Continued From Page 3

DISCOVERY CHANNEL FEATURES FIRST FEMALE BUILDER BUILD-OFF THIS MONDAY, PLUS BERRY WARDLAW’S 50TH BIRTHDAY–We are putting on a dealy whopper for her Discovery Channel show on Monday and doing something for my birthday. 50 years old. Many said I wouldn’t see 21. Hell, only the good die young. Right?
–Berry Wardlaw
Accurate Engineering

THE ADRENALINE CREW 2, AWAITING TRIAL– is coming to DVD September 26th! More dangerous tricks fill the 145 minutes of stunts in Adrenalin Crew’s sophomore disc. Attempting to (unsuccessfully) dodge the police, AC riders push the limit with rubber burning, wheelie riding, and skits. The carnage continues as Kenny and the crew smash back with a second round of motorized abuse. Racking up fees, fines, and jail time, the Adrenalin Crew smash, flip, burn, pillage, and utterly destroy themselves, their motorcycles, and personal vehicles, all for your viewing pleasure.

S&S? CYCLE ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF NEW SINGLE-BORE TUNED INTAKE– LA CROSSE, WI (September 27, 2006) S&S Cycle is pleased to announce the release of their new Single-Bore Tuned Intake. It will be available in chrome, wrinkle black powder coat, or natural aluminum finishes. Engine shown has chrome finish with the optional blue filters (red filters are standard). In addition to being a great companion to the S&S Single-Bore Throttle Body System, announced in July, 2006, this new intake is compatible with stock carbs, S&S carbs, and Delphi? fuel injection.
“This product is a great opportunity for more v-twin enthusiasts to easily experience the difference that S&S brings to the table,” said Kurt Peterson, Customer Support Manager for S&S. “This product not only looks great but also provides performance improvements for a wide variety of bikes that have left the showroom with stock components. It’s exciting to offer a product that’s available for so many different models, installs easily, and offers great performance enhancement without breaking the bank.”
After extensive research and testing, including the latest in computer modeling and advanced rapid prototyping development, a custom inlet port shape was created that increased power and torque across the charts. The rear-wheel power and torque curve, shown at right, proves the effectiveness of the Single Bore Tuned Intake installed on a stock 2006 Harley-Davidson? Dyna? motorcycle. The stock air box was replaced with the new S&S Single Bore Tuned Intake allowing a gain of approximately 9 horsepower and 9 ft-lbs of torque. The unique port shape for the new Single Bore Tuned Intake Runner required the need for casting techniques previously reserved for high-performance S&S cylinder heads, and is cast from the same high-strength aluminum alloy. All of this extra effort was necessary to give S&S customers the most power available from their engine.
The fastening method is also unique to the Single-Bore Tuned Intake. Instead of visible screw heads protruding from the induction system, a very difficult to reach location, customers will find two easy to reach flat head screws that fit flush with the assembly. The result is a curvaceous intake shape with no interruption and a strong, stealthy bolted joint.
Mounting brackets are available in several configurations to fit a variety of engines. They are forged and machined from 6061-T6 billet aluminum alloy and chrome plated. The mounting bracket also features passages for head breathing compatibility. This chrome-plated, billet aluminum mounting bracket is available for a number of engine types and it is designed to fit as close as possible to the cylinder heads, therefore improving fit and rider leg room.
BIKERNET ON MARRIAGE COUNSELING–A husband and wife go to a counselor after 15 years of marriage.
The counselor asks them what the problem is and the wife goes into a tirade, listing every problem they have ever had in the 15 years they’ve been married. She goes on and on and on.
Finally, the counselor gets up, goes around the desk, embraces the woman, and kisses her passionately.
The woman shuts up and sits quietly in a daze.
The counselor turns to the husband and says “That is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do that?”
The husband says, “I can bring her in on Monday and Wednesday, but on Friday I’m fishing.”
–from Art Friedman

