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Bangladeshi Battles $129,626 Bar TabNEW YORK (ANI)-A Bangladeshi man has filed a lawsuit against a Manhattan strip club after being presented with a $129,626 tab he allegedly ran up during a seven-hour spree.Tauhidul Chaudhury has refuted claims made by Scores Nightclub that he signed credit card receipts for “alcoholic beverages and other services.” The amount of his bill was enough to buy 72 $1,800 bottles of the Krug champagne sold by the club, or 6,800 lap dances, which would take over 23 days at five minutes a dance. In his suit Chaudhury alleged the staff “took advantage of his intoxicated state . . . knowing that he could not comprehend his surroundings.””Mr. Chaudhury cannot recall authorizing these charges, and if the credit card receipts do contain his signature he did not possess the requisite mental capacity to authorize these charges,” the suit also states.Chaudhury, who used four different credit cards to pay the bill, asked the court to award him the amount of the tab plus interest. All four credit card companies have refused to cancel the charges.”We’re used to heads of state, and this guy partied like a potentate,” said Scores spokesman Lonnie Hanover..Scores is facing an additional lawsuit brought by Mitchell Blaser, 53, who was billed a mere $28,021 for five bottles of champagne and lap dances.
JUDGE DRUNK IN COURT–NEW ORLEANS-The old saying “sober as a judge” did not apply to District Judge Monty L. Doggett, according to the Louisiana Supreme Court. Doggett was removed from the bench for being repeatedly drunk in court.
Doggett issued arrest warrants when he was too loaded to read them, and sometimes was so drunk that cases had to be postponed. He once got so drunk his staff had to clear the public from the hallway outside the courtroom so he could be carried out of his office by sheriff’s deputies – and this was before 10 a.m.Attorney Charles Whitehead Jr. testified that Doggett’s verdict in one case was to point at him and say, “You win!”
Mr. Whitehead, a recovering alcoholic, testified that he offered to take Doggett to Alcoholics Anonymous. Doggett never responded to his invitation.
In his defense, Doggett contended that he shouldn’t be removed because his behavior wasn’t willful. He also pointed out that since he was re-elected after his hard drinking was made public, his constituents didn’t care how much he drank. In the past Doggett has admitted he has been a heavy drinker for more than thirty years.
The high court justices (none of whom are elected) disagreed, saying a judge can be disciplined for violating the code of office “even if his constituency condones such behavior.”
–from Rogue

TEXAS PHOTOGRAPHER SLAMS BIKERNET–Since the only thing on this site that seems to change, is the homepage image I do like the current image though. It’s “For Sale” you know? Here are a few images of one cutie from the LSR, see if any of her might interest you. I see you did add TBears story. Some of that content is past 3 weeks.
Are you going to want anything on the Lone Star Rally in Galveston? The “official” website says 250,000 attended still trying to get a count from island officials. Either way this was only the second year and it is totally free, no rally fees, except for the DPS and all the little town cops on I-45.
Any official word? Oh yea just for future reference part of the job that pays the bills requires writing technical specs for multi-million dollar bus procurements. Not exactly the same I understand. Just keep that in mind in the future…
Your package arrived Monday at Lucky Devil, Holly was giving Kent a hard time about looking like Lilo & Stitch the Hawaiian cartoon. Not that it matters, but we all 3 like the old logo better. Something about a girls with horns I guess. So if you have any XL shirts left let me know I still have not had to use the second one or change the first sticker I put on the bike, but both are showing their age.
–Rigid Frame Richard

Photo by Aaron Stevenson
THE BIKERNET CRAZYHORSE REPORT–I’m very proud and pleased to announce that Sata Spray Equipment will bedisplaying my gooseneck chopper in their booth at the NACE trade Show in LasVegas Nov. 4-6. NACE is the biggest trade show for Automotive Refinishersand Painters. They are also featuring my business- Crazy Horse Painting inthe next issue of the Sata News. I’m sure more than a few Bikernet Readerswill be attending the SEMA Trade Show which is happening the same week inVegas. Sata has booths at both shows and both will have posters featuringthe cover of my upcoming book, my Easyriders cover, and my new Sata ad.That’s right, I’m the new spokesperson for Sata! For many years theirproducts have been the industry standard in body shops all over the world,but lately they’ve been coming out with a series of guns that are very handyfor the custom painter. Their Mini-Jet, which is my favorite gun, wasrecently featured on Tru-Flame painter Mike Lavelle’s episode of Rides. Forthose customizers who didn’t see that show, yikes- you screwed up! That showkicked ass. Check out their products at

