Continued From Page 3

THE ORIGINAL #1 BEST SELLING CUSTOM BIKE BUILDING DVD PACKAGE– has “bulked-up” and gotten bigger and stronger than ever! Inside of this huge, information packed, DVD program you will discover how you can apply the same proven techniques and strategies the show-winning professional custom bike builders use and how to easily apply them to your own project. Watching this intensive information package will give you an up close, realistic view of the complete building process from the initial mock-up stage all the way through to starting it up and riding it down the road!
BUT THAT’S NOT ALL… The newly updated package for ’07 contains several ALL NEW “must have” features and tools every bike builder should own if they are serious about getting the job done correctly! To learn more, go to:

AWESOME TRIBAL LEVERS FROM AEROMACH–Matched to a bike’s TRIBAL theme or run “ala cart,” these awesome TRIBAL LEVERS from AEROMACH are going to make a lasting impression. Sporting serious attitude and superior quality workmanship, TRIBAL LEVERS provide both form and function. Edges forming the grip area are rounded for comfort and precise actuation. CNC machined from T6 extruded aluminum, the levers are offered in both show quality chrome and anodized black.
Designed for fitting to factory controls found on 1996-2006 Harleys with manual and hydraulic clutch mechanisms the levers are also compatible with many custom machines produced by Big Dog, American Iron Horse, Saxon and others. Retail price for the new TRIBAL LEVERS is $139.95 per pair. For complete fitment details contact Aeromach Manufacturing at 800-990-9392 or catch them on the Web at

CUSTOM PAINTED CAST–When my friend Ken Dollinger, who is Justice of the Peace in Beaumont Texas was recently hit by a car while riding his motorcycle he had Famous Custom Bike Builder Sonny Keeton Paint his cast.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

CHARITY POKER RUN FOR TODD EUBANKS–Hello, my name is Sue Tomei. My nephew, Todd Eubanks, has recently been diagnosed with cancer and we are running a Poker Run in Honor of him on September 30, 2006. We are asking for donations to raffle off, attached is a flyer with more information. All donations can be mailed to the bar that is sponsering the Poker Run:
My House
C/O Todd Eubanks
403 Lawerence Ave.
Ellwood City, Pa, 16117

VALERIE THOMPSON SPONSORED BY MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS AND BIKERNET.COM– Sets Land Speed RecordThompson runs her Harley close to 150 mph for new A-PF 2000 class record.
CARLSBAD, Calif., (Sept. 8, 2006) Monster Energy’s Valerie Thompson put Keith Ball’s 5-Ball Racing Harley into the record books yesterday, claiming her first World Land Speed Record at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.
The FIM/AMA Sports International Motorcycle Speed Trials by BUB featured all sorts of size, shape and displacement motorcycles vying for records. In the A-PF 2000 class, Thompson piloted the 120- inch pan head Harley to a combined two-run world record speed of 141.308 mph (137.150 and 145.647).
“I’d definitely like to thank Monster for its support and am pleased I could deliver the world record this past week at Bonneville, said Thompson. “A special thanks also to Keith Ball at 5-Ball Racing for building me this wonderful bike to race. The entire week ranks as a very special time for me in my motorcycle racing career.”
To check out more on Monster Energy?s world record holding Valerie Thompson, visit her website at And for more info on the bike and 5-Ball racing, visit
Please visit us online at
Hope the salt was nice. IT RUNS! Need VIN verified and insurance but at least the reg is started. This is just the parking lot at Joel’s shop. Sure was fun though.

