Continued From Page 3
MOTORCYCLING ATTORNEY POINTS FINGER AT POLICE BIKES– A new law in Denver designed to curb motorcycle noise is being challenged in court by an attorney who claims police bikes may be violating the standards that went into effect less than three weeks ago. Attorney Wade Eldridge, himself a biker, also claims the noise ordinance is unconstitutionally vague.
The law “lends itself to arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement,” he said Tuesday. “The police can stop you for whatever reason.”Eldridge’s claim that police motorcycles may be exceeding allowable noise levels is disputed by police and city officials.
“I think that is a specious argument from an attorney who is trying to get his client off,” said Ellen Dumm, a spokeswoman for the city’s Department of Environmental Health. “He’s trying to find some fine hairs to split.”
The law, born out of a growing number of complaints about loud motorcycle noise in neighborhoods, generated criticism from the start, mostly from bikers who said they were being singled out because of a few rotten apples.
The law limits noise levels to 80 decibels from 25 feet and requires motorcyclists with bikes made after 1982 to have a muffler with an Environmental Protection Agency noise-certification stamp.
Eldridge represents a biker ticketed downtown.According to court documents, tests conducted by the city on police motorcycles found sound levels at redline of 81.3 decibels and 81.7 decibels. The accuracy of the sound meters the city used is within plus or minus .5 decibels, so police motorcycles may be in violation of the new law, Eldridge said.
— By Daniel J. Chacon, Rocky Mountain News July 18, 2007
–from Rogue

VETERAN SPEAKS OUT– Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior to my deployment. With luck, I’ll return to Iraq to finish my tour.
I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning, to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in 1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it’s because I’ll turn 60 years old in just four months, but I’m tired.
I’m tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks through.
I’m tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the going gets tough.
I’m tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they ‘Support the Troops’ by wanting them to ‘Cut and Run’ before victory is achieved.
I’m tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield.
I’m tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night.
I’m tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament.
I’m tired of the so called ‘Elite Left’ that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War.
I’m tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. A family who’s loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyond shameful.
I’m tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news. Mostly, I’m tired that the people of this great nation didn’t learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory.
Joe Repya,
Lieutenant Colonel , U. S. Army
101st Airborne Division
–from Tony Sanfelipo

AMES, IOWA EVENT ATTACK BY ZYLSTRA H-D BRINGS OUT THE DIRT–I can tell you first hand about Zylstra H-D. I worked for them for a short three months a few years back when they had their dealership in Cherokee, Iowa. That dealership closed last year due to lack of business.
First, they have no prices on motorcycles on the floor. They judge you by appearance prior to pricing or you must give them your credit history prior to pricing, most generally it is the second.
The employees had no discounts for anything in the store, which included clothing, bikes or service. Most generally, you waited like everyone else and purchased when there was a sale. In fact, I know of one guy who got fired because he could purchase the motorcycle he wanted cheaper at another dealership and did. The same way with parts and accessories, everything was always cheaper for employees somewhere else.
Along with that, each bike on the floor has a different price each day and most generally you could purchase a motorcycle anywhere else cheaper.
Robert Zylstra and his wife Marcia live up in the Spirit Lake, Iowa area, but farm a few thousand acres along with feeding livestock near Sibley where Robert grew up. Actually, Robert doesn’t farm, he has a staff that does that for him. They own the land they farm since most people won’t rent to them. I have never seen Robert dirty.
Zylstra will not support HOG or any organization that deals with motorcycles that I know of.Yes, I totally agree with you. DO NOT SUPPORT Zylstra’s while in Ames. Don’t even drive by their dealership! Gayle ‘gofer’ Henrich
–from Rogue

