This week was incredible. I’m not kidding. It started off with a trip to Gard Hollinger’s shop (LA CHOP RODS) to check his Seminole HardRock Road House bike for Daytona. We arrived in the early evening and he was packing to roll out of town, but the bike wasn’t completed. The pipes needed to be designed and built, and the engine wasn’t in the frame. I looked at Black Market John and said, “We’re burnin’ daylight. Either we need to split and get out of his way or roll up our sleeves and get to work.” John gave me the nod that he was in for whatever and we grabbed wrenches and started bustin’ knuckles.

It was an honor working on the LA Chop Rods Daytona special. We’ll bring you a report right after Daytona. We didn’t leave until after 1:00 in the morning. The bike was completing sans electrical and the pipes, but it was a hot looking puppy.

The next day I made a run to San Clemente to discuss PATRIOT’S show, Steel Dreams, and a link to Bikernet. Hot stuff coming soon from Steel Dreams; A reality challenge like you’ve never seen before. Then I rolled to U.S. Choppers to pick up the Bonne Belle 45 flathead frame, straightened by Rick Krost, and then hit the Performance Machine back door to discuss wheels and brakes with David Zelma. Another report is coming on the Belle this week.
Okay, but that’s not all. I have a code about problems or obstacles to any goal. Fuck ’em, there’s always a right way around them. This EPA madness has gotten several motorcycle groups down and turned against one another. But there’s a solution and perhaps several. Below is an outline from SEMA, the big automotive industry group that’s made up of individuals, dealers, Hot Rod Builders and manufacturers. They are taking this platform from state to state. I’m working with a Senator in Montana to develop legislation, with the whole industry’s input, to make our sport free in Montana as a test.
Through a modicum of investigation Bikernet has also discovered that the EPA regularly opens and modifies their books and deregulates various element currently stridently regulated. We will bring you a series of reports on the progress while working with SEMA and industry leaders. We are also hoping to couple these efforts with the MRF. Check this out. Let’s hit the news, and I’ll come back later with some more info reiterating how we can fight back and keep our industry relative free.
MODIFIED CAR LEGISLATION FROM SEMA–Senator John Brueggeman, who is on the SEMA legislative counsel forwarded me this based on their custom car package. We may be able to pass similar state bills that allow all bikers to build bikes registered to the original year of the driveline, with a 20-year window, which would incorporate Evos. Your new bike would be faced with whatever the EPA requirements were 20 years ago.
The titling bill bases titling and reg on the year the body of the car most closely resembles. I think this could be adapted to motorcycles to base their titling/reg on the year the drive train or engine most closely resembles. In this line of thought a person using a single cam Evo could register it as any of the years from ’84 to’98. The same would be true of Flats, Knuckles, Shovels and Pans for their respective years of production.
The part I haven’t figured out yet is the scope of what we apply this to, for example should we have this limited to American v-twins or specifically reference Harley engines or Harley-style engines which could muddy the waters.
The nomenclature and process needs to be clear and simple for the motor vehicle agencies that administer title/reg. If we put our heads together and create a straightforward concept we may not get pushback from those agencies. SEMA has had and continues to have success with their model as it’s hard to argue against common sense.
Another issue to consider is that the SEMA bill covers cars 25 years old and older. If we went 20 years that would cover EVO’s but throw twin cams under the bus. This is another question we should discuss and the options I would suggest are:
1. 20yrs old and older
2. Year 2000 and older (or perhaps prior to year 2000) so we could include twin cams.
The state-by-state titling approach creates the understanding that Evo’s, Shovels, Pans, and Knuckles are legacy designs that shouldn’t be covered by the new regs and we’re making the concession that these bikes are not for daily transportation.
The benefit is S&S, H&L, R&R, etc can continue their current business models and the world will never be affected by our emissions.

HARDBIKES FEATURES A HOT ROD BOBBER FOR 2006– Hardbikes starts the 2006 with a smoking lineup of Bobbers, Choppers andPro-street bikes. One bike that caught the eye of the dealers attending theFebruary 2006 V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, OH was the leading-edge design ofHardbikes 200 Bobber.
“The 200 Bobber is better than a mistress,” enthused Bob Kay, HardbikesVP Sales and Marketing. “You can ride it anytime you want, dates run $15 atthe pump and the wife doesn’t care.”
The old school design is now the cutting edge for 2006. Hardbikes 200 Bobbersports midnight black paint, rigid frame, 200mm rear meat, polished stainlesssteel oil tank, single down tube, 96 inch S&S motor with the latest IST(Intelligence Spark Technology) ignition system that automatically calibratesitself during break in. It features a 36 degree of rake, no stretch and a cleanand straight-forward design.
Additional world-class custom components built to Hardbikes design andspecifications include Weld Wheels, Hawg Halters with differential bore forbetter stopping, Tech Starters, D&D Exhaust, Primo Brute Belt Drives and aRiveria High Performance Clutch.
“The stance is low and wide with a mustang tank that drips with nostalgia,”explained Kay. “It’s a tight, nice handling bike that weighs in at a sleek540 pounds.”
VISIT HARDBIKE IN DAYTONA–Come visit Hardbikes in Daytona and we’ll design a chopper that fits you perfectly!
Our booth at is the East end, just outside the track, at turn 4, in the Fan Walk Display Area.
Or, if you want to drive a new chopper home from Daytona, we’ll have 20 new custom bikes – any of which you can take home with you. Our dealers can arrange financing and insurance on the spot.
Hardbikes will be hosting a cookout at Daytona every night starting at 7p.m., Monday through Friday (March 6 – 10). Come party with us!
We’ll be located just outside the track on the west end, behind Turn 1. Look for the big white tent – and our Hardbikes banners – in the motor home camping area. All our customers, dealers and vendors and invited.If you get lost, call Bob Kay at 817-312-0380!

