Editor’s Note with the help of Wikipedia: The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging.

These episodes have happened numerous times in our history from religious persecution to political upheaval like the McCarthy Era. Ultimately Senator Joseph McCarthy committed suicide.

McCarthyism is the practice in the United States of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s. It was characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.

The new Joseph McCarthy is Al Gore and who are his witches but you and your mom in her SUV. Check out the following:

Al Gore’s 10 Global Warming Predictions, 12 Years Later — None Happened!

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Wake up before it’s too late!”

Soon we “celebrate” the 12th anniversary of former Vice President Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” revealing the “grave” threat of global warming. On January 26, 2006 the Washington Post stated Al “believes humanity may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan.”

My Tennessee neighbor won an Oscar and Nobel Prize for sounding the alarm in book and film as a Climate Control Caped Crusader.

Al crisscrossed countries waving his arms, passionately declaring, “We can’t wait… We have a planetary emergency… the future of human civilization is at stake! … Global warming is the greatest challenge we’ve ever faced!” This is no exaggeration.

In an article highlighting his tireless service for humanity, The Washington Post labeled him “the world’s most renowned crusader on climate change.” Wow! And remember he almost became President of the United States were it not for a few “hanging chads” that didn’t go to his column.

President Obama subsequently picked up the “crisis” telling world leaders that “climate change (not Islamic terrorism or skyrocketing, unsustainable debt) is the number one issue facing us today.”

At the recent Global Paris Summit he pushed this agenda with urgency. The cost of his United Nations Global Warming Treaty came in at $12.1 trillion or $484 billion dollars yearly according to Bloomberg.

Al’s efforts made him an environmental hero but took a tragic toll on his marriage. His marriage of 40 years to Tipper ended in a shocking divorce.

Today, 68 year old Al alternates residence in two gorgeous, spacious homes in Nashville and California. He now has a youthful, wealthy girlfriend.

Al Gore’s Electricity Bill Reveals He Consumes 3,400% More Power Than the Average U.S. Home

Leaving his V. P. office with assets of $2 million, Mr. Gore now has wealth estimated at over $200 million. Al’s movie cost $1million and brought in $50 million.

He hauls in $175,000 speaking fees, is tied to at least fourteen green-tech firms, sits strategically on certain (take a guess) boards, plus benefits from Obama grants and millions in tax breaks. He’s on his way to becoming what one congressional leader called “our first carbon billionaire.”

Here’s the Deal

Masses of people are misinformed or misled on issues like physician-assisted suicide, marijuana legalization, unrestricted abortion, wholesale immigration, socialism, a “war on women”, “free” entitlements, and “pandemic” Wall Street fraud.

Similarly, people are manipulated and deceived regarding dire climate change/global warming reports.

This hysteria and apocalyptic fear mongering reminds many of the 1970 Earth Day predictions that fizzled like a firecracker:

End of civilization in 15-30 years

100-200 million deaths to starvation yearly for 10 years–A new ice age by 2000 according to Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame.

The good news is that many people are wising up! Because of long standing behavior that is suspect to say the least, multitudes view as con artists multimillionaires like Al Gore, Michael Moore, the Clintons and others who prey on the gullible and get rich off causes, advance their fame and live lavish lifestyles off the backs of the unsuspecting.

Hillary told us they were almost broke leaving the White House and this week she’s on Time magazine’s cover saying, “I know what it’s like to be knocked down,” all the while she and her husband have amassed over $120 million in speaking fees alone.

A January YouGov poll of 17 countries found that 91% of Americans are not concerned about global warming. Their number one concern – global terrorism. A recent Fox News poll revealed that today only 3% are concerned about global warming!

Patrick Moore, the legendary, past president of Greenpeace says:

“There is no definitive scientific proof through real-world observation that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of global climate which has occurred during the past 300 years.” He rejects the “science is settled” and “the debate is over.”

Recently even the Supreme Court weighed in with an extraordinary rebuke to President Obama’s attempt to control carbon emissions.

This is not to say that we should be unconcerned or uninvolved regarding legitimate environmental concerns.

Christians are compelled to be good stewards of God’s resources and the earth. We should all make a quality decision to reasonably conserve energy (it’s why we keep our thermostat low in winter/high in summer; turn off the faucet while brushing teeth; etc.).

The Truth About Global Warming: We’re Not Causing It, But We’re PAYING for It

Gore’s Predictions Fall Flat

12 years after Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” guilt/fear producing predictions, let’s close by examining just how accurate his “science” proved to be on his way to the bank.

1. Rising Sea Levels – inaccurate and misleading. Al was even discovered
purchasing a beachfront mansion!

2. Increased Tornadoes – declining for decades.

3. New Ice Age in Europe – they’ve been spared; it never happened.

4. South Sahara Drying Up – completely untrue.

5. Massive Flooding in China and India – again didn’t happen.

6. Melting Arctic – false – 2015 represents the largest refreezing in years.

7. Polar Bear Extinction – actually they are increasing!

8. Temperature Increases Due to CO2 – no significant rising for over 18 years.

9. Katrina a Foreshadow of the Future – false – past 10 years, no F3 hurricanes; “longest drought ever!”

10. The Earth Would be in a “True Planetary Emergency” Within a Decade Unless Drastic Action Taken to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses – never happened.

Awhile back, the Washington Post stated in an expose’ that, “Al Gore has thrived as a green-tech investor.” Coincidental?

Was it also coincidental that at the recent Climate Summit in Paris, there was a red carpet debut of a dynamic new film “Climate Hustle” just down the street?

This groundbreaking film exposing the junk science of global warming will be seen on Capitol Hill, in theaters, then on DVD soon. Check it out: Climate Hustle.

Another excellent and humorous documentary I’ve enjoyed on this topic is “An Inconsistent Truth” by talk show host Phil Valentine of Nashville. It’s fascinating when Phil goes to Al’s gated home! Check it out on YouTube for a hearty laugh.

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. told us, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.”

It’s films like the above and videos like those being seen at Bullseye Challenge (along with the Bullseye book) that are dispelling darkness by truth that’s only inconvenient to those refusing to listen.


NEWS FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT–With five days left in the year, The Weather Channel reported that the United States will finish with the fewest tornado deaths on record, should no tornadoes touch down and create fatalities before January 1.

And should no EF4/5 tornadoes hit the U.S. in the next five days, it would mark the first time that none have hit in a calendar year since that record began in 1950, according to the Washington Post.

–Marc Morano
Climate Depot

Paging Al Gore: Flashback 2013: Gore laments scientists ‘won’t let us’ tie climate change to tornadoes – Former Vice President Al Gore lamented that scientists “won’t let us yet” link tornadoes to climate change. Gore alluded to last month’s devastating twister in Moore, Okla., saying that shoddy historical statistics are preventing a connection between “these record-breaking tornadoes and the climate crisis.”

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