MODERATELY LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES–Rode in to work down here near Mayfair from WB on my yellow Wing (Big Bird) wearing a yellow jacket and yellow helmet and yellow side clearance lights, with the radio blasting. Had a large pickup almost change lanes (left to center) into me on Hwy 45 S near Good Hope. I was on the brakes and horn immediately. It was close. I don’t like to run the headlight modulator in heavy freeway traffic, but maybe I should. That still probably can’t break a driver’s concentration from talking, texting and playing games on the cell phone or PDA, and at the same time yelling at the kids to settle down and taking a sip of coffee and a bite from a donut.
I hear the arguments against loud pipes. However, more than ever, I agree that moderately LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES. If anything, they p-off (oops, annoy) other drivers who then get away. (Kinda like B.O. to the ears.) I’ve noticed that cars avoid me when I ride my noisy Sportster, but seem attracted to Big Bird, like the bugs are attracted to its yellow surfaces when parked on a hot summer day.
Guess I’ll have to trade in Big Bird for an older, rat bike, HD bagger with loud pipes that people want to stay away from. And put signs on my bikes all around: WARNING – STUDENT DRIVER! Whatever it takes to stay unhurt, yet enjoy MCing.
–from Tony Sanfelipo
Bikernet Independent Noise Study
AMES, IOWA CONTROVERSY CONTINUES–As you know, Vicki has been working her ass off, playing nice with the Council in Ames and now the Chief of Police. They were unbending in their demands for payment for every little extra, including $400 for lost revenue from parking meters because we were going to get the street blocked off to bike traffic only. I
t appears to me that this is a thinly veiled effort to extort money from Vicki (as Campaign Chair for Team Tommy) thinking we are making a lot of money on this and we’re a big political machine. Nothing could be further from the truth. We’re hard working, middle class bikers who want to help a friend who is running for President. We have no money and we’re not charging money for the event. It was designed as a free concert to entice bikers to come to Ames to involve themselves in the political process.
Tommy Thompson appeared before ABATE of Iowa’s Board of Directors earlier this month to explain why he would make a good president. I introduced him to the Board, and Dave Zien was there to support him. Tommy explained that whomever the bikers of Iowa supported in the Straw Poll, whether him or another candidate, it was important for the bikers to participate. Besides the learning and the experience, it would send a message to all the other candidates that bikers are important, have issues and questions and they vote.
It seems the Council and Chief of Police see us as just a financial boost to their little oligarchy.Vicki is concerned that notification of the cancellation of the party on Friday, August 10th, will cause people to not come to Ames, which will hurt Tommy and the whole political action idea. We still plan on having a party downtown. Vicki has talked to the owner of the micro brewery. and he is looking into a party in his bar and beer garden. Of course, he has to apply for a permit for this but he’s a local business and they may not want to step on him too hard.
We had to cancel Charlie but we still have the local band that was going to open for him. Needless to say, Charlie feels bad and that he’s caused us some problems. I assured him he didn’t and I feel bad that he’s not able to play at the event. He’ll stay at Buffalo Chip and make more money there anyway, but he wanted to be in Ames.
The larger problem that I see, as Bandit pointed out, is that the authorities are using bikers and bike clubs as a basis to extort money from organizers, promoters, etc. I believe and know there was no threat of clubs coming to Ames to cause trouble. Why would they? Some of the clubs mentioned are mid-west clubs, and the Chief said he was afraid because of Charlie’s ties to West Coast clubs. So what? This is a myth being perpetuated by law enforcement to justify the creation and continuation of “gang task force” and tactical units, gleaning tax dollars to conduct “war games” and surveillance activities.
Charlie has never had a problem at one of his concerts and he plays all over the country. Bandit is right, someone needs to challenge this blatant attempt to blackmail money from promoters so law enforcement can conduct training exercises, all the while painting a disturbing picture of outlaw bike clubs and scaring the crap out of local citizens. Once an event is over, and there is no trouble, they point to the fact that the added police presence was the reason, which is baloney. But they have to justify the cost to tax payers and promoters.
It’s job security and nothing more. Yes, tax payers are footing some of this too, I suspect, because there is grant money out there from the federal and local governments for police agencies to tap into for this purpose. My question is, has the Ames Police Department applied for any of this money already to help with the Straw Poll? If so, then trying to extort money from Vicki would be double dipping. People go to jail for this type of fraud all the time.
I would love to test this in court with a law suit, but I’m not convinced that the Straw Poll is the place to do this. How much more damage will this cause, or will it effect Tommy in a more negative way. I’m sure they’ll paint a picture of him as having friends in the outlaw culture or something like that.
BIKERS STEP UP TO SUPPORT THE AMES STRAW POLL–Let’s show the nation that motorcyclists are influential when it comes to politics! Join thousands of bikers in Ankeny, IA just north of Des Moines at the Metro Center off of Hwy 35, exit 90 for a Parade to the Straw Poll at the Hilton Coliseum in Ames. The parade will be Police escorted and led by Tommy Thompson, Randy Simpson (Bike Builder and star of Discovery Channel’s Southern Steel), Kirk “Hardtail” Willard (President of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation), Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo (Founder of ABATE of Wisconsin), Former Senator Dave Zien (Hall of Fame), Tommy Thompson’s Reunion Ride,and other National celebrities. We will update this website as special guests are confirmed. This event will be covered by well known Easyriders Magazine & Bikernet reporter Rogue and Time magazine. Parade staging is from 9-10:30 am.
Vouchers will be provided to Iowa bikers so they can vote. Tommy’s campaign will have a tent with food and everyone is invited to enjoy the event that is going on.In order to Thank YOU for letting us know that you will participate we would like to give you a Free shirt! Our logo, designed by Signs & Lines by Stretch and Easyriders, will be on the front and the rally on the back. Register to let us know you are coming and what your shirt size is. We will confirm and send you any updated info about the parade

