Continued From Page 2

PPG?s UPCOMING MVP CONFERENCE WILL FOCUS ON ACCELERATING COLLISION SHOP PERFORMANCE–STRONGSVILLE, Ohio ? July 1, 2009 ? PPG?s MVP Business Solutions team will host a major conference for collision center owners and managers from across North America, September 13?15 at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. The conference will center on the theme of Accelerating Performance and will focus on helping owners and managers develop and utilize their leadership skills to implement change and maximize their business performance.
?Past MVP conferences have focused on the challenges brought forth by the current business climate and the changes that are needed in order to stay competitive,? said Randy Dewing, senior manager, PPG Business Solutions. ?At this conference, we?ve put together an exceptional combination of speakers and seminars to address leadership and execution skills that are so vital to future shop success.?
The conference will consist of management training, keynote speakers, breakout seminars and peer-to-peer discussion groups. Conference keynote speakers include:
Jim Murphy, founder of Afterburner, Inc., the global leader in Flawless Execution. Murphy, a seasoned combat jet pilot, will discuss ?Flawless Execution ? A Fighter Pilot?s Secret to Business Success.?
Patrick Graupp, senior master trainer, TWI Institute. Graupp will present ?To Japan and Back, Insights on my Lean Journey,? an exploration of the techniques used to train and improve some of the best companies in the world.
Scott Shriber, publisher of Bodyshop Business magazine. Shriber will offer his extensive knowledge of the collision industry with regard to effective shop marketing.
This conference reflects the commitment that PPG MVP Business Solutions has ?to utilize every minute that we get with a customer in a way that will help them enhance their business performance,? said Jim Berkey, director, PPG Business Solutions.
?Every event on the conference agenda is geared toward taking the leadership skills of key collision shop personnel to the highest level,? said Norm Angrove, senior manager, PPG Value Added Programs.
Attendance at the conference is open to owners and managers of collision centers using PPG Refinish products. For more information and to register for the conference, please visit For more information about PPG MVP Business Solutions, contact your PPG territory manager or email
For further information please contact:Norm AngroveChris wagers@ppg.com905/655-2282440/572-2800PPG Automotive Refinish, 19699 Progress Drive, Strongsville, Ohio 44149

THE UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE REVEALED–My wife has made the decision to learn how to ride her own motorcycle. It is a big step for her. She is not alone, as many of her friends have decided to join her. I’ve been scouring the want ads looking for something she will like and be easy for her to learn on.
A trip to the local metric shop to check out the entry bikes was a practice in futility. While we were considering the small 250 Marauders, the sales woman was quite insistent that I should buy my wife a GSX-R 750. I do agree that it would look cool parked next to my Fat Boy but as for a first bike for a 5′ – 120 lbs girl to learn how to ride on for the first time WTF.
If this is what the dealership thinks is an appropriate starter bike it is no surprise the number of fatalities we see from inexperience riders who are hopping on these bikes for the first time and riding straight into the back of a bus. It happens at least three times a year here.
I’ve been riding for decades and while I don’t consider myself an exceptional rider, I am far from being a slouch. The Sixer is an intimidating bike for someone who has been raised on cruisers. Blindingly fast, nimble, a true high performance machine. I’ve ridden my buddy’s along with his Hayabusa’s. Fast, very fast. I have my respect for the machines.
I have had friends who asked for my advice on what to buy for a first motorcycle. The first one was still wet behind the ears. He had a driver?s license for only a couple of years, and the little Firefly he drove was far from a high performance machine. He refused to listen to my advice to buy a dual purpose or a small cruiser to learn on and insisted to buying a crotch rocket.
The other one street raced a 5.0 Mustang and had great respect for the little bikes that kept blowing his car away. The first guy bought a GSX-R 1000 while the second settled for a GSX-R 600. The 1000 spent more time in the shop getting repaired then anything. It scared him. He never rode it without getting into an accident either from acceleration or from losing control while braking. Soon it was left at the back of the shop, never to see the road again.
The 600 spent a couple of weeks tooling around the industrial park before hitting the streets. After running the clover leafs for a few more the local sport guys took him under their wing and taught him how to set up his bike. A fast bike got faster with proper setup. By the second season he dove into the performance. He still rides his little 600 and has yet to lose a race on the street or the track eating up 1000-1300’s along the way.
Everyday new riders are encouraged to buy a bike that simply is not practical for them to learn on. Way too big, way too fast, way too heavy. The bike scares and intimidates them to the point that they are riding in fear. Scared of dropping it, scared to open the throttle, scared to lean into a corner, scared to ride. How is this making a better rider, a safer rider?
I finally bought my wife a 1982 Honda CM 250 C. It is small, and gutless. When I twist the throttle it waits for the ok to arrive from Japan before it will pick up speed. Light and nimble, my wife can comfortably sit on it and touch the ground. It is beat up and rough around the edges so when she drops it she won’t have to worry about expensive chrome and paint to be blemished and she’ll be able to pick it up on her own.
The little bike has found a safe home for the next couple of years as my daughter has too expressed an interest in learning to ride. My son, while he insists that he’ll never ride; with a couple of years until he gets a learner permit I think I can bring him over to the “Dark Side”. The bike will be passed from family member to family members, then to extended family and friends until it finally will be sold to the next eager learner.
My wife will out grow the bike sooner or later, and want something a little faster to keep up with me. But until that day I’ll back out of the throttle and let her set the pace.
– Wayne ?Uncle Monkey? Wuschke

