Continued From Page 4

NEW VIPER CHALLENGE WEB SITE–We have a new website up today. The Viper Challenge video is located on the home page.
Although it’s still under construction, we believe the format is more effective and exciting.
We are currently developing interactive video in order to convey features/benefits, specifications, our brand statement, etc.
The address has not changed; it’s
Check it out.
–Terry Nesbitt
Viper Motorcycle Company
Viper Performance Inc.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES SECOND QUARTER RESULTS,Worldwide Retail Motorcycle Sales Up 10 Percent– Milwaukee, Wis., July 17, 2006 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings per share for its second quarter ended June 25, 2006. Revenue for the quarter was $1.38 billion compared to $1.33 billion in the year-ago quarter, a 3.3 percent increase. Net income for the quarter was $243.4 million compared to $237.4 million, an increase of 2.5 percent over the second quarter of 2005. Second quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.91, an 8.3 percent increase compared to last year’s $0.84.
Harley-Davidson’s worldwide dealer network sold more than 125,000 motorcycles during the second quarter, an increase of 10.0 percent over the prior year. U.S. retail motorcycle sales for the second quarter grew by 8.1 percent and international sales increased by 17.3 percent. “I am very pleased with our retail performance during the quarter,” said Jim Ziemer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Harley-Davidson, Inc. “And looking back over the past 12 months, worldwide retail sales of our motorcycles have grown 8.6 percent. This momentum demonstrates the continued strong appeal of our products and the Harley-Davidson experience,” he said.
“I am equally pleased with our prospects for the future, given the exciting new products and services we are bringing to market. Last week we introduced our 2007 models to nearly 5,000 dealership employees and owners during our Summer Dealer Meeting in San Diego. The highlight of the meeting was the dramatic unveiling of an all new, state-of-the-art engine, the Twin Cam 96??. This outstanding new engine, mated with our recently-introduced six-speed transmission, is featured in the 2007 Dyna??, Softail, and Touring models,” said Ziemer.
“Looking ahead to the remainder of 2006, the Company’s wholesale shipment target for the calendar year remains between 348,000 and 352,000 Harley-Davidsonmotorcycles,” said Ziemer. “Our motorcycle shipment plan for the third quarter is 97,000 motorcycles. This includes approximately 12,500 Harley-Davidson motorcycles that were produced in the second quarter to prepare for the new model introduction.”
“The Company believes that worldwide retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles will support a wholesale unit growth rate in the range of 5 to 9 percent annually and an annual EPS growth rate of 11 to 17 percent,” said Ziemer.
Motorcycles and Related Products Segment – Second Quarter Results
Revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $1.03 billion, an increase of $21.7 million, or 2.2 percent over the same period last year. Shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles totaled 79,796 units, an increase of 2,668 units, or 3.5 percent over last year’s second quarter.
Revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $251.7 million, an increase of $13.9 million, or 5.9 percent over the year-ago quarter. Revenue from General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes apparel and collectibles, totaled $67.1 million, an increase of $3.7 million, or 5.8 percent.For the long term, the Company expects the growth rate for P&A revenue to be slightly higher than Harley-Davidson’s motorcycle shipment growth rate, and the General Merchandise growth rate is expected to be lower than the motorcycle shipment growth rate.
Gross margin for the second quarter of 2006 was 37.5 percent of revenue, equal to the margin for the same period in 2005. Operating margin decreased to 23.6 percent in the second quarter of 2006 from 24.0 percent in the second quarter of 2005.
Motorcycle Retail Sales Data
Worldwide retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased 10.0 percent for the second quarter of 2006 compared to the same period in 2005. In the U.S., retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased 8.1 percent for the quarter. The heavyweight motorcycle market in the U.S. increased 9.9 percent for the same period.
Retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles grew 17.3 percent in international markets during the second quarter of 2006 compared to the second quarter of 2005. Second quarter retail sales increased 15.8 percent in Japan; Europe was up 15.6 percent; Canada was up 13.4 percent and all other international markets combined were up 33.5 percent.
Data is listed in the accompanying tables.

