Continued From Page 2

CYRIL HUZE FEATURE COMMENTS–Just finished checking out your feature on the IAFF tribute bike–great photos and commentary. As an IAFF officer, I wanted to make one suggestion/request. Is there any chance you could remove the reference to WalMart and just say that Berry Wardlaw was “standing in a store buying BBQ shit”?
I ask because the IAFF is a labor organization and WalMart is pretty much the enemy of all union members including us fire fighters. On behalf of IAFF members everywhere, I thank you for the fine article and I look forward to seeing the bike at convention.

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM NEW RAFFLE OFFER— June 2006 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is introducing an exciting new raffle opportunity for history buffs and gun collectors with the goal of raising additional funds for the Museum.
The Museum will raffle off a pair of custom 45 caliber pistols on November 9th during its annual Open House. The beautiful, one-of-a-kind revolvers have the Museum logo engraved both on the barrels and cylinders. Only 1,000 tickets will be offered at $5.00 each.
Known as the City of Riders, Sturgis has a rich and spirited history which includes the Native people, cavalry, pony express, cowboys and ranchers, and bikers. The Museum, whose mission is to preserve the history of motorcycling, recognizes the similar nuances between the lifestyles of yesterday’s riders and today’s, and pays homage to our past with these commemorative pieces.

The drawing will be right before the Holiday Season begins. It will be a great opportunity to give that special person a unique gift, as well as help the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum help itself through this fund raising effort.Tickets are available on the Museum’s online gift shop or by telephone 605.347.2001.

PIMP YOUR KEY WORLDWIDE–PIMP your RIDE, PIMP your BIKE, you might as well PIMP your KEY! Intimes of pimping everything the ignition, key for the top-class toyshould, in fact, be pimped too. Of course, a complete custom key wouldbe even better. Whether a heavy, noble serial Harley or a custom bike,they have one thing in common: A simple piece of metal as the key tobring them to life.
Enough of that! Dangling on a leather strap the pimp key shows that youthink big!Heavy, noble and individual it adapts to the biker’s attitude of lifeand finally tops a relationship which already had the touch of beingperfect. Like the most noble custom parts, this key is forged under aload weighting tons, hand-polished and then refined.
Starting from incredible 59,95 US $//59 o you can get either astate-of-the-art chrome, black chrome, satin chrome or a 24 carat goldcoating. Once the closure of the original key has been scanned andcopied to the pimp key, the piece of metal which you have got for freewith your top-class bike, is out of use and may rust in your tool box.
Invented by German high-end parts manufacturer Speed-point, thePimp-key craze is now spreading worldwide. Following the Europeanintroduction in spring 2006 the American premiere at Daytona Bike Week 06turned out to be a huge success and several Harley-Davidson andCustom bike-Dealers in the US already joined the dedicated Pimp-Keyfollowers by placing the sales promoting Pimp Key displays on theircounter. Large volume dealer orders are currently served by Speed-pointdirectly, talks with the main distributing companies in the US and Europeare under way while a network of easy-to-access websites
With already more than 500 Pimp-Key outlets worldwide, there’s still alot of unpimped Key’s left, so why not join now?
–Speed-point Motorradtechnik GmbH
Oeger St.71
58642 Iserlohn
Cruising International
1000 North Beach Street
Daytona Beach FL 32117-5043
Phone: 386-254-8753
Fax: 386-255-2460