ADVANCE STAR POWERSPORTS DEALER MAGAZINE–Exposure. With distribution to over 135,000 enthusiasts, Powersports Magazine delivers your ad directly to the consumer’s hand. This means that only ONE ad buy gives you national exposure to the most qualified consumer audience in the industry.
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61% plan to buy a motorcycle within one year
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The consumers who read Powersports Magazine are active enthusiasts with the resources to pursue their interest. They look to the magazine for next year’s trends and product information as they make their purchasing decisions.
Distribution:As the Official Show Directory for the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows® presented by Toyota, Powersports Magazine is handed out to at all 13 Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows presented by Toyota around the U.S. Total Distribution: 135,000
Ad Close: September 14, 2006
Materials Due: October 4, 2006
Contact your Sales Representative today! Tim Lee Jason DeSarle Rebecca Mitchell Jenny Rauh Everytime I look at magazine numbers and the cost to advertise I compare Bikernet. We have on average 250,000 individual enthusiasts come to our site monthly. They come over a half million times for on average 10 million hits a month. Our sponsorship rates allow sponsors to have up to 100 pages on Bikernet for $600 a month. A banner costs $50 a month. The site is up and available to the world 24/7 and we launch info daily. The downfall is that we have one sales representative and he’s drunk most of the time. We’ll fix you up though: BUELL ANNOUNCES SUPPORT OF NEW MOTO-ST ENDURANCE SERIES–EAST TROY, Wis. (September 7, 2006) – Buell Motorcycle Company recently announced support for the new MOTO-ST endurance racing series, which will begin with the 8-Hours at Daytona on October 21, 2006. Buell will be the presenting sponsor of the MOTO-ST SuperSport Twins (SST) class and will offer $10,000 of contingency support to privateer Buell racers aboard XB and XBRR model motorcycles at the inaugural Daytona event. The Buell contingency bolsters the $100,000 total event purse recently announced by MOTO-ST. “We’re really excited about the MOTO-ST endurance series and we’re proud to support the privateer Buell racers who will step up to the challenge,” said Erik Buell, Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of Buell Motorcycle Company. “Endurance racing is a true test of man and machine and the sights and sounds of all those V-Twins thundering around the high banks of Daytona for eight hours is going to be awesome.” Buell will award Buell racers in the SuperSport Twins class with $2,000 to win; $1,000 for second; $750 for third; $500 for fourth; and $350 for fifth. Buell racers in the GrandSport Twins and Sport Twins class will receive $1,000 to win; $750 for second; $500 for third; $300 for fourth and $200 for fifth. Complete details of the $700,000-plus 2006 Buell contingency program, including the racer registration form, are available at MOTO-ST is organized by Professional Motorsports Productions of Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) of Pickerington, Ohio. The Grand American Road Racing Association, based in Daytona Beach, Fla., provides the series with administrative and commercial support. The MOTO-ST advisory board features some of the most respected individuals in the world of motorsports, including AMA Hall of Fame members, respected motorcycle racing journalists and renowned officials from various forms of road racing AVON TYRE QUESTION OF THE WEEK–I Need good tips for mounting and balancing a tire? –James Dolittle When mounting a new tire begin by making certain the rim has been thoroughly cleaned. It may require a wire brush. If you leave the speck of old rubber, rust or dirt (even as little as .04 of an inch) the result may be a variation force of 11 lbs. And this may cause motorcycle tires to wobble. Next, lubricate the tire and rim to allow the new tire to seat itself. Lubricating the tire is not done just to help you get the tire on the rim. Lubrication allows the tire to seat itself. Trying to mount a tire without cleaning the rim and lubricating the beads is like trying to put on a dry sock over a wet leg; you can’t get the darn thing straight; it doesn’t line up; all the ribs are crooked. Now some people don’t care if the ribs on their socks are crooked. I happen to like mine straight. If you try to mount a motorcycle tire without thoroughly lubricating both beads you stand a good chance of mounting it “tweaked”. This is because when the beads first come in contact with the rim, there’s tension. If the beads don’t slide back and become comfortably seated they will be straining to get straight for the rest of the tire’s life. This may cause wobbling and lower mileage so make sure that both beads are thoroughly lubricated with a good commercial lubricant. Soap and water may also be used but be careful in applying so you avoid getting soapy water inside the tire. This may cause the tire to become imbalanced and may also promote the rusting of steel rims. Also water trapped inside the tire will turn to steam when riding, affecting tire pressure and performance. I strongly recommend against putting sealant and/or balancing fluids in a tubeless motorcycle tire. They tend to mask damage done to a tire by a penetrating object. These fluids continue to fill puncture holes until the object may suddenly be thrown out which may lead to a dangerous blow out. And with the kinds of heavy loading we’re getting these days on motorcycles the risk is of concern. Balancing new tires is also very important. 