Continued From Page 2

STEALTH REPORT ON THE GROWTH OF NEW NC SHOP–We got wet last night at Kristopher’s bike night but as “THE MEANEAST” always says “If you ride long enough, you are going to get wet!” Hey, we had a great time anyway!
It is Myrtle Beach rally time around here this week and a lot of people have left Charlotte for the beach. Customer traffic has been down this week at STEALTH BIKE WORKS but that is to be expected with the beach rally going on. We are still busy in the shop though.
The UPS man just delivered Chopper John’s Paughco rigid frame for his S&S Sportster engine. He has already fabricated a cool gas tank for the project. Hey, if anyone out there has a good used wide glide front end for sale, give us a call at 704 -882-0889.
Tomorrow night we host “Biker Night” at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. We do it the 3rd Friday of every month. It is just a good time for us and our customers. We have food and we have biker DVD’s going on the tube.
Back to the bike nights. Man you see some strange things at bike nights. You see bikes that look like Christmas trees with all the neon lights under the tanks and just about everywhere you can stick them. Not my thing but I guess if that is what you like, go for it. Some leave them on while they eat or drink or whatever they do while others like to turn them off and then proceed to turn them on every ten minutes or so. Very strange?
Until next week, RIDE!

G2 MOTORSPORTS LOOKS TO TURN SEASON AROUND IN COLUMBUS–G2 Motorsports is heading to Columbus for the NHRA/POWERade Pontiac Performance Nationals with one objective; turning their season around. The team is a serious player in the points race but now it’s time to step up and get both bikes into the fray. Considerable time was spent on the dyno to pick up more horsepower and with a little luck to go along with the considerable hard work; the G2 Motorsports team should be one step closer to the winner’s circle.
“We made some changes to the electrical system on Matt’s bike after Atlanta and found some horsepower on the dyno,” said George Bryce, G2 Motorsports Director of Racing.
“Columbus has always been good to the G2 team in the past and we are looking forward to going fast this weekend. We plan to do everything possible to put both bikes at the front of the pack.”
Matt Smith, rider of the Torco Fuels/Skull Gear/G2 Motorsports Buell said, “We had electrical gremlins in Atlanta that frustrated us. But my team took care of them and they are behind us now.”
“Our game plan for Columbus will be to run our program. We want to win and in order to do so we need the bike and rider to be on the same page. That is our goal for this race.”
Chip Ellis, who rides the DRAG Specialties/G2 Motorsports Buell, still feels that consistency will be the key. “We were very consistent in Atlanta,” said Ellis. but we need to get out of the first round. You can’t get to the winner’s circle until you win in the first round. I am very comfortable with the way the DRAG Specialties machine is running now and I feel like Columbus could very well be the turning point in our season.”

BIKERNET PHOTO ART OF THE WEEK–In the year 1870, Crazy Horse and the Lakota fought against terrorism in their homeland.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

ROCK’N THE RALLY– Sturgis, Aug. 6-10. Each summer thousands of bikers converge here to sound their heavy metal thunder at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Why not start a gigantic festival of classic rock and country?
“We took the reverse view of the ‘build it and they will come’ theory,” one of the organizers said in a statement. “We figured, 600,000 people attend Sturgis Bike Week each year, let’s ‘build it where they already are.’ ” And so an $11 million facility was built on 34 acres in Sturgis, a town along Interstate 90 near the Wyoming border.
The entertainment includes Big and Rich, Sammy Hagar, the Black Crowes, Keith Urban, the Steve Miller Band, Nickelback and, sure to get the engines revving for “Born to Be Wild,” John Kay and Steppenwolf.

THE DYNA THAT DIDN’T MAKE IT– Please give your input on this build, I am anxious to hear what people think of it.
It is a ’99 FXDWG, the fender is a 48-52 Panhead fattened up a little. The front end is a ’04 fatboy. The tank a Sporty, and a whole list of hand fabricated parts by Kotic Kustoms in Ga.
Michael Willis
Keep watching, we may feature his Dyna on Bikernet.–Bandit

SPIRIT HARLEY-DAVIDSON CLOSED–Just got done watching the News tonight and I was shocked to see Spirit Harley Davidson on the news. It wasn’t because of some run that raised money. Nor were the Police there to get their bikes serviced, but to handcuff him this time….Guess you can’t get away with everything these days, Terry.
The owner Terry Sanfold was arrested today for RAPE of 2 of his employees! The Police have closed and locked the doors of the stealership.
A few months ago his ex wife Donna and daughters were caught embezzling 1 million dollars from the business. They are no longer owners and have got the boot and as one can clearly see on the web site they are not on it any longer.
These people have screwed ALOT of people including me, many, many many people I know don’t have kind words to say about this place or owners..and the ones that do don’t know any better.
Just 2 weeks ago my best friend went there to buy a front tire, Terry the owner walked up to his truck and opened his coat to show his piece. He left and went to Heritage HD to buy that front tire.
Ask any employee or ex what he’s like to work for. HELL is better than him!
I hope they hang him high raping these employees!
–from Rogue

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–Dyna Transmission Stand (Modular) ToolNo. 992 -Use on all 2006to present Dyna Transmission. Use with base standNo. 1138.

