Continued From Page 1

NEW S&S SINGLE BORE TUNED INDUCTION SYSTEM–2007 is going to be an exciting year for v-twin induction. S&S proudly announces the release of a Single Bore Tuned Induction System that works on almost everything! This new performance-enhancing intake fits all S&S Super E and G carbs, stock CV carbs, stock Delphi? throttle bodies and, of course, the new S&S Single Bore Throttle Body.
Designed with a performance-enhancing curve that flows the intake of the dual runners into the single bore, the new S&S Single Bore Tuned Induction System adds a significant boost in mid-range and top-end power. During the engineering of the mounting bracket, S&S engineers decided to make it do double duty as a head breathing system for super clean looks Additionally the mounting bracket was designed to bring the Single Bore Tuned Induction System in as close to the heads as possible, offering additional legroom for the rider.
Recent tests on a stock 2006 Harley-Davidson? Dyna ? motorcycle saw gains of over 9 horsepower and 9 ft-lbs of torque by swapping the stock air intake with the S&S Single Bore Tuned Induction System-bolt-on Proven Performance?. The unit is available in Chrome, Black and Natural finishes, with both red and blue air filters available to design a system that fits your bike perfectly.
S&S Cycle Inc.
235 Causeway Blvd.
La Crosse, WI 54603
(698) 627-1497

NEW ISSUE OF THE CYCLE SOURCE DUE OUT SOON–And it will feature “Our next issue is the year in review,” Chris Callen, the editor, reported. We are about to launch a tech from the Cycle Source crew.The Cycle Source Magazine is a Grass Roots Motorcycle Publication
Cycle Source Magazine
Tarentum, PA 15084

CRAZYHORSE PAINTING QUARTERLY STATEMENT–As the last of the neon yellow fall leaves hit the pavement, it seems like 2006 went by in the blink of an eye. For Crazy Horse Painting, it was a strange year. Some very sweet paintwork glistened out of my shop. We had a incredible run to Sturgis and back. I got to be part of amazing team of women bike builders at an event in Chicago where we assembled and painted a bike in just under 7 hours. And I was bombarded by family stuff this year. It was as if fate had saved all that stuff for one year, looked down at me, saw me busy with paintwork and writing and decided that I did not have enough to do. So it dumped on me like by the truckload. Just the adventure of moving my godson’s father down here to South Carolina would fill a book. If only we had filmed it, it would have been a guaranteed winner on a funniest video show or YouTube.

The good news is, in the last 12 months, I wrote 2 books. The lastest “How to Master Airbrush Techniques,” will be hitting the bookstores in the next few weeks. And the flamed black ’39 street rod that graced the cover of Book 3, was a big hit on the GoodGuys car show circuit.

Then there’s the paintwork we did. The paint seen here belongs to Bill, a retiring Master Drill Sargent. His men wanted to show him their admiration and respect, so they decided to honor him by repainting his old shovelhead. He had no idea what the paint would look like, but it was a big chance from the old chipped blue paint, that was on the parts when they arrived at my shop. I’m still waiting for pictures of Bill with his finished bike and when I get them, I’ll be sure to post them here on Bikernet.

It gets more challenging every year to come up with paintwork that’s interesting and fresh. Old ideas can get stale looking. So despite the craziness of this past year, I’m very pleased with the paintwork I did. In the weeks to come, I’ll be posting more of that work with the stories behind the paint. I’ll also be keeping everyone up to date with the goings on of the Chopper Chicks Crew, the team that built the bike in Chicago. These are real women builders. I also have some very intense painting projects in the works, plus a few brutal bike build projects. We have two bikes in the works here at The Chopper Farm. And I’m getting ready to start writing Book 5.

In the meantime, check out this evil 1957 HDXL from Kickass Choppers in Jakarta, Indonesia. It’s in Reader’s Showcase this month. Kickass is one of my buddies on MySpace. Now don’t skoff, there’s alot of serious chopper folks on MySpace, many real riders plus builders like Billy Lane, Eddie Trotta and many others. I’ve met alot of good people there. So go look around, you may be surprised who you see there. Check out the Crazy Horse page on My Space .