2006 STURGIS HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES ANNOUNCED– February 2006 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the Hall of Fame inductees for 2006.
Jay Springsteen – J.C. “Pappy” Hoel Lifetime Achievement Award
Marge Hummel
John Parham
John Reed
Sam “Morgan” Storm & Sonny Pelaquin
The induction ceremony will be conducted during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast scheduled for Wednesday, August 9 at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Breakfast tickets are available for a $25.00 donation, tables of eight for $250.00. Traditionally the Breakfast sells out so we recommend that you purchase your tickets well in advance of the event. Tickets can be purchased by phoning the Museum 605.347.2001 or on the Museum’s web page.For more information on the inductees or tickets visit the Museum’s website http://www.sturgismuseum.com/

BIKERNET LITERARY COMPETITION–The Washington Post’s Style Invitational once again asked readers to takeany word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changingone letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year’s winners:
1. Bozone (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
2. Cashtration (n.) The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.
3. Giraffiti (n) Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
4. Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.
5 . Inoculatte (v) To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
6. Hipatitis (n) Terminal coolness.
7. Osteopornosis (n) A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
8. Karmageddon (n) It’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer.
9.Decafalon (n.) The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
10. Glibido (v) All talk and no action.
11. Dopeler effect (n) The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
12. Arachnoleptic fit (n.) The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.
13. Beelzebug (n.) Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
14. Caterpallor (n.) The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you’re eating.
And the pick of the literature:Ignoranus (n): A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.
–from Art Friedman

BIKERNET RADIO AND IMAGE ON YOUR I-POD–George just completed the inclusion of images with the Bikenet Radio feed. You will see an image when you download any interview to an Apple Video iPod.
A sample image is attached.
Cool factor – 9+

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW POSTER CONTEST–We need a bitchin bike for the Texas National Bike Show Poster. Here’s the rules:
1. All photos must be submitted to us by March 31st
2. 30 days to vote, voting will begin on April 1st and will end on April 30th, all submissions must be in by April fools day!
3. Bike must be available to participate in the Texas National Bike Show (all show guidelines)
4. Bike must be available for photo shoot no later than the end of May.
5. Texas National will comp a display space for the winner at the show.
6. Bike can participate in the judged class at the show, with a complimentary entry
And yes it might be shot with a hot babe for the poster. Be a star and send us a photo of your bike. The Show fires up the same time as the Lone Star Rally, November 3rd, I think. Send entries to Holly@Texasnationalbikeshow.com
Thanks, Holly

USED BIKE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Here is the DBW deal of the week…..It’s a 1990 FXLR that I bought wrecked (with a clear title), and repaired. It has a new tank & front fender, new paint, and just did 10k service. It comes with matching backrest/luggage rack and leather saddlebags. It has 55k on the odometer, and runs like a top. I’m asking $8000, but cash talks.
Help me pay my shop ticket off, before Lee sends the goon squad to kick me in the nutz!
Departure Bike Works
Richmond, VA

