Motorcycle Riders Foundation

MRF Updates: Wee Tol You So….

August 26, 2022: We Told You So… At last year’s MRF Meeting of the Minds in Atlanta, Georgia the fate of the internal combustion engine was discussed. In fact, at the urging of ABATE of Illinois, the following language was added to the MRF’s 2022 Legislative Priorities: “Work to ensure the survival of combustion engines. Including elimination of the California air quality waivers which threaten combustion engine production.” In October of 2021 California Governor Gavin Newson signed a bill into law banning the sale of all off-road, gas-powered engines, including generators, lawn equipment, pressure washers, chainsaws, weed trimmers, and even golf carts. And less than one year later we learn this, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that governs motor vehicle emissions for the state adopted new rules that will require 35% of the new cars sold in the state are electric or plug-in hybrids by 2026, with that percentage rising to 68% by 2030 and 100% by 2035. That’s right gas burning cars will no longer be for sale in the country’s largest state in less than 15 years. Other states, including Massachusetts and Washington have already signaled that they would follow California’s lead. What does the future of motorcycling look like? Will the bike you are riding today be legal in a few years? What will your kids or grandkids be riding… or will they even be allowed to own a motorcycle? Your Freedom is under assault and without your help we can’t fight back! Thank you to all the members of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation for defending your Freedoms. We need all street riders to join this fight. Ride Safe and Ride Free! About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle […]

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MRF Annual Meeting: Our Rights We Will Maintain

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS FOUNDATION — MEETING OF THE MINDS 2022 “Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.” – Iowa State Motto In 1847, those words became part of the Iowa State Seal. They ring just as powerful today as they did 175 years ago. Certainly, they ring true for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and the 38th Annual Meeting of the Minds. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation takes seriously the quest to protect the freedoms that motorcyclists sometimes take for granted. A lobbying team with a never-ending presence on Capitol Hill. A definitive commitment to grassroots activism with the MRF’s annual Bikers Inside the Beltway. And the annual Meeting of the Minds – nearly forty years of bringing bikers’ rights advocates together to enhance their organizational and legislative skills. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Minds, scheduled for September 22-25 in Des Moines Iowa, will be a 3-day exercise in freedom enhancement. The event will demonstrate just how much the MRF and attendees prize liberty and the commitment to maintain our rights Meet the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and the freedom fighters who are instrumental in the quest to protect motorcycling and maintain the freedoms we enjoy. The Meeting of the Minds – renewing old friendships and making new ones. The Meeting of the Minds – three days of nuts-and-bolts workshops to augment the tools needed to promote and protect the rights of all motorcyclists. The Meeting of the Minds – more than a dozen presentations and workshops to build and strengthen individual’s and state motorcyclists’ rights organization’s commitment to protecting the freedoms motorcycling represents. Workshops and presentations include but not limited to: Up-to-the-minute Legislative Updates Working with motorcycle clubs for the common goal of defending freedom Aging demographics – what it means to motorcycling Paying the price of freedom The

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MRF: 38th Annual Meeting of the Minds

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” – Kris Kristofferson Those words, sung by Janis Joplin over fifty years ago, were a generation’s anthem. Yet, there is a lot more to losing freedom than the catchy lyrics of a song. In fact, losing freedom is easier than defending and keeping it. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation takes seriously the quest to protect the freedoms that motorcyclists sometimes take for granted. A lobbying team with a never-ending presence on Capitol Hill. A definitive commitment to grassroots activism with the MRF’s annual Bikers Inside the Beltway. And the annual Meeting of the Minds – nearly forty years of bringing bikers’ rights advocates together to enhance their organizational and legislative skills. To the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, freedom is not just another word for nothing left to lose. Promoting freedom is the core of the MRF’s existence. The annual Meeting of the Minds is where freedom is mainlined. The 38th Annual Meeting of the Minds, scheduled for September 22-25 in Des Moines Iowa, will be a 3-day exercise in freedom enhancement. The event will take freedom way beyond “…nothing left to lose.” The Meeting of the Minds – renewing old friendships and making new ones. The Meeting of the Minds – three days of nuts-and-bolts workshops to augment the tools needed to promote and protect the rights of all motorcyclists. The Meeting of the Minds – more than a dozen presentations and workshops to build and strengthen individual’s and state motorcyclists’ rights organization’s commitment to protecting the freedoms motorcycling represents. Workshops and presentations include but are not limited to: Up-to-the-minute Legislative Updates Working with motorcycle clubs for the common goal of defending freedom Aging demographics – what it means to motorcycling Paying the price of freedom The Motorcycle Riders Foundation lives and understands

