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BIKERNET SPIKE INVESTIGATION–I’ve been shopping around and not coming across to many places, and I’ve turned to ebay for some chrome spikes for my 2006 Hayabusa. This guy wants 75 dollars for 6 chrome spikes that fit around the front fairing area on a Hayabusa.
I was hoping to find this same product, in chrome of course, and for a bit better of a price. I’d like to put those low profile spikes all around my bike. Here is the website of what this guy is selling so you can take a look at it and tell me if you have these or can get these for a better price!
Thank you in advance!
–Scott Hamilton

MONTGOMERY GENTRY COUNTRY MUSIC CELEBRITY RIDE–For the third time in the Motorcycle Ride’s history, Montgomery Gentry will host the Academy of Country Music Celebrity Motorcycle Ride to be held on Sunday, May 21, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over 28 artists are confirmed to ride along with the duo.
Other artists confirmed to participate in the ride are Laura Bryna, Shelly Fairchild, Patrick Bourque, Danick Dupelle, Brad Mates, Mike Melancon, David Pichette & Dale Wallace (Emerson Drive), Cory Gierman (Godfather of Muzik Mafia), Steve Harwell (Smash Mouth), Buddy Jewel, Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Roads, Phillip Sweet & Jimi Westbrook (Little Big Town), Rockie Lynne, Brian McComas, Memarie, Jon Nicholson, James Otto, Ray Scott, Brady Seals (Hot Apple Pie), Trent Tomlinson, Ira Dean & Heidi Newfield (Trick Pony), Two Foot Fred, Keith Urban, Johnny Van Zant & Donnie Van Zant (Van Zant), Brad Warren & Brett Warren (The Warren Brothers), Trent Willmon & Chely Wright. The Academy of Country Music Motorcycle Ride will kick-off from the world’s largest Harley-Davidson dealership, Las Vegas Harley-Davidson and will end with a concert extravaganza on the world famous Fremont Street.
To register for this year’s Academy of Country Music Celebrity Motorcycle Ride please visit

DOUBLE D BAR AND GRILL– Come help us celebrate our 2nd AnniversaryMarch 4th . 2006. Poker Run **** 12:00 NoonDoor Prizes provided by Southern HeritageBiker’s Special -$1.50 longnecks all day long
Food,Food,FoodCooked by Chris Daley-better known as “Boogie??, Scott King and John King8:00 featuring the band—-Backroads
1945 HWY 13 North
Columbia, MS 39429
DELAND 2ND ANNUAL BIKE RALLY IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN–DeLand. Main Street DeLand Association presents the 2nd Annual DeLand Bike Rally in historic downtown. 2005’s inaugural event had over 10,000 attendees. Ride west on Hwy 92 from Daytona and enjoy live music, vendors, bike shows and more
MARK LUNSFORD READY TO ROLL WITH JESSIE’S RIDE–Santiago Chopper Specialties of Tampa Bay is set to officially present a custom chopper Trike they built in memory of Jessica Lunsford to her father, Mark Lunsford and the foundation he started in her name. Tampa – It has been a year since Mark Lunsford experienced every parent’s nightmare. The road has been long and arduous but one Mark feels he is destined to travel. Now he will have a new mode of transportation. Alan and Christine Bernard of Santiago Chopper Specialties is proudly presenting their donated Trike, aptly named “Jessie’s Ride”, during Bike Week 2006, Saturday March 4th at 12 noon.
The presentation and Mark Lunsford’s subsequent press conference* is taking place at Destination Daytona located at US 1 and I95 in Ormond Beach. Guest speakers include Charlie Crist, Nancy Argenziano, Mayor Fred Costello and others who support the Jessica Lunsford Act.
Mark Lunsford will be announcing his future plans and the Bike Week 2006 Kick Start Tour. “Jessie’s Ride”, along with Mark and Alan from Santiago Chopper, will be making a different stop in Daytona each day of Bike Week 2006.
As residents of Tampa Bay and parents themselves, Alan and Christine watched Mark Lunsford struggle for composure each time he appeared on television during the search for his daughter. They empathized with Mark and felt moved to help after Jessica was found. They also noticed, by the infamous hat Mark always wore, that he was into motorcycles. That is when it hit them. They could help by doing what they do best; build a custom chopper for the Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation.
They had never met Mark before but contacted him and made the offer. He was moved by the generous donation and immediately accepted. Upon their first meeting, Alan and Mark became instant friends. It has taken approximately 5 months of many sleepless nights, but “Jessie’s Ride” is finally ready to make her national debut.
Mark intends to use the Trike to help him further his work to protect children. It is his and Santiago’s hope that the Trike will help to create a greater awareness to strengthen laws against child predators. Mark and Santiago Chopper plan to display the Trike in several major bike shows throughout the year, in addition to the cross country campaign where it is Mark’s goal to change the laws in every state.
Jessie’s Ride is much more than steel and paint; it is the result of a true labor of love and inspiration. Love, for a man who has endured the unfathomable loss of a precious child, yet who has persevered to fight for the protection of other children. Inspiration, to join him in his crusade and say .NEVER AGAIN!
Santiago Chopper Specialties
9879 US Hwy. 41 S
Gibsonton, FL
The Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation
P.O. Box 4319
Homosassa Springs, FL 34447

