Daytona bike week was tease, maybe. Something is in the air. I had a birthday this week, so what did I do to treat myself. I shut off the computer and used the entire day to work in the shop and catch up on the 5-Ball Factory Racer project. I made major progress. Hell, it’s almost t-shirt weather on the coast.

So, you’ll see a 5-Ball Racer report the first of next week, but that’s not all. Ken Conte just sent me his third Sucker Punch Sally rebuild episode. Plus Greg Friend, now the marketing manager of Saddleman sent me his second or third Big Twin Sportster project report. It’s all happening on Bikernet next week, in addition to a Girl of Bikernet brought to you by the folks at Saxon motorcycles. The Arizona babe posed in the desert sand on the latest Saxon inexpensive model.
I can sense the gods of summer sun taking the edge off, warming the garages and polishing tools. Time to get to work. Riding weather is on. Let’s hit the news:

Custom Chrome Europe Partners with Performance Machine for 2009 and Beyond– Bad Kreuznach, Germany ? Performance Machine has partnered with Custom Chrome Europe to bring their premiere line of motorcycle products to an expanded European customer base.
?A distributor like Custom Chrome Europe is an ideal fit for our plans,? said Mark Finnie, President of Performance Machine. This is part of a long-term partnership between Performance Machine and Custom Chrome Worldwide to bring new and existing products to the V-Twin aftermarket through innovative research & development. Future projects will become proprietary to Custom Chrome and Custom Chrome Europe and be marketed and distributed with the ?Made in the USA? stamp.
Ted Sands, National Sales Manager for Performance Machine, will be displaying their lines at the CCE 11th Annual Dealer Show in Mainz, Germany on March 28th and 29th, 2009. The show is the largest aftermarket dealer event for the European motorcycle industry and is host to over 350 dealers and the AMD European Championship of Custom Bike Building.
For more information on Performance Machine products being offered through Custom Chrome Europe go to www.custom-chrome-europe.com as well as visit www.customchrome.com for updates and release information on new products and designs being developed and released upon their completion in North America.

BIKERNET HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP COLUMNIST SPEAKS OUT–It’s true. Another Biker Build-off pilot is being produced as we speak. This time the contenders will be judged, according to inside sources, and Hugh “The Chopper King” is involved. But it’s not a Discovery show this go-around, but produced for the History Channel. So, who will be the judge? Arlen Ness has already sealed the deal, then they’re looking for someone from the media side, like a magazine editor or maybe the esteemed Bandit from Bikernet.
Yep, History Channel spies interviewed Bandit yesterday, but we could swear they were shaking their heads as they left the headquarters. Sin Wu reported thumbs down. We’ll bring you the latest on the new build-off series pilot as the dirt surfaces.–Sunset Blvd. Snake

SALTY PEASHOOTER UPDATE–Today I got the peashooter motors apart, Looks like a basic rebuild is all the overhead will need. Next is locating some parts.

THE MAN CODE BEING REVEALED ONCE MORE– It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours.
Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green, orange or sky blue.
The girl who replies to the question “What do you want for Christmas?” with “If you loved me, you’d know what I want!” gets an Xbox. End of story.
There is no reason for guys to watch Ice Skating or Men’s Gymnastics. Ever.
–from Buckshot

BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER FAST FOOD FINDING BY DR. WEIL–4 Fast-Food No-Nos.Last week we discussed the best choices to make if you find that you have no alternative to eating fast food. This week, we cover four nutritional pitfalls to avoid when eating at a fast-food restaurant.
Opt out of cheese and condiments such as mayonnaise and tartar sauce which can add unnecessary (and unhealthy) calories and fat. Use mustard or vinegar to add flavor as desired.
Avoid anything deep-fried. From chicken to potatoes to onions, deep-fried foods contain altered fats that are pro-inflammatory and detrimental to the body.
Skip the soda – it has no nutritional value and adds unnecessary calories to an already nutritionally-challenged meal. Order plain water instead.
This code bears repeating – do not super size or add on to your meal!
–Dr. Weil.com

