Continued From Page 2

ROUTE 66 – AZUSA, CALIFORNIA CHOPPER RAFFLE– On behalf of the Azusa Chamber of Commerce, I would like to extend an invitation to participate in our Route 66 Chopper Raffle.
When the Chamber heard that their budget was being cut, they immediately began to brainstorm for a unique and fun idea to raise money for local businesses. The result was a custom made Route 66 themed Chopper valued at $60,000. Tickets for the drawing are $100.00 a piece, and sales are being limited to only 2,000 tickets-so your odds are pretty good! The Raffle has also been registered with the Department of Justice.
Please join us in this unique fundraiser, for which proceeds will go towards helping the economic and business growth within the City of Azusa. If you are interested, or know anyone who would enjoy taking part in our raffle, please give us a call here at the Chamber of Commerce, 626-334-1507. You can also visit us on our website at http://
Jen Loomis
Administrative Assistant
Azusa Chamber of Commerce
(626) 334-1507 Phone
(626) 334-5217 Fax
BIKERNET JOB FAIR–POLISHER WILL POLISH FOR WORK- I am looking to pick up some new accounts in polishing after market Harley parts or any other cycle parts I can. I have been polishing Spyke starters for years and am looking to move on and get some new things in my shop. I hope you can use a really good polish shop who will pick up and return your product shinny and clean ready for you or your customer.
Thank you Patrick Renish or Dink at Dinks Polish
(714) 362-1773
9618 Santa Fe Springs rd # 3
Santa Fe Springs Ca 90670

LUCKY DEVIL SCORES–Check out the new Girl in the shop
–The Devil

NEW CAST ONE-PIECE LUGGAGE RACK FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-ROD–Pairs with Matching Mini Upright and Pad.Designed to complement the flowing lines of the Harley-Davidson V-Rod, this new die-cast One-Piece Luggage Rack (P/N 51209-05 [chrome] or P/N 51210-05 [black]; $169.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories incorporates the fender base plate and luggage rack for seamless style. Polished and finished in chrome or black, the luggage rack is designed to accept a Cast Mini Upright (P/N 51213-05 [chrome] or P/N 51215-05 [black]; $90) that bolts to the rack from below, and a Passenger Pad (P/N 52790-05; $39.95) with the VRSC logo.

The One-Piece Luggage Rack fits all 2002 and later VRSCA and VRSCB models, and comes with all necessary installation hardware.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at . To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.
BIKERNET SCIENCE CLASS–A professor at Texas A&M University was giving a lecture of thesupernatural. To get a feel for his audience, he asks, “How many peoplehere believe in ghosts?”
About 90 students raise their hands.
“Well, that’s a good start. Out of those of you who believe in ghosts,do any of you think you have seen a ghost?”
About 40 students raise their hands.
“That’s really good. I’m really glad you take this seriously. Has anyonehere ever talked to a ghost?”
About 15 students raise their hand.
“Has anyone here ever touched a ghost?”
3 students raise their hands
“That’s fantastic. Now let me ask you one question further…Have any ofyou ever made love to a ghost?”
Way in the back, Bubba raises his hand. The professor takes off hisglasses, and says “Son, all the years I’ve been giving this lecture, noone has ever claimed to have made love to a ghost. You’ve got to come uphere and tell us about your experience.”
The big redneck student replied with a nod and a grin, and began to makehis way up to the podium. When he reached the front of the room, theprofessor asks, “So, Bubba, tell us what it’s! like to have sex with a ghost?”Bubba replied, “Shiiiit! From way back thar I thought you said “Goats.”

