Continued From Page 2

FIRST CHANCE HOGAN BOOK, ABOUT TO HEAD TO PRESS–It took awhile to find someone who would step up and help with a cover illustration, but we found a local Wilmington illustrator, Aubry Sheldon, who is working on the painting, with the help up several bike mags and girlie shots.
Hopefully, by the end of next week we will have an illustration in the hands of master art student George Fleming, for the final layout. I know, we’re burnin’ daylight. Might be the best buy for Christmas. Hang On.

Renegade has the largest Victory inventory in North Texas!– Victory End Of Summer Factory Incentives; FREE 5 extended year warranty on all 2008 & 2009 models.
Ride FREE for a Year or 7.99% for 72 months! Victory PAYS up to $300 a month for 6 months if you get laid off! Up to $5000 off on 2008 models!
Arlen Ness Signature Series Victory, 2008s $6,000 off!
Up to $10,000 off on 2008 Bourgets!
Big discounts!
Great financing!
Great riding weather!
NOW is the best time of the year to buy!
Join us for Thursday Bike Night at Spencer’s Corner!This Thursday riders leave the dealership at 6:15 pm or meet us there!
Visit RENEGADE for the Largest Custom Bike Display in Texas!Over 100 American Customs in stock! Bourget, American IronHorse, BMC, Victory & Pre-Owned Motorcycles!4 Top American Motorcycle Brands,ONE GREAT STORE!
We Finance – We Trade – We Deliver
New Motorcycles
Victory Motorcycles
Pre-Owned Motorcycles
Clearance Inventory
Ride Like a RENEGADE!
2618 I-20 West, Grand Prairie, Texas 75052At the NW Corner of I-20 and Great Southwest in Grand PrairieLocal 469-348-2222, Toll free 877-976-BIKEOr visit us online at

ARC NITROUS BOTTLE HEATERS NOW AVAILABLE–We are getting ready for the end of the season races. We are really excited about racing in 70 degree weather again. Remember when the weather gets cool you will need to heat those nitrous bottles to get the pressure up. Don’t use a torch!
You have no excuse now because we have ARC Bottle heaters on sale this month. Now you can automatically control the temperature to keep bottle pressure exactly where you want it right up to the starting line. We use a 120V blanket and a pressure control switch in the trailer for our spare bottles so we know they are just right when we put them in the bike.
Since you will need a few spare nitrous bottles too. We are giving you 10% off on our 1lb., 2lb., and 2.5lb bottles also!
Best of all we have everything in stock ready for immediate shipment!
Just in case you were dying to know who won the Tether Kill Switch Contest for August, it was: Travis Schrage of Waterloo, IA. Congratulations Travis!
Motorcycle Performance Specialties
380 Orange lane – Casselberry, Florida 32707
Phone: (321)972-8282 – Fax: (321) 972-5123
Sales E-Mail:

FISHING TRIP WITH JACK DANIELS– I finally got around to going fishing this morning but after a while I ran out of worms.
Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth, and frogs are good bass bait.
Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog and put it in my bait bucket.
Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bitten.I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth.His eyes rolled back, he went limp, I released him into the lake without incident, and carried on my fishing with the frog.
A little later I felt a nudge on my foot.There was that same snake with two frogs in his mouth.

