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S&S ANNOUNCES RESULTS OF AHDRA SPONSORED CLASSES-SURDYKE MIDWEST NATIONALS–MADISON, IL (September 4, 2005) S&S Cycle, official sponsor of the AHDRA Pro Stock, Pro Gas, Super Sport and S&S 124 Challenge classes, announces the following summary and results from the Surdyke Midwest Nationals, presented by Drag Specialties.
Labor Day is the last big weekend of the summer and the crowd at the Surdyke Midwest Nationals presented by Drag Specialties was treated to enough excitement to last until next summer. “This is the first time that the AHDRA has hosted a national event at this race track. Gateway International Raceway is a first class facility and, hopefully, this event will become the next Labor Day Classic,” said Ted Grabowski , Race Technician for S&S Cycle. “It was really great to see long-time S&S customer, Mike Lozano, in the winner’s circle. This win should lock up the 2005 S&S Cycle Pro Gas Championship for him.”
Winners of the S&S sponsored classes this weekend were as follows:
Pro Stock:
P. Smith .094 R.T. 7.680 E.T. 174.44 mph
M. Collier Broke
Pro Gas:
M. Lozano .070 7.564 173.85
F. Collis .049 7.615 177.98
Super Sport:
M. Harrison .035 10.570 115.11
J. Holiday .057 10.593 120.09
S&S 124 Challenge
M. Ray .056 11.639 83.77
J. Sternotti foul 15.043 75.94
The next scheduled AHDRA event is the Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts Nationals, October 15-16, 2005 in Rockingham , NC . Visit <> for more information.
BIG DOG HOUSTON GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE–Dear Customers and Friends,It is with deep regret that we must announce the closing of our motorcycledealership, Big Dog Motorcycles of Houston. The past eight-years have been funand we have made a lot of great friends. Over the past year the toll-roadconstruction, a slow down in luxury item sales, burglaries, other economicfactors and finally a move, have taken their toll on our business.
Our plan is to have a BIG LIQUIDATION SALE over the next 30-days.The sale will begin this Tuesday, September 6th and will continue untileverything in the store and our warehouse is sold. In addition to great dealson parts, accessories and bikes, we will consider offers onfurniture, fixtures, tools and equipment.
The service department will remain open to complete all work in processand any minor repairs that might be taken in and completed on a dailybasis.
All recent bike sales transactions will continue to be licensed andfinalized until complete.
The manufacturer, Big Dog Motorcycles, LLC in Wichita, KS, has alreadybegun to qualify one or more BIG DOG WARRANTY & SERVICE CENTERS in theHouston area. We will let you know who they decide on as soon as thedecision has been made.
Once again…thanks to all of you who have supported us over the years.We appreciate ALL of you!
Debbie, Bert & Lee
Big Dog Motorcycles
16205 Westheimer
Suite 200
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 752-6966
–from Rogue
KATRINA REPORT FROM LOUISIANA–I sent a message to ABATE of LA’s President, Poet, to make sure he is ok after Katrina ripped through. I heard back from him today and I asked him what we could do to help the bikers of Louisiana. Below is his response, followed by an address where funds can be sent.-Rogue
I know there are many ways to help the people of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida in the wake of what Katrina has left or NOT left behind. I send this as an option for those who would like to specifically help the bikers of LA. I know it will be greatly appreciated.
On a personal note, I would add that when Virginia learned Col. Champagne of LA. was coming to our capitol to testify against our helmet bill, I contacted ABATE of LA. and talked with Poet, Laddie, and many others. Each of them went out of their way to provide information we could use during the testimony.
When we needed help from ABATE of LA., all we had to do was ask. They were all over it and stayed in touch every step of the way. Bikers counting on bikers and bikers helping bikers. That’s what it’s all about.
After assessing the situation and the logistics involved it would seemthat cash donations are the easiest. If they are made they should be made to ourOrganization so they may be disbursed within the motorcycling community basedon the greatest needs. There are many who are displaced, hungry, thirsty, andin dire need of financial assistance to meet these needs. Let me know what youplan to do and I’ll coordinate the efforts here, anything is better thannothing especially to those who have nothing left. Thank you for showing you care.Any donations should go to our Corporate address so the treasurer canhandle it. The address is P.O. Box 541 St Amant, La. 70774. The MRO’s, orindividuals sending them, will be given credit for their donations (not Abate Of La.)and these donations will be used strictly for members of the motorcyclingcommunity here in La.
State Executive President
Abate Of La., Inc

