It’s better if you don’t know my name.Better for you, and certainly better for me.I’m the person you hear about on the news sometimes, or read about in the newspapers.I’m probably one of the most wanted people in America.Wanted by State and local Police Forces, the FBI, hell the CIA and the NSA for all I know.
They all have their ideas and theories about who I am and how it all started, they’re all wrong.Only I know the truth, and I’m only revealing a small portion here.Maybe I am a relative of one of the victims. Or maybe I was just out riding one day and saw that drunken driver veer over onto the opposite side of the road and wipe out three bikers and their female pillions.Maybe I am one of the victims, or rather, one of the survivors.

All across the USA, almost every day, a reckless cage driver kills or maims a perfectly innocent biker.I don’t care if the biker was riding a high-powered Japanese sports bike, a small-engined scooter or a Harley-Davidson. They are all my brothers and sisters and none of them deserved to be run off the road because some asshole driver was drunk, drugged, on a cell phone or just had a fit of fucking road rage!
The charges and fines for killing or permanently maiming a biker are pitiful. Failure to yield right of way $50 bucks and don’t do it again.The biker goes to the cemetery or the hospital and the cage driver goes home.I woke up one morning and decided that if the government and State authorities weren’t going to punish those cagers, then I would!

So that’s how it started.
They haven’t caught me yet, don’t really have a clue who I am or where I come from, or where I’ll strike next.I’ll keep going till either the punishment fits the crime or they stop me. Neither seems likely to happen in the near future.
My first case of meting out justice to someone who deserved it was down in South Carolina.A guy was killed on his bike, his girlfriend on the back has lifelong disabling injuries…the drunken driver got a $25 fine and a month of community service.Despite the outrage from various motorcycle groups, the local courts and government were unmoved.The driver walked, even blaming the couple for riding a dangerous two-wheeled machine, like it was somehow their fault.

He’s dead now. I killed him early one morning when he walked outside his house to pick up the daily newspaper!I made a phone call a few hours later, when I was safely away from the vicinity. I rang the biggest newspaper in South Carolina and explained I’d just killed the driver who destroyed two lives, the one the courts let get away.The journalist on the other end of the phone asked who I was?
That was the first time. But it wasn’t and won’t be the last.Montana, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Alabama, New York, Florida.I’ve dispensed the ultimate punishment in almost every State in the mainland USA.I even ventured over the border and took out a Canadian woman who, in a fit of road rage, angered that a biker had past her in heavy traffic illegally, sideswiped him deliberately over the edge of a high mountain pass. Plenty of witnesses testified to it. Seeing as how she was on our side of the border at the time she got away with it.For a while, until I arrived in Banff.

Every time I exterminate a cager who wiped out a biker or bikers whilst under the influence or drugged to the eyeballs or just in a goddamn fit of needless anger I ring the biggest news office in that State and tell them who I am and why I killed that person.
Bikers all across the nation, especially the outlaw guys, love me.The public is mainly against me, but some have relatives who ride, or did ride, until some cager took them out, and they quietly support me.Of course if our legal system worked half as well as the majority of Americans would like to believe it should, I would not be necessary.
Some states have even increased their penalties for drivers who run down bikers, but too few and not by enough.So I’ll carry on my personal crusade.If I don’t mete out justice for those bikers who have gone down, who will?

The reward for information leading to my capture is immense, the biggest reward ever offered to find or capture one person within the USA.I’ve terminated 35 people as of yesterday. And the authorities still don’t have a clue as to who I am.I doubt they ever will.
Am I a traveling salesman?
A long distance trucker?
An airline pilot?
A renegade biker?
Even, as some have suggested a police officer or some kind of government agent?It doesn’t matter.What is important is that I’m still out there, and I will continue to extract justice for my fallen brothers and sisters, and if not justice then vengeance.

Ride safely my friends.
This is a work of fiction; any events or persons who appear similar to this story are entirely coincidental.

Copyright: 23/06/06 to Jaqhama @ Bikernet.com.