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2007 STURGIS RALLY STATISTICS–STURGIS, S.D. – The Sturgis Rally Department, with cooperation from city, county and state officials, as well as surrounding Black Hills communities, has compiled statistics for the 67th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Indicators show that the Rally has continued to spread, both in distance and duration. Sturgis saw increased motorcycle traffic two weeks prior to the event with some retailers and attractions showing a significant 20% increase in sales. Sales tax in Sturgis was slightly down during Rally week, as were city vendors, however sales tax figures from the SD Department of Revenue show an increase throughout the Black Hills. Traffic counts submitted by the Department of Transportation show Rally numbers were up in the Sturgis area, as do traffic counts from Mount Rushmore.
“There is a formula that has been used for several years which helps us estimate attendance during the Rally, emphasis on estimate. Because we know that the surrounding communities all benefit from the visitors we see during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, we include a few factors not specific to Sturgis in order to obtain a truer picture of how successful the Rally was, and how many people attended.” stated interim director Pepper Massey. The five factors used in the formula are tons of garbage hauled in Sturgis, vendor licenses issued in Sturgis, DOT counts surrounding Sturgis, sales tax collected in the state and traffic counts at Mount Rushmore. Massey continues, “At the end of the day it is important to note that many of the negatives were down, citations, arrests, emergency room visits, etc., and the positives, visitors in the area and revenue, were up. From this Department’s perspective, that makes it a very good year.”
For more information of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally contact the Rally Department 605.720.0800 or email

ASSALT WEAPAN BUILD PHILISOPHY–About your dyno runs on the Assalt Shaker. Hell of a motor there. But, I think you need to change the build philosophy. That you went as fast as you did on 117hp is pretty amazing. The aerodynamics work. The motor doesn’t. You need big horsepower for speed. Not big torque.
I hate to say it but check some dyno charts on those damn suzukis. They about have your torque and horsepower readings reversed. Some of these bikes run over 200mph. Your motor would be great in a sand dragster or tractor pull.
You need to lighten the reciprocating mass as much as possible. Lighter flywheels, not heavier. The same with pistons, primary drives, clutch, rims, tires, and rotors. The less weight you have to spin, the more horsepower you make. You have less than a horsepower per cube and all that torque is wasted.
Yes, the motor will be less dependable. If you don’t blow one up every now and then, you ain’t really trying. Go for the glory.
–Big Bill

SEPTEMBER 15-16 – CMDRA SEASON FINALE @ MISSION RACEWAY CMDRA– All Bike Drags Ready to Light up Mission Raceway Park – September 15-16, 2007The Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association (CMDRA) is gearing up for the much anticipated Season Finale in their western series of the Drag Specialties/Parts Canada All Bike Drag Races on September 15-16 at Mission Raceway Park in Mission, BC and looking forward to another action packed race featuring the fastest, most exciting ALL MAKE motorcycle drag racing action in Canada!
Don’t miss your chance to see the racers final battle for the number 1 plate in the following classes: Screamin’ Eagle Top Fuel Series, Screamin’ Eagle Pro Fuel Series, Screamin’ Eagle Pro Dragster Series, Ainsworth Lumber/Core Pipelines Pro Modified Series, Pro Stock Series, Godoy’s Insurance Only Modified Series, Core Pipelines/Ainsworth Lumber Super Gas Series, Screamin’ Eagle Stock XL (883) Series, Pro Street Series, McNeney & McNeney Super Bike Series, Mission Springs Brewing Company Street Series, Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod Destroyer Series, and the Gasoline Alley Harley-Davidson Hot Harley Series. Also featuring the Drag Specialties Gas Shootout, Gem Tar Fuel Shootout and the East Meets West Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod Destroyer Challenge where the soon to be determined Western Destroyer Champion will take on Pete Thomson, the Eastern Destroyer Champion, for the National Championship!
Come check out everything from 8 second Pro Street bikes to Top Fuel Nitro Harley’s burning up the quarter mile at over 200 mph. Walk around the pits and meet the racers and crew that make it all happen!
A highlight clip from some of our previous races can also be found here courtesy of Larry Pfister and
9:00am – FREE Race School, sponsored by Deeley
Harley-Davidson Canada & the Trev Deeley Foundation
9:30am – Test & Tune
12:30pm – Qualifying
10:00am – Test & Tune
11:30am – Eliminations
Track information & directions can be found here:
The current points standings are available at, just click on “results” and then “points”.
For more information please contact:
Shannon McNeney or Adele Tompkins
Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association
Phone: (604) 580-9008 or 1-877-580-9008
ABATE OF WISCONSIN INC. ATTENDS GOVERNOR’S HIGHWAY SAFETY CONFERENCE–Several Members and Officers of ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc. attended theGovernor’s Highway Safety Conference today in Stevens Point, WI. ABATE ofWisconsin representatives were most interested in hearing the presentationof keynote speaker Colonel Jim Champagne.
Colonel Champagne is known fortraveling the country promoting mandatory motorcycle helmet laws and wasinstrumental in re-instating Louisiana’s mandatory helmet law in 2004 asthe head of the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission. Unfortunately he wasunable to attend as he was called back to his home state due to potentialhurricanes.
Our interest stemmed from the fact that when Louisiana did nothave a helmet law for adults the 5-year average for motorcycle fatalitieswas 60 per year. The two-year average since the re-instatement of themandatory helmet law is 85 motorcycle fatalities per year and is predictedto be over 100 this year to become one of the highest in the country perregistered motorcycles.
This fact substantiates several key positions of ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc.Helmet laws are not the silver bullet they are promised to be and moreimportantly motorcycle helmets do not prevent crashes. ABATE of Wisconsinknows safer crashing does not really improve motorcycle safety, only crashprevention accomplishes this.
Our current motorcycle safety agendaaddresses this through crash prevention efforts such as motorcycleawareness, Share the Road with motorcycle programs, rider trainingprograms, aggressive public relations campaigns, impaired riding awareness,and bringing attention to ROW (right of way) violations which accounts formany of the motorcycle crashes today.
ABATE of Wisconsin Inc. encourages all members to continue to promote theseimportant crash prevention efforts with all motorcyclists, other motorvehicle operators, and all elected officials in this state.
ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc. founded in 1974 is a motorcycle rights, education,and safety organization (not a club) dedicated to the “Freedom of theRoad”.
ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc.
438 N Water Street, Black River Falls, WI 54615
(715)284-7415 voice (715)284-7454 fax

