Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET READER NEEDS A HAND–I just posted a small business on ur site. I just lost my job in a steel factory here in Ontario, Canada. I have been painting bikes now for 10 yrs as a hobby and a little extra cash. I now want to go at it full time. Could u post it asap as your site is the best and a little help would be great. It’s Cyopeck Customs here in Hamilton, Ontario.
–Bruce Cyopeck

THE HEART OF THE WEAPAN– Bikernet TV Exclusive: Accurate Engineering’s ‘Outlaw 120’ made history during the Bonneville Salt Flats 2007 International Motorcycle Speed Trials. The “Assault Weapan”, powered by Accurate’s 120 cubic inch Panhead motor, was 5-Ball Racing’s performance advantage on the salt.
Berry Wardlaw talks about what it takes to make HP at Bonneville. Get your performance fix at Bikernet

NEW ILLUMINATED LED WINDSHIELD MOLDING KIT–MILWAUKEE (Sept. 28, 2007) – The new Illuminated LED Windshield Molding Kit (P/N 57335-08, $189.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories features four bands of amber LED lamps that glow as running lamps behind smoked lenses when the ignition is on. The two outer LED clusters also function as auxiliary directional indicators when the turn signals are activated.
All wiring is concealed inside the fairing for a clean, custom appearance. This complete kit includes all necessary mounting hardware. Fits 1996-later Electra Glide and Street Glide models.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

DELRAY BEACH DITCHES MOTORCYCLE BAN IDEA, AMENDS NOISE LAW– City votes instead to stiffen fines for noise along stretch of Atlantic
Fellow Freedom Fighters:
I attended the protest rally at the Delray Beach, FL City Hall last night, but by the time I finished directing traffic–flagging bikers in at the semi-hidden turn of off Atlantic Avenue–the meeting room was filled and no more people were allowed in. Biker Tammy Jenkins is preparing a transcript for us, however, which I should be able to share through our forum in a few days.
I spoke with several attendees after the meeting, all of whom confirmed this news article quote: “Officials were inundated with e-mails and calls from all over the country asking them to reconsider, they said.”
So let me say THANK YOU to all who responded to the recent call-to-action, because your calls and emails helped make this happen. In fact, the City Commission did not even hold a public forum before voting to back away from the motorcycle ban!
This war is not over, but our “air power” won the first battle without the troops on the ground having to fire a shot!
–Bruce 🙂
–from Rogue

THE ULTIMATE IN LEATHER RIDING APPAREL FROM THE LEGEND–These are completely wild, insulated leather over-pants, capable of zipping over your demins. When it warms up, just unzip and keep riding.

BARBER ANNUAL VINTAGE FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND–The Barber Motorsports Park is pleased to announce that the 3nd Annual Barber Vintage Festival will be held this weekend, October 19-21. The Festival features the American Historic Racing Association (AHRMA), which celebrates vintage motorcycle racing and marks their last race of the 2007 season.
The Barber Vintage Festival has a variety of events for spectators to enjoy including a swap meet, flea market, vintage demos and an auction. Visitors will also have a rare opportunity to see and hear the exotic motorcycles from the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum, home to one of the largest vintage and modern motorcycle collections in the world.
Park admission includes all events. Three-day tickets are $30 in advance, $40 at the gate. Single-day tickets for Saturday or Sunday are $20 in advance, $25 at the gate. Gates open at 7:30am each day. Children 12 and under admitted free with paying adult. Concessions will be available all weekend. To purchase tickets, call (205) 327-RACE or click

