Another wild week on the front, but it’s getting downright exciting. The economy is coming around. The health care issues will be resolved in the next month. Iraq is under control and Afghanistan elections are being recounted. The CIA sends checks to drug lords and all is peachy.

No matter what you think of the world politics, or our domestic issues, we still have motorcycle escapism. Thank the lord of metalflake paint. I spoke to Dave Rash, the President of D&D the other day. “Motorcycles are all about Passion,” said Dave. “No matter what, bikes are two-wheeled valiums. They take us away from all the bullshit.”
I also spoke to Lonnie Isem Jr. who is organizing the first pre-1916 cross country run in 50 years. The brothers are lining up to compete in this historic event, and Bikernet will be a sponsor and bring you reports right up until the starting gun is fired. Over 50 bikes ridden by the likes of Jesse James, Urban Hirsh, Don Whalen, Matt Olsen and Dale Walksler will pedal like mad to fire these spindly 15-25 horse relics and ride them across the country at a blistering 25-50 mph.

So fuck it. The rest of the world can crumble, but we’ll keep riding and building fantastic motorcycles. Bikernet is headed back to Bonneville with our Bonne Belle, the 1940, 45 flathead with a K-model top end. And it might be a streamliner when we hit the salt. You’ll see all the reports on Bikernet. Hang on for the news:

Doing good in the crisis,Rip’s B.A.D. Ride 2009, Arizona edition–It is not easy to raise money for a good cause in times like these, or even to get the event off the ground. The recent cancellation of the Love Ride sent shock waves not only through the motorcycle scene, but also through the increasing number of charities across the nation. Giving to a good cause becomes increasingly difficult when times are tough, considering those who have the least give the most. Statistics show that people with lower income give more of it to charity than those who make the big bucks, while themselves be in more danger of losing their own support.
With more people having to rely on charities for their essential needs due to economical hardship, organizations struggling for donations, and despite less money accessible to charities as a result of the worldwide economic crisis, it appears that the number of good causes one may chose to donate to is vastly increasing, stretching the support even thinner. Last weekend alone we counted an even dozen of charity rides and poker runs in the Phoenix metro area alone, all benefiting a good cause from national organization to single individuals.
One of these was Rip’s B.A.D. Ride, a charity that began in Southern California and was conceived by the late Easyriders magazine columnist and photojournalist Rip, whose words and photos appeared in Rip?s Run column for over twelve years. Rip lived with Type 2 diabetes for more than 10 years, and passed away Feb 18, 2000. Rip brought the idea of a fundraising motorcycle ride to the American Diabetes Association more than thirteen years ago and continued to be an integral part of the planning of the Southern California ride, up until his passing.
An estimated 1,700 bikers from across the state of Arizona rode from four start locations across Arizona (Chester?s Harley-Davidson, Chandler Harley-Davidson, Arrowhead Harley-Davidson and Harley-Davidson of Tucson) to the Pinal County Fair Grounds to raise money for the Rip?s B.A.D. Ride V. The event featured over 40 vendor booths, a bike show, bike games, and a live concert from Mogollon and Wooden Nickel. The event was emceed by Ruby Cheeks & Steve King of local radio station 93.3 KDKB and included a special presentation from the Arizona ADA Youth Council.
Early estimates show participants as having raised nearly $100,000 in support of the important research, information and advocacy efforts of the American Diabetes Association.
The Arizona edition of Rip’s B.A.D. Ride has managed to establish a solid base of donors over the past four years, along with a strong following of riders in the state. To some extend, this year’s event also benefited from the cancellation of the Love Ride with some participants canceling their plans of making the trip to California and attending the ride in Arizona instead. Raising money these days is more challenging than it used to be.
Guys from Rip’s B.A.D. Ride asked us whether we could mention that they are still accepting donations, and we will be more than happy to do so. If you would like to donate, you may do so by visiting their website at www.ripsbadride.com, or by sending a check to the office of the American Diabetes Association, 333 W fort Lowell Road, Suite 123, Tucson, AZ 85705.
See you next year at Rip’s B.A.D. Ride VI, date to be announced.
– C.S. Berg

British Invasion, now daily in Las Vegas–Another British invasion touched down in Las Vegas last Sunday with the arrival of the inaugural flight for British Airways. The new daily, non-stop service is from London?s Heathrow Airport to McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas.
?This new partnership provides more access for the world to experience Las Vegas? said Mayor Oscar B. Goodman, chairman of the board of directors for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA). ?The strength of the two brands makes it an ideal partnership. The investment by British Airways to incorporate Las Vegas into their strategic business plan during a global recession demonstrates the strength of our brand.”
?The arrival of a new international carrier with an expansive network that feeds into Heathrow will only enhance travelers? ability to reach Las Vegas from various points in Europe and beyond,? said Randall H. Walker, Director of Aviation for Clark County, Nevada. ?We?re constantly striving to make it easier for travelers to come to McCarran International, and we are very pleased to welcome British Airways to this airport.?
When you are not planning a trip to London, you probably don’t give a hoot, and these guys only did it because they wanted to pose with the dancers anyway. But if you actually plan a trip to Europe, don’t say we didn’t tell you how to get there.
— C.S. Berg

