I want to touch on something regarding the EPA business. There’s been a bunch of shit flying regarding the issues, but it’s all worked out for the best. The MIC and MRF are working together to curb and control the regs. The engine certification system is moving forward and will allow builders to build as many custom bikes as they want as long as they install and don’t mess with these power-plants. This system won’t hinder with the do-anything-you-want, once in a life time bike, or the 24 show bikes from shops.
There’s also a gentleman working up a state-to-state bill to allow older bikes to be built unhampered. So most all is well. There’s another obstacle headed our way from Europe that we need to address, but the best minds in the industry are now working together to monitor any restrictions. We’ll keep you posted. And if you’re facing noise issues feel free to print out the Bikernet Independent noise study and share it with law makers. It worked locally to demonstrate that there’s two sides to every issue.
Let’s hit the news:

YOU’RE INVITED!!!–Big Dog Motorcycles and the City of Wichita would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd Annual Tornado Rally to be held June 10-11th, 2006 at the Big Dog Motorcycles Factory Headquarters located at 1520 E. Douglas in Wichita, KS.
Last year Big Dog Motorcycles hosted Kansas’s 1st ever-national motorcycle rally, which attracted 15,000 riders, enthusiasts and families. The 2nd Annual Tornado Rally expects to draw many more thousands from across the United States promising to bring business and awareness to Wichita.
This FREE exciting weekend comes complete with live music including a concert featuring Eddie Money, factory tours, custom bike show, bikini contest, bike games, dyno shootout, monster truck, custom builders, and of course dozens of exhibitors. Exhibitors are what helped make the 1st Annual Tornado Rally so successful and we are looking forward to having your business on display this year. We hope you will consider being a part of this year’s festivities!
In addition to our exhibitors, sponsorships play a major part in making this event possible. For more information on promotion opportunities or becoming a sponsor, please visit our website at www.tornadorally.com.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 316-219-7050 or through email at tornado.rally@bigdogmotorcycles.com

POLICING IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA–A Highway Patrolman pulled a car over and told the driver that because he had been wearing his seat belt, he had just won $5,000 in the statewide safety competition.
“What are you going to do with the money?” asked the policeman. “Well, I guess I’m going to get a driver’s license,” he answered. “Oh, don’t listen to him,” yelled a woman in the passenger seat. “He’s a smart ass when he’s drunk.”
This woke up the guy in the back seat who took one look at the cop and moaned,” I knew we wouldn’t get far in a stolen car.” At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a voice said, in Spanish, “Are we over the border yet?”
–from Chris T.

HORSE MAGAZINE LOOKING FOR CONTRIBUTORS–We are currently looking for west coast artists, writers, photographers and experienced West Coast advertising sales reps for The Horse Magazine.
Contact Geno to send samples of your work and discuss fees – .

THE HISTORY OF AVON TYRES– Cooper-Avon Tyres Limited of Melksham, UK, owned by the Cooper Tire & Rubber Company of Findlay, Ohio, USA, has more than a century’s experience at the leading edge of tyre technology. Tyre makers since 1885, Cooper-Avon produces a full range with the emphasis on grip, comfort and value for money. Cooper-Avon Tyres are supplied as original equipment to Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Morgan, Westfield, Caterham and Land Rover. Avon racing tyres have been the exclusive fitment of the F.I.A. Formula 3000 International championship since 1986. Cooper-Avon also supplies racing tyres to championships supported by Ford, Vauxhall and Audi.
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company is headquartered in Findlay, Ohio and specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of rubber and plastic products. Products for Cooper’s tyre group include automobile, motorcycle and truck tyres, inner tubes, tread rubber and retreading equipment. In the automotive group, Cooper is an original equipment supplier of sealing, trim, vibration control and hose systems for the automotive industry in North America, Europe and South America. Other products for this group include rubber and plastic sealing components for the refrigeration industry North America. Cooper has more than 20,000 employees and 57 manufacturing facilities in 13 countries.
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company acquired Avon Tyres in March 1997. Cooper-Avon Tyres Ltd. was also the first tyre manufacturer in the world to gain the prestigious ISO 9001 quality award.
–John Leach – Sales / Racing Support
Avon Tyres North America