CITY NOT AMUSED WITH T-SHIRT LOGO– Never mind the suggestive weenie-bite contests or the leather-clad revelers at the BikeFest.Leesburg’s got class, said city commissioners, who took offense when they learned T-shirts reading “Sleesburg BikeFest” were sold at one of the city’s biggest annual events.
Commissioners say the nickname implies Leesburg is downright sleazy, when it’s nothing but a wholesome city. This week, commissioners voted to send a letter expressing their distaste to Charles “Troy” Townsend, who designed and manufactured the T-shirts. The city’s letter will follow one that Townsend has received from the Leesburg Area Chamber of Commerce.
“We are dismayed that you, a business owner and resident who should be extremely proud of this town and all it represents, would stoop to such licentiousness,” the chamber’s letter stated. It said the T-shirts will “be worn all over America.”
The shirts were intended to humor more than insult, Townsend said.”I don’t think I ever really gave it a thought that I would offend anyone,” he said.
He sold them for $10 each in front of his storage-rental business on Canal and Main streets during BikeFest, which was April 28-30.
The 59-year-old entrepreneur and Leesburg resident said he can’t understand why commissioners are so appalled. “Kids have been calling the city that for years,” Townsend said. He pointed to other phrases known around Central Florida, such as “Useless” for Eustis and “Dead Land” for DeLand. The T-shirts were a hit with locals, he said.
Anyway, bikers just want to have fun, Townsend said, and generally aren’t concerned about being prim and proper.

URGENT CALL TO ACTION–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports the United States House of Representatives will hold a legislative hearing on HR 2048, the “Right to Repair Act”. The hearing will be held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection in the Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2123 at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, May 17th 2006 and is open to the public.
This legislation is important to all motorcyclists who want the right to choose where to have their motorcycle repaired. HR 2048 would make the same computer diagnostic information, tools and training available to the owners of every type of vehicle including motorcycles that currently is only afforded to those under the dealership umbrella. The deliberate withholding of pertinent information compels independent repair facilities to turn business away forcing vehicle owners to return to the dealership when any kind of computer diagnostics is necessary.
The MRF believes every American has the right to choose who performs the diagnostics on their motorcycle or automobile. Furthermore, consumers should have the right to choose where, how and who will ultimately repair their vehicles and also have the right to do the necessary work themselves. Automakers should not be making service decisions for consumers.The Motorcycle Riders Foundation needs your help to move this legislation through the House committee. Please take a look at the list of Representatives currently sitting on the subcommittee.
These members will be hearing HR 2048 on this Wednesday, May 17th and are NOT already supporting the bill. If your state is listed below, call your Representative’s office as soon as you can. The key to the bill’s success is hearing that their constituents at home support HR2048.If your state is shown below, call your member of
Congress and tell them the following:
1. Identify yourself as a resident of the state of
2. Let them know you are calling on behalf of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
3. Tell them you support HR 2048, the motor vehicle “Right to Repair Act”
4. Ask them to co sponsor HR 2048
5. Tell them HR 2048 is being heard Wednesday, the 17th in the Energy and Commerce committee and you would like the congressperson to support it.
6. Ask them to vote for the bill
7. Let them know that this will be scored as a “key vote” by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

NOBLES STUMBLES IN CHAMPIONSHIP CHASE–Tripp Nobles championship aspirations took a slight wrong turn at the recently completed AHDRA Gypsy Rendezvous Nationals in St. Louis. Nobles, who was working on a two-race winning streak bowed out in the semi-finals to Gainesville winner, Don Stratton, Jr.
“We had some computer problems during the weekend that we were never able to work out,” said Tripp Nobles. “We thought we had a handle on the track Saturday, but on Sunday the track went away for us. Coupled with our computer problems we weren’t able to make it three in a row for”
Following three rounds of qualifying Tripp Nobles took the team to times of 9.323 at 141.25 MPH, 9.417 at 134.52 MPH and 9.427 at 140.31 MPH. Once qualifying was over the team sat number six in the thirty-two-bike field.
In Round One it was the Tripp and Tripp show as Tripp Nobles took on Terry Tripp. When the win light came on Nobles was on to the next round. Nobles ran a 9.301 at 138.56 MPH to Terry Tripp’s losing 9.704 at 131.81 MPH.
Round Two saw Tripp paired off with perennial AHDRA champion, Junior Pippin. Once again Nobles ended his opponents day when he ran a 9.334 at 136.18 MPH to Pippin’s 9.723 at 131.63 MPH.
Tripp’s Round Three opponent was also a multiple AHDRA champion; Donnie Huffman. After running a 9.369 at 136.51 MPH to Huffman’s 9.611 at 132.58 MPH Nobles was heading to his third straight semi-final appearance.
Tripp’s opponent in the Semi-finals was the answer to the question; who was the first AHDRA V-rod Destroyer class winner? Don Stratton, Jr. For the first time in three races, Nobles event ended there. Stratton, Jr. ran a 9.313 at 139.06 MPH to Tripp’s close but losing 9.343 at 138.39 MPH to end the winning streak.
“That final round was one of the closest races I’ve ever been involved in,” said Tripp. “I saw him (Stratton, Jr.) all the way down the track. With each gear shift we inched up on each other and I didn’t know who won the race until I got my time slip.”
“I hit the rev limiter slightly in first and second gear and that was just enough to knock us out of the race. But my hat is off to Don and Eric Ryder. They both had their stuff together and they let everyone know that this will be a race to the finish.”

STOP THE PRESSES-TBEAR COMMENTARY–You know our shirts are down right rude.We at http;// like to make a statement about the culture we live in with the profits going to benefit handicapped children, but, up to now we’ve tried not to offend any one’s political views.
Well, those days are long gone. After our ears were assaulted by the media about Illegal Immigration,(key word here being “ILLEGAL”) we thought it was time to take a stand.
After years of living in the “outlaw” culture we’re trying to be a bit more law abiding.So in that vein, lets you show the world how you feel.
WE’RE CLOSED – TRY FRANCEjust about sums up our feelings on the matter.
Fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way,

BIG MIKE’S BOBBER ROLLER COMING SOON–coming soon bmc bobber 88 roller just as you see here …….$3,599.00

Continued On Page 4