Continued From Page 4

BIKERNET DYNA PERFORMANCE PIPES CONTEST. WIN A SET-IT’S FREE–Each set of high-performance Fat Cat DYNA Pipes from D&D Performance Exhaust are tuned for Horsepower and that satisfying Harley sound. And a new set of pipes can increase your performance by as much as 12 additional horses.
These 2 into 1 Fat Cat Pipes can be yours FREE. Just send us a picture of your DYNA with your name and telephone number to and we will post them on and have the community at vote for the ‘Most Desirable DYNA’ of Bikernet.
To get a performance pipe for your Harley or custom V-Twin logon to PLUS, your bike will be featured on Bikernet.

KIDS & CHROME “2006” HITS THE GROUND RUNNING– March 2006 – – The second annual Kids & Chrome Project Sponsored by hit the ground running in 2006, building momentum for what is certain to be another incredible event to help some really exceptional kids.Last years inaugural event, held in Spearfish, South Dakota during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, proved to be a huge success. Enough money was raised for the Kids & Chrome Project in 2005 to put a significant dent in the 2.2 million dollar goal set by Children’s Care for its new hospital in Rapid City, enabling them to serve children from across the nation with special healthcare and educational needs such as cerebral palsy; traumatic brain injury; spina bifida; autism; Down Syndrome; behavioral challenges; and learning, motor and speech delays. Children’s Care Hospital & School believes all children deserve the help they need to reach their greatest potential.
Kids & Chrome Project 2006 will once again include an exclusive first-class dining experience, raffles, auctions and the opportunity to meet and mingle with motorcyclings who’s who. If you have a big heart and are interested in being a part of this incredible event as a sponsor or donor contact Bob Illingworth 623.544.2923 or We would like to acknowledge the following companies and individuals who were quick to show their heart and be the first to sign on as sponsors in 2006:V-Twin Magazine;, Covington’s Cycle City; Thunder Mountain Customs; House of Kolor; Sturgis Harley Davidson; TP Engineering Independent Cycle Inc.; Proper Chopper Inc. Accurate Engineering; S&S Cycle; Performance Machine; Corbin Inc. Other sponsors included: Arlen Ness Enterprises; American Thunder Promotions; Anderson Studios; Baker Drivetrain; Barnett Performance Products; Biker Incite; Phil Chastagner; Crazy Horse Painting; Danny Gray Enterprises; Daytec Center; Don Emde Productions; Finishline Design Inc.; GH Marketing; HardBikes; Hawg Wired; Illingworth/ Slater; Tom Kurtz; Price/Motzko; National Premium; Paul Yaffe Originals; David Perewitz Customs; Rivera Engineering; Rodman Billet; Harlan Schillinger; Donnie Smith Invitational; Kim & Cheryl Sutter; Terry Components; The Cycle Exchange; Throttle Threads; David Uhl Fine Arts; Valiant Vineyards; Weld Wheels; Wimmer Custom Cycle For more information on event tickets visit our website by clicking on the banner above. BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–So guys, I know many of you will be surprised, and many of you don’t even know I use to do the news every single week for the past 5 years or so, ok, now you do know. These few past months have been insane, let’s say since May of last year, the World was in constant spin cycle, non stop stuff flying left and right, it all lasted exactly ’till December 21st, then we all took a break and been taking it easy for some months now. I have surfed all my life, so being Winter and the good surf season, we have been cutting the days and weeks short, heading over to Rincon, and surfing to our hearts content. We do an annual event at Rincon, the Caribbean Bike Week, this year, as a thank you to all the people that have supported us since the beginning, I put together a bike, the kit was donated by Jireh Cycles, and I had a whole two weeks to get the bitch going. Sure we also had a couple paying customers expecting their bikes before the event, plus putting together the largest bike event in the Caribbean, and certainly (with all humility) the best ( which is a total full on plate on it’s own). Duane Ballard sent us the upholstered seat, Hank Young, Kendall, Indian Larry Legacy and all the guests had something to do with the bike, so taking the kit and giving it a Caribbean Custom Cycles touch, we managed to finish in time (well, almost, since some parts did not arrive, but i shall not mention the company which sucks). House of Kolor donated the paint, and Pepo, painted it, all freebie stuff. So when Sunday arrived and it was time for the raffle, the lucky winner walked on stage. Victor Mercado won it fair and square, and the cool thing is, Victor had just arrived from two tours in Iraq and was moving back to PR to re-enlist in the Coast Guard. He said he preferred the Caribbean Sea to the fucking sand. Fate as it works, gave this bike to a very deserving person, I believe it was extra special by him winning the Freebie bike, as we nicknamed it. Again, by the time you read this, many of you will be heading the Daytona way, well for me, a first, in 17 years, I won’t be there. I got 11 bikes to finish and the ton of money spent at Daytona (and I mean a fucking ton!) will be used for better gigs, like, a vacation !! So Hawaii, see you guys in April. In the bob/chop front, all is going well. We have a bunch of orders to fill, there’s