Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Back from Biketoberfest and it was a pretty good time. But as soon as I got back, and I mean as soon, it was full dive into the shop. We have a bunch of shit going on, a couple more trips before the end of the year and the Puerto Rico bike week end, which I’m putting together two brand new (old) bobbers just for that. Today was my dad?s birthday so we stopped the whole mayhem and got to wish him a very Happy Birthday. I know he reads this, so here we go..Happy Birthday Guti once more.

As always I spent time with my friends. We did not do much besides hanging out, visit other friends (who happened to be working) and hung out at Lollipops. Mucho thanks goes once more to all at da’ pops. Those guys treat us like kings, all the time, every time. If you happen to be by Daytona, that place is a must stop. One funny thing happened on the plane; some guys from PR were heading the same way and they were wondering why I was flying by myself. I guess it seemed weird to them, but my answer was quick and simple; I have as many if not more friends in Daytona right now, than at home so I don’t need an entourage. Hank and Josh from Young Choppers brought my bobber over (it’s a full story on that one) and we got to hang out. Lucky me, as soon as they left I got to hang out with two very beautiful girls from Georgia, not a bad trade. Two ugly guys for two cute chicks. I was practicing my southern accent the whole week (to no avail).
There was a lot going on, but I guess I’ll save all that for the report, although I had a good conversation with Greg Friend from Street Chopper about bikes, history and Master Builders, as well as deep as you can get while naked chicks roam around. You all know that I’m always asking how Master builders become master builders, well, now I believe it’s just a name a certain magazine used to recognize who was in the higher echelons of building, nothing special, just a noun, just a space in the totem, a step in the ladder. If I’m better known than the next builder, that might get me the moniker of master builder, as simple as that, or maybe not.

I also have a story of the short trip we took with Michael Lichter for the Dave Mann memorial, but that goes in the report as well, keep your eyes peeled. It includes some guys on TV, some builders from the Journey museum and a very quick escape, and my bobber refusing to start at 7:00 am (a feat in itself, since anyone that knows me knows that 11 is my wake up call time).
Without getting too carried away, the bobbers are looking very cool. Too much work, way too much with other stuff that needs to be done, and to top it off the first Winter season swell has arrived. Every morning I look out my window and see the reefs exploding in white water. So with pain I head to the shop instead of surfing, you wanna play you gotta get your ass and work triple for the time lost, such it is.

The Biketoberfest photos are up on my website, the tickets for California and Atlanta are at hand, and we just keep on working ’till the very wee hours of the morning trying to get it all ready before Thanksgiving.
Election day is near as well as Halloween, no partying for this sucker, but again you do what you got to do.
See you guys next week….The biketoberfest story will be around soon
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter
RIP RETURNS– I’m putting together a proposal for a book, or series of books featuring my dad’s photos. I’d love it if you wanted to submit a story or two. What do you think about posting my letter &/or a link to my submission form page on your site? ( I think I registered b4, don’t remember & I wouldn’t know the right place to put somethin’ like that…)It’s going to be impossible for me to reach even a fraction of the folks he knew, trying to track down folk’s e-mail addys’s.I posted it on Chopper Dogs & will on Club Chopper too.
All my best-
Rip’s daughter

NEW STEED BABE COMING–Here’s Scotty, the naughty nurse, on our first Steed 300-PM Quarterhorse.I’ll get you more shots soon. Let me know when you get the Cruiser Steedposted.

FROM THE BIKERNET LEGAL ARCHIVE–In Virginia, it is illegal for a man to pat his wife’s derriere.
In Ohio women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public.
In Maryland, it is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines with one minor exception: prophylactics may be dispensed from a vending machine only “in places where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises.”
No man is allowed to make love to his wife with the smell of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath in Alexandria, Minnesota. If his wife so requests, law mandates that he must brush his teeth.
The owner of every hotel in Hastings, Nebraska, is required to provide each guest with a clean and pressed nightshirt. No couple, even if they are married, may sleep together in the nude. Nor may they have sex unless they are wearing one of these clean, white cotton nightshirts.
An ordinance in Newcastle, Wyoming, specifically bans couples from having sex while standing inside a store’s walk-in meat freezer!
In Nevada sex without a condom is considered illegal
In hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, every room is required to have twin beds. And the beds must always be a minimum of two feet apart when a couple rents a room for only one night. And it’s illegal to make love on the floor between the beds!
Massachusetts: Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.
It’s safe to make love while parked in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Police officers aren’t allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car in investigate

BOB T. BRINGIN’ UP THE PAST–I built this in ’71. Yes, it looks like a Dick Allen Springer, but it’s not. It was built by the machinist that Dick worked for…The shop was on Artesia in Redondo Beach.
Dick had his shop down the street…Arm & Hammer, then he moved to Harbor City off the freeway if my memory is correct.

BRITISH INVASION ROCKS STURGIS–September 2004 — Calthorpe and Levis aren’t common household names for theaverage motorcyclist, and we’re really excited about that! Thanks to KennyPrice, of Samson Exhaust, these rare marques will be on exhibit at theSturgis Motorcycle Museum for one year.
Truth be told, Kenny has loaned themuseum four of his rare British bikes. In addition to the 1926 Levis and1928 Calthorpe, the Museum is proud to exhibit a 1925 AJS and a 1925Douglas. All in excellent restored condition and each one an amazingexample of British ingenuity.
While the Levis (1911-1940) is a rather obscure name, its racing history islegendary. For many years Levis was one of England’s leading manufacturersof two-stroke machines, winning many races, including the 1922 LighweightTT.

