Continued From Page 2

Here are pics of Jeffs 650 Yamaha– He did all of it himself. He fabricated the frame section, made the pipes, tigged the gas tank, as well as the other obvious shit. He is talented; I am trying to turn him into a hd builder. He says he doesn’t have the bread. I’m going to just give him a basket case and turn him loose to see what happens. I turn him onto junk and he turns it into treasure.
To refresh your memory this is the kid who chopped the 550 Honda four your put in the metric news. This is his latest, I told him to try a twin, as it was more desirable.

Councillor Cadman brings scooter and motorcycle parking motion–At this weeks city council meeting, COPE Councillor Cadman will be bringing forward a motion on increased free scooter and motorcycle parking.
It asks that parking and engineering staff initiate a revenue-neutral by-law change to free-up street parking by designating free parking for motorized scooters and motorcycles. It further elaborates that this parking would be for 6 meter spaces between pedestrian crosswalks and auto parking after intersections.
According to Councillor Cadman, this initiative is consistent with the Greenest City Initiative which has a mandate to reduce carbon output. As motorized scooters use up to 90 percent less gasoline than automobiles and motorcycles are much better on fuel-use than cars, it makes sense for us to encourage residents to switch to more environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
According to Ian Tootill, a motorcyclist who suggested the motion,there is very little on-street parking available on Vancouver roadways, forcing motorized cycle operators to find innovative solutions which are often illegal and sometimes dangerous. Scooters and motorcycles regularly encounter problems when currently parking because other vehicle operators often do not see them which results in increased auto insurance rates.
Best practices in neighboring cities with similar transportation challenges to Vancouver (including San Francisco, Portland and Toronto) all have established free and abundant parking to encourage and accommodate scooter and motorcycle use.
Information: Rachel Marcuse, COPE 604-312-9057 604-312-9057,
We are hoping this goes through, it was more than I could get out of any of Vancouver City Council after 6 years! Unfortunately there are only two Cope members on council.
–Adele Tompkins
It’s that time of year again! 2010 memberships are now available at the office. They are also available on-line or by phone with MasterCard or Visa. You can follow this link: to join on-line or you can print off a form to mail in with a cheque.
October 18 – Fraser Valley Toy Run – 1 (604) 814-3503 or
October 28 – Ladies Clinic at Barnes Harley Davidson-Buell Langley – Call and reserve your spot (604) 534-6044 or
October 31 – Halloween Event @ Trev Deeley Motorcycles (604) 291-2453 or
January 21-24 – Vancouver Motorcycle Show –
B.C. Coalition of Motorcyclists
Phone: (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111
“Working for Your Freedom to Ride!”

Zen and the Art of Bikernet–One day, a young man on his journey home came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him, he pondered for hours on just how to cross such a wide barrier. Just as he was about to give up his pursuit to continue his journey, he saw a great teacher, Bandit, on the other side of the river.
The young man yelled over to Bandit, “Oh wise one, can you tell me how to get to the other side of this river?’
Bandit ponders for a moment, looks up and down the river, scratches his ass, and hollers back, “My son, you are on the other side.”
–Sam Burns

V-TWIN DEALER NEWS ON-LINE–The new issue of V-Twin News is now on-line. Go to to view it. If you have not signed p to receive it monthly (it’s free) please visit to continue your subscription.
–Kit Maira
Editor V-Twin News
Associate Editor
Easyriders, VTwin, Biker
818-889-8740 ext. 1223

Sucker Punch Sally’s Continues Partnership with Progressive Insurance– SPS to build two new giveaway bikes.
SCOTTSDALE, AZ – October 06, 2009 Sucker Punch Sally’s, the premier old school motorcycle builder known for producing the best stripped-down bobbers and choppers, is continuing its partnership with Progressive Insurance, the countrys number-one motorcycle insurer.
Highlights of last year’s partnership included building two Progressive Insurance bikes; designing a co-branded giveaway t-shirt; designing a 28-foot trailer featuring both Progressive and SPS; and appearing together at all 11 IMS Cycle World Motorcycle Shows. Sucker Punch Sally’s owner Christian Clayton also appeared in a print ad with Flo from the Progressive commercials.
Next year will feature an even bigger, 50-foot trailer showcasing the Sucker Punch style and Progressive. The trailer, along with two new giveaway bikes, will be the centerpiece of the Progressive Insurance booth at the 11 IMS shows across the country. While the booth will be twice as big as last years, it will still have a lounge atmosphere where bikers can relax, enjoy the bikes, and learn about SPS and Progressive.
Flo’s Flyer, one of the Progressive custom bikes built by Sucker Punch Sally’s, will be featured wherever Sucker Punch Sally’s is set up. A one-off boardtrack style motorcycle that’s completely hand made at SPS Arizona headquarters, Flo’s Flyer will be SPS submission to Artistry in Iron.
“We have a great partnership with Progressive Insurance and are excited about continuing and expanding our role with the #1 motorcycle insurer in the U.S.A..” said Christian Clayton, owner of Sucker Punch Sally’s.
You can find out more about Sucker Punch Sally’s at or or