Monster Garage: Old School Motor–Jesse leaves the car and truck monsters behind to assemble his unsung, top-drawer, bike-building heroes into a team of ultimate old-school chopper craftsmen.
This episode airs at the following times (Eastern) :
Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 9:00 PM
Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 12:00 AM
Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 5:00 AM
Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 4:00 PM
Sun, Dec 5, 2004 at 4:00 PM
In case you missed it the first time, the show Bandit appeared in looks like it?s gonna air again. Check it out!
THE BIKERNET PHYSICAL–Following Smith’s physical, Dr. Bernard sent his patient a bill.
A month went by without a remittance, the office sent the first letter…another bill, and then another, and then a fourth, but no payment came…
Finally he sent Smith a pathetic letter, claiming desperately strainedcircumstances and enclosing a shot of his infant daughter.
On the back of the snapshot he wrote, “The reason I desperately need themoney you owe me!”
Barely a week later a response from Smith arrived in the mail.Dr. Bernard ripped it open eagerly, and found himself holding a picture ofa gorgeous woman in a full length mink coat.
On the back of the photograph the patient had scrawled, “The reason Ican’t pay!”

Bikes, Babes and Brilliance: It?s a Bad-ass Life With Billy Lane–
?For as long as I can remember, all lever wanted to do was drink beer, surf, ride motorcycles and raise hell with my friends.?
Sounds like custom-bike builder Billy Lane, all right. With his mind-blowing creative talent, signature designs and no-holds-barred, do-or-die personality, he?s both an untouchable star and a guy you could knock back a few beers with. The man who eats, lives and breathes choppers tells it like it is in Chop Fiction: It?s Not a Motorcycle, Baby, It?s a Chopper, complete with the stunning photography of Michael Lichter.
A legend begins
From his middle-class Miami roots to his meteoric rise to fame, Billy Lane Chop Fiction is an incredible peek behind the curtain of one of the most driven, gifted and enigmatic builders on the motorcycle scene today. Lane bares it all ? catch his tales of running with gangsters on the mean streets of Miami, how he found a home in the world of custom building, incorporating Choppers, Inc., the irresistible pull of the wild side, Discovery Channel?s Monster Garage and Biker Buildoff appearances, and many more.
Book Specs
Billy Lane Chop Fiction: It?s Not a Motorcycle Baby, It?s a Chopper, by Billy Lane; photography byMichael Lichter
Imprint: Motorbooks International
Hardcover, 160 pages
ISBN 0-7603-20 1 1-X
$24.95 (U.S.), $36.95 (CAN)
Available in bookstores everywhere, through Classic Motorbooks (800) 826-6600 or on