BIKERNET SHOP TALK BETTER BUSINESS SEMINAR–So a few years ago you decided to become an entrepreneur the economy was booming. Over the past 25 years, everybody was spending money and things in the powersports business were terrific. But then the economy got bad taking the easy money with it. But there?s good news: Things aren?t as bad as they seem.
Anybody around remember when Jimmy Carter was president? Let me tell you those were bad times. Each night on the news they would give us the latest, ?Misery Index Number.” Unemployment was around what it is now. Interest rates on money were at 20%. President Carter dressed in a sweater and lectured us via a fireside chat on the virtue of wearing a sweater, turning down the thermostat and suffering along with him. But despite being hobbled, business still ticked along. Then came President Reagan and things took off. But that is a story for another time.
A few basic things to re-consider to improve your bottom line:
Customer relations
One of the obvious ways is to have a very customer friendly environment. Ask yourself why you buy goods and services from a particular place or vendor. I will bet that somewhere in that equation is a customer friendly environment. Customers love to frequent places like this and they tell their friends.
Another way to improve your business is to be there when customers are around. I once heard Tom Peters author of, ?In Search of Excellence,? talk about his experience of going back to the dealer after he bought a car. Because he worked during the week he went in on a Saturday. The dealership was closed. Dealerships, he said, should be open when the customers are around. That?s why the proprietor of a shop I am familiar with is open seven days a week.
As he said, ?Why would I be closed on Sundays and Mondays? That is when the customers are there?. It?s so simple it?s obvious. When your customers know your hours are convenient, they will visit and tell their friends. Longer hours during the busy season never hurt either.
Also, don?t forget to invest in your customers and your business: Once a month or once every other month have a Bar-B-Que. Yes, it?s a pain but it will pay dividends down the road in many, and your customers will tell their friends.
New products and services
Always make it a point to have at least one new product in your place of business every month. This will generate interest from many of your customers. It lets them know that you are keeping up with the latest products and services, and that you care enough to stay up on the latest stuff. Also, access to periodicals and local grass roots publications help keep your customers coming back by showing them that you are connected to the sport and the community.
In tough times the first thing that gets dropped is advertising. This is perverse logic. Even though your sales and service numbers have declined, you should never cut out advertising. Shrink the budget if you have to, but stay in front of your customer. When the situation improves, he?ll remember you first because you kept up the conversation. Stop talking to the customer, and your competition will view your silence as an invitation to go after your customers.
High quality craftsmanship and service are the foundation of your business. I shouldn?t have to tell you that staying up on the latest training will improve your personal and business skills. They will. Plus, they will help you weather tough times, and prosper when things get better. Your business is your baby. Nurture it. And don’t forget to advertise on Bikernet. They’re the best!
–from Michael Colburn

Scorpion Shifts Gears– (Lake Forest, CA September 1, 2009) After a successful five year run, Scorpion Sports Inc. and brand creator Eric Anderson have parted ways. As of September 1st, Anderson is no longer VP of marketing for the innovative helmet and ExoWear apparel operation.
?We are all very proud of the job that has been done to create the brand from scratch and to become one of the top helmet and apparel brands in North America,? says Scorpion President Rick Miller. ?However we ultimately reached a point where we no longer have the same goals and objectives.?
The decision to terminate Anderson didn?t come easily, but was brought on by the radically changing marketplace. ?We certainly appreciate all that Eric has done for Scorpion, but the basic business paradigm has shifted,? explains Miller. ?We owe it to our partners at Kido Sports to continue to expand the Scorpion brand into the powersports market.?
?Think of me as a free agent,? adds Anderson in baseball terms. ?We all know I have no problem expressing my opinions about how things should run, however I am the minority shareholder in Scorpion, not the majority owner.?
Former National Sales Manager David Alari is also no longer affiliated with Scorpion Sports Inc. For more information regarding Scorpion Sports Inc. please contact To contact free agent Eric Anderson via e-mail:
Join Team Scorpion! More information about the full range of ScorpionExo Helmets and Scorpion Sports, Inc.?s complete ScorpionExoWear line can be found at

KILLCARB.ORG NEEDS YOUR HELP–I just found out today that CARB wants to change the cert reg for atv’s, scooters, motorcycles to require VTSHED and running loss testing. This equipment is extremely expensive. It requires a dyno in a SHED to test for all HC evap emissions. It will put many test companies out of business. Another reason CARB must go.
–Patrick R. B.
Ever notice even after all the gains in air quality that CARB’s policy is: the smaller the problem the more money they spend? This agency is now being funded and they are at “the cost of diminishing returns”..They are regulating the people and business out of existence….Just look what the have done to the powersports business, the automobile industry and the individual citizen?
Next time you or your friends are unemployed don’t blame China, India or Mexico. Put the blame where it belongs, on the regulators and congress. They are regulating us out of everything. Their push for Utopia is killing everything.
It is time for
— Michael Colburn
VP sales
PetroNovel Energy Group
4426 E. Washington Blvd.
Commerce, Ca 90023
925 497 4927

