Continued From Page 3

Happy Halloween everyone! Just a quick reminder FROM IRON WORKS MAGAZINE– Available now on newstands is the December 2009 issue of IronWorks Magazine. In it you’ll find the opening feature article on Paul Holdsworth’s FXRT. There will be additional articles over the next 3 issues detailing the complete rebuild of Paul’s bike with the final installment highlighting the work performed by DOUGZ. We are proud to have been part of this great project and look forward to seeing the finished product in print as well as in person!
Paul tells me the paint portion will be covered in the April issue where I highlight the products and tools we use to produce our award winning paint jobs. With the help of our local paint supplier Body Shop Supply, we approached a couple of companies who we felt would be interested in taking part in this project. Akzo-Nobel / Sikkens donated product when we told them about it as did SATA Paint Equipment and we’re all anxiously looking forward to seeing the article.
A little background info on Paul Holdsworth – the ‘Meddling Editor’ of IronWorks whom I’ve known for a few years. He calls Chicago home and is absolutely entertaining to talk to if you ever get the chance, as he has a vast knowledge of all brands of bikes (he’s quite fond of Vincents I hear). He can easily spend hours telling you of his experiences, both in the saddle and in mud pits on the side of the road after being ejected from the saddle. Simply put – you just can’t help but like the guy!
Look for the opening article titled ‘Anniversary Party Hangover’ in the December issue. Feel free to share this with every single person you see today because its just the right thing to do.
–Doug Wozney
DOUGZ Custom Paint & Fabrication LLC
2323 Palace St. La Crosse, Wi. 54603
(608) 783-3684 /

Official Buffalo Chip? Merchandise at Hot Leathers–
Huge selection of mens, ladies’, and kids apparel
Only available at Hot Leathers?
Great deals and deep discounts
Buffalo Chip? accessories now online and available.
Buffalo Chip? merchandise is only available at Hot Leathers? while supplies last
Start shopping Hot Leathers? today!

BANDIT BED ROLLS ARE IN AND READY FOR BUSINESS–Bandit designed the first Bed Roll for his FXR. The bike was sleek and rowdy with highbars, a springer front end and shotgun pipes. He wanted to be able to go on weekend runs without saddlebags or sissybars. As you can see it works with high or low bars.
The bag allows you to carry everything that you need and nothing you don?t. Get the Bed Roll details here.

BANDIT TALKS B’DNESS WITH BIKER’S CHOICE– Bandit talks with Richard Schafer, the Marketing Emperor at Biker?s Choice, about the state of motorcycle industry and about upcoming projects.
Biker?s Choice is one of the world?s leading distributors and marketers of name-brand parts, accessories and apparel for the American motorcycle and the people who ride them. We are a wholesale distributor and do not sell directly to the public.

ROCKET INDIAN COMING FROM THE KIWI– Here is the Kiwi Indian, and my new model, Elle. We missed the sun today, but are ready to shoot again if you feel its a little dull??
Watch for this wild feature on Bikernet.–Snake

PETA Protests in Orlando; Vegetarians Help Save Water–(GEORGE SKENE, ORLANDO SENTINEL / May 28, 2009)Partially naked PETA protesters stand behind a banner that reads, “Clean Your Conscience: Go Vegetarian! 1 lb. of Meat = 6 Months of Showers.”
The PETA beauties showered together May 27, 2009 at Church Street and Orange Ave. in Orlando to let consumers know that the best thing that they can do for the environment is to go vegetarian.
–from Agent Zebra

BONNE BELLE COMING TO LIFE–The rods are ready to be shot peened- they have been polished -this willmake them stronger.

The shot of the case shows the installation of the Timken bearings. We put a valve spring with a shaft nut to hold everything together
–Lee Clemens
Departure Bike Works

This is the bike we’re finishing up for Bonneville 2010, the 1940 45 cubic inch flathead with a K-model top end. Watch for the reports to grow as the new year begins. Also check their performance deals.–Wrench