BONNEVILLE 2006 BIKERNET SALT SHAKER ENGINE REPORT–Crankcases are on the way! Yep, I’ve heard that before. If they arrive this week I will send out the mock-up engine. I am working with Dan Baisley to change the valve angle so we can run 1.300 deep combustion chambers instead of 1.635. This will be much better for flame propagation and we can run 13.25:1 compression with an almost flat top piston.
This is the new combustion chamber I want to test anyway, for our standard engines. I will include a sprocket shaft with the mock-up engine. I talk to Mil Blair today and I am in line for the new fuel injection system which we will put on the Outlaw. I just finished a 40-hour weekend so right now I am going to go home at a decent hour.

Saxon Starts Out Big, Building 100 Bikes In The First Two Months of 2006–CASA GRANDE, ARIZ. Feb. 27, 2006- Representatives of Saxon MotorcycleCompany today proudly announced that they have ramped up production oftheir motorcycles because of demand and have hit production goals of 50bikes manufactured for both January and February.The production goals for 2006 remain at 750 bikes, and with the waydealers are ordering, Saxon believes their goals will be met. Switching toan assembly line has had a positive effect on production, allowing Saxonto produce 50 bikes for two consecutive months. “We are very proud of ourproduction team, really the entire Saxon Team. They all play a part inmaking sure that we can continue to produce a quality production custommotorcycle at an affordable price.” said John Bishopp, Saxon?s VicePresident of Manufacturing and Supply Chain.
Saxon has committed to continue to ramp up production for the months ofMarch and April, the start of the peak sales season. The new 300 mm reartire Griffin, the Warlord, their flagship chopper, and the “Old SchoolModernistic” Black Crown have been in high demand. The motorcycling publicnow realizes they have a choice when it comes to purchasing custom,American V-twin motorcycles. Saxon has a product line rivaling most othermanufacturers, and can provide their products at a lower price.
The new 2006 Saxon Motorcycle base models range between $22,595 and$26,995 MSRP. “We have tried to keep the base price of all our 2006 modelsreasonable and give the customer the ability to customize their bike withthe numerous options packages we have available, which range from a fullcustom paint job to wheel and chrome packages,” said David Schwam, VicePresident of Sales and Marketing.
The 2006 Saxon Motorcycle model launch introduced many changes to theSaxon product line including the 300 mm Griffin and numerous engineeringand technical changes. The Griffin, Warlord, Firestorm, and Sceptre allcome standard with a right side drive 6 speed transmission, numerousergonomic changes to improve rider comfort, increased rear suspensiontravel, improved wiring to make the electrical system more serviceable,new Saxon branded propriety components including pegs, coil cover, grips,shift linkage and key and Saxon proprietary digital speedometer standardon all models. A fatter 260mm Metzler rear tire comes standard on all ofthe 2006 Warlord, Sceptre and Firestorm models.
Further details and media inquiries contact:
Ken Conte
Rise Above Consulting
Tel (970)227-3588