Calthorpes history is less stellar, more like the “little engine that could”story. Also founded in 1911, Calthorpe had a bit of a rocky road inmanufacturing with many ups and even more downs. They were known forbuilding nice machines at reasonable prices. Just prior to the Birminghamfactory closing down in 1938, official prices for the fully equippedmachines ranged from ?47 for a 248 cc to ?54 for a 498 cc.
AJS was a family run business, beginning with the Stevens family (1909-1931)and in later years the Collier brothers of Matchless fame took control.Douglas was best known for their engines, flat-twins with cylinders mountedlongitudinally, designed to maintain a narrow profile.
Whether your passion is British or American marquees, old bikes or newcustoms, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum has something to catch your eye andmake you say, “Wow!” We promise.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is proud to be open year round.

STEALTH IS ON HIS OWN–Two weeks ago the dealership where I had worked for almost 10 years decided it was time that we went our separate ways. I was given a choice, as to whether to stay or not, which really was not a choice at all. The choice was pretty much already made for me. To sum it all up, it was a squeeze play and I was the one who got squeezed. That is all I will say without going into the details of the dirty deeds.
So what does the future hold for me? Well I guess that is anyone’s guess. Everything is up in the air right now. I will stay in the motorcycle industry, and I have been kicking a couple of ideas around. People have told me that, “When one door closes another one opens.” So I’m looking for that next door to open.
My time at the dealership was not bad, matter of fact I got to meet a lot of great people, go to places, learn the business and support the community. Do I have a bad taste in my mouth about the way things were handled? Sure I do, but it will fade.
I have been dealt a whole lot harder blow than this in my life, and I will make it through this time. You see in life, “It is not how many times you get knocked down, it is how handle getting back on your feet!”So right now I am taking some time to clear the cobwebs and polish my plans for the future.
As I close this chapter I’m looking forward to turning the page to start the next one, opening my own shop, building bikes or who knows?
Until next week!

BANDIT’S CANTINA CUSTOM ZIPPOS–WHATTA YA TINK?–Bandit, how about doing a story on Our kool website/business…Also would love to do some “Bandit” kustom zippo’s for You.How do we get linked to your site?check out the info below, and there is a link to our site at the bottom of this page…Let Me know what You Think !!!
We Have Built 1000s of Kustom Lighters for Tons of Kool Customers and Companies.Lit Up Kustom Lighters sell great on websites, shops and at events. They are perferct forpromoting your business Or just giving your customers something Kool to collect.
We apply your Logo / artwork, or We can work on a design for You. Check out our WebSiteby clicking on the banner link below.
Contact Me direct anytime. I will be glad to Help you with any questions You might have.
Chuck Simmons
Owner / Boss Man
757 407 4405
ANOTHER CRAZYHORSE ANNOUNCEMENT–Crazy Horse Painting is running a couple of specials for the month of Nov.Any tank and 2 fenders-$1700-2500 Single layer Flame Paint. This includesbasecoat. Why the wide range of price? Well the fenders on a FatBoy are muchbigger than the fenders on a Low Rider or Sportster. Also the higher priceincludes pinstriping.
The other Special is also for a tank and 2 fenders-$2100-2500 for our famouslightning storm paint job, includes black candy pearl basecoat. Eachlighting storm paint scheme is individually designed just the way thecustomer wants it.
Now here’s the best part- mention you saw it on Bikernet and get a 10%discount.Go to to see my flame paint.Go to to the latest radical jobs thathave just come out of my shop. There’s a few killer flames jobs on thatpage!

NEW OIL GAUGES–We have a new item in our line of produccts.It is a new Oil Gauge for the Sportster – Dyna and Softail.They look awesome on your bike.Your readers can buy them by the Old Town Cruisers fromthe Netherlands –Hank Nederhoed LONE BUILD PROJECT REPORT– Here’s the latest pic of the “lone build” off project. It is a shit picture because I’m in a300 sq. ft death trap of a shop. So I will tell you some info for the project. The frame is scratch built and features 42 degrees of rake and a 15 over modified girder. It’s total rake is 50 degrees of ill handeling fun. Total length 10’2″ with a 90 inch all S&S Sportster engine. Hey next week I will send better pictures. SEEYA LATER! BOB T’S BREAKING OUT THE OLD SCHOOL–Me and “Hangmen” Mark (RIP). He was my good ole bro. –Bob T. TBEAR T-SHIRT CONTEST–You guys and gals certinaly have some sick minds out there in Cyberville.You wouldn’t believe some of the entries we received.We loved it and wet ourselves several times during the judging.It was a tough decission between two.In the end, we tossed a coin and it landed on it’s edge, so we’re gonna do both.A brandy new “BUILT FOR A HARD RIDE” shirt goes out to Scott Bradin of Topeka, Kansas and Ann Kolcheck of El Paso, Texas won herself a “THESE WON’T GO FLAT” shirt.Thanks to everyone that entered the name the shirt contest at –TBear
The Netherlands
–Chopper John

YOUNG CHRIS T. FROM HAWAII–“What the hell you doin’ on my bike?” Said his older brother Bob T. in 1973. Bob still rides in the California desert and contributes to Bikernet. Brother Chris makes our Bikernet stickers, lives and rides in Hawaii and was one of the founders of the Choppers Only Show in Honolulu.
–Bob T.

HARD BRAKE LINE TECH–You plannin’ on running that brakeline write up I sent ya? Last I heard you were asking for pics but they were in the word doc. Let me know what your intentions?
Houston, Tx
It’s comin’ right up, goddamnit. Hang on.–Bandit

Continued On Page 4