OPERATION GRATITUDE WELCOMES TRAVELING TRIBUTE–Vietnam Memorial Wall Exhibit Inaugurates 7th Annual Holiday Drive.
Van Nuys, CA – September 14, 2009 In a memorable and fitting prelude to its annual Holiday Drive, Operation Gratitude is partnering with The American Veterans Traveling Tribute ( ) to honor all those who have served, and particularly all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The Exhibit will be on display October 14-18 in Van Nuys.
The AVTT Exhibit includes a 9-11 tribute, a Cost of Freedom display of Gold Dog Tags (identifying each service member killed since Vietnam), and the centerpiece of the exhibit: An exact replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall (80% scale), displaying all 58,253 names of the men and women killed in the Vietnam War.
Located on the large lot adjacent to the Van Nuys National Guard Armory at the corner of Victory and Louise, the entire event will be free to the public. All ages are invited and encouraged to attend this first-ever display of The AVTT Exhibit in Southern Calif.

After viewing The Tribute, AVTT Exhibit attendees (ages 12 and older) are invited to participate in Operation Gratitude Care Package Prep activities that will be taking place in the Armory on all days of the Exhibit.
Operation Gratitude will provide letter writing materials allowing children and adults to express their personal thoughts and appreciation to Service Members deployed overseas during the Holidays. Snacks, information and even scarf-making lessons will be offered at the Operation Gratitude tables at The Exhibit site. Donations for the Holiday Drive Care Packages are encouraged.
Suggested items to donate: Beanie Babies, Bags of Candy, Beef Jerky (single-serve packages)
Please join us for this unique opportunity to pay respect to our fallen heroes and express appreciation to those currently serving.
For more information about the American Veterans Traveling Tribute: For more information about Operation Gratitude: For more information about the Operation Gratitude-AVTT Event: or

NEW FROM BRASS BALLS–Check out this Brass Balls Classic Bobber we just finished. I polished and Chromed the tins… then scotch brited them to give the bike a vintage feel. It turned out awesome.

ROLLIN SIXES THIRD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE TROOPS EFFORT SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM– Thanks to everyone’s kindness we have sent out over 5 thousand gifts to the troops overseas. Rollin Sixes Choppers n Rods with the Tamiami Veterans were covering all cost for shipping. Every year it gets just a little bigger and because of Our NONPROFIT Corporation “Rollin Sixes No Apologies kindness” we can accept help with the shipping.
The soldiers have also brought to our attention that they would also like to have t-shirts or school supplies to hand out to the kids. I don’t know if you know this, but they can and have been seriously harmed for going to school. I don’t know about you, but anybody that brave deserves our help.
We didn’t know if we could accomplish this effort this year because times are tough and shops are struggling to keep their doors open, but a lot of people were asking and wanted us to do it again, so here we go.
I can’t believe how grateful these guys and gals were to get just a t-shirt. Everybody listen up, Thanks to all who sent in stuff for the last two years. You really made the day for the guys and gals over there and it showed what standup folks you really are.
Times are tough for us, but it is a lot tougher for them. Nobody is shooting AK-47s at us everyday or trying to kill us with IEDs. So if you can help out again this year that would be great and if you can’t, that’s cool too. Everyone at Rolling Sixes would like to say thanks and may God bless you with a better year in 2010. Rollin Sixes Choppers n Rods along with and the HRI Girls have joined together to gather t-shirts, cd’s, flyers, posters, and stickers to show our support for our troops serving our country overseas and who cannot make it home for the holidays.
We encourage everyone to make a donation. We are accepting t-shirts from any bike shop, hot rod shop, tattoo shop, car club, music groups, etc.. from all over who wish to participate. Cash is also accepted and will go toward the printing cost as well as the shipping costs. Let’s come together this holiday season and make a difference.
Send Donations to: T-shirts for Troops 311 aviation parkway Cape Coral, FL 33904
All donations need to be received no later than November 28 this allows us to utilize the first week of December to get everything wrapped and shipped out! This time frame will ensure most packages arrive to the Troops by Christmas! Please feel free to pass this along to anyone that may be interested. Please make all donations payable to: Rollin Sixes No Apologies Kindness.