Well here it is, the cover of my book. I should be getting the proof versionof my book to look over very soon. I’ve been getting a big response to itand I only hope it lives up to all the expectations. If the firstprinting sells out, there will be a second book on custom painting,featuring How To’s that involve not just motorcycles, but hot rods, boats,trucks, and whatever odd projects I can pick up. I already have step by steppictures taken for several chapters. AND I have finally updated my website.My latest work is posted and there are plenty of new photos and news. I knowtimes are tough for many out there, but if you have a little set aside forthat custom paint job, check out my site, as I do many paint jobs that workwith your stock paint. You don’t have spend $3000 to make your bike standout. For $1200-1800 your stock Harley can have that custom look.
I’ve got a lot to do in the next 4 weeks. I’ve never been to Vegas before andhope to do a little riding with Allen Dewey. Allen worked on the firstDiscovery Biker Women Special and filmed at Sturgis this year. This time hefollowed Goth Girl, Sasha Mullins and DJ, a businesswoman with herown clothing line who puts on the kind of yearly road miles most men wouldbe proud to brag about. Allen filmed a bit on me and took a few still shotsthat will soon be seen in an upcoming issue of American Rider and maybe inthe new Devil Doll calendar. He tells me there’s some pretty scenic stuffoutside of Vegas, so I’ll try to get there a day early so we can do somedesert riding. I’m very proud of being in the 2005 Devil Doll calendar.Those women are the best of the best. I also shot one of the photos of GothGirl. The pics were taken at the Broken Spoke as the bad was playing. Thatgirl is just too photogenic.
I’m also hoping to launch a few Painting HowTo’s, one here on Bikernet and one in The Horse. I’m testing some new wildcolors put out By Auto Air. I spent all day Wednesday spraying their lateststuff. I can’t wait to try these colors on a custom bike. Too bad the wickedspringer bobber I’m getting ready to paint is going to be black with not sotypical flames. Can’t say what kind of flames yet, but I’m gonna save thatflame How To for Bikernet. Plus there are other articles in the works.
Wow, I’ve come a long way in the past few years. A crazy adventure from NCto Tahiti to Sturgis to the cover of Easyriders to books and now to Vegas. Iworked anonymously for many years and bang! Suddenly there’s all thissupport for my painting. I was working out in the shop last night. Ifinished around 10:30. Before I shut the lights off, I looked around at theready for clear parts sitting around. There are three projects nearly complete.They all involved flames yet all three are very different and all three are work Iam very proud of. They all looked killer. After 25 years of this, I’mexcited about the work I’ve been doing. But the best part is the people I’vemet. TBear, Goth Girl, stunt rider Sammy Morgan, Jose, Nyla, FabricatorKevin, Horse editor-Hammer, are just afew of the friends I’ve met in the past 3 years. Life is short and a lifewithout friends makes it feel shorter.
Soon enough it will be Thanksgivingand I’ll be home in CT with my family. I’ll sit around the kitchen tablewith my old friends from high school and toss back a few drinks and snackout on all the wonderful food that will be around. Paying the bills isgreat, butwithout friends, life would be empty, no matter how much success isattained. Too bad the OCC guys don’t know that.

Strangers on my flight,
turbans they’re packin’.
Wonderin’ if they might,
plan a hijacking.
They could pull a stunt,
before this flight is through.
Something’s on their minds.
I saw them mutter.
What’s that in their hands?
Looks like box cutters,
I’m gonna kick some ass,
if they make a move.
Strangers on my flight.
Two smelly people,
and they’re not talking right;
and in a moment,
I will grab baseball bat;
and that will be that.
Swing like Joe DiMaggio,
and rip them both a new a-hole.
And if they pick a fight,
and try to screw us,
I’ll punch out their lights,
just like Joe Louis.
It would feel so right,
for strangers on my flight.
Ratta Tat Tat Tat,
Budda Bing Bang Boom,
Zooma Zooma Zoom.
Send those bastards to the moon….
–from Bob T.

SCOTT JACOBS HAS AFFAIR WITH MARILYN MONROE–Marilyn Monroe conjures up a variety of images to many people but the common thread is that she is an American icon.
“Marilyn Merlot” is a collector’s dream: combining wine along with classic depictions of Marilyn on the label. Only one Marilyn Merlot is released per year and if you had all of the previous issues (ten total) the current value is about $8000.00. Photo-realist painter Scott Jacobs, of Harley-Davison fame, has embarked on a project to render this incredible collection of wines with a brush on canvas. Since Scott personally owns the entire collection of Marilyn Merlot bottles one might surmise that a series is in the works.
The first painting of the series, “Roses or Red”, will be available in a canvas giclee and limited to only 50 pieces plus a few artist proofs. The Jacobs’ MARILYN series is a sure bet to sell out quickly and become one of the important contemporary collections of our day. Call or email for more information or to place your reservation.
–Ron Copple
Where’s the motorcycle?–Bandit
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