SUCKER PUNCH SALLY BUILD COMING TO BIKERNET–I finally have the SPS build done. It has step by stepof how they build a bike, ground up. The pics are goodand there are 43 pics in sequence. There are shortdescriptions like “welding stainless nut for fender”. It’s all there and ready for Bikernet.
Rise Above Consulting LLC

AVON TECH ANSWER OF THE WEEK–There are 5 different methods of sizing used around the world. Here are the three most commonly used in North America.
–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America

STURGIS RALLY NEWS HIT THE STREETS–The “Voice of Sturgis” has been printed and copies of the 2006 Edition of the “Sturgis Rally News” are being distributed to locations across the Black Hills. In addition, South Dakota visitor centers as well as Harley-Davidson dealerships throughout the country have had supplies shipped directly to them.
The 2006 Sturgis Rally News features special articles on Rock’n the Rally at Glencoe CampResort, custom bike features, schedule of events and the latest motorcycle news. This magazine is a collector’s edition for most motorcycle enthusiasts.
In addition, 50,000 copies of the Sturgis Rally News Pocket Guide, a compact manual with a schedule of events and Sturgis services, are also available at numerous Black Hills locations.
A safety map and placemat with Black Hills road construction and a schedule of events is being delivered throughout the area as well.
If your business would like copies of the Sturgis Rally News, Pocket Guide, or road construction maps please contact Sturgis Bike Week Productions at (605) 347-0200 or send a request via fax to (605) 347-8888.

TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES SUMMER LINE-UP– Texas Scooter Times is working Double Hard this Summer to bring Motorcyclin Entertainment to North Texas with the SUMMER CHOPPER SHOW & SWAP MEET Sunday August 13th At the Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas and to SouthEast Texas with the 6th Annual Texas Style Party Drags HOUSTON ALL BIKECHAMPIONSHIPS at Houston Raceway Park in Baytown the next Saturday Nite August 19th..
SUNDAY AUGUST 13 – Summer Chopper Show & Swap Meet3 Judged Classes – # Manufacturer Built (Big Dog, Iron Horse, ect) # Shop Built (constructed by motorcycle shop) # Home Built (constructed by owner)
NO ENTRY FEE – Trophys for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in Each Class
PLUS – large Peoples’ Choice Award by Spectator BallotingAND – TEXAS FIRST – Motorcycle Ice Sculpture Contest, with Trophys for 3 Places
Time: Setup 7am – 11am, Show Hours 11am – 5:30p.m. Information: – 254/687/9066 or day of show only 214-428-4500Admission: Under 5 Free – 5 thru 14 $5 – Adults $8

ENGRAVER TO THE STARS–Tay is the engraver that recently engraved the Biker Build-Off winning bike for Superco, did the engraving on Johnny Chop’s (RIP) blue bike, and multiple others. He’s gaining momentum and thought you might like to check him out.
–Danny Bogart>

AMA NEWS, The National Transportation Safety Board– will hold a two-day public forum on motorcycle safety beginning on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 in Washington, DC. Board Member Debbie Hersman will preside as Chair of the forum.
Last year, 4,315 motorcyclists died in crashes and the rate of motorcycle fatalities has increased more than 25 percent since 1997. “At a time when highway fatalities have been decreasing, motorcycle fatalities have continued to increase, both in overall number and in fatality rate,” said Member Hersman.
The goal of the public forum is to gather information about ongoing motorcycle safety research and initiatives, as well as safety countermeasures that may reduce the likelihood of motorcycle accidents and fatalities.”
During the forum, the NTSB will examine issues raised by a number of recent motorcycle accidents, including the June 12 motorcycle crash involving Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, and the June 11 crash involving a motorcycle and a minivan in Williamsport, PA that killed five persons.
NTSB staff will lead technical panel discussions that will examine each major aspect of motorcycle safety, including rider training and licensing, rider protective equipment, vehicle design, and public education of motorists and motorcyclists. Representatives from the motorcycle industry, government, and motorcycling organizations will be invited to give presentations highlighting their perspectives.
The forum will be held in Washington at the NTSB’s Board Room and Conference Center, 429 L’Enfant Plaza, SW. An agenda for the forum will be posted on the NTSB’s website when available. The general public will be able to observe the forum either in person or by webcast at

VERMONT SHERIFF BUSTED–A Vermont sheriff whose officers improperly shut down a dual-sport ride nearly two years ago is back in the news and out of office.
Windham County Sheriff Sheila Prue pleaded guilty to embezzlement in court and submitted her resignation on June 23. The charges were unrelated to the events of August 8, 2004, when Prue’s deputies threatened to arrest riders in the Red Fox Turkey Run.
In that incident, deputies told riders they would be arrested and their motorcycles confiscated, even if they rode fully licensed street-legal motorcycles on public roads.
The decision to halt the dual-sport ride became a big controversy among New England riders. An investigation by the Vermont State Attorney General concluded that sheriff’s deputies were wrong to stop the event.
PHILLIPPINE ROADS SHUT DOWN TO MOTORCYCLISTS– The Philippines Supreme Court (SC) has ordered motorcycles of all types and sizes to keep off the North and South Luzon expressways after it affirmed the validity of an administrative order of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) prohibiting motorcycles from using the expressways. These expressways are the major corridors for travel through the largest of the Philippine Islands.