1.8 ounces of imbalance will result in 110 lbs. of variation force at 80 mph. That may cause a lot of wobble and 1.8 ounces of imbalance is not so uncommon with some manufacturers’ tires. Always have tires balanced at a dealership. Computer balancers are state of the art and you should take tires to places that have them. All tire manufacturers mold a thin line around the sides of each tire close to where the tire meets the rim. This rim line is to help the mechanic determine if the tire is properly seated. Be sure this line is parallel to the rim all the way around on both sides of the tire. If it is not, you must relubricate the beads and try again. After mounting any new tire, remember that most new tires are coated with a compound to help release the tire from the mold during production. Since this may cause slight traction problems, take it easy until the compound is worn off. Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.) BROTHER OF VICTIM IN BILLY LANE COLLISION SPEAKS OUT–The younger brother of a Melbourne Beach man killed in a Labor Day collision with a pickup driven by a nationally known motorcycle designer says he’s concerned charges have not yet been filed in the case. Byron Morelock, an Indialantic resident, also described his 56-year-old brother Gerald “Jerry” Morelock as a sensitive, fun-loving man who once quit his job as a child psychologist because he hated to see children suffer. “Jerry was just the coolest cat,” said 52-year-old Byron Morelock of his brother. “He could really make you laugh.” The deadly crash happened at about 9 p.m. Monday on State Road A1A south of Melbourne Beach and near Ballyshannon Street. Investigators said the accident happened after Billy Lane – the nationally known chopper builder who has been featured on Discovery Channel’s “Biker Build-Off” and “Monster Garage” – crossed a double yellow line to pass two other vehicles. Lane’s custom-painted black Dodge Ram pickup then slammed head-on into Gerald Morelock as he rode his moped, officials said. Gerald Morelock, who was wearing a helmet, was killed instantly in the collision. The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating the crash. A blood-alcohol test was conducted on Lane and sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement state lab in Orlando for evaluation. Test results, part of the traffic homicide investigation, could take up to eight weeks to return, although agents are asking for the tests to be given priority. No charges have been filed in the case. “Just the fact that he crossed the double yellow line and hurt somebody, let alone killed him is enough. There is no doubt in my mind that if it was me or you we would be in jail,” Byron Morelock said. This is not Lane’s first road incident this year. In June, he was arrested by the North Carolina Highway Patrol on charges of drunk driving. Police said Lane was driving the wrong way on a two-lane road without a helmet. Lane refused a breathalyzer test. The Rowan County Clerk of Courts confirmed that he is due to appear in court on Oct. 5. –from Rogue MIDWEST CHOPPERS MAY BE IN TROUBLE–A buddy of mine told me about your site and said you have written about Midwest Choppers located in Galesburg, Illinois. If you have not I’m sure you heard how this company filed bankruptcy and screw 29 people of their hard earn money. Well I was one of them. I am out $40K including a 2000 Harley Fatboy that was traded in. If you would like to hear my story give me a call on my cell. –Brian “diesel” ROADWAY USERS RESPONSIBILITY ACT 464–Some of you already know that Wisconsin passed the Roadway Users Responsibility Act earlier this year. Actually, the law becomes effective four months from the date the governor signed it into law. So, this law becomes effective as of October 1, 2006. This became law after a concentrated effort by ABATE of Wisconsin, dedicated officers and rank and file members, who presented the facts to their legislators and testified at two public hearings. This was a pure ABATE victory. ABATE proposed the bill, helped with the language, secured the sponsors and went through the entire legislative process. No other group or organization assisted. The front line who testified and helped in the formation of the language included Ed Williams, Executive Director, Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, Deputy Director, Dave Dwyer, Legislative Director, Attorney Michael F. Hupy, member, Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo, Founder, Dave “Chubby” Charlebois, Public Relations Director. Numerous officers and members of ABATE spent a day in a massive lobby effort before the hearings. Sen. Dave Zien was the main sponsor of the bill. This law will:Allow motorcyclists to proceed through a vehicle actuated red light after 45 seconds when the signal fails to recognize the motorcycle Increases the penalties for right-of-way violations Will require that Share the Road, a motorcycle awareness class be taught in all driver education classes in the state Require that a person who violates the right-of-way of a motorcyclist and causes a crash must attend a Share the Road class Allow a graduate of the basic rider course to obtain a motorcycle endorsement without holding an instruction (learners) permit. COLORADO COUPLE WINS “WARRIOR” CUSTOM BIKE–Hupy and Abraham, S.C. gave away 12 raffle tickets for the custom motorcycle “Warrior”, which benefited the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation. The tickets were given to people who responded to an e-mail sent out by the firm, in a random drawing. Unfortunately nobody in that select group won, but the tickets purchased by the firm helped the foundation raise more than $200,000. The proceeds from the raffle will help fund projects like the mountain carving and student scholarships. Warrior was built by Elite Custom Motorcycles, of Prescott Valley, Arizona. The winning ticket was drawn on August 12th by Ruth Ziolkowski, widow of sculptor and founder, Korczak Ziolkowski, and Deb Martin, owner of Elite Custom Motorcycles. The winners were Andy and Brenda Bober, of Avon, Colorado. The Bobers were not present at the drawing, but were called on the phone after the winning ticket was drawn. Continued On Page 5
Angela Gibbs
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Big Twin
Sales Manager, North America