BIKERNET READER HAS QUESTION ABOUT ADAPTIVE MOTORCYCLES– I would like to ask few questions regarding adaptive motorcycles, my fiance’ who is paraplegic is interested in getting a motorcycle and working on adjusting it to fit him. We are new to the whole motorcycle industry and would like to see models, or how these things work, what is needed and where to start.
We are located in Los Angeles. So if there is anything close or around this area. If you can help us with any of this information or point us where to start we would really appreciate it.
–Dena Y.

1. Characterized by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity, crudeness, or rowdiness; tawdry.
2. Marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness; rakish.
The speaker was in his forties, an attractive-looking man with a black eye patch that gave him the raffish look of an amiable pirate.— Sidney Sheldon, The Best Laid Plans
Sometimes we would go to the Gargoyle Club, . . . but it was too full of raffish upper-class drunks for my taste.
— John Richardson, The Sorcerers Apprentice
Raffish derives from the noun raff (chiefly used in the compound or duplicate, riffraff), meaning people of a low reputation.

SAXON MOTORCYCLES ON THE MOVE–We already told you that Saxon Motorcycles is moving full throttle as far as business is concerned, representing their product from local to international shows, building new bikes and conquering the Canadian and European markets. In the near future of the Saxons is also the physical move of the manufacture to a new facility. While this will be in no way as challenging as the migration of part of the germanic Saxon tribe from the European mainland along the North Sea to England in the 5th century, relocating a complete motorcycle manufacturer is no walk in the park either. Management has told us they will try hard to keep downtime at an absolute minimum.
Currently located in Casa Grande, Arizona, Saxon will be moving to a new facility about 50 miles north in Chandler, Arizona. Reasons cited for the move are a better infrastructure in the area and easier for customers to reach. The new facility will also better accommodate current needs and future growth of Saxon.
Final touches are put to the new facility as of this writing, and the move is planned for next month. Along with production and administration, the new building will also provide a point to turn to for customers. Keep it on BIKERNET.COM for the latest on the Saxon migration…
– C.S. Berg

ANOTHER VOTE FOR BETSY–Bandit?I have had the privilege of calling Betsy Huelskamp a friend for a number of years. She is inspirational?she is a wonderful story teller…and her passion for life is contagious. Her first story of Sturgis 2009 is a great read?but I have come to expect that excellence from her. But I am not in the motorcycle community?though at 63 she may one day get me on a hog?but that?s for another time. I?m really happy she is being recognized for her extraordinary writing skills and you had the wisdom to include this phenomenal lady as part of your site.
While I know Betsy has used Calamity in her email address for as long as I have known her, there may be some that don?t know that?including her name in the byline would help others (like me) find her on your site.
–Steve H

BIKERNET METRIC TO FOLLOW BUILD–I pick up a 75 Honda cb360 to build into a cafe racer. This thing will run up to about 90mph, and that’s with me riding it. I weigh 200lbs. Made it a kick only. I have started shaving off all the mounts not being used. I made the tail with 3/8″ round stock and 16ga. steel bent over my knee. Seat pan is 16ga. steel, foamed, and ready to be covered.
Bought some bars off ebay. Threw away the front brake. Started polishing the parts, and they look brand new again. I moved the battery to the front of the swingarm for a cleaner look. I will install the electrics in the tail of the bike.
Going to paint it gloss black, krinkle coat the engine black, and clean up the carbs. So far, I got $300 into it, including the purchase of the bike. I am doing this to prove you can build a show quality bike for under $500 bones.
— Adam

BIKERNET DARWIN AWARDS SPONSORED BY CRAZYHORSE ENGINES–Semifinalist #3: A 22-year-old Reston ,VA, man was found dead after he tried to use octopus straps to bungee jump off a 70-foot rail road trestle. Fairfax County police said Eric Barcia, a fast food worker, taped a bunch of these straps together, wrapped an end around one foot, anchored the other end to the trestle at Lake Accotink Park, jumped and hit the pavement.
Warren Carmichael, a police spokesman, said investigators think Barcia was alone because his car was found nearby. ‘The length of the cord that he had assembled was greater than the distance between the trestle and the ground,’ Carmichael said. Police say the apparent cause of death was ‘Major trauma.’

CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES DROP–According to figures recently released by the California Office of Traffic Safety, motorcycle fatalities in California have declined for the first six months of 2009, reversing a troubling 11-year trend. From January through June of 2009, 198 people were killed in motorcycle related crashes, compared to 264 for the same period in 2008, according to preliminary figures supplied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. After seeing increases averaging 10 percent per year since the low point of 204 fatalities in 1998, this signals a decline of 25 percent. While overall traffic fatalities dropped nearly 21 percent in the last three years in California, motorcycle fatalities for that same period increased over 19 percent.
“We are very heartened by these numbers,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). “If they continue, it means more motorcycle riders are getting home alive, which is what we have been working for.”
“We have really been working at encouraging riders to get training through the California Motorcyclist Safety Training Program (CMSP), no matter what their age or experience,” said Joe Farrow, California Highway Patrol Commissioner. “Our efforts are paying off as 2008 saw the most students trained in any year since the beginning of the CMSP.”
Research undertaken to help stem the previously increasing rise in fatalities showed that 37 percent of riders killed were not properly licensed for motorcycles. Additionally, 70 percent of fatal crashes involving motorcycles were found to be the fault of the motorcycle operator. Particularly of interest is that while the fast accelerating ‘Super Sport’ type motorcycle favored by younger males constitute only 14 percent of registered motorcycles, they account for 38 percent of motorcyclists killed.
Whatever you think about statistics and their interpretation: stay safe out there!
– C.S. Berg
Yeah right. No mention of how many were hit by motorists or distracted drivers. Usually about 70 percent of accidents are caused by left turners, or folks pulling in front of bikers. Keep your eyes peeled.–Renegade

‘THE BRITISH ARE COMING!’ – RM ANNOUNCES ADDITIONAL SALE DATE FOR 2010 ARIZONA BILTMORE AUCTION–BLENHEIM, Ontario (October 22, 2009) ? Preeminent international auction house, RM Auctions, is delighted to announce the addition of an evening auction to its highly anticipated 2010 Automobiles of Arizona event.
Returning to the prestigious Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa in Phoenix, the additional sale date will see RM kick off its 2010 auction calendar in grand style on the evening of January 21, followed by its traditional Arizona auction on January 22.
Billed ?The British Are Coming?, the exclusive evening auction will celebrate a host of great British marques including Aston Martin, AC, Austin Healey, and Allard, just to name the ?A?s?, many of which will be offered without reserve. This exciting line-up will be followed by a magnificent selection of other important and significant collector cars on January 22 with approximately 160 of the world?s finest automobiles set to cross the block over the two days.
Headlining the exciting list of early consignments for ?The British are Coming? event is an extremely rare, left-hand-drive 1963 Aston Martin DB4 GT, chassis number 0175/L. Well-known in Aston Martin circles, 0175/L was the last GT to be built and sold by Aston Martin?s Newport Pagnell Factory, and is one of only six GT?s known to have full Factory Lightweight construction details.
Other notable entries for ?The British are Coming? include an exceptionally restored Aston Martin DB5 and a matched pair of Aston Martin DBMKIIIs, one saloon and one DHC. Also on offer, a set of three AC Sports Cars, including an AC Bristol Roadster, an AC Ace Roadster and an AC Aceca Bristol.
For further event details or information on early consignments, please contact RM Auctions at +1 519 352 4575 or visit www.rmauctions.com

PEGASUS EFI AVAILABLE FOR ANY SIZE V-TWIN ENGINE–PerformanceFI now has a Pegasus EFI kit specially designed for VTwin engines smallerthan 100 cubic inches. Our original system, with its 53 mm throttle body opening, was designed to deliver superior torque and horsepower to big VTwins but proved to be too much for smaller motors.
To improve drivability for bikes with motorsunder 100 cubic inches, we now offer a kit with a 45 mm throttle body opening andsmaller butterfly. You still get plenty of horsepower but with better control.
We have also updated our website and Dealer Pricelist with new product descriptions and prices for the Pegasus System so that direct consumers and dealers can orderthe right type of EFI kit for their performance needs.
Our Complete Kit still offers everything needed for a turn-key replacement of any Harley-Davidson or aftermarket carburetor and ignition system. Our Minimal Kit is designed for those who have a number of parts such as a coil or fuel pump thatwill work with our system, and want to upgrade to our EFI system. The Minimal kit includes the throttle body assembly, proprietary timing wheel and cam position sensor.We also offer a number of maintenance and replacement parts for the Pegasus Systemthat can be ordered by calling our sales department at 1(800)-683-1519 ext 200.
To see our list of approved Pegasus dealers, or to sign up for our exclusive dealerpricing, please visit our website at www.performancefi.com.
–Laura Pirro

