After rolling up about 1000 miles, Cannonball Endurance Run coast-to-coast riders will stop and overnight near the National Motorcycle Museum, Anamosa, Iowa.

The Cannonball Run 2012 starts in Newburgh, New York and finishes in San Francisco, California. Riders will log over 3500 miles on their way west, and you can stop by the National Motorcycle Museum and check their progress. Watch as riders make adjustments, lubricate and take care of any unexpected mechanical problems. No trailer queens; these bikes made in Europe, England and America are mechanically restored and ready for the long haul. They will be ridden in the ways of the great Erwin “Cannonball” Baker who set the record of 11 days+ in 1914 on his Indian, earning him the nickname.
Matt Olsen has the John Parham/National Motorcycle Museum sponsored 1928 Harley-Davidson JD rebuilt and restored and is doing final assembly, then putting on some break-in miles.