PROMINENT CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE BUILDERS ENDORSE BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES —Rick Fairless, Kim Suter, and Eddie Trotta support for the company’s motorcycles in magazine advertising set to launch in March 2006
WICHITA, Kansas (February 27, 2006) – Big Dog Motorcycles, the leader in the high-style cruiser niche and the largest manufacturer of chopper-style motorcycles in the world, has launched a new national print advertisement featuring three of America’s most celebrated custom motorcycle builders.
The advertisement features Eddie Trotta, Rick Fairless, and Kim Suter flanking a 2006 Big Dog Motorcycles K-9?? and encourages readers to “discover the name that industry legends are putting their names behind.” The advertisement will run in major industry publications throughout the remainder of the year and will target the motorcycle enthusiast as well as prospective Big Dog Motorcycles dealers.
“This is one of the most creative brand-building ads Big Dog Motorcycles has ever done,” stated Paul Hansen, Marketing Director. “A definite way to become recognized as the leading custom motorcycle manufacturer in the country is to have America’s leading builders endorse your product. To have Eddie, Rick, and Kim stand behind our bikes in a national ad is a true testament to our motorcycle style, design, and performance.”
The three custom builders, who are also Big Dog Motorcycles dealers, will also be used in other marketing efforts.
Rick Fairless, owner of Strokers Dallas and Big Dog Motorcycles dealer for nearly a decade, said, “It’s been awesome to see how Big Dog Motorcycles has changed over the years. They still build the best bikes and, after twelve years, they are going stronger than ever. I truly believe in the products and company, and to show that support to the entire industry is cool.”
Kim Suter agreed. Designer and builder of Big Inch Bikes, Suter has been selling Big Dog Motorcycles through his Overland Park, Kansas dealership since 1998 and is a current member of the company’s Dealer Advisory Council. “Big Dog Motorcycles is such a heads-up company. They have truly set themselves apart from the other so-called bike manufacturers. I’ll stand behind them anytime,” Suter stated.
Eddie Trotta, owner of Ft. Lauderdale-based ThunderCycle Designs, said, “Besides my own custom bikes, there are very few products that I will put my name on. Big Dog Motorcycles is one of those and I am honored that I was asked to be in the ad.”
ThunderCycle Designs has been a dealer since 2004.
“I went all out to build my dealership and, to kick it off in the right direction, I wanted to make sure and stock it with the best bikes in the world. So I went right to Big Dog Motorcycles, my personal choice,” Trotta continued.
Nick Messer, President, Big Dog Motorcycles, said, “While we appreciate Kim, Rick, and Eddie endorsing our motorcycles and company, we applaud all of our dealers for staying so committed to Big Dog Motorcycles over the past years. They have all made significant contributions to our success.”

BIKERNET SAXON CORRECTION–I know that it was hotter then hell when you werehere to see the facilities for Saxon…. But the nameof the little podunk town you were in is Casa Grandenot Mesa…… Mesa is full of Mormons and snow birds!
At least in Casa Grande you can get your hands on anice cold brew when it is a bit hot outside.
Keep up the good work!
–Les Hochrine

YOU GOTTA BE SHITTIN’ ME–Have you ever wondered where: “You gotta be shittin’ me!” came from?Well, it just happens to have originated through the Father of our Country, way back when George Washington was crossing the Delaware River with his troops.
There were 33 (remember this number) in Washington’s boat. It was extremely dark and storming furiously and the water was tossing them about. Finally, Washington grabbed Corporal Peters (remember this name) and stationed him at the front of the boat with a lantern. He ordered him to keep swinging it, so they could see where they were heading. Corporal Peters, through driving rain and cold, continued swinging the lantern back and forth, back and forth.
Then a big gust of wind and a wave hit throwing Corporal Peters and his lantern into the Delaware. Washington and his troops searched for nearly an hour trying to find Corporal Peters, but to no avail. All of them felt terrible, for the Corporal had been one of their favorites.
Sometime later, Washington and his troops landed on the other side, wet and totally exhausted. He rallied the troops and told them that they must go on. Another hour later, one of his men said, “General, I see lights ahead.
“They trudged toward the lights and came upon a huge house. What they didn’t know, was that this was a house of ill repute hidden in the forest to serve all who came.
General Washington pounded on the door, his men crowding around him. The door swung open, and much to his surprise stood a beautiful woman. A huge smile came across her face, to see so many men standing there.
Washington was the first to speak, “Madam, I am General George Washington, and these are my men. We are tired, wet, exhausted, and desperately need warmth and comfort.”
Again, the Madam looked at all the men standing there, and with a broad smile on her face, said, “Well, General, you have come to the right place. We can surely give you warmth and comfort. How many men do you have?
” Washington replied, Well, madam, there are 32 of us without Peters.”
And the Madam said, “You gotta be shittin’ me!”
–from Rick Savenko

AMERICAN 1902 AND BRANSCOMBE RICHMOND-BIKERNET RADIO-IN DAYTONA–Bob Page and the American Motorcycle 1902 Models are setting up at The Trike Shop in Daytona Shop, 410 N. Beach St., Daytona Beach,FL 32114. The shop is next to Carl’s speed shop just down the street from Daytona Harley-Davidson on Beach Street. If you have a terrific story about your ride to Daytona, hit up Branscombe Richmond to be interviewed on Bikernet Radio.You’ll hear yourself right here.

PHOENIX SHRINERS CHARITY RIDE– My name is Mike (Magilla) Ozee and I am a member of the El Zaribah Shriner’s Motorcycle Unit located in Phoenix, AZ. We are planning a charity ride on November 4th to benefit the Shriner’s Children Hospital’s. We would like to know if we could advertise the run on your web site to get more bikers interested in this benefit.
Attached is a link for the run.
Of course anyone can advertise on Bikernet. Banners run between $30 and $50 a banner depending on the length of contract and number of banners. Sin Wu has all the special deals. On the other hand, the news is free. Send us your new item by Wednesday. If I can read it, make sense of it, we’ll post it. A jpg image always helps.–Bandit

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