He Lost His Camera, But He Found America– Rome, Georgia. Some know him as an amateur road racer who won the first race in which he has ever competed, some know him as Angels & Airwaves guitarist David Kennedy. This racer and rocker was rider this summer, setting aside his Pirelli Diablo shod Kawasaki ZX-10R and taking to the highways of America on his Harley-Davidson, fitted with Pirelli Night Dragons, riding side-by-side with his father, Jim, looking for America.
Kennedy Said, ?The project we?re working on has a lot to do with motorcycle culture. We looked at the 1970?s biker thing and wondered what it would be like made modern, what would they do in 2020? We pay homage to the era of the adventure of the open road. To Captain America. So I took this ride with that in mind.
?Riding from San Diego to Illinois we visited family, stayed off Interstates. On tour I travel so much in the bus and rarely know where we are. On the bike things seem closer somehow. On the bus I feel far from home, but on the bike it was all connected. On a bike, with a few hundred dollars, you can go anywhere, you can ride until you feel sufficiently lost, you can get disconnected.
I?d wanted to go to Mount Rushmore by bike ever since ?98, when we stopped there on the first tour I did in the USA with a band. It was during Sturgis, and we were supposed to play. We showed up and found out we?d been cancelled. The promoter was nowhere to be found, every hotel was filled, so we kept going. We stopped to see Mount Rushmore at 6:30 in the morning. Seeing it on this trip was different, thankfully it was still there. The way I got there this time was way cooler, this was more about the journey than being there.
?We also went to Crazy Horse. It was 36 degrees, raining, foggy, icy. I duct-taped my hands to keep them warmer. It helped. I was unprepared for how much weather there is outside of Southern California. There was lots of rain, but it was cool to see the storms in the distance. I love being out there in it on a bike. There are so many changes. I love riding at dusk, the light is perfect, you feel really small, which is great because being personally so tall I always feel really big. On the road through the Western states all problems become small.?
Prior to leaving on this trip, Kennedy fitted a set of Pirelli Night Dragon performance tires on his 1996 H-D Dyna Superglide. About that Kennedy said, in a nearly embarrassingly enthusiastic over-the-top testimonial,? It was nice to slow things down from my track riding experiences. I hadn?t been on an H-D since high school. At first the bike felt lose, the tires felt skinny and detached. The front would shimmy. The new Pirelli?s transformed the bike. They solved every problem. I couldn?t believe it. It really feels almost like a sport bike now. It?s hard to think of any other modification that simple and with that kind of change. And, after the trip the tires still look nearly new. You know, it took like five minutes to get the tires on the bike and it just felt so good I could rail on the bike. The tires made the trip. I would have had so much more to deal with without them. I thought about that a couple times a day. I used to have to attack crossing lines on the freeway, but on these you don?t care. It was like I had bought a new bike.?
Despite the Night Dragon tires, Kennedy lost his camera and is left with his memories and a few cell phone images, like as the one attached.
Angels & Airwaves has a new album scheduled for release shortly after the New Year, and will be on tour to promote their new music as soon as a schedule can be set in place. Kennedy and drummer Atom Willard have been known to bring their bikes with them on tour, so watch for them in your town.
Pirelli Tire North America designs, develops, manufactures, and markets tires for passenger vehicles in both the original equipment and replacement markets, as well as marketing tires for motorcycles and race cars. Located in Rome, Georgia, Pirelli?s Modular Integrated Robotized System (MIRS) employs state-of-the-art technology to manufacture tires for both export and domestic markets. For more information please visit:

3 Steps to Healthy Joints–Being active is part of an optimal lifestyle, and there are simple steps you can take to help protect your joints from the normal wear and tear of everyday activities. In addition to following an anti-inflammatory diet and prudent supplementation, consider these simple strategies:
1. Maintain a healthy weight. Losing just a few pounds can alleviate excess mechanical stress on joints
2. Avoid intense activities that can injure or strain the joint cartilage.
3. Get exercise. Performed at a level that does not stress joints, exercise is the key to maintaining lifelong mobility- it strengthens surrounding muscles that support and protect joints. Swimming, stationary cycling and light weight training are good choices, as are stretching and balance exercises such as yoga and T’ai chi.

RECYCLED TIRES ON THE WAY–It is truly amazing what all you can recycle these days, now the recycled tire is coming. Well, it is still a long way off, actually, but they are working on transforming the huge piles of used-up rubber into new tires by grinding down the old ones and using the material in compounds for new ones.
Magnum D’Or Resources, Inc. states, “As part of our ongoing development work on improving the range of applicability of Magnum SRI custom compounds, the company recently produced motorcycle tires utilizing in excess of 20% Magnum SRI custom compound consisting of at least 16% recycled material. These particular tires were designed for 70cc to 110cc motorcycles. All indications have been very positive regarding the test results of the final product.?
The development of this motorcycle tire was mostly overshadowed by the simultaneously developed and tested light truck tire, the company with a subsidiary in Hudson, Colorado, is also working on for predominantly the Asian market. While official road tests are underway for the light truck tires at the Rubber Research Institute Tire lab, similar trials are being carried out on the motorcycle tires concurrently.

Magnum/SRI are using their technologies to produce next generation rubber recycling solutions for custom compounds, retread compounds, processing aids, advanced state-of-the-art equipment, and reactivated ambient/cryogenic rubber powders for the global market.
While the guys in Asia may soon be zooming around with recycled tires on their small displacement rides, it will be some time until we see the first 300 rear tire with recycled rubber on a custom chop. Should be interesting to see whether that changes the cost for the rubbers some time down the road.
– C.S. Berg
We have a friend in Australia who recycles used tires and produces pure diesel fuel. Ray Russell owns the technology to turn old tires into sulphur free fuel. Recently he’s developed a water filtration system that immediately turns gray water into drinkable water. He’s currently in China demonstrating his device to a country rapidly running low on quality water resources. Congrats, Ray.–Bandit

BIKERNET CHANGES FOR 2010–It’s interesting how stars align, the tea leaves filter to the bottom of the cup and somebody turns over a tarot card and life changes. Over the last couple of months, various elements have crept into place and formed a guiding light for the future of Bikernet. I won’t go into each and every road sign but touch on a couple. We now have an advertising director, C.S. Berg in Arizona added a new substantial editorial connection, Bikernet Betsy rolled her long rusty Softail into the Bikernet Garage, and our long time web master Jason Douglas is retiring. In addition Scout, formerly from Baker and now working with H-D has thrown in his two cents. Another web designer Trent Reker, has offered to help.

In addition Genevieve Schmitt, who is the publisher of Women Riders has stumbled through many of the same technological woes we have. She continues to be a formidable source of positive guidance. The technology is daunting but the goals are simple, we want to improve Bikernet, make it more user friendly, easier to navigate and improve access. Plus, we want Bikernet to do a helluva job for our sponsors. But I promise not to fuck with the overall style of Bikernet. The articles will remain clean, easy to read and uncluttered with bullshit. We’ll just make it easier to find each department and article. In addition we will add a couple of services, including Insurance contacts, with the help of Biker Marc. If you think of a service we could provide, don’t hesitate to
E-Mail Bandit.

Okay, it’s time to party, Halloween is this weekend, and we lose daylight savings time Saturday night.
Ride Forever,