Another interesting day in paradise. The Retro Love Ride rumbles back to its roots next weekend. Tim is picking up his sportbike, which we’ve had stored in the Bikernet shop since he graduated from the College Oceaneering down the street. I heard banging outside, and a family was going through our dumpster scoring metals.

I’m about to start rejuvenating the 5-Ball Factory Racer ignition system. I’m installing a BlackHawk cone cover, with a Compu-Fire single fire ignition and removing the Thunder-Heart system. We are installing Custom Chrome pushrods and a new mid-range S&S cam. I can’t wait.
It would be terrific to be able to ride it to the Love Ride for its first major run. I’ve been negotiating with Heather New, of New Line Engraving. She’s engraving a points cover. We will bring you a tech on this Crazy Horse engine upgrade in the next couple of weeks. I need to finish the BUB/PM/Zippers tech, if I can get Jeremiah Soto to return the goddamn installation instructions.
Don’t forget to vote, goddamnit. This is a very important election, although I’m pissed at all of them. I think we may need a third party to shake up the bullshit. Let’s hit the news:

EUROPE’S TOP CUSTOM BIKES– Custom Chrome Europe presents: The best Custom bikes of Europe and the world´s most famous Customizers will be at Mainz/Germany!
The show will go on: At the annual 2011 Custom Chrome Europe Dealershow, more than 100 superb custom bikes will compete for the Custom Chrome International Bikeshow Series European Championship“ and prestigious trophies and prices. Following their established and proven concept – and some new ideas – some of the hottest European Custombikes ever are expected to participate at the 2011 edition of the event. THIS is where the European Champion 2011 will be crowned! Show entries can enter their bikes through the website www.custom-chrome-europe.com.

The Custom Chrome Europe team again will celebrate a high-class show event which will feature special awards and top-customizers from all over the world.
Both March 26th AND 27th are Dealer Days for registered authorized CCE dealers, ONLY on Sunday the 27th, the show is open to the general public. Showtimes are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Phoenix-Hall is located in the northern part of Mainz, Autobahn (Motorway) A 643, Ausfahrt (Exit) Mainz-Mombach. The latest updated show-information is available at the Website www.custom-chrome-europe.com.
BIKENET UNIVERSITY FACT CHECKING CLASS– Dolphins are so smart that within weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted pay checks.
A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it.
Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says “If an emergency, notify:” I put “Doctor”.
I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
–from BA Berry

Visit http://www.sscyclewear.com for the entire S&S line of
2010/2011 apparel.
Get a free key ring ($7.99 retail value) with all orders over $65. Offer valid through 11/30/2010.
“To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.”–W. Somerset Maugham, quoted in Malaysia’s New Straits Times

–Christine Le Pera
Please visit our web site www.lepera.com

MORE FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY HISTORY DEPARTMENT– Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would Sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake.
England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive… So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell.
Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell, or was considered a dead ringer.
And that’s the truth….Now, whoever said History was boring!!!
–from Art Friedman
OTHER CRETIN RIDES AND EVENTS– Don’t forget Hansen Dam on November 7, Temecula to Palm Springs on December 5, our 25th annual New Years Eve Ride on December 31 and our 20th (?) Ride to the Rock Store on January 16. The complete 2011 ride schedule will be available at Hansen Dam.
Mohave/Lake Isabella/Randsburg Loop– The 2nd annual Mojave/Lake Isabella/Randsburg Loop was thoroughly enjoyable. We had 18 bikes, including the guys on BMWs who took a detour (?) to Bakersfield but still met us in Randsburg! Again, no breakdowns, accidents or tickets although one rider went about 6 miles on washboard gravel on a Hinckley Bonneville before realizing that I had said “don’t go that way” during the riders’ meeting. It does pay to listen.
— Bib

–Quick Throttle Art

Trying to get some pics from the family of the races. Granddaughter thought she had some that I could get copied for you

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER RESEARCH PROJECT– A couple living in a small Minnesota town take on an 18-year-old girl as a lodger. She asked if she could have a bath but the woman of the house told her they didn’t have a bathroom as such but she could use a tin bath in front of the fire.
“Monday’s the best night, when my husband goes out to bowl,” the woman said. So the young girl agreed to have a bath the following Monday night.
After her husband had gone off for his bowling tournament, the woman filled the bath and watched as the girl got undressed. She was surprised to see that the young lass didn’t have any pubic hair and told her husband when he came home.
He didn’t believe her, so she said, “Next week, when you go off to bowl, I’ll leave a little gap in the curtains so that you can see for yourself, alright?”
The following Monday night, while the girl got undressed for her bath, the wife asked her, “Do you shave down there?” “No,” replied the girl, “I’ve just never grown any hairs down there. Do you have hairs on yours?”
“Oh, yes,” said the woman and she showed the girl her hairy muff.
After the girl had gone to bed the husband came home and the wife asked, “Did you see it?”
“Yes,” he said, “but why the hell did you have to show her yours?” “Why not?” she said, “You’ve seen it before.” “I know,” he replied, “but the bowling team hadn’t!”
–from Mike N.

