MRF/LUCAS OIL BIKE SWEEPSTAKES WINNER ANNOUNCED–At the close of a very successful 23rd Anniversary of the MotorcycleRiders Foundation (MRF) Meeting of the Minds in Cedar Rapids, Iowa thehighly anticipated drawing for the donated MRF Lucas Oil sweepstakescustom bike was held September 22nd.
The winners are MRF and ABATE of Colorado members Jim and Renee Clark ofColorado. They were not present, however the large contingent inattendance from ABATE of Colorado represented them well. Pictures of thisgroup as well as a photograph of the winners receiving the keys and thebike will be available on our website (www.mrf.org) shortly and in theupcoming issue of the MRF Reports.
The very entertaining call to thewinners recorded live to inform Jim and Renee of their new addition can beheard on www.inbradio.com in the first week of October.
During a call the next day between MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willardand Jim Clark in order to arrange pickup, Hardtail jokingly asked Jim ifhe thought he could handle the 140HP fire breathing S&S powered custompro street bike and Jim replied by stating he was sure he could since itwould be parked next to his 190HP drag racing bike.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation would like to once again thank thefollowing people and companies who played a major role in thissweepstakes: The Lucas Family and Lucas Oils, Lucas Cycles and the buildteam led by Master Builder James Crain, Easyriders and V-Twin magazinesand Bike Shows, Michael “Balls” Farabaugh of Michael Farabaugh Studios andLucas Oils, DRM Framelock, the MRF Lucas bike transportation team, and toJohn Pierce, Deb Butitta, Marc Falsetti, Miles France, Eric Hampton, andSarah Muckenhoupt of the MRF for all their hard work to pull this off.
And lastly we would like to thank all of our MRF members, our MRF StateRepresentatives, and to all of our State Motorcycle Rights Organizationpartners who embraced and promoted this program so well. In recognition ofyour efforts we are pleased to announce that today our membership standsat an all time high.

UNIVERSAL HIGH TUNNEL CHOPPER TANKS– Once again Paughco has you covered when it comes to real deal chopper tanks that are as functional as they are cool looking. Shown here is one of their latest additions to the popular High Tunnel line of universal gas tanks for custom applications.
This particular unit boasts a 4 gallon capacity but other are available in 3.5 and 4.6 gallon capacities.. Designed primarily for bikes with stretched back bones they feature retro Tear Drop styling and are fit with stock style screw in filler vent (cap not included) and 22mm external threads on the petcock bung.
The 4 gallon tank measures 21″Lx 12″W x 9″D. Tunnel is 5 ” deep and 3″ wide and centerline hole-to-hole on the mounting brackets is 22″.
Retail is just $299.95 and the caps go for $18.95. For complete details call 775-246-5738 or catch them on line at

PAUL YAFFE WRECKS, SURVIVES AND WILL TRY TO MAKE THE SMOKE OUT WEST– I had a damn good wreck last week, and I’m still healing up. I might have to travel to Seattle on business over that weekend? So, if I don’t have to go to Seattle and my bones have healed enough for a ride, I’ll be there…On your favorite bike.
Can I still hang with you guys???I sent you a few pictures of the bike…I broke it in half!!!
Who needs an ego or self esteem anyway???!!! Mine’s now gone and I hardly feel any difference!
On a biz note, I am launching my new bagger web site next week. I’ll send you info. Still alot of work to do before next week.
Hope all is well…Have a great ride out here! The weather just got Kick Ass!!!

A CELEBRATION OF DESIGN EXCELLENCE AT BIG TWIN WEST– The leading showcase of one-off bikes that speaks to the unique lifestyle and individuality of the custom market is looking for builders. Big Twin Customs Invitational recognizes custom builders who are leading the industry with their innovative designs and concepts on an international level.
Only 200 builders will be chosen to participate in this premier invitation-only bike showcase held at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Phoenix, Arizona during Big Twin West and the Phoenix stop of the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows? presented by Toyota.
