain guard.–Wrench


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FINDINGS FROM THE BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER, THREE Reasons You Need Vitamin C–Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and an essential nutrient, meaning our bodies can’t make it and we must obtain it from our diets. Specifically, vitamin C:

1. Plays a central role in the repair and regeneration of tissues.
2. Helps protect cells from everyday oxidative stress throughout the body.
3. May support healthy immune function.

Getting vitamin C through your diet is easy – food sources are abundant and can be enjoyed all year long: try increasing your intake of broccoli, cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges, peppers, pineapple, pink grapefruit and strawberries. Supplemental vitamin C is another option – I suggest a vitamin C supplement derived from d-glucose, taken with a meal to reduce any stomach irritation.

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin C?

Find out – get your free personalized supplement evaluation from Dr. Weil’s Vitamin Advisor. Based on your health history and lifestyle, it provides science-based recommendations for supplements and vitamins. Visit today to learn more, and if you decide to purchase our supplements save up to 25%.


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Old photo courtesy of the Bob T. collection.

Top Ten Reasons Men Prefer Guns Over Women–10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you are on the road.
8. If you admire a friend’s gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.
7. Your primary gun doesn’t mind if you keep another gun for a backup.
6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.
5. A gun doesn’t take up a lot of closet space.
4. Guns function normally every day of the month.
3. A gun doesn’t ask , “Do these new grips make me look fat?”
2. A gun doesn’t mind if you go to sleep after you use it.

And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman…

— Weezdog

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X-RATED RIDDLES: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love?

The swallow.


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Oilfield Math– Working in the oilfield with others such as me and awealth of combined experience we understand the accuracy of the following.

Think of it this way: A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year. A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year.So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.

They claim 700,000 vehicles so that’s 224 million gallons saved per year. That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.

More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars.So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.

We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.

I’m pretty sure they will do a great job with our health care, though.

–Mike Colburn

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big dog bike

Big Dog Bike on display in Daytona

Deputies jail 2 chiropractors on stolen motorcycles in Daytona– DAYTONA BEACH — The county’s motorcycle theft task force netted two Georgia chiropractors riding stolen motorcycles near Main Street in Bike Week’s first such arrests of the event, officials said.

The suspects — David Nudelman, 31 and David Hershkowitz, 35 — looked uneasy when members of the county’s Motorcycle Anti-Theft Task Force approached them as they patrolled Main Street after 5 p.m. Monday, said Brandon Haught, Volusia County sheriff’s spokesman.

When police noticed the vehicle identification numbers on the Kawasaki ZX-10 and the Yamaha R-1 seemed altered, they ran the numbers and discovered that both bikes had been reported stolen out of Georgia — the Kawasaki in January, the Yamaha in 2008, Haught said.

The suspects denied they knew anything about the motorcycles being stolen, Haught said. Nudelman said he had bought both bikes, but could not remember when and where because it had been a long time ago. Hershkowitz meanwhile, was listed as a witness in the Yamaha theft, according to information dug out by the Task Force, Haught said.

In addition, it was also learned that Hershkowitz is a friend of the Yamaha’s owner, Haught said.

The chiropractors were charged with grand theft auto and possession of a vehicle with an altered ID number. The men both posted $5,000 bail this morning and were out of the Volusia County Branch Jail.

— By LYDA LONGA , Staff Writer, Daytona News Journal

–from Rogue

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EDITORIAL: Hot-dog hysteria -Big Brother takes a bite out of common sense–Believe it or not, the government is about to regulate the shape of hot dogs. Bureaucrats at the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Agriculture and the Consumer Product Safety Commission are studying how to change the shape of hot dogs to prevent youngsters from choking. As a result, recent headlines have warned about “killer hot dogs” and “Doctors urging for a safer, choke-free hot dog.”

It’s true that compared to some other foods, hot dogs seem to present a slightly higher risk. Of the 66 to 77 choking deaths for children younger than 10 in 2006, hot dogs reportedly accounted for about 11 to 13 deaths. But this claim of relative risk isn’t conclusive because there has been no attempt to account for the fact that children might be eating more hot dogs than other types of food.

Changing the shape of the beloved “tube steak” could reduce but not eliminate that number. Unfortunately, some kids will likely still choke on redesigned hot dogs, no matter what, just like some children choke on hamburgers, apples or other foods.

The death rate per hot dog is incredibly small. American kids younger than 10 eat approximately 1.8 billion hot dogs per year, which works out to an average of about 45 hot dogs per child per annum. That pegs the death rate per hot dog from choking at 0.0000007 percent. If crossing a street were so safe, parents would breathe a sigh of relief.

Any child’s death is tragic, but the government cannot regulate everything and create a risk-free kindergarten utopia. Perhaps bureaucrats will go after bathtubs next. More than 90 children younger than 5 died from drowning in bathtubs in 2006. Forty-three children younger than 10 died riding bicycles. Even in extremely regulated areas, there are many more deaths. In that age group, more than 1,100 died as a result of motor-vehicle accidents that year.

Life involves some risks. If government agencies don’t have anything better to do than regulate hot dogs, their budgets should be cut to help them focus on essential duties.

This just goes to show you How Bad the Government is getting.Never mind the fact that it would eliminate the Biker Game ?Weenie Bite? and or other uses, LOL.


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NOTE FROM THE BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELOR’S NOTEBOOK–I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking…

Scared the shit out of me. So that’s it! After today, no more reading.

–MaryAnn Hart

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Oregon man: Flipping bird at police OK under First Amendment– CLACKAMAS, Ore. (AP) — A Clackamas, Ore., man has filed a federal lawsuit over what he says is his First Amendment right to express himself by giving the finger to sheriff’s deputies.

Robert Ekas tells The Oregonian that he flipped off Clackamas County sheriff’s deputies because he has a constitutional right to do it. Ekas also says he is protesting police violence.

In his lawsuit, Ekas says that in July 2007 he flipped off a Clackamas deputy while driving, and the deputy gave him tickets for illegal lane change and improper display of license plates. He was acquitted on the citations. A month later, he gave the finger to another deputy, who detained him but wrote no tickets.

Ekas alleges he was being harassed. An attorney for the county declined to comment on the lawsuit.

— The Oregonian

–from Rogue

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BIKERNET SCOOPS THE BIG DOGS–Bryan Schimke’s bike, Consuela, is featured in the April issue of IronWorks. This is the bike you got the scoop on FIRST, by the way…here’s a couple of fotos to include if you want one.

— I forgot, he’s the sole proprieter of TPJ Customs at



ANOTHER NUTTY WEEK FADES–This week scrambled my bleak thoughts. I received a Jury Duty notification, and it said I fucked up and missed my last assigned date. I immediately called Sara Liberte, of the Garage Girls. “I just partied all night and showed up smelly and hungover,” she coached me. “They told me to go home.”