BRASS BALLS CHOPPERS & BOBBERS’ $16,995 THRILL RIDE–Brass Balls Choppers & Bobbers? 2010 Model 1S Softail-style Digger Bobber is rolling out of the Lil? Chopper shop in Oklahoma.
The Model 1S is a custom production thrill ride that is costs a fraction of what other builders are charging but comes with all the good stuff? Harley-Davidson 80″ EVO, NASCAR supplier – Wilwood Brakes, Baker Transmission, Tauer machine belt drive, D&D Performance Enterprises? exhaust, Metzeler tires and Excel controls.
The midnight black sled is comfortable cruising at midnight or eating up the miles at daylight.
Check in with Brass Balls Bobbers or call 405-270-0995 for more details on the Model 1S motorcycle.
The value priced Model 1S comes in midnight black with wrinkle black tins, antique brass tank badge and wrinkle black or black chrome frame. Wrinkle black is the new black for the chopper jockey style-setters.
To WIN a Model 1 motorbike logon to Brass Balls

How ThunderMax with AutoTune Works–Zipper?s Performance Products has added a new video to their collection of ThunderMax Tech Tips and Testimonials: How ThunderMax Works. In this ThunderMax with AutoTune video, Zipper?s demonstrates how the AutoTune works to correct a grossly mistuned air/fuel map. Watch in real-time as the AutoTune goes to work and corrects the featured map page in less than 1 minute.
Or it can be downloaded from the videos page, here
For more information, contact:
6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828Fax 410.579.2835

WOMEN RIDERS NOW ACCESSORIZED STREET GLIDE– editor and American Iron magazine columnist Genevieve Schmitt shares how has customized and accessorized her 2008 Harley-Davidson Street Glide in the newest feature article. Genevieve was reluctant to upgrade to a full bagger, but when she finally took the plunge, the bike had to be all her own.
In just a year, and less accessories than you think, she has created her dream bike with all the style and creature comforts to make the bike fit her personality and her size. Find out how she lowered it, reduced the wind buffeting from the stock shorty windshield and added other accessories to make the bike all her own.

Here’s Here is a link to the full story.
Here are the part numbers for everything I ordered:
Harley-Davidson Parts (
’08 Touring Reach Seat: #52619-08
Midframe Air Deflectors (head deflectors): #58022-07A
Detachable Sissy Bar: #528933-97B
Top Stitched Backrest Pad: #52924-98A
Docking Hardware: #53803-06
Detachable luggage rack: #53001-98
Screamin’ Eagle Stage 1 Kit: #29260-08
Race Tuner: #32101-01H
Other Parts
Custom Paint Job: Crazy Horse Painting, JoAnn Bagey (
Dakota Digital Internal Antenna: #ATN-2000 (
Cobra Pipes: True Dual Headpipes: #6251 (
KlockWerks FLARE Windshield: 8 inch tint (
–Genevieve Schmitt

