Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET CANADIAN DIVORCE– A Polish man married a Canadian girl after he had been in Canada a year or so and although his ‘English was far from perfect, they got on very well. Until one day he rushed into a lawyer’s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him, very quick. The lawyer said that the speed of getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances and asked him the following questions.
Lawyer: Have you any grounds?
Pole: Ja, an acre and half and a nice little home with 3 bedrooms
Lawyer: No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
Pole: It is made of concrete brick and mortar he responded.
Lawyer: No, does either of you have a real grudge?
Pole: No, he replied we have a two car carport and have never really needed one.
Lawyer: I mean what your relations are like?
Pole: All my relations are in Poland.
Lawyer: Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
Pole: Yes, we have hi fidelity stereo set and DVD player with 6.1 sounds. We don’t necessarily like the music, but the answer to your question is yes.
Lawyer: No, I mean does your wife beat you up?
Pole: No, I’m always up before her.
Lawyer: Is your wife a nagger?
Pole: NO, she white.
Lawyer: Why do you want this divorce?
Pole: She going to kill me.
Lawyer: What makes you think that?
Pole: I got proof!
Lawyer: What kind of proof?
Pole: She going to poison me. She buys a bottle at the drug store and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read – it says, “Polish Remover”.
–from Chris T.
BIKERNET DENTAL DEPARTMENT–A man walks into the dentist’s office and after the dentist examines him,he says, “that tooth has to come out. I’m going to give you a shot ofNovocain and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The man grabs the doc’sarm, “no way. I hate needles I’m not having any shot!”
So the dentistsays, “okay, we’ll have to go with the gas.”
The man replies,”absolutely not. It makes me very sick for a couple of days. I’m nothaving gas.”
So the dentist steps out and comes back with a glass ofwater, “here,” he says. “Takethis pill.”
The man asks “What is it?” The doc replies, “Viagra.”
Theman looks surprised, “will that kill the pain?” he asks.
“No,” repliesthe dentist, “but it will give you something to hang on to while I pullyour tooth!”
–from Chris T.

BIKERNET TEXAS REPORT–Still trying to recover from the weekend. Picked up a Canon I9900 photo quality printer yesterday and have not had the sense to install the software yet.

Just got off the phone with Bradley Da Polisher he is going to get me some additional info on the homepage cutie (Dallas Honey) I still love her! Hell everyone that has seen that image is like…DAMN! Hoping to get some additional shots of her! Have Lights, Will Travel. Will probably do the story on Bradley’s shop after the Smoke Out.

Everyone trying to get me to go to the SO, Bradley said hell dude fly out Saturday and return Sunday…it will be worth it! Lucky Devil planning a party July 17th, just about got all the ROT images reduced, have not even started on the words. Maybe I should check and see if I won the Lotto over the weekend.
How was y’alls weekend? Riding and having fun I hope!
See Ya

AMD ON EUROPE’S FREEWAY MAGAZINE– Some news aboutFreeway– never stopped printing. Since March the new Owner is Fabrice Roux (my old boss). He is the creator of Freeway and he bought the Titles Freeway, Kustom and Rallye magazines) with 5 associates who work directly for the magazines. The new adress is:
65 boulevard Cote Blatin
Centre Viaduc
63000 Clermont -Ferrand
The name of my substitute is Thierry Roche
e-mail :
phone : 00 33 4 73 29 32 40
fax : 00 33 4 73 29 32 49
Best regards
Robin Bradley