Nervous, I didn’t know what the hell to do with the week, or even next. We are supposed to set up another SEMA meeting. I scheduled a photo shoot with Torian Leathers, and knockout little Hispanic model with a bubblebutt and Peter Linney, the photog. He prepped to shoot my 5-Ball Factory Racer for Bikernet and the Cycle Source. Plus, I had an appointment to audition for a job in a TV commercial.

Here’s the next feature bike due in from Mike Pullin.

On top of that, I was trying to write a K&N tech feature, edit some fiction, work with Mike Pullin on his second Bikernet Biker Feature, and Terry Lovering sent me his life story. Plus, get this. I had to give a presentation with concept drawing to a representative of the City of Los Angeles. They asked me about a metal sculpture for the entrance to Wilmington. I worked with George Fleming, our famous logo artist, on several concept drawings.

There’s James with his new K&N HighFlow air cleaner installed.

I’m reading the fourth volume of Winston Churchill’s series on WWII. I got my ass up early yesterday morning and drove into Long Beach to the Courthouse, with my book under my arm. This book heightened my anxiety level for the week. It’s virtually a daily diary from 1942, shortly after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. This particular book is called the Hinge of Fate, and although Winston was confident in the outcome of the war, with the United States at his back, Japan was kicking ass from Singapore, through the Philipines, to India. No one could stop them. I bit my nails as I turned every page. Grim times as the United States was just beginning to gear up for war.

On top of Jury we’re working on the Bikernet hearse with the crew at Mike Cole’s Customs in Ohio. It’s a 1994 Buick Roadmaster hearse. You can reach Mike at:


So, there I sat waiting to be called into a dank court room to decide on some bastard’s fate, while I read about multitudes of ships being sunk along the east coast by Nazi U-boats, and England fighting the Japanese to save India, while India’s political structure demanded severance from British Empire. Some countries didn’t know whether to just give in to the fascist onslaught or work with England and fight back. Crazy times.

At one point in the morning, as I stood on a balcony of the sixth floor and looked out at the Queen Mary, the bays and jetties around downtown, they called us into the simple room and started to shout-out names. I tried to ignore the clerk, but she kept calling names, then stopped. I wasn’t one of the chosen many. They were asked to quickly find another floor and a particular courtroom. I returned to the outside balcony and continued to read about Japan surrounding the island of Ceylon and wasting it. I was beginning to sweat.

Good to be back in the Headquarters.

We were given a two-hour lunch break and I jammed back to the Bikernet Headquarters for lunch with the lovely Sin Wu. She made me a fried-rice scramble, then I headed back to the dreaded courthouse. They give me the hebe-jebes, as if some buxom blonde cradling a baby will point at me in the hall and scream at the top of her lungs, “It’s him!”

I kept reading about Japanese Naval superiority and battle after battle lost. Finally, around 3:30 they called us back into the cold room. I sat tentatively and waited for the dark name calling, but they cut us loose. Suddenly the fleeting week was once again mine. I scrambled out of that building, like a puppy released from the pound. I peeled to the headquarters, launched two articles, including a new Zippers EFI tech from Rogue, and Mike Pullin’s first North Carolina bike feature from the Charlotte Easyriders show. Damn, it was good to be free again.

Ride Forever,


Zippers Banner

Read More

February 25, 2010 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


Performance Machine Element wheel when only the best will do–New from Performance Machine for 2010, the Element wheel is a cutting-edge design. It features 5 unique spokes with deeply engraved lines originating from the hub and reaching all the way to the rim lip. The directional nature of the spokes creates a semblance of speed on any motorcycle very impressive wheel setup.

If you prefer an even more dramatic look, just try the Element in its Contrast Cut Platinum version. The result of the black ano against the polished lines on the Element is absolutely stunning. The wheel is transformed from its chrome version into an aggressive-looking counterpart.


As is the case with other Performance Machine wheels, the Element is offered with matching discs and sprockets.

A click on the banner below will take you right to the Performance Machine site.

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FAMOUS MOTO-JOURNALIST REVIEWS THE NEW BIKERNET BLOG–Overall I really like the “feeling” of the page. Good navigation, good tabs,excellent look and color. Articles are well written and offer a consistentstream of information about the industry. I haven’t tried the comment thingand I don’t appear to be alone in that but it seems like a good idea. In theend the blog has a familiarity to it of a well written traditional papermagazine.

The only real complaint is of my own habit of I think 6+ years of scanningdown the right hand of the home page and clicking on the new articles so Isometimes forget about the blog. A revamp of the homepage will break thathabit. Mind you last time you tried to change the home page lots of peopleseemed to complain in “Your Shot”.


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Copper Chopper by Paul Yaffe to celebrate Arizona’s Centennial–Arizona, the last contiguous state to be admitted into the union, will be celebrating its Centennial in 2012, in February that year, to be exact. The same year marks the 150th anniversary of Arizona being recognized as a territory of the United States. While the preparations for many festivities and celebrations are barely getting started, one centennial project is already taking shape: an officially commissioned custom motorcycle designed and being build by Paul Yaffe.

Dubbed the ?Copper Chopper,” the bike will be themed by Arizona’s rich and ongoing tradition of mining foremost copper, also other metals like silver and gold.

The Arizona Centennial Commission, the body responsible for planning and organizing the Arizona Centennial, has officially asked Paul Yaffe to build this custom motorcycle only a few weeks ago. The plans in form of design sketches and first details have been unveiled in a ceremony last week.


The project, perceived as the centerpiece for the Arizona Centennial, is the brainchild of Arizona State representative Jerry Weiers (Rep.), who is a motorcycle enthusiast and avid rider himself. As a group, the commission came up with a brief outline for the Copper Chopper and gave Paul free reign on the design to build whatever he wanted.

?It’s pretty damn cool and an honor to be chosen, the fact that we are going to be a part of Arizona history forever, says Paul. A hundred years from now, when they are doing the bicentennial, they will be talking about what we did for their first centennial, which is pretty amazing.

When we visited Paul’s shop this week, work on the Copper Chopper had merely started with a bare rolling chassis sitting on one of the lifts. The raw tank already exists, and the engine, a Harley-Davidson TwinCam, is lurking in a corner just waiting for its new home. Many details, some of which are already illustrated on the design sketches, are still evolving in Paul’s head.


