Continued From Page 1

BRADLEY AND CHERYL DOWN IN TEXAS–Attached is a link to Bradley’s site put together by Englishman at the Horse. Help remind folks the shop is still open. I have NO idea what you have to do to add a link but figured I would let y’all know.
BACK SEAT COOK–A wife was making breakfast one morning, when her husband burst into the kitchen.
“Carefull…put in more butter! Oh my God! You’re cooking too many eggs at once. Turn them over NOW! We need more butter. Oh my God! Where are we going to get more butter!? Great! Now they’re going to stick! Carefull…be CAREFULL! You never listen to me when you’re cooking! Turn them over! Hurry up! Are you crazy!? Have you lost your mind? Don’t forget to salt them. You always forget to salt them. Use the salt.Use the SALT!”
His wife just stared at him. “What in the hell is the matter with you? You think I don’t know how to fry a couple of eggs?”
The husband calmly replied, “I wanted to show you what it feels like to have you along on the back of my bike.”
–from Art F.

DAYTONA CITIZENS AIR FEELINGS ABOUT BUFFALO CHIP–I am certain that there will be no nudity out at the Speedway,” Mayor Yvonne Scarlett-Golden said.
PANHEAD TOM SAID…..”Men and women ride naked on their motorcycles,” Tom said. “I don’t care what they say about cleaning up the event, when it’s late at night and the campfires are going there’ll be naked girls running around. There’s no way getting around it.”
Commissioner Shiela McKay said Monday the Buffalo Chip event will hurt the image of the city.”It’s nothing more than another drunkfest,” McKay said.
HAHAHAHA.. Hey Shelia…. SHUT UP!If you don’t like it, then don’t go. I for one think it’s a good idea to hold it at the speedway. Let them have their fun. Who the hell cares if they get a bit silly and naked. If you don’t like the fact that someone is having fun … then don’t go…..
Commissioner Shiela McKay said Monday the Buffalo Chip event will hurt the image of the city.”It’s nothing more than another drunkfest,” McKay said.
So let me get this right Sheila…Hookers on Ridgewood and A-1-A,OK.Crack Dealers taking over Daytona Streets,OK.Biker Event, NOT OK.

MONSTER GARAGE CHOPPER BUILD WAS COOL– I caught your act on the tube the other night and I must say I really enjoyed it. It was good to see other old farts still building them the old fashioned way. I don’t often like the new breed of chopper, but this is still America. Everybody can ride what they like.
I have been fortunate to ride what I please for some 35 years of miles and smiles. I have been blessed with some great brothers in that time. Some of those are no longer with us, but they ride with me in my heart.
From what I have seen of you over the years, (in the magazines) I have often thought that we have similar tastes in bikes.
The last time I saw Rip Rose here in Lousiana, you and your bikes were one of the things we talked about. I saw the 5-Ball bike last year at Strokers and just loved it. I was amazed at the number of people that passed right by it to go drool on the billet barges up front. The guy behind the counter was tickled that I had spotted it and we became instant buddies.
I like your VL and maybe one day I can show you the picture of my mom on hers in 1944. I’m glad you are still doing your thing. Keep it up!

BUELL’S LIGHTNING CITYX– A NEW release from Buell, the Lightning CityX XB9SX, is available now.Buell claims that the combination of mid-range power and agile handling make the CityX the ultimate streetfighter and the ideal machine for commuting and urban riding.
The CityX also has a new slant on the Naked Bike style.A translucent plastic gives the airbox and flyscreen a distinctive blue color while leaving the mechanical parts within still visible.The combination of black cast wheels and the same color for the lower body panels is both for style and practicality. The color is said to camouflage urban grime.
Other styling details include the handlebar deflectors, headlight grille and the X guard for the airbox.The seat and handlebar relationship gives the rider an upright position and thus good visibility in traffic.
The engine is the Buell Thunderstorm 948cc fuel-injected V-twin engine.Claimed output is 83bhp and more than 63ftlb of torque.The powertrain is installed in a Buell Lightning chassis, complete with Showa suspension.
This results in a bike with the ultimate in agility combining a short wheelbase with steep steering angle and a short trail for sharp steering.
Other definitive Buell styling cues embodied in the CityX include the fuel contained in the frame; the swing arm that doubles as an oil reservoir and the muffler tucked under the engine.Continued into 2005, the Buell range also offers the Lightning XB12S and Firebolt XB12R.
Tel: +44 870 850 1903
Fax: +44 870 850 2003

MINI-MODEL MOTORCYCLE WEB SITE–, Click on the motor cycles these mini models are one of kind, nothing like ’em any where in the world you got to get one of these.
— Mike Peery, metal artist

