Man, I’m messing with the industry. This is the second week in a row we were forced to produce the news a day early. Tomorrow we’re rolling to Las Vegas for the Big Twin West, dealer show, open bike show and auction. For several years Advanstar has attempted to dial in this weekend in Vegas. I think a west coast dealer show would be cool and you can’t beat Vegas.
Let’s see how Dave Scott, formerly of Custom Chrome, handles the proceedings this year. I wish them the best. I would actually like to see it in October to promote Christmas bargains and help shops through the winter. But what the hell do I know? Let’s hit the news. I need to load bikes, feed the dog and kick the woman. Or is that the other way around:

HORSE TESTIMONIALS FOR HANK–We are doing a testimonial in the next issue of da Horseand we would like to include a lil text from you all out therewho knew Hank and feel the heavy loss like we do.
If you would like to contribute let me know.Jon T did a few illos to go with the story and we are rounding upsome new and old pics of Hank to include as well.
We need it by Monday if possible.

DAVE ZIEN APPRECIATION BANQUET–The attached flyer has information regarding the appreciation banquet being planned for Senator Dave Zien. He has contributed to bikers and veterans causes for nearly two decades. Please consider attending this wonderful program to thank Dave, or send a contribution and note personally thanking him for all he has done.
Right now, New York Myke, from San Diego H-D is planning on flying in to attend and speak (about Dave’s contributions to veterans). Myke rode with us to Wash.D.C. a few years back, during a Tommy Thompson Gov’s ride, when we dedicated several stones at the Viet Nam Memorial Wall. Dave, his friend Gino and Jimmy Boy carried these stones (pillow monuments like you see at cemeteries) all the way to D.C. on their bikes. We had about 250 riders with us on that trip.
Stormin Norman, President of the Low Riders MC, Staten Island, will also attend with Billy Eisengrien, the firefighter among three that raised the flag at ground zero (like the Iwo Jima picture), John Parham from J&P Cycles is working to make it here, and Tommy Thompson is expected to attend. Also, many state legislators and the Chairman of Veteran’s Affairs for Wisconsin, John Scocos. We expect a large number of bikers and veterans at this event.
I would love to see some motorcycle press attending and covering this. Rogue and Kit, are either of you able to attend for Easyriders? I asked Twiggy to speak to Dave Nichols about this. It’s going to be an historic event. I expect at least five and maybe more members of the Sturgis Hall of Fame to attend. Jim Putnam (SD) is planning on attending on behalf of the Lawmkers, and NCOM. Keith, it would be great to get you out of sunny California to visit Wisconsin in January. It doesn’t get that cold, not like Minnesota anyway. The hotel shares the parking lot with the dealership the event is at, and it’s a very nice place and they gave us great rates for this: $69. They’re giving Zien a complimentary whirlpool suite, since the owner met Zien once and was impressed by him. Attached is the flyer and registration form.
People can also register on line at Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo Bikernet is sending a donation and will write something for Dave. We are working with Bob Illingsworth to reach out to the industry and get guys to send donations to Dave. We’ll keep you posted. NORTHSIDE CHOPPERS WANTS A LINK–We offer free Link exchanges on Bikernet. Here’s how it’s handled… Sin Wu, are you awake? Northside Choppers HUGH KING APPEARANCE SCHEDULE, DISCOVERY LINE-UP AND TELEVISION NEWS–Also in case Biker Net is interested my schedule for the winter is fairly intense. San Francisco on January 4th, 2007 to send Dawn Narakas and Scott Webster on their way to the Easyriders show in Pomona. Hartford, Conn. on