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Why the American Flag is Folded 13 Times

American Flag History from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation “Have you ever wondered why the flag of the United States of America is folded 13 times when it is lowered or when it is folded and handed to the widow at the burial of a veteran? Here is the meaning of each of those folds and what it means to you.” Know why the stars are on top with the American Flag taking a different shape when completely folded and all tucked in. Read the Article by Paulette Korte from Motorcycle Riders Foundation by Clicking Here. * * * * Know more about Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) at

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International Motorcycling Advocate Deb Butitta Dies in Crash

June 4, 2022: International Motorcycling Advocate Deb Butitta Dies in Arizona Crash It is with a heavy heart and a great sense of loss that the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) shares the passing of Deborah Butitta. Deb had been committed to serving and protecting motorcyclists’ rights at the state, federal and international levels during the last four decades. Deb was taken from us due to internal injuries suffered in a motorcycle crash after a truck turned left in front of her on June 3, 2022. Deb was particularly active with ABATE of Arizona, holding many different offices through the years, and in 2001 was selected as the first designated lobbyist for the Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (AZCMC). Deb was a member of many state motorcyclists’ rights organizations, including the MMA of Arizona. She also served on the MRF Board of Directors for many years and was instrumental in the formation of MRF A&E (Awareness and Education), a 501(c)(3) charitable, non-profit organization created to assist the MRF in providing resources to promote motorcycle awareness and ‘share the road’ programs, along with all aspects of motorcycle safety education including rider training. A highly successful businesswoman in her own right, Deb was extremely well connected, not only in the motorcycling community and industry, but legislatively and in some very influential social circles as well. These relationships were of incredible value to the bikers of Arizona and the entire country. Deb’s accolades and awards are many, including being inducted into the MRF Hall of Fame in 2020 and the Sturgis Hall of Fame and Museum in 2021. Deb is a past winner of the MRF President’s Cup (2003), the MRF Founder’s Award (2017), and the MRF Lifetime Achievement Award (2020). Among her many other duties, Deb served as the MRF’s State Representative for

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Remember them for their Sacrifice – Memorial Day 2022

This Memorial Day weekend take a moment and remember the sacrifices made by many while fighting for the freedoms each of us enjoy everyday. In streets across our nation traditional motorcycle events honoring those lost in military service will be held. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are forever grateful to our brothers and sisters lost defending the freedoms we cherish. As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Message from MRF: As we spend time with family and friends, let’s all take a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country Free. We at the MRF wish you and yours a safe and happy Memorial Day. Visit: About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. * * * * We all at honor and remember our brothers and sisters in the Armed Forces. Keep America Free. Keep Riding Free Forever.

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Bikers Inside the Beltway 2022: Demand reaches room capacity!

Demand reaches room capacity! – Hotel booked up! Bikers Inside the Beltway – “Let us refuse to be silent! Speaking freely is a decisive step forward on the road to freedom” — Leyla Zana “Speaking freely” since its first orchestrated visit with members of Congress in 1989, is exactly what the Motorcycle Riders Foundation does. And the results are evident in the MRF’s history of legislative accomplishments. Participatory democracy is what the MRF is all about. Bikers Inside the Beltway is a 13-year exercise in participatory democracy. Biker’s Inside the Beltway is about making a difference. You still have time to make a difference and let your voice be heard when you attend Bikers Inside the Beltway on May 17! Protecting the rights of motorcyclists is not just a collection of words in a press release any more than leaving your motorcycle parked in your garage is about riding. Profiling, E-15 (ethanol fuel), autonomous vehicles, all part of the present and future of motorcycling. The MRF’s legislative agenda is a result of input from motorcyclists with the directions to take care of business on Capitol Hill. That’s what Bikers Inside the Beltway is all about. The MRF understands motorcycling, motorcyclists’ rights, and what it takes to keep the siege against your rights, your freedom, your lifestyle, and yes, your motorcycle at bay. However, participatory democracy works best with participants. Your participation in Bikers Inside the Beltway is needed now. Your visit to Congress does make a difference. In 2021, co-sponsors on MRF supported legislation rose over 20 percent during Bikers Inside the Beltway. Numbers make a difference. Currently, there are almost ninety co-sponsors on H. Res 366 – an anti-profiling resolution. By joining other freedom loving motorcyclists, you can help increase those co-sponsors and the resolution can move forward. Day

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Just 10 days before Bikers Inside the Beltway: MRF Update