NEW GIRL OF BIKERNET COMING FROM PETER LINNEY–Ja, this bike is coming soon from Rt. 66 Choppers. Just talked to him. He was out of town, but will work on it now. The model Laura is wonderful, and she is a very sexy girl with a little cameltoe and in general a good looking “package.”

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATE FROM ENGINE MASTER–We need a 40 and a 42 rear sprocket. Start with the 42. Sorry it has taken this long, but I am the only cat around here right now and you know how busy that can be. Engine is nearly finished. We are cutting the pistons for compression today.
–Berry Wardlaw
Accurate Engineering

NEW FICTION COMING TO BIKERNET–My name is PJ Hyland. I met you and your girlfriend at Rip’s BAD Ride last month. I told you how much I enjoyed your writing and your web site. Not long ago, as I was browsing through “Two Wheeled Tales,” I noticed a piece entitled “Hotel California” by Richard LaPlante. I had read, and been inspired by, “Detours,” his stream-of-consciousness narrative about his trip to Sturgis.
This was the first time I’d read an example of his fiction. I found it spell-binding. Congratulations and thank you for publishing an author of such repute.
I mentioned to you that I was writing for Thunder Press and that I had written some stream-of-consciousness “ride” stories, which didn’t fit their format. You magnanimously invited me to submit one to I’ve attached, “Velvet Zona Nights” (3,200 words). It’s a highly descriptive, philosophically slanted, and at times personally introspective, romp through the AZ Desert during this past year’s Laughlin Run. Heh, heh, does that last bit read like something off a book jacket?
–PJ Hyalnd

TORIAN CHOPPER LEATHERS TO DEBUT AT SMOKE OUT EAST–The Smokeout East Sponsored by event was the debut of Torian Chopper Leathers line of old skool biker leathers. Chopper enthusiasts sampled the full line of products including Torian Chopper Leather’s Race Jackets, Work Jackets, shirts, vests and gloves.
Torian Chopper Leathers’ old skool jackets and vests are made from high-quality naked cow hide. Each garment has a supple “just right” feel, not a stiff leather construction that requires months of wearing to break in.
At the Smoke Out we heard from many bikers about how they liked the line.
“This jacket fits like a glove and has plenty of pockets. I’ll be wearing the Race Jacket for many years to come,” said Keith Ball, Owner Bikernet.
“The Torian Work Jacket is now my ‘go to’ leather jacket. It fits, looks good and feels great. Unfortunately I have three jackets in the back of the closet that won?t see the light of day,” stated Bob Osias, Metric Thunder President.
“I love the Race Hoodie,” said Amy from West Virginia. “It is soft and comes with all the pockets I need.”
On hand and doing field research at the Smoke Out was Bob Kay, Torian Chopper Leather designer. “Bikers that ride Choppers and Bobber don’t have storage so they responded to our jackets with multiple pockets,” said Kay. “They loved the hideout pockets and were impressed with the 10 pocket vest.”
He solicited feedback from the Smoke Out attendees to fine tune his new designs slated to come out in the fall.
The leather designs are a throwback from the ’60s and creates that old skool look for bikers that put the miles on their ride. Every leather garment is represented in designer black.
Torian Chopper Leathers are available at For dealer inquiry please call (817) 421-1333.

