Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET READER ON STREAMLINING WORLD’S FASTEST PANHEAD–Hey Bandit, warmed up yet? I just read Rick from US choppers and his thoughts on streamlining. Maybe you could take it a step further.. If not this year then maybe next. As you know, auto racing, (drag racing, formula one, Indy, Nascar) all use wind to there advantage. Ground effects to glue the car to the track and so on.
Air pushes back when you push it (duh). So as long as it’s there anyways why not channel it to increase downward force on the rear tire instead of adding weight. The faster you go, the harder the push. It would help with traction issues at high speed. By directing the airflow UP it will push the tire DOWN.
I’m not an Aerodynamics engineer but I’m sure one of your readers is. A wind tunnel, scale model of the bike and a scale (not a triple beam) =-O would tell you how much and if it would work
–Pete (from florida)

DAVE ZEIN TRIBUT BANQUET–It was remarkable. We had a mix of who’s who in motorcycling. I’m sending a few pictures for you, and I think Rogue is sending you some also. If you use any of these photos, please give photo credit to “Jester”. The emotions ran the scale on Saturday night. Those who spoke, honored Dave or told humorous stories about him.
When Dave finally came up to speak, he had the crowd in awe. He spoke of the humility he had on that night, but what made the evening was telling how his unit in Vietnam was overrun, and he was one of just a few survivors. He thought about that for many years, why he was spared. It was his call to serve his fellow man and bikers, and he truly believes that was his mission and why he was spared. One of the pictures I sent you was him holding a single bullet. He explained how that was kept in a pocket, and if overrun, it was supposed to be used on yourself, rather than capture and torture. He had many stories like this that had people glued in their chairs, not a single sound in the audience.
To have a Medal of Honor recipient in the crowd added to the emotions when he spoke of Vietnam. I’ll tell you, there were chills up and down my neck and I’ve heard this story many times. I think Rogue can fill you in more from his perspective, but I think it was an historic night.
Next morning we met with Tommy Thompson and some of his campaign team. More on that later. Also, there’s a picture of Pam West, from National Parks Service, with her and Dave also up on the screen, talking about the chopper Wisconsin builders left at the Wall in D.C. That too was an emotional moment. I talked about the spiritual mood we experienced back in 1998, and how I was threatened with arrest for washing bird shit off the Wall by the Park Service.
There was one slide where I was lifted high up on the Wall by Ed Moreland, VP of Government Relations for AMA. I asked him to lift me up so the park rangers would know exactly who to arrest, and I wanted to be the first. Of course, after I started, Dave Zien, then Tommy Thompson, then about 100 other riders started to clean the Wall, and the rangers just rode off on their horses. Dave thought that was a defining moment in who we all were that day, and what we stood for.
Great memories. Hope you like the story and the pictures.

THE STEALTH REPORT FROM CHARLOTTE, NC–The Easyrider Bike Show comes to Charlotte this weekend. The STEALTH BIKE WORK’S bike is ready to go. We are setting up Friday and we will be there Saturday evening after we close the shop and all day Sunday. If you are coming to the show, stop by SBW, we will be there until 3pm Saturday. Give us a call at 704-882-0889 for directions from the show. We look forward to seeing you!

