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LCpl. DC Purviance (L) provides security near the city of Tikrit, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom.A Bikernet reader’s son in Iraq.
RUN TO THE WALL 2004– Run For The Wall 2004 is an epic journey by motorcycle that goes from Ontario, California across the heartland of America, and ends 10 days later at the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C.
Run For The Wall 2004 begins at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 18, 2004. The run will depart from the parking lot of the T & A Truck Stop on Milliken Ave., one exit West of the junction of the I-10 & I-15 freeways in Ontario, California
For more information, please log on to:
–from Trash,

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF CUSTOM BIKE BUILDING–Santa Ana, CA, May 18th, 2004: American Motorcycle Dealer (AMD) and Custom Chrome, team-up to bring the “Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building” to the Custom Chrome/ Motorcycle Stuff US Dealer Show in October 2004.
Leading international trade journal American Motorcycle Dealer (AMD) is proud to announce an extension to its existing and exciting AMD ProShow Bike Builder contest and program.
The AMD ProShow is to be held in the United States for the first time; being presented by Custom Chrome at their annual dealer show in October 2004.
Held each year since 2002 in conjunction with Custom Chrome Europe (CCE) at their European Dealer Show (in Germany in March each year), AMD has produced a European custom bike competition.
The concept originated as a new feature to the CCE Dealer Show that provided AMD and CCE with a specifically trade? oriented platform and opportunity to recognize the increasingly impressive custom bike design and engineering standards being achieved by Europe’s dealer and professional custom bike building community.
The Custom Chrome Dealer Show at their Morgan Hill, California worldwide headquarters (October 8th, 9th and 10th, 2004) provides a ready-made and well-established trade based event at which to present the AMD ProShow competition in conjunction with the European winner.

The winners and other leading contestants and their bikes from the March 2004 European leg? of what now can now become a truly Official Championship? will, at Custom Chrome’s expense, be flown to California to compete against the best that the US bike building community can field in what can therefore be viewed as an Official World Championship?.
A top cash prize of $25,000.00, and total cash prize fund of nearly $50,000.00 is a major and unprecedented investment that hallmarks both the resources the company intends to bring to bear on the AMD ProShow.
For further information on this event, please visit the event website at:

THREE CHARLIE BRECHTEL PROJECTS–also just FYI we’d like to let you know about the other three projects that we have: “Bikers: The Inner Circle” is a series that features Jim Elrite (one of the senior members of the San Jose chapter of the HAMC) as host, with their bar and clubhouse as a backdrop…the first episode features some “interesting” interviews…like with the Devil Dolls’ Goth Girl…Poncho from the Lonely Ones MC in NY and a “gun trick”…and some words of wisdom from Kim Peterson…we were also given the rights to do the exclusive ’04 Hollister Rally DVD…and the book, “The Original Wild Ones,” about the legendary Boozefighters MC is finished…the book is accompanied by a 47 minute DVD that features interviews with the surviving “originals”…

Corrections from a Bikernet Reader
Just found your article about the demise of Indianand would like to point out a few points:
There’s a photo of a red Chief that’s identified asbeing an ’04 but it’s actually an earlier model. I cantell by the hand and foot controls as well as themuffler.
The new 100 cube inch engine is referred to as the”Powerhouse 100″ but that’s incorrect, it’s called thePowerPlus 100. The original Indian corp sold a modelcalled the PowerPlus many years ago, hence the name.
The last photo shows a PowerPlus 100 engine. This wasNOT built by S&S….these were all assembled by PowerAssembly Solutions of Livonia Michigan. Although forthe 2004 there were some S&S built PowerPlus 92engines. These were cosmetically modified S&S enginesthat resembled the larger PP engines (round cylindersand heads).
How do I know all of this tripe? I bought a LOT ofparts at the liquidation sale and am building a spoton correct 2004 Chief Vintage (I closely noted ALL thechanges and updates for the ’04 models). Also havequite a number of friends who are former Indianemployees so I have access to their first handknowledge.
Forgot to mention that the actual shutdown date for the factory was Sept 19 (it was listedas “around Sept 23” in the article).