BIKERNET REJUVINATION PROJECT–Bikernet had incredible ratings over the last 10 years. This year we rebuilt the site, but it caused us to unplug it and plug it into a new Columbus, Ohio server. We were basically starting over, and it took us awhile to ramp up again, but with the help of Joe, the Robintek crew, and John Greywitt our numbers have increased substantially over the last month.
Here’s a comparison to Cyril’s Blog. Although, we don’t compare Bikernet, as a full blown web site to a blog that sends out e-mails daily, but it does give us a number to shoot for. I will try to deliver monthly reports as our new format numbers grow.
Alexa Rankings:
US Ranking: 39,028
Overall: 166,712
US Ranking: 225,408
Overall: 1,066,085
US Ranking: 26,321
Overall: 111,872
In the rankings race the smaller the number the better, for instance Bikernet is currently within the top 39,000 web sites in the United States. Not bad for a bunch of dirty bikers.
Next year we will host our 15th anniversary, amazing. Hang on for more developments.

BIKERNET EDITOR REVIEWS THE SUNDAY POST– I just cruised the “Never a Dull Moment Sunday Post” and saw a couple of things I’d like to comment on:
Secret Bikernet Headquarters … Good luck on the grant, your building has such a great history and seems perfect for your headquarters. Cosmetic treatment to the exterior would be a wonderful accomplishment. You had shown me the drawing when I visited in July. I enjoyed your recap of the building’s history.
Motorbooks Project Update … Glad to see that the 1%er book is moving along. Working on Chapter 11 must mean that the project has achieved the momentum needed to wrap it up soon. I’ll really look forward to the final product. If I can be of help during the “review and comment” phase, let me know. I might just add some value to the project.
I got in from Texas last night … eleven days on the road … attended a Nickleback concert in Houston, transitioned the leadership (Presidency) of my chapter and made a club rally/party near Corpus Christi. Ran into problems on the ride from Houston to Corpus. I center-punched a deer (I was running 70+) … tore up my ’03 Road Glide pretty bad but I managed to keep the bike upright and rode it to a complete stop. I’m considering myself very lucky … whether the bike will “total” and what the outcome of the insurance claim is being currently being worked out. Damn, I love that bike!!!
I’ll be working on the “Sons of Malarky” story during the next few days and hope to have something to you within a week. I’ve got about 1,700 words now but the story needs a little work to get it where I want it.
Best Regards, the desert has cooled off during the last two weeks and I’m feeling a ride to the coast coming up quickly.
Gypsy MC
I have set my sites on over 30 chapters. Hopefully, next week I will spend a day at the Central Library in Los Angeles researching club activity in the Los Angeles Times archives.–Bandit

We just had the wiring completed and our bike electrician is researching the Wire Plus wire loom tach. Your speedo includes tach functions. We just need to hook it up.
We are unveiling the bike at a major event here this coming weekend.
Associate/Technical Editor

THE POPE OF PIPE SPEAKS TO BIKERNET–This is an amazingly clear and crisp interview with Dave Rash, the boss of D&D pipes, about late model Harley pipes, ECMs, fuel injection and what fits what. This clears up a lot of questions regarding Twin Cams.

BIKERNET SCIENCE LAB UNDER SEVERE SCRUTINY– Dr. Calvin Rickson, a scientist from Bikernet State University, has invented a bra that keeps
women’s breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipples from pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in.
At a news conference, after announcing the invention, a large group of men took Dr. Rickson outside and kicked the shit out of him.
–from Art Friedman
Today’s word was submitted by Adaly P. Submit yours by going Back to School with Dictionary.com!
hobbledehoy HOB-uhl-dee-hoy, noun:
An awkward, gawky young fellow.
For early on, girls become aware — as much from their fathers’ anguished bellows of “You’re not going out dressed like that, Miss” as from the buffoonish reactions of the spotty hobbledehoys at the end-of-term disco — of the power of clothes to seduce.
— Jane Shilling, “Soft-centred punk”, Times (London), October 27, 2000
His memories, even only reveries, of incomparable women, made me feel like a hulking hobbledehoy.
— Edith Anderson, Love in Exile
Unfortunately, they have to contend with ignorant hobbledehoys who, on seeing these rows of shingle heaps, feel compelled to jump on them.
— Susan Campbell, “He grows seakale on the seashore”, Daily Telegraph, March 27, 1999
The origin of hobbledehoy is unknown, though it perhaps derives from hobble, from the awkward movements of a clumsy adolescent.

AEBN Throws Halloween Party for Hustler’s This Ain’t Avatar XXX–Charlotte, NC – AEBN, the leader in adult VOD, has partnered with Hustler Video and King Ryan Events to host a knockout of a party this month to celebrate the DVD release of the highly anticipated This Ain’t Avatar XXX 3D. Scheduled for October 29th, the event will make the most of the season by encouraging guests to come in their Halloween finery.
Hustler’s This Ain’t Avatar XXX 3D has been one of the most talked-about releases of the year, with buzz focusing on its envelope-pushing concept, lavish set and makeup design, and its use of 3D technology to bring its parody to life in a whole new way. The night will also honor Valley Babes XXX Agency owner Lee Bang for his birthday.
The party will take place at the Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills. As with past AEBN and King Ryan parties, the event will be attended by a bevy of beautiful starlets as well as some of the most well-known names in the industry. The party is a Halloween Costume Party, and entertainment will include a DJ and live music. OC Modeling standout Teagan Summers will host the red carpet for AEBN and greet the media & adult stars as they come in.
The night begins on the red carpet on Friday, October 29th, 8PM at Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills, located at 424 North Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