FORGET THE BROOM?..JASMINE CAIN SWEEPS THE JPF AWARDS WITH A RECORD BREAKING 6 AWARDS!!–Nashville, TN?September 1, 2009: Jasmine Cain was the ?Belle of the Rock & Roll Ball? on Saturday night in Nashville during the Just Plain Folks Awards Ceremony. JPF is the largest grassroots music organization in the world and holds the largest independent music awards recognizing all unsigned artists worldwide!
This year over 42,000 albums and a whopping 560,000 songs from 1,163 countries were screened by the JPF crew who nominated their favorites in each of the genres. This year awards were presented in over 90 genres including Best Song in 80 categories and Best Album in 93 categories. There were over 10,000 votes to determine the winners and the final nominees over a 17 month period of time.
Jasmine Cain was nominated 5 times this year for: Best Rock Song- ?You?re Still Gone?, Best Hard Rock Song- ?Whiskey Kiss? and ?Fade?, Best Contemporary Song- ?Give Me Love?, and Rock Album of the Year- ?Locks & Keys?.
?The nominations in themselves make you a winner. These come from your peers?people who are in the business just like you. They come from singers, songwriters, composers, & producers as well as fans and listeners who simply love music. To have that amount of respect from people like that is an achievement in itself because they?re the ones that buy the music?they?re the ones that truly count.?

PARTS DISTRIBUTOR FEELS THE PINCH–The sour economy and its impact on the motorcycle industry has had a negative effect on business for LeMans, Corp., parent company of distributors Parts Unlimited and Drag Specialties, but corporate chairman Fred Fox says there’s still opportunity to sell and better define the operation.
–Powersports News

LOS ANGELES WILD FIRES REPORT–Got this shot while zipping down the freeway with the Lathrop H-D crew near Burbank, after our meeting with the cast of Sons of Anarchy. Keep in mind, this is at NIGHT!
Not sure if my lungs will ever be the same…some really nasty shit down there even without all the soot and smoke. No wonder I’m still hacking. Next morning our bikes were covered in a layer of ash. The SOA studios were just a few miles from this scene.
–Felicia Morgan

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke..
War on Poverty started in 1964 – you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they’re broke
Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke
Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.
And finally to set a new record:
“Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009! It took good dependable cars (that were the best some people could afford) replaced them with high priced (people who couldn’t afford to are now making payments) mostly Japanese models so a good percentage of the profits, from the sales, went out of the country. And lastly, the American taxpayers are now going to be dinged with paying for yet 3 billion more dollars of our government?s experiments to make our wallets even thinner.
So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that “services” you shove down our throats are failing faster and faster, you want Americans to believe you can be trusted with a government-run health care system? 15% of our economy? Are you crazy?
Truly, the inmates are running the asylum! And what does this say about voters who put such pond scum in office? Maybe we need to let others in on this brilliant record before 2010 and just vote against incumbents.
–James Schnarr
You missed a couple. How about the war on drugs–it failed, cost billions and a half million are still in jail. What about prohibition? That didn’t work. The list goes on. How about the agency established in the ’70s to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. The agency is still growing, the budget continues to climb, but in 30 years what have they accomplished? Nada.–Renegade

ASV C/5 SHORTY LEVERS TUCK IN TO SET WORLD RECORD AT BONNEVILLE SPEED WEEK– HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (September 1, 2009) – ASV clutch and brake levers gave the Race Tech-FL Racing CBR600RR one of many small aerodynamic edges needed to break the five-year-old 650cc M/G (modified, gas) record of 157.556 mph with a 162.026 mph run at Bonneville Speed Week.
Breaking big speed records is all about sweating the smallest details, said Bonneville veteran and Race Tech owner Paul Thede: “Although it’s hard to measure how much closer each modification gets us to land-speed records, you’d be surprised by how all of the little aerodynamic tricks add up to big mph gains.”
Thede, who piloted the bike to this and three other records, continued: “The stock levers sit out in the breeze, while ASV’s shorty levers stay within the wind bubble, adding to the total aerodynamic package. Without a doubt, these are well-made products that bolted right on.”
In addition to providing record-breaking aerodynamic advantages, ASV’s innovative brake and clutch levers feature a pivoting design that allows the lever to fold out of harm’s way in the event of a crash or tip-over. Instead of bending or breaking, the levers simply pivot away from the handlebar when impact occurs and spring back instantly.
To fit all hand sizes and control preferences, each ASV C/5 Sport lever comes in the wind-cheating “shorty” size or the standard length and has a 3-in. range of on-the fly reach adjustment that can be dialed in throughout 100 micro clicks. They’re available in black, gold and raw billet (silver) anodized matte finishes for most late-model sportbikes.
Made in USA, ASV’s high-end C/5 sportbike levers are carved from 6061 aluminum billet, have sealed bearings, stainless-steel pivot bushings and fasteners, and come with chrome silicon high-tension springs. They’re fully rebuildable, carry a five-year guarantee and retail for $125.
For more information about ASV levers and other products, log on to

