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SEMINOLE HARD ROCK ROADHOUSE 2007 TOUR– featuring live entertainment, Hard Rock models, Hawaiian Tropic pageants, the Roadhouse Bar, showcase of some of the most amazing custom bikes in the country, and celebrity custom builder ride-ins will set the scene for the metal-carving ingenuity and raw talent of custom bike builders, Main Street, Daytona Beach. FREE.
–from Rogue
DAYTONA VOTES TO BUILD FENCE TO KEEP RIDERS IN THEIR CITY LIMITS–Daytona wants the Bikers to stay there as opposed to going to activities in other parts of Florida.Orlando, Deland, Cocco Beach and even South Florida have many motorcyclists going there.
Daytona was fairly busy on Monday and you could still get around fairly well.It was definitely leather weather but more that one scantily clad doll could be seen strolling Main Street.
Many loaded motorcycles were seen on I-95 heading south HUH!
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

COURTNEY HOLAWELL DOWN–The editor of Bike Works recently had a stroke and can no longer work. Primedia hired him to produce 15 magazines a month with no staff and part-time pay. They sent a New York attorney and two thugs to his garage everyday to threaten him. He finally cracked, and of course they won’t pay for any medical bills or any expenses.
So some brothers are getting together to auction off parts and raise money to help the brother out. The website hasn?t been completed yet, but if you?d like to donate you can contact Jason or Curt. So far here’s his list of supporters:
Leroy Thompson Choppers
Sucker Punch
Jay Hart
Jose Caribbean Custom Cycles
Hank Young
Goodson Air Cleaners-Jerry Potts Engraving
Cycle Source Magazine
Here is Courtney’s partner’s, Jason’s contact info…
760.964.3568 cell
760.948.3441 home
–Curt Lout

WORDS FROM A BIKERNET BONNEVILLE SPONSOR–Like I said before, I get a real kick out of your efforts and also of being part of it, however small. I’ve read your stuff for years going back to the original Easyriders so I do expect (heh-heh) a book about your Bonneville experience. Maybe something like” How I sold my soul and lost my mind to set a land speed record? A top ten best seller for sure!
–pete(from florida)

NEW TWISTED SISSY BAR UPRIGHT FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–MILWAUKEE (February 26, 2007) – The new One-Piece Twisted Sissy Bar Upright (P/N 51853-07, $229.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories revives a classic styling element from the 1960’s to add a retro-custom touch to many Softail models. The chrome one-piece upright bolts directly to the fender struts for a clean, close fit. The tall, twisted sissy bar provides added passenger support and can be used with a number of original equipment or accessory seats, or with Passenger Backrest Pad (P/N 52631-07, $57.95). The upright can also be paired with the matching Twisted Bobtail Fender Rack (P/N 56452-07, $119.95) for a totally twisted look that will have heads turning.
The One-Piece Twisted Sissy Bar Upright fits 2006-later FXST, FXSTB, FXSTS and 2007 FXSTC, FLSTF and FXSTSSE models. See dealer for fitment details.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

DANNY GRAY INTRODUCES THE BIGSEAT SYSTEM FOR HARLEYS– Today Danny Gray announced the nationwide availability of its all new BigSeat? seat system for the Harley Davidson? performance enthusiast. “We’ve developed a new modular seat platform tailored to a broad range of requirements,” says Danny Gray “and it is designed in a manner so that you can go from two-up long haul touring to solo cruising in about a minute.”
At the core of this system is the BigSeat itself. A solo seat with deep double buckets and positive contour, wide radius hip flair, aggressive leg passes and a narrow nose section- all combine to give the rider extraordinary lower back support, seat comfort and control.
The list of function specific components, such as pillion sizes, backrest options and a variety of insert technologies will continue to expand. Two aesthetic styles of BigSeat are offered through Drag Specialties and personalized seats with exotic leathers and hardware are offered directly through

BIKERNET READER DEVELOPES NEW FUEL TECHNOLOGY–The purpose/result of my visit was the following:I have been working on a technology wherein we could process coal to liquidfuels.I am please to share with you that we have perfected this technology withour pyrolysis system and created a world first.
In conjunction with New Hope Coal Corporation (Australian) we built ourpilot plant late 2005 at Long Beach and then proceeded to trial various coalsand develop our own catalyst (pending patent) with a result being a dieselfuel (ECO FUEL) which includes:
1. Low sulphur and virtually no aromatics. In a properly tuned enginethis leads to lower particle exhaust emissions
2. The absence of sulphur means that oxidation catalysts andparticulate traps will operate at maximum efficiency
3. The existing diesel infrastructure can be used, unchanged
4. Can be used in existing diesel engines
Our system does not produce any of the less desirable co-products from arefinery, and produces a pure CO2 stream that provides an option for thecapture and storage of CO2.
Our NOx and CO more than complies with SCAQMD emission regulations.
We are currently preparing our engineering drawings for the first of 5commercialized plants ($14 million each) which will process 25 tons of coalper hour. Our trials have shown that 25 tons of coal per hour will give us ayield of 9,000 plus litres per hour.
A formal press conference will be held later this month announcing oursuccess.
I will be making numerous visits to Longbeach this year so will make sure wecatch up. Maybe I might make it to the Old bike show.
–Ray Russell
Coal Gas & Liquids Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of Environmental Imagineers PtyLtd)
P.O. Box 438 Mount Eliza, VIC 3930
Tel: (03) 9787 0747
Fax: (03) 9787 7440