SAXON SNEAK PEAK–Just back from Saxon down in Casa Grande, shooting a Warlord they just finished with a pretty crazy paint job. Bike is being crated first thing tomorrow and going to a customer in Europe.
Bikernet Desert Correspondent

LATEST SEAT FROM LAST RIDE CUSTOMS– Just finished a seat for a 75 Sporty. Been getting alot of orders for black seats, I can see why though, black is a damn good color. Also wanted to share with you what the seat looks like on the bike. I do not believe in alot of padding, style and shape is more important in my eyes.

No Nativity Scene this Year at White House this year–There will be no Nativity Scene in Washington this year!
The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in theUnited States Capital this Christmas season.This isn’t for any religious reason.
They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation’s Capitol.
The search for a Virgin continues.
–from Sam Burns

MOTORCYCLE CRASH CAUSATION STUDY UPDATE– As promised, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is closely following the progress of the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) ongoing motorcycle crash causation study. Vehicle fatalities fell last year, while motorcycle fatalities rose. We all know that a large factor in the increase was the record motorcycle registrations and motorcycle sales, but no one is certain why a lot of motorcycle accidents occur. The last crash study done for motorcycles was in the 1970s, and so much has changed since then that the motorcycle safety community has aggressively pushed for a more up-to-date, relevant study.
“Having a better understanding of what causes these crashes will help us improve roadway safety for everyone,” said FHWA Administrator Mendez. “Keeping people safe on America’s roads is Secretary LaHood’s top priority at the Department of Transportation.”
The motorcycle crash causation study will be the federal government’s first major in-depth analysis of motorcycle safety in nearly three decades. A provision in the “Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users” (SAFETEA-LU) requires the study, which will be conducted by the FHWA in partnership with Oklahoma State University (OSU).
OSU houses one of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s 10 National University Transportation Centers, and it receives federal grants to conduct transportation research. One of the holdups of the study was that OSU was required to secure funds to match the $3 million provided by the Feds. OSU did not have an extra $3 million, so a waiver was granted allowing the study to move forward with a smaller budget. The study won’t be as large as the original concept, but the MRF has been assured it will be rigorous and scientific.
Researchers will evaluate data from hundreds of motorcycle crashes to help identify common factors – including road configurations, environmental conditions and rider experience. The study’s focus is to look at how these factors may be affected by countermeasures that, if effectively implemented, will prevent motorcycle crashes or lessen the harm when they occur.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducted a pilot study to develop the protocols for the full-scale causation research. NHTSA also was responsible for the earlier motorcycle causation study, which was completed in 1981.
Between 1997 and 2008, motorcycle rider fatalities increased from 2,116 to 5,290 – a 150 percent jump, according to U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. In 2008 alone, deaths due to motorcycle crashes rose by an estimated 2.2 percent while all other vehicle classes saw reductions in fatalities.
Results of the current study are still 3-4 years away.

Helmet Laws suck

HOLLISTER DEBACLE AND SHASTA SALUTE RULES–Your August 2009 issue, Thunder Press, contained two well written articles that I like to comment on. “Rambler” Steve Austin did great reporting on Hollister and its non-sanctioned Rally that wasn’t. Rogue Hawg also did a great job reporting on the Shasta Salute to America in Tulelake, Ca.
I have emotional ties to both events. We live in Hollister and I was the Rally secretary in 2007 when we local bikers and volunteers brought it back “from the dead” following the 2006 cancellation. The city councils decision to again cancel in 2009 was a bitter pill to swallow. We local bikers and community volunteers know what now has to be done and we know what very well may never be again. Our two “top cops” need to be replaced with professional law officers who do NOT harbor a personal hatred of ALL bikers.
Our town decided to kick 100,000+ bikers to the curb twice in less than five years. That much disdain and disrespect will take years, possibly decades to recover from, if ever. Sadly, this biker bashing, Rally cancelling is spreading across the USA. It has now become a Biker’s Rights issue, another topic I am passionate about.
As for Shasta Salute to America; let me assure you that it was a GREAT event and it should only get better each summer. South Bay Biker Productions asked me nicely if I might help market their event. After my experiences in Hollister and dealing with our towns politics and policies; I was in NO rush to get involved with another MC Rally. I did some research and met with Jeff Kraus (EzJ) and Debbie Johnson (Wings2Fly) in person. I researched them and their past projects such as their DVD Showdown in Durango. I watched their DVD of the first SS2AM held in July of 2008 and I was surprised to realize what a great event this was.
Operation Gratitude, the military support service that SS2AM supports is one of the very best. The town of Tulelake not only supports SS2AM but they INVITED it to be held in their town!! This was the one fact that I could barely believe after my experiences in Hollister. The fairground location was by far the BEST camping experience we’ve ever had. The lush grass, beautiful rural location, clean restrooms and HOT showers were only some of the high-lights. The area has an assortment of gorgeous, well maintained ride roads.
There is a rich history to be learned as well as great natural points of interest to be seen. It is close to Klamath Falls, OR and its airport and amenities. Oregon and California politicians, city governments and law enforcement worked together and they treated us bikers with dignity and respect. They actually welcomed our presence.