Attorney General Martha Coakley Recovers Additional $12 Million in Motorcycle Insurance Overcharges for Massachusetts Consumers–
Total Refunds to Consumers Under AG Coakley’s Motorcycle Insurance Settlements Now Stand at $33.8 Million
BOSTON – Today, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced that she has reached settlements with five more auto insurance companies over allegations that they overcharged tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents for motorcycle insurance. Today’s settlements, which will return $12.1 million to consumers, center around allegations that Arbella Mutual Insurance Company, Hanover Insurance Group, OneBeacon Insurance (aka Massachusetts Homeland), National Grange Mutual (NGM), and Norfolk & Dedham Group (N&D) used inflated and un-depreciated motorcycle values to calculate premiums for Massachusetts motorcycle riders, resulting in more than $12 million in overcharges. The Attorney General’s Office reached similar settlements involving seven other insurance companies earlier this year. In total, the 12 insurance companies that have settled with the Attorney General’s Office are paying back more than $33.8 million to Massachusetts residents and over $1.5 million to the state.
“We began our industry-wide investigation into motorcycle insurance based on a single consumer complaint. To date, that investigation has forced 12 insurance companies to return more than $33 million to Massachusetts motorcycle owners,” said Attorney General Coakley. “As this investigation demonstrates, and as the insurance companies in this state know, when consumers bring complaints to our office, we listen and we take action.”
Today’s settlements stem from allegations that these insurance companies were illegally using inflated motorcycle values to calculate premiums and failing to depreciate motorcycle values as policies renewed. For example, the couple from Lynnfield that filed a complaint with our office owned a 1999 Harley Davidson Road King Classic. In each year between 2003 and 2008, our office found that Safety Insurance Company had charged the couple premiums as if their 1999 Road King Classic were worth $20,000. However, by 2008, the couple’s motorcycle was nine-years-old and worth less than $12,000. As a result, Safety overcharged the couple by more than $1,500.
For more information about how the overcharges occurred, including charts depicting the overcharges, visit www.mass.gov/ago/motorcycles .
Under the terms of today’s settlements, Arbella is required to pay $6.3 million to consumers, Hanover is required to pay $2.5 million to consumers, OneBeacon is required to pay $2.1 million to consumers, NGM is required to pay $645,679 to consumers, and N&D is required to pay $554,480 to consumers. The insurance companies are also required to make payments to the state that total over half a million dollars.
As a result of this industry-wide investigation, the Attorney General’s Office has identified over 100,000 policies that are eligible for refunds under the settlements reached to date. Average refunds under the settlements are around $320. To date, exact refund amounts have been calculated for 96,656 policies. Of those policies, more than 18,500 policies are eligible for refunds over $500.
In order to be eligible for a refund under the settlements, consumers must have purchased collision and/or comprehensive coverage for their motorcycle and their motorcycle must have been overvalued by their insurance company. Consumers who purchased insurance from Arbella, Hanover, Safety Insurance, Plymouth Rock, N&D, OneBeacon (aka Massachusetts Homeland), Pilgrim Insurance, Metropolitan Property & Casualty, Liberty Mutual, or Quincy Mutual can check the Attorney General’s Motorcycle Insurance Settlement Webpage to find out if they are eligible for a refund and how much they will receive.
Refund checks are expected to be mailed by most carriers by the end of the fall; Liberty Mutual and Quincy Mutual completed the initial refund process earlier this year.
When your wife says, “You’re too old to ride motorcycles, you might get hurt,” just smile and say “Honey, I’m doing this for you so I can build up my bones.” No, really. The science is on your side. A daily dose of whole body vibration is good for you.
A daily dose of whole body vibration may help reduce the usual bone density loss that occurs with age, Medical College of Georgia researchers report.
Researchers found vibration improved density around the hip joint with a shift toward higher density in the femur, the long bone of the leg, as well. Hip fractures are a major cause of disability and death among the elderly.
They also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.
Well, the study didn’t specifically cite motorcycles, but what better whole body vibration machine is there? Combined with previous studies that show lifting weights keeps bones strong among older folks, this could be a nice boost for Harley Davidson, or any big bike for that matter, giving all of us Boomers a great new reason to fire up the big V-Twins for medicinal purposes and ride forever. At this rate, you could almost get your doctor to write a prescription, “One hour of riding daily, as needed. Prescription may be refilled indefinitely.” No more namby-pamby lightweight girlie bikes, I’ll have one of those big heavy suckers that vibrates. Thanks, Doc!
–from the www.KneeSlider.com

BAD COP REPORT FROM ROGUE–From the office of THOMPSON, Circuit Judge. Officer Jamie Pietroski suffered a late-night lapse in judgment and forcibly removed a compliant Matthew Raiche from his stopped motorcycle in order to arrest Raiche for, ironically, failure to stop. A jury saw the irony and, after a trial on a number of related civil rights claims, awarded Raiche damages for injuries sustained as a result of Pietroski’s use of excessive force. Pietroski filed post-trial motions (1) for judgment as a matter of law on the ground that he was entitled to qualified immunity because he had acted reasonably, and (2) for a new trial on the ground that the jury’s verdict was not supported by the evidence. The district court denied Pietroski’s motions and entered judgment for Raiche.