STEALTH REPORT–Last weekend I rode back to Washington D.C. forthe annual Run To The Wall. The weather wasgreat! If you have never attended the Run ToThe Wall you should make plans to. It is a greatway to pay your respects to those who have madethe ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom.The ride was estimated at 350,000 riders! TheMonuments are magnificent at night. I didn’t getpictures as I forgot my camera, sorry.
Back here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are stillbusy. We are out growing our space very quickly.We will see how it goes down the road as far asspace is concerned. Chopper John’s Sportyproject is coming along. It is going to be a hotrod, S&S 93″ engine. The tank is a one-off handmade piece by Chopper John. It is going to be acool bike!We had a couple of riders from Tennessee (Hope Ispelled that right?) stop by this week, theysaid they had read about STEALTH BIKE WORKS onBIKERNET. That was cool, sometimes you forgethow many people read this every week! If you arein the Charlotte area stop by STEALTH BIKE WORKSat 141113 E. Independence Blvd Matthews NC.28194, 704 -882-0889. You are always welcome!
Around here everyone is gearing up for The HorseSmoke-Out June 23rd and 24th. The Smoke-Outrules when it comes to old school bare boneschoppers! Don’t miss it – STEALTH BIKE WORKS willbe there.
That is it for this week, I have to get back to real work!Until next week, RIDE!STEALTHMAN

HOT ACES 2 FOR 1–HOT ACES 2 FOR 1– Come to Hot Aces Casino, make a $100.00* deposit and get TWO entries into the Dinner in Las Vegas with Cindy Margolis. A weekend for two people in fabulous Las Vegas, stay at the Palms or Bellagio for a weekend and have dinner with Cindy Margolis all on the tab of Hot Aces Casino. What a Deal…come on in and play your favorite casino games atwww.hotacescasino.com. *see terms and conditions at hotacescasino.com

BIKERNET DISCOVERY BUILD-OFF COVERAGE GOT SOMEONE’S ATTENTION– It looks like we got someone’s attention with the report on the Discovery Build Off between Vivian “Gypsy” Charros and Kim Suter. I had headed out for the weekend and received a phone message from Craig Constantine who is producing the show for Discovery he would like me to call him. I did.
The conversation started off that they had seen the piece on Bikernet and there was some concern about the content. I had mentioned that Berry was going to be building a Knucklehead engine for Gypsy’s Bike.

They were concerned that with Kim knowing that it would give him an advantage. I explained that Kim was already committed to what he is building and actually we would like to let him and everyone else know just how special Gypsy’s bike is going to be.
Well next I was asked if I would mind talking to Kim. Not At All.Kim started off the conversation with a comment that he was told I was suppose to know something about motorcycles and could he ask me a technical question. We chatted. I did tell him if he or his shop would like to make a statement about the build they could send it to me or directly to Bikernet. I told him he sounded like a nice guy and wished him luck as he was sure going to need it to beat the bike that was being built at Accurate Engineering.

The motorcycle is being painted as I write this and will start final assembly very soon. I am sending some teaser shots and will have other shots soon.
I am hoping that a lot of people show up to see the competition and judging of the bikes. I am not hiding the fact that I have known “Gypsy” for around 25 years and that she is a friend of mine BUT this is a build off and I just got to call it the way I see it. Bikernet and everyone else would like to know.

SMOKE-OUT VENDOR APPLICATIONS READY–Vender applications are starting to arrive for The HORSE, Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out West, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM. It’s a good sign for a new event –but then again the Smoke Out is a good deal for many venders. True, Daytona and Sturgis draw a lot more people than the Smoke Out. However, if you get a vender spot at say Daytona — it’s way more expensive and maybe only 3% of the folks that go to Daytona will get to your booth. The Smoke Out is affordable. It is held on a fairground and 99% of the people that show up visit every booth. Further consider that this is an event for folks that build and work on their own bikes –and you realize it’s a great deal.
The HORSE, Backstreet Choppers Smoke Out Smoke Out is the world’s largest Chopper Rally and will be held out West for the first time October 6 and 7, 2006 on the Verde Valley Fairground in Cottonwood, AZ (20minutes South of Sedona). For more information (or a vender packet) check the HORSE, BC website (theHorsemag.com) or call (800) 531-9733. See ya there. Edge