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW A HIT AT THE LONE STAR RALLY–Here is a shot of us hard at play during the early afternoon on Saturday, for some reason we had plenty of people come in to check out the bikini contest after this, go figure? I am putting together info on all the show winners along with photos, hopefully in time for the Thursday post.

Here is the Judges choice winner, Darryl has good material with a girl from the show. This bike will be featured on Bikernet and in Easyriders in the near future.

THIS SUNDAY MORNING!RIDE TO THE LOVE RIDE 6!November 12, 2006–IMPORTANT UPDATE!– You might have seen in the event section of one of the regional magazines that our “Ride to the Love Ride” party is an adults only event. Not true! Children are always welcome to any LifeStyle Cycles event or function, and since the Love Ride always benefits children they are even more welcome to attend our party with their parents. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Now read on for even more updates to the 6th Annual Ride to the Love Ride!
The 6th Annual LifeStyle Cycles’ “Ride to the Love Ride” is coming up this Sunday morning November 12th!! We’re pulling out all the stops to make this one of the most memorable rides ever! Our good friends from AMERICAN IRONHORSE are sponsoring the ride this year, so they will be at the ride with plenty of AIH goodies on hand.
The party starts at LifeStyle Cycles at 6:30 AM Sunday morning the 12th of November, and as usual, we’ll have a huge breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, rolls, OJ and coffee! The J.D. Priest band will be rockin’ the party and there’ll be raffles and giveaways and all kinds of other fun going on during the morning.
Then at 8:29 AM, the kickstands go up and we head out to Castaic for the 23rd Annual Love Ride! You don’t want to miss this year’s ride at LifeStyle Cycles! Just like last year, everyone who registers will get a ride wristband, limited edition T-shirt, sticker, huge breakfast, live music, entry into the raffle and much more.
You still have time to Pre-Register before November 12th, and the cost is only $7.50! The day of the ride, it goes up to $10.
If you’re planning on coming to the ride, click on the banner to RSVP and let us know how many riders and bikes in your group will be attending (we need to plan on breakfast, you know).

PAGANS TARGETED BY POLICE–Posted Wednesday, November 8, 2006WILMINGTON — More than 24 hours after a Wilmington police officer fired three fatal shots at a man outside a Hilltop home, police refused to name the victim or explain why deadly force was needed to subdue an apparently unarmed man who had just been struck by two electric shots fired by assisting officers.
Wilmington officers were at the Sixth Street home Monday afternoon as part of an investigation led by Delaware State Police, who also refused Tuesday to explain the circumstances of the shooting or details of the investigation.
The owner of the home, a member of the Pagans motorcycle club, was arrested by state police Saturday. A man who says he knows the victim, but asked not to be identified, said the victim also is a member of the Pagans. Authorities declined to say whether the state is investigating members of the club.
Wilmington police spokesman Master Sgt. Steven Elliott said an autopsy determined the 25-year-old victim had been shot three times in the upper body by gunfire from a department-issued .40 caliber handgun. The man, Elliott said, had struggled with undercover Wilmington vice officers about 4 p.m. in the 1400 block of W. Sixth St. and was initially struck by two electric Tasers, meant to disable him. Police would not say whether the Tasers worked properly.
Elliott said the victim was “in possession of two items that were secured from him.”
In a written statement, Elliott explained that the man was shot three times because an “officer in close proximity to the developments feared for the safety of his fellow officers and believed that the suspect was in a position to pose an imminent threat. That officer then utilized deadly force.”
Earlier Tuesday, Elliott said “there were two items there that were considered weapons, but I haven’t been able to confirm whether they were law enforcement or belonged to the suspect.”
–from Rogue