THE UNCLE MONKEY CODE OF THE WEST DOCTRINE– We all want to accomplish something in our lifetime whether it is building a show winning motorcycle, the World’s fast Panhead, or writing the next great American novel. It is something that burns deep within us, to create, to manipulate metal, mind, spirit, and fabric into something that will be a benchmark. Benchmark. It is a word that we toss around and don’t give respect to. To be a true benchmark it has to be perfect, and exactly what the world and we needed. It is that perfection, those exacting measurements that we lose.
We all have grand visions in our heads as to what we want to accomplish, what mark we will leave on the world. We run into problems when our grand visions exceed what we can do right now. It is a humbling experience. To admit we have bitten off more then we can chew is to admit failure, to admit that it can’t be done, can’t be done by us.
We see everywhere. Everyday someone tells me about their vision of the ultimate chopper, the clean lines, the unique product placement, the perfect paint job. They vow they are going to build the bike that will change the industry. The grand notion is usually accompanied with a long list of required parts. But when I start probing, their plans fall apart. They aren’t even oil changers. They couldn’t find the drain line for their oil tank if I pointed a flashlight beam directly at it. They have grossly over-estimated what they can do, what they can accomplish.
The first bike I built wasn’t a radical chopper; in fact it wasn’t anything special at all. A simple Harley, stock frame, stock tanks. I carefully took it apart, analyzed each piece and how it works with the others. I would eventually take that bike apart and put it back together several times, changing, modifying, until I finally achieved what I decided was my final goal. I would eventually go on to build other bikes, some reworked Harleys, and the occasional ground-up builds. Each a little better than the previous, growing with practice, growing with failure.
Often we are so eager to create that we forget we have to learn first, practice through failure to reach small perfected elements, before tackling the all-encompassing goal. Too often we try to build an Empire State Building without first learning how to build a house. Both are buildings, both follow similar principles, but first we must learn the mundane details and grow. One we know the technology we can really push the limits.
We all can leave our mark on the world, but first we need to learn how.
-bad Uncle Monkey

Sheet Metal Bible is a compendium of sheet metal fabrication projects, everything from simple shaping operations to multi-piece creations like fenders and motorcycle gas tanks. Each of these operations is photographed in detail. Meaty captions help the reader to understand what’s really happening as a flat sheet of steel slowly morphs into the convex side of a gas tank.
While some of the craftsmen work with hand tools, others prefer the English Wheel. The book is filled with work by legendary fabricators like Ron Covell, Craig Naff, Rob Roehl and Bruce Terry. Projects include components for two and four-wheeled hot rods. Each metal has its place in the metal shop, and this new book includes tips on how to work with, and weld, both metals.
So whether your scooter needs parts made from aluminum or steel, they are simple or complex, there is something in this new 176-page book to help you turn that dream into reality.
BIKERNET LAW FIRM MEMO: Law of the Garbage Truck–One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.
My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly.
So I asked, ‘Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!’
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, ‘The Law of the Garbage Truck.’
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment.
As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you. Don’t take it personally.
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so … Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don’t.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
–from Jim Waggaman

For a vintage look with modern handling, this beautifully chrome plated Wide Springer with shock absorber is fully assembled as shown with stem nuts and top clamp. This front end assembly is designed to be used with the OE front fender HD# 59176-88. Due to the size and style of this front fender it can only be used with 21″ wheels designed for FXSTS 1989/Later. This assembly comes with a top clamp with 4 3/4″ centers that uses unthreaded riders and 1/2-20 riser bolts. With our riser adapter and hardware, you can run late style handlebar risers with 3 1/2″ centers. +9″ oversize for a total of 34″. Chrome Plated. Fits most applications that require 1″ diameter steering stem. This is an unbelievable $1,640.88 — a $782.00 savings off of retail. That’s 33% !!
Check out this 4000 SERIES Digital Oil Pressure Gauge for Custom Use
4000 Series, 1 7/8″ O.D. gauge features a high brightness dot matrix type vacuum fluorescent graphic display that has a blackout display when turned off, Oil pressure gauge has a range of 0 through 150 PSI in increments of 1 PSI, Housing is 1 3/8″ deep with 2 1/16″ O.D. bezel. Chrome Plated Oil Pressure. Requires 88028 Sending Unit. Yours for only $140.58 This is a 30% savings on this gauge.
Do you need an Instrument Panel Cover and Base Kit for Fat Bob Gas Tanks? If so, we got ‘em at K and G Cycles!
Includes cover, speedometer, ignition switch, base plate, trip odometer reset knob and mounting hardware in an attractive display box, All kits fit aftermarket and 1947/1990 Fat Bob tanks (solid mount and flatside), Chrome Plated 2 Light Kit 2:1 Ratio. Yours for only $110.76 This is a 30% savings
Finally, a Primary Chain tensioner Kit for Sportster
Spring loaded to provide constant tension on the primary chain, Eliminates chain snatch on deceleration, Promotes smoother shifting and less stress on transmission components, Improves chain life, Includes installation instructions, Fits Sportster 5 speed 2004/Later. Yours for only $86.51 — 30% savings from retail.
CUSTOM FROM INCAUDO’S ANTIQUE CYCLE FOR SALE– my name in John incaudo, I am the owner of Incaudo’s Antique Cycle. Here’s a bike that I recently built. We call it the Widowmaker
It’s for sale for $15,000 o.b.o.

NOVEMBER 5th – 7th 2010, Rosmalen – The Main-Event in Benelux!
*Motographer On Duty as Zodiac Show photographer
CUSTOMBIKE 2010 – DECEMBER 3rd – 5th 2010, Bad Salzuflen
The Industry Showcase and Top Bikeshow in Germany!
Dipl.-Ing. Horst Rösler, Werrastraße 26, 60486 Frankfurt/Main – Germany
Tel./Fax ++49 – (0)69 – 77 22 87, Mobile ++49 – (0)172 – 69 56 338,

