Continued From Page 1

IRON BUTT ASSOCIATION REPORT ON BIKERNET– The rules are fairly simple for the IBA Saddlesore 1000. Of course the rider must complete 1000 riding miles in 24 hours. There must be a witness at the start of the run and documentation of the start such as a gas slip . The time on the gas slip serves as the start time. The route of the run, particularly the turn point, if it is an out and back run, must be documented again.
Gas slips will satisfy that requirement and finally at the end/finish there must be a witness and documentation/gas slip.
Check Donnie’s report on the home page. It was a first for him.–Wilburn Roach.

MYSTERY CORRESPONDENT FROM THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DELTA– I traded my wandering ways for a cushy little fishing shack here on the river. There’s over 700 miles of waterways along the NorCal delta, including the sloughs that branch off the Sacramento River, and I’m taking my time at riding through all of them.
Been hotter n’ the hinges of hell up here, but the delta breezes kick up at night and cool us all down. Fish are still biting and the coyotes can be heard howling across the fields at night. Got a garden now, and I’ve enjoyed the hell outta just watching my tomatoes grow.

There’s a lotta history here and the ghosts of the ancestors who built the little communities along the river still wander around and remind us breathing folks to be respectful.
Great riding, lots of funky watering holes, beautiful scenery. Hope you get a chance to cruise up here. We’ll go down and fish off the town dock, chow down on local crawdads and cruise up river to Al the Wops in the Chinese town of Locke where they’re known for letting a bike or two do burn outs on the old wood floors in the bar. The wild days of the Gold Rush are still alive in the delta.
–River Rat

The 69 Chopper represents the freedom of the open road. It?s a show stopping sled that is equally at home on long ribbons of asphalt or in the rough and tumble urban environs.
Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls BossMan, designed it as a value-based chopper that has all of the custom stuff you see in motorbikes that cost 1,000’s more. It features superior components made by the following companies:
Leroy-Thompson: Brass Balls Signature Risers, Grips, Wheels & Rotors; Crime Scene Choppers: Speedster Gas Cap, Oil tank, Rapide Head and tail lights; Hawg Halters: Brass Balls brake calipers; Baker: Transmission; D&D: Performance Exhaust; Excel: Hand & Foot controls; Led Sled: Rear fender All fabrication, assembly and paint done in-house at Darwin Motorcycles, World Headquarters in Oklahoma City, OK. USA
Check out the BossMan’s latest creations at

NEW BUILD-OFF PILOT TO BE AIRED ON CABLE–Supposedly chopper wars airs this week or next on history. But not certain.
–Hugh King

