Continued From Page 4

LUCKY DEVIL METAL WORKS BUILDING CONCEPT VICTORY IN HOUSTON–Here is some of what I took for the Cruising Rider story, they used the one with the grinding and a few others. Would have been better if we did not have the speaker shadow on the sign. Which has now been moved. The article series on the build will run in Cruising Rider then on where the articles will be archived in the same department for easy access.

Lucky Devil is also building a motorcycle for the Queen of Bikernet, an exclusive one-off Frisco style chopper that’s small, tight and right for this demur woman. It’s based on a Harley black and chrome 80-inch engine and 5-speed transmission and Harley-Davidson smooth spoked wheels, a Krafttech narrow rigid frame with very little stretch and rake. The front end will be a Paughco and the Devil modified VL. Reports are due in soon.

BIKERNET NUMBERS REPORT–Thanks to you, our numbers jumped again last month: 270,000 unique users, 540,000 visits, 913,000 impressions and 8.7 million hits. Thanks for coming back, and let us know if Bikernet can ever do anything for you, your bike or travels.

NEWEST PERFORMANCE MACHINE CATALOG NOW AVAILABLE–The 2006 Performance Machine catalog is 20% larger then last years and full of cool new stuff! New wheels, new brakes, a completely new line of engine covers and for the first time in PM history, complete body kits for both the Softail and V-Rod.
As if that wasn’t enough, check out the 35 year timeline of photos dating back to the company’s inception across the bottom of every page. It’s what’s old and what’s new all in one catalog!
Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623
Call or drop them a note for a new catalog and tell ’em Bikernet sent ya.

NOTES FROM PAUL THE NOISE DOCTOR ABOUT OUR BIKERNET NOISE TESTING NOTIONS–I’m thinking that we need to stress the transitory nature of our machines, and Isuppose I would tentatively support the ‘national standard’ for decibel meters andtheir use, but I still would find such a standard must, by necessity, be linked tosome sort of national standard for noise and that scares the hell out of me. I feelthat along the way we’ve abrogated too many of our rights and would not want toimpose such a standard on the more relaxed municipalities, although I would alsolike the more restrictive places to lighten up.
What I meant on the cost prohibitive side is the need for a national bureaucracy todetermine ‘acceptable noise limits.’ The specification process alone is a nightmareto accomplish, and is so fraught with the opportunity for misuse (witness CAFE andEPA) that I just cringe at the thought of national noise standards.
Paul E. (Tin Man) Vasquez
Actually Paul always brings up excellent points. We are going forward with noise testing to demonstrate the need for motorcycle noise in a safety environment, but not as a nation wide enforcement rule. Kirk from the MRF agrees with the premise that all cops can’t carry decibel meters and handle the testing in an equitable fashion; hence it’s hardly anything that would hold up in court. Daytona handles noise enforcement with a revving ordinance. They won’t generally mess with anyone unless they are overtly over-revving their engines to create more noise. In addition a curfew on overt noise after 10:00 is residential areas is another way to appease the public.
According to Kirk, motorcycles are not a major problem, but the most obvious one and the one most complained about by citizen groups.–Bandit

DO YOU HAVE A DYNA GLIDE? YOU COULD WIN A SET OF PERFORMANCE PIPES FREE–Each set of high-performance Fat Cat DYNA Pipes from D&D Performance Exhaust are tuned for Horsepower and that satisfying Harley sound. And a new set of pipes can increase your performance by as much as 12 additional horses.
These 2 into 1 Fat Cat Pipes can be yours FREE. Just send us a picture of your DYNA with your name and telephone number to and we will post them on and have the community at vote for the ‘Most Desirable DYNA’ of Bikernet.
To get a performance pipe for your Harley or custom V-Twin logon to

Bandit Defender
With over 6 million Remington standard 12-gauge shotguns sold since it’s inception in 1949. They’re a natural security device. Many different products will enhance the users experience, in particular, accuracy. We’re working closely with Larry Crow of Competitive Edge Gunworks. He has developed felt recoils, grip an trigger pulls, magazine capacity enhancers and even combat light options. So master gunsmith Larry Crow has put all these developement together in one amazing product.
The Bandit Defender is a first for the Master craftsman. Because this will first time that some one elses name will grace one of Larry Crow’s fire arms.
I hope that Bandit can live up to honor.
One can be yours for $1,195.00 PLUS $35.00 SHIPPING Or Larry Can do the conversion on Your firearm for $795.00 shipping includedmore

THE NEWS WAS DEEP–So I’m going to take a break and work on my old bench. Brother Brad gave me a massive Snap-On vice and I need to give it a few coats of battleship gray to make it work with the Bikernet shop (not the vice, the bench).

Then I’m going clear off one of the shop lifts and prepare to run the 2003 King up for a couple of upgrades. We will install Will Phillip’s new touring True Track device designed to take the wobble out of rubber mounted chassis. It’s a proven fact that rubber drivelines should run four links to stabilize them, in particular Dyna Glides. True Track heim joint systems save the day, tighten rubbermounted drivelines and improve handling. Talk to anyone who has one. You’ll see an entire tech in the next week or two.

We will also install Keith Terry’s newest closed loop Terminal Velocity Fuel Management System from Terry Components. It’s a bolt on system with an exhaust sensor that I will weld to the rear exhaust pipe. This device will tune my King over the next 100 miles for optimum performance. We will also deliver a tech and a follow-up report.

We received a small classic Triumph fairing from Jim Murrillo (our Bonneville project bikes painter) that I will consider for the Salt Shaker. Check it out and while the wheels are being laced, trued, balanced, bearings plugged in and tires mounted at Settle’s Cycles in Harbor City we need to grind out the axle landings so I can run larger 3/4-inch axles.
Hang on for this coming week and an article about the new products built by TJ Carlini, a Girl of Bikernet posed with Johnny Chop’s Seminole Hard Rock Road House custom, Techs on new products from Compu-Fire, a hot rod street/drag Sportster from Gene Jr. Thomasen, fiction from India, fortune cookies from Dr. Neon and an article on the totally carbon fiber chassis. Hang on.
Ride Forever,