OUTLAW BOOKS BY BEVERLY ROBERTS– A daughter exhumes her father’s photos of his ’60s biker brethren. And you’ve not seen anything like it
Grown men in leather, dirty beards and fingerless gloves riding Harleys aren’t always as grizzly or as grimy as they appear.
Some could be criminal lawyers, anesthesiologists or marketing gurus in boots flaunting vicarious thrills on drop-dead expensive bikes, with their trophy blondes and Bloomfield Hills houses in the rearview.
But this writer grew up around true-grit bikers, guys who wore rockers and rolled patches; guys who belonged to 1-percenter motorcycle clubs. Guys with “M/C” patches on their backs so you knew exactly who you were dealing with. These guys weren’t the casual cruisers, they are, often, truck-stop bruisers.
In the summer of 1935, a bunch of motorcyclists gathered at Matilda’s Bar on old Route 66 in McCook, just outside Chicago. The men entered as unaffiliated roughnecks and left a unified gang, christening themselves the Outlaws.
In 1963, the Outlaws were the first official 1-percenter club east of the Mississippi. Expansion followed in ’65, and the club established charters in Milwaukee, Detroit, Cincinnati and elsewhere. By the ’70s, the Outlaws were national. Today, they roll throughout Canada and across Europe, from Italy to Serbia, with a strong presence in Germany. Some claim they’re the largest motorcycle club in the world, now that they’ve rooted in Japan and Australia.
Jim Miteff was a husband, father, biker, businessman and photographer from Detroit. He could build a bike from the floor up before he joined the Outlaws as a founding member of the Detroit charter in 1965. And while some in the gang tucked knives and guns into their belts and boots, Miteff rode armed with wrenches and cameras, even on stormy rides to Milwaukee. The local Outlaws dubbed him “Flash.”
In those days, when the various Midwestern charters were meeting regularly under the direction of the mother chapter in Chicago, the group was without a Detroit clubhouse, so the Miteff’s home in Dearborn Heights became a crash pad for Flash’s extended family. He documented it all too, beautifully, from the house party comings and goings to the long highway rides, bar nights and courthouse mornings.
For what Miteff’s eldest child doesn’t remember, his photos filled the gaps: “We constantly had two to 20 Outlaws at our house at any given time,” says Beverly Roberts, who only began to compile her father’s photos a few years ago. “It was a pretty crazy house. Parties all the time. Somehow [my parents] managed to juggle it all. We were good, educated kids. The guys were rowdy, but they were always extremely nice to my sister and me. I actually couldn’t have felt safer. It was one huge adventure.”
Miteff’s photos of those early days reveal a kind of aimless adventure and misfit anarchy, as these guys were caught between the greaser ’50s and hippie late ’60s. Flash was there in the very beginning, when they were wild, when they’d wear Nazi garb and touch tongues for reaction.
For Miteff, the adventure lasted from 1965 to 1969 — critical years for Detroit and for the country. He left the club in good standing. But what he documented was pure outsiderist Americana. He knew it too. “The pictures are sacred and he kept them that way,” Roberts says.
So it is that Roberts, with the blessing of the club, has published in two volumes her dad’s photos. Bringing them to light was an adventure in itself, one that saw her reunite with a somewhat estranged “family” and rediscover parts of herself in the process.
See, reprinting or publishing the Outlaws skull-and-pistons logo is forbidden, or so it’s said. To protect club privacy and uphold his sworn oath, Flash made sure his images never went public.
Then, in 2008, Roberts compiled negatives for what would be Portraits of American Bikers: Life in the ’60s. The Flash Collection. First she started selling prints at biker conventions, testing the market for the photos. Reactions were split. People loved the photos but thought she was crazy for printing and selling them.
“It’s not my goal to expose anything about them that they don’t want the public to have access to,” Roberts says. “I can respect that because these photos were part of my private life for so long — they’re like my family photo album. In publishing them, I’m also saying, ‘Here’s my life, my upbringing, for the world to see and judge.’ That’s as uncomfortable as anything.” (Surely some won’t know what to make of all the swastikas, switchblades, bonfires and doe-eyed women.)
Roberts was also selling her dad’s prints on the same eBay store where she sold dollhouse miniatures.
People noticed, especially a few members of the Outlaws. Soon after throwing them on the Internet, she was in touch with Jingles, a club elder who handled its PR.
Jingles and much of the old Outlaws guard dug what Roberts was dishing, and these books wouldn’t have been possible without his help. Unfortunately, Jingles was diagnosed with throat cancer shortly after getting approval from the club to go forth publishing with Roberts.
“A lot of people in the club thought Jingles could be spending what was the last year of his life in better ways than working on this book,” Roberts says. “But I worked with him and talked with him every single day and I believe he did exactly what he wanted to the last year of his life. And he wanted to see my relationship with the club settled in a way that I could continue to work with them on these books after he passed. Both of those things happened.”

The Jim “Flash” Miteff photos fantastically capture the rebellion of America’s early bikers caught between eras — guys who turned a commotion into a lasting culture, two wheels at a time.
Portraits of American Bikers, Life in the 1960s: The Flash Collection and Portraits of American Bikers, Inside Looking Out: The Flash Collection II are self-published works by Beverly V. Roberts with the permission of the Outlaws. A third volume is in the works.
By Travis R. Wright