A special challenge to building this bike is making the theme work: The bike is not only supposed to look like copper, it will actually incorporate the very metal that gives it its name. Copper does although not provide the strength required for motorcycle parts for its softness. Elements like wheels and tanks will therefore be manufactured from traditional materials and receive a copper plating which will be afterwards treated to preserve the new look, preventing the bike from developing the otherwise characteristic patina. The copper used for this bike will come from a local mine in Arizona, and is provided by Freeport-McMoRan, headquartered in Phoenix


Paul hopes to have the bike complete and road-ready in August this year, one month before it is due in September. Following will be 18 months of promotion for the Copper Chopper, culminating on February 14, 2012, in a huge centennial party in downtown Phoenix. Part of the celebrations will also be a centennial ride, a huge biker party for the state’s centennial thrown by the Arizona state government or so it appears right now. “It’s really inconceivable, Paul comments the plans. ?It’s mind-boggling, but totally cool for us. I couldn’t be more honored.

There will be lots of information forthcoming until Arizona’s Centennial is upon us, and right now it seems a lot of that information will be involving motorcycles and bikers.

– – C.S. Berg
Bikernet Desert Correspondent

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FLAT RAT RACING HEADING TOWARD DAYTONA–I’m thoroughly thrashing to make Daytona. Dean and I will put the finishing touches on my motor Friday night at Fuller HotRods.

Headed down Saturday, I have mandatory riders meeting and tech Inspection on Sunday, fib 28, at Volusia County Fairgrounds. This is an excellent time to come out and look at the bikes, and talk to fellow vintage bike enthusiasts. Not as much tension as can be at the track. There is usually a very good swap meet there the whole week as well.

CY Daytona

I’ve re-configured my bike. The tank was too long, placing me farther back on the bike.I prefer a more aggressive stance closer to the front wheel. This means I’ll be sporting last years sheetmetal. Good Ol Orange, Black. And White.yellow plate # 798..yeah buddy!

I’ll be pitted outside the garages (Nascar Garages cost extra J) with my friend and current Bonneville land speed record holder / Daytona winner Stan Keyes, and his crew from Cyco rig with silver lettering, and beautiul Nortons. Anyone is welcome to stop by I’ll have Flat Rat T-shirts for sale, and Stan will have his also.

CY Pipes

I’ll be mostly flying solo on this one. I will take pics when I can. any readers pics would be great! You will get a full report sir.

Later, wish me luck!

–Charley Young
Flat Rat Vintage Racing team

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BIKERNET SHORT STORIES WRITTEN BY MEN!– When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realized that God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked Him to forgive me.

My girlfriend was in labor with our first child. She was shouting, “Get this out of me! Give me the drugs!” She looked at me and yelled,”You did this to me, you fuck!”

I casually replied, “If you remember, I wanted to stick it up your ass but you said, ‘That would hurt too much’.”

I went to an extremely attractive female doctor today for my annual checkup. She told me that I had to quit masturbating. I asked why and she said, “Because I’m trying to examine you.”

–from Ted Terebenetz

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Former police officer pleads guilty to Danziger Bridge shooting cover-up of stunning breadth– Police must be held to the law, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten said on the steps of the federal courthouse Wednesday. Admitting a cover-up of shocking breadth, a former New Orleans police supervisor pleaded guilty to a federal obstruction charge on Wednesday, confessing that he participated in a conspiracy to justify the shooting of six unarmed people after Hurricane Katrina that was hatched not long after police stopped firing their weapons.

The guilty plea of Lt. Michael Lohman, who retired from the department earlier this month, contains explosive details of the alleged cover-up and ramps up the legal pressure on police officers involved in the shooting and subsequent investigation. It’s unclear when Lohman’s cooperation with federal authorities began, but he presumably is prepared to testify against the officers he says helped him lie about the circumstances of a shooting he immediately deemed a “bad shoot.”

— By Times-Picayune Staff John McCusker

–from Rogue

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all right bandit. here is what’s up on bikernetmetric: i’ve been talking with jon ard of ardcore choppers. we’re doing an interview. he’s been invited to sturgis this year to participate in the world championship of custom bike building. we talk about his past racing speedway bikes, the affordability of metric bobbers and choppers with unique, one-off parts, and more. we should complete that next week.

more interviews with more custom builders and parts manufacturers are coming in march. these are guys doing things for simple, bare-bones bobbers and choppers. the tires are skinny but the creativity is exploding.

last night i posted a first for bikernetmetric; a tech article. jeff of saint motorcycles details an interesting, easy, and thorough way to clean your carburetors. look for more tech stuff to come.

as i’ve told you, bikernetmetric is booming. since i took over operation and you posted in the thursday news on november 19, it’s grown 285% in unique readers and 452% in pageviews. we’ve had 1,867 pages read in the past two days alone. when we started, 10% of our visitors were returning readers and now it’s 50%. people like it! i’m humbled and made more arrogant simultaneously.

got the donor xs650 bike for the bikernetmetric freedom or death bobber being built by saint motorbikes with help from some good folks from all over, including texas and california, detroit and baltimore. it’s going to kick ass and there will be many to thank and link to in the coming months.

so that’s it. world domination plan coming to fruition. soon bikernet will rule! now to practice my evil doktor laugh.

Supreme Editor in Chief


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1. Tending to form a group with others of the same kind.
2. Seeking and enjoying the company of others.

True locusts, which are actually certain kinds of grasshoppers, are usually solitary and rather sluggish, but when they are crowded they enter a gregarious and highly active migratory phase.
— Gilbert Waldbauer, Millions of Monarchs, Bunches of Beetles

In the newly discovered gene, the change of a single unit of DNA converts the worm from a solitary forager into a gregarious diner.
— “Can Social Behavior of Man Be Glimpsed in a Lowly Worm?”, New York Times, September 7, 1998

My efforts to cultivate an identity as a strong silent type have consistently been undermined by my gregarious nature and my delight in conversation.
— Marty Jezer, Stuttering: A Life Bound Up in Words

Gregarious is from Latin gregarius, “belonging to a herd or flock,” from grex, greg-, “herd, flock.”

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HOT FLAME MIRRORS FROM AEROMACH USA–FLAME MIRRORS – Aeromach mirrors are designed to be the clearest mirror available today. ( First, the mirror itself is glass, not a plastic. Aeromach only uses glass because glass has the best optical properties. Second, the mirrors are made from billet. The density of the aluminum is much higher than the cast stock mirrors from Harley or other accessory suppliers. This metal density combined with glass optics instead of plastic increases the clarity of the mirror by as much as 40% over stock.

The Aeromach Flame Mirror is built using CNC machines to carve lightweight and strong custom mirrors from billet aluminum. The mirror housing is chromed to a show-quality finish.

The Aeromach mirrors and stems are manufactured in NASCAR country right outside of Charlotte, NC using aircraft quality solid billet extruded T6 aluminum. When the CNC machine isnt carving up 200 MPH go fast parts, its delivering consistent design and quality motorcycle mirrors, stems and grips.

