Continued From Page 2

BIKER GIRLS: BORN TO BE WILD–Blaze exciting new trails with America’s hottest, hippest, happiestfreewheeling duo! Bikers Sasha Mullins and Vicki Gray are two attractive,single, funny outgoing young women with a penchant for true adventure.Experience the U.S. of A. like you never have before as our daring youngtour guides stumble upon the quirkiest, most interesting and irresistiblesights, sounds, people, flavors, places and things while road trippingacross America.
World Premiere of the new series.
TLC – The Learning Channel
Wednesday, July 2
10 – 11 PM
Watch for it!!

A TRIBUTE TO NUTTBOY’S MENTOR–The wiry, young man in the photo is Gene Odenbreit- a cigar chomping, Red Man chewing, whiskey drinking, bicycle shop owner, WWII navy veteran, child of the 30’s Depression, history buff, conversational raconteur, consummate machinist, life-time motorcycle rider, husband, father and friend. He bought this 1935 flathead VL Harley-Davidson 74 in 1938 (he never bought ‘new’), then sold it in 1939 to pay for his son’s birth. He died on October 9, 2000. His death created an empty place for all who knew him.

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS–NCOM 2003 May 8-11, 2003Legislative Task Force Meeting. Bill Bish spoke first on EPA issues facing bikers. Bill informed usHarley Davidson contacted the EPA in favor of even tougher standards thanoriginally proposed by the EPA provided smaller manufactures would berequired to also abide by the rules. Seems H-D is willing to sell outAmerican Bikers as longs as it helps them corner the market with the help ofthe government. H-D can pass the regulations because of the averaging ofemissions of their various products including the cleaner burning V-Rod.Using the pollution credits from V-Rods sold Harley has an advantage overother Air-Cooled V-Twin manufactures. The new regulations will result inmuch quieter motorcycles; modified bikes will be easy to hear and will gainadded attention from the police. How long till anti tampering equipment willbe standard? EPA agents posing as citizens wishing to remove emissioncontrol equipment now target car shop owners; how long before biker shopswill be the target of EPA agents?
Sputnik of TMRA II spoke of the bill his organization is working oncurrently. Sput also mentioned many SMRO’s are working Right-of-Way Bills.He also spoke of how TMRA II has gained control of the Democratic Party inTexas; TMRA II is now eyeing the Republican Party too. TMRA II currentlyhas 6 TMRA II members serving in the State House and 2 in the State Senate.

Patriot Act Workshop
The hazards and lost of freedom due to the Patriot Act were discussed.Several rights guaranteed in the bill of rights have been compromised. The4th and 5th amendments have been greatly compromised with no counsel, rovingwiretaps, and sneak and peek searches. The rich elite will continue to takeaway our liberties unless we take a stand. The RICO Act narrowly survived a supreme court ruling this year.Legislators did not read the Patriot Act before voting to pass it into law.Caesar and Hitler both passed similar legislation in the past. Patriot ActII has not yet been passed into law and it desires our attention to stop itspassage. PA II will damage the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 10th amendments if itis passed. One very troubling aspect of the PA II is the ability to removecitizenship from native-born Americans.
White House Pokes Gun Owners in the Eye
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced legislation yesterday toreauthorize the ban on scores of semi-automatic firearms.As a result, reporters asked White House spokesman Ari Fleischer for thePresident’s position. Fleischer said, “Often, the president will agree…with the National Rifle Association. On this issue, he does not.”The bottom line? The President supports the ban on many semi-automaticfirearms and on magazines holding 10 rounds or more.
The White House seems to think that the bill will never reach thePresident’s desk. At least that is what top officials are counting on. Inpursuing this strategy, they are trying to please both sides and are playinga very dangerous game, to be sure.
ACTION: Please use the pre-written text below to guide your response to theWhite House. It is preferred that you call. But if you can only e-mail,please be sure to do that.You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send a pre-written e-mail messageto President Bush. To call or snail mail the President regarding thesemi-auto ban, you can use the following contact info:
President George Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461 or 202-456-1907
Phone: 202-456-1414
>ICQ 34668186

THE CYRIL HUZE REPORT–Even if it doesn’t look like it at first glance, almost every week our website at In page “Downloads” you can download for free a new screensaver and 3 desktop wallpapers featuring our most recent custom bikes “Exotika”, “Surreal Huze” and “Tattoo Chop”. These wallpapers can be downloaded in the resolution of your computer screen. In page “Projects” you can see the 1st pictures of a new built Chopper called “Stray Kat”( Check the exhaust & the trim body work all over the bike, and come back every week for more pictures of the work in progress). In section “Online Catalog”, go to see the new Goodson retro air cleaners (22 carburetor applications), and custom exhausts from Cyril Huze & Martin Bros. Myrtle Beach Bike Week It was sunny, it was rainy, it was sunny again. “Broadway At The Beach” is still one of the best places to set up during the national show tour. A lot of parking places, good restaurants & shops, a very relaxed atmosphere, and many, many friends, motorcycle dealers & retail clients visiting us to chat around our bikes. Myrtle Beach confirms over and over the 2 big customization trends: Choppers getting more retro, and Softail getting lower and lower at the neck with a more aggressive stance (See our bikes “Tattoo Chop”, “America”. “Exotika”, “Surreal Huze”). We ended up the week by a big scare. Leaving the city on Sunday morning by the US 17 Bypass, we found a way to wrapped up our trailer around an electric pole on the side of the highway. No scratches for us, but the trailer is dead, our displays exploded, but no bike were damaged….because they were no more in our trailer (thanks God, given back to their respective clients the evening before). So, we are in the market for a new rig. New Book We received confirmation that the new coffee table book written and photographed by Tom Zimberoff “Haute Moteur. The Art Of The Chopper” will be in bookstores in September. For the readers, in addition to a selection of the best customs in the world, the big surprise will probably be the unusual black & white pictures (for now we will not tell you more) of the following master builders (by order of apparition in the book): Arlen Ness, Billy Lane, Chica, Cyril Huze, Dave Perewitz, Donnie smith, Eddie Trotta, Mitchell Russell, Jerry Covington, Jim Nasi, Martin Bros, Matt Hotch, Mitch Bergeron, Pat Kennedy, Paul Yaffe, Pontarelli, Roger Bourget, Ron Simms and Teutul. A must gift for all those addicted to custom motorcycles. You can visit Tim Zimberoff website and see his celebrities pictures going to: Customs Forever! –Cyril Huze Custom JUST LIKE A WOMAN–Paul returned from a doctor’s visit one day and told his wife Alma thatthe doctor said he only had 24 hours to live. Wiping away her tears, he asked her to make love with him. Of course sheagreed and they made passionate love. Six hours later, Paul went to her again, and said: “Honey, now I onlyhave18 hours left to live. Maybe we could make love again?” Alma agrees andagain they make love. Later, Paul is getting into bed when he realized he now had only eighthours of life left. He touched Alma’s shoulder and said: “Honey? Please?Just one more time before I die.” She agreed, then afterwards she rolledover and fell asleep. Paul, however, heard the clock ticking in his head, and he tossed andturned until he was down to only four more hours. He tapped his wife onthe shoulder to wake her up. “Honey, I only have four hours left! Couldwe….?” His wife sat up abruptly, turned to him and said: “Listen Paul, I haveto get up in the morning! You don’t.” –from Ken M. Continued On Page 4
Motorcycles & Parts
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923