BIKERNET’S HIDDEN POLICE CAR CAM– The following were snatched from actual police cars.
#15 “Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they’re new. They’ll stretchout after you wear them awhile.”
#14 “Take your hands off the car, and I’ll make your birth certificate aworthless document.”
#13 “If you run, you’ll only go to jail tired.”
#12 “Can you run faster than 1,200 feet per second? In case you didn’tknow, that is the average speed of a 9mm bullet fired from my gun.”
#11 “So you don’t know how fast you were going. I guess that means I canwrite anything I want on the ticket, huh?”
#10 “Yes, Sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don’t thinkit will help. Oh .. did I mention that I am the shift supervisor?”
#9 “Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I’m warning you not to do thatagain or I’ll give you another ticket.”
#8 “The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunkor not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?”
#7 “Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go toride on rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey $#*!.”
#6 “Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toasteroven.”
#5 “In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.”
#4 “Just how big were those two beers?”
#3 “No sir we don’t have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas but nowwe’re allowed to write as many tickets as we want.”
#2 “I’m glad to hear the Chief of Police is a good personal friend ofyours. At least you know someone who can post your bail.”
and the best one . . . . .
#1 “You didn’t think we give pretty women tickets? . You’re right, wedon’t. .. Sign here.”

NEW SAMSON CALIBER HIGH PERFORMANCE MUFFLERS–Caliber? High Performance Exhaust is now introducing the all new top of the line Caliber Slip-on Mufflers. These amazing mufflers were designed to fit all V-Rods and Street Rods. These Slip-on Mufflers have a suggested retail price of $ 399.95, which is less expensive than a complete full set. Every Caliber Exhaust has extra emphasis on performance, quality and style.

The Slip-0n Mufflers come complete with a one piece heat shield that looks better and provides superior protection. This particular heat shield was specifically designed to give the muffler a distinctive and classy look. Also included is a patented Veritech Baffle that constantly scavenges away spent fuel away from the engine while at the same time it increases exhaust gas velocity which greatly enhances low and mid-range torque. Chromed billet end caps, which are engraved “Caliber” on the end gives a quality finished look and lets everyone know that you have the highest quality motorcycle exhaust available.
All Caliber Exhaust systems include a Full Two Year Warranty that speaks to quality and reassures customers’ peace of mind.
Samson Motorcycle Products designs, markets and manufactures premium quality motorcycle exhausts at their state of the art facilities in Anaheim, CA. Every product has been thoroughly tested to improve performance, enhance appearance and give the sound customers are looking for. As the industry leader in aftermarket exhaust, every part is inspected for the highest quality standards.
Samson Motorcycle Products markets products under the Samson?, Caliber? and Shogun? Brand Names. For more information visit our website