Aeromachs mirror are available at

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‘Widespread fraud’ in California’s smog test program–State aims to make major changes after finding that nearly a third of older cars fail roadside smog checks within a year after passing at test stations.

Nearly a third of older-model cars stopped for roadside smog tests in Southern California failed them, despite having received a passing grade at inspection stations within a year, a state audit has found.

The results of those surprise inspections of 6,000 models manufactured before 1996 have led law enforcement officials to crack down on unscrupulous stations, step up fines and file more criminal charges.

Legislation introduced in the California Assembly this week would allow the state to bar low-performing test stations from conducting smog checks.

“We found widespread fraud in the program,” said Leo Kay, spokesman for the California Air Resources Board, which is sponsoring the bill.

“There are quite a few people out there who will get your dirty car passed,” said Tom Cackette, deputy director of the board. “You can stick a probe up the tailpipe of a clean vehicle. And the dirty car doesn’t get inspected but it gets certified. We put people in jail for that. Undercover activity shows it is prevalent.”

The legislation, introduced this week by Assemblyman Mike Eng (D-Monterey Park), also would fundamentally change how the majority of inspections are done. Testers would be required to use a hand-held scanner that reads data from on-board computers found on post-1996 cars, which report the vehicle’s performance over time. Tailpipe-and-treadmill testing, which is more susceptible to manipulation and fraud, will be phased out as older cars leave the state’s roads. Bill backers expect the test, used in 22 states, to take half as much time, which could drive down prices for consumers.

The computer device would register the car’s model and VIN, making fraud difficult. Information gleaned from onboard computers, which monitor components from catalytic converters to gas caps, would go directly to the state Bureau of Automotive Repair.

Some 23 million motorists are included in the state’s smog test program and would be affected by the proposals. Cars made before 1996 constitute only a quarter of the fleet but account for three-quarters of vehicle pollution, the board says.

By cracking down on smog check stations, the state estimates it will prevent an additional 70 tons of pollutants per day from fouling California air, on top of the 400 tons daily that the smog test program is credited with averting.

“This new and improved program will have the same result as taking 800,000 old cars off the road,” said board Chairwoman Mary D. Nichols.

The random tests were conducted by California Highway Patrol and Bureau of Automotive Repair officials between 2000 and 2006. They found that 19% of the stopped vehicles failed tailpipe checks within a year of having received passing grades at testing stations. Additional inspection of the car’s pollution systems, such as fuel evaporation controls, brought the proportion of failures to 31%.

By Margot Roosevelt, Los Angeles Times, February 24, 2010

–from Charlie Peters

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Rick Fairless and Joe T talk trash on the Texas Hardtails Scooter Show Episode 39. Check out the show in Bikernet Studio. Don’t miss a minute. Hear the entire Scooter Show right here.

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Custom Chrome Banner


Stop in style with RevTech brakes, FROM CUSTOM CHROME– Custom Chrome has a new line of RevTech products for 2010, including these brake components. The RevTech Hi-Performance Billet 4-Piston Brake Calipers are designed to provide the ultimate stopping power for your motorcycle. Their performance will rival any other caliper in the market, says Custom Chrome. Made in the U.S.A., they are CNC-Machined from billet aluminum, polished and then either chrome-plated or black anodized. Calipers are available for 11.8-inch and 11.5-inch disc applications to fit most Harley-Davidson models.


While you’re upgrading your braking system, also consider the latest from the RevTech line of billet wheels and rotors. These sexy two-piece brake rotors are a perfect match for any RevTech billet wheels. They feature a universal design that allows them to fit both pre-2000 as well as 00-10 models. The disc carriers are machined from billet aluminum and bolted to a high-quality 420 stainless steel outer band that will not gaul or squeal like lesser quality discs.


These rotors are available with either a chrome-plated or black anodized midnight series center carrier. They retail from $299.99 to $329.99.


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AND FOR THE WOMEN – 11 Questions with J. Louise Handbag Designer Janet Louise Fichtner–
By Marcy Clark
I had the privilege of meeting an exciting and inspiring handbag designer Janet Louise Fichtner at AccessoriesTheShow in New York last month and now I am lucky enough to represent her brand!

Her handbags are highly structured and incorporate shine and strong, shiny metallic accents with materials normally reserved for high-performance racing vehicles. Her handbags embody the same spirit high performance, fun colors, versatility and durability. Please see below an in-depth Q&A with Janet about her line, her inspirations and her secrets to becoming a nationally retailed brand in less than six months!

In less than six months your line has become a nationally sold brand. What do people say they love about your handbags?

JL: They love the unique fashion twist on my handbags and that they are different. They love that the bags are constructed and hold a shape to them, instead of being a large sack.

What inspired you to start J. Louise Handbags?

JL: I had left my corporate job and was helping my husband in his fast growing diesel performance shop. While helping I just had this idea hit me, and quickly. I mean I ran home and spent hours drawing my designs and describing the vision for the line. I guess my inspiration was being around what my husband loves and what he does best. He is a mechanical genius. Working in the shop I was inspired to take my style and mingle it with my husband’s passion, a way to bring bling, fun and elegance to my new world of working in the shop.


Would you describe yourself as a fashionista? When did your love of fashion begin?

JL: I laugh as I say no. I do not necessarily follow all the fashion trends and fashion magazines. However, I love to dress up and make a statement in how I dress. I love to be an example to women, especially younger girls, in dressing up, having fun with style, but with taste, and class. I grew up always wanting to be a fashion designer or maybe even an interior designer. Interestingly enough, I never pursued it until this idea hit me. Hey, never too young to start being what you always wanted to be!

As a professional woman, how do you balance business attire with showcasing your personal style? Are accessories a good way to do that?

JL: Accessories! Accessories help dress things up and show off your personal style regardless of what the business requires the attire to be.

What would you recommend wearing to the track?

JL: Your favorite pair of jeans, a fun sassy tailored t-shirt, and a dressy pair of flip-flops with bling, and of course any one of the jlouise handbags.


What kind of car do you drive? Are you and your husband collectors with a passion for fine craftsmanship?

JL: Okay, don’t laugh. I drive a Denali truck! It’s funny because I just got this new truck. The two things I told my husband when looking for a vehicle I don’t want a truck and I don’t want black. What do I drive a black truck! My husband has a passion for the muscle cars. He has a restored 1964 GTO that he has had since he was 18. My husband has the most eye-catching, high performance truck in the state!

Do you enjoy racing? Watching racing? Admire racers for their determination/grit?

JL: Truth be told speed/acceleration scares me to death!! I so admire any female racer as she is doing what she loves regardless of the challenge and likely being the minority in the profession. I love that these women can know just as much as the men when it comes to the profession, the inner workings of the race car and the industry itself. In a profession like racing, it is a true example of determination!

