Continued From Page 3

STEALTH REPORT–We have just celebrated our one year anniversary at STEALTH BIKEWORKS! The shop is full! We have more bikes to work than ever! Doesit sound like I am excited? You bet I am!
The good news doesn’t stop there. STEALTH BIKE WORKS is beginningit’s third ground up project!This one is an Evo based riigd frame bare bones bike.
The Myrtle Beach bike rally starts this weekend and we are slammedgetting bikes ready. We are not complaining, that is a good thing.We have a lot of people stopping along the way to and from the beachrally.

STEALTH BIKE WORKS is really starting to come on. We have developedour own personality and I think people are starting to see ourstyle evolve. I try to keep our inventory different and keep thingsin stock where others have to order.
We are now set up with Bassani. I really like their exhaust systems.As far as Sportsters go, they have the coolest pipes by far. Weinstalled our first set a few weeks ago. They fit perfectly andsound great!
As we enter our 2nd year we look forward to growing, maybe notbuilding wise but customer wise.When I think back to a year ago, I remember being nervous and to behonest scared to death. A year later I feel confident and sure ofwhat we are doing. That is not to say we are comfortable or that weare ready to take a break, I guess what I am trying to say is thatit just feels right to me.What does our 2nd year hold in store for us? Who really knows? Ithink we are starting to turn the corner, but who knows what isaround that corner. It is an adventure that is what makes all ofthisgreat. One thing is for sure though, whatever we do, we will havefun doing it.
In closing I would like to leave you something to think about.“There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what youlove to do. There is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.”
Wayne Dyer
Until next week, RIDE!

VIPER OPEN HOUSE–We have moved to a new 40,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Big Lake, Minnesota. You are cordially invited to an Open House, Saturday, June 10 from noon to 6 P.M. There will be a facility tour, food and fun.
Our new address is 19950 177th St. Suite F, Big Lake, Minnesota 55309.
We look forward to seeing you.
–Terry Nesbitt

LA CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE SHOW PARTNERS AND EXHIBITORS–Please find below the details of the contract from The Queen Mary, John Adamson, Director of Special Events, clearly stating the International Tatooo Festival taking place at the Queen Mary on June 23-25th weekend and hosting a “Johnny Chop Memorial Bike Show” will not, and can not contain commercial motorcycle product venders, shops or professional builders and companies displaying bikes or advertising their companies. This is in direct violation of what the promoter Electric Ink Promotions has been producing and advertising up to this date, and he, Trac Edwards now agrees to cease this and not hold said activities.
The Queen Mary and Gianatsis Design are partners in the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show and as such, can not have competing events to take place at the Queen Mary, no matter how good the cause.In this case however, it was a commercial opportunity the promoter of the Tattoo Festival weekend was attempting to capitalize on based on the success of our Show, but now he can not.
My own offer still stands to feature “Johnny Chop Memorial” activities at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in place of the one which was to take place at the Tattoo Festival if any friends of Johnny might be interested in coordinating it with me.
Our Show is a much better venue to honor Johnny Chop among all his friends in the motorcycle industry, most of who will be participating at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in July.
Thanks for your support and I’ll look forward to see you at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in July.
–Jim Gianatsis, DirectorLA Calendar Motorcycle Showph 818 223 8550

We questioned Bob T.,”Got a new seat for the FLH. My wife got it for my birthday (you are still older)……It’s way cool………Not bad for an old guy……It’s from C&C Motorcycle Seats,
The Bikernet Bonneville 2006 Effort team is investigating Bob T’s finances and questioning his dog.

BIKERNET WEEKLY TECH TIP–A reader wrote in last week complaining about his Big Boar Battery. I wrote him back and sent his e-mail to Aaron from Big Boar. It wasn’t the battery, but he was facing a common electrical problem. “From what he is saying, it sounds like his voltage reg. is defective and not shutting off, thereby over charging the battery and causing excessive heat inside the battery,” Aaron said. “The heat is causing the leak and failure problem. I always take pride in helping my customers, however sometimes they do not want to look beyond the battery for the root of the problem.”
Any time you have a charging problem, don’t just replace the fried part. Check all the other elements first. For instance, you batterY unexpectedly goes dead. Don’t just replace it, then damage the new one, because your alternator or regulator died. Make sure all the components are cool and you have good connections and grounds.

IT’S HAPPY HOUR SOMEWHERE–Okay, so between the workers scrambling in and out of the headquarters, working on both bikes, discussing a book contract with Motorbooks, fighting our own noise ticket, trying to finish the Bikernet noise study, write an article for the HORSE and one for American Iron, I’m scrambling to finish our Bonneville build updates.

I hope to take a break, workout, then round out a Salt Shaker update. It’s coming along. I cruised over to PM and Jason gave me a tour of the Roland Sands Designs area and some tips on some of the unbelievable work he’s done. He coached me on building pipe systems and I learned a lot. I looked at some of those amazing bikes, but realized that these guys work on bikes constantly and I’m alone building two bikes with limited skills and experience in our Bikernet headquarters. I’m lucky to get a couple of hours a day down in the shop. Both bikes are still going to be cool, but Roland and his guys are amazing. One other item. Roland is of the Sportbike school. He builds ’em cool, but they perform and handle like sportbikes. I dig it. We’ve been building choppers forever, it’s cool to shift gears.

I give Bob T. and his crew some shit, but we’re all struggling to scrape the bucks together for Bonneville and building the bikes. We sure appreciate our current sponsors and could use some more to pull the effort altogether and cover our expenses. I need to raise the funds to register our two bikes. Anyway, any help you can throw our way is seriously appreciated.
Have a helluva weekend.
Ride Forever,