UNCLE MONKEY GARAGE DOCTRINE FOR LABOR DAY WEEKEND– Garages speak of us as an individual. Like our motorcycles they are an extension of who we are. Some feature gleaming painted floors, precision tools, everything in its place. Some are bursting at the seams as parts and junk with a thin coat of dust clinging to the grease cover. Others are man caves with a pool table, killer stereo, beer fridge, and plenty of stools to bench race from. Others are bare bones; only what is absolutely necessary to do the job. If they don’t have it they have a friend who has what they need.
Others are barren, relying on their friends/dealership to keep their bikes running. And yet others have been over run with everything but. The door rolls up to reveal canoes, lawn mowers, deck chairs, boxes of 15-year-old baby clothes, and discarded Christmas decoration. There simply is no room for a car or even a motorcycle.
I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m horrible for keeping my garage clean. It’s not that I don’t have the room or the storage, I’m just plan lazy. While my garage is a far cry from the death traps that some insist on working in, it does have a distinct clutter to it. I only have myself to blame; too lazy to put things back, too scattered-brain to focus on one thing at a time, too obsessed with saving everything, because I may have a use for it down the road. I tried to get in the habit of clearing out my garage. If I hadn’t used it, or fixed it in the last three years it was tossed out. The following week I needed a discarded part, or someone would come by asking if I had one.
If you stop by my garage this week you would be wondering what I’m talking about but that is because I just completed my semi annual “fall” cleaning of my garage in anticipation of the impending winter. A summer’s worth of tools and parts tossed haphazardly into the workbench and the floor; I tend to work to the point of collapsing, leaving no time to put everything back. In the frigid -40 weather tools quickly get thrown on the workbench instead of being lovingly wiped down and placed back into their proper homes. The squalor again accumulates until spring when I finally get to my “spring” clean. Everything finally makes it back into the drawers, the empty part boxes and bags finally tossed from the floor into the garbage next to it only to start the cycle all over again.
I envy many of my friends. Some working in nothing more then a garden shed, the confined ‘scape forces neatness. They are never more then arms reach away from their toolbox. Tools are simple and limited to only the bare necessities. Others have sprawling garages that would make Tim “the Toolman” Taylor envy. They have every tool that one could possibly need, in duplicate, with everything in it?s prescribed spot hanging on the wall; hoists and lifts, stands and pristine parts to mock up with.
I do try to be neat because I really do hate a messy garage. My dad, brother and Uncle are notorious pack rats. It was always an adventure to see what was lurking in the dim corners of the shop. In my searches I have discovered, a new hood emblem from a ’57 Chevy, a set of micrometers, some kittens, an engine scope, a small block 327, an engine from an YZ80, a 1940s NHL Original Six table hockey game, a 1960s gas pump, and a go-cart. Not to mention enough scrap metal to easily retire on. From the darkness new life breathed into something old, something restored, something recycled.
My garage measures in at 9×16. It is just barely big enough to fit a small car into. Fortunately it is just the right size to house my bike and a couple others to work on. It has come a long ways from when I first took possession. At that time the door was hanging off the track, the side door missing, and the wood floor rotted into musky mulch. There was no light, no power, no windows, and the family of bats living in rafters were not happy to be evicted. It has come a long way to now being a secure place for my bikes and tools, a refuge from everyday life. A place to escape from the 9-to-5 world around me. It is a place to work on my bikes, bench race with friends, or to get carried away in an old David Mann picture, or the dreamy eyes of an Easyriders centerfold.

EASYRIDERS MINI-STURGIS IN CHILLICOTHE, OHIO THIS WEEKEND–ADULTS ONLY–“Today is move in day for the Gold Rush and Vendors. Been slammed setting up,” said John Green, the Easyriders Events boss. ” Vendors are up and presales are up this year.
Weather predictions are perfect. Sorry I don’t have more to report. We’re going to have a blast.”

FXR DEAL OF THE WEEK– I received this from my bud – James Simonelli – at Baker Drivetrain. This is a 1990 FXRS that looks like it just came off of the showroom floor.

Please contact James if you know anyone interested!

FEMA – The European Motorcyclists’ Federation, NEWS FROM EUROPE–Summer is here! ?At last?, some would say, and it is true that motorcyclists are not the least vocal in complaining about the weather. After the cold months, for many a motorcyclist its has been time to enjoy riding and the benefits it brings, in terms of mobility and practicality. And for many it is, in a way, a new start; after a reduced activity for the winter.
This summer is also a new beginning for the European political activity. The European elections in June marked a new start, and not just because the renewed Parliament is embarking into a new legislative work for the next five years. While the political equilibrium in the hemicycle remains more or less unchan- ged, the polls saw the rise of the Greens as a more powerful and more influential party. With new greenhouse gases emissions targets and the internalisation of external costs of transport being dis- cussed, this new political configuration could well influence European transport policies in the next few years.
On July 1st, Sweden took over the Presidency of the European Union, carrying great hopes in times of economic uncertainty. The Lisbon treaty, still in the constitutional limbo and ready to come into effect, could very soon change the political landscape of the Union, giving more power to the Par liament. Along with Members of Parliament, Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso goes back to work in September, confirmed as the head of the European executive for the next five years. Prai sed or criticised for his self-described position as being at the service of the Member States, will he be forced to shift to a more proactive stance, pressured by the challenges of the economic crisis?
–Aline Delhaye
FEMA Secretary General

2004 Von Dutch Dragnut ? Complete Custom Chopper ? 1-Of-A-Kind!!! – $49,995 (Pompano Beach)–You are viewing a complete custom (One-of-a-Kind) ?Authentic Design Von Dutch? chopper. This bike was photographed in ?Celebrity Circle? and was used in other photo sessions featuring Naomi Campbell. A true collector?s item, the bike is classic and perfect to the smallest detail! Over $105,000 was spent in customizing this bike. You can be the proud owner at less than half the original MSRP!!!
The price of the motorcycle is $49,995. Bike just broke 500 miles! Viewings by appointment only! Please call (954)426-6337 or email to set up an appointment or for additional information. Thank you!
–from Geno
See what you miss out on in Florida?