What did you do before you became a designer? What did you study in school?

JL: I was a CEO of a state organization. Prior to that, along with my schooling, I was in the legal field.

You have a very clean, structural aesthetic that buyers and customers are responding to very well. What else do you think sets your bags apart?

JL: Unique materials, a fun concept, a twist to fashion and a well thought out vision for the business.


If you were going to support a charity with J.Louise Handbags sales, what would it be? Are you already involved personally in charity work?

JL: I have a passion and heart for charities and making a difference. From day one, I have discussed and planned on doing charity events with jlouise. More than just with the sales or money, I want to incorporate giving out the handbags, as well. I already have pages (probably too many) of ideas on incorporating my handbags with charity work and events. I am excited to start. I believe my charity work will involve helping women and children that are involved in trafficking. Rough area, too much of it happening and it is destroying the hopes of so many women and children.

And lastly What do you do for fun?!?

JL: Well up until 6 months ago I use to (just kidding). Both my husband and I have Harleys and we love to jump on the bikes and take road trips. We love our Sunday morning rides in the summer. I also enjoy playing (learning) the drums, reading, walks with my girlfriends, coffee and pedicures!

For more information about Janet Louise and the J. Louise line please visit

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D&D Rolls Out The Latest Sportster Performance Pipe: The D&D Bob Cat–
2-into-1 D&D Bob Cat Pipe Pumps Up the HP & Torque By 10%
Ft. Worth, TX – D&D has released the 2004 through 2010 Bob Cat Sportster Pipe that pumps out performance, torque and a soul-satisfying tone. The 2-into-1 full pipe comes equipped with heat shields and a flawless finish in black or chrome.

Enthusiasts also can select the materials and finishes on the Bob Cat muffler. The end caps are available in black or chrome with the sleeve portion offered in polished aluminum, black or carbon fiber.

D&D Performance Enterprises is using their new Concentric Flow Baffle System on the Bob Cat pipe. This new and innovative baffle system was first introduced on the 2009 Harley-Davidson bagger line. Applied to the Sportster line, it improves torque and horsepower by as much as 10% as well as reducing the bark at WOT.

The new baffle technology is derived from collaboration with the University of Texas at Arlington Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering department. Dr. Bob Woods and his students worked with D&D to deliver the exhaust trifecta – reduced noise, performance improvement and enhanced Harley-rumble.

D&D provides a performance kit option that includes a Bob Cat and a Zipper’s HiFlow air cleaner. This combination delivers the greatest bang for the performance-minded buck.

About D&D Performance Exhaust
In 1972 David Rash could not find the exhaust pipe he needed for his race bike. He knew that the proper exhaust for his engine configuration would give him an edge over his competition so he fabricated one himself. Thirty years and 250,000 pipes later, D&D Performance Exhaust systems are some of the leading performance motorcycle exhaust systems in the world.

D&D Performance Exhausts are available from dealers nationwide or from the factory at 817-834-8961,

For additional press information, Jeff Najar,, 919-383-0500

D & D Banner

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IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR–Daytona is just around the corner. Then maybe life will simmer down, and maybe not. The Donnie Smith show, with over 200 entries each year, kicks off in March followed by the Rick Fairless show, the Arlen Ness Show, then Laughlin. There’s never a dull moment in our lifestyle.


I need to finish our ’34 VL project, then tuning the Assalt Weapan and then begin my Evo Mudflap girl FXR with Paughco and a Frisco’d frame.

Bill Bish publishes this regional mag, and is the man behind the NCOM legislative reports. I just posted one this week.

This web site is beginning to explode. I could post articles 24 hours a day, but once in a while I run low on whiskey. Next week we have Anson’s Life and Times article coming to the Cantina, plus another chapter of World Run. I’m about to wrap up a feature on a bike from the Charlotte ER show by Mike Pullin. It’s his first contribution. I have several fiction tales, techs coming, and the blog is ramping up like rat on steroids running in a cage. Hang on.

Ride Forever,



Read More

February 25, 2010 Part 1




As we guessed, the Thursday News is rapidly turning into the Bikernet Special Reports for the week. There’s some very heady shit here from a tech on Paul Yaffe’s build for the state of Arizona, to reports on EPA corruption, and Sasha’s V-Twin Expo Industry essay.


And of course we saved the best jokes and the baddest cop reports for Thursday. We also will release any Bikernet haps right here from new projects to book reports. Let’s hit it:

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CHRIS MAIDA HAS HIS JAMES DEAN MOMENT– American Iron Magazine Tests the Brass Balls Model 1S – Chris Maida is caught throwing a leg over a Brass Balls Model 1S motorcycle in Sturgis SD this past year. Moments later he kicked the sled into gear and blasted off towards the Badlands.

As the editor of American Iron Magazine, Maida can test just about any bike that he wants. He decided to exercise the Softail-style custom-production motorcycle for a full week during the 2009 edition of Sturgis. His review will be in an upcoming issue of the magazine.

Enthusiasts and owners of the Model 1S have agreed that this is one cool bike. And with Maida’s black shades and black T, black jeans, and black ride, well, we think he is sporting his James Dean look.

The hand-built custom-production Model 1S is just 17,995. The hand-built custom-production Model 1S is just 17,995. To get your James Dean look call the office today at 405-270-0995 or get the 411 on the bike and trip, check out Brass Balls Bobbers Dot Com.


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BIKERNET UNIVERSITY SCIENCE LAB REPORT– A marine biologist developed a race of genetically engineereddolphins that could live forever if they were fed a steady diet ofseagulls. One day, his supply of the birds ran out so he had to go outand trap some more. On the way back, he spied two lions asleep on theroad. Afraid to wake them, he gingerly stepped over them. Immediately,he was arrested and charged with… transporting gulls across sedatelions for immortal porpoises.

Back in the 1800’s the Tate’s Watch Company of Massachusettswanted to produce other products, and since they already made thecases for watches, they used them to produce compasses. The newcompasses were so bad that people often ended up in Canada or Mexicorather than California. This, of course, is the origin of theexpression … “He who has a Tate’s is lost!”

A thief broke into the local police station and stole all thetoilets and urinals, leaving no clues. A spokesperson was quoted assaying,”We have absolutely nothing to go on.”

An Indian chief was feeling very sick, so he summoned the medicineman. After a brief examination, the medicine man took out a long, thinstrip of elk rawhide and gave it to the chief, telling him to biteoff, chew, and swallow one inch of the leather every day. After amonth, the medicine man returned to see how the chief was feeling. Thechief shrugged and said,”The thong is ended, but the malady lingerson.”