HARLEY-DAVIDSON BOLSTERS CHINA PRESENCE–Motorcycle Maker Announces Relationship with Chinese Company.
MILWAUKEE (June 8, 2004) – Harley-Davidson, Inc. today announced the signing of a memo of understanding with the Zongshen Motorcycle Group which could facilitate Harley-Davidson’s entry into the Chinese motorcycle market and enhance Zongshen’s capabilities in its home market. The announcement came during a visit by Harley-Davidson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Bleustein and other company officials to Zongshen’s headquarters in Chongqing, China.
Both companies emphasized that the memo of understanding provides a framework for a potential relationship, but that many details are yet to be discussed before the two companies commit to a formal agreement.
“Harley-Davidson’s primary objective is to export our American-made motorcycles to China and to develop political and motorcycle industry alliances in anticipation of the market becoming more accessible,” said Bleustein. “We do not believe it will be necessary for Harley-Davidson to manufacture its motorcycles in China in order to be able to sell them there,” he said.
While in China, Bleustein is also pressing Harley-Davidson’s case for market entry with government officials. The day before his visit to Zongshen, Bleustein met in Beijing with China’s Vice Minister of Commerce, Wei Jianguo, to urge the easing of official and unofficial trade barriers that limit Harley-Davidson’s ability to sell its premium American-made motorcycles in China.
Those barriers include a 50 percent import duty on motorcycles. The duty is scheduled to drop to 30 percent by January 2005, a level which is still onerous according to Harley-Davidson. In addition, local governments in China often limit the number of motorcycle licenses they will grant, and motorcycles are singled out for outright bans from operating in many of China’s largest cities.

BIKERNET PHILOSOPHY CLASS–Consider the words of Plato. “One of the penalties for refusing toparticipate in politics is that you end up being governed by yourinferiors.” –Plato
–from Joan C.

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF CUSTOM BIKE BUIDING–The event is a joint venture between American Motorcycle Dealer, the UK based international dealer magazine for the custom v-twin industry, and Custom Chrome, the Morgan Hill, California based distributor of aftermarket parts and accessories.
The idea has its origins in Europe, at the AMD ProShow that has been held each year since 2002. That event is hosted by Custom Chrome at their European subsidiary’s annual Dealer Show in Germany at the end of March each year. That event is now to become the Official European Championships Of Custom Bike Building, and the winners are invited to compete with challengers from North America and the rest of the world at the Official World Championships.
The first event will be held at the annual Custom Chrome Dealer Show, at their Morgan Hill, California world headquarters, from October 8th to 10th 2004. Judging will be on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th, with the announcements made at a special gala occasion on the evening of Saturday October 9th.
The Official World Championships are open to literally all comers, dealers, distributors, parts or motorcycle manufacturers, dealership personnel, professional designers/builders and amateur/privateer custom enthusiasts; of all nationalities, world-wide.
The Official World Championships are completely OPEN. You don’t need to be involved with Custom Chrome to enter.
Entries my run, but beyond that, no rules. There are no other restrictions, formulas, or criteria. Although the competition will be dominated by 45 degree air cooled v-twins. Actually any kind of custom motorcycle can be entered into the primary/principal Freestyle class. There are specific classes to recognise the work of OE builders, that is to say volume builders (of more that 200 motorcycles a year), and another class specifically for builders of Custom Chrome HR3 kit bikes, but these can also enter the Freestyle?class. Future years may see the evolution of further classes (metric cruisers, performance customs etc), but all such entrants will also still be able to enter the Freestyle class.
There is a nominal $100.00 entrance fee for the Freestyle class in order to ensure that we know which motorcycles are going to arrive at the event by the deadline for doing so. This has been introduced simply as a goodwill statement of intent so that lists, display and judging materials can be prepared in advance with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
See full details in the rules and regulations section of this web site, and download the entry forms for faxing to AMD or complete them on-line here in the AMD ProShow web site,
As detailed in the official rules and regulations an independently scrutinised and managed panel of judges will be appointed, consisting principally (perhaps entirely) of editors and other personnel from the markets custom and wider motorcycling press and media including Bikernet. No members of staff or related family members of employees of Custom Chrome or AMD or any related businesses will be permitted to be involved in the judging. Neither will any participants or family of participants to permitted to judge. The judging will be independent, impartial, honest, authoritative, and scrutinised.
As detailed in the official rules and regulations the winner of the Freestyle class will receive a $25,000.00 cash prize. They will also receive a Championship ring which is theirs to keep forever, and be honored with a perpetual trophy that they will be invited to present to the following year’s winner. The winner will also have the right to call himself or herself the Official World Championship Custom Bike Builder for the year in question, and to historically refer to themselves as having been the Official World Champion for the year in which they won. There are other prizes for the first and second reserve winners of the Freestyle class and for the winners of the other classes; these are detailed in the official rules and regulations.
For More info just e-mail Robin Bradley or his son, Ben,, or check their

Continued On Page 4