Continued From Page 1

SAXON MOTORCYCLE ANNOUNCES STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP WITH LUCAS OIL–Representatives of Saxon MotorcycleCompany today proudly announced a partnership between Saxon and Lucas Oil.The partnership will ensure that all Saxon Motorcycles will have LucasLubricants throughout the drive-train upon leaving the factory. Lucas Oiland Saxon Motorcycles have also agreed to a comprehensive co-marketingcampaign.
The 2006 model year has been exciting for Saxon motorcycles. They beganthe year by launching their new models, which include the super-wide 300mmtire Griffin, as well as several ergonomic and engineering changes to allSaxon’s bikes, making Saxon a formidable force in the motorcycle industry.
“We are always looking to strengthen our brand image, and we feel that bypartnering with a company like Lucas, both companies will benefit. We feelwe can offer Lucas a platform to deliver their product in a productionmotorcycle, and we have confidence that every bike we send out of ourfactory will have the best lubricants available for the crucial firstbreak-in miles,” Said David Schwam, VP of Sales ad Marketing for Saxon.
With a variety of lubricants out there, Saxon was looking for a brand thatwas going to provide more then just oil, Saxon was looking for a companythat could provide a quality line of lubricants, and could match Saxon’sattention to detail. Saxon approached Lucas Oil after their motor oil hadbeen named “New Product of the Year” at the V-Twin awards in Cincinnati.
Saxon offers five different models ranging from $22,595 to $26,995 MSRP.The monstrous 300mm rear tire Griffin, the long and low Firestorm,flagship chopper Warlord, and pro-street Sceptre all come standard with aright side drive transmission, a two year unlimited mileage warranty, 96??S&S engine, swingarm suspension, and are EPA and CARB certified.

5000 CC V-TWIN ENGINE FOR SALE–One of our readers from the land of Oz left a comment on yesterday’s post about Roland Sands, suggesting another possible engine for the bike. What Dodgy found was a 5000cc Rolls Royce Merlin V-twin motorcycle engine!This engine was built in 1982 and was adapted from a 27 liter V12 aero engine by Australian engineer Lucky Keizer.
According to the listing it was used in a streamliner that holds the current Australian record for the 3001cc+ class. The particular V12 used as a source for this V-twin was originally at home on a Mosquito bomber.
The engine uses a handbuilt crankshaft, has 4 valves per cylinder, runs a Rochester carb on a GM 3/71 supercharger. It also includes nitrous with water and glycol cooling. Power output is in the 500 horsepower range though no torque figures are given, those are the numbers I’d like to see! It weighs 330 pounds.
This engine was previously installed in a motorcycle and the photo here has circulated around the Internet for some time. Lucky Keizer has put the engine up for sale, ready for someone else to install it in their own VERY special V-twin custom.
Of course, if you start with a V12 and make a V-twin, you have the makings of 5 more, right? Some resourceful machine shop should look into that, you never know, there may be a huge market for monster V-twin motorcycles. You have to wonder, though, what the rotating mass in that engine would do to the bike’s handling when you try to tip it into the turns, could be exciting!
–John Leach – Sales / Racing Support
Avon Tyres North America

THE MOST SPECTACULAR RALLY IN EUROPE–from 22 to 25 June 2006.Herewith we would like to invite you to the 20th Biker Fest that takes place from 22 to 25 June 2006 in Sutrio (Udine) – Italy North East (Highway A23 Udine-Tarvisio – exit Carnia-Tolmezzo).
For further details, for the download of files and maps, visit the website (in English and German)
The ticket costs 18 euro and gives: a free lottery-ticket, (a new HONDA Shadow 750 as first prize), camping, parking, toilets and warm showers, mechanic assistance, free entrance for children, touristic tours; you will find even various shows and exhibitions: bike wash and sexy bike wash, helicopter tours, flea market, tattoo and airbrush artisits, Go-Go girls, striptease, body painting, Speedway bikes by the M.C. Olimpia and Dragsters, games, monobike, digital pictures, exhibition of strange vehicles, kart, Ape Show, Burn Out for cars and bikes, Stunt Man Show with Ricky Angerer (D), Burn Fighters by Udo Bracht (D), Freestyle Motocross with the FMX Int. and a flight simulator. You will have the chance to try even the new models of Honda and the quads of Arctic Cat. Special Guest of the 20th edition is the Mutoid Waste Company.
On Sunday 25th June takes place the 11th US Car Reunion, a meeting of US cars. To the Biker Fest partecipate more than 150 journalists coming even from Moscow, Australia and the United States.
For info about Bike Show and stands: +39/(0)432.948777; fax +39/(0)432.948606e-mail: sito web:

CHAA-CHING STORY OF THE WEEK–My Name is Jerry Marshall, this was a completely stock fat boy in ’03, when purchased. Soon after picking it up from Stockton H-D, I was hit by a STATIONARY “K” rail, (cha-ching!!) $$$, 2 months later was “T” boned by a red light runner, (chaa ching..)$$$$ and a month before my father-in-law died of cancer he decided to sit on the bike as it was parked and well……yup..”Down goes Frazier”….(cha-ching)$$$$.
After lifting the 666 lbs of bike off of him I went straight to the parts counter (and yes, I did check to see if he was ok for all you AARP members out there with your hands over your mouth reading this).
I knew just what my first and foremost purchase would be…… a 3 lb gremlin bell to get away from that 666 GVW number that kept playing in my head all the time, (what’s up with that??, Harley’s way of keeping 5 lifts operating 24 / 7 by listing that GVW on the frame??). Seems like that ol 2 oz “gremlin” was always “waiting in the wings” for me every time I thru my leg over the seat… (chaa-ching)$$$.
Needless to say I’ve had ample opportunity to throw some extra parts in/on the bike that weren’t stock, 24 in all..can ya count um? (hint) you’ll need a wrench and some sockets to view some of them.)….And if the bike makes it to the Bikernet I’m sure there will be many more, right now I’m waiting for Vance and Hines to send me a long box of cardboard any day!!
Thank you considering my bike in Bikernet, please use the image in anyway you see fit, oh…FYI….

P.S. That little hairy Girl is my 3 lb Yorkie that loves to curl up in my leather jacket,,,People see her on the bike with her head sticking out of my jacket and say: “Nice dog” uhh…sorry, it’s a large mole that’s badly in need of a trim!
Jerry Marshall
Martinez. CA
I immediately set him up with Crazy Horse who runs our Readers Showcase area. On Bikernet, you can create your own feature in the Readers Showcase department.–Bandit

MY GRANDPA THE MENTOR OF MY LIFE–Many of us unfortunately were born after our own Grandpas had passed on and never had the opportunity to enjoy moments like this. I hope this will again confirm that the most important information in your life won’t come from a teacher, the library or the Internet. It comes from a mentor and always on a very personal level.
My long-passed grandfather’s birthday is coming up and for me it is a time to reminisce. We used to take long walks and drives together. He would make special trips to pick me up so I could spend weekends with him.
I was young when he died. If he were living today and sharing his pearls of wisdom, I’d be a better man. The one I remember best came from him when I was only 12.
We were sitting in a park, watching children with their mothers enjoying a beautiful spring day. He told me that one day, I’d find a woman and start my own family. Then came the jewel in the crown of grandfatherly advice when he said, “And be sure you marry a woman with small hands.”
“Why should I do that, Grandpa?” I asked.
“It makes your pecker look bigger.”
It kinda brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?
–from Ric Savenko

TOMMY THOMPSON’S REUNION RIDE– Tommy Thompson’s Annual Motorcycle Ride will be embarking on an eight-day fundraising ride starting June 16th in Sandusky, Ohio and ending in Toronto, Canada. Tommy Thompson, the popular four term governor of the state of Wisconsin and Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Bush administration says he looks forward to his 12th annual ride where “Eagles Soar and Harleys Roar”. Over 100 motorcyclists from six states are expected to go on this ride including Wisconsin Senator Mary Lazich. The ride will be making stops in Williamsport, PA, Staten Island, NY, Rome, NY, Niagara Falls, Canada, and ends with Tommy Thompson’s Bikers Ball downtown Toronto Friday June 23rd.
This fundraising ride will benefit Accident Scene Management, Inc. a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists by training them what they can do at the scene of a crash until professional help arrives.
For more information visit
–Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT
Director – Accident Scene Management, Inc.
Owner -Safety Or Survival, LLC
Waukesha, WI 53189
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0285 – Fax