STEALTH REPORT–For the first time in 22 years I find myself unemployed and it is not a good feeling. For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling down about all of this while trying to find my bearings and decide which road to take.
This past Sunday was the 10th Annual Gift & Gobble Ride here in Charlotte. During the week leading up to the ride I got calls from two of my buddies, Phil and Lonnie. They wanted to know if I wanted to ride with them. At first I really did not want to go. The ride ends at where I used to work and I did not think I would feel right being there. Sandy (a.k.a. MEANEST) had encouraged me to go. She has been there for me and supported me and my decision through all of this. Little did I know I was in for a surprise come Sunday.
Sunday morning rolled around and I decided to go. All week I had thought about the run and how people less fortunate depended on the run and how there were people out there who were in a lot tougher spots than I find myself in right now. It was a beautiful day, sunny and 80 degrees. We pulled out and headed for the Charlotte Coliseum and pulled into the parking lot where a sea of bikes were already staged for the ride. All week I had felt kind of disconnected from riding. As soon as I got off my bike I had people coming up to me shaking my hand and wishing me well. I was blown away by how many people I had come in contact over the years and how they expressed concern for me and thanked me for helping them at times. I can never express what this all means to me.
On the way home I realized that when you least expect it, you get so much back for giving so little sometimes. It proved again what I have always believed and that is “BIKERS CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER!” I also realized on the ride home that no job ever made me a biker! You see, all I have ever wanted to be is a biker and it was a choice I made long ago and no job could ever change that or take that away!
Deciding to go on that toy run did me a lot of good. As the holiday season approaches make the choice to attend a toy run, you just might be surprised at what you get back!
Until next week!
The Marines found they had too many officers and decided tooffer an early retirement bonus. They promised any officer whovolunteered for retirement a bonus of $1000 for every inch measuredin a straight line between any two points in his body. The officer gotto choose what those two points would be.
The first officer who accepted, asked that he be measured from thetop of his head to the tip of his toes. He was measured at six feet andwalked out with a bonus of $72,000.
The second officer who accepted was a little smarter and asked to bemeasured from the tip of his outstretched hands to his toes. He walkedout with $96,000.
The third one was a grizzly old Colonel who, when asked where hewould like to be measured replied “from the tip of my penis to mytesticles.” It was suggested by the pension man that he may want toreconsider, explaining about the nice checks the previous two officershad received. But the old Colonel insisted and they decided to go alongwith him providing the measurement was taken by a medical officer.The medical officer arrived and instructed the Colonel to “drop em,”which he did. The medical officer placed the tape measure on the tipof the Colonal’s penis and began to work back. “My God!” he suddenlyexclaimed, “Where are your testicles?” The Colonal calmly replied”Vietnam.”
TEEN MAGAZINE AND BIKERS DAUGHTERS–Layla, I’m a writer for Teen People looking to interview a teenage girl (between the ages of 14 and 17) whose dad is a Hells Angel (or a 1%er). My editor would prefer the daughter of a HA member only because the name is so recognizable, but she will consider others as long as they are serious (not weekend) bikers.
Just to clarify — we are NOT interested in interviewing the MC member himself or writing about their organization. This is a magazine for teen girls about teen girls (who we’ve found are only interested in grown-ups if they’re Ben Affleck or a member of Good Charlotte).
This feature is an “as told to” piece — the girl receives a “written by” credit, and we take her interview, edit it for length, and plop it into the magazine. We do not editorialize or add commentary — it’s strictly her story, and it is meant to be a positive feature that will inspire kids to see the similarities in others more than their differences (the other article I am working on for this particular section is about an 18-year-old girl who donated a kidney to her twin sister).
We want to ask the questions that your average 15-year-old girl would ask another teenager — what are your favorite classes, do you work part time, do you know how to ride yourself, do you want to get your own motorcycle, do you get along with your parents, do you ever worry that your dad might get hit by a bad driver, do you ever wish dad wasn’t a biker, that sort of thing. We assume that your average kid doesn’t know that much about how dad spends his time, so we’re not interested in asking questions about it.
I realize some people may have some understandable concerns about privacy, and I’m happy to do whatever I can to address those (and am already discussing options with my editor). The interview isn’t terribly long (the whole article is about 600-800 words) and can be done over the phone. My deadline is soon – Nov. 15 – and my editor has asked that I submit candidates to her by Mon. Nov. 8.
gI am happy to answer any questions anyone may have (I can be reached at I hope this is an opportunity to present a different side of biking to the public and hopefully open a few minds.
Thanks, Liane

BIKERNET ANGEL–Thought this photo was worth sharing …I just got back from Biketberfest in Daytona. Made alot of new friends and got a chance to hang out with some old I rode down Main Street with these wings on ….sure got alot attention.

Kathryn Nicholl-Bayer -just moved here from New Yorkto Cape Coral Florida. (husband didn’t want to go …stayed in New York”what was he thinking? lol” so I came alone }
By way of introduction, I am the editorial director at Voyageur Press, a book publisher located in Minnesota. We publish books such as THIS OLD HARLEY, a collection of stories, art, and pics of Harleys. You can check out our website at>
I am currently working on collecting more stories and images on Harleys for a follow-up illustrated anthology. Checking out your website, I ran across the story by Johnny of Humble, Texas, under the “My First Harley” section entitled “Origins of a Passion.” I’m interested in perhaps including the essay in the book, if possible.I’m also curious if you have a similar story about your first Harley?I’d be happy to mail you a copy of THIS OLD HARLEY to show the quality of book we’re discussing. The new book will be published by Voyageur Press in fall 2005, and illustrated with historical photos, ads, and current color photography. I am also approaching other well–known writers, collectors, and photographers. I would naturally pay you to use your story and supply you with complimentary copies of the book.
Please feel free to call me at 651-430-2210, ext. 12, or email me with any questions, comments, or ideas.
Best wishes,
Michael Dregni
Editorial Director
Voyageur Press
123 N. 2nd St.
Stillwater, MN 55082 USA
Continued On Page 4