Submit Your Bike Today! We’ve made it easy ? you can now submit your bike online, by mail or by fax. Online : Mail/Fax: Deadline to enter: October 8, 2007 Awards While Big Twin Customs Invitational is not a competition or a contest, we realize that everyone likes recognition for their work. In that spirit, we will be honoring builders with ?best of?? honors in six categories: Best Paint Make Your Move Showcase your bike in front of over 25,000 Big Twin dealers and enthusiasts over a 4 day period. Meet with manufacturers interested in partnership ventures and cross-promotional opportunities with the rising stars of the custom market. Questions? Kathryn Groble BIKERNET UNIVERSITY HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT STUDY-GUN CONTROL– In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded upand exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, atotal of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defendthemselves were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, wererounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981,100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were roundedup and exterminated. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979,300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded upand exterminated. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, onemillion ‘educated’ people, unable to defend themselves, wererounded up and exterminated. Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Centurybecause of gun control: 56 million. During W.W.II the Japanese decided not to invade America becausethey knew most Americans were ARMED! –from Bob Clark ATTENTION ALL RIDERS…NATIONWIDE CALL-TO-ACTION FROM ABATE OF IOWA…PLEASE ACT NOW–ABATE OF IOWA is calling on all American motoryclists concerned about their Right-to-Ride to contact their U.S. Senators and Representatives and request that Congress initiate proceedings to reduce or eliminate the budgets of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) and the National Transportation Safety Board (“NTSB”) on the grounds that they are (a) illegally conspiring to circumvent the state lobbying restrictions placed on NHTSA by TEA-21 (the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century), and (b) irresponsibly wasting millions of taxpayers dollars focusing on an issue that constitutes only a minor portion of overall traffic injuries and fatalities. Here is their agenda… http://tinyurl.com/2tmgj6 PLEASE use the links below to find and contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives TODAY. And when you do, please remember that the issue here is NOT the utility of helmets, and goes FAR beyond the futility of helmet laws. So don’t focus on freedom of choice, letting riders decide, or how much you enjoy the wind in your hair. Instead, please focus on the fact that NHTSA and the NTSB are operating illegally and irresponsibly, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on misguided agendas, and that it is time for Congress to tighten the purse strings and rein in these rogue federal agencies! –From: Steve Eggleston BIKERNET TRIBUTE TO BROTHERS AND SISTERS OVERSEAS–Come home safe brothers! –Whiplash Biker Photog ANNUAL DESERT KNIGHTS OF AMERICA MC VETERAN’S DAY POKER RUN–We’d like to invite everyone to come out and ride in the 2nd Annual Desert Knights of America MC Veteran’s Day Poker Run! We’ll be starting at Renegade Classics in Woodbridge, and riding through some of the most scenic countryside in Northern Virginia. You won’t want to miss it! All proceeds will benefit the Fisher House – there’s no better day to support our veterans than on Veteran’s Day, Sunday, November 11, 2007! Registration starts at 10:00 a.m., and wheels up at 11:15. Check out our website at –Chuck OFFICIAL OPEN LETTER TO THE READERS OF BIKERNET FROM WILDMAN CUSTOMS–Be very aware that this message could contain nudity and strong language: “CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE WILDMANSCUSTOMS.COM” That’s it. There ain’t no mo’. BRUCE ON BIKERS RIGHTS–THERE ARE MORE THAN 18 WAYS TO SHUT’EM UP (Help Me Pick the Winner of our HANG UP AND DRIVE Contest!)–On 13 September 2007, I sent a letter to National Transportation Safety Board (“NTSB”) Chairman Mark Rosenker in which I pointed out that restricting cager cellphone conversations could have saved as many as 10,660 lives in 2006, which is about 15 times more than would’ve been saved by lidding every rider in the land: http://tinyurl.com/2jcefx But the calls continue … and so does my call for Mr. Rosenker’s resignation. One reason we delay in dealing with this deadly distraction is the slippery slope argument that there are many other sources of distraction that are equally dangerous. In other words, why single out talking on a cellphone as opposed to eating a burger, drinking coffee, fiddling with the radio, flirting with your date, or yelling at the kids? Are cellphone conversations really more distracting and deadly than any of these? Well, the cellphone industry certainly wants us to think the answer to the last question is “No.”