S&S? CYCLE ANNOUNCES NEW SH-SERIES SERVICE MANUAL– LA CROSSE, WI (November 8, 2006) S&S Cycle announces the release of the highly anticipated SH-Series Service Manual. With the ever-increasing popularity of retro-cool bikes, the demand for S&S SH-Series engines is at an all-time high. The new manual is currently in stock and ready to ship from the S&S Distribution Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
The third in a series of manuals, the SH-Series covers the S&S SH80, SH93, SH93H, and SH103H engines. With detailed photos, in-depth instructions, and complete specifications, it is a must have for both professional and home technicians alike. The SH-Series Service Manual follows the format of the 4 1/8″ V-Series and 3 5/8″ and 4.00″ V-Series manuals currently available from S&S. Detailed instructions, tips from the S&S Product Development Department, and large, clear photos will help technicians keep SH-Series engines properly maintained for years to come.
“We are very pleased to offer our third service manual,” said Timm Fields, Director of Sales & Marketing for S&S Cycle. “With the popularity of our SH-Series engines, as shown by the successful S&S Old School Shovel Tour of 2005, this manual has been in high demand. Once again, we are proud to be a leader in the industry by offering products to our dealers and consumers that simply are not available elsewhere in the performance aftermarket.”
Dealers should contact their S&S Customer Support Representative to place orders, referencing part #61-1003. Consumers can purchase a manual from their local authorized S&S dealer or from the S&S website.

AVON TYRE QUESTION OF THE WEEK–Some of the other things that affect tire life are the condition of your wheel and how you store your tire.
Wheel condition
Wheel should not be bent out of shape as this adversely affects tire balance and also tire life. Wheel should be clean (free of duct tape, rust, dirt) and not have excessive wheel weights on it. When cleaning your bike be careful if you are at a car wash not to spray directly at the wheel as water can become trapped between the wheel and tire and cause rust.
– Keep both tires up off the ground in winter
– Use mild soap & water to clean tires, not tire cleaners or preservatives
– Avoid exposure to fertilizer, ozone, extremes in temperature
– Do not park under electrical wires nor near electric motors e.g. furnaces
– Don’t store near gasoline or solvent tanks (hydrocarbon fumes)
– Use bike cover to protect tires from extreme sun conditions
–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America (check this site for promotions)

WIN A CUSTOM THUNDER SADDLE OF YOUR TATTOO– This is what you have been waiting for. For the next 8 months Metric Thunder will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. These saddles are the most exclusive saddles and most comfortable saddles every made. They are very cool because each saddle represents your tattoo.
The Tattoo Contest
BANDIT of Bikernet will pick the best looking tattoo of the month and we will make a custom Thunder Saddle with the Tattoo embossed on the saddle. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen’s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding.
How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest
Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your:
? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle
It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop.

For more details and rules click here.

$1M FROM THE HARLEY-DAVIDSON FOUNDATION TODISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS WILL SUPPORTMOBILE SERVICE OFFICE PROGRAM–CINCINNATTI, OH (November 8, 2006)-The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is pleased to announce that a $1 million grant from the Harley-Davidson Foundation will be used to provide free services to thousands of veterans in communities across the country. The DAV Mobile Service Office program provides in-community benefits counseling and education to veterans and their families on benefits available from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as a result of their service to our country.The mission of the DAV Mobile Service Office program is to provide convenient access to benefits counseling for veterans and their families. For some veterans traveling to a VA benefits office could mean hours of driving, so the DAV comes to them.
“Last year the DAV’s fleet of Mobile Service Offices traveled to more than 600 communities and provided services to thousands of veterans and their families,” said Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant and Chief Executive Officer. “As a result the Harley-Davidson Foundation’s generosity, the DAV MSO program can continue to travel the country and provide assistance to veterans and their families where they live.”
These “offices on wheels” are staffed by highly trained professional counselors who are skilled experts in developing and prosecuting veterans’ claims. These DAV National Service Offices (NSO’s) talk with veterans about their government benefits, including compensation for disabilities related to their military service they may be eligible for, even years after their active duty ended. They help veterans determine if they have a claim, and then assist in the thorough preparation of claims and written briefs, which includes helping to assemble evidence in support of those claims.
“Veterans are important members of the Harley-Davidson family and the DAV Mobile Service Office program will provide even more access to the benefits they are entitled to receive,” said Gail Lione, President of the Harley-Davidson Foundation. “We are honored to show support and appreciation to the brave men and women who have sacrificed so much to protect our freedom.”
To learn more about the DAV Mobile Service Office or to show your support of this program please go to
For information on Harley-Davidson’s support of Veterans please contact Tony Shields, Manager, Community Relations at
THE DAVE ZIEN STORY–Longtime biker legislator and right’s activist, Dave Zien, was defeated in his bid to retain his seat in the Wisconsin Senate. Zien has held public office since 1988, when he was elected to the State Assembly. In 1993, he moved into the Senate, and has been a champion of biker’s rights for his entire legislative career. He was heavily involved with the helmet repeal efforts in Wisconsin back in the mid-seventies, while he was President of the Free Riders MC, and Vice-President of the Wisconsin Better Bikers Association. He also holds membership in the CMA, AMA and ABATE.
Wisconsin still has legislators who ride and are friendly to our cause, but we no longer can claim we have a “biker” in the legislature. Zien’s maverick style of legislating from the seat of his 800,000+ mile Harley-Davidson will be missed and ABATE will be hard pressed to find anyone to champion bills in our favor with the enthusiasm and excitement that he exhibited. There is a deep void in our statehouse this morning that will take a long time to fill. Certainly, no one will replace the charisma and exhilaration that surrounded a public hearing or floor debate that he was involved in.
—Tony Pan

