Continued From Page 2

DAVID CAMP ART EXHIBIT ON BIKERNET–I didn’t know if you were interested but I thought I’d send one more art piece I did of another airman. His name is Brian Green.
The individual who modeled for this artwork, his name is Brian Green, has also served in the Middle East on several occasions. He was in the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996. Brian, himself wounded, saved the life of another airman who was more severely wounded. Brian actually refused medical treatment. He received a Commendation of Valor Medal for his selfless heroism.
I decided to create this artwork for him as a tribute to his service to our country. The reason we titled it “Choose Your Ride” is because although he would jump at the chance to ride in the F-16 fighter aircraft seen in the background, he would prefer to jump on his 2004 Road King and head out to parts unknown just a cruisin.
David Camp

RESPECT FOR FALLEN HEROES–WASHINGTON — The House has voted to restrict demonstrations at militaryfunerals.The measure, known as the “Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act,” passed408-3.
The bill is aimed at a Kansas church group that has carried its anti-gaymessage to the last rites for those killed in Iraq.
As Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Steve Buyer put it, “We will notallow the repugnant acts of a few to define who we are as Americans.”
Protesters, led by the Rev. Fred Phelps of Topeka, claim that U.S. militarydeaths in Iraq are a sign of divine punishment for America’s tolerance ofhomosexuals.
Those who violate the act, which still needs Senate approval, would face upto a $100,000 fine and up to a year in prison.
–from JF

EPA BUSTED–To American Iron magazine and readers:It may interest you to know that the EPA has no authority to levy fines against individuals, nor any legal position from which to regulate individual citizens.
U.S. Congressman Shimkus, along with several of his congressional colleagues, asked the EPA administrator to clarify the boundaries of the new emissions regulations. This is an excerpt from that inquiry. I have highlighted the relative points.
Congressman Shimkus: In addition, we were informed that the motorcycle industry’s independent shops and aftermarket suppliers were not included as part of the small business community potentially affected by this proposed rule. Did the Agency determine that these business have no standing in the SBREFA process as directly impacted small businesses and, if so, why?
EPA response: These regulations would not impose any direct requirements on entities that are not motorcycle manufacturers (like dealers, the aftermarket and end-users). Case law on this matter states: “An agency is under no obligation to conduct a small entity impact analysis of effects on entities which it does not regulate.” Motor & Equipment Mfrs. Ass’n v. Nichols, 142 F. 3d 449, 467 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
This rule would promulgate requirements only on manufacturers of new motorcycles. Because this rule does not subject these other entities to regulation, EPA was not required to conduct a flexibility analysis as to small aftermarket and other businesses.
Independent dealers, shops, and aftermarket parts suppliers and end-users are not directly regulated by the rule, so EPA did not violate any SBREFA guidelines by not including these parties in the formal SBREFA process. Moreover, as noted in the NPRM, we expect no significant effects, even indirect ones, on these entities. However, as part of our analysis of comments on the proposal, we continue to assess the possibility and the potential nature of impacts of this rule on other businesses.
In answering one question, the EPA made clear the limit of their authority; they may only regulate licensed vehicle manufacturers. They do not regulate end users (you and me), independent shops, and aftermarket parts manufacturers –because they cannot. The articles describing 1 emissions-exempt vehicle per lifetime-per individual, selling only after 5-years, 24 emissions exempt vehicles built per small shop, and 10,000.00 fines, etc. are all false. They are illegal on two fronts: The first is that the EPA has no authority to even write such an article. The second is that it attempts to create an imaginary partnership with the federal government as to the ownership of your property.
This is why state senators are right now trying to get waivers from the federal government to allow individual states to amend the regulations to make them even more restrictive. They are trying to validate those false articles so they become actual law –which as of now, they are not.
Join your local ABATE or other organization. Write your state representatives today. Ask them to explain their position. Get answers, and if they ignore you get to the voting booth this November and vote all of them out of office.
Take action. Never be too comfortable to stand up and say, “No.”
Jeff Diamond
San Diego, CA