ONE MORE REASON TO LIKE AUSTRALIA–“Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told onWednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in abid to head off potential terror attacks. A day after a group of mainstreamMuslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia at a special meeting with PrimeMinister John Howard, he and his ministers made it clear that extremistswould face a crackdown.
Treasurer Peter Costello hinted that some radical clerics could be askedto leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secularstate and its laws were made by parliament. “If those are not your values,if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, thenAustralia is not for you,” he said on national television. “I’d be saying toclerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people inAustralia, one the Australian law and another, the Islamic law, that this isfalse. If you can’t agree with parliamentary law, independent courts,democracy, and would prefer Sharia law, and have the opportunity to go toanother country which practices it, perhaps, then, that’s a better option,”Costello said.
Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he saidthose with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the othercountry. Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters thatMuslims who did not want to accept local values should “clear off. “Basically, people who don’t want to be Australians, and they don’t want tolive by Australian values and understand them, well then they can basically”clear off,” he said.
Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims onWednesday by saying he supported spies monitoring the nation’s mosques.
BRITS, AMERICANS and CANADIANS…..ARE YOU LISTENING!!This is Leadership with guts! The way it should be. Our menand women died in two world wars to get us this country and we are givingit away.
–from Chris T.

FASTDATES.COM CALENDARS SIGN MARKETING AGREEMENT WITH SPEED TV.COM–Gianatsis Design, producers of the popular Motorcycle Pinup Calendars, is excited to announce it has entered into a marketing agreement with, the website for America’s premier motorsports network SpeedTV. Under this agreement will be selling the Calendars through their affiliation with beginning July 1st when the new 2007 Calendars are released.
The Calendar titles include the: SBK World Superbike endorsed Fast Dates Racebike and Swimsuit Model Calendar sponsored by Performance Machine, Jardine Performance and the SBK Corona Extra World Superbike Championship; the Iron & Lace Custom Bike and Centerfold Model Calendar sponsored by Mikuni American, Performance Machine and Jardine Performance; and the Garage Girls Beautiful Models Hard at Work Calendar sponsored by
The marketing agreement also allows to sell the sexy Calendar branded images online for cell phone display use to their website visitors.

MC ADVANTAGES ROLLS OUT 1,200 NEW PERFORMANCE PARTS IN MID-YEAR UPDATE–With the peak of the riding season hitting, MC Advantages has released amid-year catalog update. The new catalog features products from Hooker?,Twisted Choppers, AMD World Champion Roger Goldammer, Detroit Bros.?, L.A.County Choprods?, NYC Choppers, Horsepower Inc., MC Advantages’ brandsBulletproof, Stampede plus many more. The 28-page supplement highlightsover 1200 new parts and 15 all new parts lines.
The biggest additions to the MC part line include the entire Hooker? lineupwith the new Fourbidden? pipes, the only four-pipe header in massproduction. Twisted Choppers rolls out three new rollers and multitude ofaffordable frames and sheetmetal packages. MC Advantages is now the firstdistributor for World Champion Roger Goldammer’s parts. His Airtime AirCleaner sets his style apart and will be the must-have forchampionship-caliber bikes.
To get your 2006 MC Advantages Catalog Update, please contact MC Advantagesat 1.800.726.9620 or log on to
–Adam Roorda
MC Advantages

BROKEN SPOKE IN STURGIS–Are you vending bikernet at Sturgis? The Broken SpokeSaloon at Sturgis County Line Campground is happy to offer youa vending space at our new property.Our vending area is on asphalt, too.
Note on the map that there is a local welltraveled back road that’ll take you ‘Spoke to ‘Spokein about 15 minutes which circumnavigates all thetraffic on route 34. We’ll be having shuttle serviceon that road.
As you know, Jay is awesome at upselling and promotingour vendors and sponsors, so we welcome you to bringpromotional materials as well such as banners andgiveaways. Please let us know at your earliestconvenience if you would like a vending space or wouldlike to bring a promo materials for display.
Celebrity Builder Bartending Fundraiser:We are sponsoring a fundraiser to benefit a local resthome for the elderly citizens of Sturgis. We wouldlove for you to be celebrity builder bartenders andwe’ll team you up with a builder buddy and a lovelyBroken Spoke bartender who will support the bartendingaction. The available hours are any one 8-10pm shiftFriday (4th) through Saturday (12th).
It’ll be so much fun. Deadline: Please let us knowASAP your available hours as we are scheduling thisnow. Both Broken Spokes are in on this.
Motorcycle Photo Collage Walls sponsored by MillerBrewing Company and Coors Light for the new BrokenSpoke Saloon at Sturgis County Line Campground:Please send us 5 – 10 (or more) digital imagesreflecting the history and highlights of your careerand/or fun lifestyle moments. The deadline to receivethese photos is June 7th (Wednesday).
The Broken Spoke Saloon
21 Erie Drawer L
Bisbee, AZ 85603
Continued On Page 3