BUFFALO CHIP NEWS ALREADY–From the Handle Bars ? A Note from Woody Challenge Howdy. We’ve just returned from Daytona Bike Week and are delighted to report that Bikers simply are not paying attention to all the political negativity in the “news”. It looked like a record crowd, to the surprise of probably all non-bikers and economists. 2009 looks like it will be another year of record attendance at the Chip, too, and thank you for that. We love partying with you.
We’re also enjoying this Guess-The-Band contest. We’ve had many, many submissions and only a few correct ones. I’m enjoying sharing a big smile with those of you who got it right and already know the act.
We are still having NICE DREAMS, before their NEXT MOVIE, of sharing some laughs with these guys at the Best Party Anywhere at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. Yup, there is at least one clue in there. And we will be handing out more clues in the spirit of March Madness so stay tuned because one of these days we are going to start a bunch of really cool announcements.
As always, Ride Free, Take Risks and we’ll see your smilin’ faces in August.
— Woody
Between the Gears ? The 5-Star Backstage Tour Just added to the Aerosmith VIP Package
See the steps that Steven Tyler and the gang will take up to the stage.
Hear from the hospitality manager that just finished serving up the hot meal.
Get an insider?s scoop on what went on throughout the day to make this Aerosmith concert like no other ever seen before.
See what else awaits the Aerosmith VIP Exciting announcements are on the way for the 2009 Legends Ride as organizers are busy putting the polish on the Ride that Rocks. The inaugural ride in 2008 was an impressive event that contributed over $38,000 in support of Kids & Chrome Foundation which supports the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame as well as the Black Hills Children?s Home Society.

NEW STURGIS PARKING ORDINANCE–The City of Sturgis/Sturgis City Council has just passed a new parking/storage ordinance that may effect you or someone you know during the Sturgis Rally. Ordinance 16.05.11 “prohibits parking or storage of any trailer, recreational vehicle, implement, vehicle or other personal property on any public right-of-way.” It includes:
A) leaving any car, pick up, motorcycle, camper or RV in any public right of way for more than five (5) consecutive days;
B) Leaving any farm tractor, implement, trailer, truck or truck tractor in any public right of way for more than twenty-four (24) hours; or
C) During the period of July 20-August 15, leaving any RV or camper in any public right of way for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
“Items being stored in violation of this ordinance will be subject to fines and the vehicle will be towed by the police department. Special permission for temporary storage needs may be granted in advance form the PD. For further info call Sturgis PD 605.347.5070”

SMOKE OUT EMPLOYEE TURNS SNITCH–BIKERNET GETS THE DIRT IN INTERVIEW–The Smoke Out sponsored by Bikernet and Horse mag is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys (and ladies) burning the midnight oil in an unheated shed to build a chopper they can call their own. Chops of all makes are featured, American, British, Japanese, everything. The event is about riders, cross-town to cross-country in a rainstorm.
It is about choppers. It is about builders, from professional builders to those bloody-knuckled guys (and ladies) burning the midnight oil in an unheated shed to build a chopper they can call their own. Chops of all makes are featured, American, British, Japanese, everything. The event is about riders, cross-town to cross-country in a rainstorm. Click here to hear the interview in Bikernet Studio.

Florida Seeks To Make Sex With Animals Illegal–A Florida Legislator Senator Nan Rich is putting forward a bill (SB 448) that would make it a third ?degree felony to have sex with an animal.
This has gained attention after a series of Goat Rapes in the Panhandle town of Mossy Head Florida.
Hey if you don?t believe me look it up. I just hope the legislature is careful in the wording and do not include the female human, who sometimes is called an animal when having sex. LOL
Look what happened last year with a bill being passed that has a fine of $1,000.00 for a vertical license plate.