INNER CAM BEARING TOOL for 06 DYNA AND ALL 07 BIG TWINS–George is at it again and his new INNER CAM BEARING tools are a must for any TC 88 Wrench. Designed specifically to allow for removal and installation of the inner cam bearings on 2006 DYNAS and all 2007 BIG TWINS without damaging or marring the engine case. Dual step design insures perfect alignment every time while keeping roller pins from dropping into the case.
Precision machined and finished in black oxide, the INNER CAM BEARING REMOVER retails for $98.50 and the INNER CAM BEARING INSTALLER goes for $90.95.
For complete details contact George’s Garage at 909-843-7043 or catch them on the Web at

SMART POKER RUN COMING–Come join us for SMART’s 3rd Annual Poker Run on November 12, 2006 at Peggy’s Corral (4511 U.S. Highway 41 North, Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 729-5442)!
Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. Cost is $10.00 per registrant. There will be cash prizes and 50/50! Donations and sponsorships are being accepted please contact Roni at All proceeds will go to benefit SMART.
SMART (Sarasota Manatee Association for Riding Therapy) is a member of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA).SMART is dedicated to enhancing the physical, emotional and cognitive growth of individuals with special needs through a quality educational and recreational therapeutic horseback riding and carriage driving program.
Come out and support this wonderful organization! We hope to see you there!
ROQUE INVESTIGATION TAKES A TURN– It appears that someone is using the name Rogue and taking photos at motorcycle events. We have heard this before and he even contacted Kim Peterson at In The Wind about using some of his shots.
It is my understanding that Kim set him straight on some issues.
Now he is saying that he is from Easyriders, which is definitely a lie.
I am not sure what his motive is but I expect it is not good. I think for now the best thing for me to do is inform as many people as I can of this imposter.
I am easily identifiable, have photos of me in publications and on my web site as well as tattoos on both arms. Tattoos are Motorcycle Hall Of Fame – Easyriders – Huns MC.
Please inform who ever you think needs to know about this.

AGENT ZEBRA UPDATE–Would it kill you to call me “sir” and salute once in a while? Jesus.
In Eastern Europe. Large undercover operation to help establish a coup. Hungary fell. Slovenia is next. Woke up last night in a castle, staring at a hollow suit of armor. Terrifying experience. 800-year old crossbows still worked. Had to fashion arrows out of monkey arms. Think I went deer hunting in the low Carpathians while on an opium bender . Awoke with venison on my breath and blood everywhere.
It doesn’t matter who you kill in these countries. Bail is $3 for everything. Lotta homemade wine. Tit gene perfected this far east. Amazing jugs.
Undercover Bosnia

BIKERNET PREACHER MAKES A PLEA–The Preacher explains that he must move on to a larger congregation that will pay him more.
There is a hush within the congregation. No one wants him to leave.
Joe Smith, who owns several car dealerships in the City stands up and proclaims: “If the Preacher stays, I will provide him with a new Cadillac every year and his wife with a Honda mini-van to transport their children!” The congregation sighs in appreciation, and applauds.
Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and investor, stands and say “If the Preacher will stay on here, I’ll personally double his salary, and also establish a foundation to guarantee the college education of all his children!” More sighs and loud applause..
Sadie Jones, age 88, stands and announces with a smile, “If the preacher stays, I will give him sex,” There is total silence.
The Preacher, blushing, asks her: “Mrs. Jones, whatever possessed you to say that?”
Sadie’s 90 year old husband Jake is now trying to hide, holding his forehead with the palm of his hand and shaking his head from side to side while his wife replies: “Well, I just asked my husband how we could help, and he said “Screw the Preacher.”