BIKER’S CHOICE NOW OFFERS MUSTANG SEATS– Mustang makes a seat to fit almost every kind of Harley out there. Many variations of styles and descriptions of seats are available depending on the make and model of your motorcycle. Some are a two-piece look but are built on a single baseplate. From studded to plain, solo to two-up, there is a seat sure to fit your bike and make you and your passenger more comfortable.
Proudly made in the USA, these seats are meticulously designed so that the baseplate, cover and foam components combine to make the finest and most comfortable seats possible. The baseplate is a formed 16 gauge steel, and is black epoxy powder coated on both sides for rust proofing, and the carpet protects your fender paint so there is no scratching. All edges on the baseplates have a reinforced, impact resistant vinyl edge trim to protect the seat cover and polyurethane bumpers are carefully located and riveted to the baseplate to prevent it from touching the frame and to minimize any vibration.
The covers are made of the highest quality expanded vinyl available giving the seats the look of leather, but the durability and resistance to the environments that exceed O.E.M. standards for motorcycle seats. All seams are double sewed for strength and the bottom edge that holds the cover to the baseplate is hemmed where the rivets hold the cover to the baseplate. The decorative studs on the studded seats are chrome-plated brass and not steel so they will never rust. The conchos are custom, heavy die-cast zinc and are hand tied with genuine leather straps and the fringe is vat dyed so that the color goes all the way through.
Check out some of the styles here, and then go to www.bikerschoice.com to view more styles and applications, or visit your local Biker’s Choice Dealer.
Happy Riding!
[Galveston, TX – October 28, 2010] – The Limpnickie Lot has been making their way across the country for over three years now and is coming to Galveston, Texas, for the Lone Star Rally as part of their World Domination Tour! They have their own place called The PIT Bar on The Strand and it’s decked out exactly like you would expect, completely bad to the bone with the coolest bikes, excellent live bands and events, all in a hot rod, rock n’ roll atmosphere.
The PIT Bar has next generation music, next generation attitude and the
Limpnickie Lot builders from the Easyriders Bike Show Tour, too, featuring the Texas bike built by female bike builder Athena. Come hang out with Athena of Vagabond Choppers, Pat Patterson of Led Sled Customs, Chris Callen, founder of Cycle Source magazine and co-founder of the Limpnickie Lot, and all the other Limpnickie crew. See their mind-blowing, amazing bikes, designs and fabrications and get more information on the thirty -five custom motorcycle shops across the country that make up the Limpnickie Lot.
Saturday night is the Cycle Source Magazine Pin-Up Girl contest and all dolls with a passion for the hot rod life are invited to enter. The winner will be professionally photographed as centerfold for Cycle Source
Magazine. Hosted by Jay Allen, founder of The Broken Spoke Saloon and Chris Callen, editor-in-chief, and co-founder of the Limpnickie Lot.

WOW! ONLY $13,995.00!
This is one heck of a deal! This 2006 Deluxe has only 7141 miles and is ready for you to take home today! It’s got a powerful 88 cubic inch fuel injected motor, 5-speed transmission, highway bar, windshield, and tons of other upgrades.
This is the most sought-after color combination around, and you can get it for super cheap!! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle inspection.

BANDIT’S CANTINA ENCOUNTER DOCUMENTED– A Lady went into a bar in Wilmington, near the Los Angeles Harbor, and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest boots she’d ever seen.
The woman asked the cowboy if it’s true what they say about men with big feet being well endowed.
The cowboy grinned and said, ‘Shore is, little lady. Why don’t you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?’
The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed him a $100 bill.
Blushing, he said, ‘Well, thankya, ma’am. Ah’m real flattered. Ain’t nobody ever paid me fer mah services before.’
‘Don’t be flattered… take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit…’
–from Irving Marsh

Other class winning bikes include Chris Flechtner’s Speed Shop Design Pro Class winner, Ron Simms‘ “Rooster” Bar Hopper Class winner. Other show stoppers include two cool customs by Todd Silcato / Todd’s Cycle, the Roehr Supercharged 1250cc V-Rod Superbike, a Jesse Rooke street tracker, and a retro Ducati V-twin cafe racer built by Shinya Kimura / Chabott Enginering for actor and motorcycle enthusiast Brad Pitt.
The beautiful centerfold Calendar Kittens in revealing lingerie featured with the bikes this year include Playboy Playmate Heather Rae Young, Calendar Kittens Apple Price, Tarah Tobiason, Melody Schuster, BEBE Kardashian apparel line super model Cora Skinner, celebrity retro girl Masha and Stefanie Blase. Here’s your chance to see why custom iron and beautiful girls in revealing lace go so well together in Iron & Lace! The 2011 Calendar couldn’t get any steamier without an “R” rating
The 2011 FastDates.com Calendars reveal a full 16 months of the world’s top motorcycles with beautiful pin up models beginning with September 2010. Each Calendar reveals a full 16 months beginning in September preceding the cover year. They are premium quality printed in full color on 15×15-inch dull coated heavy art board and wire spiral bound with a hang clip for easy wall display and page turning, sealed in a clear plastic envelope with cardboard stiffer for protection. Calendars are available at you favorite motorcycle dealer from leading parts distributors, or order online at www.Amazon.com and http://www.FastDates.com . Order toll-free weekdays by phone in the USA 01-800-461-1226.
In the UK visit http://www.Crossbow-Calendars.com online or phone weekdays 44-208-669-6400

AMA has a site that has a Voter Guide http://www.amadirectlink.com/

A STEALTH MOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE REVIEW–I was bored yesterday sitting around the house and I decided to pay a visit to the local news stand. I was looking in the motorcycle magazine section when I spotted a copy of Street Chopper.
I have not picked up a copy of Street Chopper in some time. I flipped through the pages and was surprised with the content, nice bikes, nice “how to articles.” I was very impressed, so much so that I purchased a copy.