BIKERNET SUMMER RUN RECOMMENDATIONS–Natural Bug Repellent Better Than DEET–A natural, safe compound found in the Tauroniro tree (Humiria balsamifera) of South America has been found to effectively deter mosquitoes and ticks.
The substance, known by the rather daunting name isolongifolenone, has been used in derivative form widely and safely as a component of fragrances in cosmetics, perfumes, deodorants, and paper products. The results of research into the compound are presented in the February, 2009 issue of Journal of Medical Entomology.
The chief author, Aijun Zhang, a chemist for the U.S. Agricultural Service, found that isolongifolenone deters the biting of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (L.) and Anopheles stephensi Liston more effectively than the widely used synthetic chemical repellent N,N-diethyl-3-methyl benzamide, usually known as DEET. And it repelled blacklegged ticks and lone star ticks as effectively as DEET.
Since “isolongifolenone is easily synthesized from inexpensive turpentine oil feedstock,” Zhang and his coauthors wrote, “we are therefore confident that the compound has significant potential as an inexpensive and safe repellent for protection of large human populations against blood-feeding arthropods.”
In addition, a new, patented method developed by Zhang and his colleagues to efficiently produce isolongifolenone would make it even more cost effective.
Insect repellents containing DEET are nasty and toxic, but mosquito and tick bites are more than just annoying, in many parts of the world they can lead to serious illnesses including malaria and Lyme disease. A nontoxic, inexpensive repellent that outperforms DEET is certainly good news, and I hope further testing confirms these results. In the meantime, I recommend using repellents that contain geraniol; some research suggests that this natural, plant-derived substance is safe and effective.

TEASER SHOT OF CHUCK PALUMBO’S RAFFLE BIKE–Here are a few photos of Chuck Palumbo’s finished pieces for his War Machine Build.Many thanks for Bikernet’s tremendous support 🙂

Paul Chedid Automotive Group named Exclusive Indian Motorcycle Importer– Indian Motorcycle announced the appointment of its first exclusive importer / distributor. Paul Chedid Automotive Group has formed Indian Motorcycle France to promote and sell the 2009 Indian Chief, Indian Motorcycle accessories, and Indian Motorcycle apparel at Indian Motorcycle France in Paris. As the Indian Motorcycle business develops Indian Motorcycle France plans to establish a dealer network throughout France.For over twenty years, the Chedid Automotive group has imported many prestigious American automotive brands including Cadillac, Hummer and Corvette.Indian Motorcycle France will provide European motorcycle enthusiasts with the complete selection of 2009 Indian Chiefs. The Chief model range includes: the Chief Standard, Chief Deluxe, Chief Roadmaster and Chief Vintage. Chedid?s future plans include expanding European distribution throughout France, and to Monaco, Luxembourg, and Belgium.
The re-launch of Indian Motorcycle has been under the supervision of Chairman Stephen Julius and President Steve Heese. Mr. Heese commented ?We?re very excited to deliver Indian Motorcycles back to the world stage and to be partnering with Paul Chedid. Paul has a demonstrated track record of success in building a sales and service organization for luxury automotive products.”
“I have always wanted to be involved with a true motorcycle, manufactured in the USA” says Paul Chedid. “When the opportunity presented itself to help bring the Indian brand back on the International stage I jumped at the chance. The style, presence and outstanding build quality of each motorcycle makes me proud to have the opportunity to display the Indian bikes in our Paris showroom and in other dealerships throughout Europe.”
–Source: USRiderNews

CALIFORNIA: Two Anti-Gun Bills Proposed in Sacramento!– Assembly Bill 962, sponsored by Assembly Member Kevin De Leon (D-45), would make it a crime to privately transfer more than 50 rounds of ammunition per month, even between family and friends, unless you are registered as a “handgun ammunition vendor” in the Department of Justice’s database. Ammunition retailers would have to be licensed and store ammunition in such a manner that it would be inaccessible to purchasers. The bill would also require purchasers submit to fingerprinting, which would be submitted to the Department of Justice. Mail order ammunition sales would also be prohibited. Senate Bill 585, authored by State Senator Mark Leno (D-3), would prohibit the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Cow Palace. In short, this bill is a stepping-stone to banning all gun shows in the Golden State. These bills have yet to be assigned to committees. Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org
Continued On Page 2