BIKERNET ANNOUNCED OPEN SEASON ON ALL DEER, THE MOST DEADLIEST ANIMAL IN AMERICA–A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner.
Both he and his wife decide that they won’t tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess.
The kids were eager to know what the meat was on their plates, so they begged their dad for the clue.
“Well” he said, “It’s what mommy calls me sometimes”.
The little girl screams to her brother “Don’t eat it, it’s a fucking ass hole!”
–fromJoe Lankau
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PANHEAD PHIL’S MUSIC CITY MOTORCYCLES”ROCK THE BLOCK”–Garage Party and Ride-In Bike show,Sat. Sept. 22, 11a – 11p,17th/Church Street,NASHVILLE, TN.

HOLLISTER ROCKS AT 60– The 60th anniversary of the Hollister Rally was the largest one so far. July 6th, 7th and 8th brought more vendors, more bands, more builders and more entertainment than ever before.
Record crowds visited the rally to shop at California’s largest motorcycle marketplace. Friday was the largest in rally history and Saturday was almost twice the normal crowd. Rally week brought in 130,000 people to the sleepy little town of Hollister.
The new layout with the vendors on San Benito St (the Main st) was embraced by law enforcement and the city as well. This move has secured the rally for years to come.
The Baker Builders Square , sponsored by Baker Drivetrain was packed all weekend as fans check out over a dozen of the countries best bike builders and talked about new projects with them.
There were three stages with non-stop entertainment all weekend long. bands, boxing, fashion shows and the Ms. Hollister contest filled the 33 hours of the rally. If that wasn’t enough David Chaves International Trials superstar thrilled the crowds throughout the day in Vendor Village.
Sunday on the main stage there was a special surprise. Hollister dubbed the Birthplace of the American Biker Movement; it is home to some of the original riders of 1947. Six individuals, Peter Lomanto, Jess Bravo, Joe Bravo, Harry Prater, Babe and Johnny Lomanto from 77 to 90 years old gathered at this years Rally to celebrate its benchmark of 60 years. They represent one of the most extraordinary eras in our history. Following WWII there was an explosive energy of living and loving life. They shared stories of the tremendous freedom then? riding the hills, racing across open fields, sleeping under the stars amidst piles of hay.
Corbin’s Corner at 4th and San Benito was the hot location. Sunday morning this location hosted the Ego Tripp custom bike show. The bike show had a wide range of styles for all to enjoy. The Corbin factory was busier than ever and sales were an all time high. The official Harley Dealer House of Thunder from Morgan Hill also had a record weekend. They sold three bikes at the show on Saturday alone.
Hollister Police Chief Jeff Miller recapped by saying “this was the safest, smoothest and most organized rally to date.” Considering that this was the largest that’s quite a statement.
Horse Power also plans on adding more VIP bike parking for next year as it sold out early this year. All proceeds from the bike parking along with the other profits go to local youth programs and non-profits.
Horse Power Promotions pulled this together in six months. Now with 12 months before the 2008 rally Horse Power will be focusing on bringing back racing, hill climbs, concerts and spreading out to surrounding areas and country side. “The riding is great up here and there is no reason for people to ride all this way and just cruise around the town of Hollister,” stated Seth Doulton of Horse Power Promotions.
The 61st Hollister Rally is July 11th, 12th and 13th 2008. Keep an eye on as we announce more events for 2008.
WOMAN HITS FIVE BIKERS–JANESVILLE, Wis. — A 29-year-old Illinois woman hit three motorcycle riders on Highway 14 east of Janesville on Saturday afternoon, sending five bikers to the hospital, according to authorities.
The Rock County Sheriff’s Department said the woman drifted into the oncoming lane of traffic at about 2:15 p.m.
Authoritites said that when the car finally came to a stop, it was in the middle of the road with a motorcycle imbedded in the front bumper.
Two men and three women and the car’s driver were transported to local hospitals.
One was still in critical condition on Sunday.
“We’re still checking to see if there might have been a medical condition or something that contributed to this,” said Sgt. Kerry Schlittler of the Rock County Sheriff’s Department. “But right now, we’re thinking that maybe she was tired and passed out, or hadn’t eaten properly that day and may have passed out or temporarily lost consciousness.”
The motorcycles were part of a group of 22 bikes from Bellevue, Iowa, touring southern Wisconsin.
None of the bikers were wearing helmets, authorities said.
Schlittler said alcohol and speed weren’t factors in the crash. He said that he doesn’t expect criminal charges to be brought against the driver.
He said the driver was apparently moving from Madison to Woodstock, Ill., at the time of the crash.
–from Dean

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