–from CarlR

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WEEKLY GUN NUT REPORT–New Rule On Guns In National Parks Takes Effect February 22. On February 22, a new law on guns in national parks takes effect. The law repeals a National Park Service rule that has long prohibited Americans from lawfully possessing firearms in national parks for self-defense.

Volunteers Needed For 2010 NRA Annual Meetings In Charlotte:

The 2010 NRA Annual Meetings Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 14-16, 2010, in Charlotte, NC. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.

Get Your Copy of Stephen Halbrook’s Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876:

Does the Second Amendment apply to the states? The Supreme Court will soon decide that critical question. As that historic day approaches, there’s no better time for all Americans to learn more about this issue.

NRA Online Advisory Panel Hits 10,000 Registered Members:

Last November, the NRA introduced a new service and community for our members, the NRA Online Advisory Panel. Inside this community, NRA members can vote and comment on Second Amendment issues, see how they compare to Congress, and track key legislation. We are proud to announce that, just this past weekend, the community added its 10,000th registered member! The opinions and feedback of the Online Advisory Panel are helping to guide the strategy and agenda of the NRA heading into a critical political cycle. If you’re not already a member of this growing community, you don’t know what you’re missing. We hope you will take a moment to join today by clicking HERE .

Second Amendment March On Washington Scheduled For April:

There will be a Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C., on April 19, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Attendees will gather on the northeast corner of the Washington Monument grounds at 10:00 a.m., and the entire event will take place there (due to logistics, the event will be more of a “rally” than an actual march).


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Stop by and see LIL JOES LEGENDARY LEATHERS AT THE RIVERFRONT PARK NORTH on Beach Street, 1-800-643-3321–“Made in The USA” and “Guaranteed 4 Life”

Our Lifetime Guarantee covers the workmanship and materials on all of our American made chaps, jackets, vests and pants as long as you own them.

This includes any problem with snaps, zippers, seams and grommets that arise due to normal use of the garment.

If you have any problem please e-mail us or call 1-800-643-3321 for Repair Authorzation #.

Our Guarantee does not cover the liner or any hardware attached to the liner. Any garments that have been abused (accidents, knife fights, failure to properly maintain the garment) will not be covered. Gloves and items in our accessories section are not covered. Garments that have had pins or patches installed can be repaired but not replaced. We Can Also Replace your Lining of any age Leathers at a minimal charge.


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BIKER PROS GARAGE PARTY–The press and the biker community came out to the Biker Pros Garage Party and SS Trike Intro this past weekend at A Bikers Garage in Roanoke Texas. Robert Filla from Thunder Press and Penny Osiecki from Barnett’s Magazine as well as Paul Aiken from Aeromach USA, Dar Holdsworth of Barss Balls Bobbers and Kyle Shorley of Shade Tree Fabrications all come out to support Jason Nieman of SS Trike.

The Big Wheel SS Trike made its North American debut on Saturday February, 20, 2010 on a day that started overcast but it didn’t damped enthusiasm for a truly innovative ride with test rides booked back to back from the time the facilities opened at 8AM to closing time at 5PM.

The SS Trike delivers a spirited ride with the pilot maneuvering the trike with a 24 inch Metzeler shod Big Wheel tire leading the way. The tire floats over many of the highway potholes because of its size, which offers an incredibly smooth ride.

The first thing you notice about the trike is the spiritual interpretation of Mattel’s Big Wheel sporting a custom forged wheel out front and a set of American Racing’s Torq Thrust in the rear.

The seat position is low with a good view of the road. The low center of gravity provides a stable platform with outstanding maneuverability. The motorbike profile is a traffic stopper from either side. The lines are appealing, retro and spirited. Enthusiasts like the look and performance.

More details at SS Trike.

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FIRST CHANCE HOGAN BOOK SOON TO BE RELEASED ON BIKERNET–When will your new book go on sale and what will be the cost.


It’s at the printers now. Can’t wait.–Bandit

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Click on the image to order this book.

BEV’S NEWEST OUTLAW BOOK SOON TO BE RELEASED–Here’s a portion of the Forward by the most articulate biker alive, Bill Hayes, author of the Booze Fighters history book:

club culture and its seductive appeal. That particular journey has seen our lifestyle creatively populated by villains, clowns, cutthroats, buffoons, deviants, sadists, criminals, badasses, and everything in between. But no matter what characters or images the writers, reporters, producers, and directors have devised to represent our lifestyle, the bottom line is that people love it. They fear it. And deep down in those trembling, vicarious bones they would give anything to be a part of it.

Anything, for just one ride in an endless pack, hammer-down in the screamer lane of some interstate.

Anything, to walk proudly into a bar or an event with a set of colors on recognized colors that are not given, but earned, through serious effort, blood, and brotherhood.

Anything, to be able to call a brother at any hour of the day or night when they needed help with anything, and to know that their back is covered.

Anything, to be intimate with the powerful family life that is truly enjoyed and unapologetically embraced by so few.

But envied or not, this way of life often comes at a high price. A patch on one’s back can translate into a titillating target for law enforcement, as well as media.

For a variety of reasons commercial gain, high-profile PR, and political pandering among them both have dipped to sordid lows in their pursuit of the essence. Those clowns and buffoons of the old biker movies have increasingly given way to the cutthroats and the criminals. Entire television networks use shows about the presumed inside of the motorcycle clubs as their commercial anchors. Dozens of books and productions glorify the dirt-digging adventures of undercover law enforcement infiltrators, turncoats, and snitches.

We’re hunted using a simple template: focus on a single alleged illegal act; find a disgruntled member (or simply a shrouded actor) to talk about it; get some stock public film footage or stills of patches; and boom! A blanket condemnation of an entire club or the whole culture.

The same template could of course be used for virtually every other large group or coalition including big-league urban police departments and the United States Congress. But those types of exposes don’t have the same attraction as those dealing with bikers and motorcycle clubs. Maybe no one really wants to have a vicarious fantasy that involves a cop or a senator.

Another bottom line is evident here: While most of these monster expos don’t produce many tangibles in the way of the legally-righteous elimination of crime, they do produce a lot of media.

But not media like this book.

The photos and the people in this book are real.

–Bill Hayes;
Author, Motorcycle Culture Historian, and
American Biker

Check the rest of Bill’s uplifting pros and Bev’s historic shots in the next American Bikers photo book.

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LATEST BIKERNET PROJECT WITH MIKE COLE CUSTOMS IN OHIO–Bill Hayes drives an old white Cadillac hearse. Bikernet could not be outdone. We just purchased this 1994 Buick Roadmaster Hearse in Pennsylvania. Mike Cole, a Hamster, hauled it to his Ohio shop for a handful of mods, before shipping it to the West Coast.