AH, AN EXERPT FROM MING’S BIKERNET PHILOSOPHY LESSON–“I believe we write our own stories. And each time we think we know the end- we don’t.
Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, theworld of chance, and in peace that comes from knowing that you just can’tknow it all”.

DEPARTURE BIKE WORKS 37TH ANNIVERSARY, OCTOBER 3RD–Departure Bike Works, a tradition in Richmond since 1973, is a full service store with a passionate staff. We build custom motorcycles by design. Harleys, trikes, choppers, bikes, classics, parts, rebuilts, handicapped hand controls, builder customs from mild to wild for the common rider! Custom made motorcycles designed and built by bikers. New, partial or complete custom bikes and parts for sale and our staff have been here with us for many years. Our Sales, Parts and Service Departments are staffed by the friendliest and most knowledgeable people in this industry.
Our ‘No Pressure’ way of doing business is our hallmark. Whether you are just beginning to feel the ‘itch’ to get into motorcycling or you are the seasoned veteran, we can help you. It’s what we love to do.
From the Blue Ridge Mountains to the beaches, Virginia is motorcycle riding paradise. If you are in the area, please come into the store. Friendly faces and helpful information are always available!

Broken Spoke Campground Lights It Up In ?09 and Sets its Sights on the 70th–Sturgis, South Dakota: Coming off the heels of an exciting and successful 2009 Sturgis Rally, The Broken Spoke Saloon & Campground is looking forward to the 70th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally with competitive rates, (especially for early-bookers) and even more improvements to the impressive 600-acre property.
Close to 3,000 campers called the Broken Spoke Saloon & Campground on 79 North their home for the 69th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and as usual the Broken Spoke did not disappoint with free concerts all week ? including incredible shows by Foghat and .38 Special ? a huge, free pool & hot tubs with live entertainment and the finest of bar maids serving up cold ones all week.
The cabins and RV spots were full and the general store was a busy meeting place for hot coffee, supplies and free Wi-Fi. The Limpnickie Lot and the Wall of Death kept people entertained with trike races and daily shows ? and the inaugural ?Good ?Ol Days Raceway? was a hit as anyone versed in the old school had expected. To honor those in our armed forces, the Broken Spoke had the Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall on display all week, with a patriotic opening and closing ceremony and a Rolling Thunder Freedom Ride on Wednesday.

The week kicked off with another tribute ? this time to industry greats Sugar Bear and Michael Lichter. This ride and the annual Cycle Source ride which took place on Tuesday both converged on a working ranch with the most gracious hosts you will find anywhere ? and lots of fun and games organized by the family. And of course, while every one else was resting up after 10 days at the rally, owner Jay Allen went out to Bonneville to successfully sent another (8th!) Land Speed Record for Broken Spoke Racing. The man never sleeps!
Given the reputation that the Broken Spoke Campground is building as the ?comfortable campground? with friendly staff, oasis-like pool and tiki bar, cabins, beautiful setting and more, people are already starting to secure their spot for the 70th annual 2010 rally. Until December 31, 2009, rates will continue at $99 + tax, and will increase to $119.38 + tax on January 1, 2010. The 2010 rate is in honor of the rally?s inception in 1938 (the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was cancelled for two years during WWII).

All rates are per person for any length of stay throughout the rally. The campground on 79 North will be open on August 3rd through August 15th, 2010. Private, air-conditioned cabins with mini-refrigerators, microwaves and front patios are available for rent for the 70th rally, along with oversized 30 and 50-amp RV spots. More cabins and bathhouses are in the plans, as well as more RV spots and a caf? next to the General Store.
The Broken Spoke Campground encourages feedback from those who stayed and invites them to send comments and photos from your Sturgis ?09 trip to them at:
Camping spots can be booked and ?09 Rally photos can be viewed at:

VETERANS WARNING IF YOU USE VETERANS’ SERVICES– While at the Vista VA Clinic on 28 Aug 09, VA staff were handing out flyers warning of a VA Scam. Here is the content of the warning flyer:
Veterans are reporting that they are receiving calls from people claiming to be from the VA Pharmacy. The callers are telling veterans that the billing procedure for prescriptions has changed, and that the veteran needs to provide his/her credit card number for prescription payment before Pharmacy will fill their medication requests.
Please alert your veterans that this is a scam! All billing for any V A treatment and/or prescriptions is done through the MCCR Section of the V A. If the veteran wishes to pay his/her account by credit card, the veteran must provide the credit card number to our Agent Cashier. Our Agent Cashier is the only V A employee authorized to accept credit card payments. The VA has not changed its policy of invoicing by mail after the prescriptions are filled.

Sheriffs in Two Counties Join “Watch For Motorcycles” Campaign– Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee and Sheriff Dave Mahoney in Madison both did 30 second messages as part of the ABATE of Wisconsin and Hupy and Abraham, S.C. motorcycle awareness campaign.
Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has partnered with ABATE of Wisconsin and two County Sheriffs to present these public awareness messages to motorists. In order to ensure that the message is seen by as many viewers as possible, Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has donated commercial prime time air slots for this important awareness message.

Milwaukee and Dane Counties post higher crash and fatality rates than other Wisconsin counties so it made sense to air this message on major television stations in these markets. Although they are public service announcements, they are being aired throughout the day during prime time at the expense of Hupy and Abraham, S.C.
Viewers in several counties will see the Milwaukee and Madison television broadcasts. We invite you to click on the following links to the awareness videos that are being aired to millions of people to see them for yourself.
These messages are only one part of our campaign to bring awareness of motorcycles to other drivers. Hupy and Abraham, S.C. has spent over $100,000.00 this year on our multi-media Watch For Motorcycles campaign.
–Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Hupy and Abraham S.C.

WOLFGANG BOOK DEAL OF THE WEEK, CUSTOM BUILDER SERIES, ADVANCED WIRING–The one job that even the best mechanics avoid is wiring. Those worries are now over with the introduction of Motorcycle Wiring from Wolfgang Publications. Part of the Custom Builder Series, this new book uses chapters one and two to cover the basics of DC electricity; as well as batteries, starters and alternators. The next chapter provides detailed schematics and repair information on the factory wiring harness used before and after 1994.
Jeff Zielinski, owner of Namz Custom Cycle Products and designer of all their wiring harness kits, is the author of Motorcycle Wiring. In the custom bike industry, Jeff is the go-to guy for neat and functional wiring harnesses and the components needed to make a harness work in a unique situation.
Jeff uses over half the book to describe the various harness options available to a person building a custom bike. Is it better to build a harness from scratch or install a ready-made harness kit? And which kit is best for a particular situation? What?s the easiest way to install the harness and route all those wires inside the top tube and the handle bars? These questions and many more are answered in this new Motorcycle Wiring book.
This entirely new Wiring book uses 144 pages and over 300 color photos and diagrams to illustrate all the latest products, the basic circuits, simple and complex wiring schematics, and a complete start-to-finish custom wiring installation.
Available from Wolfgang Publications, order by mail at PO Box 223, Stillwater, MN. By phone at 651-275-0194, or on the web at, priced at $27.95 + $5.50 S&H.
Advanced Custom Motorcycle Wiring #4-3056
Author: Jeff Zielinski
ISBN: 1-929133-41-3
ISBN -13: 978-1-929133-41-3

SIN WU THREATENS TO MARRY THE CHINAMAN SO BIKERNET RESEARCHES CHINESE WEDDING–A young Chinese couple gets married. She’s a virgin. Truth be told, he is a virgin too, but she doesn’t know that.
On their wedding night, she cowers naked under the sheets as her husband undresses in the darkness. He climbs into bed next to her and tries to be reassuring.
– ‘My darring,’ he whispers, ‘I know dis you firss time and you berry flighten. I promise you, I give you anyting you want, I do anyting – juss anyting you want. You juss ask. Whatchu want?’ he says, trying to sound experienced and worldly, which he hopes will impress her.
A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for her request. She eventually shyly whispers back,
– ‘I want to try someting I have hear about from odda girls… Numbaa 69.’
More thoughtful silence from him. Eventually, in a puzzled tone he asks her…. – ‘You want…… Garlic Chicken wif snow peas?
–from Buckshot Wong