… …but as Malcolm Gladwell and David Strayer explain, the true answer is “Yes!”: “This is a common problem in driving. Talking on a cell phone and trying to drive, for instance, is not unlike trying to count passes in a basketball game and simultaneously keep track of wandering animals. ‘When you get into a phone conversation, it’s different from the normal way we have evolved to interact,’ David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah, says. ‘Normally, conversation is face to face. There are all kinds of cues. But when you are on the phone you strip that away. It’s virtual reality. You attend to that virtual reality, and shut down processing of the here and now.’ Strayer has done tests of people who were driving and talking on phones, and found that they remember far fewer things than those driving without phones. Their field of view shrinks. In one experiment, he flashed red and green lights at people while they were driving, and those on the phone missed twice as many lights as the others, and responded far more slowly to those lights ghts they did see. ‘We tend to find the biggest deficits in unexpected events, a child darting onto the road, a light changing,’ Strayer says. Last month, I posed that question to our readers in form of a contest. Here was the offer… “IF YOU HAVE ANY SERIOUS, ORIGINAL, FEASIBLE AND LEGITIMATE IDEAS AS TO WHAT ACTIONS AMERICAN MOTORCYCLISTS CAN TAKE ON THE STREETS TO ENCOURAGE CAGERS TO HANG UP AND DRIVE AND/OR PENALIZE THOSE WHO DON’T, PLEASE POST IT ONLINE HERE:” “THE CONTRIBUTOR OF THE BEST QUALIFYING IDEA POSTED NO LATER THAN 15 SEPTEMBER 2007 WILL RECEIVE A CASH PRIZE OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00). ALL ENTRIES WILL BE JUDGED BY BRUCE ARNOLD, WHO WILL ANNOUNCE THE WINNER AND MAKE THE AWARD BY 15 OCTOBER 2007.”You will find the totality of our contest submissions posted here:http://tinyurl.com/2j429z We promised to announce a winner by Monday, 15 October, so please post your votes to our forum no later than midnight ET on Sunday, 14 October 2007. Until Next Time … Ride Long, Ride Free! –Bruce Arnold Where’s that zero tolerance bullshit when it comes to talking on cell phones and killing people? –Renegade VANCE & HINES PRO PIPE FROM METRIC THUNDER– Metric Thunder has the Vance & Hines Pro Pipe available The Pro Pipe is 100% blue proof. From its 2-1/8″ header and collector heat shields, to its new full coverage megaphone heat shield, Pro Pipe BP carries on the heritage of track proven performance, now with a blue proof chrome finish. Includes mounts for factory O2 Sensors. Checkout Metric Thunder’s V&H Pro Pipes here and all of their V-Twin pipes? always on a discount and normally available within a day of shipping. –Jeff Najar HORSES MORE DEADLY THAN MOTORCYCLES–Hour-per-hour more equestrians are seriously hurt, study showsThat is the surprising revelation of a new study from researchers at the University of Calgary.Equally surprising is that those being hurt and killed are not rookie equestrians but, in large part, veteran riders. “If you’re 47 years old, a good experienced rider and it’s sunny out, you can still get seriously hurt or die,” said Rob Mulloy, an assistant professor at the University of Calgary and co-author of the study. The reason this happens, he said, is that “horses are independent beings with their own agenda.” Not to mention that horses weigh up to 500 kilograms, move at a speed of up to 65 kilometres an hour, elevate riders up to three metres above ground and kick with a force of nearly one ton. The research, published in the American Journal of Surgery, is based on a decade of trauma data collected at Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. From 1995 to 2005, there were 7,941 trauma patients at Foothills, including 151 who were severely injured while horseback riding. Seven per cent of the riders died of their injuries and 45 per cent required surgery, the study said. “For many of the people we interviewed, their riding accident was a life-changing moment,” said Jill Ball, an occupational therapist at Foothills and co-author of the study. She said that, while she grew up riding horses, the research has changed her perspective on the safety of the sport and the need for protection. “I now wear a helmet and vest when I go riding,” Ms. Ball said. The hospital admission rate associated with horse-riding injuries is 0.49 per 1,000 hours, compared to a rate of 0.14 per 1,000 hours of motorcycle riding, according to the research. Among those treated for traumatic equestrian injuries, only 9 per cent had been wearing a helmet. Thirty-one per cent wore other protective equipment, such as Kevlar vests. Almost half of all riders who were seriously injured (48 per cent) suffered head injuries, and 54 per cent suffered chest injuries. Most riders were hurt by falling or being thrown from the horse, followed by being stomped or kicked. In Western riding there is a tradition of wearing a cowboy hat rather than a helmet. In English riding, a helmet is the norm. Dr. Mulloy said he takes comfort in the fact that about half of rodeo riders now wear helmets and a large number of cowboys who drive cattle out of the hills are also helmeted. By ANDR? PICARD,From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail Continued On Page 4
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