Hollywood Stars Rock the 2009 LA Calendar Show Weekend July 18-19th–Hollywood, CA, July 1st 2009 – The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show and Calendar Girl Music Festival Weekend is offering its fans two full days of incredible Hollywood celebrity entertainment, attractions and activities that only this legendary Tinsel Town based Calendar Bike and Music Event could deliver. America’s premier street bike event is excited to announce these featured Hollywood celebrities for the July 18-19th weekend event at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, together with complimentary admission aboard the legendary Queen Mary ghost ship:

Cycle Source Custom Chopper Show Back At Mt. Fest For Second Year -Mountain Fest Celebrates 5th Year Anniversary!–Cycle Source Magazine?s Annual Custom Chopper Show that had previously been held in Pittsburgh the past seven years, found a new home in Morgantown, West Virginia during their annual Mountain Fest Rally in 2008.

This previously annual event that attracted 10,000 local riders for a 1-day show made a seamless transition to the new venue and filled the indoor arena with over 100 quality custom bikes. This year we are expecting the show to gain momentum after having such a great event in 2008 and will expect the number of bikes in the show to double.
There are 57 trophies in 25 separate classes with a Best of Show for Pro and Open divisions and it costs nothing to enter. The judging is carried out by teams of judges that look over every square inch of the machine with experience and an eye for detail. This IS a ride in show so no points will be subtracted for road grime, but extra points will be given for hand crafted parts.
To be eligible to win Best Of Show in either Pro Or Open you MUST HAVE WON YOUR CLASS. If your bike isn?t good enough to win your class it can?t be pulled out of the crowd as the best bike of the show.

This year it will be held on Saturday July 25th at Mylan Park. Registration will begin at 8am and close at 1pm sharp. In addition to the show, professional builders and national celebrities will be on hand all weekend to exhibit their bikes. Names like: Bill Dodge – Bling?s Cycles, Pat Patterson – Led Sled Customs, Steve Peffer – Steel City Choppers, Casey – The Paint Chop and more?

In addition to the Chopper Show, this rally has some of the best attractions including a $2,000 FREE poker run, 20 different tourism destinations, one of the best antique and vintage displays ever assembled (HONESTLY), entertainment by Travis Tritt, Blackberry Smoke and a vintage motorcycle race through the streets of Morgantown on Sunday. All of this, including all parking, comes to the event attendee for the price of $10, yep, a 4-day-event, bikes shows, entertainment and all parking for ten lousy bucks! See more on their website at

Put Some Sparkle in your 4th of July! — What better place to spend the 4th of July Independence Day weekend than at the NASWA Resort in the “Live Free or Die” State? Lake Winnipesaukee will be the place to chill as the summer heats up with the NazBar Beach Bar featuring America’s World-Class Beer, Samuel Adams.
The NASWA Resort, with Sam Adams specials, will be “Brewing the American Dream” as DJ Terry Moran spins the summer’s hottest hits and All-American classics while you enjoy the beach, the boats, the view and the SUMMER!
The NazBar Beach Bar and Grill will be the place to “oooohh!” and “aaaaahh!” to the fireworks, which true to tradition, will be held on Lake Winnipesaukee at midnight, as Friday, July 3 turns to Saturday, July 4. Enjoy this All-American holiday with your favorite libations, food and music-especially on Sunday from 3-7 PM when The NazBar features live music by The Souled Out Show Band. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate in style at the NAZ!