NEW YORK STATES MAKES AN EFFORT FOR AWARENESS– New York State Department of Motor Vehicles has completed a new 30-second TV public service announcement on motorcycle awareness.
Newly appointed New York DMV Commissioner Nancy Naples appears on the sidewalk after a graphic car/motorcycle right of way violation, telling viewers, “Motorcycle accidents aren’t accidents at all, too many are crashes caused by inattentive drivers who just pull into oncoming traffic with little more than a glance. I’m DMV Commissioner Nancy Naples, asking you to please watch for motorcycles.”
Assistant Commissioner for Transportation Safety Rob Dingman spearheaded the video. Dingman’s name may be familiar to many readers of AMA Rights News & Notes because he is the former AMA Washington Representative.
In addition, Governor Pataki is now considering A4914 which passed both houses of the legislature and is awaiting his signature. This legislation is consistent with the AMA Justice for All Campaign which is focused on inadequate sentencing of drivers who seriously injure or kill others on the road. Learn more at

LA CALENDAR SHOW ROCKS–Our 2006 LA Calendar Motorcycle Best of Show Winner Russ Hess from all the way from Texas (in the cowboy hat obviously) joined at awards presentation by (l to r) host Ted Sands from title sponsor Performance Machine, Calendar Kittens Cora Skinner with Playboy Playmates Athena Lundburg and Tamara Witmer, Keith “Bandit” Ball from, and editor Jessica Procup from magazine sponsor Tam Publications for American Iron and RoadBike magazines. Look for complete LA Calendar motorcycle Show coverage at

SAM DIXON, AND LIVIA CRISAN’S BIKINI DREAM TEAM– will be appearing this weekend at Carlisle BikeFest in Carlisle, PA. Event information can be found on
The Bikini Dream Team will be in Row E. There space at the show is 150ft x 30ft. so it shouldn’t be hard to find. Sharing the space with all the bikini girls will be Infamous Choppers, CTM Customs, Top Notch Custom Cycles and Lucky Cycles.
So if you head on out to the show this weekend be sure you stop in Row E and say hi to Livia, Kimberly, Beki, Brenda, Kristi, Milissa, and Amanda. Get an autographed poster or polaroid while you’re there too.

CONTROVERSIAL PARTS BY JESSE JAMES–OK, I just went over and asked. Pete (HAMC Dago) the owner of Dummonts, in El Cajon, has the trademark on FTW Inc. That’s his corporate name. WCC should have done a little research before using the name. Pete has it and I think at the least Jessie should contact him and ask to use the name. I don’t know what Pete would say, but just starting up production is a bad idea.
Sorry it took so long.

ISR BAR CONTROLS ON THE SALT SHAKER–For several years now Gard and LACC have used ISR components and brakes exclusively on all their custom builds. The combination of simple design and unbeatable performance were the attraction and that led to the appointment of LA County Choprods as the exclusive distributor for North and South America as well as Canada. The parts are available through LACC and their web site.
They are bitchin, and we’ll post shots of a series of ISR components over the next couple of months. In the meantime I’m bleeding my brakes.

I’M BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT–I need to finish some wiring tonight. We installed Dyna rear axle adjusters and with the True Track components, handling will be tight.

Couple more things tonight and I’ll be ready for the Accurate 120 engine, Jim Murillo paint and I can start the Eddie Trotta break-in routine. I’m itchin’, scratchin’ and waiting for the lovely Sin Wu to code a bunch of Bonneville Update images so I can write you an update with all the build details. I’ll mention an important detail about Accurate Engines. Unlike most engine manufacturers, when you receive an Accurate powerhouse, it’s ready to rock with the carb, the ignition system (with coils), and the charging system. “At one time I sent top motormounts,” Berry Wardlaw said, “but I stopped. I was damned if I did ’cause they didn’t fit, or damned if I didn’t, so I don’t.” That’s cool to receive a mill that’s ready to hook a gas line to, install the pipes, run a hot wire to and roll down the driveway. Incredible.
Somebody else bug her. I’m dried up. Okay, I’m going to hit the iron pile, shower and jump back into the garage.
Ride Forever,