You know I turned 50 a couple of weeks ago and it still sounds funny for me to say that. It is like it really doesn’t fit real well or I am having a hard time making it fit. Man 50, a half century, 5 decades, when you look at it like that it sounds like a long time but right now it doesn’t seem like a long time.
I tell “THE MEANEST” that since I was born in 57 that makes me a classic ! I tell her everything from 57 is a classic. What being born in 57 does mean though is that I have seen some great things in my life. When I was coming up I saw real choppers, not your T.V. land variety. I saw Easy Rider hit the big screen. I remember we all went out found old bicycle front ends and cut the tubes and added them to our bikes. We had choppers and they were bad ass or at least that is what we thought. It was some of the best times known to bikers.
I saw the first issue of Easyriders hit the newsstand. A cult following was born over night. The magazine united all of us that rode. Back then if you rode you were frowned upon by society. Now if you ride you are mainstream. I have a hard time deciding if this is a good thing or not. I know which way I prefer but if I told you I guess I would be showing my age. Man we never missed an issue of Easyriders back then. We had it down to the day when the new issue would hit the local 7-11!
Being 50 also means I saw first hand some big changes for our country. There was Vietnam and all the protest rallies. There were the race riots. Sadly I saw leaders of our country assassinated. We all saw 9-11 and more changes. So I guess with time all things change, some for the good and some for the not so good.
Being 50 makes you look back but not for long. Time does not stand still. We all have things we would like to change but the past is just that, the past. You realize what is really important in life. For me I realize that how much money you have or don’t have is not the most important thing. What is important are things like your health, your friends and loyallty. Not to put a damper on anyone but how many friends do we truly have? Not as many as we would like to think. How many are truly loyal and are there for the good and bad times, not many. That is what makes your true friends so valuable, money can’t but you true friends.
You know the part where I said we would all change things. I really only have one event in my life that I wish I had the power to change. That would be losing my son Justin at the age of 16. I have come to accept that it was out of my hands, it still hurts and I miss him a lot. I used to say how unfair it was and that I was cheated and then I realized if anyone was cheated it wasn’t me, it was Justin. That is life, it is not fair and in some ways I guess we are all cheated a little bit but you play the hand you are dealt and you play it the best you know how. So I guess I will keep the hand I have been dealt. In a lot of ways I have been blessed.
I do something I love everyday and yeah I am not getting rich by any means but I do it on my own terms and money can’t buy that. My health is good and I ride whenever I can. I share a great home with a great wife(THE MEANEST). It took me 3 times to get it right but I did it. I almost forgot I also have the world?s greatest pit bull, J.C. Am I happy? Yeah I am! How will it all play out? Who knows! That is what makes life an adventure, the unknown. If we knew what lay ahead for us, would we keep going? Maybe, Maybe not, but that is life, no promises, no guarantees, just chances, take them. Life, it is just a roll of the dice. Some days you come up snake eyes but some days are all 7s
Hey being 50 ain’t all bad!
Until next time RIDE!

UNDER NEW LAW, SOME MOTORCYCLISTS MUST WEAR HELMETS–University Police officer Darin Gentry said motorcyclists under 21 have always had to wear helmets, but there was no way for officers to know their ages.Jon Michael Richardson, a 20-year-old UF student, wasn’t aware of the rule.”I’ve been pulled over on my scooter before, and (the police officer) didn’t say anything about a helmet,” he said.
When Richardson bought his scooter in 2005, he wasn’t told about the rule, but he bought a helmet anyway as a precaution. Richardson said he usually rides his 2005 red Kymco scooter on campus but uses his helmet on busier roads. He said going 20 mph without a helmet is a risk he’s willing to take.But his eyes widened when he learned the price of a ticket: $123.50.
To avoid a citation, motorcyclists must get the new tag when they replace or renew old ones, said Diana Lamb, title clerk at the Alachua County Tax Collector Office.Justin Jackrel, owner of GatorMoto, said that he only recently learned of the regulations and is sending out a mailer to explain the new rules.
–> By KIM WILMATHAlligator Contributing Writer
–from Rogue