BIKERNET CORRECTION–In all fairness to the S.C. governor’s aides, “I am hiking the Appalachian Trail” does sound a lot like “I am getting some Argentinean tail”
I think his accent threw them off?
Sturgis Freedom Fighters

Art Meets Motorcycles: Bike and Apparel Art Show for Charity Opens in LA–For immediate release: June 30, 2009Los Angeles, California: A display of fine art, inspired by passion?s urgency, themed through the medium of motorcycling, and realized on the objects of road racing culture (a motorcycle, helmets and apparel), opens to the public noon, Sunday, July 12, at the SURU Gallery in Los Angeles, California.
The show, entitled Celeritas (Latin for Speed, like in accelerate.), features helmets, apparel, and a 2009 Suzuki Hayabusa, each painted by one of 14 trend-setting fine artist, helmet artist Troy Lee, musician/artist Joe Hahn, and welder/biker-risk-taker Jesse James. Limited edition Ts and other items related to the show will also be available for purchase. All, 100%, of the proceeds from the show?s sales will benefit the official charity of Moto GP, Riders for Health, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to funding the purchase and servicing of motorcycles for transportation of medical personnel to remote communities in Africa, that would otherwise be without medical care.
This show is conceived and curated by motorcyclist/actor John Hensley, known primarily for his role on the FX Channel?s award-winning series Nip/Tuck, and Linkin Park band member Joe Hahn, owner of the SURU Gallery. Pirelli Tire North America is a proud sponsor of this exciting cross-over exhibit of motorcycling and fine art, in concert with American Suzuki Motors, Oakley, Troy Lee, and Alpinestars.
Listed in no particular order, the artists participating in this exhibit are: Alex Pardee, Jeff McMillan, Stash, Barry McGee (aka Twist and the artist painting the Hayabusa, who is also featured on the cover of the latest issue (#14) of Swindle magazine), Futura, Mark Dean Veca, Usugrow, Joe Hahn, Jim Lee, Jesse James, Troy Lee, James Jean, Audrey Kawasaki, Darren Romanelli, aka DRx, Nathan Cabrera, Mike Shinoda, Estevan Oriol.
The show opens to the public Sunday, July 12, at noon, and will run through August 16. Pirelli Tire encourages those interested to be certain to plan an early visit to the show, because the window for viewing of these works of art in this venue closes after 30 days. Artwork, and limited-edition clothing designed for the show, will be available for purchase for the duration of the exhibit, or for as long as supplies last. The SURU gallery is located at 7662 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California, For more information please visit:

PRICE JUST REDUCED FROM $14,995.00 TO A SMOKIN’ LOW……$12,995.00! Looking for a slick and solid Pro Street Bike that will turn heads wherever you go? Then look no further! This 2001 Pro One Pro Street motorcycle has plenty of power and attitude! This softail suspension bike features a 95 cubic inch S&S motor, 5-speed transmission, Performance Machine brakes with floating rotors, chrome controls, billet aluminum rims and slcik custom blue paint job with multi-colored graphics! If that wen’t enough, this ’01 comes with Performance Machine forward controls and a speedo and tachometer!
Seriously, this bike is ready to rock and roll, and with only 1700 miles, it’s in like new condition! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician. Want to buy this bike? Complete a credit application and once approved, take this baby home!

ONLY $11,495.00
WOW! Now this is the Night Train you’ve been looking for! And it’s got all the right stuff! This bike features a powerful Harley Davidson 88 cubic inch motor with 5-speed transmission, drag bars, a massive 200 series rear tire, forward controls, custom HD factory paint and way too many extras to list. Seriously, if you’ve been looking for a killer Night Train at a price that won’t deflate your wallet, then get in to LifeStyle Cycles today! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

ONLY $16,995.00
Now here’s a deal for you! A 2007 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic with on 16K miles! This bike features a striking Olive Pearl and Vivid Black paint job from the factory, and comes fully loaded with ones of extras like HD factory intercom, tour pack, full faring with multi-speaker stereo, passenger volume control and more! This bike is the perfect cruiser for Summer, and is completely set up to go anywhere!
Don’t let this deal pass you by! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

2005 Deuce
Only $10,995.00
This is a smokin’ deal on a really clean 2005 Harley Davidson Deuce! With only 4,000 miles, it’s like new. Features a factory HD 88ci motor and 5-speed transmission, Black Cherry/Black Pearl 2 tone paint, factory alarm, two up Corbin seat with backrest, 21″ front tire and 160 rear tire and mini ape hangers with steel braided cables. The bike Also feature s chrome front end a pull back risers! All in all, you’d be hard pressed to find a bike this clean at this price! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been inspected, tested and approved by a certified LifeStyle Cycles technician.