January 6th to give trophy away to either Brian Fuller or Greg Westbury at the Northeast Motorcycle Expo; The Baton Rouge Drag Race on January 13th to give trophy away to either Andrew Williams or James Compton (whomever wins the drag race there); Philadelphia on January 27th and 28th to make a two day appearance at the Northeast Motorcycle Expo; Boston, Mass. on February 3rd and 4th for the Northeast Motorcycle Expo; Then Fredericksburg, Virginia on February 17th and 18th for the Northeast Motorcycle Expo. So I’m gonna be on the move in the next few months. OPEN LETTER TO BUILDERS FROM HUGH KING–As you would expect many builders and their fans have contacted me about appearing on Biker Build Off. I apologize for not answering your phone calls and E mails sooner, but the last few months have been crazy. We’ve had to pull out all stops to get six new shows into production. And I’ve been on the road continuously. The six new shows in production will move from Discovery to The Learning Channel (Discovery owns TLC) The first of the six will air Monday, February 12th, then the rest will air on five Mondays after). Featured builders will be: Paul Cox & Keino vs. Trevelen.. Michael Barragan vs. Chica….Gard Hollinger vs. Jason Hart…Brian Fuller vs. Greg Westbury….Dawn Narakas vs. Scott Webster…Andrew Williams vs. James Compton. Many have asked, “how do I get on the show?” We select builders based on a number of factors. Number one are the bikes he or she makes. We tend to select builders who are on the cutting edge of the industry…taking it in a new or unusual direction. The number two factor is will that builder be dynamic on television? (Note: We’re making a television show with the object of getting as many people as possible to watch our show because if we don’t get the numbers, the Network will cancel). The sad fact is: a builder may be an absolute genius but if he or she doesn’t come across on TV, we won’t select him or her. Other factors are: geographical location of shop, has that builder been featured on BBO before? Would a certain builder be a good match up with another builder? (We trying very hard to have builders who build similar style bikes compete.) Another factor is: will a builder take the show in a radically new direction ie. Drag bikes, dirt bikes, Sport bikes. So you can see that there are many ballots which we throw into the basket, shake them around, eventually coming up with what we think will make an interesting show. And I have to say that the strong ratings which BBO gets indicate that we’re doing pretty good. Though the line up for the six new shows is locked, The Learning Channel has an option to order six more. However we won’t know whether TLC plans to exercise its option till February or March of 07. I appreciate your continuing interest in the show and please keep sending me pictures of your latest creations. –Hugh THOUSAND ISLANDS RIVER RUN MOTORCYCLE RALLY IN NEW YORK–Attached is the poster for our up coming event:The Thousand Islands River Run Motorcycle Rallythe Town of Alexandria Bay is hosting in June of2007. The Alexandria Bay Chamber would like toextend an invitation to you and your patrons toattend the first of many Thousand Islands RiverRuns this coming June! We are requesting that if at all possible toplace our TI River Run Rally on your existingcalendar of events for the up coming 2007 year.The more PR the better! There is nothing morebeautiful than the Thousands Islands in thesummer and we would love to show motorcycleenthusiasts through out New York and the UnitedStates what we have to offer. We look forward to seeing you all in June, 2007!If you have any question regarding the eventplease feel free to contact: The Alexandria BayChamber at 315-482-9531or call Mary at 315-482-4105. Thanks again!We are still in the process of locating aportable Dyno Machine closer to home. If anyoneknows where we can