If it’s got booze, we can likely insure the place.
Coverage Available:
General Liability
Liquor Liability
Building, Contents & Inventory
Employment Practices Liability
Assault & Battery
Equipment Breakdown
Hired & Non-Owned Autos
We love to insure biker bars. No watering hole too big or to small. We offer:
Low Minimum Premium
Low Deductibles
Very Competitive Rates (We are “economically sensitive” during this lingering recession.)
Loss Control Assistance & Guidance = “Free” – “No Charge” for this important advice.
We go all out to get you the best coverage at the best price. We have access to over 15 insurance companies that actually like bikers and biker bars.
Go Ahead! Don’t be scared to switch insurance provider just because its Halloween. “BOO”!
The Bikernet Insurance Team
Call us anytime toll free: 888-467-8703
For fastest response email: clientservice@bikernet-insurance.com

Guns! Prostitution! MURDER! This New Ron Klein ELECTION Spot Is the Scariest Ad Of the Year– A political race has obviously gone off the deep end when its attack ads are easily confused with promos for “Sons of Anarchy.” In fairness to Rep. Ron Klein, the Broward Dem in serious trouble of losing his seat to Tea Party fave Allen West, his race went Four Loko long before this latest gem debuted.
West got caught courting the Outlaws — a biker gang linked to meth running — and writing for a local biker mag that, how shall we put this delicately, “loves the titties.” But holy Gingrich does this one lay the facts on thick. Click through!
The spot starts with a rumbling Harley motor and a gritty-voiced narrator growling, “Guns. Prostitution. Murder. That’s who Allen West rides with.”
The facts are all there: West allowed the Outlaws to guard him at a rally and defended them in emails, and contributed regular columns to Wheels on the Road Magazine, a South Florida biker rag. “We don’t need a politician who rides with gangs,” the ad concludes.
(The piece, by the way, was paid for and produced by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, not by Klein’s campaign.)
Riptide got a raging email this morning from Miami Mike, the guy who produces Wheels on the Road, calling Klein “lower than a worm.”
Miami Mike (whom Klein has filed a formal complaint against with the Capitol Police over some other emails threatening to “kick his ass”) feels the ads implied that his magazine supports the Outlaws, which is not the case. Take it away, Miami Mike:

the Motorcycle Industry in Europe is facing unprecedented challenges this fall. Next to a dire market situation, where sales do not seem to be able to take off since the beginning of the economic crisis, the sector is bracing itself for the new rules in the type-approval procedure tabled by the European Commission. These will not only determine the requirements of new bikes in terms of safety and emissions; they will force manufacturers to funnel resources in new technologies and tools, and administrative fulfilments in order to comply with the new rules.
ABS, is one of the controversial aspects that dominated years of discussions leading to the proposal of the European Commission. There are high hopes in terms of safety, and we concur with this point of view. However, in the case of small capacity engines, such a measure is, in the view of ACEM, not proportionate, considering that a wide array of other advanced braking systems exists and that the industry has successfully been designing them specifically for two wheels.
Simplification, despite the Commission intentions, is not, in our view the outcome of this Regulation, at least as long as it concerns manufacturers. The numerous provisions and staggered deadlines starting from the EURO steps to the implementation dates of ABS to other measures such as On Board Diagnostics, all lead to a complex clouding of requirements to be met over a short time frame. At a cost.
Furthermore, there are still wide areas of sheer uncertainty. A vital aspect of the homologation process such as the announced revised WMTC does not exist yet. The content of the delegated acts is not known. Many issues are still open and will not be cleared before 2012, just a few months before the application foreseen for 1.1.2013. The Motorcycle Industry has repeatedly engaged itself with voluntary commitments and proposals to increase the safety of its products and reduce emissions, but to do this a clear roadmap and an appropriate lead-time need to be laid out by policy makers.
On the positive side we welcome the Commission’s engagement to create the grounds for a level playing field. Clear terms of reference for Member States in regards to market surveillance will safeguard the EU market from undue and unfair practices with consumers reaping the benefits in terms of product quality and safety.
The proposed regulation is not perfect yet but perfectible. ACEM looks forward to working with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council on this proposal and will release more detailed comments in the coming days.
Jacques Compagne
Acem Secretary General
SEMA Urges “YES” Vote on Proposition 23 – An important reminder to SEMA’s California membership– Please ask your folks to vote “YES” on California Proposition 23 (Prop 23), an initiative to suspend implementation of the state’s “Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.” Prop 23 is on the November 2 California statewide ballot.
Proposition 23 is a pro-business measure that would suspend implementation of a range of global-warming initiatives enacted under AB 32, which would have the effect of burdening businesses and hampering economic recovery and job growth. Under the terms of the proposition, while the law is suspended, no agency would be permitted to adopt or enforce global-warming-related regulations authorized by AB 32. Affected regulations would include cap-and-trade policy and low carbon fuel standards for non-automotive applications, as well as a range of unspecified measures.
1) Bay Cycle Performance Inc 1550 Stillwell Ave Bronx, WY 10461 718-828-2720
2) Supercycles Inc 253 Old Tappan Rd Old Tappan, NJ 07675 201-666-1370
3) Black Wolf H-D 1061 Old Abingdon Hwy # 1 Bristol, VA 24201 276-644-9653
4) Spence Specialty Motors 7715 West State Rd 28 Muncie, IN 47304 765-358-3598
5) Cycle Dynamics 2065 Sperry Ave # 1 Ventura, CA 93003 805-701-6578
6) Hotwing Glass 4551 SE 193rd Yankeetown, FL 34498 352-447-4720
7) Wheel Works 12787 Nutwood St Garden Grove, CA 92840 714-530-6681
8) Fastlane Motors 1368 N Olney St Indianapolis, IN 46201 317-454-4403
9) Spokane Powersports 6521 N Division ST Spokane, WA 99208 509-467-8185
10) Humboldt Park Motorsports 1135 N California Ave Chicago, IL 60622 773-235-2880
11) Texas Proud Custom Cycles 704 E Veterans Memorial Blvd Killeen, TX 76541 254-634-8577
12) Guillotine Choppers 1100 Lexington Lamar, MO 64759 417-682-6097
13) Chesters H-D 922 S Country Club Dr Mesa, AZ 85210 480-894-0404
14) Pro Cycles Ltd 27 Carnegie Rd Onekawa Napier, New Zealand 4110 64 6 842 0915
15) Phantom Custom Cycles 34507 SH 249 Pinehurst, TX 77362 281-766-1549
16) D W S 93 30 Rue Fitzelin Epinay Sur Seine France 93800 33148412843
17) Phibbs Powersports 456 Albany Shaker Rd Albany, NY 12211 518-459-5000
18) Deluxe HD Restorations 130 Henry St Dousman, WI 53118 262-244-0965
19) V Dawg Cycles 5640 Roseville Rd # B Sacramento, CA 95842 916-338-3710
20) Springfield Yamaha 5183 E Kearney Springfield, MO 65803 417-862-4343
21) Tough Love Cycles Inc 1061 Marietta Rd Canton, GA 30114 770-720-0217
22) Gorman’s Motorcycle Garage 5126 Broadway # W Haltom City, TX 76117 817-495-7045
23) 45 degree Powersports 2976 Hwy 16 N Millers Creek, NC 28651 336-990-0600
24) Hunts Hog Shop 3030 S Cedar St Lansing, MI 48910 517-394-7840
25) Harley Davidson of Nassau County 2428 Sunrise Hwy Bellmore, NY 11710 516-409-9200
26)Shields Precision Racing 1901 W 94th Place Los Angeles, CA 90047 323-754-6623
27) The Transportation Revolution 901 Julia St New Orleans, LA 70113 504-595-6776
28) Wolford V Twin Repair 720 GRand view Dr Providence, UT 84332 435-757-0220
–Bandit and Jennifer Barnard, from D&D

