ARIZONA update : SB1107: motorcycle safety fund continuation
01/22/2025: Second read
Bill text: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/GetDocumentPdf/520916
SB1083: To permit the operator of a motorcycle to operate between lanes of traffic as is permitted in other states and countries and thereby ease traffic congestion.
1/22/2025: Referred to Joint Committee on Transportation
Bill text: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2025/TOB/S/PDF/2025SB-01083-R00-SB.PDF
HB537: Requires all operators and passengers of two-wheeled motorized vehicles to wear safety helmets with securely fastened chin straps while operating two-wheeled motorized vehicles on highways, streets, roadways, or any other public property in the State. Defines “two-wheeled motorized vehicles”.
1/21/2025: Introduced and passed first reading. Referred to Transportation and Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs
Bill text: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessions/session2025/bills/HB537_.PDF
HB1162/SB1481: DOT;
Motorcycle Instruction Permits; Basic Motorcycle Rider Course. Starting on July 1, 2026, requires all applicants for a motorcycle instruction permit to successfully complete a basic motorcycle rider course approved by the Department of Transportation before becoming eligible for the permit.
1/23/2025: Introduced and Pass First Reading. Referred to Transportation and Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs
1/21/2025: Pending introduction.
1/23/2025: Introduced and passed First Reading.
1/21/2025: Pending introduction
Bill text: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessions/session2025/bills/HB1162_.PDF
SB1216: Mufflers; Exhaust System; Motorcycle; Moped; Motor Vehicle; Certificate of Inspection; Motor Vehicle Repair; Penalties.
Conditions the issuance of a certificate of inspection upon a vehicle not being equipped with a noisy muffler or exhaust system. Requires rules regarding safety check inspections to ensure that a motorcycle, moped, or motor vehicle is not equipped with a noisy muffler or exhaust system. Suspends, revokes, or refuses renewal of a permit for an official inspection station upon a third or subsequent wilful violation of any rule regarding inspecting a noisy muffler or exhaust system. Increases the maximum fine for motorcycle and moped owners that violate noisy muffler laws. Includes repairing or installing a noisy muffler or exhaust system as a prohibited practice for motor vehicle repair laws.
1/23/2025: Introduced and passed First Reading.
1/21/2025: Pending Introduction.
Bill text: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessions/session2025/bills/SB1216_.PDF
IOWA -update
HF46: An Act relating to law enforcement training concerning motorcyclist profiling
01/23/2025: Subcommittee recommends passage.
01/22/2025: Subcommittee Meeting: 01/23/2025 1:00PM RM 304.1. Subcommittee: Meggers, Amos Jr. and Wengryn
Bill text: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/LGI/91/HF46.pdf
HB2031: Permitting driving school instructors to possess a motorcycle driver’s license from any state.
Jan 29, 2025: Transportation hearing. 1:30, Room 582-N
Jan 17, 2025: Introduced and referred to Committee on Transportation
Bill text: https://kslegislature.gov/li/b2025_26/measures/documents/hb2031_00_0000.pdf
HB439/SB405: Vehicle Laws – Fully Autonomous Vehicles – Human Safety Operators and Reporting Requirements
1/20/2025: Hearing 2/06 at 1:00 p.m.
1/16/2025: First Reading Environment and Transportation
1/20/2025: First Reading Judicial Proceedings
Bill text: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/2025RS/bills/hb/hb0439f.pdf

SF54: In lieu tax imposed on older passenger automobiles and collector vehicles expansion to motorcycles
01/16/2025: Introduction and first reading. Referred to Transportation Committee
MONTANA -update
SB67: Provide for the use of autonomous vehicles
01/23/25: Tabled in Committee
01/17/25: Hearing
01/14/25: Referred to Energy, Technology & Federal Relations Committee
Bill text: https://bills.legmt.gov/#/laws/bill/2/LC0179?open_tab=bill
HB239: defining and enabling lane filtering
01/28/2025: Transportation Committee hearing; 11:15 am, LOB Room 203
01/08/2025: Introduced and referred to Transportation Committee
Bill text: https://gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/legacy/bs2016/billText.aspx?sy=2025&id=18&txtFormat=html
A718: Requires MVC to provide motorcycle licenses and certain license plates to certain veterans free of charge.
1/9/2024: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee
Bill text: https://pub.njleg.state.nj.us/Bills/2024/A1000/718_I1.PDF
A729/S584: Requires MVC waiver of motorcycle road test for certain veterans.
1/9/2024: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee
1/9/2024: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Transportation Committee
Bill text: https://pub.njleg.state.nj.us/Bills/2024/A1000/729_I1.PDF
S1740: Requires motorcycle passengers to be 10 years of age or older.
1/9/2024: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Transportation Committee
Bill text: https://pub.njleg.state.nj.us/Bills/2024/S2000/1740_I1.PDF
S1856: Authorizes creation of vertical motorcycle license plates.
1/9/2024: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Transportation Committee
Bill text: https://pub.njleg.state.nj.us/Bills/2024/S2000/1856_I1.PDF
UTAH -updates
HB190: Motorcycle amendments. This bill defines terms and prohibits certain maneuvers related to the operation of a motorcycle.
This bill: defines terms related to a motorcycle; prohibits lane splitting; prohibits the performance of a wheelie by a motorcycle operator on a highway; requires the Driver License Division to suspend an individual’s motorcycle endorsement or driver license for certain violations; allows law enforcement to impound a motorcycle for certain violations; and makes technical changes.
1/21/2025: Introduced; first reading
Bill text: https://le.utah.gov/Session/2025/bills/introduced/HB0190.pdf
HB234: Motorcycle Safety Amendments. This bill increases a fine for a person who operates a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement. This bill: increases a fine for a person who operates a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement on the person’s driver license; and requires a court to waive the increased fine if the person obtains a motorcycle endorsement within 180 days of the date of the traffic violation.
1/21/2025: Introduced; first reading
Bill text: https://le.utah.gov/Session/2025/bills/introduced/HB0234.pdf

HB2627: Automated driving systems etc; requirement for operation of autonomous vehicles & motor vehicles. Provides requirements for the operation of fully autonomous vehicles and motor vehicles operated with an automated driving system engaged. The bill requires fully autonomous vehicles and automated driving systems operated in the Commonwealth to receive autonomous operation licenses prior to being operated in the Commonwealth. The bill also provides that all requirements for a human driver physically present in a motor vehicle also apply to a human driver who operates a motor vehicle through remote means and requires such human driver to be physically present in the Commonwealth when operating such motor vehicle.
1/23/2025: Assigned Transportation subcommittee: Innovations. (Ad Hoc). Members: Glass (Chair), Carr, Sewell, McClure, Feggans, Wiley, O’Quinn, Griffin, Delaney
1/13/2025: Introduced and referred to Committee on Transportation
Bill text: https://lis.virginia.gov/bill-details/20251/HB2627/text/HB2627
HB1367: Improving motorcycle safety by authorizing the use of the right shoulder of limited access roadways.
Jan 22: Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation
Hearing Video: https://tvw.org/video/house-transportation-2025011394/?eventID=2025011394
Starts at 1:12:22
Bill text: https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2025-26/Pdf/Bills/House%20Bills/1367.pdf?q=20250117130655
SB5309: Concerning motor vehicle weight fees applicable to motorcycles.
Jan 27: Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 4:00 PM
Bill text: https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2025-26/Pdf/Bills/Senate%20Bills/5309.pdf?q=20250116133343
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