BILLY LANE EARLY STURGIS LINE-UP–Billy and his industry friends are hosting a charity breakfast at the World Famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle St in Sturgis this year to raise money for Kids & Chrome. Have breakfast with your favorite builder or come to meet them all. Imagine having breakfast in Sturgis at the Spoke with Billy Lane, Arlen Ness, Kendall Johnson, Paul Cox, Dave Perewitz, Donnie Smith, Russell Mitchell, Jesse Rooke, Aaron Greene, Jerry Covington, Russell Marlow, Rick Fairless? the list doesn’t end there. There are more builders being added daily buy your ticket today. Proceeds go straight to Kids & Chrome.
Blood Sweat & Gears
Join Billy Lane at the world famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle Street during Sturgis this year to see Blood Sweat & Gears at its finest. Billy will be doing LIVE fabrication with you. This year all of the one-of-a-kind custom parts he is building with the help of audience members will be given to deserving folks in the military. Let’s show them we care, come support our troops by lending your hand at Blood Sweat & Gears. Tuesday 8/8 from Noon-2PM, Thursday 8/10 from 2PM-4PM and Friday 8/11 from 2PM-4PM. See you at the Spoke! For more information on Blood Sweat & Gears, please visit:
Billy Lane’s Heavy Metal Garage at the Broken Spoke
If you love things with engines, you’ll want to swing by the Spoke this year during the Rally. Test your “pit crew” skills at Dodge’s NASCAR Challenge, have your picture taken with Dale Jr’s stock car, check out live House of Kolor demonstrations and much more. Billy Lane’s Heavy Metal Garage at the Spoke is all things motor?

ONE BAD BITCH CLOTHING LINE–I thought you and your readers would be interested in a female-owned, women’s, motorcycle-clothing company, which has grown over 250% in the last two years. Some say all good companies are founded on one good idea, and One Bad Bitch is no exception.
OBB Enterprises was born in January 2004 when Jen Berryhill, a paralegal, was looking for bold, sexy apparel with style to match her own. Jen has some attitude when she rides, and after searching and searching, she realized she couldn’t find any clothes to match.
She decided to print up some women’s cut shirts with bold, empowering sayings like “This Bitch Don’t Ride Bitch”, “My Vibrator Has 2 Wheels”, “Fuck Off! I ride My Own”, and “If You’re Gonna Ride My Ass At Least Pull My Hair.”

“I wanted to have a line of clothing that empowered and inspired other women to get out and enjoy the freedom of the road, whether it be on the back of someone’s bike or riding their own. What I have found is that I have followed my dream of being self-employed and making a difference, a dream that has been a struggle but very rewarding. We constantly get e-mails from customers saying that they bought a shirt, and are now getting positive comments on how cool the shirts are, and in turn the women start to feel more empowered and feel they are part of something bigger. These shirts aren’t just about motorcycles, they are about empowering women to make their own choices and not be influenced by outside pressures.”
OBB is testament to the power of grass roots marketing and word of mouth. Most of their sales are done on the road at numerous biker gatherings across the country, and nearly 20% of their sales are done online. I think that Jen has a unique story with some great imagery, and with the motorcycle season being upon us, I thought you and your readers might be interested. Let me know if you would like more information or would like to speak with Jen.
You can also visit OBB online at or
–J. Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting LLC

TIMM FIELDS HIRED AS DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING–S&S Cycle is pleased to announce the hiring of Timm Fields as the Director of Sales & Marketing.Fields holds an MBA from The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and was previously employed at United Conveyor Corportation in Waukegan, Illinois. He will oversee operational and strategic sales and marketing initiatives for S&S, working primarily at the Customer Support Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Department managers representing Communications, Customer Support, Marketing, Race, Sales (dealer & distributor), Training, and Warranty & Rebuild will be reporting to Fields.
“Timm Fields is going to be an excellent addition to this team,” said S&S president Brett Smith. “He has great sales & marketing experience with manufacturing, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and has dug right in since he arrived. I am eager to work with him and look forward to his contributions not only at S&S, but in the v-twin industry as a whole.”
Fields’ experience with worldwide sales efforts of replacement parts products and services, managing sales staff, media, tradeshows, and website marketing allows him to fill this important position at S&S. He has also held positions in pricing, inventory control, material planning, and parts marketing.
Fields was born in West Bend, Wisconsin, but grew up in Woodstock, Illinois and attended Valparaiso University on a baseball scholarship, where he spent a semester abroad studying in Reutlingen, Germany and earned a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. He also earned APICS Certification in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) in 1996 in addition to his M.B.A. from the University of Chicago in 2003.
HOW ABOUT A COFFEE BREAK– An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his helpin reviving her husband’s libido. “What about trying Viagra?” asks thedoctor.
“Not a chance”, she said. “He won’t even take an aspirin.”
“Not a problem”, replied the doctor. “Give him an Irish Viagra. Dropit into his coffee. He won’t even taste it. Give it a try and call mein a week to let me know how things went.”
It wasn’t a week later that she called the doctor, who directlyinquired as to progress.
The poor dear exclaimed, “Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T’washorrid. Just terrible, doctor!”
“Really? What happened?” asked the doctor.
“Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and theeffect was almost immediate. He jumped hisself straight up, with atwinkle in his eye! , and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With oneswoop of his arm, he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there, making wild, mad, passionate love to me on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!”
“Why so terrible?” asked the doctor, “Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn’t good?”
“Oh, no, no, no, doctor, the sex was fine indeed! ‘Twas the best sexI’ve had in 25 years! But sure as I’m sittin’ here, I’ll never be ableto show me face in Starbucks again.”
–from Joe Lankau

