Sons of Speed has always been an enjoyable event for me to attend and cover. I really like that people have taken the time to keep these classic motorcycles running and even more to the point, actually racing them. This event is exploding
I am not the only one who feels that way, the event was packed. Attendance was up and so were the new classes and number of riders racing.

Races have several different classes for types of engines.

I ended up in Shelly Rossmeyer’s Pit watching Berry Wardlaw, Chuck Kennedy and Rebel Glover keep her bike running in top condition. Prior to the race Shelly’s bike went to Berry’s shop Accurate Engineering in Dothan, Alabama for tuning and runs on the new racing dyno he recently installed. They found some problems, when running on the dyno, fixed them and the end result is her bike ran the best it has ever performed.
While the races are the big thing, it was also a time to see friends and get to spend some time with them and catch up

Chris Callen, the emperor of Cycle Source was in the pits next to us. He’s gone from helping with the races to working the pits and this year entered a bike. He ran 28 second laps and won a couple of heats and made the main event. He’ll be back.

In the final race of the day Moonshiner Josh Owens crashed coming out of turn 3 and received serious injuries and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
At the time of this writing he is recovering. Friend and brother racer Freddie Bollwage reported on his condition.
Josh has two broken legs, both kneecaps, ankle, broken neck and lower back injury. He had surgery and is alert and doing well considering the extent of his injuries. There was no head trauma or internal bleeding.
Freddie thanked everyone for their prayers. Please keep them coming.
There will be a Go Fund Me set up in the near future to help with the hospital expenses and recovery. We will keep you informed as we get more information,
I’ll be back next year, can’t miss it!