AMAZING TECH TIPS FROM BIKERNET–1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don’t panic.Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throatand presto, the blockage will be almost instantlyremoved.
2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicingvegetables by getting someone else to hold them whileyou chop away.
3. You can avoid arguments with the Mrs. about liftingthe toilet seat just by using the sink.
4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourselfand bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use an egg timer.
5. A mouse trap placed on top of your alarm clockwill prevent you from rolling over and going back tosleep after you hit the snooze button.
6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose oflaxatives. Then you will be afraid to cough.
7. Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with ahammer and you will forget all about the toothache.
8.Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules of life really are:
In life, you only need two tools – WD-40 and Duct Tape.
If it doesn’t move but should, use the WD-40.
If it should not move and does, use the duct tape.
9. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
10. Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.
Thought for the day:
–from BC

THE BAKER DD6: THE ULTIMATE IN SMOOTH, EFFICIENT QUALITY–HASLETT, MIIn an effort to improve the motorcycling experience for Softail, FXR, FLT, or Dyna riders who rack up the highway miles, the DD6 was born. The DD6 is a bagger’s best friend. Smoothing out the ride, reducing noise, and increasing efficiency is how a transmission can improve the existing experience. Every step has been taken to formulate the best balance of smoothness, quietness, and efficiency and engage it with quality and durability. The BAKER Direct Drive 6-Speed is the proven answer to the formula. It’s no wonder why Big Dog Motorcycles has selected this system in all their new models of motorcycles.
A Direct Power Transfer in 6th Gear = Quiet and Efficient: With a direct drive system, there are less gears making connection when cruising in 6th gear. Power essentially comes in from the motor and straight out again to your back wheel. This is the gear the most time is spent in for highway riders, so it makes sense to optimize the power flow for this gear.
Power isn’t lost by turning additional sets of gears through the gearbox and transmission fluid like conventional drive systems. In additional, that conventional method of power transfer projects unwanted gear noise too.
Helical 4th, 5th, and 6th Gears = Smooth and Quiet: A helical, or twisted, gear tooth form allows the gears to roll and slice into each other for a graceful gear connection. This design grants the smoothest feel and a quietest execution. The conventional slapping together of gears is noisier and vibrates more, but it handles more torque. That is why 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gears are still conventionally straight-cut. These are the gears that you typically rip though to get to the higher gears bear the most torque from take-off. At a certain amount of pressure, like unscrewing a bolt, helical gears put later pressure against your bearings, thus straining them. Using our dedicated drivetrain wisdom, we balance the use helical gears and straight-cut gears for optimum performance.
For Softail, FLT, FXT, and Dyna applications. Right-Side-Drive version only available on Big Dogs or BAKER 300 Wide Tire Kits.
Additional features in the DD6 include:
Chrome Trap Door with Engraved DD6 Logo
Anti-Overshift Ratchet Pawl
28-tooth compensating sprocket yields 14% more starter system torque. Longer primary chain included.
Fixed spindle shift drum for smooth, low inertia, drum indexing
Full width BAKER BAKER Ground Gears

For additional information, go online to or see page 16-18 of the BAKER 2006 catalog.

STEALTH REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–From all of us at STEALTH BIKE WORKS congratulations to Bandit and all the crew at BIKERNET for their Bonneville Salt Flats efforts!
It has been great riding weather around here lately. Temps in the mid seventies and NO humidity. The SBW crew attended bike night last night and we all had a great time. One of my favorite things at bike nights is checking bikes out but the most interesting thing is checking the people out. You can tell who is new and who has been doing this for some time. The new ones ride up with shorts and flip flops, looking like they are more suited for the beach than for riding. Evidently they have never heard of road rash! It ain’t pretty! The more seasoned riders have their gloves, jeans and proper footwear. I guess some people have to learn the hard way.

As far as the bikes there are some cool ones that show up. The bobbers are starting to be seen a lot around Charlotte. I really don’t get the bikes with the “Glow Lights,” they remind me of a Christmas tree. Ape Hangers are making a strong showing around here too. There were three bikes lastwith Apes that SBW installed. It seems that is becoming our style. Apes Hangers have always been my favorite bars. Right now we are building an Evo rigid with 20-inch Apes. It is going to be cool!
Finally, It has been a sad week with the news of Billy Lane. It is a very sad situation for all involved. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims family and a prayer for Billy as well. I am not feeling sorry for him, just sad. We all need to step back and think before we act in a split second it can all change. Some things cannot be undone.
Hey, the weather is great and the sun is out, time to burn some asphalt!
Until next week, RIDE!
Continued On Page 5