HANG ON, STURGIS 65TH STATS– It has already become part of the legend of the Rally itself.If you missed it, you can always lie to yourself and the grandkids. They’llnever know as there were an estimated 525,250 people that did make it. Yep,over 1/2 million people came out for theparty/riding/rendezvous/concerts/beer/women/men/party.
Did I mention theparty? Well more like a 100,000 parties, all going on at the same time.5 years from now there will be over a million people that will claim “I wasthere!” 🙂
Ok, Here are the facts and figures (and some out-right guesses too).These stats will also be online at
Estimated Attendance:
1990 – 50th – 400,000
2000 – 60th – 633,000
2002 – 62nd – 450,000
2003 – 63rd – 502,000
2004 – 64th – 514,951
2005 – 65th – 525,250
Marriage Licenses Issued:
1990 – 50th – 179
2000 – 60th – 197
2002 – 62nd – 110
2003 – 63rd – 100
2004 – 64th – 133
2005 – 65th – 109
Vendor Licenses Issued: Sturgis/Meade County
1990 – 50th – 243/307
2000 – 60th – 943/187
2002 – 62nd – 806/136
2003 – 63rd – 848/165
2004 – 64th – 863/222
2005 – 65th – 901/287Rally Related Deaths: SD per SD Highway Patrol & Meade Co. Sheriffs Office
1990 – 50th – 11
2000 – 60th – 10
2002 – 62nd – 8
2003 – 63rd – 6
2004 – 64th – 4
2005 – 65th – 6Felony Drug Arrests – Sturgis Police Dept.
2000 – 60th – 56
2002 – 62nd – 8
2003 – 63rd – 8
2004 – 64th – 16
2005 – 65th – 17Misdemeanor Drug Arrests – Sturgis Police Dept.
2000 – 60th – 307
2002 – 62nd – 111
2003 – 63rd – 84
2004 – 64th – 97
2005 – 65th – 110
Must have been good shit on the streets in 2000.–BanditArrests for Non-Traffic Violations – Sturgis Police Dept.
2000 – 60th – 264
2002 – 62nd – 250
2003 – 63rd – 230
2004 – 64th – 248
2005 – 65th – 258Traffic Violations – Sturgis Police Dept.
2000 – 60th – 500
2002 – 62nd – 149
2003 – 63rd – 172
2004 – 64th – 145
2005 – 65th – 115Jailed – Meade Co. Sheriff
2000 – 60th – 111
2002 – 62nd – 140
2003 – 63rd – 374
2004 – 64th – 405
2005 – 65th – 448Hospital Emergency Room Visits:
2000 – 60th – 390
2002 – 62nd – 292
2003 – 63rd – 334
2004 – 64th – 340
2005 – 65th – 317Taxable Sales / Temporary Vendors:
1990 – 50th – 3 mil
2000 – 60th – 14.3 mil
2002 – 62nd – 13.1 mil
2003 – 63rd – 14.8 mil
2004 – 64th – 16 mil
2005 – 65th – 14.9 mil
The traffic in Sturgis this year was MUCH better… Getting in and out ofSturgis was much quicker because of the cameras and man-hours provided bythe DOT.
This seems to tell us that the Rally is continuing to expand out from thecity of Sturgis. We hear a lot of comments from people saying that they arestaying in the Black Hills and going into Sturgis a couple of times duringthe week. Maybe one day of shopping and looking, and then a concert or twoin the evenings. The rest of the time is spent riding and meeting old andnew friends in all the different areas of the Black Hills.
Stay tuned for the 66th Rally, August 7th – 13th, 2006

Just Published!?The New Up-To-Date Second Edition ofThe Motorcycle Safety Foundation?s Guide toMOTORCYCLING EXCELLENCESkills, Knowledge, and Strategies for Riding Right–Center Conway, August 2005?Whitehorse Press has just released the new, completely updated, second edition of The Motorcycle Safety Foundation?s Guide to MOTORCYCLING EXCELLENCE. This is the most authoritative book ever published on safe riding techniques and strategies for current and prospective motorcyclists who want to do it right.
Founded in 1973, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) is recognized internationally for its rider-training curriculum, which has been used worldwide by thousands of trainers in teaching more than three million motorcyclists the skills necessary to stay safe and have fun on the road. This book is the essence of what the MSF has learned about teaching students of all ages and experience levels. It is the definitive reference for the sport?a perfect refresher for anyone who has ever taken an MSF course, and an eye-opener for those who haven?t.
In a clear, engaging style with detailed diagrams and extensive full-color photographs and illustrations, the book covers rider attitude, protective riding gear, pre-ride inspection, maintenance, and troubleshooting, as well as basic and advanced street skills. Tips on how to create a ?space cushion? to avoid traffic hazards; stop quickly; counter steer for better control; manage traction; position your body for smoother, more consistent riding; travel skillfully and safely in a group; maneuver effectively and efficiently in off-highway riding; and much more, are included. The new edition also features advice from legendary racers Kevin Schwantz, Nick Ienatsch, Freddie Spencer, Rich Oliver, and Reg Pridmore, as well as contributions from Erik Buell on motorcycle geometry, Keith Code on counter steering, and Paul Thede on suspension adjustment, among other experts.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation?s hands-on Rider Courses SM have been responsible for sparking in many people a lifelong passion for motorcycling. As they remind us, ?The More You Know, The Better It Gets!? This new edition of Motorcycling Excellence provides the opportunity for every motorcyclist to discover for him or herself the thrills and joys of ?riding right? by getting the best from self and machine.
Paperback, 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches,192 pages, full color illus and photos, $24.95. Copies are available at your local bookstore, dealer, or directly from the publisher, Whitehorse Press, 107 East Conway Road, Center Conway, NH 038 13-4012. Phone toll-free 800-531-1133 or visit their web site at
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