Bike Pic #1 couple pans & a 32 Ford @ Rustic Canyon Store, Malibu last Saturday
Most of our biker friends and family are VETS. SS2AM honors VETS and truly honors the service men and women currently deployed. We bikers do not get much respect lately. Our rights to gather together at Rallies and to ride freely are being challenged all across America. I am proud to have helped out such a great Rally. SS2AM is ALL about patriotism, patriots AND our biker life-style. It was so refreshing to be free to ride. wear colors, camp by our bikes, party like rock stars and JUST enjoy being a biker in America.
It is sad that we no longer feel that free in our hometown. We need to make a lot of changes. Hollisters heritage as Birthplace of the American Biker is being ignored. We local bikers are still trying to implement change but it won’t happen any time soon. It is a sad reality.

Bike Pic #2 was parked in front of the Green Flash, Pacific Beach, San Diego on Monday morning
–Hollister” Christy Howe
Former HMRC Secretary,
Biker Rights Activist and
Community Volunteer
–Reprinted from Thunder Press

Honda Develops New Personal Mobility Device With the Goal of Co-existing in Harmony with People — World’s first drive system that enables movement in all directions —TOKYO, Japan, September 24, 2009 – Pursuing the concept of “harmony with people” Honda has developed a new personal mobility technology and unveiled U3-X, a compact experimental device that fits comfortably between the rider’s legs, to provide free movement in all directions just as in human walking – forward, backward, side-to-side, and diagonally. Honda will continue research and development of the device including experiments in a real-world environment to verify the practicality of the device.

This new personal mobility device makes it possible to adjust speed and move, turn and stop in all directions when the rider leans the upper body to shift body weight. This was achieved through application of advanced technologies including Honda’s balance control technology, which was developed through the robotics research of ASIMO, Honda’s bipedal humanoid robot, and the world’s first* omni-directional driving wheel system (Honda Omni Traction Drive System, or HOT Drive System), which enables movement in all directions, including not only forward and backward, but also directly to the right and left and diagonally. In addition, this compact size and one-wheel-drive personal mobility device was designed to be friendly to the user and people around it by making it easier for the rider to reach the ground from the footrest and placing the rider on roughly the same eye level as other people or pedestrians.
Honda is planning to showcase the U3-X at the 41st Tokyo Motor Show 2009 (sponsored by JAMA) which will begin on October 24, 2009 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
Striving to propose the next-generation mobility which expands the joy and fun of mobility, Honda has been conducting robotics research since 1986, including ASIMO, walking assist devices and U3-X, at the Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Fundamental Technology Research Center in Wako, Saitama, Japan.

Key features of U3-X 1.Device control featuring application of balance control technology cultivated through ASIMO research: The incline sensor detects the incline of the device based on the weight shift of the rider and determines the rider’s intention in terms of the direction and speed. Based on the data, precise control is applied to return the device to an upright position, which achieves smooth and agile movements and simple operation by weight shift only. 2.HOT Drive System (Omni-directional driving wheel system): Honda developed the world’s first wheel structure which enables movement in all directions including forward, backward, side-to-side and diagonally. Multiple small-diameter motor-controlled wheels were connected in-line to form one large-diameter wheel. By moving the large-diameter wheel, the device moves forward and backward, and by moving small-diameter wheels, the device moves side-to-side. By combining these movements the device moves diagonally. –from Art Friedman

PRAY FOR FLAT HIGH-TRACTION SALT AND GOOD WEATHER–I’ll be back for the Sunday Post. The 5-Ball Racer is running and every day we make adjustments. It’s currently featured on Rick Krost’s U.S. Choppers web site. He can’t wait for it to hit the pages of a Magazoon. We’re still working on my next book cover. Trying to get to press this month.

Have you seen the Crank Movies? Crazy fuckers, and they were all shot within blocks of the Bikernet Headquarters. I’m beginning to reach out to them. Did I tell you that an episode of the Sons of Anarchy was shot just a block away from our Interplanetary Headquarters? We’re dug-in, within a very popular ghetto. It’s probably the only area of LA that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg to use their streets. Hell, we’ll bring ’em cheese, hand cracked Walnuts, by Sgt. Bobby Keeting (a 5-Ball Racing 2007 Tech from Fairbanks), and Bulleit Whiskey for the crew, thanks to a reader.

So hang on for next week, the techs, the girls, a new Cantina Soap. It’s written and off to our official Bikernet Copy Editor. More features are coming and don’t forget the Love Ride is a Charity Event. Funds go to Muscular Dystrophy Foundation, Autism Charity and several others. So support the cause.
Ride Forever,