Dear colleague… With just 10 days before Bikers Inside the Beltway, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is gearing up to take our message to Capitol Hill. Co-Chairman of the House Motorcycle Caucus, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), has already started greasing the wheels for our arrival. This week he sent a letter to all 434 of his colleagues in the House of Representatives asking for support on the issue of motorcyclist profiling. Known as a “Dear Colleague Letter” this tactic allows lawmakers to contact each and every member of the House and ask for support. In this case Rep. Walberg is asking for his fellow Representatives to cosponsor H. Res 366. H. Res 366 is one of the major agenda items MRF members will be pushing when they meet with their elected officials in D.C. This action by Rep. Walberg means no congressional office can now honestly say, “I’ve never heard about this motorcyclist profiling issue.” Thank you for your leadership, Representative Walberg! Below is the full text of Rep. Walberg’s letter: * * * * “May 4, 2022 Dear colleague, May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. As the co-chair of the House Motorcycle Caucus, I am proud to represent the nearly 10 million motorcyclists in this country. Motorcycles and motorcyclists not only represent an important part of our transportation network but are also an iconic part of the fabric of Americana. Over the years numerous motorcyclists have reached out to my office and others to discuss their concerns over the profiling of motorcyclists. In response to these concerns, myself, Congressman Burgess (TX), Congresswoman Bustos (IL) and Congressman Pocan (WI) introduced H. Res. 366 a resolution that promotes awareness of motorcyclist profiling and encourages collaboration between the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling. As of this week,

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MRF Feather Flags were flying today!!

The sun came out for the first time – Since I got them home. This weekend they will be going to work in Woodstock, IL. The shortest the Flags are is 12 foot, I was standing with them in two pictures just to show you all just how tall they are. (“I’m 6’5”) They can only be printed on one side, but do bleed over, and are noticeable on the back side too. Bought the Feather Flags at Feather Flags & Banners | 30% OFF & Free Shipping ( Website: I know that there are other companies out there, but this is the one I picked. Four Kit’s 12 foot tall, with two ground stakes, & two hard floor stands, four plan white flags. Came to $332.66 Shipped to my door. Then I took the plan white flags to Elliott Graphix. $35.00 each for $140.00 to print them up this way. So for a grand total of $472.66 I’m ready to rock and roll. (“If you do this too. Work with your local print shop.”) I already have five other sets of Feather Flags, for ABATE, SALES, WELCOME, & Red, White, and Blue flags. with stands. I’m going to make my outside MRF table stand out this summer, if inside and the ceiling is tall enough? There too!!. Shooting for that traveling flag, Iowa!! I’m giving it my best shot, to take it away from you and bring it home to Illinois!! Yes I am!! What do the Chicago Clubs always say? Well maybe next year? If I don’t make it this year. MOTM 2022 in Des Moines IA will tell the final story. I might even surprise myself with my numbers and State’s too!! “Ride Safe, Ride Smart, Ride Often, Ride Home!!” Dennis “Cleaver” Yeager Beowulf M.C. LTD

MRF Feather Flags were flying today!! Read More »

MRF Update: Paving the Way & Rolling Toward Washington, D.C.

BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY ! THE VOICE OF BIKERS IN WASHINGTON ! The groundwork to pave the metaphorical roads to Washington D.C. and Capitol Hill took time and commitments from freedom loving motorcyclists from throughout the country. Individual attendance to Bikers Inside the Beltway, less than a month away, makes a difference in accomplishing our legislative goals. Yes, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is rolling toward Washington. Yes, since 2009 the MRF has hosted Bikers Inside the Beltway, a grassroots tradition orchestrated by SMROs that began with just as much determination but without a name in 1989. The MRF has brought over a thousand motorcyclists to Washington to meet with their members of Congress with the sole mission of promoting a legislative agenda that continues to successfully become law on behalf of all street riding motorcyclists. Those visits are effective. Members of Congress know that it is not easy for constituents to make the trip to Washington, D.C. And when constituents from a well-known organization such as the Motorcycle Riders Foundation venture to Washington to meet with their congressional delegation, members of Congress tend to listen. Your personal visit to Congress does make a difference. Co-sponsors on legislation the MRF supported rose over 20 percent during Bikers Inside the Beltway in 2021. Numbers make a difference. Currently, there almost ninety co-sponsors on H. Res 366 – an anti-profiling resolution. By joining other freedom loving motorcyclists, you can help increase those co-sponsors so that those numbers make an even greater difference. The MRF’s legislative agenda – beyond the three items listed below — recommended and approved by SMRO leaders at the 2021 Meeting of the Minds, is not all-inclusive. News items during the past two weeks have repeatedly demonstrated why the following items are at the top of the MRF’s legislative agenda

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