STEALTH REPORT FROM N.C.–I would like to start off this week by congratulating Mr. Bandit on the great bike build on Monster Garage. The bike turned out great and the mini interviews with all the participants were great!
This past week has been kind of slow and for me personally it has been a week of personal bull at work. I think it may be time for me to roll the dice on this one and see how it plays out. After awhile it seems you wear out your welcome on jobs. Oh well, life goes on!
One thing I came across this past week at a local Wal-Mart that just opened here, you know one of those where you can get your oil changed while you shop and then eat lunch all in the same place.I was looking around in there and I came across a whole section devoted to West Coast Choppers and O.C.C. and even Monster Garage apparel. They even had other shirts that featured the Iron Cross. It is funny how at one time I thought the Iron Cross was a symbol used to piss authority off and now it seems that it is just the “COOL” thing to wear.
It was funny seeing all the WCC and OCC shirts there, it reminded me of when I first got into bikes and started hanging out with a few guys who owned bikes, they would always tell me “You don’t wear the shirts unless you have the bike!” I took that advice to heart and never wore the t-shirts until the day I picked up my Sportster. I guess all of that has changed too! It is cool now to look and dress like someone who rides even if you do not own a bike. One good thing about this is that if you want to buy any of this stuff, the prices were less than anywhere I have seen.
Another thing I came across in the toy department was all the West Coast Chopper replica toys, from trucks and cars to bikes. Now I have to admit these are pretty cool! All of this just goes to show how big of an impact the Discovery Channel shows have had.
One last little tid-bit, My son Blair and I went to lunch together Tuesday, the day after Monster Garage. I was wearing my Bikernet t-shirt and a guy comes up to me and says “I saw that t-shirt on Monster Garage last night, the big guy was wearing it, Do you know him?” I just smiled and said “Yeah I know him!” Mr. Bandit you made us all proud!
Ride down to your local Wal-Mart and check out all the “COOL” biker stuff!
Until next week!
MONSTER GARAGE AND MEMORIES–I missed the show before your’s with the gorilla. A friend of mine from Florida was on that one.
I did watch your deal from start to finish and enjoyed it. The $5,000 premise was a kind of a joke, but they gotta make a show that America can suck up. The open primary made me flash back to the first time we met. El Monte, courthouse, you had like a chain link fence over a pretty much, open chain primary… Least that’s how I remember it. I’m teaching myself how to speak Spanish by watching Mexican TV. I’ll talk to you later.
–Crazy John

BUFFALO CHIP AT BIKETOBERFEST AT THE SPEEDWAY–This really IS going to be interesting. I’ve gone to the Buffalo Chip events. I wonder if the speedway is planning to check id’s at the gate because this is like a biker drunk fest held at a nudist resort. I’ve enjoyed them in the past, but I would never take my kids to them. I never took them to topless bars, either, so I can’t say what other parents let their kids do. Like Naknek said…”Family event…….in your dreams”.
If the speedway thinks they can change the nature of this event and control what goes on, they’re crazy and the people that believe that are clueless.
This is NOT for teenagers. The drinking age is 21 in this state so the speedway will have to limit this party to 21 and over because there is no way they will be able to control who drinks and who doesn’t. I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Think about it people……..would you want your teenage daughter taking part in the pickle eating contest? If you don’t know what that is, ask someone that has been to Sturgis or use your imagination. lol

BIKETOBERFEST TAN WARNING– A man was laying on his back and fell asleep on the beach under thenoon day sun. He suffered a severe sunburn to his legs. He was takento the hospital. His skin had turned a bright red and was verypainful and had started to blister. Anything that touched his legscaused agony. The doctor prescribed continued intravenous feedingsof water and electrolytes, a mild sedative and Viagra.
Rather astounded, the nurse inquired, “What good will Viagra do himin that condition?”
The doctor replied, “It will keep the sheets off of his legs.”
–from Rogue

AGENT ZEBRA RETURNS TO BIKERNET AND ENTERTAINS JAY LENO–Watch for his skit on the Tonight show and for his tale of makin’ a Biker movie on Bikernet next week.
MONSTER GARAGE AND BIKERNET– Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how fun (as aviewer) you made the build. It took ALL of you, not just a few to make thatbike, and it was nice, so don’t play it down that all you did was “sweep thefloors”.
When I saw you and your “Profile”, I told the wife that it was “Bandit”, andit was like I actually knew you, because of how much reading I do at work andat home on Bikernet!! LOL!!
Keep up the good work. Who knows, maybe you’ll be back for #100!!
Great job!!
p.s. I forwarded your book to my buddy in Iraq. I couldn’t wait for it toget here in the mail, so I read it online. Great stuff bro!! Now, when do weget another book? I think I’ve read everything!!
I also wiped down the tools. You’re watching my next book come together in the Cantina. Another one is in a holding pattern.–Bandit
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