Here’s the deal. Our Ford F150 truck has been a dream for about 8 years, but it’s getting long in the tooth. I wanted to support Ford, my favorite car company, but I wasn’t having much luck. It was time to replace the truck. We decided to purchase a Kendon trailer for hauling bikes, and I asked what’s the finest vehicle for pulling a trailer? From two reputable sources I heard that Buick Roadmaster station wagons, with Corvette engines, are the bomb, so the hunt began.


We will bring you reports from Mike’s shop weekly as the process takes shape. Bandit is going to enlist Kevin Baas to help with metal Bikernet Logos to replace the Hearse markers. Hold on for the next report.–Wrench

Mike Cole Customs
(740) 708-1846

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THE V-TWIN EXPO FROM SASHA’S PERSPECTIVE–The V-Twin Expo was large in hope and forward motion, even if it may have been smaller without the volume of exhibitors from years prior. There was a feeling of camaraderie and excitement in the air; a genuine throttle hand-to-the-grindstone, rally-ho, no time to exit from the rough roads of a shaky economy. Yes, there is a slow-down, but the uplifting enthusiasm pouring from the oil pulsing in the veins of attendees and exhibitors alike kept spirits and attitude afloat. It was evident that we are all rockin’ arm and arm, riding neck and neck down the roads of new opportunity.

What I saw was a closeness knitting everyone together….a keep on keepin on, power through during the toughest times, lots of laughter and lightness sort of unity. There was an innovation in the air that was, to me, like touring an art gallery of new parts, accessories, and designs that featured an ingenuity provoking an anything is possible enthusiasm from all.

Rebel girls

It was great to reunite with everyone because it had been so long since I had seen folks from the industry. It seems that I’d get a few feet and there would be a hug awaiting me or I would spot someone and have to give a little love. So, getting to thoroughly review all of the goodies that exhibitors were showing or sitting in on seminars became an illusive objective in my twenty hour run and gun trip to Cincinnati. I did love that the VTwin reception paid special tribute to the beautiful and generous Bruce Rossmeyer. It was incredibly moving and I surely hope that no one will ever forget the light in this brilliant soul. He is a legend in our culture.


A few highlights were two new exhibitors. I have kept my eye on Rebel Girl apparel and accessories for quite sometime. It was a delight to finally meet proprietor and designer, Cher, who was bursting with fun ideas for her line. Her entire presentation was right on, sexy, strong, and exciting. Her line targets the wild, elegant side of a female motorcycle rider, hence the name Rebel Girl. Ed Hardy motorcycle helmets and gear, and the brand apparel line joined the expo for the first time and were so happy to receive a great reception for their product. Their goal is to price their motorcycle line to be affordable and competitive with the more popular names like Harley-Davidson, First Gear and the like.


Their helmet line is over-the-top cool, so cool it’s hot. Now that Tennessee has cracked down on their DOT helmet law even more, I need to find a really fun DOT helmet that matches my psychedelic riding attire. They have designs that are so unique, and expressive. Plus they have their own manufacturing for their helmet line with a variety of ol’ skool styles to choose from including the more traditional half helmet, too. The Ed Hardy motorcycle jackets feature removable safety armour coupled with thoughtful storage pockets and an obviously well tested closure and vent design to endure all kinds of weather conditions. They managed to infuse high end couture aesthetics at very reasonable price points, pricing less than some of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle jackets, but without sacrifice on design, sturdiness, or fabric quality.


Ron Finch. Oh my. He can turn anything into a work of motorcycle art. His hand crafted garden flowers and amphibians made out of motorcycle parts are the absolute perfect gift for the whimsical gardener. Me. His latest jaw-dropping, “how the heck did he do that?” project is a complete motorcycle and sidecar made out of welded together tools made into a delicate lace pattern. Yes…it looks like metal lace tools. Think of your granny’s little doilies beneath lamps and picture the little flower designs as wrenches and washers and sprockets and, you’ve got yourself a metal tool lace crafted motorcycle and sidecar. I dare say, if I were to straddle a Ron Finch custom motorcycle designed for my eccentric taste, wearing Rebel Girl threads and sporting an Ed Hardy helmet…I certainly would look like a rock star riding down the highway more so than any other rock star riding down the highway. Wink.

Hard at work, Jim Betlach, along with his wife and two daughters, and the entire Paisano family made everyone feel like they had come home for the weekend at Cincinnati. The environment is always so easy and –apple pie meets Budweiser– friendly — the perfect place to get your business on, place new orders, and kick tires with old friends.


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SPS bike

UNCLE MONKEY RELEASES ANOTHER CHAPTER–Bike For Sale. Probably three of the cruelest words in the English language. Bikes come up for sale for a number of reasons. The owner purchased a new bike and has to make room for his new toy. Perhaps the ticking in the motor has become too much and now that problem they had been ignoring, hoping that it would go away is now an expensive repair bill. Sometimes it is simply a case of being bored with what one has. Time to clean the roost, free up some greenbacks so that they can find something new that twisted their crank. Some bikes are projects that have lingered way to long, never been seen through to completion.

Then there are the sad cases. Instances when the rider can no longer ride. Flesh and bone worn out from a life of happen stance. Finally the spirit has come to terms with the fact that they can no longer ride and for all the hopeless pride and determination they would rather see the bike out on the road where it belongs Free in the wind where it was meant to be and not cooped up in a dark dusty garage collection dirt and insects never to breath fresh air again.

For others it is a situation of love gone bad. The thrill and excitement of riding. Throwing their leg over for a thousand miles of coffee shops and meandering roads. But they didn’t research what it meant to get there. Naively assuming that it was as simple as riding a bicycle. Close calls, near misses all because their bullhead pride told them that they didn’t need to start out on something more practical, less powerful. They hate gasping for air in the wind, hate the stinging of bugs, hate the spray of sand as they pass a semi. It is too much and so the bike is eventually sold.

The truly unfortunate ones are those that have been denied. Their loves ones have spoken, forbidding them from some preconceived death trap. The love, the passion, the longing for the open road extinguished by someone who doesn’t understand.

In the end every motorcycle has a story. Remember that as you scan the sale ads.

-bad Uncle Monkey

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65 FLH Pan_1973

THE LIFE AND MOTORCYCLES OF ONE BIKERNET READER, ANSON–I was thinking of purchasing a Panhead to fool around with recently.Owned two back in the day, a 1965 in high school and a 1959 later in college. After reading Rick Schunk’s Panhead Restoration book this past tour offshore I thought perhaps an Evo instead to keep the cost down. I thoroughly enjoyed the Evo’s I had. A couple simple hop-up goodies and they were ready to roll. Especially the Crane 310 cam, loved it. (I saw Bandit and Dave Perewitz at the Crane Cam open house lunch in Daytona once.) Back when the events were small and everyone was invited.