A COMPANY TO WATCH–Spyke is a company to watch in 2011 and 2012. This is a company of bikers, and I’ve been watching them since they took over Compu-Fire ignitions and Martin Tesh became one of the team.
I’m about to replace the starter solenoid on my ’84 Shovelhead with this unit, which will eliminate the starter relay and needless wiring. It will enhance the power to the starter and simplify the electronics. On top of making this unit, Billy McCahill suggested I switch out this started gear for a stronger Spyke unit designed to survive constant starts on early Shovelheads. We are also going to replace my starter with a tougher Spyke model. Get the picture? Spyke went through the overseas manufacturing strategy, and shifted back to making as many of their critical components in house and in America, as possible. Plus, they have spent countless research to fix models most folks ignore, like old Shovelheads. So between Spyke and Compufire, you should be able to build a Shovel that will run with Evos and Twin Cams all day long.
We will let you know about these products as we install them. Spyke is also refining a fantastic generator Shovelhead bolt-in alternator, and not one that will fry your battery. They have it all worked out to shunt needless charge and keep your battery strong. Plus, they are working hard to revitalize the STD name with improved components, engine cases, heads, etc. They are beginning to fill orders, but they’re not quite ready to hit the road with a catalog.
Finally, if you have a Volkswagon, they make an entire line of starters, regulators and generators for those old 4-wheelers. Keep an eye on these guys.

ACE CAFÉ HALLOWEEN PARTY!– Join us at the cafe on Sunday evening for a special Halloween Party and bring the kids!
Spooky Decorations
Theatrical Halloween Props (great for taking photos!)
Novelty Halloween prizes for the best costumes
“Shock n’ Roll” DJ
Halloween Food Available:
Pumpkin Soup
Hot Like Hell Chicken Wings
Roast Belly of Pork with Monster Mash & Vegetables
Pumpkin Risotto
Apple & Raspberry Crumble & Custard

HAPPY FUCKIN’ HALLOWEEN–What the hell. It’s already that time of the year. I set goals every year then run off the end of the pier trying to accomplish them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s bitchin’, but once in a while I get my ass kicked. Or better put, the farther I reach out of the box, the more difficult and dynamic the project, the tougher they are to accomplish. The larger the team required the more chances a member isn’t on the same page and the team effort can and will falter. It’s evident in nearly every NFL game. Count the number of turnovers and penalties, and soon you know who is likely to win the game
Like Uncle Monkey wrote above, you need to learn before you can succeed. I believe if you have the desire and the team, anything is possible. And in today’s day and age, the resources are as close as your fingertips. I’m constantly surprised by folks who won’t pick up the phone, drop an e-mail, or walk across the street to ask a question, find a resource, and or cause a project to move forward.
Okay enough, I only have two months left to finish adding elements to Bikernet and dial in this monster. If you think we should do something or add some element, let me know: Bandit@bikernet.com. We are going to enhance our Studio and bring you more video clips and interviews. Soon we will have the Bikernet Studio clip of the week on the home page. We are about to launched a much larger classifieds department with the help of Joe Tripp and Mike Pullin, so you will be able to buy and sell more stuff, more efficiently. There’s a couple more touches, but you get the picture. I’m burnin’ daylight and I need to report at our January annual meeting, where we will discuss our 15th Anniversary Celebration. If my report ain’t up to snuff, the girls, and that bastard, Renegade, will attempt to kick my ass, again.
Ride Forever,