Continued From Page 2

INTRODUCING DEWEY’S HEEL HAMMER SHIFT LEVER–No more scuffing your shoes. Simply push down with your heel to up shift, or push down with your toe to down shift. Dewey patented this bastard. It’s machined from 6061, T-6 aluminum. Speed shifting is a snap. 100 percent guaranteed or your money back.
Once you get use to this puppy you’ll be spoiled. Triple chrome plated or polished, your choice. And it fits Dynas with forward controls and some Softails. More styles comin’ soon.
Damnit, it’s proudly mad in New Mexico, USA.
Dewey’s Customs
3108 Pontiac Dr.
Farmington, NM. 87401
(505) 326-5998

SEABEE NEWS–It is with a heavy heart that I write to share with you the devastatingnewsthat we have lost 7 members of our U.S. Navy Seabee family who weremobilized as members of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 14,headquartered in Jacksonville, FL. These brave Seabees paid theultimateprice of freedom in two separate incidents in support of Operation IraqiFreedom as follows:
On Friday, 30 APR 04, two of our fellow Seabees were killed and 6 werewounded in action while conducting operations against anti-coalitionforcesin the Al Anbar Province of Iraq. They were all members of a convoythathit an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). Our Fallen Seabee Angels whogavetheir life in the defense of freedom are:
Steel Worker Petty Officer 2nd Class Jason B. Dwelley, age 31, fromApopka,FL, a member of the Orlando Detachment
Equipment Operator Petty Officer 3rd Class Christopher M. Dickerson, age33,from Eastman, GA, a member of the Augusta Detachment
On Sunday, 2 MAY 04, the military installation in the Al Anbar Provincewhere some of the Seabees from NMCB 14 were located was hit by indirectfire. Three of our Seabees were killed in action while two additionalmembers died of wounds they received in the attack. An additional 28Seabees were wounded and survived. Please join me in praying for theirquick and complete recovery. Our 5 departed Seabee souls who gave theultimate sacrifice are:
Builder Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael C. Anderson, age 36, fromDaytonaBeach, FL, a member of Orlando Detachment
Equipment Operator Petty Officer 2nd Class Trace W. Dossett, age 37,fromOrlando, FL, a member of the Orlando Detachment
Construction Mechanic Petty Officer 2nd Class Scott R. McHugh, age 33,fromBoca Raton, FL, a member of the West Palm Beach Detachment
Builder Petty Officer 2nd Class Robert B. Jenkins, age 35, from Stuart,FL,a member of the West Palm Beach Detachment
Steel Worker Petty Officer 3rd Class Ronald A. Ginther, age 37, fromAuburndale, FL, a member of the Tampa Detachment
All seven of our NMCB 14 Fallen Seabee Angels are now back on U.S. soil.They were met at Dover AFB by our Chief of Civil Engineers, Rear AdmiralMichael Loose along with a Navy Honor Guard from Washington, DC. As thedetails of funeral arrangements become available, they will be passedalongthrough the chain of command.
Let uspledgeto never forget them by providing anchorage to all members of our Seabeefamily as we continue to serve with Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
With the greatest respect and sympathy,
Barbara A. Sisson

DUI BIKERNET INVESTIGATION. THEY’RE OUT TO GET US–I have recently joined an organization named Responsibility In DUI Laws. I was doing some research and went to their web site
I found the site to be full of FACTS that I found quite disturbing. Disturbing because they are apparently TRUE! I spent the last few days looking into the claims and have come away finding out the public has been duped. Do not get me wrong. Impaired driving due to alcohol or any thing else is a serious problem but various groups and our own government are misleading us. The question is why? It appears the DUI industry has mushroomed into over a billion dollar a year business. Laws have been created to aid this industry where everyone is Considered to be Guilty Unless They Can Prove Their Innocence.
When has it ever been a good idea to consider every one Guilty Unless Proven Innocent?
I now find out that Candy Lightner, MADD?s founder was forced out of MADD in 1985. Even she believes the organization has headed in the wrong direction. ?It has become far more neo-prohibitionist than I had ever wanted or envisioned?? said Mrs. Lightner, who founded MADD after her daughter was killed by a drunk driver. ?I didn?t start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving.?
We all have been fed misinformation and fudged up statistics. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has their hands in this. These are the same people that brought you the Mandatory Helmet Law with the same kind of misinformation.
All I am asking is that you check out this organization and if you agree with them, Join. It does not cost any money and it may save you a lot in the future.