WHEELS THROUGH TIME MUSEUM NEVER STOPS RESTORING BIKES, NEVER CLOSES, AND NEVER GIVES UP–The Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC has just recently released a host of new videos to be aired on their video website, located at
Called the Time Machine, the video site is the first of its kind to offer in-depth and up-to-date programming on the world of vintage motorcycles and the inner workings of the Wheels Through Time Museum.
The Time Machine features hundreds of on-demand Webisodes about the history of our two- and four-wheeled heritage. Ranging from virtual tours and museum feature bikes to technical shows on museum machines and current restorations, current event shows, and more, the Time Machine brings you the l
The website’s latest releases contain a variety of new programming, including features and tech shows on several of the rare and outstanding machines housed at the museum. Event coverage from the SmokeOut Long Road stop at Wheels Through Time is also debuted, with highlights on many of the homebuilt machines that made the 2,000+ mile trip from Cottonwood, AZ to Rockingham, NC in just 4 days.
Don’t miss a thing at Wheels Through Time.
–Dale Walksler

FIRST Annual Brooklyn Invitational Bike Show–When: September 19th,2009 12 PM till 12PM
Where: Autumn Bowl 73 West St ,Brooklyn New York. 11222
Who: Lock Baker Eastern Fabrication CT
Andy Camay Private ,Brooklyn NY
John Copeland Private, Brooklyn NY
Paul Cox Paul Cox Industries NY
Bill Dodge Blings Cycles NJ
Neil Fenton Private, Brooklyn NY
Krazy Kevin Private, Long Island NY
Alex Lerner Private,Queens NY
Kevin Orangers Private,Brooklyn NY
Rich Philipps Rich Phillips custom leather MO
Keino Sasaki Keino Cycles NY
Jeffrey Schad Private,Brooklyn NY
Walt siegl Walt siegl NH
Tim Vander Private,Brooklyn NY
Music by, Children
Total social suicide
Free Admission.
Presented By W.K.I.T.H.O.K
Sponsored by Asahi beer
American icon Screen printing
Baker Drivetrain
Cycle Source
Church Of Choppers
Dice Magazine
Evil Engineering
HIgh & Tite
Jammer Cycle products
Spectro performance Oil
For more info and update
–Keino Sasaki
Keino Cycles LLC
97 Union St Brooklyn NY
Phone 718-858-5767
Fax 718-858-5742

C&G PERFORMANCE ATTACKED BY AUBURN, CALIFORNIA WILD FIRES–Well, here are the pictures of our sign, unfortunately Sunday it went up in flames!We were not alone there were 60 homes & 10 business’.

We opened our NEW shop business July 25TH, and it burned to the ground August 30TH.Here are some pictures of it going up.

We are just trying to figure which way is up!We are trying to decide if we are going to rebuild or relocate just depends what will get us up & running the fastest???Well off to the “rubble”……

D&D DELIVERS A NEW PERFORMANCE KIT FOR 2010 FLHX / FLTRX TOURING BIKES– D&D Slip-ons & Zipper?s Hi-Flow Performance Package For Street Glide & Road Glide
D&D has released the BOSS Glide slip-on performance kit for stock 2010 FLHX / FLTRX Harley-Davidson Street Glide & Road Glide motorbikes, which delivers increase power and torque across the entire RPM range. The kit includes a show-quality chrome D&D BOSS Glide slip-on and a Zipper?s HiFlow air cleaner.
The team at D&D spent hours in the dyno room refining the performance kit to deliver power and torque right off of idle and into the mid RPM range? right where you ride.
At idle, the motorbike is deep, boomy and full of character. Once the throttle is cracked the sweet basso-profundo notes just keep on getting better. Not only does the pipe look good, it is a wonderfully sounding experience for the rider.
?Enthusiasts can’t believe that our Performance Kit can deliver this much power and torque without a tuner upgrade,? explained Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe. ?We spent hours on the dyno perfecting it.? ?With just a wrench and a ratchet, every 2010 Street Glide & Road Glide touring owner can be up and running within an hour. That saves time and money.?
D&D selected Zipper’s HiFlow air cleaners because it is reusable and flow characteristics. It is manufactured with high quality 100-percent washable, pleated filter elements made from multiple layers of surgical-quality cotton gauze material, which traps the smallest dirt particles.
The dyno chart and dyno video with audio clip for both the BOSS Slip-on exhaust pipe is located on the website in the catalog section at D&D is available at your local dealer or directly from headquarters at 817-834-8961.

Continued On Page 4