locate one we wouldappreciate the info!!Call me at the above number. Thanks again! I meant to also let you know that the Vietnam Vet’s “Traveling Wall” will be coming to the Thousand Islands area-Clayton, NY which is 10 miles from Alexandria Bay June 25th 2007 the day after the Thousand Islands River Run ends. Traveling Wall. Just thought you might like to tie that in some how. — Mary Compeau ROCKEM SOCKEM MOTORCYCLES HITS THE HOLIDAY SEASON RUNNING–HOLIDAY SEASON END OF THE YEAR BLOW OUT SALE – ALL SHIRTS LONG & SHORT SLEEVE (LADIES & MENS) L/S REG $24.99 – NOW $15.00 / S/S REG $19.99 – NOW $10.00; SHOP SHIRTS (LADIES & MENS) – REG $49.99 – NOW $35.00; HATS REG $25.00 – NOW $15.00; RIDING GEAR (LEATHER SHIRTS, JACKETS AND VESTS & DENIM VESTS) – CALL FOR PRICING.NOTE: LIMITED TO SUPPLIES ON HAND; CALL FOR AVAILABILITY. THE MODEL SHOWN IS AVAILABLE FOR RENT ORHIRE (REASONABLE RATES APPLY) ? CALL THE BIKE SHOPFOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. PRINT OUT THIS ARTICLE & BRING IT IN FOR 15% OFF ANY SERVICE WORK PERFOMED. PARTS & LABOR INCLUDED!!!! (DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED ON ANY SPECIAL ORDER PARTS). CALL MATT FOR PRICING & SCHEDULE AVAILABILITY. ROCKEM AND SOCKEM MOTORCYCLE COMPANY IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE WE CARRY THE FULL LINE OF LUCAS OIL PRODUCTS. LUCAS OIL IS AN INDUSTRY LEADER IN LUBRICATION AND PROUD SPONSOR OF THE 2007 EASYRIDER BIKE TOUR. LOOK FOR THE TOUR COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU THIS YEAR. ROCKEM AND SOCKEM MOTORCYCLE COMPANY AND RALPH RANDOLPH ARE ONE OF ONLY SIX BUILDERS INVITED TO BE ON THIS YEARS TOUR AND THE ONLY TOUR BUILDER ASKED TO BUILD A BIKE THAT WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ?. YES. GIVEN AWAY TO ONE LUCKY ATTENDEE @ THE FINAL TOUR EVENT. CHECK BACK FOR FURTHER DETAILS AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE. ROCKEM AND SOCKEM MOTORCYCLE COMPANY WILL BE ATTENDING THE BIG TWIN WEST INDUSTRY SHOW @ THE MANDALAY BAY IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA DEC. 1 THRU 3 AND WILL BE AUCTIONING OFF THREE OF OUR AWARD WINNING CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES. THE BOARDTRACK RACER, THE STAMPEDE HEAVYWEIGHT, AND THE 39 BOBBER WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR BID AND PURCHASE!!! AUCTION WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MANHEIM SPEACIALTY AUCTIONEERS ON SUNDAY DECEMBER 3, 2006 FROM 1:PM TILL 4:PM. ROCKEM AND SOCKEM MOTORCYCLE COMPANY IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE LATEST ADDITION TO THE TEAM – KELLY MICHALEK IS OUR NEWEST STUNT GIRL. SUNDAY DECEMBER 10th, 2006. FORGET CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FOR EVERYONE ELSE, BUY YOURSELF SOMETHING NICE OR JUST GET AWAY FROM ALL THE CROWDS @ THE MALL!!!! COME JOIN ROCKEM AND SOCKEM MOTORCYCLE COMPANY FOR OUR PARKING LOT “GARAGE SALE” SWAP MEET. WE MUST. MUST, CLEAN OUT THE SHOP TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW MACHINERY. ALL OF OUR ACCUMULATED EXTRA PARTS, TAKE OFFS, AND LEFT OVERS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. MAKE AN OFFER AND IT’S YOURS!!!! TAKE IT TO A GOOD HOME; JUST TAKE IT AWAY FROM HERE!!!! WE HAVE A V-BIKE FOR SALE, VERY SIMILAR TO THE SALT SHAKER ITS JUST NOT A PAN POWERED 141mph MONSTER. WHAT IT DOES HAVE IS A REVTECH 110″ MOTOR w/ SIX SPEED TRANS, MARCHESINI WHEELS, AVON TIRES, PAIOLI INVERTED FORK FRONT END, BREMBO BRAKES AND THE LIST GOES ON!!! THE FRAME IS RAW STEEL AND NEEDS POWDER COAT OR PAINTING AND ALL PANELS HAVE BEEN “RATTLE CAN” PRIMED. FINISH WORK IS LEFT TO BUYER. CALL AND MAKE AN OFFER WE CAN’T REFUSE BE REASONABLE, AND IT’S YOURS!!!!! BILL OF SALE AND MSO’S FINALIZE THE DEAL. THIS OFFER WILL NOT LAST. HURRY, HURRY, HURRY!!!!!!!
461 Major Dr.
ph# 708.345.8550
Chamber Director
Thousand Islands River Run Committee
Alexandria Bay, New York 13607