new Chopper Freak shirts on our website and we even have a lot of parts for cool bikes in stock. So for those of you who thought I was fading out of the picture, nope… Still around, the only difference is I am letting the rat win, no more rat race for this Caribbean soul. Well guys, I’m signing off, the waves are huge, the sun is out and the breeze is blowing offshore. Why should I bother with bikes right now? The bob/chops can wait… See you around, hope sooner, than later DISCOVERY CHANNEL STAR BILLY LANE BUILDS CUSTOM CHOPPER FOR SOLDIERS– Billy Lane Builds Custom Motorcycle Parts for Members of the Military Past and Present WHAT:?????????????????????? DAYTONA, FL (March 5,10,11, 2006) ? Billy Lane, founder of Choppers Inc and Blood Sweat & Gears Tour sponsored by , will build one of a kind, custom chopper parts LIVE for soldiers during ?Bike Week? Daytona Beach?s spring motorcycle rally Billy Lane, famed motorcycle builder of Choppers Inc, regularly featured on Discovery Channel?s Biker Build Off and most recently on TLC?s Miami Ink will launch his 2nd Annual Blood Sweat & Gears Tour at Bike Week. Billy will put his chopper building skills to the test in front of hundreds daily. There will be a fully-equipped shop on stage to handle the smallest of customization to the largest of all projects. No restrictions just live fabrication in your face! Billy Lane will be building custom chopper parts live on stage in front of hundreds.? Before each build begins, Billy Lane will walk folks through his background and introduce the project ahead. Billy will then invite audience members to join him on stage to create one of a kind custom chopper parts. WHO:????????????????????????? ? Billy Lane of Choppers Inc. As seen on Discovery Channel?s The Billy Lane Project, Biker Build Off, TLC?s Miami Ink, Monster Garage, Big and Speed Channels Corbin?s Ride On! ?Also featured on hundreds of American and International magazine covers regularly, and the writer of two top sellingbooks published by MBI. Chop Fiction published in 2004 and How to Build Old School Choppers and Bobbers published in 2005. ?????????????????????????????????? WHEN:????????????????????? The event is free and open to the public. Show begins at Noon. ?????????????????????????????????? WHERE:???????????????????? STOP THE PRESSES!–I just had to say that. We have another restrictive issue we’re facing-noise. There’s noise patrols roaming the countryside. I’m working with some industry heavies and Bikernet readers on a program or a platform. Here’s the basics, let me know what you think. A Bikernet reader pointed out that emergency vehicles need to make noise, with sirens, to take care of business. I want to prove that motorcycles need to make some noise as a safety measure, to remind cell phone and stereo listening, motorists that there’s a motorcycle in close proximity. That’s one element. Between 70-85 percent of all motorcycle accidents are caused by motorists. We are planning some decibel reading tests with Samson Exhaust and we will make a recommendation in the near future. An element we will point out is the amount of noise we must endure daily and how little of that comes from bikers. That’s a major factor in the EPA battle. We just don’t put the miles on our bikes and don’t have the number of vehicles on the road compared to four-wheelers. So, if you listen to construction noise all day or 18-wheelers roaring past your building from dawn to dust, how does that compare to the three motorcycles blasting by once a day. There is no comparison, but we need to prove it. Secondly, Brett Smith, the President of S&S mentioned recently that he feels strongly that universal testing needs to be required country-wide to take the guess work out of testing and enforcement. We are going to work on recommendations in that regard to prevent cops from calling your bike loud without the appropriate confirmation. If you listened to the Bikernet Denis Manning interview, he confirms what I’m about to say. In a large sense we’ve brought the heat on ourselves. The industry built straight pipes, and harsh shorty open exhaust systems and we bought ’em. Then we raced through residential neighborhoods, spewing whiskey breath, rattling windows and setting off car alarms. That caused the heat. We’ll try or damnest to afford bikers the right to our freedom to ride and make some noise, but we’re going to admit that if a biker is busted in a residential neighborhood wrapping his pipes at night, that he could have his hand slapped. We don’t want these bastards running over us, so we need to show a modicum of respect for citizens. Am I out of line. This is going to be a tough battle. But sometimes when you fuck up, you need to be man enough to admit it and take your lumps. So what do you think? I mean it. If you don’t like this notion, let me have it. We need the feedback. Damn, I’ll be glad when the EPA is cool, there’s standardize noise rulings and I can go back to chasing women, drinking whiskey and riding the streets without being pulled over by every cops in sight. Hey, see above. Soon you’ll be able to hit the Hot Aces Casino on Bikernet. –Ride forever, –Bandit
? Sunday 3/5, 2006 Noon – 2PM
Friday 3/10, 2006 Noon -2PM
Saturday 3/11, 2006 Noon ? 2PM
Billy Lane?s Blood Sweat & Gears Tour
Main Street (across from The Wreck) ?????????????????????????????????
? Daytona Beach, FL ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????