WASTE WATER AVAILABLE TO DRINK–BIKERNET AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE LAB BREAK-THROUGH– After two years fine-tuning its Liquid Separation system, to turn wastewater into potable drinking water, the company is ready for the market.
The Liquid Separation Technology is an in-line electrochemical process,which alters the positive and negative charge properties of fluids, gassesand organic matter. In-line Liquid Separation Processors are designed toeffectively strip electrons from flowing fluids and gasses without use ofchemicals, electricity or operator’s physical adjustment. It just sits inplace, connected in-line with your water source, cleanly operating foryears. This process enables water to loose its ability to bond to itself orother foreign matter.
Liquid Separation Pty Ltd a privately owned Australian company, has spenttwo years developing the original technology into a fully operational systemcapable of producing potable drinking water for both domestic and commercialuse with several systems already in operation.

A significant number of third world countries will benefit from the LiquidSeparation Technology where according to a UN Report, 1.1 billion peoplewill not have access to clean drinking water and 65% of the world’spopulation will not have enough fresh drinking water by 2025, based oncurrent level of progress.
Liquid Separation Pty Ltd is thrilled to have made a difference. “To see oursystem solve a down-to-Earth problem, especially during a time when there’ssuch a serious need….there’s no greater reward than that
More information from Ray Russell, Director Liquid Separation Pty Ltd (03)9787 0747

THE MONKEY TO FEATURE DAVID MANN ART IN STURGIS–Sturgis, SD, June 29, 2009 – – Monkey Rock, the premier exhibitor and entertainment venue of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, has partnered with Segal Fine Art to bring the David Mann Museum Exhibit to the 69th annual event. The exhibit will feature over 50 David Mann originals, many not previously offered for public viewing, including the world famous ?Ghost Rider.?
David Mann, the seminal artist of the biker lifestyle genre, is best known for the art he created for Easyriders magazine. Spanning a decade and a half, Mann documented his love affair with bikers, their women, and the machines they rode in magnificent detail, earning him the admiration and respect of hard core bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts around the globe.
Mentored by legendary artists and builders, such as Ed ?Big Daddy? Roth, and influenced by his friendships with club members and outlaws, David Mann focused his talents on the lifestyle he lived and understood. His studies in surrealism, fantasy, airbrushing techniques and architectural renderings enhanced his raw talent and imagination. His authenticity enabled him to present a glimpse of a sub-culture that was wrapped in mystery and perception, portraying the biker lifestyle with candor and grace.
?I have had it in my head the past couple of years to stage a museum exhibition of original David Mann paintings. When I heard about the Monkey Rock project in Sturgis, it seemed the perfect venue,? said Ron Segal of Segal Fine Art. ?This collection of never before seen paintings from the archives of Paisano Publications ( Easyriders Magazine) showcases Mann’s work over a twenty year period, representing a broad range of his creative excellence. I feel it is important for his legion of fans to be able to view the masterpieces used to create the centerfolds. This is an incredible opportunity to visit the legend of motorcycle art.?
The genius of Dave Mann will be exhibited at Monkey Rock daily July 31 through August 8 from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Other pieces unique to Segal Fine Art will also be available.
The easily accessible Monkey Rock Event Center (formerly Thunder Road) is located at the heart of the rally on Highway 34 and will be open July 31-August 10, 2009 from 8am-2pm. We offer an abundance of free parking. Entertainment and event updates as well as exhibitor information can be found on our web site

THE CODE OF THE WEST DISCOVERED– Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
Over prepare, then go with the flow.
Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
The most important sex organ is the brain.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
–from Shattuck

ROLLIN SIXES ADJUSTABLE FOOTPEGS–Put your foot on sensational style for your bike with show polished CNCmachined foot pegs from Rollin Sixes Choppers. Male mounted foot pegs featureextended length for more comfort. Like having four foot pegs in one, pegs featureinterchangeable end caps. Choose from four designs: Maltese-Cross, Ace of Spades,Nautical Star and Dome Style.

Continued On Page 4