BIKERNET QUOTE OF THE WEEK–“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”
~~ President Abraham Lincoln.

IN THE WIND MAGAZINE EDITOR CHECKS IN–Not making Daytona this year, no biggie, plenty to do anyway around here.Rode the Wind Rider to Costa Mesa last night to see the Fryed’s playing at aChubs party. We stayed at a Travelodge off of Harbor Blvd., I was thinkingof you this morning while jamming by the Wilmington exit (80 mph and gettin’pushed out of the diamond lane).
Dig the pics of the pan.
Ride easy,
–The Cub
(erstwhile Young Man About Town)
TIN MAN REPORT ON DAYTONA–Well Bandit, it’s that time of year again here in sunny Florida where nothing shine’s people on like the media.
With Bike Week kicking, it’s time to run around the state and include every motorcycle accident in the “stats” for this event. Gotta pad them numbers somehow.
I cringe with every newscast knowing we all have to be made aware of the (trumped-up) fatalities. Last year for instance, four of the fatalities were from the day before Bike Week officially started and several others were locals nowhere near Daytona.
The Orlando Sentinal pisses me off the most. They run the same stupid fuckin’ story every day. The one where a “biker” was going a 166 m.p.h. the wrong way, hit a concrete pole, through a fence, then run over by a semi and killed instantly because (insert drum roll)–HE WASN’T WEARING A HELMET.
They continually feed this to the Sheep then take a poll on helmet laws. How fuckin’ stupid is everyone around here? I’ll tell you. 70% in favor of helmets at all times. idiotic fuckin’ Sheep without knowledge and no desire for the TRUTH.
By the way, to make sure no one was injured, all you had to do was click a button on your TV remote to vote.
Sorry if I took up valuable time but I’m so pissed after today’s news I had to tell someone who might give a shit.
–Tinman John

NEW YEAR, NEW GEAR-BIG DOG NEWS– Big Dog Motorcycles wants you to make your bike uniquely yours. If you’re seeking options to make your motorcycle more functional, or looking to add more style, check out our line-up of BDM Performance Products. And now, when you purchase your BDM Performance Products at the same time you purchase your new, untitled 2006 or 2007 motorcycle, they come with the same 2-year factory warranty. Plus, if you pick up at least $1,500 in accessories, you’ll be eligible for a $200 mail-in rebate. Go to to get your rebate coupon, get additional details and check out our BDM Performance Products galleries.

New accessories, paintjobs, and riding gear to set your bike apart from the pack.
With a new riding season almost here, Big Dog Motorcycles has what you need to hit the pavement this spring. Now, when you purchase a new, untitled 2006 Big Dog Motorcycle, we’ll match your down payment up to $1,000. For more information, contact your local Big Dog Motorcycles dealer.


Big Dog Motorcycles has released an all-new corporate TV spot for 2007. Entitled “Minivan”, the 30-second spot features an all-too normal suburban family on an outing in their minivan. When stopped at a traffic light, the family encounters a 2007 K-9, complete with an over-the-top reaction from the mom you’ll have to see to believe. “This new spot is an exciting break-through concept; it definitely sets us apart from the rest of the industry,” said Paul Hansen, Marketing Director. The spot is available to view on the popular video-sharing website YouTube and on the Big Dog Motorcycles corporate website. Look for it to air nationally on several cable networks in the upcoming months.

BIC has teamed up with Big Dog Motorcycles to give away a 2007 K-9 in the BIC Light Up the Road Sweepstakes. Officially kicking off in January 2007, participants can enter by visiting and clicking on the sweepstakes icon. BIC is promoting the sweepstakes through in-store displays in over 90,000 convenience stores nationwide, in major industry publications such as Hot Bike and Motorcyclist magazines, as well as on their website.


Step out this spring in fresh new looks from Big Dog Motorcycles. Offerings include t-shirts and tops for warm spring days plus riding jackets for cool rides. Visit our website to view the latest apparel arrivals for men and women, plus new additions to our collectibles line. To purchase, contact your local Big Dog Motorcycles dealer.

New Apparel and Collectibles are available at your local Big Dog dealer or visit their website at
Continued On Page 4