JUNE 25-27, 2004
HWY 84 E
We the Southwest Chapter of A.B.A.T.E. will be hosting this RODEO to benefit the Shriners Children?s Hospital and Motorcyclists Rights. We will be making our donation this year to the Transportation Department of the Mississippi Shriners to help make transportation and housing available for our Mississippi children that have to travel out of state for medical assistance.
Saturday the fun begins with a POKER RUN followed by BIKE GAMES and BIKE SHOW
Camping available on first come, first serve basis. Vendor booths available. For more info, contact Leigh Ann Neal @ 601-587-4870 or

SPEEDING WOMAN–A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the TX State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, “I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the Texas State Police Ball.”
He replied, “Texas State Troopers don’t have balls.” There was a moment of silence while she smiled and he realized what he’d just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left. She was laughing too hard to start her car.
–from Rogue

THE STEALTH REPORT FROM N.C.–Every week when I submit my thoughts for the news, I start thinking about what to write about for my next submission. Sometimes it comes quick other times it goes to the deadline before I come up with something. I was stressing over what to write about this week and in walks a guy with one of those chrome dome helmets, the novelty type. This gave me my inspiration for this week. Read on!
I started a conversation with him and I asked about his helmet. I asked if it was hotter than a black helmet and he said “NO.” I asked if he liked the helmet and he said “NO”. I then asked if he didn’t like it, then why did he wear it? His answer was that, “my wife likes it.” I said but she doesn’t wear it, and he said he wears it because “she can use it as a vanity mirror while they ride!”
He responded and said, “Yeah she can use it to put her lipstick and makeup on as we ride. So when we arrive at their destination, she can look fresh.”
I could not believe it! I guess in a way this proves the saying that for some, “IT AIN”T ABOUT RIDING ANYMORE, IT IS A FUCKING FASHION SHOW!” Come on, enjoy the ride and forget about how you look until you get where you are going.
Riding for me is about getting away from everyday restraints. Things like keeping time, things like worrying about bills, relationships and yes VANITY MIRRORS! Leave all this at home and just ride.
You will have plenty of time for all the everyday bullshit when you return home. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance but this takes it to extremes. So the next time you see someone riding with one of these chrome jewels on their head and they have a passenger on the back, check it out to see if they are “freshing up?” Well, I just had to share this TRUE story with all of you.

Riding season is in full swing here in the Charlotte area. There are bike nights at local restaurants and bars about every night of the week. Places that not long ago frowned upon having bikers as patrons, now seem to welcome us with open arms. I wonder if the money we lay down at these establishments may have anything to do with the change in attitude? You all know the answer to that question! The roads around Charlotte are filled with bikes this time of year. Charlotte is a motorcycle town. All the local shops are wide open this time of year. The bike shows and runs are gearing up and one of the best in the Charlotte area is fast approaching, the 6th Annual Run For Breath “IN MEMORY OF JUSTIN PULLIN” is July 25th. Stayed tuned to Bikernet for info and for pictures of some of the coolest bike show awards you will ever see. Check out Mr. Bandits Best of Show creation as it comes to life.

Speaking of riding season, for the past couple of weeks I have been doing a lot of night riding. The nights are warm and it has been great for clearing my head. The roads are not as congested and it is a great time to think. Riding at night brings to mind an old Bob Seger song,” Night Moves,” there is a line in it that says “working on mysteries without any clues.” I guess that is what I have been doing? Well, I guess that is it for this week, it is time to blast down the road to one of those bike nights. Maybe I will take some pictures for next week, so stay tuned!

N.D. FREEDOM FIGHTER FACES LIVER DISORDER–Michael “Cutter” Jay, 53, of Mandan, N.D. is struggling for his life. President of the Freedom Riders, the North Dakota Motorcycle Safety Program and the manager of ABATE, Mike is hanging on while waiting for a liver transplant. His hereditary disorder is called hemochromatosis. He’s praying for a cure, if the transplant doesn’t come.
Rick “El Grumpo” Savenko let us know of Mike’s condition. If anyone can help contact El Grumpo at, or contributions can be mailed to Michael Jay “Cutter” Benefit Fund, Capitol Credit Union, P.O. Box 2096, Bismarck, N.D. 58502. Or for more information call (701) 223-5609. Time is of the essence for Cutter.
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