ON LINE, ALL CLASS GAMBLING AND YOU COULD WIN A $7000 ENGINE–A HOT new RevTech engine for $50.00!!! That’s right, Bikernet and Hot Aces Casino are sponsoring a contest to win a new $7,000 HOT ROD, REVTECH engine. Just go to Click here register, make your $50.00 deposit and enter the code ENGINE. You will be automatically entered into the drawing. Drawing to be held July 14, 2006. *see promotion terms and conditions at BIG DOG HITS ESPN2– Attached is a jpeg of the ESPN2 info for you. ESPN2 followed the build of the bike down the production line from frames to graphics to assembly to a test ride with Nick. The package on ESPN2 is part of a broader cable TV advertising schedule that will introduce and build the brand to millions of men. –Paul Hansen ANOTHER NOISE RESTRICTION LAW–23130. (a) No person shall operate a motor vehicle under any condition of grade, load, acceleration, or deceleration in such a manner as to exceed the following noise limit for the category of motor vehicle within the speed limits specified in this section: (2) Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle at a speed limit of 45 or less….. 82 dbA. Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle at a speed limit of 45 or more….. 86 dbA. (b) The noise limits established by this section shall be based on a distance of 50 feet from the center of the lane of travel within the speed limit specified in this section. The Department of the California Highway Patrol may provide for measuring at distances other than 50 feet from the center of the lane of travel. In such a case, the measurement shall be corrected so as to provide for measurements equivalent to the noise limit established by this section measured at 50 feet. 23130.5. (a) The noise limits, within a speed zone of 35 miles per hour or less on level streets, or streets with a grade not exceeding plus or minus 1 percent, shall be: (2) Any motorcycle other than a motor-driven cycle….. 77 dbA 27150.8. The manufacturers of motorcycles and motorcycle accessories shall certify to the department that the exhaust system is in compliance with the standards and regulations adopted by the commissioner. 27200. (a) The Department of Motor Vehicles shall not register on a dealer’s report of sale a new motor vehicle which produces a maximum noise exceeding the applicable noise limit at a distance of 50 feet from the centerline of travel under test procedures established by the Department of the California Highway Patrol. 27201. For the purposes of Section 27200, the noise limit of 92 dbA shall apply to any motorcycle manufactured before 1970. 27202. For the purposes of Section 27200, the following noise limits shall apply to any motorcycle, other than a motor-driven cycle, manufactured: Some of this seems to conflict with itself. There seems to be two separate noise levels for 35MPH streets. The first place they say under 45, but isn’t 35 under 45. If these are still the correct worded rules that might give room for and ambiguity challenge. –Rebel KIDS & CHROME CHARITY EVENT ATTRACTS MAJOR SPONSORS DURING STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY IN SUPPORT OF NEW SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL–Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser Brand Signs on as a 2006 Sponsor.Sioux Falls, S.D. (June, 2006) Children’s Care Hospital & School is excited to announce that Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser brand has signed on as a 2006 sponsor of its annual Kids & Chrome benefit for children with special needs. Established to help fund the construction of a new children’s hospital in Rapid City, S.D., this year’s Kids & Chrome fundraising event will take place during the 2006 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Aug. 9, at the Black Hills Convention Center near Sturgis in Spearfish, S.D. Tickets cost $177.50 and can be ordered online at “Budweiser is honored to support this years Kids & Chrome benefit,” said Tony Jones, senior director of community outreach for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. “The creation of a new area facility will allow Children’s Care Hospital & School to expand the availability of its services to benefit even more children with special needs.” Participants will enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a four-star dinner as they bid on a wide variety of silent auction items including high-end motorcycle components, riding gear, vacation packages, art and more. There will also be a raffle drawing for a Jerry Covington one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle, and a Thunder Mountain slammed custom-bagger motorcycle during the event. Single tickets for the Covington Custom motorcycle cost $100, and a bundle of six can be purchased for $500 (1,000 tickets available). Tickets for the Thunder Mountain Customs motorcycle cost $20, or $50 for three (2,500 tickets available). Tickets can be purchased online or over the phone (participants need not be present to win). NEW BIKERNET 5-BALL BONNEVILLE RACING SPONSORS–We are about to feature a bike from Jerry and Ellis of Rollin Sixes Custom Choppers. It’s a hot Frisco styled, highbar Evo. Jerry and Ellis also stepped up to the plate and made some of their grips and pegs available to our 120-inch Panhead. These puppies are set up so you can change the logo on the end whenever the mood or the paint on your bike changes. I’m running the Iron Cross because of the Eye Candy Taillight I have. Nothin’ like makin’ stuff match. Both their grips and pegs are super long for no namby-pamby grip.
Big Dog Marketing Director
(1) After 1969, and before 1973….. 88 dbA
(2) After 1972, and before 1975….. 86 dbA
(3) After 1974, and before 1986….. 83 dbA
(4) After 1985….. 80 dbA>
239-770-6024 FL
216-375-3644 OH

Also another item just flew in the door for the first Sportbike Panhead to be run at Bonneville. This puppy is amazing. It’s a high performance air cleaner, billet manufactured and adorned with a logo we’ve all loved forever. What could be better. He builds them with several different logos including a tattoo spider web and more.

It was manufactured by a new Bikernet Bonneville Sponsor: Two-Bit Choppers, Justin Schilling
(970) 587-5867

UNDERCOVER STEALTH BIKERNET REPORTER INVESTIGATES STEALTH BIKE WORKS IN NC–It is a short week here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. “THE MEANEAST” and I went to Myrtle Beach for the holiday. It was a needed break and it was nice to get away for a few days.
Back here at the shop we are closing in on finishing the ’78 Shovel project. All that is left are small details. So far it has turned out real nice. It came to us last December in about 4 or 5 boxes! It has been a fun project for all of us.
We are preparing for STEALTH BIKE WORKS First Annual “No Class” Bike Show. The show is Sunday July 23rd. Free entry fee, free food, door prizes, and music. It is a way for all of us at SBW to say “Thanks” to all of our customers. Handmade awards will be given to the top 3 bikes and one award for best of show. No complicated classes or rules. The only rule is “NO TRAILER QUEENS!” The bike has to be ridden into the parking lot and that doesn’t mean unloading across the street and riding in!
One little tidbit. SBW got our first order on line today from our website, we are getting high tech!
Not much else to report on this week except have any of you noticed all the people who are riding with flip-flops? Evidently these people have never seen what skin looks like when it comes in contact with pavement? Use some common sense when you ride, nothing wrong with flip-flops, they just were not designed with riding a bike in mind! Enough said!
Until next week, RIDE!

SNATCH THE WRENCHES, IT’S TIME TO BUILD–The news was short, Whatta break. I’m splashin’ water in my face (it’s hot) and hitting the shop. Tonight when it cools down I’m going to launch a tough-looking bike feature. Nothing glitzy, it’s just a rusty rigid. Oh, I have a feature on Dave Perewitz’s new shop open house with some amazing art work. I’ll try to kick it off.
We have more Girls of Bikernet features coming to the Cantina. We’re trying to find the last three chapters of Jaqhama’s story Florida Haze and I’ll write another Bonneville bikes update for Saturday. Hang on.
Ride Forever,