BIKERNET MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP SEMINAR–Microchip Technology Inc. Chief Executive Officer Steve Sanghi offers practical help for your real-life business challenges.
Question: I’m a middle manager for a medium-size company. I’m trying to continuously improve my managerial skills to grow in the company. I continuously come across the words “Manager” and “Leader” used interchangeably. How would you describe the difference between a manager and a leader?
-Charles, Chandler Answer: Congratulations for committing yourself to continuous improvement, and thank you for asking this very thoughtful question. There are very significant differences between a manager and a leader.
A manager can be assigned or appointed to head up a department or an organization. But a leader has to be chosen by the followers. A leader is not a leader without followers. A manager can follow a cookie-cutter process to manage a department or a franchised store. But a leader is a lot more than just the person in charge.
A leader provides long-term vision for the organization. He/she sets priorities, grabs hold of tough problems, sets standards of excellence, imparts a sense of urgency, has exuberant commitment, keeps the big picture in view, provides the ability to deal with failures and is tough while being fair with people. He/she is someone the followers look toward for guidance, problem resolution, comfort, support and help.
Both managers and leaders have some power over their subordinates. (I wrote about the powers of a manager in this column on Aug 19, 2007.) Leaders tend to make use of “referent power” a lot more than managers do.
Leadership is a dynamic relationship between leaders and followers, and it is based on mutual influence and common purpose. In a successful relationship, both leaders and followers benefit in achieving a higher level of motivation and moral development as they affect real and intended change.
Management can be turned into a science by developing methods, processes and rules to manage. But leadership is more art than science and can change significantly with the culture of the organization and the task-relevant maturity of the followers.
So, as you can see, while a manager can be appointed just to head up a group, it takes vision, hard work, courage and skills to become an effective leader. And, leadership can be fragile and easily lost if you let down your followers. A leader must occasionally look behind to see that someone is following.
Retired Gen. and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell sums this up the best: “Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.”