Dave had taken an Evo dresser and put a chopper front end on it, blew my mind.So, I was thinking about a Heritage Softail in Tijuana fashion. High bars and a 21″ up front. That was what I ran on my 1989 and I toured the hell out of it.

Then I read you were doing a Frisco FXR with a Paughco frame. I remember the Springer FXR you did in Easyriders, read each installment like it was the bible.


I met Arlen Ness’s morning ride in Spearfish Canyon many years ago. They were all riding stock FXRs but there was something different about them. After talking with Arlen he pointed out that each FXR was frame raked slightly to give it a lowered profile. Not with raked fork trees, but the frames raked ever so slightly. Very cool look on an otherwise stock bike.

I pointed to my overloaded Heritage and apologized for my lack of cool. Arlen laughed and said no apology needed. He appreciated my travel from Louisiana and staying on the road for three weeks. Told me I had a “rider” and we shook hands. Two years later found a friend and I chatting with Arlen at 9am on Main St. Daytona. We both had FXRs by then. My buddy wanted to install a wide glide and we were picking Arlen’s brain about what was needed. After a long explanation of our concerns of rake, trail and handling. Arlen told us the wide glide was a piece of shit and the best Harley fork was the 39mm. However if we were insistent to install the wide glide then put the damn thing on and figure it out afterward.

87 FLHS_Devil's Tower

The way he encouraged us to experiment and forget the technical was hilarious. My buddy did just that and Arlen was right on, looked cool, handled like shit. My 1992 FXLR has been sitting in the buyer’s shed for 12 years. I keep offering him $2000 for it, maybe someday I’ll get it back.

Despite all the work I did on my Twin Cam I feel like I am riding a Honda Shadow each time I take a putt. I installed the S/S gear cams. But I’m still an Evo fan, a more traditional ride.Right now I would rather drive the Sporty, it looks better, goes like hell and fits a midget like myself to a “T”.


Hey, Anson was good to share his complete motorcycle history with us. We are going to run all his bikes and history in Life and Times in the Cantina. Terrific report.–Bandit

If you want to order the Panhead Restoration book mentioned above, click on this banner.

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KING DEAL OF THE WEEK–Bandit is selling his 2003, 100th anniversary Road King for a steal, $10,500 or best offer. This bike is special in many respects with only 13,500 miles on the clock. It has mag wheels, world’s lightest floating rotors, D&D exhaust, S&S gear driven cams, Screamin’ Eagle heads, Zippers EFI module, Pinstriping by George the Wild Brush, blacked out front end, lowered rear shocks, pinstriped street stalker front fender and modified stock rear.

Speaking of long in the tooth. Bandit ain’t getting any younger.

There are over a dozen articles on this bike posted on Bikernet. It has been featured in magazine and Monster Garage. It’s a celebrity.For more information contact or call (310) 830-0630

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big boar


Another week and another round of “Peel Back Pricing” from K and G Cycles!–This week, K and G Cycles has outdone itself with peel back pricing on a great selection of products. We have drive chains, Big Boar batteries, batter testers, taillights, ignition switches, ignition kits, frames, bling and gauges.


How about a 3-pole Fat-Bob style ignition switch with key for $20.00! That’s 30% off. Or a V-Factor Digital Speedometer/Tachometer For Tank Mounted Dash for less than $281.00 — that’s 30% off.


K and G has Diamond Primary Drive Chain for Big Twin 4 Speed, Softail 1984-06 or Dyna’s 1991-05 for $69.88. That’s over 25% off

K and G Cycles is your one-stop online motorcycle parts and accessories megastore. If you can’t find it at K and G Cycles, it’s probably going to be really hard to find!

Just stop by and “peel back” the upper right-hand corner of the web page to see all the great low prices at K and G Cycles!


Continued On Page 2

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First Gun Nut Report: The Black Carbine

Fig. 1: Early commercial Colt AR-15 Carbine with 1:12 twist 16” lightweight “pencil” barrel. Note early-style sights mounted on fixed carry handle.

Lightweight, nimble, low recoil, big firepower in a small package…

The AR-15 was designed in the mid 1950s by Eugene Stoner at the ArmaLite Division of the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, located then at Costa Mesa, CA [right up the road from the current location of the Bikernet World Headquarters]. I’m not going to get into the history or politics involved in the evolution of this rifle – surf the net and visit the library and you can consume years ingesting all the words written about it and arguing with everyone about the issues. Just contemplate the fact that 2009 will mark the 50th anniversary of the sale by Armalite of the manufacturing and marketing rights of the rifle to Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company of Hartford, CT.

Colt became the original producers of the military full-auto M-16 and the first semi-auto commercial AR-15’s. Who knows how many have been built by Colt and other contractors? Some say approx 8 million standard 20” barrel M-16’s alone. Long barrels, short barrels, mid-length barrels, different rifling twists, fixed handles, flat-tops, fixed stocks, retracting stocks, … the numbers of variations out there, and corresponding names for them, boggle the mind. The 16” retractable stocked carbine became an early favorite of both law enforcement and military personnel due to its light weight, nimbleness, low recoil, and big firepower in a small package. The most prolific commercial black rifle being sold in America today is a semi-automatic version of the M-4 carbine our troops are currently using, with the 1:7 twist 16” barrel for stabilizing the heavier 77 grain rounds, retractable 6-position stock, and removable carry handle mounted on a Picatinny rail. Most manufacturers make a similar clone. Aficionados argue that this version represents the epitome of the genre.

Fig. 2: M-4 clone. Similar to the Colt in Figure 1 in outward appearance only, it consists of a 1:7 twist 16” M-4 barreled LM&T upper receiver with removable carry handle with later-style sights, Bushmaster lower receiver, and LM&T M-4 buttstock.

If you’re like most red-blooded American gun nuts [and most bikers are], you want one of these. I’m not making this up. This gun is being sold in amazing numbers all over America. Even Remington, Smith & Wesson, and good old names like Charles Daly and High Standard are selling versions. So, let’s cut through the crap and pick one.

First, like everything else in this capitalistic country, there are top, middle, and lower “tier” versions of this gun. Hey, if you appreciate the finer things in life and can afford it, then pick a Barrett REC7 in 6.8 SPC and revel in its splendor. I like Colt first, Lewis Machine & Tool second, and Bushmaster third. You can spend a lot more or a lot less; all will spit lead down range in an aggressive manner. Pick the one you like and can afford and accessorize it all you want, but please try and avoid becoming one of the “tacti-cool” gadget snobs that crowd the ranges these days with carbines covered with gewgaws like a Christmas tree. Learn to use your iron sights first and they won’t let you down. Save that gadget money and put it in good magazines and ammo for practice.

Here's one good reason to have a house fulla guns.

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