APC’S NEW DOUBLE-DOWN MODEL–Las Vegas, NV – American Performance Cycle, a market leading world class custom production bike manufacturer located in Las Vegas, NV introduces their new ’07 Double Down, a pro-street style bike packed full of features found on bikes costing thousands of dollars more. The Double Down features a blind side swing arm; 3″ frame stretch and a 37 degree rake and start at just $23,995 including a custom paint job. Perfect for the beginning rider or the 30-year veteran. It has a 93″ wheelbase superb rake and trail make this pro-street style bike easy to maneuver and a blast to ride. This bike, as well as most of the other APC models offers a variety of S&S engine sizes as an option.
APC has reengineered their entire product line so that all of their models are now offered with right side drive, Baker 6-speeds, billet closed primaries, forged one-piece Forge-Tec or 80 spoke wheels and way too much chrome and billet to list.
They have also decided to go “bigger” with their rear tires and most models will be available with either 240, 280, 300 or 330 rear tires.
Mike Sample Jr., Vice President of APC stated, “We have 4 distinct models with various versions of each one (chopper, drop seat, FLH style and pro-street) that are all reasonably priced, but can be custom built with a variety of options to suit the most discriminating buyer.” Sample added, “Three out of our 4 models are available in 3 different packages, ranging from a 96″ S&S motor all the way to a show quality polished 124″ S&S engine.” All APC bikes are easily registered insured and are financeable through all major banks and lending institutions.
“We now offer free flooring for our dealers for one full year! All they have to do is qualify with GE Capital,” concluded Mike Sample Sr, CEO of APC.

APC’s business philosophy is to make the very best custom production bikes that are affordable, rideable and reliable. For dealers interested in adding American Performance Cycles to their current product line up, please call Mike Sample Jr., Vice President at (702) 314-5272, Larry Creacy, National Sales Manager at 817-980-8007 or Rick Raus, Director of Dealer Development at 714-280-8537. You can also reach them respectively at the following email addresses:, or
Check out APC’s ’07 product line at the Cincinnati Expo, Booth #2301, visit them at or write to them at American Performance Cycles, 6895 Speedway Blvd., Suite Z101, Las Vegas, NV 89115.

BUELL ANNOUNCES MILLION DOLLAR RACING CONTINGENCY PROGRAM–More Than $1,000,000 in Cash Contingencies Posted for Privateer Buell Racers Aboard XBRR and XB models in 2007
EAST TROY, Wis. (January 23, 2007) – Buell Motorcycle Company has announced an expanded racing support program for 2007, with more than $1,000,000 posted in cash contingencies for Buell racers competing in a variety of national and regional race series events and classes aboard XBRR and XB motorcycles.
“We’re committed to supporting our dealer and privateer teams through this contingency program and through trackside and technical support managed by our own Henry Duga,” said Erik Buell, Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of Buell Motorcycle Company. “Nothing makes me and Henry happier than helping privateer Buell racers achieve their goals. And we’re proud to support their efforts.”
The 2007 Buell contingency program will reward Buell racers competing on all XBRR and 2003 and newer XB model motorcycles. Cash contingencies will be posted in the following racing series and classes:
American Motorcyclist Association (AMA): Formula Xtreme.
SunTrust MOTO-ST Series: Super Sport Twins, Grand Sport Twins and Sport Twins classes.
American Sportbike Racing Association (ASRA): Pro Thunderbike and Pro Superbike classes.
Western Eastern Racers Association (WERA) National Challenge Sprints: Formula 1 Expert and Heavyweight Twins Superstock Expert.
American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM): Formula Twins Expert and Formula 4 Expert classes.
Willow Springs Motorcycle Club (WSMC): Formula Twins Heavyweight Expert, BOTT Heavyweight Expert and BOTT Middleweight Expert classes.
Washington Motorcycle Road Racing Association (WMRRA): Formula Thunder Expert class.
American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA): Sound of Thunder and BOT F1 classes.
Championship Cup Series (CCS): Middleweight Superbike Expert, SuperTwins Expert and Thunderbike Expert and Amateur classes.
Complete details of the 2007 Buell contingency program, including the racer registration form, are available at in the Racing Support Section. The program begins with races on or after February 1, 2007.Buell Motorcycle Company, a subsidiary of Harley-Davidson, Inc., produces sport motorcycles, motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel.
To learn more about Buell motorcycles, visit your local Buell dealer today and experience the pure streetfighter attitude, style and performance only found on board a Buell. Pull into for the Buell dealer nearest you.