TWO WHEELERS DEAL OF THE WEEK–Fuck U Taillight and BracketSteel Powder Coated BlackLeft or Right side MountPrice with shipping and Handling $150.00

Leather Solo SeatBrown or Black13″ Wide by 14″Long4″ seat springs includedPrice with shipping and handling $120.00

Trucker Lady (Stick on) ChromeMeasures 4 X 2 1/2Price $12.00 pair

V-TWIN EXPO IN FEBRUARY 2007, REPORT–VTwin Expo We are pulling out all the stops for you in Cincinnati in February. The V-Twin Expo will be our dealer meeting. During the show we will be unveiling our all new, refreshed product line, the new 2007 catalog and much, much more. Be sure you have plans to attend the one show that’s totally geared to serve V-twin based businesses.
If you haven’t registered already, please do so ASAP. It is fast and easy, just jump on your computer and visit:
The Sales Team will be scheduling a one on one appointment with you to walk through the new line up, explain product features and benefits and to provide sales tips. Under the leadership of Steve Veltri, the sales team will be on hand to place your orders and to demonstrate the new improved fill rates. You’ll be amazed at the progress we have made thus far. Custom Chrome is committed to being a better business partner to you. In order to achieve this improved partnership we have been focusing on reducing time to market on new products, delivering improved fill rates and last but not least by listening to you.
Watch for more information regarding the V-twin Expo specifically your invitation for a one on one appointment with a Custom Chrome sales representative. Please plan on attending, you won’t be disappointed. Vendor Council Update

OBB WOMEN’S CLOTHING FOR THE WINTER–Denver, COLO-November 28, 2006-OBB Enterprises announced today exciting changes for it’s 2007 women’s clothing line. You may remember One Bad Bitch, a female-owned, women’s, motorcycle clothing company based in Denver, for their bold, sexy apparel with empowering sayings like “This Bitch Don’t Ride Bitch,” “Fuck Off! I Ride My Own,” and “If You’re Gonna Ride My Ass At Least Pull My Hair.”
OBB has been growing by leaps and bounds over the last few years and is excited about the new 2007 clothing line, which includes some more subdued designs with the classic sexy styling. The Ever-popular Black and White Raglan Tee is back for the first time in a few years, featuring the classic OBB logo and “One Bad Bitch” in black print, a true OBB classic, simply perfect. All new for 2007 is the Purple Bike Bra Cami, a cami featuring the OBB logo enlarged in the background along with a bitchin’ bike and “One Bad Bitch” done in purple in the foreground. This hot shirt offers a comfortable and flattering fit because of its cotton/spandex blend and built in bra and adjustable shoulder straps. Also new this year is the Crystal Logo Tank, a cotton, pre-shrunk, ribbed tank top embellished with the One Bad Bitch logo in crystals. Even biker gals need a little bling in their wardrobe.
Back this year by popular demand is the If You’re Gonna Ride My Ass V-Neck. This sexy, empowering shirt is available in a short sleeve, v-neck style with purple and white lettering highlighting the classic OBB logo on the front and “If You’re Gonna Ride My Ass At Least Pull My Hair” printed on back. This shirt is also available in plus sizes. Also back in 2007 is the “This Bitch Don’t Ride Bitch” tank top, which will also be available in plus sizes.
One Bad Bitch is a female-owned, motorcycle clothing company based in Denver, Co. Jen Berryhill, a para-legal, started One Bad Bitch in January 2004 when she had trouble finding clothing to match her own style and attitude. OBB has relied heavily on grassroots marketing and word of mouth to get its name out to the public and has been very successful.(970) 227-3588

RENEGADE BIKER MAG HANGING TOUGH–It’s been a while since we last communicated. I just wanted to let you know that I’m still hanging in there! I don’t know if you have picked up a copy of my mag at any of the events that you may have traveled to in the past year? If not let me know and I will send you a copy.
I am working on my third issue now, the response has been great, and everyone really seems to loves it! I’ve been doing this the hard way bumming rides from custom builders, sleeping on floors, borrowing trucks to make deliveries, even piling boxes of mags on the back of my Shovelhead, whatever it takes! I’m determined to make a success of Renegade Biker!
Renegade Biker Magazine
THE MICHAEL PRUGH REPORT–Last week a Bikernet reader wondered what happened to Michael from Jesse Jurren’s shop.
“Michael Prugh will be at the Big Twin West show in Vegas this weekend,” Said Dave Scott from Advanstar. He’s stepped out on his own and we’ll bring you more reports in the near future.

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