BIKETOBERFEST EVENTS WITHIN RIDING DISTANCE OF DAYTONA– October 19 – 21, 2007.Crystal River. Benefit for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Tattooberfest at The Loft Neighborhood Bar & Grill, 10131 N. Citrus Avenue. Vendors and Bands Welcome. Saturday 50-50 for American Cancer Society. Sunday 50-50 for DeRosa Fire Department. Come be a part of a true benefit! Info: 352-794-0226
Sanford. Biketoberfest Block Party at Seminole Harley-Davidson, 620 Hickman Cirlce. Bring your old bike parts to sell, swap or trade. Free set up for everyone. Free beer, live entertainment, food, vendors. Info: 407-328-1212 or
Inglis. Old School Biker Rendevous at Scooter Haven,19350 SE Butler Rd. Must be 18 to attend. Clothing optional. $10 at gate for the weekend primitative camping, bikini/nude bike wash, pudding wrestling, wet t shirt contest, live music, vendors,adult and bike games, daily 50/50, bike show, ship of memories. Info: 352-476-3420 or SATURDAY 10/20/2007: New Smyrna Beach. Blue Knights Biketoberfest celebration at the Fraternal Order of Police 471 Old Mission Road. Breakfast from 8 to 10 AM and then guided rides leaving at 10:00 AM, your choice to either the Law Enforcement Museum in Titusville or through the Ocala National Forrest. Return to the FOP lodge for BBQ and entertainment by Elvis, aka: Rich from 3 PM until? Driver $20 passenger $15. Info: Dave 386-689-0809. New Smyrna Beach. Daytona Chapter, US Military Vets MC Biketoberfest Party at the USMVMC Clubhouse, 208 N. Orange Avenue from 2 PM til ?! Food, beverages, music, 50-50, etc. All bikers welcome. 386-547-2548 New Smyrna Beach. Biketoberfest Grand Celebration on historic Flagler Avenue from 5 – 9 pm for the bikers. No admission charges, Show & Stroll for bikers. Food at all the restaurants and plenty of live music just steps from the ocean. Info: 386 795-1060 Deltona. Latin American Motorcycle Assoc. of Deltona 2nd Anniversary Party.12 Noon til 6 PM at Deltona Headquarters, 827 Deltona Blvd. Suite C (Around back of the Tobacco Traders). Food, beer, drink and music. Play pool, dominos, card or just have fun. Everyone welcome. Info: 386-878-4561 Orlando to Daytona. 1st Annual Rupert’s Kids Benefit Ride. Register at Seminole Harley-Davidson, 620 Hickman Circle, Sanford after breakfast. Ride departs for The Battle Grounds, 1640 N US Hwy 1, Ormond Beach for Lunch. $30 rider, $15 passenger includes ride and lunch. More info: Palm Coast. Annual Blessing or the Bikes at St. Mark by the Sea Luthern Church, 303 Palm Coast Pkwy. NE. Homestyle breakfast 9 am – Noon. $4 donation requested. Blessings at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. Raffles and 50-50. Info: 386-445-3420 or Weirsdale. Dollars for Dale, 2 – 9 PM at County Line Package and Lounge, Hwy 25. Benefit for Dale Budzinski who had an accident at Blue Sink Lake. Dale has no insurance to speak of and has no idea if and when he can go back to work. So his friends and family are holding a raffle in his name, we also will have 50/50 raffle and other events, there is plenty of motorcycle parking. Inglis. Support our Troops Hog Roast with the fixin’s at The Mousetrap Saloon, Food Ranch Shoping Center, Hwy 19. 6 pm – 10 pm. Live music with Cutler Spur, good, fun, etc. Collection boxes for materials for the troops located throughout Citrus and Marion counties. Please call 352-447-5920 or 352-597-0052 for info on what we’re trying to collect. SEBASTIAN: -Meet you at EARLS HIDEAWAY (1405 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE) and listen to the music of “ERNIE SOUTHERN” 2:00-6:00PM followed by “ROUGHOUSE” from 8:30-12:30, go check it out. It has one of the best views of the river of any drinking establishment and draws bikers from the north, south and west (east is very wet). Parking is permitted on the river side as well. More info: call (772)589-5700 MERRITT ISLAND: “THIRSTY BONES” ( formerly FALCON’S ROOST)?Join Bill in Merritt Island and listen to the music by “MISSING PICKET” He’d love to have you stop by and check it out. The bar is located in the Merritt Crossing Plaza strip mall off of Courtney Blvd. on Crockett Blvd. Also you can turn onto Crockett Blvd from SR3 and go to the Plaza. The bar is located behind burger king. If you get lost call them @(321)452-0568. SUNDAY 10/21/2007 Palatka. Car and Cycle Swap Meet at Putnam County Fairgrounds. 8 am – 3 pm. Bike and Car For sale by owners Corrals, bike games, kids games, live music, top 30 car and bike shows with trophies and cash awards. $4, under 14 free. Info: 904-425-9896 or 386-868-3727 or SEBASTIAN: -Meet you at EARLS HIDEAWAY , 1405 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE) and listen to the music of the “FAT CITY” , go check it out. It has one of the best views of the river of any drinking establishment and draws bikers from the north, south and west (east is very wet). Parking is permitted on the river side as well. More info: call (772)589-5700 American Legion Post 81: Come by the American Legion Post 81 on USI north of University Blvd beside the Hess station From 7:00PM- 10:00PM and join the “KARAOKE” with Jim Haley. Show everyone you need to be on the TV. For more info call the Legion @ (321)723-2939. –from Rogue BIKERNER QUOTE OF THE DAY–The most successful people are those who are good at plan B.” –James Yorke, VANCOUVER TOY RUN UPDATE–Thank you so much to everyone who came out and braved the rain on the Vancouver Motorcycle Toy Run on October 7th! A lot of people will have a happier Christmas because of your generosity. Also a special thanks to all of the volunteers and, of course, the sponsors who help make this run happen year after year ( Unfortunately, due to the poor weather and the conflicting holiday, our numbers were down significantly this year . The number of toys collected was 1,307 and the monetary donations were approximately $14,000.00 the day of the event, which is less than half of what it normally is. If you were unable to make it to the event but would still like to support the Christmas Bureau you can contact Chris Bayliss, ED, directly at (604) 253-7191 or check them out on-line at Justin Ball of Redcoat Photo was at the ride taking photos which are now available at under “Bike Events photos.” Check it out to see if you’re up there! Justin is donating 20% of the gross sales from this event to the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau. This year at the intersection of Barnet and Ioco Road in Port Moody the traffic camera was flashing as the bikes rode through the red light. Chris Bayliss, of the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, has discussed this with the Port Moody police department and we do not anticipate having this problem next year. If perchance you do receive a ticket please notify us at (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111. NEW GOB COMING FROM EUROPE–Will Jenna do? You may see the feature later today. Continued On Page 4>
mathematics and physics professor