THE CRAZYHORSE GAZETTE–Just because no one has heard from lately doesn’t mean I stopped painting and am hiding out in the mountains of Colorado, skiing my brains out. I can only wish. It is quite the opposite. For the past 6 weeks I have been painting like crazy until I was ready for the loony bin. The yearly torment known as the Charlotte Easyriders Bike Show was coming down the road like the stream train from hell. I had serious doubts that the bike seen in the photo above, would be painted and ready for the show. Right after Christmas I figured, no way was it going it happen. But I got over being stressed figuring I was totally screwed anyway, so I just said the hell with it and kept working.

The bodywork turned out great and the color, well look for yourself. The candy pearl orange was without a doubt the toughest color I had ever sprayed. One run, no matter how small, would result in having wait a day, then completely respray the color from the primer base. The color is impossible to retouch. So then I was happy, but that did not last. Things got worse when I realized that the design I had picked, in a word, sucked. So I said the hell with it, just go with what I had, as I was completely screwed anyway.

So I just kept going, spending 2 days trying to pick and mix the perfect gold color for the panels, but after spraying the panels, I obsolutely hated them. The clock is ticking and I have to decide if I want to take the time do the tribal in gold leaf them stripe it black or just do it all in black as the whole job sucks anyway so why waste more time? So I say what the heck and do it in varigated metal leaf. WOW. Suddenly it all comes together. The orange, the gold faded panels. The gold tones in the leaf bring it all together. Wow. I’m stunned beyond belief.
My idea that appeared to completely blow, is unreal killer. And once the tribal is striped with black and the gold panels are striped with lemon yellow, I’m floored. It is so gorgeous. Jim is nearly done with the assembly and the bikes will be at the show Saturday and Sunday.
If you want to see how our RedNeck Mutant bobber turned out, go to the Charlotte Easyriders Show this weekend Jan 27 and 28. Carolina Harley will have a big booth complete with popcorn, couches and chairs. So stop by, say hi, have a snack, rest your feets, and check out our killer choppers. The whole Carolina Crew will be there to answer any questions. I’ll be the girl collapsed on the black leather couch sleeping.

Meanwhile, our latest creation here at The Chopper Farm was featured in Ironworks last month. This bike sold less than 24 hours after we finished it. I got to ride it afterwards and all I can day is “%^&^*.” I can see why the owner, Morry Irwin loves to ride it.

But here is a sneak peek at our new project. It started out as an ’86 Liberty Edition Sportster that was so beat no one wanted it. There was so much grease and oil on you could not even see the wiring. The frame is a one off creation from Chopperhead Road, a seriously extreme bike shop in Jacksonville, NC. Jim wanted a curved single downtube. I wanteda gooseneck. Sawzall and Bill came up with a combination of both. Check these guys out at To help out the totally beat motor, Jim installed a 1200 kit. The tank came from our vintage tank collection that hangs on the wall of our shop. Jim’s in the process of building one off pipes. Now that I am not buried beneath a huge pile of Mutant parts, I’ll be posting updates on this project here on Bikernet. Also Crazy Horse Paint will be running a special on flame paint jobs in April and May! So if you are looking to have your bike painted this spring, check my website or check back here in the coming weeks as I’ll be posting more info and photos. BTW, if you are sending on your ride for our Readers Showcase, make sure you submit a photo. If you have submitted your bike but were unable to upload your photos, please email me –JoAnn Crazyhorse Bortles JOHNNY “HUMBLE” WHITE CONFESSION AFTER HEARTLAND INSTALLATION ON HIS FUNKY LOOKING SPRINGER SOFTAIL–Thanks man, that really means a lot to me. Thank you again for everything you have done for me and also my brother. Talk about brotherhood! Ok, now that my bike is fixed up, I’m selling it on e-bay and switching to Jeeps. J/k! I owe you big time! –Johnny Continued On Page 4