RUN FOR THE WALL 2004 UPDATE– Run For The Wall 2004 is an epic journey by motorcycle that goes from Ontario, California across the heartland of America, and ends 10 days later at the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C.
Who: American Veterans of war, and all who support them.
Why: We ride for those who can’t. We ride to honor, support and not let be forgotten the sacrifices made by Americas Sons and Daughters who answer the call, take up arms and go forth to defend America against all enemies. We call upon our Government to account for all Americans who remain Prisoners Of War (POW?s) or are Missing In Action (MIA?s). We ride to honor and keep fresh the memory of our soldiers ?Still On Patrol? those Killed In Action (KIA?s).
When/Where: Run For The Wall 2004 begins at 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 18, 2004. The run will depart from the parking lot of the T & A Truck Stop on Milliken Ave., one exit West of the junction of the I-10 & I-15 freeways in Ontario, California
For more information, please log on to:
— Trash

SPEAKING OF HAVING A FEW DRINKS–A woman and her boyfriend are out having a few drinks.While they’re sitting there having a good time together she starts talkingabout this really great new drink. The more she talks about it the moreexcited she gets, and starts trying to talk her boyfriend into having one.
After a while he gives in and lets her order the drink for him.The bartender brings the drink and puts the following on the bar — a saltshaker, a shot of Baileys and a shot of lime juice.
The boyfriend looks at the items quizzically and the woman explains. “Firstyou put a bit of the salt on your tongue, next you drink the shot of Baileysand hold it in your mouth, and finally you drink the lime juice.”
So, the boyfriend, trying to go along and please her, goes for it. He putsthe salt on his tongue — salty but OK. He drinks the shot of Baileys -smooth, rich, cool, very pleasant. He thinks – this is OK.
Finally he picks up the lime juice and drinks it …. in one second thesharp lime taste hits… at two seconds the Baileys curdles… at threeseconds the salty, curdled bitter taste hits. This triggers his gag reflexbut being manly, and not wanting to disappoint his girlfriend, he swallowsthe now nasty drink.
When he finally chokes it down he turns to his girlfriend.
She smiles widely at him and says, “So, how did you like it? It’s called’Blow Job’s Revenge.'”
–from Ken Miller

SOUTH MISSISSIPPI BIKER RALLY– It is held at the Forrest County Multi-Purpose Center in Hattiesburg Mississippi and put on by the MISFITS MC
It is a five day event and only in it?s second year of operation and already a great success. All the activities, shows, bike parking, and vendors are under roof so weather can not dampen the party.

And what a party it was. The bands rocked the joint from 12.30 in the afternoon until 2:00 in the morning. Mean Gene Kelton, Dawn Barham, Haywire Band, Deepwater Band, Honest Brad Band and also the Navigators.
Mixed Drinks and Beer was served through out the complex and there were plenty of food vendors and some damn good Cajun Chow.
There was a stunt show by Fere, Bike Show, Biker Games, Miss. Mississippi Contest and of course a Wet T Shirt Contest.

The people who are putting this event on told me, “We’re dedicated to making this one of the biggest rallies in the Southeast.” I think they are going to pull it off.
I will be attending again next year and hope to see you there.
For more information check out the website:
Or contact ROGUE at
–from ROGUE

IS THAT A LOUNGE LIZARD?–You bet. In keeping with PRO-ONE’S trend setting PRO-ROLLER, power train ready, rolling chassis kits, the new LOUNGE LIZARD is certain to provide its owner with as much attention and riding enjoyment as he or she can handle.
Offered as shown, painted and completely assembled, or in pure kit form, the LOUNGE LIZARD is based on PRO-ONE’S proven chopper style Softail frame. A perfect fit for 250, 280 or 300 applications the frame is fabricated of heavy round tubing with 5-inch in the backbone and 6 inches in single or double front tubes. Buyers can pick and choose components that make up the complete chrome front end assembly from the billet lower legs to the 10-inch tubes, chrome billet trees and Pro-bars. Steel fenders front and rear cover a choice of 1-piece chrome billet PRO-ONE rims.
The latest if PRO-ONE gas and oil tanks are included as are chrome billet forward controls, side mount license plate frame with LED lighting and wheel matching rotors, and pulley. PRO-ONE billet 4-piston calipers provide stopping power while a leather solo seat and chrome Softail shocks soften the ride. As with all PRO-ROLLERS the LOUNGE LIZARD can be ordered with just about any option you could want including flawless paint and graphics.
For complete details call 800-884-4173 or go to
Tell ’em Bikernet sent ya, goddamnit.–Bandit
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