CUSTOM CYCLE ENGINEERING FAMOUS FORK TRUSS DESIGNED BY RANDY SMITH–Our fork truss is truly a performance part. It dramatically improves front-end handling. The engineering design and sleek styling are obvious characteristics in this part. The compound arc, which sweeps upward and rearward simultaneously, imparts greater resistance to deflection, twisting and bending of the fork. The upward arch also provides additional fender clearance. The addition of large diameter holes spaced out to a maximum strength calculation helps keep unsprung weight to a minimum.

Installation is very simple and the disassembly of the front-end is not necessary. These trusses are designed to bolt securely to the lower sliders. Trusses are machined out of solid billet aluminum and can be purchased in a polished or chrome finish.
Custom Cycle Engineering
1970 Peacock Boulevard
Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 800-472-9253
Fax: 760-941-6489

VALERIE THOMPSON 5-BALL RACING TEAM MEMBER GOES RUNNER-UP IN VRD CLASS–Woodburn, Oregon: As you may recall from my last blog, team mascot Recon and I have had some troublesome travels. Well, our problems continued on the most recent leg of our journey when we traveled to the Salem Harley-Davidson Northwest Nationals in Woodburn Oregon. This time we suffered a broken axle just 170 miles from the track. While we were able to limp our broken rig the rest of the way and just in time for all the fun, it was another not so easy day in this racer and her trusting side-kicks life.
Once the two of us got settled in, it was time to get the party started. The weekend’s events started as usual with the Thursday night Nitro party. This year’s party was presented for the first time by Salem Harley-Davidson who did a great job promoting the AHDRA and the high-powered brand of racing it’s known for. Like any good party and this was no exception, there was plenty of yummy food, live radio promos and live music supplied by the Ty Curtis Band for all to get their groove on.
I love going to Woodburn for many reasons. Most importantly my mother Carol, my sister Julie (who’s expecting) and aunts Diana and Millie who all live near by, come out to support the whole team with their great home cooking and together make this great event feel like home for me. Also my friends from Washington like Fred and Sarah Kahn who made the drive to offer their support and long time friend Jerry who helped. Mark and Michelle also helped me get packed up for my next journey. Then of course there are the race-loving fans that pack the stands and this year was the biggest crowd yet for the Woodburn Dragstrip.
The racing weekend feature great weather, awesome racing and some of racings finest fans. At the end of Saturday’s qualifying rounds, VTR qualified in 4th place in an extremely tight field of fast bikes piloted by their determined riders. I was confident in my bike as our Crew-chief Mickey Eddinger was just as anxious for his first win of the season and his determination was more than evident. The rest was up to me and meant eating healthy; getting plenty of rest and being focused for Sundays elimination rounds. When the dust settled and the racing was over after 5 intense rounds, and a personal best ET 9.16 the team and I placed the Harley-Davidson V-Rod Destroyer into the finals. Once again matched up with the national point’s leader LE Tonglet who just like last time increased his points lead. All I can say is watch out LE with 4 events left in the season, I’m going to get mine yet.
Remember after at the Bristol event when Bailey Whittaker took home the first place trophy and I had to wear his team shirt? Well this time I redeemed myself and Bailey who is getting use to wearing my crew-wear was looking stylish in it once again.
Our out standing team effort resulted in a great finish that moved VTR Team 2007 and the Go Harley-Davidson V-Rod Destroyer in THRID PLACE of the Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts National Championship Series and only three points away from first place in the Western Division Series.
In other news: While taking a short break after the Bristol event and before trekking our way to Woodburn, Recon and I made a ton of new fans. The group was staying at the same hotel and was in town for a wedding. After two days of rest, a couple of dozen pictures, autographs and a near sell-out of VTR t-shirts, my little fur-ball and I were on the road once again.
If you can make it, the next chance to see all the excitement of the AHDRA brand of racing will be September 22nd-23rd in Richmond Virginia for S&S Cycle Jim McClure Nationals Presented by Colonial Harley-Davidson. Hope to see you all there.
Till then – Never ride faster than your angel can fly!
–Valerie Thompson #20

