Continued From Page 2

NEW PRODUCT FROM STEALTH ENGINEERING–Here are some pics of a great new product. It is a storage rack for your detachable tour pak when not in use. It saves the tour pak from getting scratched and beat up. Stealth Bike Works and Alternative Machine have teamed up on this one.

It mounts to any wall in minutes and folds down once the tour pak is in place to save space. It retails for $99.95, not a bad price considering what a tour pak cost and the cost to repair scratches. The Tour-Pak storage rack is available at STEALTH BIKE WORKS, 704-882-0889. Later!

BIKERNET HELICOPTER RIDES–Morris and his wife Esther went to the State Fair every year. And everyyear Morris said, “Esther, I’d like to ride in that helicopter.”
Esther always replied, “I know, Morris, but that helicopter ride is fiftydollars. And fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”
One year Esther and Morris went to the fair and Morris said, “Esther, I’m85 years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter today, I might never getanother chance.”
Esther gave her usual reply: “Morris, that helicopter ride is fiftydollars. And fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”
The helicopter pilot overheard this exchange. So he told the couple,”Folks, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take both of you for a ride. If you canstay quiet for the entire time and not say a word, I won’t charge you. Butif either of you says a single word, it’ll cost you fifty dollars.”
Morris and Esther agreed and so up they went. The pilot did all kinds offancy maneuvers – but not a word was heard. He did all of his dare-deviltricks more than once; still not a word.
When they landed, the pilot said to Morris, “By golly, I did everything Icould to get you two to yell but you didn’t. I’m impressed!”
Morris replied, “Well, I was going to say something when Esther fell out,but fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”
–from Carl R

SAXON MOTORCYCLE SELECT JOHN BISHOPP AND VP OF MANUFACTURING– CASA GRANDE, Ariz. Nov. 23, 2005 John Bishopp has been named Vice President of Manufacturing and Supply Chain at Saxon Motorcycle Company. He will be responsible for all aspects of manufacturing operations at Saxon?s 40,000 square foot plant located in Casa Grande Ariz.
?We need to ensure that processes and systems are in place that will help us to scale up our operations efficiently while continuing to improve our quality. By hiring John, we have put a leader with a proven track-record in place and are very confident that he will make sure that things are done right the first time. He has already changed several manufacturing processes and we?re already seeing the benefit,? said Steve Seymore, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer.

Bishopp comes to Saxon after 15 years at Valeo, SA, one of the world?s largest automotive parts suppliers, where he most recently served as Director of Operations for a $250m facility. In that role he utilized methodologies such as lean manufacturing, quality problem solving and supply chain optimization to dramatically improve their operational performance. Bishopp will bring his experience to Saxon in an effort to ensure that it continues to grow as a manufacturer of affordable, top quality semi-custom motorcycles.

Bishopp attended the University of Michigan – Dearborn where he graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He is a native of Detroit and currently lives in Arizona with his wife and two children.

LA CALENDAR SHOW EARLY REGISTRATION–Take advantance of our 10% Early Registration Discount NOW before it expires on January 1st!If you were a 2005 Exhibitor, the new 2006 Exhibitor Registration Packets were mailed to you on October 15th.Any interested Exhibitor / Vender can print out our 2006 Exhibitor Reistration form online, or phone us to receive it my mail or fax.
Please be sure to include the world’s biggest Consumer Streetbike Show on your 2006 tour schedule……… It’s sponsored by
Register Now – 15th Annual 2006 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 15-16thThis past year the 2005 Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend continued its extraordinary growth and success to become now the biggest Streetbike Show in America (and possibly the World) focused on the custom, cruiser and high performance sport / streetbike markets.
–Jim Gianatsis, Director
Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show
Ph. 818-223-8550

