Continued From Page 2

S&S APPAREL FOR CHRISTMAS–Give a warm gift this season with S&S branded apparel. Listed below are a few of our best selling sweatshirt and fleece items.

We currently have special sale pricing on the ladies zip hoodies, available in a variety of colors and sizes specifically for the ladies.

Our most popular unisex sweatshirt is the zip hoodie with flames, available in black or gray.

And check out the flocked S&S logo patch on this unisex pull-over hoody – this has a great looking logo that really pops – it’s soft to the touch, looks great, and this sweatshirt is sure to keep you very warm during the cold winter season.

Don’t forget to take advantage of our free shipping on a $50.00 order for the rest of November – see our web site for details.
CRUISE / NAMIBIA / SOUTH AFRICA MOTORCYCLE TOUR– This unique tour spans Namibia and South Africa and starts with a three day mini cruise on the Royal Mail Ship, St. Helena from Cape Town in South Africa to Walvis Bay in Namibia. Your motorcycles accompany you on the ship. The cruise enables relaxed friendships to develop and life on board is very informal as we travel on a cargo come passenger ship.
In Namibia we visit the world renowned Etosha Pan and spend an entire day viewing game, farther south we visit the Fish River Canyon which is the second largest in Africa. Here we will experience great riding opportunities as this is a truly arid and desolate country with gravel roads.

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE!–Join California Harley-Davidson/Buell for our annual “Holiday OpenHouse” December 2nd and 3rd. We’ll have live music, Santa, andholiday refreshments (while supplies last).
We have just what you need for the Harley lover on your Christmaslist! We’re open 10am-6pm Monday, 9am-6pm Tuesday-Saturday, and10am-5pm on Sunday.
For the holidays, you can count on California Harley-Davidson/Buell,”California’s Friendliest Harley-Davidson Dealership!”

SPEAKING OF TOY RUNS, HERE’S DENVER’S–Arlin Fatland and the 2-Wheelers Shop team hosted their annual Toy Run on November 26. Here’s a handful of Hamsters doing what they do best, nothing.

TEXAS TALENT–Some more paint from Southern Metal Choppers here in Austin. I am some what restricted by space so I am having a little trouble with the reflection. I figured I have had it for 3 weeks I better do something with it, just messing around anyway.
Also a recycled cutie shot starting to reload some stuff back on to the computer. Hell you got the News and the Sunday post done on time on a holiday weekend! Hope y’all had a good one.

BIKERNET IN SEARCH OF STOLEN CHOPPER–A pic of this bike is on the site need your help. It was built tobenefit kids of Dads killed in action.We need your help.
I had a custom bike built to honor a friend ofmine who was a Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan.The bike was built by Tim Edmondson from American Iron Horse.This bike is a total custom, one of a kind,Texas Hardtail with a custom Paint scheme by”Notorious”.
The bike had ghost images of Special Forces guys in action.
We were taking the bike to shows to raise themoney. The bike and trailer were stolen from theDays Inn in Florence South Carolina when my crewstopped for a few hours sleep. The bike wasstolen Sunday night 11/05 or early Mondaymorning 11/6.
The trailer is a black single axel “CARMATE”trailer 6’X 12′ and has chrome wheel fenders andsome diamond plate. It had a New Jersey Tag onit. It had “Franklin Trailer ” stickers on itfrom the dealer where I bought it.
The bike is silver/gray with white ghost images.It has a 125 S&S black motor with an open beltprimary and a right hand chain drive. It has aJIMs tranny and a 330 rear wheel. The bike istotal custom. Pictures of the bike can be foundon my company Web site under “MAR-VEL NEWS”. at
I need the help of all my brothers out there.This more than a bike. This was for the kids whowill never know their dads because thay gavetheir life protecting our freedoms. I know thatthis brotherhood can find this bike. There is amonetary reward, but there is a reward greaterthan money. Find this bike and you too will be ahero.
If you have any news or if you need moreinformation and ID numbers call me at609-703-0110 .
Thank you all!

WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE ARLEN NESS BIKE SHOW–Win Free Tickets and Swag for the January 27th and 28th 2007 Arlen Ness Bike Show in San Jose, CA. Enter your contact information and we will draw a name each week. Go to Arlen Ness Bike Show for more details.

AVON TYRE QUESTION/ANSWER OF THE WEEK–Suspension isn’t just about keeping your pants up!If you have a good suspension system it will work with the tires to give you a comfortable ride with a good responsive feel from straight up to full lean.
What many customers don’t realize is that a lot of systems get “sacked out” (read worn-out) in a year or two. When that happens the suspension can’t do it’s job so the tires end up taking a pounding every time you go over a bump in the road. This can cause cracks in the grooves and also wear out a tire prematurely. So do your tires a favor. Ask your dealer to check your suspension system and if it needs replacing do so with a good brand name suspension system. Help your tires feel supported!
–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America
Hoppe & Assoc. (Avon Tyres)
6911-A 216 St. SW
Lynnwood, WA 98036 USA
800 624-7470 toll free
425-771-2115 phone
425-771-4246 fax (check this site for promotions)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE OF CYCLE SOURCE–Riding The Middle East: Inside this issue of Cycle Source magazine you can find the most adventurous motorcycle story told in years. As author Tim Bussey rides from Mexico, through the United states and into Canada, on the first of a three part series titled ?Ambassador Of Freedom.?
The next two parts, which will be in concurrent issues of Cycle Source, will tell the story of Tim?s quest to meet people of the Middle East as an American. With only two objectives, to not be afraid, and not to deny where he is from. Tim?s adventure is an article you can?t put down. From a run in with the Syrian border guards, to a mysterious house where he stayed in Lebanon, this is something any lifetime rider will dig!

About Cycle Source Magazine: A grass roots motorcycle publication, Cycle Source is new to the National news stand but has been published for the past ten years. Now available at Barnes & Nobel, Books a million and other retail stores where books and magazines are sold across all 48 continental United States and Canada.
–Chris Callen
Editor The Cycle Source Magazine
118 Dellenbaugh Rd.
Tarentum, PA 15084

5-BALL RACING CONCEPT DRAWING MOVING FORWARD–To guide us in building the World?s Fastest Accurate Engineering Panhead we?ve interviewed, Wink Eller, Mil Blair from BDL, Wil Phillips of True-Track, Berry Wardlaw, Leo DiOrio and more. Yesterday I had a meeting with Chris Kallas, our concept artist and I believe the notion is coming together. Next we?ll confer with Rick Krost, who may make the frame at U.S. Choppers. We already have 14 major sponsors and we welcome anyone on board.

FAT CAT PIPES FROM D&D ROAR ON THE 2007 V-RODS– Fort Worth, Texas, November 29, 2006 – D&D Performance Enterprises has completed dyno testing and is shipping the 2007 Fat Cat exhaust pipes and slip-ons for the Harley-Davidson VRSC family of liquid-cooled V-Rod power-cruisers.
The Fat Cat performance pipes are now available for the new 2007 Harley-Davidson 1130cc and 1250cc double-overhead cam, V-Rod engines. There is a Fat Cat performance exhaust pipe for each Harley-Davidson power cruiser including the VRSCAW V-Rod, VRSCD Night Rod, VRSCDX Night Rod Special, VRSCX Screamin’ Eagle and VRSCR Street Rod.
“The VR engine platform produces significant horsepower,” said Dave Rash, President of D&D Performance Enterprises. “Our D&D performance exhaust pipes are designed for enthusiasts to bump the V-Rod power and increase the low end torque. In addition, the design of the pipe offers a racier look as contrasted with the factory pipes.”
The 2-into-1 Fat Cat pipes are manufactured with show chrome and full wrap heat shields, which keep all discoloration from view. Enthusiasts can also select the black ceramic coating option as an alternative to chrome.
The entire line of D&D performance exhaust pipes for the 2007 family of V-Rod Harley-Davidson motorcycles are built with direct fitment that requires no cutting, welding or grinding.
The 2007 Harley-Davidson V-Rod pipes are torture tested on D&D’s state-of-the-art in-house Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air dynamometer. This is done in combination with the Super Flow Bench and the first in the industry, multi cylinder Lambda Fuel Air Ratio Sensors, which are interfaced with the dynamometer for real time meter and graph analysis. This means that performance is always increased with a D&D exhaust pipe.