The creation of FEMA and institutional developments in Europe–On 25 June 1988, national road riding motorcyclists’ organisations from France (FFMC), Germany (Kuhle Wampe), United Kingdom (MAG UK), Greece (M.O.T.O.E), Austria (MAG Austria) and Luxembourg (LMI) – gathered in Strasbourg. Out of this meeting came the decision to form a European organisation to defend and promote the interests of riders: The Federation of European Motorcyclists (FEM) was born.
Having no or only very limited funding (mainly coming from MAG UK), FEM first Secretariat emerged in Charleroi (Belgium) beginning of the 90’s, with Frank Pearson as first General Secretary. The Office then moved to Brussels in 1992 under the charismatic and passionate leadership of Simon MILWARD, who became the real driving force of the Federation. From now on, riders would be represented in the heart of the EU legislative process.
Ten years later, on 10 January 1998, the Federation of European Motorcyclists (FEM) and the European Motorcyclists’ Association (EMA) merged to form the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA).
This event clearly marked a milestone in the history of motorcyclists’ representation. Realizing they shared common interests, the two associations decided to join their forces to represent road riders in the EU. Despite national boundaries, the new Federation linked riders from all around Europe through their mutual beliefs and values. Today: FEMA is strong of 24 National Organisations in 19 different countries, and represents nearly 350.000 riders.
Nowadays, few people know the rich history of FEM-FEMA and why – 20 years ago – the “old generation” founded the Federation. The creation of FEM was closely linked to the evolution of European Institutions. With the development of the common market and the drive to create a European Union, new legislations were drafted for the sake of harmonisation. Unfortunately, several new law proposals – drafted by politicians having no or very limited knowledge of motorcycling – directly restricted or attacked riders’ basic freedom and rights.
New campaigning associations hence emerged in order to respond to riders’ demands and discontent. This political activism was a real citizen’s movement: Thousands of riders would go down the streets to make their voices heard. On 25 Juin 1988, 5000 motorcyclists demonstrated in Strasbourg. This was the first EURO DEMO. Over the years, the number of riders demonstrating, coming from all over Europe, continuously rose to reach 20,000 in Paris (Euro Demo 1994) and 30,000 in Brussels (Euro Demo 1996)!
12th MEP Motorcycle Ride and FEMA 20th Anniversary: Great celebrations in Brussels!
On 25 June 2008, FEMA celebrated its 20th Anniversary and organised a very special MEP Motorcycle Ride in Brussels. All participants expressed their enthusiasm and were unanimous: the event was a huge success! More than 150 people showed an interest in taking part to the event, among which 18 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) coming from 11 different countries, as well as officials form the Commission. The ride through Brussels city centre, the heart of Europe, was one of the keys to success.

PEGASUS EFI FOR CUSTOM APPLICATIONS–If you are looking for a clean, all-in-one, performance approved EFI system for your hot rod or custom, check Pegasus.
This unit comes complete with intake manifold, throttle body, coil and top motormount. It is highly tune-able and tutorials and tuning advice is available on the Pegasus Web Site. Here’s contact info:
Support: 1-800-683-1519 ext 100
Sales: 1-800-683-1519 ext 200
Corporate Information
8432 Nestle Ave.
Northridge, CA 91325

CYCLE SOUNDS? SOUNDS FOR YOUR BIKE! NEW 2.5? SERIES 2 ULTRA SPEAKER SYSTEMS for H-D?s– Cycle Sounds offers new 2.5? speaker systems for your H-D.
With 75 watts per speaker, and a remarkable extended bass in a micro driver, these are twice as loud as the previous 2? speaker systems and have a richer and fuller sound. Included in the kit are 1? p-clamps, mirror Z-bracket mounts, amp and a pair of chrome bullet speakers with black speaker grills. The unique bullet design blends well with any bike and allows the rider to mount the speakers under the handlebars.
Biker?s Choice # 21-8250 H-D models (exc FLHR & Sportster) Biker?s Choice # 21-8251 H-D FLHR and Sportster models
For more information or to just check out all the Cycle Sounds products, visit Happy and Safe Riding!!
Biker?s Choice
Continued On Page 3