So, what does that have to do with motorcycles? Well, I want something that I can promote at events and social media. And motorcycles and cannabis go together like chocolate and peanut butter. So, I sent some tins to Atomic Bob in Ohio to do some of his magic.

The Race is on for Truth, Justice, Cannabis, and Art Shit.
The story all starts with a totaled Sportster. After working out at the gym, I had a disagreeable encounter with a Soccer Mom in a Soccer Van on a late stormy night after a Soccer Game.
The limping hulk of a Sportster was sent off to Hank Thibodeau of Widowmaker Custom Repair & Design for some R&R, straightening and a few mods. After that was accomplished, I called the Atomic one handled the shine.
With Atomic Bob, you never know what you will get back, but you do know it will be cool and you do know it will be out of the box.
When Art & Cannabis collides
Like many creatives before Atomic Bob, including Louis Armstrong, Steve Jobs, and George Carlin, they used pot recreationally. And since the time cannabis was discovered, people have been getting stoned and making art.
So, I asked Atomic how he came up with the design.
He said that it all started when the brown shirts of UPS dropped off the package and he then prepped the tins and laid down a coat of black. Then he blew on some 70’s-style big gold flake and covered it with candy green. After that he set tank and fender out in the hall so he could see it when he was walking back and forth from his shop.

Atomic Bob has a lot of anxiety, cannabis provides him with full clarity and his anxiety drops away. Bob said that the detail and thought process become more refined post bowl.
He came up with a 60’s design that is reminiscent of Stanley Mouse, an artist notable for his 1960s psychedelic rock concert poster designs for the Grateful Dead and Journey album covers.

Wanting to know more about his creative process, I asked Bob about his relationship with cannabis: Does he need cannabis to work? No. Does he like to work after a little sumth’n sumth’n? Yes.
Has cannabis allowed him to get off other medications? Yes. As a matter of fact, he said that cannabis has allowed to get off 8 of his 10 medications. Combined with quitting cigarettes and alcohol, he has replaced it with a much healthier lifestyle.
Speaking of style, Mr. Atomic prefers to take retro tobacco pipes and convert them into cannabis pipes.
An interesting cannabis fun fact
I started with a white set of tennis shoes and selected a set of colors that work with Atomic Bob’s palette.
In about 15 minutes I had something that adds a little bit of style to the package.

The Atomic Bob Upgrade
As I mentioned, I engaged Atomic Bob for paint but I get people pulling me over on the road, walking up to the bike at bars, gas stations, and restaurants to look and talk about the little sporty. Bob’s paint pops in the sunshine. I’m hoping that our CBD Cannabis becomes as popular as his work on the bike.
I take CBD before and after a long ride. You may want to try some hi-potent CBD at