MRF E-MAIL NEWS– MRF Releases EPA For The Layman – Second Revision.EPA officials recently informed the Motorcycle Riders Foundation of a new interpretation of the “Control of Emissions From Highway Motorcycles” document.The latest document contains the new 2006 Emissions Regulations for Highway Motorcycles and the new interpretation includes the effective date of two essential provisions in the document.
We have been notified that the effective date for the “one per lifetime” EPA exempt kit motorcycle and the provision for a shop to build 24 EPA exempt custom motorcycles per year was actually March 15, 2004, not January 1, 2006 as originally verified by EPA.
The “EPA for the Layman” paper on the MRF website has been updated to reflect the EPA?s changes and can be found at –Rogue MC ADVANTAGES ROLLS OUT 2006, 15TH ANNIVERSARY CATALOG– 2006 marks a banner year as MC Advantages celebrates its 15th year inbusiness. To kick off the year, MC Advantages has a new catalog?almost twicethe size of the 2005! This new catalog boasts a metallic sheen on the frontand an ever-expanding list of high-performance V-Twin parts. It is highlighted by MC-exclusive parts like the S&S 92? Classic RoundCylinder Engine as well as popular favorites like American Suspension FrontEnds, Twisted Choppers Retro and Wide Tire parts, Forcewinder Products, Spyke Stealth Starters and Stainless Creations Exhaust.The MC Advantages Bulletpr?f line of notoriously hard parts gets a pickupfrom new drive belts, belt drive primaries, hand controls and grips, oiltanks, gas tanks and mirrors. Stampede, another MC Advantages line, is now reborn with a new look and anew attitude. The line features new ?Blackout? Dress Kits, Oil Foil,Wide-Open Floorboard Shifter and Chromed, Bored and Boosted Carburetors. To receive your copy of MC Advantages new catalog, call 1.800.726.9620 orlog on to MC Advantages NEW TRIKE FROM SANTIAGO CHOPPERS– SANTIAGO CHOPPER, headquartered in Gibsonton, Florida, is constantly developing new bike models. One of the latest projects to go forward to production is a trike kit based on a 1939 Ford. The conversion can be applied to any Softail, from 1984 up to current models. The kit consists of all the major assemblies including the swingarm and a rear axle and differential unit manufactured exclusively for the conversion. The caliper and rotors for the disc brake assemblies are sourced from Brembo. There is a choice of wheels, including spoked or Chevrolet style for the ‘Old School’ look. In 15 x 9 size and fitted with 265/50 x 15 tires, these are said to give an excellent ride. The fiberglass bodywork is supplied unpainted and the kit is packaged complete with all instructions and the necessary assembly hardware. A deep-seat rigid version of the trike is also available. Santiago Chopper is soon to be quoted in the Kelley Blue Book. It has now been recognised as a manufacturer and can issue titles for the bikes it supplies. A new company, Santiago Chopper Distribution, has been set up to handle the distribution of the products and is looking to appoint dealers. Premises have also been established in Melbourne, Australia, to meet the growing demand there SANTIAGO CHOPPER BIKERNET SECURITY ADVICE–So a guy is sitting in a bar, when a man with an extremely long duffle bag walks in and sits down next to him. So he says, “Why do you carry around such a long duffle bag?” The second guy responds, “Well, I’m a hit man and this is my rifle.” And he pulls out a sniper rifle with an extremely long scope. So the first guy, intrigued by the intimidating gun, asks if he can look through the scope of the gun, and the hit man agrees. The guy says, “Wow, I can see my house from here! I can even see my wife from here… And . . . that?s my neighbor in MY house with MY wife!” The guy, putting down the riffle says to the hitman, “How much do you chargefor a hit?” The hitman says, “My going rate it $1000 per hit.” The guy pulls out his wallet and hands the hitman 2000$ and says, “I’d like you to shoot my wife in the head, and my neighbor in the johnson. That should teach them!” So the hitman picks up the rifle, takes aim, and pauses for several seconds. The anxious man says, “Why are you waiting?” So the hitman replies, “Hang on, I think I can save you 1000 bucks.” –from Art Friedman DRAG ADDS TROUBLEMAKERS– ‘TROUBLEMAKER’ exhaust systems from Hooker Headers are now available from Drag. Hooker claims these are 2-1/2in diameter pipes that really work thanks to the internal stepped design and which should also eliminate blueing. Hooker’s 38 years of exhaust design experience have enabled the company to design a system said to increase top-end horsepower without sacrificing bottom end torque, a common problem with other big bore systems. The pipes feature a metallic ceramic coating on the internal head pipes helping to retain heat and increase exhaust velocity. There are systems for Softails, Dynas and 2005-model Sportsters, with straight-, slash- or scallop-cut ends. Hooker Headers also offers a choice of baffle cartridges. The standard cartridge is described as a ‘deep rumble’, a popular option for enthusiasts. Alternative cartridges give a smooth, mellow sound or improved flow at the expense of a loud exhaust note. Troublemaker systems are supplied complete with gaskets, C-clips, chromed flanges, machined brackets and detailed instructions. BIKERNET DATING ADVICE–“Michael, if you were on a date— having supper with a nice young lady,how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?” Michael said, “Just a minute I have to go pee.” The teacher responded by saying, “That would be rude and impolite.” What about you Peter, how would you say it?” Peter said, “I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I’llbe right back.” “That’s better, but it’s still not very nice to say the word bathroom atthe dinner table.” “And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show usyour good manners?” “I would say: ‘Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have toshake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you’ll get tomeet after supper.” The teacher fainted –from Chris T. HUNT FOR ?56 KH PART FOR RESTORATION PROJECT–I have a 1956 kh that I am in the process of restoring. I am interested in purchasing literature about the k model both service manual and general info. any help would be appreciated. –Tom WILD THANKSGIVING–I’ve fixed my leaky Shovelhead tank for the third time. It’s back. We’ll install a new CCI petcock and go for a ride. Maybe there’s still a football game before the turkey’s finished. Have a helluva day and be thankful, goddamnit. Ride Forever, –Bandit>
Gibsonton, Florida, USA
Tel: 818 671 9097