The dyno chart and dyno video with audio clip for the Fat Cat style Harley-Davidson performance exhaust pipe is located on the website in the catalog section at

THE STEALTH UNDERCOVER REPORT FROM NC–Here we go heading into December, where has the time gone? Wherever it went it passed by too fast!
This weekend STEALTH BIKE WORKS will be at the annual C.B.A. toy run on Sunday. The temps are supposed to cool down but that is o.k., no rain in the forecast. It is always a great time and a great cause. There are a lot of families in the Charlotte area who are touched by this toy run every year and without there would be no Christmas for them.
Here at the shop we keep moving along and we are on the verge of starting our first shop bike. An SBW original. We are all excited about this project. We are going to put our own stamp on this bike.
All I am going to say at this time is that it takes me back to some Dave Mann centerfolds?

You know BIKERNET is a great meeting place for people. When the “YOUR SHOT” section got updated to the Forum, I really hated it, but now I really dig it. I am a big enough person to admit when I was wrong. It has turned into a lot of fun. There is a regular group of people who talk on there and it is almost as if you get to know them personally. To me that is the GREAT thing about BIKERNET, it has always been about the people, the staff, the writers and readers and of course the one and only Mr. so and so. I forget his name.
Hey, I watched the new V-TWIN series last night on Speed T.V. and the interview with Wino Willie was great. Wino was father of the BOOZEFIGHTERS M.C. way back in 1946. Those guys sure knew how to have fun back in those days and he truly loved the lifestyle. You could see it in the twinkle of his eyes and you could hear it in his laugh!
That is a wrap for this week!
Until next week, RIDE!

AUSTRALIAN BIKE SEAT OF THE WEEK– Here is my latest seat for Phatt Choppers here in Australia. Hope all is good.
G.P. Custom Leather Designs.

BIKERNET OPEN TO THE PUBLIC–I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Bikenet is open to everyone in our industry. We enjoy supporting the creative, artistic, wild builders and tame ones. We don?t discriminate, or support one group, club or organization over another one. If it?s newsworthy, from a new product or shop block party, we?ll post it. Just one thing holds us back?rip-offs. If we suspect a company of stealing product designs or ripping-off our readers, we can?t and won?t represent them on Bikernet. We may get the wool pulled over our eyes once in a while, but we keep the vigilance high.
That brings me to the next topic regarding the industry?sales. Rumor has it sales are down. Annually when snow falls sales decrease, so we?re heading into that season. A brother called the other-day and questioned me on this topic for his company, and I told him to draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On one side of the line list the negative shit, like the weather, the price of gas, the war in Iraq, EPA regs and anything else he could think of.

Then I pointed out the positive aspects of today?s market: More motorcycling acceptance than ever before in history; more publicity and television coverage than ever before; a new population of younger riders; an active baby boomer population (touring bikes); in 1976 we sold over 1.25 million motorcycles in the U.S., we?re just scratching the 1 million a year mark today and Imagine how much the population has grown in 30 years. Bikes are more reliable than ever before; there?s more of a selection than ever before; more accessories and more magazines. In 2007 at least six new magazines are scheduled to be launched. Jesse James will publish two, Garage and West Coast Choppers. Dave Withrow kicked off American Cycle and American Bagger. Of course Primedia quickly launched Bagger and is testing the Girls of HOT BIKE, and there?s more. So look out. We are on the verge of a major motorcycle boom. Hell, next year Bikernet will launch Bikernet Television right here.
Hang on.
Ride Forever,