LEE PARKS JELLO SHOTS TRAINING FOR CYCLE WORLD 2010 INTERNATIONAL SHOWS–After a brief rest after training 400 marines last month, we’re getting ready for the upcoming Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows. I’ll be personally delivering one or two 30-minute riding skill seminars each day of every show. If you’ve already taken a Total Control ARC or IRC, this is a good opportunity for a refresher. If you haven’t had the pleasure of participating in a clinic yet, now is your chance to get a free look at what all the excitement is about.
Due to popular demand, we now have an online forum for Total Control called, appropriately enough, www.totalcontrolforums.com. If you’d like to read or post a comment, check it out and let the TC community know about your experience.
I’m also proud to announce that we have new locations for Total Control in Florida, Missouri, New Orleans and England! Check out the schedule below or keep an eye on www.totalcontroltraining.net. The St. Louis dates are the last classes that I will be personally teaching this year, so if you’re on the fence, it’s time to get off.
On the product front, we are now offering our Total Control Strap-Ons for sale to the public. These are the same units used by our students in our ARCs and are a great way to temporarily add knee sliders to any pants.
Ride Well,
–Lee Parks

MEES CROWNED GRAND NATIONAL TWINS CHAMPION AT POMONA–Coolbeth, Back From Injury, is Second in Race and Championship.
POMONA, Calif. (Sept. 24, 2009) – Blue Springs Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Jared Mees secured his first AMA Grand National Twins championship by placing fifth in the final race of the season on the 5/8-mile dirt oval at the Pomona Fairplex. K&K Motorcycle Supply rider Henry Wiles won the race on a Harley-Davidson XR-750.
?Winning the championship is a dream come true for me,? said Mees. ?I want to thank Harley-Davidson for its continued support of our team and of flat track racing. The Blue Springs team put me on almost flawless equipment. I think we had only one mechanical problem all season, which allowed us to stay consistent, and that was a key this year with only nine races on the schedule. You had to stay on top of your game at every race.?
Mees had to transfer from a semi-final heat after he placed fifth in the third heat race. But once in the main, the 23-year-old rider from Clio, Mich., only needed to place eighth or better to hold his points lead over the two other racers still in realistic contention for the championship, Moroney?s Harley-Davidson/Screamin’ Eagle rider Bryan Smith and three-time defending champion, Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kenny Coolbeth.
Smith led early in the race but dropped out on lap 10 with a mechanical failure. Coolbeth finished second, 2.9 seconds behind Wiles. The win was the first for Wiles as a Grand National Twins rider. Halbert Family/King Kustoms rider Sammy Halbert finished third on a Harley-Davidson XR-750.
?I just couldn?t get the motorcycle working right in the first heat,? said Mees. ?We adjusted the suspension and then I felt great in the semi. I think if we were starting on the first row for the main I had a chance to run up front, but once I saw Smith drop out I knew I didn?t have to kill myself, just bring it home for the championship.?
Mees, a member of the Harley-Davidson Wrecking Crew, becomes the first champion in the long history of the Grand National series to claim the title without winning a race during the season. Mees finished second three times and was third twice, and never finished worse than eighth place in nine Twins events. Mees has won six Grand National Twins races since he was named the Ricky Graham Rookie of the Year following the 2004 season. Mees finished second in the Grand National Twins championship standings to Coolbeth in 2006 and 2007.
?It feels good to win a title at such a young age,? said Mees. ?My heart is in dirt track racing, and I plan on riding hard for a while.?
Coolbeth saw his opportunity to win a fourth-consecutive Grand National Twins championship diminish when he was injured in a training accident prior to the Labor Day weekend race at the Springfield Mile on the Illinois State Fairgrounds. A broken shoulder kept Coolbeth, who was leading the series in points following a win at Indianapolis, from racing that weekend. Mees finished second at Springfield and opened a 15-point lead on Coolbeth with just the final race at Pomona left on the schedule.
Smith, another member of the Harley-Davidson Wrecking Crew, finished the season in fourth place and had a race win at Lima, Ohio. Wrecking Crew rider Joe Kopp, aboard the Latus Harley-Davidson/Screamin? Eagle XR-750, finished fifth in points with a win on the Beulah Park Mile at Grove City, Ohio.
Mees wrapped up the 2009 AMA Grand National Twins season with 142 points and a nine-point lead over Coolbeth, who earned 133 points. Halbert finished third with 125 points. Smith was fourth with 119 points, followed by Kopp with 117 points.
The Screamin’ Eagle Flat Track team is sponsored by Matco Tools.

I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE MIRRORS ARE CLEAR–Hey Bandit,I put on these Aeromach mirrors on my Victory because the guys at the company said that because they are made from aircraft-grade aluminum that they would reduce vibration by as much as 40% and I would see better? You know, they were right, I do see better and the flame arms are rad too. All the details are at Aeromach USA.

Continued On Page 2