BILLY LANE’S 1ST ANNUAL BUILDER’S BREAKFAST GAINS MOMENTUM– Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast at World Famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM,adds to its already amazing roster. Imagine sitting down to a plate of eggs and pancakes one morning in Sturgis this August when you look up from your plate you realize this isn’t a dream, you are actually sitting with the very best builders EVER having breakfast. How could they all be at one place at the same time (Tuesday, August 9th at 9:00 a.m.)? Billy Lane.
This event is quickly becoming history in the making. We all know the builders are at the event, but never are they all at one place and for one reason. Billy has rounded up the best in the industry for the 1st Annual Billy Lane’s Builder’s Breakfast in Sturgis at the world famous Broken Spoke on Lazelle St.
“Everyone is so busy these days and we are all asked to participate in many charities throughout the year, so I thought why not create an event we can all create excitement for-together. It seemed that if I could get the builders to etch out a small amount of time during the biggest motorcycle rally in the US, we could make a difference. The breakfast idea made it simple, bring the very best to one location with the goal of raising money for a great cause” said Billy Lane. I immediately knew of the best place to hold such a cool event The Broken Spoke in Sturgis. Jay Allen never even hesitated when I asked him to allow us the space and to help coordinate a hot breakfast, Jay even offered to flip pancakes!” finished Lane.
The builder list grows daily. As of now, there are over 20 of the very best bike builders confirmed. Below are the builders that have confirmed attendance:
Billy Lane Kendall Johnson Arlen Ness & Cory Ness
Mondo Dave Perewitz Donnie Smith
Paul Cox Aaron Greene Russell Marlowe
Kim Suter Jerry Covington Russell Mitchell
Brian Klock Rick Fairless Paul Yaffe
Randy Simpson Jesse Jurrens Jesse Rooke
Michael Prugh Scott Webster Eddie Trotta
*Johnny Chop & Indian Larry Memorial Table
Also joining the breakfast will be nationally acclaimed photographer Sara Liberte. Sara will be on hand selling her Builder & Machine posters. Sara will be donating a portion of proceeds to the charity as well. Additionally, Sara will donate a professional portrait to one lucky breakfast ticket holder on site. The winner will be photographed with his or her favorite builder. Sara will send the portrait to the winner following the event in August. What an amazing way to remember this once in a lifetime event!
This event is open to everyone. Please come! Tickets are on sale now, only online ticket holders will be eligible to win the portrait with their favorite builder photographed on site by Sara Liberte.
ALL ticket proceeds will benefit Kids & Chrome. To get your tickets online, please visit http://www.choppersinc.com/

–from Chris T.

U.S. MILITARY SUPPORT WEB SITE–Thank you for joining millions of your fellow Americans in wanting to find ways to show support for our military. Whether you want to send a care package to a soldier, donate airline miles to help reunite returning military men and women with their families, support scholarship funds or send support to wounded service members, on this page you will find over 150 non-profit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families._
_If you know of a non-profit organization in your community focused on helping our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Coast Guardsmen, Marines and National Guardsmen that is not currently listed, please contact America Supports You today to have them join the team.

XBRR TEAMS TO CONTEST ROAD AMERICA FORMULA XTREME ROUND–Buell Motorcycle Company announced today that two race teams will enter Buell XBRRs in the Formula Xtreme class during Round 5 of the 2006 AMA Superbike Championship June 2-4 at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wis.
Deeley H-D/Buell Canada’s Steve Crevier, who tested the XBRR at Road America during the American SportBike Racing Association (ASRA) event in April, will return to the AMA Formula Xtreme series for the first time since competing in the Daytona 200.
Classic H-D/Buell-Millville H-D/Buell-Innovative Motorcycle Research rider Mike Hale will also contest the Formula Xtreme round at Road America. Hale tested his XBRR at Summit Point last week, but it will be his debut event on the bike.
“Steve and Mike are both great riders with a lot of experience. I’m as excited as anyone at seeing these XBRR riders take to the track. And they’ll have plenty of fans cheering them on Road America,” said Chairman and Chief Technical Officer Erik Buell.
Indeed there will be many Buell owners on hand at Road America, as the Formula Xtreme race will serve as one of the highlights of the Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG) Homecoming event held that weekend.
Both XBRR teams at Road America are receiving support from Pirelli Tires, Sentry Insurance, Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Screamin’ Eagle SYN3 Synthetic Motorcycle Lubricant, and Harley-Davidson Visa.The Buell XBRR is a limited-edition production racing motorcycle based on the Firebolt XB12R and produced exclusively for closed-course competition. It offers private racers a professional-level, race-ready, production-based platform.

Continued On Page 2