BANDIT’S CANTINA MENU REVIEW–A crusty old biker, on a summer ride in the country, walks into a tavern and sees a sign hanging over the bar which reads:
HAND JOB: $10.00
Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, he walks up to thebar and beckons to one of the three exceptionally attractive womenserving drinks to a meager looking group of farmers.
“Yes?” she inquires with a knowing smile, “can I help you?”
“I was wondering,” whispers the biker, “are you the young lady whogivesthehand-jobs?”
“Yes,” she purrs, “I am.”
The old biker replies, “Well wash your hands really good, I want acheeseburger.”
–from Rik Savenko

RUCKER PERFORMANCE CUSTOM RETAIL PAINT ADDITION–Texas Harley-Davidson wanted to add a custom flare to a solid red Electraglide. The dealership contacted Rucker Performance to see what the Rucker creative team could do about the paint. After reviewing various ideas, Carl Tyndell, Rucker Performance?s Director of Creative Services, decided on a deep candy apple red with black and red hollow pinstriped flames.
Once the new paint job was complete, the dealer came in to see the bike at the Rucker Performance factory. When the dealer saw the customized Electraglide, he said it was exactly what he wanted. “They loved the paint job and that’s the whole purpose of our business – to make customers happy,” Carl Tyndell said.

SURVIVED SALT FEVER 2007–You got through another year with the Salt fever!
Here’s what helping me!

VICTORY LAP, ABATE OF ILLINOIS REMEMBERS BIKE BAN–The signs went up without fanfare, one day they just appeared. NoMotorcycles Allowed from 10PM till 5am they announced to the citizens ofAmerica’s third largest city. One of the world’s most famous roads becameoff limits to motorcyclists during the late evening. Worse was the veryreal prospect of the ban spreading. It didn’t take long for the fear tobecome a reality as the No Motorcycle signs began to pop-up on severalother city streets.
The reaction among windy city riders was predictable – they were outraged.ABATE of Illinois, the American Motorcyclist Association and theMotorcycle Riders Foundation swung into action. And after a long andprotracted fight the signs were removed. The details of getting themremoved would require a rather lengthy volume. For the purpose of thereport it will suffice to say that language inserted into the interstatefunding act of 1998 – called TEA 21- that would prohibit motorcycles frombeing denied access to federally funded roads (Lake Shore Drive is part ofUS 41) gave ABATE of Illinois a powerful tool to have the ban lifted. TheMotorcycle Riders Foundation’s constant presence in Washington was majorfactor in seeing that language remained in TEA 21.
On September 3, 2007 – as is their annual custom on Labor Day weekend – alarge group of riders assemble in the morning on Chicago’s trendy WeedStreet. Under the Leadership of the Chicago Chapter of ABATE of Illinoisthey proceed to the Drive and “run it” from the North end to the South endand back again. This “in your face” gesture is a victory lap of sorts.Just to let the city know that we are still around and we haven’tforgotten the attempt to restrict us from roads that we pay taxes on tomaintain.
Many activists in the motorcyclists’ rights movement have said all alongthat the ultimate goal of our enemies is not helmet laws or noiseordnances, but banning motorcycles off the roads entirely. Here was aclassic case (there have been a number of others) of that predictionbecoming a reality. One percenters, Gold Wing riders, HOG members – itdidn’t matter – they were greeted with the same message when they hit thedrive. It was that motorcycles are prohibited.
What can the MRF do for us? This is a question that we hear on a regularbasis. The political future and what type of legislation it may bring canbe difficult to predict. If past performances are any indication however;the most apparent thing that the MRF can do for motorcyclists is to keepthem on the road.
Fall is a great time to ride. Perhaps it may be a good time to find afavorite road and give some thought while riding as to how the cancerousgrowth of motorcycle bans has been arrested, but could reappear atanytime. Consider that ride to be your own victory lap and remember theMRF’s legislative team continues to be the motorcyclists’ watchdog inWashington DC. We are working everyday to see that your access to publicroads remains intact.
Enjoy the ride.
–Michael Kerr
MRF Vice President
CURE AUTISM NOW, RIDE THIS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH AT WILD FIRE HARLEY-DAVIDSON–This ride and rally has quicky turned into one of the most popular rides in Chicagoland.Make sure you come to Wild Fire on:
Sunday, September 16th
Registration Opens at 8:30am
$30 per Person
Rain or Shine
Jean Davidson Book Signing
Saturday, September 15th
11am – 2pm
You can meet Jean on Saturday
Wild Fire Harley-Davidson/Buell
120 W. North Ave.
Villa Park, IL 60181
Open 7 Days a Week
Mon – Fri: 9am – 8pm, Sat: 9am – 6pm, Sun: 10am – 5pm

Continued On Page 4