THE METRIC BOBBER–Seriously enjoying the website lately, good luck with the Salt Shaker. I just finished an article on a good friends recently built “metric” (OK, friggin Jap bike) rescued from the weeds.
He’s got $600.00 in it and it’s a seriously cool tongue in cheek bobber from a very talented guy. A picture is attached.

BIKERNET ROAD STORY COMING– I’m doing a run to Sturgis this year with our best bud’s (different couple than the guy I did the week long “Road Glitches” trip with in ’04). It’ll be a three week long trip (from Florida, just saying “no” to trailers) just hitting the end of the rally but meandering through Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, etc. You interested in the details of that trip once we get back?
–from Mike O’Conner

SAN PEDRO ATTACKS BIKERS–splatt sez;….This article is from SAN PEDRO, California, a wonderful place that I can’t visit now. Korean Bell of Friendship, built high on a bluff above the ocean to honor those Americans who died defending freedom in Korea, and who’s last gaze of America was on this very shoreline) Are we gonna act responsibly and do something about policing ourselves…or are we gonna sit on our duffs and wait for our elected officials to once again legislate responsibility for us? As they’re actively trying to do in other states?
I know it’s mostly the guys/gals from Club Peacock and the L.A.M.E. (Look At Me, Everybody!) Riders that are the usual miscreants…but seriously, it’s up to us “lifers” to keep those motorhead morons who didn’t get petted enuff as children, in line~splatt
Muffling motorcycles results in loud outcryNot everyone in San Pedro is happy that police are issuing tickets and enforcing a law to cut noise in a residential neighborhood.
By Josh Grossberg DAILY BREEZE
First, police officers spent a month issuing warnings. Then they notified the press. And on Saturday morning, they went so far as to place electronic signs on busy San Pedro streets alerting motorcycle riders that they were waiting for them.
“Police ahead,” it said. “Loud and modified exhaust will be cited.”
But plenty of riders of sonically enhanced bikes were caught unaware when they were pulled over and ticketed near Gaffey Street and Paseo del Mar. The coastal route through the Palos Verdes Peninsula is a popular one for weekend riders.
“This is by far our worst area,” said Bill McDonald, a Los Angeles police community traffic safety officer.
Police officers said they didn’t mind riders enjoying the view but that some were making life miserable for locals when they revved their engines or reconfigured their mufflers.
“We don’t want to write a thousand tickets,” McDonald said. “But we will if we have to.”
The issue of loud bikes has been one of the top complaints received by Harbor Area Councilwoman Janice Hahn.
“This is really a beautiful neighborhood,” Hahn said. “Everybody loves the park and the view, but these motorcycles have really been disturbing the peace, and I’ve been hearing about it. I have nothing against people enjoying a recreational ride, but the noise has gotten some of my residents very upset.”
Art Corona, who lives down the street from Walker’s Cafe — a popular hangout for motorcycles as well as families — did some grumbling about the rumbling.
“This is a quality-of-life issue,” he said. “They set off car alarms. I’m probably only talking 10 percent, but I just want to sit in front of my TV without being disturbed. This really ruins things.”
By noon, more than a dozen bikers had been cited, but some of them said the noise was a way to protect themselves.
“Loud pipes save lives,” said Mike Bailey of San Pedro after he was pulled over but not cited. “People forget about that. It makes people notice us.”
But for McDonald, the issue wasn’t noise; it was too much noise. And besides, he said, any biker should know that it’s against the law to modify a motorcycle’s exhaust system.
“They want to be heard, but when they come into town rapping their pipes, it’s not a safety issue,” he said.

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK– Dyna Trans Main DriveGear Wrench Tool,No. 989. Use on all 2006 topresent Dyna Models.Use to remove the larger 2-1/4″ hex nut from the end of main drive gear, which secures the rear drive trans pulley. Very safe and easy to use, as the earlier JIMS Tool No.94660-37A. Just thread on the inner support collar to end of mainshaft, place the socket over the collar with your favorite 1/2″ drive tool, and unthread (right hand thread) locknut.

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