FROM THE BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT–Engrish ranguage.An Asian woman in a bank was exchanging her money and asked the teller, “Whyit change? Yesoday I get two hunat dollar fo my money, today I only get ahunat eighty?”
The tellers says slowly, “Fluctuations.”
The Asian woman says, “Fluc you white guys too!”

ERIK BUELL TO ATTEND MILAN MOTORCYCLE SHOW–East Troy, Wis. (November 8, 2006) – Buell Motorcycle Co. founder and Chief Technical Officer Erik Buell is excited to travel to Milan, Italy, for the EICMA 64th Annual International Motorcycle Exhibition. The public days of the show are November 16-19, but Buell will attend the two press-only days, November 14-15.
Since he will not be available during the public days, Buell Motorcycle Company is hosting the Buell Radical Contest Party on November 15 at Just Cavalli Caf?, Viale Camoens, in Milan. Erik Buell will be on hand, as well as Buell stunt rider Craig Jones, who will be performing at the Milan show. The party will be open to journalists and Buell dealers from 8-10 p.m., then open to Buell owners, sportbike enthusiasts of all brands and the public after 10 p.m.
Harley-Davidson Italia, the Italian subsidiary for Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycles, sponsored a contest earlier this year asking dealers to customize a Buell motorcycle. The top nine entries will be on display at the party. Erik Buell will judge and announce the winner, who will receive a special award and will have their motorcycle on display at the Buell stand during the public days of the show.
It has been three years since Erik Buell, the creative genius behind the innovative Buell motorcycles, has been to the Milan show. He is excited about the growth of Buell sportbikes in Italy, and in Europe overall.
“We’ve been selling Buell motorcycles in Europe since 1996 and Italy is a key market for us,” said Buell. “We look forward to continued growth and expansion of the brand throughout Europe, where the twisty roads are perfect for the responsive handling and low-end torque of Buell motorcycles.”
The Buell Trilogy of Technology design principles of frame rigidity, mass centralization and low unsprung weight were developed by Erik Buell more than 20 years ago. They provide superior handling, powerfully smooth acceleration and legendary Buell torque, and have changed the industry’s view on motorcycle design. A lightweight aluminum frame contains the fuel while the swing arm holds oil. The muffler is located below the engine and the Immediate Throttle Response System has a light Goodyear Hibrex final belt drive with Flexten Plus technology to provide what feels like a direct connection between the throttle and the rear wheel for an exhilarating ride in all conditions. The patented ZTL (Zero Torsional Load) front braking system, mounted on the wheel perimeter 375mm rotor, is gripped by six-piston caliper allowing for light, six-spoke wheels.

Continued On Page 3