STURGIS HOUSING CONNECTION–Anyone looking for some cool places to rent for the Sturgis rally, check out Black Hills Real Estate, For more info call Mike Stevenson at (818) 891-9055 NEW MILWAUKEE HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY MUSEUM–In March of 2005, the city of Milwaukee and Harley-Davidson Motor Company signed formal agreements related to Harley-Davidson’s purchase of the Museum site at Sixth and Canal Streets near downtown Milwaukee. In late February 2006, designs for the Museum were unveiled. Groundbreaking will take place later in the first half of 2006, following the relocation of a Milwaukee Department of Public Works facility currently located on the site. The Museum will be completed about two years from the time construction begins and is expected to open in 2008. When completed, it is anticipated to attract an estimated 350,000 visitors annually from around the world. The Museum will be located on a 20-acre parcel of land at the corner of Sixth and Canal Streets near downtown Milwaukee. The total square footage of the Museum will be 130,000 sq. ft. The Museum development will feature exhibit space as well as a restaurant, cafe, retail shop, meeting space, special events facilities, and the Company’s Archives. The Museum development will result in an estimated 500 on-site construction jobs. An estimated 70 full-time jobs in Museum operations will be created when the Museum construction is complete. Groundbreaking 2006 NRA SUES MAYOR RAY NAGIN– Fairfax, VA-The National Rifle Association (NRA ) has filed a motion for contempt against the City of New Orleans, the mayor and the acting chief of police for failure to comply with a temporary restraining order, handed down September 12, 2005, ordering an end to all illegal gun confiscations. “With looters, rapists and other thugs running rampant in New Orleans, Ray Nagin issued an order to disarm all law-abiding citizens,” declared Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president. “With no law enforcement and 911 available, he left the victims vulnerable by stripping away their only means of defending themselves and their loved ones. Now Ray Nagin thinks he’s above the law, and that’s just wrong.” Attorneys for NRA have exhausted all efforts to cooperate with the defendants, Mayor Nagin and Chief Riley, who repeatedly ignored the court’s permanent restraining order against their illegal gun confiscations. “Ray Nagin is a colossal disappointment,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “During a federally declared emergency, he abused his power and abandoned the very people he was sworn to protect. He took away the victims’ freedom and their basic means of self-defense during an ill-fated and perilous time.” The motion also includes an order that all seized firearms must be returned to their rightful owners. –from Rogue SPECIAL 2006 DAYTONA BIKE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT–Hermitage, Pennsylvania – March 1, 2006 – The Hardbikes dealers are workingtogether to bring Hardbikes Custom Motorcycles to Daytona ready to be purchasedand ridden out. Hardbikes will be set up at the Daytona International Speedwaywith 20 custom motorcycles hot off the production line ready for a lucky few todrive away at once in a life time pricing to kick start Hardbikes celebrationon its first Daytona bikeweek showing. Chrome and Custom from New Jersey, Street Stuff from Connecticut, Buck’s CountyCustoms from Pennsylvania and Bikers Dream of Atlanta from Georgia will joinefforts with Sarasota Buck’s County Customs from Florida and Crank and Chromefrom Florida will provide financing and insurance for a select group of luckycustomers wanting to get in on the initial offering of these fine custom bikes. Dealers will also be taking orders for those who want bikes built to theirspecifications. Hardbikes will have a complete design center on sight to helppeople custom design and fit the bike of their dreams to their size and ridingstyle. RELAX IT’S REDNECK HUMOR–There was a German, an Italian and a Redneck on death row.The warden gave them a choice of three ways to die: 1. To be shot. So the German said, “Shoot me right in the head.” Boom, he was deadinstantly. Then the Italian said, “Just hang me.” Snap! he was dead. The Redneck said, “Give me some of that AIDS stuff.” They gave him the shot,and the redneck fell down laughing. The guards looked at each other andwondered what was wrong with this guy. Then the Redneck said, “Give me another one of those shots,” so the guardsdid. Now he was laughing so hard, tears rolled from his eyes and he doubledover. Finally the warden said, “What’s wrong with you?” The Redneck replied, “You guys are so stupid….. I’M WEARING A CONDOM! –from Chris T. BRUTE HORSEPOWER COMPETITION AT BIKE WEEK–This is Racer….I’m the night FL/XL engine instructor at the American Motorcycle Institute in Daytona. Last year we didn’t hold the “Brute Horsepower” Shootout, but it’s ON for this year. This will also be the LAST year in the old building that A.M.I. has been in since around 1990. We’re looking for some runs around if not a little over 500 horsepower on two wheels. Just a heads up……didn’t see it listed in the Daytona section. Next year we’ll be next door to “Destination Daytona” in our brand new 100,000 sq. ft. building with virtually new everything. –Ron “racer” Hackler FLORIDA SPEEDING TICKET–WBBH, FL – NAPLES – A motorcyclist was arrested Monday evening for driving an estimated 160 mph while fleeing Florida Highway Patrol troopers on Alligator Alley.FHP troopers set up an aerial speed trap on the highway when Sgt. Gary Schluter spotted a westbound motorcycle traveling at an estimated 141 mph. Schluter radioed down to ground units, which were able to pull alongside the motorcyclist, identified as 21-year-old Miguel Enrique Rodriguez of Weston, located on the east side of Alligator Alley. Troopers say Rodriguez slowed to 25 mph, but wouldn’t stop.Another trooper who had stopped a different driver stepped out into the roadway and ordered Rodriguez to stop, but troopers say the man drove around him and took off. Schluter continued to watch Rodriguez from the air, while FHP ground units backed off.At one point, Schluter calculated the motorcycle’s speed at 160 mph as Rodriguez passed through a construction zone. Rodriguez got off the highway at Pine Ridge Road, and troopers on the ground were able to close the distance without alarming the suspect.Schluter saw Rodriguez pull into a gas station and troopers were able to arrest him there.Rodriguez faces charges of unlawful speed, aggravated fleeing/eluding law enforcement, reckless driving, and no valid motorcycle license. He’s being held in the Collier County Jail. Troopers impounded the motorcycle and will begin forfeiture proceedings. –Rogue Continued On Page 2
Grand Opening anticipated 2008
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
2. To be hung.
3. To be injected with the AIDS virus for a slow death.